#include "stdafx.h" #include "map.h" #include "network_data.h" #if defined(WITH_REV) extern const char _openttd_revision[]; #elif defined(WITH_REV_HACK) #define WITH_REV const char _openttd_revision[] = WITH_REV_HACK; #else const char _openttd_revision[] = NOREV_STRING; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK #include "table/strings.h" #include "network_client.h" #include "network_server.h" #include "network_udp.h" #include "network_gamelist.h" #include "console.h" /* IConsoleCmdExec */ #include /* va_list */ #include "md5.h" // The listen socket for the server static SOCKET _listensocket; // Network copy of patches, so the patches of a client are not fucked up // after he joined a server static Patches network_tmp_patches; // The amount of clients connected static byte _network_clients_connected = 0; // The index counter for new clients (is never decreased) static uint16 _network_client_index = NETWORK_SERVER_INDEX + 1; /* Some externs / forwards */ extern void ShowJoinStatusWindow(); extern void StateGameLoop(); extern uint GetCurrentCurrencyRate(); // Function that looks up the CI for a given client-index NetworkClientInfo *NetworkFindClientInfoFromIndex(uint16 client_index) { NetworkClientInfo *ci; for (ci = _network_client_info; ci != &_network_client_info[MAX_CLIENT_INFO]; ci++) if (ci->client_index == client_index) return ci; return NULL; } // Function that looks up the CS for a given client-index NetworkClientState *NetworkFindClientStateFromIndex(uint16 client_index) { NetworkClientState *cs; for (cs = _clients; cs != &_clients[MAX_CLIENT_INFO]; cs++) if (cs->index == client_index) return cs; return NULL; } // NetworkGetClientName is a server-safe function to get the name of the client // if the user did not send it yet, Client # is used. void NetworkGetClientName(char *client_name, size_t size, const NetworkClientState *cs) { NetworkClientInfo *ci = DEREF_CLIENT_INFO(cs); if (ci->client_name[0] == '\0') snprintf(client_name, size, "Client #%d", cs->index); else snprintf(client_name, size, "%s", ci->client_name); } // This puts a text-message to the console, or in the future, the chat-box, // (to keep it all a bit more general) // If 'self_send' is true, this is the client who is sending the message void CDECL NetworkTextMessage(NetworkAction action, uint16 color, bool self_send, const char *name, const char *str, ...) { char buf[1024]; va_list va; const int duration = 10; // Game days the messages stay visible char message[1024]; char temp[1024]; StringID TempStr = STR_NULL; va_start(va, str); vsprintf(buf, str, va); va_end(va); switch (action) { case NETWORK_ACTION_JOIN: GetString(temp, STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_JOINED); snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "*** %s %s", name, temp); break; case NETWORK_ACTION_LEAVE: GetString(temp, STR_NETWORK_ERR_LEFT); snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "*** %s %s (%s)", name, temp, buf); break; case NETWORK_ACTION_GIVE_MONEY: if (self_send) { TempStr = AllocateName(name, 0); SetDParam(0, TempStr); SetDParam(1, atoi(buf)); GetString(temp, STR_NETWORK_GAVE_MONEY_AWAY); DeleteName(TempStr); snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "*** %s", temp); } else { SetDParam(0, atoi(buf)); GetString(temp, STR_NETWORK_GIVE_MONEY); snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "*** %s %s", name, temp); } break; case NETWORK_ACTION_CHAT_PLAYER: if (self_send) { TempStr = AllocateName(name, 0); SetDParam(0, TempStr); GetString(temp, STR_NETWORK_CHAT_TO_COMPANY); DeleteName(TempStr); snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "%s %s", temp, buf); } else { TempStr = AllocateName(name, 0); SetDParam(0, TempStr); GetString(temp, STR_NETWORK_CHAT_COMPANY); DeleteName(TempStr); snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "%s %s", temp, buf); } break; case NETWORK_ACTION_CHAT_CLIENT: if (self_send) { TempStr = AllocateName(name, 0); SetDParam(0, TempStr); GetString(temp, STR_NETWORK_CHAT_TO_CLIENT); DeleteName(TempStr); snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "%s %s", temp, buf); } else { TempStr = AllocateName(name, 0); SetDParam(0, TempStr); GetString(temp, STR_NETWORK_CHAT_CLIENT); DeleteName(TempStr); snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "%s %s", temp, buf); } break; case NETWORK_ACTION_NAME_CHANGE: GetString(temp, STR_NETWORK_NAME_CHANGE); snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "*** %s %s %s", name, temp, buf); break; default: TempStr = AllocateName(name, 0); SetDParam(0, TempStr); GetString(temp, STR_NETWORK_CHAT_ALL); DeleteName(TempStr); snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "%s %s", temp, buf); break; } IConsolePrintF(color, "%s", message); AddTextMessage(color, duration, "%s", message); } // Calculate the frame-lag of a client uint NetworkCalculateLag(const NetworkClientState *cs) { int lag = cs->last_frame_server - cs->last_frame; // This client has missed his ACK packet after 1 DAY_TICKS.. // so we increase his lag for every frame that passes! // The packet can be out by a max of _net_frame_freq if (cs->last_frame_server + DAY_TICKS + _network_frame_freq < _frame_counter) lag += _frame_counter - (cs->last_frame_server + DAY_TICKS + _network_frame_freq); return lag; } // There was a non-recoverable error, drop back to the main menu with a nice // error void NetworkError(StringID error_string) { _switch_mode = SM_MENU; _switch_mode_errorstr = error_string; } void ClientStartError(char *error) { DEBUG(net, 0)("[NET] Client could not start network: %s",error); NetworkError(STR_NETWORK_ERR_CLIENT_START); } void ServerStartError(char *error) { DEBUG(net, 0)("[NET] Server could not start network: %s",error); NetworkError(STR_NETWORK_ERR_SERVER_START); } static void NetworkClientError(byte res, NetworkClientState *cs) { // First, send a CLIENT_ERROR to the server, so he knows we are // disconnection (and why!) NetworkErrorCode errorno; // We just want to close the connection.. if (res == NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_CLOSE_QUERY) { cs->quited = true; NetworkCloseClient(cs); _networking = false; DeleteWindowById(WC_NETWORK_STATUS_WINDOW, 0); return; } switch(res) { case NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_DESYNC: errorno = NETWORK_ERROR_DESYNC; break; case NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_SAVEGAME: errorno = NETWORK_ERROR_SAVEGAME_FAILED; break; default: errorno = NETWORK_ERROR_GENERAL; } // This means we fucked up and the server closed the connection if (res != NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR && res != NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_SERVER_FULL) { SEND_COMMAND(PACKET_CLIENT_ERROR)(errorno); // Dequeue all commands before closing the socket NetworkSend_Packets(DEREF_CLIENT(0)); } _switch_mode = SM_MENU; NetworkCloseClient(cs); _networking = false; } // Find all IP-aliases for this host static void NetworkFindIPs(void) { int i, last; #if defined(BEOS_NET_SERVER) /* doesn't have neither getifaddrs or net/if.h */ /* Based on Andrew Bachmann's netstat+.c. Big thanks to him! */ int _netstat(int fd, char **output, int verbose); int seek_past_header(char **pos, const char *header) { char *new_pos = strstr(*pos, header); if (new_pos == 0) { return B_ERROR; } *pos += strlen(header) + new_pos - *pos + 1; return B_OK; } int output_length; char *output_pointer = NULL; char **output; int sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); i = 0; // If something fails, make sure the list is empty _network_ip_list[0] = 0; if (sock < 0) { DEBUG(net, 0)("Error creating socket!"); return; } output_length = _netstat(sock, &output_pointer, 1); if (output_length < 0) { DEBUG(net, 0)("Error running _netstat!"); return; } output = &output_pointer; if (seek_past_header(output, "IP Interfaces:") == B_OK) { for (;;) { uint32 n, fields, read; uint8 i1, i2, i3, i4, j1, j2, j3, j4; struct in_addr inaddr; fields = sscanf(*output, "%u: %hhu.%hhu.%hhu.%hhu, netmask %hhu.%hhu.%hhu.