/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file linkgraph.h Declaration of link graph classes used for cargo distribution. */ #ifndef LINKGRAPH_H #define LINKGRAPH_H #include "../core/pool_type.hpp" #include "../core/bitmath_func.hpp" #include "../station_base.h" #include "../cargotype.h" #include "../date_func.h" #include "../sl/saveload_common.h" #include "linkgraph_type.h" #include "../3rdparty/cpp-btree/btree_map.h" #include #include class LinkGraph; /** * Type of the pool for link graph components. Each station can be in at up to * 32 link graphs. So we allow for plenty of them to be created. */ typedef Pool LinkGraphPool; /** The actual pool with link graphs. */ extern LinkGraphPool _link_graph_pool; namespace upstream_sl { SaveLoadTable GetLinkGraphDesc(); SaveLoadTable GetLinkGraphJobDesc(); class SlLinkgraphNode; class SlLinkgraphEdge; } /** * A connected component of a link graph. Contains a complete set of stations * connected by links as nodes and edges. Each component also holds a copy of * the link graph settings at the time of its creation. The global settings * might change between the creation and join time so we can't rely on them. */ class LinkGraph : public LinkGraphPool::PoolItem<&_link_graph_pool> { public: /** * Node of the link graph. contains all relevant information from the associated * station. It's copied so that the link graph job can work on its own data set * in a separate thread. */ struct BaseNode { uint supply; ///< Supply at the station. uint demand; ///< Acceptance at the station. StationID station; ///< Station ID. TileIndex xy; ///< Location of the station referred to by the node. Date last_update; ///< When the supply was last updated. void Init(TileIndex xy = INVALID_TILE, StationID st = INVALID_STATION, uint demand = 0); }; /** * An edge in the link graph. Corresponds to a link between two stations or at * least the distance between them. Edges from one node to itself contain the * ID of the opposite Node of the first active edge (i.e. not just distance) in * the column as next_edge. */ struct BaseEdge { uint capacity; ///< Capacity of the link. uint usage; ///< Usage of the link. uint64_t travel_time_sum; ///< Sum of the travel times of the link, in ticks. Date last_unrestricted_update; ///< When the unrestricted part of the link was last updated. Date last_restricted_update; ///< When the restricted part of the link was last updated. Date last_aircraft_update; ///< When aircraft capacity of the link was last updated. void Init() { this->capacity = 0; this->usage = 0; this->travel_time_sum = 0; this->last_unrestricted_update = INVALID_DATE; this->last_restricted_update = INVALID_DATE; this->last_aircraft_update = INVALID_DATE; } BaseEdge() { this->Init(); } }; typedef std::vector NodeVector; typedef btree::btree_map, BaseEdge> EdgeMatrix; /** * Wrapper for an edge (const or not) allowing retrieval, but no modification. * @tparam Tedge Actual edge class, may be "const BaseEdge" or just "BaseEdge". */ template class EdgeWrapper { protected: Tedge *edge; ///< Actual edge to be used. public: /** * Wrap a an edge. * @param edge Edge to be wrapped. */ EdgeWrapper (Tedge &edge) : edge(&edge) {} /** * Get edge's capacity. * @return Capacity. */ uint Capacity() const { return this->edge->capacity; } /** * Get edge's usage. * @return Usage. */ uint Usage() const { return this->edge->usage; } /** * Get edge's average travel time. * @return Travel time, in ticks. */ uint32_t TravelTime() const { return this->edge->travel_time_sum / this->edge->capacity; } /** * Get the date of the last update to the edge's unrestricted capacity. * @return Last update. */ Date LastUnrestrictedUpdate() const { return this->edge->last_unrestricted_update; } /** * Get the date of the last update to the edge's restricted capacity. * @return Last update. */ Date LastRestrictedUpdate() const { return this->edge->last_restricted_update; } /** * Get the date of the last update to the edge's aircraft capacity. * @return Last update. */ Date LastAircraftUpdate() const { return this->edge->last_aircraft_update; } /** * Get the date of the last update to any part of the edge's capacity. * @return Last update. */ Date LastUpdate() const { return std::max(this->edge->last_unrestricted_update, this->edge->last_restricted_update); } }; /** * Wrapper for a node (const or not) allowing retrieval, but no modification. * @tparam