##name Russian_latin_char ##ownname Russkiy ##id 0x0000 STR_NULL : STR_0001_OFF_EDGE_OF_MAP :{WHITE}Za krayami karti STR_0002_TOO_CLOSE_TO_EDGE_OF_MAP :{WHITE}Blizko k krayu karti STR_0003_NOT_ENOUGH_CASH_REQUIRES :{WHITE}Ne hvataet deneg - neobhodimo {CURRENCY} STR_0004 :{WHITE}{CURRENCY64} STR_0005 :{RED}{CURRENCY64} STR_EMPTY : STR_0007_FLAT_LAND_REQUIRED :{WHITE}Neobhodima ploskaya poverhnosty STR_0008_WAITING :{BLACK}Ozhidanie: {WHITE}{STRING} STR_0009 :{WHITE}{STRING} STR_000A_EN_ROUTE_FROM :{WHITE}{STRING}{YELLOW} (marshrut iz STR_000B :{YELLOW}{STATION}) STR_000C_ACCEPTS :{BLACK}Prinimaetsya: {WHITE} STR_000D_ACCEPTS :{BLACK}Prinimaetsya: {GOLD} STR_000E : STR_000F_PASSENGERS :Passajiri STR_0010_COAL :Ugoly STR_0011_MAIL :Pochta STR_0012_OIL :Nefty STR_0013_LIVESTOCK :Domashniy skot STR_0014_GOODS :Tovary STR_0015_GRAIN :Zerno STR_0016_WOOD :Derevo STR_0017_IRON_ORE :Zheleznaya Ruda STR_0018_STEEL :Staly STR_0019_VALUABLES :Dragocennosti STR_001A_COPPER_ORE :Mednaya Ruda STR_001B_MAIZE :Mais STR_001C_FRUIT :Frukti STR_001D_DIAMONDS :Almazi STR_001E_FOOD :Prodovolstvie STR_001F_PAPER :Bumaga STR_0020_GOLD :Zoloto STR_0021_WATER :Voda STR_0022_WHEAT :Pshenica STR_0023_RUBBER :Rezina STR_0024_SUGAR :Sahar STR_0025_TOYS :Igrushki STR_0026_CANDY :Sladosti STR_0027_COLA :Cola STR_0028_COTTON_CANDY :Saharnaya Vata STR_0029_BUBBLES :Puzirki STR_002A_TOFFEE :Tyanuchka STR_002B_BATTERIES :Batareyki STR_002C_PLASTIC :Plastik STR_002D_FIZZY_DRINKS :Shipuchie Napitki STR_002E : STR_002F_PASSENGER :Passajiri STR_0030_COAL :Ugoly STR_0031_MAIL :Pochta STR_0032_OIL :Nefty STR_0033_LIVESTOCK :Domashniy Skot STR_0034_GOODS :Tovary STR_0035_GRAIN :Zerno STR_0036_WOOD :Derevo STR_0037_IRON_ORE :Zheleznaya Ruda STR_0038_STEEL :Staly STR_0039_VALUABLES :Dragocennosti STR_003A_COPPER_ORE :Mednaya Ruda STR_003B_MAIZE :Mais STR_003C_FRUIT :Frukti STR_003D_DIAMOND :Almazi STR_003E_FOOD :Prodovolstvie STR_003F_PAPER :Bumaga STR_0040_GOLD :Zoloto STR_0041_WATER :Voda STR_0042_WHEAT :Pshenica STR_0043_RUBBER :Rezina STR_0044_SUGAR :Sahar STR_0045_TOY :Igrushki STR_0046_CANDY :Sladosti STR_0047_COLA :Cola STR_0048_COTTON_CANDY :Saharnaya Vata STR_0049_BUBBLE :Puzirki STR_004A_TOFFEE :Tyanuchka STR_004B_BATTERY :Batareyki STR_004C_PLASTIC :Plastik STR_004D_FIZZY_DRINK :Shipuchie Napitki STR_004E : STR_004F_PASSENGER :{COMMA16} passajirov STR_0050_TON_OF_COAL :{COMMA16} tonn uglya STR_0051_BAG_OF_MAIL :{COMMA16} sumok s pochtoy STR_0052_OF_OIL :{VOLUME} nefti STR_0053_ITEM_OF_LIVESTOCK :{COMMA16} edenic skota STR_0054_CRATE_OF_GOODS :{COMMA16} korobok s tovarom STR_0055_TON_OF_GRAIN :{COMMA16} tonn zerna STR_0056_TON_OF_WOOD :{COMMA16} tonn dereva STR_0057_TON_OF_IRON_ORE :{COMMA16} tonn zheleznoy rudi STR_0058_TON_OF_STEEL :{COMMA16} tonn stali STR_0059_BAG_OF_VALUABLES :{COMMA16} sumok s dragocennostyami STR_005A_TON_OF_COPPER_ORE :{COMMA16} tonn mednoy rudi STR_005B_TON_OF_MAIZE :{COMMA16} tonn maisa STR_005C_TON_OF_FRUIT :{COMMA16} tonn fruktov STR_005D_BAG_OF_DIAMONDS :{COMMA16} meshkov s almazami STR_005E_TON_OF_FOOD :{COMMA16} tonn prodovolstviya STR_005F_TON_OF_PAPER :{COMMA16} tonn bumagi STR_0060_BAG_OF_GOLD :{COMMA16} meshkov zolota STR_0061_OF_WATER :{VOLUME} vodi STR_0062_TON_OF_WHEAT :{COMMA16} tonn pshenici STR_0063_OF_RUBBER :{VOLUME} rezini ############ range for menu starts ############ range for menu ends ############ range for months starts ############ range for months ends ############ range for service numbers starts ############ range for service numbers ends ############ range for days starts ############ range for days ends ############ range for cargo acecpted starts ############ range for cargo acecpted ends ############ range for menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for menu starts ############ range ends here ############ start of townname region ############ end of townname region # Start of order review system. # DON'T ADD OR REMOVE LINES HERE # end of order system ############ network gui strings ############ Leave those lines in this order!! ############ End of leave-in-this-order ############ Leave those lines in this order!! ############ End of leave-in-this-order ############ Leave those lines in this order!! ############ End of leave-in-this-order ############ end network gui strings ##id 0x0800 ##id 0x1000 ##id 0x1800 ##id 0x2000 ##id 0x2800 ##id 0x3000 ############ range for rating starts ############ range for rating ends ##id 0x3800 ##id 0x4000 ##id 0x4800 ############ range for requires starts ############ range for requires ends ##id 0x5000 ##id 0x5800 ############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame ############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 ############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 ############ range for difficulty levels starts ############ range for difficulty levels ends ############ range for difficulty settings starts ############ range for difficulty settings ends ##id 0x7000 ##id 0x8000 ##id 0x8800 ##id 0x9000 ##id 0x9800 ##id 0xA000 ##id 0xB000 ############ Those following lines need to be in this order!! ############ End of order list ############ Lists rail types ############ End of list of rail types