%hhu%n", &n, &i1,&i2,&i3,&i4, &j1,&j2,&j3,&j4, &read); read += 1; if (fields != 9) { break; } inaddr.s_addr = htonl((uint32)i1 << 24 | (uint32)i2 << 16 | (uint32)i3 << 8 | (uint32)i4); if (inaddr.s_addr != 0) { _network_ip_list[i] = inaddr.s_addr; i++; } if (read < 0) { break; } *output += read; } /* XXX - Using either one of these crashes openttd heavily? - wber */ /*free(output_pointer);*/ /*free(output);*/ closesocket(sock); } #elif defined(HAVE_GETIFADDRS) struct ifaddrs *ifap, *ifa; // If something fails, make sure the list is empty _network_ip_list[0] = 0; if (getifaddrs(&ifap) != 0) return; i = 0; for (ifa = ifap; ifa != NULL; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) { if (ifa->ifa_addr == NULL || ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family != AF_INET) continue; _network_ip_list[i] = ((struct sockaddr_in *)ifa->ifa_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr; i++; } freeifaddrs(ifap); #else /* not HAVE_GETIFADDRS */ unsigned long len = 0; SOCKET sock; IFREQ ifo[MAX_INTERFACES]; #ifndef WIN32 struct ifconf if_conf; #endif // If something fails, make sure the list is empty _network_ip_list[0] = 0; if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { return; } #ifdef WIN32 // On windows it is easy memset(&ifo[0], 0, sizeof(ifo)); if ((WSAIoctl(sock, SIO_GET_INTERFACE_LIST, NULL, 0, &ifo[0], sizeof(ifo), &len, NULL, NULL)) != 0) { closesocket(sock); return; } #else // On linux a bit harder if_conf.ifc_len = (sizeof (struct ifreq)) * MAX_INTERFACES; if_conf.ifc_buf = (char *)&ifo[0]; if ((ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFCONF, &if_conf)) == -1) { closesocket(sock); return; } len = if_conf.ifc_len; #endif /* WIN32 */ // Now walk through all IPs and list them for (i = 0; i < (int)(len / sizeof(IFREQ)); i++) { // Request IP for this interface #ifdef WIN32 _network_ip_list[i] = *(&ifo[i].iiAddress.AddressIn.sin_addr.s_addr); #else if ((ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifo[i])) != 0) { closesocket(sock); return; } _network_ip_list[i] = ((struct sockaddr_in *)&ifo[i].ifr_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr; #endif } closesocket(sock); #endif /* not HAVE_GETIFADDRS */ _network_ip_list[i] = 0; last = i - 1; DEBUG(net, 3)("Detected IPs:"); // Now display to the debug all the detected ips i = 0; while (_network_ip_list[i] != 0) { // Also check for non-used ips ( if (_network_ip_list[i] == inet_addr("")) { // If there is an ip after thisone, put him in here if (last > i) _network_ip_list[i] = _network_ip_list[last]; // Clear the last ip _network_ip_list[last] = 0; // And we have 1 ip less last--; continue; } DEBUG(net, 3)(" %d) %s", i, inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&_network_ip_list[i]));//inet_ntoa(inaddr)); i++; } } // Resolve a hostname to a inet_addr unsigned long NetworkResolveHost(const char *hostname) { in_addr_t ip; // First try: is it an ip address? ip = inet_addr(hostname); // If not try to resolve the name if (ip == INADDR_NONE) { struct hostent *he = gethostbyname(hostname); if (he == NULL) { DEBUG(net, 0) ("[NET] Cannot resolve %s", hostname); } else { struct in_addr addr = *(struct in_addr *)he->h_addr_list[0]; DEBUG(net, 1) ("[NET] Resolved %s to %s", hostname, inet_ntoa(addr)); ip = addr.s_addr; } } return ip; } // Converts a string to ip/port/player // Format: IP#player:port // // connection_string will be re-terminated to seperate out the hostname, and player and port will // be set to the player and port strings given by the user, inside the memory area originally // occupied by connection_string. void ParseConnectionString(const byte **player, const byte **port, byte *connection_string) { byte *p; for (p = connection_string; *p != '\0'; p++) { if (*p == '#') { *player = p + 1; *p = '\0'; } else if (*p == ':') { *port = p + 1; *p = '\0'; } } } // Creates a new client from a socket // Used both by the server and the client static NetworkClientState *NetworkAllocClient(SOCKET s) { NetworkClientState *cs; NetworkClientInfo *ci; byte client_no; client_no = 0; if (_network_server) { // Can we handle a new client? if (_network_clients_connected >= MAX_CLIENTS) return NULL; if (_network_game_info.clients_on >= _network_game_info.clients_max) return NULL; // Register the login client_no = _network_clients_connected++; } cs = &_clients[client_no]; memset(cs, 0, sizeof(*cs)); cs->socket = s; cs->last_frame = 0; cs->quited = false; if (_network_server) { ci = DEREF_CLIENT_INFO(cs); memset(ci, 0, sizeof(*ci)); cs->index = _network_client_index++; ci->client_index = cs->index; ci->join_date = _date; InvalidateWindow(WC_CLIENT_LIST, 0); } return cs; } // Close a connection void NetworkCloseClient(NetworkClientState *cs) { NetworkClientInfo *ci; // Socket is already dead if (cs->socket == INVALID_SOCKET) return; DEBUG(net, 1) ("[NET] Closed client connection"); if (!cs->quited && _network_server && cs->status > STATUS_INACTIVE) { // We did not receive a leave message from this client... NetworkErrorCode errorno = NETWORK_ERROR_CONNECTION_LOST; char str[100]; char client_name[NETWORK_NAME_LENGTH]; NetworkClientState *new_cs; NetworkGetClientName(client_name, sizeof(client_name), cs); GetString(str, STR_NETWORK_ERR_CLIENT_GENERAL + errorno); NetworkTextMessage(NETWORK_ACTION_LEAVE, 1, false, client_name, str); // Inform other clients of this... strange leaving ;) FOR_ALL_CLIENTS(new_cs) { if (new_cs->status > STATUS_AUTH && cs != new_cs) { SEND_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_ERROR_QUIT)(new_cs, cs->index, errorno); } } } closesocket(cs->socket); cs->writable = false; // Free all pending and partially received packets while (cs->packet_queue != NULL) { Packet *p = cs->packet_queue->next; free(cs->packet_queue); cs->packet_queue = p; } free(cs->packet_recv); cs->packet_recv = NULL; while (cs->command_queue != NULL) { CommandPacket *p = cs->command_queue->next; free(cs->command_queue); cs->command_queue = p; } // Close the gap in the client-list ci = DEREF_CLIENT_INFO(cs); if (_network_server) { // We just lost one client :( if (cs->status > STATUS_INACTIVE) _network_game_info.clients_on--; _network_clients_connected--; while ((cs + 1) != DEREF_CLIENT(MAX_CLIENTS) && (cs + 1)->socket != INVALID_SOCKET) { *cs = *(cs + 1); *ci = *(ci + 1); cs++; ci++; } InvalidateWindow(WC_CLIENT_LIST, 0); } // Reset the status of the last socket cs->socket = INVALID_SOCKET; cs->status = STATUS_INACTIVE; cs->index = NETWORK_EMPTY_INDEX; ci->client_index = NETWORK_EMPTY_INDEX; } // A client wants to connect to a server static bool NetworkConnect(const char *hostname, int port) { SOCKET s; struct sockaddr_in sin; DEBUG(net, 1) ("[NET] Connecting to %s %d", hostname, port); s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) { ClientStartError("socket() failed"); return false; } { // set nodelay /* XXX should this be done at all? */ #if !defined(BEOS_NET_SERVER) // not implemented on BeOS net_server... int b = 1; // The (const char*) cast is needed for windows!! if (setsockopt(s, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (const char*)&b, sizeof(b)) != 0) DEBUG(net, 1)("[NET] Setting TCP_NODELAY failed"); #endif } sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_addr.s_addr = NetworkResolveHost(hostname); sin.sin_port = htons(port); _network_last_host_ip = sin.sin_addr.s_addr; if (connect(s, (struct sockaddr*) &sin, sizeof(sin)) != 0) { // We failed to connect for which reason what so ever return false; } { // set nonblocking mode for socket.. unsigned long blocking = 1; #if defined(__BEOS__) && defined(BEOS_NET_SERVER) byte nonblocking = 1; if (setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NONBLOCK, &nonblocking, sizeof(blocking)) != 0) #else if (ioctlsocket(s, FIONBIO, &blocking) != 0) #endif DEBUG(net, 0)("[NET] Setting non-blocking failed"); /* XXX should this be an error? */ } // in client mode, only the first client field is used. it's pointing to the server. NetworkAllocClient(s); ShowJoinStatusWindow(); memcpy(&network_tmp_patches, &_patches, sizeof(_patches)); return true; } // For the server, to accept new clients static void NetworkAcceptClients(void) { struct sockaddr_in sin; SOCKET s; NetworkClientState *cs; #ifndef __MORPHOS__ int sin_len; #else LONG sin_len; // for some reason we need a 'LONG' under MorphOS #endif // Should never ever happen.. is it possible?? assert(_listensocket != INVALID_SOCKET); for (;;) { sin_len = sizeof(sin); s = accept(_listensocket, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, &sin_len); if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) return; // set nonblocking mode for client socket #if defined(__BEOS__) && defined(BEOS_NET_SERVER) { unsigned long blocking = 1; byte nonblocking = 1; setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NONBLOCK, &nonblocking, sizeof(blocking)); } #else { unsigned long blocking = 1; ioctlsocket(s, FIONBIO, &blocking); } #endif DEBUG(net, 1) ("[NET] Client connected from %s on frame %d", inet_ntoa(sin.sin_addr), _frame_counter); // set nodelay #if !defined(BEOS_NET_SERVER) // not