Tedge Actual node class, may be "const BaseNode" or just "BaseNode". */ template class NodeWrapper { protected: Tnode &node; ///< Node being wrapped. NodeID index; ///< ID of wrapped node. public: /** * Wrap a node. * @param node Node to be wrapped. * @param index ID of node to be wrapped. */ NodeWrapper(Tnode &node, NodeID index) : node(node), index(index) {} /** * Get supply of wrapped node. * @return Supply. */ uint Supply() const { return this->node.supply; } /** * Get demand of wrapped node. * @return Demand. */ uint Demand() const { return this->node.demand; } /** * Get ID of station belonging to wrapped node. * @return ID of node's station. */ StationID Station() const { return this->node.station; } /** * Get node's last update. * @return Last update. */ Date LastUpdate() const { return this->node.last_update; } /** * Get the location of the station associated with the node. * @return Location of the station. */ TileIndex XY() const { return this->node.xy; } NodeID GetNodeID() const { return this->index; } }; /** * A constant edge class. */ typedef EdgeWrapper ConstEdge; /** * An updatable edge class. */ class Edge : public EdgeWrapper { public: /** * Constructor * @param edge Edge to be wrapped. */ Edge(BaseEdge &edge) : EdgeWrapper(edge) {} void Update(uint capacity, uint usage, uint32_t time, EdgeUpdateMode mode); void Restrict() { this->edge->last_unrestricted_update = INVALID_DATE; } void Release() { this->edge->last_restricted_update = INVALID_DATE; } void ClearAircraft() { this->edge->last_aircraft_update = INVALID_DATE; } }; /** * Constant node class. Only retrieval operations are allowed on both the * node itself and its edges. */ class ConstNode : public NodeWrapper { public: /** * Constructor. * @param lg LinkGraph to get the node from. * @param node ID of the node. */ ConstNode(const LinkGraph *lg, NodeID node) : NodeWrapper(lg->nodes[node], node) {} }; /** * Updatable node class. The node itself as well as its edges can be modified. */ class Node : public NodeWrapper { public: /** * Constructor. * @param lg LinkGraph to get the node from. * @param node ID of the node. */ Node(LinkGraph *lg, NodeID node) : NodeWrapper(lg->nodes[node], node) {} /** * Update the node's supply and set last_update to the current date. * @param supply Supply to be added. */ void UpdateSupply(uint supply) { this->node.supply += supply; this->node.last_update = _date; } /** * Update the node's location on the map. * @param xy New location. */ void UpdateLocation(TileIndex xy) { this->node.xy = xy; } /** * Set the node's demand. * @param demand New demand for the node. */ void SetDemand(uint demand) { this->node.demand = demand; } }; /** Minimum effective distance for timeout calculation. */ static const uint MIN_TIMEOUT_DISTANCE = 32; /** Number of days before deleting links served only by vehicles stopped in depot. */ static constexpr DateDelta STALE_LINK_DEPOT_TIMEOUT = 1024; /** Minimum number of ticks between subsequent compressions of a LG. */ static constexpr DateTicksScaledDelta COMPRESSION_INTERVAL = 256 * DAY_TICKS; /** * Scale a value from a link graph of age orig_age for usage in one of age * target_age. Make sure that the value stays > 0 if it was > 0 before. * @param val Value to be scaled. * @param target_age Age of the target link graph. * @param orig_age Age of the original link graph. * @return scaled value. */ inline static uint Scale(uint val, uint target_age, uint orig_age) { return val > 0 ? std::max(1U, val * target_age / orig_age) : 0; } /** Bare constructor, only for save/load. */ LinkGraph() : cargo(INVALID_CARGO), last_compression(0) {} /** * Real constructor. * @param cargo Cargo the link graph is about. */ LinkGraph(CargoID cargo) : cargo(cargo), last_compression(_scaled_date_ticks) {} void Init(uint size); void ShiftDates(DateDelta interval); void Compress(); void Merge(LinkGraph *other); /* Splitting link graphs is intentionally not implemented. * The overhead in determining connectedness would probably outweigh the * benefit of having to deal with smaller graphs. In real world examples * networks generally grow. Only rarely a network is permanently split. * Reacting to temporary splits here would obviously create performance * problems and detecting the temporary or permanent nature of splits isn't * trivial. */ /** * Get a node with the specified id. * @param num ID of the node. * @return the Requested