implemented on BeOS net_server... // The (const char*) cast is needed for windows!! {int b = 1; setsockopt(s, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (const char*)&b, sizeof(b));} #endif cs = NetworkAllocClient(s); if (cs == NULL) { // no more clients allowed? // Send to the client that we are full! Packet *p = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_SERVER_FULL); p->buffer[0] = p->size & 0xFF; p->buffer[1] = p->size >> 8; send(s, p->buffer, p->size, 0); closesocket(s); free(p); continue; } // a new client has connected. We set him at inactive for now // maybe he is only requesting server-info. Till he has sent a PACKET_CLIENT_MAP_OK // the client stays inactive cs->status = STATUS_INACTIVE; { // Save the IP of the client NetworkClientInfo *ci; ci = DEREF_CLIENT_INFO(cs); ci->client_ip = sin.sin_addr.s_addr; } } } // Set up the listen socket for the server static bool NetworkListen(void) { SOCKET ls; struct sockaddr_in sin; int port; port = _network_server_port; DEBUG(net, 1) ("[NET] Listening on %s:%d", _network_server_bind_ip_host, port); ls = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (ls == INVALID_SOCKET) { ServerStartError("socket() on listen socket failed"); return false; } { // reuse the socket int reuse = 1; // The (const char*) cast is needed for windows!! if (setsockopt(ls, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char*)&reuse, sizeof(reuse)) == -1) { ServerStartError("setsockopt() on listen socket failed"); return false; } } { // set nonblocking mode for socket unsigned long blocking = 1; #if defined(__BEOS__) && defined(BEOS_NET_SERVER) byte nonblocking = 1; if (setsockopt(ls, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NONBLOCK, &nonblocking, sizeof(blocking)) != 0) #else if (ioctlsocket(ls, FIONBIO, &blocking) != 0) #endif DEBUG(net, 0)("[NET] Setting non-blocking failed"); /* XXX should this be an error? */ } sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_addr.s_addr = _network_server_bind_ip; sin.sin_port = htons(port); if (bind(ls, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, sizeof(sin)) != 0) { ServerStartError("bind() failed"); return false; } if (listen(ls, 1) != 0) { ServerStartError("listen() failed"); return false; } _listensocket = ls; return true; } // Close all current connections static void NetworkClose(void) { NetworkClientState *cs; FOR_ALL_CLIENTS(cs) { if (!_network_server) { SEND_COMMAND(PACKET_CLIENT_QUIT)("leaving"); NetworkSend_Packets(cs); } NetworkCloseClient(cs); } if (_network_server) { // We are a server, also close the listensocket closesocket(_listensocket); _listensocket = INVALID_SOCKET; DEBUG(net, 1) ("[NET] Closed listener"); NetworkUDPClose(); } } // Inits the network (cleans sockets and stuff) static void NetworkInitialize(void) { NetworkClientState *cs; uint i; _local_command_queue = NULL; // Clean all client-sockets memset(_clients, 0, sizeof(_clients)); for (cs = _clients; cs != &_clients[MAX_CLIENTS]; cs++) { cs->socket = INVALID_SOCKET; cs->status = STATUS_INACTIVE; cs->command_queue = NULL; } // Clean the client_info memory memset(_network_client_info, 0, sizeof(_network_client_info)); memset(_network_player_info, 0, sizeof(_network_player_info)); _sync_frame = 0; _network_first_time = true; _network_reconnect = 0; InitPlayerRandoms(); NetworkUDPInitialize(); // add all servers from the config file to our list for (i=0; i != lengthof(_network_server_list); i++) { if (_network_server_list[i] == NULL) break; NetworkAddServer(_network_server_list[i]); } } // Query a server to fetch his game-info // If game_info is true, only the gameinfo is fetched, // else only the client_info is fetched void NetworkQueryServer(const byte* host, unsigned short port, bool game_info) { if (!_network_available) return; NetworkDisconnect(); if (game_info) { NetworkUDPQueryServer(host, port); return; } NetworkInitialize(); _network_server = false; // Try to connect _networking = NetworkConnect(host, port); // ttd_strlcpy(_network_last_host, host, sizeof(_network_last_host)); // _network_last_port = port; // We are connected if (_networking) { SEND_COMMAND(PACKET_CLIENT_COMPANY_INFO)(); return; } // No networking, close everything down again NetworkDisconnect(); } // validates an address entered as a string and adds the server to // the list void NetworkAddServer(const byte *b) { if (*b != '\0') { const byte *port = NULL; const byte *player = NULL; byte host[NETWORK_HOSTNAME_LENGTH]; uint16 rport; ttd_strlcpy(host, b, lengthof(host)); ttd_strlcpy(_network_default_ip, b, lengthof(_network_default_ip)); rport = NETWORK_DEFAULT_PORT; ParseConnectionString(&player, &port, host); if (player != NULL) _network_playas = atoi(player); if (port != NULL) rport = atoi(port); NetworkQueryServer(host, rport, true); } } // Used by clients, to connect to a server bool NetworkClientConnectGame(const byte* host, unsigned short port) { if (!_network_available) return false; if (port == 0) return false; ttd_strlcpy(_network_last_host, host, sizeof(_network_last_host)); _network_last_port = port; NetworkDisconnect(); NetworkUDPClose(); NetworkInitialize(); // Try to connect _networking = NetworkConnect(host, port); // We are connected if (_networking) { IConsoleCmdExec("exec scripts/on_client.scr 0"); NetworkClient_Connected(); } else { // Connecting failed NetworkError(STR_NETWORK_ERR_NOCONNECTION); } return _networking; } static void NetworkInitGameInfo(void) { NetworkClientInfo *ci; ttd_strlcpy(_network_game_info.server_name, _network_server_name, sizeof(_network_game_info.server_name)); if (_network_game_info.server_name[0] == '\0') snprintf(_network_game_info.server_name, sizeof(_network_game_info.server_name), "Unnamed Server"); // The server is a client too ;) if (_network_dedicated) { _network_game_info.clients_on = 0; _network_game_info.dedicated = true; } else { _network_game_info.clients_on = 1; _network_game_info.dedicated = false; } ttd_strlcpy(_network_game_info.server_revision, _openttd_revision, sizeof(_network_game_info.server_revision)); _network_game_info.spectators_on = 0; _network_game_info.game_date = _date; _network_game_info.start_date = ConvertIntDate(_patches.starting_date); _network_game_info.map_width = TILES_X; _network_game_info.map_height = TILES_Y; _network_game_info.map_set = _opt.landscape; if (_network_game_info.server_password[0] == '\0') { _network_game_info.use_password = 0; } else { _network_game_info.use_password = 1; } // We use _network_client_info[MAX_CLIENT_INFO - 1] to store the server-data in it // The index is NETWORK_SERVER_INDEX ( = 1) ci = &_network_client_info[MAX_CLIENT_INFO - 1]; memset(ci, 0, sizeof(*ci)); ci->client_index = NETWORK_SERVER_INDEX; if (_network_dedicated) ci->client_playas = OWNER_SPECTATOR; else ci->client_playas = _local_player + 1; ttd_strlcpy(ci->client_name, _network_player_name, sizeof(ci->client_name)); ttd_strlcpy(ci->unique_id, _network_unique_id, sizeof(ci->unique_id)); } bool NetworkServerStart(void) { if (!_network_available) return false; /* Call the pre-scripts */ IConsoleCmdExec("exec scripts/pre_server.scr 0"); if (_network_dedicated) IConsoleCmdExec("exec scripts/pre_dedicated.scr 0"); NetworkInitialize(); if (!NetworkListen()) return false; // Try to start UDP-server _network_udp_server = true; _network_udp_server = NetworkUDPListen(_network_server_bind_ip, _network_server_port); _network_server = true; _networking = true; _frame_counter = 0; _frame_counter_server = 0; _frame_counter_max = 0; _network_own_client_index = NETWORK_SERVER_INDEX; if (!_network_dedicated) _network_playas = 1; _network_clients_connected = 0; NetworkInitGameInfo(); // execute server initialization script IConsoleCmdExec("exec scripts/on_server.scr 0"); // if the server is dedicated ... add some other script if (_network_dedicated) IConsoleCmdExec("exec scripts/on_dedicated.scr 0"); /* Try to register us to the master server */ _network_last_advertise_date = 0; NetworkUDPAdvertise(); return true; } // The server is rebooting... // The only difference with NetworkDisconnect, is the packets that is sent void NetworkReboot(void) { if (_network_server) { NetworkClientState *cs; FOR_ALL_CLIENTS(cs) { SEND_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_NEWGAME)(cs); NetworkSend_Packets(cs); } } NetworkClose(); // Free all queued commands while (_local_command_queue != NULL) { CommandPacket *p = _local_command_queue; _local_command_queue = _local_command_queue->next; free(p); } _networking = false; _network_server = false; } // We want to disconnect from the host/clients void NetworkDisconnect(void) { if (_network_server) { NetworkClientState *cs; FOR_ALL_CLIENTS(cs) { SEND_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_SHUTDOWN)(cs); NetworkSend_Packets(cs); } } DeleteWindowById(WC_NETWORK_STATUS_WINDOW, 0); NetworkClose(); // Free all queued commands while (_local_command_queue != NULL) { CommandPacket *p = _local_command_queue; _local_command_queue = _local_command_queue->next; free(p); } if (_networking && !