node. */ inline Node operator[](NodeID num) { return Node(this, num); } /** * Get a const reference to a node with the specified id. * @param num ID of the node. * @return the Requested node. */ inline ConstNode operator[](NodeID num) const { return ConstNode(this, num); } /** * Get the current size of the component. * @return Size. */ inline NodeID Size() const { return (NodeID)this->nodes.size(); } /** * Get date of last compression. * @return Date of last compression. */ inline DateTicksScaled LastCompression() const { return this->last_compression; } /** * Get the cargo ID this component's link graph refers to. * @return Cargo ID. */ inline CargoID Cargo() const { return this->cargo; } /** * Scale a value to its monthly equivalent, based on last compression. * @param base Value to be scaled. * @return Scaled value. */ inline uint Monthly(uint base) const { return (uint)((static_cast(base) * 30 * DAY_TICKS * _settings_game.economy.day_length_factor) / std::max((_scaled_date_ticks - this->last_compression).base(), DAY_TICKS)); } NodeID AddNode(const Station *st); void RemoveNode(NodeID id); void UpdateEdge(NodeID from, NodeID to, uint capacity, uint usage, uint32_t time, EdgeUpdateMode mode); void RemoveEdge(NodeID from, NodeID to); inline uint64_t CalculateCostEstimate() const { uint64_t size_squared = (uint32_t)this->Size() * (uint32_t)this->Size(); return size_squared * FindLastBit(size_squared * size_squared); // N^2 * 4log_2(N) } protected: friend class LinkGraph::ConstNode; friend class LinkGraph::Node; friend SaveLoadTable GetLinkGraphDesc(); friend SaveLoadTable GetLinkGraphJobDesc(); friend void Save_LinkGraph(LinkGraph &lg); friend void Load_LinkGraph(LinkGraph &lg); friend upstream_sl::SaveLoadTable upstream_sl::GetLinkGraphDesc(); friend upstream_sl::SaveLoadTable upstream_sl::GetLinkGraphJobDesc(); friend upstream_sl::SlLinkgraphNode; friend upstream_sl::SlLinkgraphEdge; friend void AdjustLinkGraphScaledTickBase(DateTicksScaledDelta delta); friend void LinkGraphFixupLastCompressionAfterLoad(); CargoID cargo; ///< Cargo of this component's link graph. DateTicksScaled last_compression; ///< Last time the capacities and supplies were compressed. NodeVector nodes; ///< Nodes in the component. EdgeMatrix edges; ///< Edges in the component. public: const EdgeMatrix &GetEdges() const { return this->edges; } const BaseEdge &GetBaseEdge(NodeID from, NodeID to) const { auto iter = this->edges.find(std::make_pair(from, to)); if (iter != this->edges.end()) return iter->second; static LinkGraph::BaseEdge empty_edge = {}; return empty_edge; } ConstEdge GetConstEdge(NodeID from, NodeID to) const { return ConstEdge(this->GetBaseEdge(from, to)); } template void IterateEdgesFromNode(NodeID from_id, F proc) const { auto iter = this->edges.lower_bound(std::make_pair(from_id, (NodeID)0)); while (iter != this->edges.end()) { NodeID from = iter->first.first; NodeID to = iter->first.second; if (from != from_id) return; if (from != to) { proc(from, to, ConstEdge(iter->second)); } ++iter; } } enum class EdgeIterationResult { None, EraseEdge, }; struct EdgeIterationHelper { EdgeMatrix &edges; EdgeMatrix::iterator &iter; const NodeID from_id; const NodeID to_id; size_t expected_size; EdgeIterationHelper(EdgeMatrix &edges, EdgeMatrix::iterator &iter, NodeID from_id, NodeID to_id) : edges(edges), iter(iter), from_id(from_id), to_id(to_id), expected_size(0) {} Edge GetEdge() { return Edge(this->iter->second); } void RecordSize() { this->expected_size = this->edges.size(); } bool RefreshIterationIfSizeChanged() { if (this->expected_size != this->edges.size()) { /* Edges container has resized, our iterator is now invalid, so find it again */ this->iter = this->edges.find(std::make_pair(this->from_id, this->to_id)); return true; } else { return false; } } }; template void MutableIterateEdgesFromNode(NodeID from_id, F proc) { EdgeMatrix::iterator iter = this->edges.lower_bound(std::make_pair(from_id, (NodeID)0)); while (iter != this->edges.end()) { NodeID from = iter->first.first; NodeID to = iter->first.second; if (from != from_id) return; EdgeIterationResult result = EdgeIterationResult::None; if (from != to) { result = proc(EdgeIterationHelper(this->edges, iter, from, to)); } switch (result) { case EdgeIterationResult::None: ++iter; break; case EdgeIterationResult::EraseEdge: iter = this->edges.erase(iter); break; } } } }; #endif /* LINKGRAPH_H */