_network_server) { memcpy(&_patches, &network_tmp_patches, sizeof(_patches)); } _networking = false; _network_server = false; } // Receives something from the network static bool NetworkReceive(void) { NetworkClientState *cs; int n; fd_set read_fd, write_fd; struct timeval tv; FD_ZERO(&read_fd); FD_ZERO(&write_fd); FOR_ALL_CLIENTS(cs) { FD_SET(cs->socket, &read_fd); FD_SET(cs->socket, &write_fd); } // take care of listener port if (_network_server) { FD_SET(_listensocket, &read_fd); } tv.tv_sec = tv.tv_usec = 0; // don't block at all. #if !defined(__MORPHOS__) && !defined(__AMIGA__) n = select(FD_SETSIZE, &read_fd, &write_fd, NULL, &tv); #else n = WaitSelect(FD_SETSIZE, &read_fd, &write_fd, NULL, &tv, NULL); #endif if (n == -1 && !_network_server) NetworkError(STR_NETWORK_ERR_LOSTCONNECTION); // accept clients.. if (_network_server && FD_ISSET(_listensocket, &read_fd)) NetworkAcceptClients(); // read stuff from clients FOR_ALL_CLIENTS(cs) { cs->writable = !!FD_ISSET(cs->socket, &write_fd); if (FD_ISSET(cs->socket, &read_fd)) { if (_network_server) NetworkServer_ReadPackets(cs); else { byte res; // The client already was quiting! if (cs->quited) return false; if ((res = NetworkClient_ReadPackets(cs)) != NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY) { // The client made an error of which we can not recover // close the client and drop back to main menu NetworkClientError(res, cs); return false; } } } } return true; } // This sends all buffered commands (if possible) static void NetworkSend(void) { NetworkClientState *cs; FOR_ALL_CLIENTS(cs) { if (cs->writable) { NetworkSend_Packets(cs); if (cs->status == STATUS_MAP) { // This client is in the middle of a map-send, call the function for that SEND_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_MAP)(cs); } } } } // Handle the local-command-queue static void NetworkHandleLocalQueue(void) { if (_local_command_queue != NULL) { CommandPacket *cp; CommandPacket *cp_prev; cp = _local_command_queue; cp_prev = NULL; while (cp != NULL) { if (_frame_counter > cp->frame) { // We can execute this command NetworkExecuteCommand(cp); if (cp_prev != NULL) { cp_prev->next = cp->next; free(cp); cp = cp_prev->next; } else { // This means we are at our first packet _local_command_queue = cp->next; free(cp); cp = _local_command_queue; } } else { // Command is in the future, skip to next // (commands don't have to be in order in the queue!!) cp_prev = cp; cp = cp->next; } } } } static bool NetworkDoClientLoop(void) { _frame_counter++; NetworkHandleLocalQueue(); StateGameLoop(); // Check if we are in sync! if (_sync_frame != 0) { if (_sync_frame == _frame_counter) { #ifdef NETWORK_SEND_DOUBLE_SEED if (_sync_seed_1 != _random_seeds[0][0] || _sync_seed_2 != _random_seeds[0][1]) { #else if (_sync_seed_1 != _random_seeds[0][0]) { #endif NetworkError(STR_NETWORK_ERR_DESYNC); DEBUG(net, 0)("[NET] Sync error detected!"); NetworkClientError(NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_DESYNC, DEREF_CLIENT(0)); return false; } // If this is the first time we have a sync-frame, we // need to let the server know that we are ready and at the same // frame as he is.. so we can start playing! if (_network_first_time) { _network_first_time = false; SEND_COMMAND(PACKET_CLIENT_ACK)(); } _sync_frame = 0; } else if (_sync_frame < _frame_counter) { DEBUG(net, 1)("[NET] Missed frame for sync-test (%d / %d)", _sync_frame, _frame_counter); _sync_frame = 0; } } return true; } // We have to do some UDP checking void NetworkUDPGameLoop(void) { if (_network_udp_server) NetworkUDPReceive(); else if (_udp_client_socket != INVALID_SOCKET) { NetworkUDPReceive(); if (_network_udp_broadcast > 0) _network_udp_broadcast--; } } // The main loop called from ttd.c // Here we also have to do StateGameLoop if needed! void NetworkGameLoop(void) { if (!_networking) return; if (!NetworkReceive()) return; if (_network_server) { // We first increase the _frame_counter _frame_counter++; NetworkHandleLocalQueue(); // Then we make the frame StateGameLoop(); _sync_seed_1 = _random_seeds[0][0]; #ifdef NETWORK_SEND_DOUBLE_SEED _sync_seed_2 = _random_seeds[0][1]; #endif NetworkServer_Tick(); } else { // Client // Make sure we are at the frame were the server is (quick-frames) if (_frame_counter_server > _frame_counter) { while (_frame_counter_server > _frame_counter) { if (!NetworkDoClientLoop()) break; } } else { // Else, keep on going till _frame_counter_max if (_frame_counter_max > _frame_counter) { NetworkDoClientLoop(); } } } NetworkSend(); } static void NetworkGenerateUniqueId(void) { md5_state_t state; md5_byte_t digest[16]; char hex_output[16*2 + 1]; char coding_string[NETWORK_NAME_LENGTH]; int di; snprintf(coding_string, sizeof(coding_string), "%d%s", (uint)Random(), "OpenTTD Unique ID"); /* Generate the MD5 hash */ md5_init(&state); md5_append(&state, coding_string, strlen(coding_string)); md5_finish(&state, digest); for (di = 0; di < 16; ++di) sprintf(hex_output + di * 2, "%02x", digest[di]); /* _network_unique_id is our id */ snprintf(_network_unique_id, sizeof(_network_unique_id), "%s", hex_output); } // This tries to launch the network for a given OS void NetworkStartUp(void) { DEBUG(net, 3) ("[NET][Core] Starting network..."); // Network is available _network_available = true; _network_dedicated = false; _network_last_advertise_date = 0; /* Load the ip from the openttd.cfg */ _network_server_bind_ip = inet_addr(_network_server_bind_ip_host); /* And put the data back in it in case it was an invalid ip */ snprintf(_network_server_bind_ip_host, sizeof(_network_server_bind_ip_host), "%s", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&_network_server_bind_ip)); /* Generate an unique id when there is none yet */ if (_network_unique_id[0] == '\0') NetworkGenerateUniqueId(); memset(&_network_game_info, 0, sizeof(_network_game_info)); /* XXX - Hard number here, because the strings can currently handle no more then 10 clients -- TrueLight */ _network_game_info.clients_max = 10; // Let's load the network in windows #if defined(WIN32) { WSADATA wsa; DEBUG(net, 3) ("[NET][Core] Loading windows socket library"); if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0), &wsa) != 0) { DEBUG(net, 0) ("[NET][Core] Error: WSAStartup failed. Network not available."); _network_available = false; return; } } #else #if defined(__MORPHOS__) || defined(__AMIGA__) { DEBUG(misc,3) ("[NET][Core] Loading bsd socket library"); if (!(SocketBase = OpenLibrary("bsdsocket.library", 4))) { DEBUG(net, 0) ("[NET][Core] Error: couldn't open bsdsocket.library version 4. Network not available."); _network_available = false; return; } #if defined(__AMIGA__) // for usleep() implementation (only required for legacy AmigaOS builds) if ( (TimerPort = CreateMsgPort()) ) { if ( (TimerRequest = (struct timerequest *) CreateIORequest(TimerPort, sizeof(struct timerequest))) ) { if ( OpenDevice("timer.device", UNIT_MICROHZ, (struct IORequest *) TimerRequest, 0) == 0 ) { if ( !(TimerBase = TimerRequest->tr_node.io_Device) ) { // free ressources... DEBUG(net, 0) ("[NET][Core] Error: couldn't initialize timer. Network not available."); _network_available = false; return; } } } } #endif // __AMIGA__ } #endif // __MORPHOS__ / __AMIGA__ #endif // WIN32 NetworkInitialize(); DEBUG(net, 3) ("[NET][Core] Network online. Multiplayer available."); NetworkFindIPs(); } // This shuts the network down void NetworkShutDown(void) { DEBUG(net, 3) ("[NET][Core] Shutting down the network."); _network_available = false; #if defined(__MORPHOS__) || defined(__AMIGA__) { // free allocated ressources #if !defined(__MORPHOS__) if (TimerBase) { CloseDevice((struct IORequest *) TimerRequest); } if (TimerRequest) { DeleteIORequest(TimerRequest); } if (TimerPort) { DeleteMsgPort(TimerPort); } #endif if (SocketBase) { CloseLibrary(SocketBase); } } #endif #if defined(WIN32) { WSACleanup(); } #endif } #else void ParseConnectionString(const byte **player, const byte **port, byte *connection_string) {} void NetworkUpdateClientInfo(uint16 client_index) {} #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */