/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file company_cmd.cpp Handling of companies. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "company_base.h" #include "company_func.h" #include "company_gui.h" #include "town.h" #include "news_func.h" #include "cmd_helper.h" #include "command_func.h" #include "network/network.h" #include "network/network_func.h" #include "network/network_base.h" #include "network/network_admin.h" #include "ai/ai.hpp" #include "company_manager_face.h" #include "window_func.h" #include "strings_func.h" #include "date_func.h" #include "sound_func.h" #include "rail.h" #include "core/pool_func.hpp" #include "settings_func.h" #include "vehicle_base.h" #include "vehicle_func.h" #include "smallmap_gui.h" #include "game/game.hpp" #include "goal_base.h" #include "story_base.h" #include "zoning.h" #include "tbtr_template_vehicle_func.h" #include "widgets/statusbar_widget.h" #include "core/backup_type.hpp" #include "debug_desync.h" #include "timer/timer.h" #include "timer/timer_game_tick.h" #include "tilehighlight_func.h" #include "table/strings.h" #include #include "safeguards.h" void ClearEnginesHiddenFlagOfCompany(CompanyID cid); void UpdateObjectColours(const Company *c); CompanyID _local_company; ///< Company controlled by the human player at this client. Can also be #COMPANY_SPECTATOR. CompanyID _current_company; ///< Company currently doing an action. CompanyID _loaded_local_company; ///< Local company in loaded savegame Colours _company_colours[MAX_COMPANIES]; ///< NOSAVE: can be determined from company structs. CompanyManagerFace _company_manager_face; ///< for company manager face storage in openttd.cfg uint _cur_company_tick_index; ///< used to generate a name for one company that doesn't have a name yet per tick CompanyMask _saved_PLYP_invalid_mask; std::vector _saved_PLYP_data; CompanyPool _company_pool("Company"); ///< Pool of companies. INSTANTIATE_POOL_METHODS(Company) /** * Constructor. * @param name_1 Name of the company. * @param is_ai A computer program is running for this company. */ Company::Company(uint16 name_1, bool is_ai) { this->name_1 = name_1; this->location_of_HQ = INVALID_TILE; this->is_ai = is_ai; this->terraform_limit = (uint32)_settings_game.construction.terraform_frame_burst << 16; this->clear_limit = _settings_game.construction.clear_frame_burst << 16; this->tree_limit = (uint32)(uint32)_settings_game.construction.tree_frame_burst << 16; this->purchase_land_limit = (uint32)_settings_game.construction.purchase_land_frame_burst << 16; this->build_object_limit = (uint32)_settings_game.construction.build_object_frame_burst << 16; std::fill(this->share_owners.begin(), this->share_owners.end(), INVALID_OWNER); InvalidateWindowData(WC_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL, 0, INVALID_COMPANY); } /** Destructor. */ Company::~Company() { if (CleaningPool()) return; DeleteCompanyWindows(this->index); SetBit(_saved_PLYP_invalid_mask, this->index); } /** * Invalidating some stuff after removing item from the pool. * @param index index of deleted item */ void Company::PostDestructor(size_t index) { InvalidateWindowData(WC_GRAPH_LEGEND, 0, (int)index); InvalidateWindowData(WC_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL, 0, (int)index); InvalidateWindowData(WC_COMPANY_LEAGUE, 0, 0); InvalidateWindowData(WC_LINKGRAPH_LEGEND, 0); /* If the currently shown error message has this company in it, then close it. */ InvalidateWindowData(WC_ERRMSG, 0); } /** * Sets the local company and updates the settings that are set on a * per-company basis to reflect the core's state in the GUI. * @param new_company the new company * @pre Company::IsValidID(new_company) || new_company == COMPANY_SPECTATOR || new_company == OWNER_NONE */ void SetLocalCompany(CompanyID new_company) { /* company could also be COMPANY_SPECTATOR or OWNER_NONE */ assert(Company::IsValidID(new_company) || new_company == COMPANY_SPECTATOR || new_company == OWNER_NONE); /* If actually changing to another company, several windows need closing */ bool switching_company = _local_company != new_company; /* Delete the chat window, if you were team chatting. */ if (switching_company) InvalidateWindowData(WC_SEND_NETWORK_MSG, DESTTYPE_TEAM, _local_company); assert(IsLocalCompany()); _current_company = _local_company = new_company; if (switching_company) { InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_COMPANY); /* Delete any construction windows... */ DeleteConstructionWindows(); ResetObjectToPlace(); } if (switching_company && Company::IsValidID(new_company)) { for (Town *town : Town::Iterate()) { town->UpdateLabel(); } } /* ... and redraw the whole screen. */ MarkWholeScreenDirty(); InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_SIGN_LIST, -1); InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_GOALS_LIST); ClearZoningCaches(); } /** * Get the colour for DrawString-subroutines which matches the colour of the company. * @param company Company to get the colour of. * @return Colour of \a company. */ TextColour GetDrawStringCompanyColour(CompanyID company) { if (!Company::IsValidID(company)) return (TextColour)_colour_gradient[COLOUR_WHITE][4] | TC_IS_PALETTE_COLOUR; return (TextColour)_colour_gradient[_company_colours[company]][4] | TC_IS_PALETTE_COLOUR; } /** * Draw the icon of a company. * @param c Company that needs its icon drawn. * @param x Horizontal coordinate of the icon. * @param y Vertical coordinate of the icon. */ void DrawCompanyIcon(CompanyID c, int x, int y) { DrawSprite(SPR_COMPANY_ICON, COMPANY_SPRITE_COLOUR(c), x, y); } /** * Checks whether a company manager's face is a valid encoding. * Unused bits are not enforced to be 0. * @param cmf the fact to check * @return true if and only if the face is valid */ static bool IsValidCompanyManagerFace(CompanyManagerFace cmf) { if (!AreCompanyManagerFaceBitsValid(cmf, CMFV_GEN_ETHN, GE_WM)) return false; GenderEthnicity ge = (GenderEthnicity)GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(cmf, CMFV_GEN_ETHN, GE_WM); bool has_moustache = !HasBit(ge, GENDER_FEMALE) && GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(cmf, CMFV_HAS_MOUSTACHE, ge) != 0; bool has_tie_earring = !HasBit(ge, GENDER_FEMALE) || GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(cmf, CMFV_HAS_TIE_EARRING, ge) != 0; bool has_glasses = GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(cmf, CMFV_HAS_GLASSES, ge) != 0; if (!AreCompanyManagerFaceBitsValid(cmf, CMFV_EYE_COLOUR, ge)) return false; for (CompanyManagerFaceVariable cmfv = CMFV_CHEEKS; cmfv < CMFV_END; cmfv++) { switch (cmfv) { case CMFV_MOUSTACHE: if (!has_moustache) continue; break; case CMFV_LIPS: case CMFV_NOSE: if (has_moustache) continue; break; case CMFV_TIE_EARRING: if (!has_tie_earring) continue; break; case CMFV_GLASSES: if (!has_glasses) continue; break; default: break; } if (!AreCompanyManagerFaceBitsValid(cmf, cmfv, ge)) return false; } return true; } /** * Refresh all windows owned by a company. * @param company Company that changed, and needs its windows refreshed. */ void InvalidateCompanyWindows(const Company *company) { CompanyID cid = company->index; if (cid == _local_company) SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_STATUS_BAR, 0, WID_S_RIGHT); SetWindowDirty(WC_FINANCES, cid); } /** * Verify whether the company can pay the bill. * @param[in,out] cost Money to pay, is changed to an error if the company does not have enough money. * @return Function returns \c true if the company has enough money, else it returns \c false. */ bool CheckCompanyHasMoney(CommandCost &cost) { if (cost.GetCost() > 0) { const Company *c = Company::GetIfValid(_current_company); if (c != nullptr && cost.GetCost() > c->money) { SetDParam(0, cost.GetCost()); cost.MakeError(STR_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_CASH_REQUIRES_CURRENCY); return false; } } return true; } /** * Deduct costs of a command from the money of a company. * @param c Company to pay the bill. * @param cost Money to pay. */ static void SubtractMoneyFromAnyCompany(Company *c, const CommandCost &cost) { if (cost.GetCost() == 0) return; assert(cost.GetExpensesType() != INVALID_EXPENSES); c->money -= cost.GetCost(); c->yearly_expenses[0][cost.GetExpensesType()] += cost.GetCost(); if (HasBit(1 << EXPENSES_TRAIN_REVENUE | 1 << EXPENSES_ROADVEH_REVENUE | 1 << EXPENSES_AIRCRAFT_REVENUE | 1 << EXPENSES_SHIP_REVENUE | 1 << EXPENSES_SHARING_INC, cost.GetExpensesType())) { c->cur_economy.income -= cost.GetCost(); } else if (HasBit(1 << EXPENSES_TRAIN_RUN | 1 << EXPENSES_ROADVEH_RUN | 1 << EXPENSES_AIRCRAFT_RUN | 1 << EXPENSES_SHIP_RUN | 1 << EXPENSES_PROPERTY | 1 << EXPENSES_LOAN_INTEREST | 1 << EXPENSES_SHARING_COST, cost.GetExpensesType())) { c->cur_economy.expenses -= cost.GetCost(); } InvalidateCompanyWindows(c); } /** * Subtract money from the #_current_company, if the company is valid. * @param cost Money to pay. */ void SubtractMoneyFromCompany(const CommandCost &cost) { Company *c = Company::GetIfValid(_current_company); if (c != nullptr) SubtractMoneyFromAnyCompany(c, cost); } /** * Subtract money from a company, including the money fraction. * @param company Company paying the bill. * @param cst Cost of a command. */ void SubtractMoneyFromCompanyFract(CompanyID company, const CommandCost &cst) { Company *c = Company::Get(company); byte m = c->money_fraction; Money cost = cst.GetCost(); c->money_fraction = m - (byte)cost; cost >>= 8; if (c->money_fraction > m) cost++; if (cost != 0) SubtractMoneyFromAnyCompany(c, CommandCost(cst.GetExpensesType(), cost)); } static constexpr void UpdateLandscapingLimit(uint32_t &limit, uint64_t per_64k_frames, uint64_t burst) { limit = static_cast(std::min(limit + per_64k_frames, burst << 16)); } /** Update the landscaping limits per company. */ void UpdateLandscapingLimits() { for (Company *c : Company::Iterate()) { UpdateLandscapingLimit(c->terraform_limit, _settings_game.construction.terraform_per_64k_frames, _settings_game.construction.terraform_frame_burst); UpdateLandscapingLimit(c->clear_limit, _settings_game.construction.clear_per_64k_frames, _settings_game.construction.clear_frame_burst); UpdateLandscapingLimit(c->tree_limit, _settings_game.construction.tree_per_64k_frames, _settings_game.construction.tree_frame_burst); UpdateLandscapingLimit(c->purchase_land_limit, _settings_game.construction.purchase_land_per_64k_frames, _settings_game.construction.purchase_land_frame_burst); UpdateLandscapingLimit(c->build_object_limit, _settings_game.construction.build_object_per_64k_frames, _settings_game.construction.build_object_frame_burst); } } /** * Set the right DParams to get the name of an owner. * @param owner the owner to get the name of. * @param tile optional tile to get the right town. * @pre if tile == 0, then owner can't be OWNER_TOWN. */ void GetNameOfOwner(Owner owner, TileIndex tile) { SetDParam(2, owner); if (owner != OWNER_TOWN) { if (!Company::IsValidID(owner)) { SetDParam(0, STR_COMPANY_SOMEONE); } else { SetDParam(0, STR_COMPANY_NAME); SetDParam(1, owner); } } else { assert(tile != 0); const Town *t = ClosestTownFromTile(tile, UINT_MAX); SetDParam(0, STR_TOWN_NAME); SetDParam(1, t->index); } } /** * Check whether the current owner owns something. * If that isn't the case an appropriate error will be given. * @param owner the owner of the thing to check. * @param tile optional tile to get the right town. * @pre if tile == 0 then the owner can't be OWNER_TOWN. * @return A succeeded command iff it's owned by the current company, else a failed command. */ CommandCost CheckOwnership(Owner owner, TileIndex tile) { assert(owner < OWNER_END); assert(owner != OWNER_TOWN || tile != 0); if (owner == _current_company) return CommandCost(); GetNameOfOwner(owner, tile); return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_OWNED_BY); } /** * Check whether the current owner owns the stuff on * the given tile. If that isn't the case an * appropriate error will be given. * @param tile the tile to check. * @return A succeeded command iff it's owned by the current company, else a failed command. */ CommandCost CheckTileOwnership(TileIndex tile) { Owner owner = GetTileOwner(tile); assert(owner < OWNER_END); if (owner == _current_company) return CommandCost(); /* no need to get the name of the owner unless we're the local company (saves some time) */ if (IsLocalCompany()) GetNameOfOwner(owner, tile); return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_OWNED_BY); } /** * Generate the name of a company from the last build coordinate. * @param c Company to give a name. */ static void GenerateCompanyName(Company *c) { /* Reserve space for extra unicode character. We need to do this to be able * to detect too long company name. */ char buffer[(MAX_LENGTH_COMPANY_NAME_CHARS + 1) * MAX_CHAR_LENGTH]; if (c->name_1 != STR_SV_UNNAMED) return; if (c->last_build_coordinate == 0) return; Town *t = ClosestTownFromTile(c->last_build_coordinate, UINT_MAX); StringID str; uint32 strp; if (t->name.empty() && IsInsideMM(t->townnametype, SPECSTR_TOWNNAME_START, SPECSTR_TOWNNAME_LAST + 1)) { str = t->townnametype - SPECSTR_TOWNNAME_START + SPECSTR_COMPANY_NAME_START; strp = t->townnameparts; verify_name:; /* No companies must have this name already */ for (const Company *cc : Company::Iterate()) { if (cc->name_1 == str && cc->name_2 == strp) goto bad_town_name; } GetString(buffer, str, lastof(buffer)); if (Utf8StringLength(buffer) >= MAX_LENGTH_COMPANY_NAME_CHARS) goto bad_town_name; set_name:; c->name_1 = str; c->name_2 = strp; MarkWholeScreenDirty(); if (c->is_ai) { CompanyNewsInformation *cni = new CompanyNewsInformation(c); SetDParam(0, STR_NEWS_COMPANY_LAUNCH_TITLE); SetDParam(1, STR_NEWS_COMPANY_LAUNCH_DESCRIPTION); SetDParamStr(2, cni->company_name); SetDParam(3, t->index); AddNewsItem(STR_MESSAGE_NEWS_FORMAT, NT_COMPANY_INFO, NF_COMPANY, NR_TILE, c->last_build_coordinate, NR_NONE, UINT32_MAX, cni); } return; } bad_town_name:; if (c->president_name_1 == SPECSTR_PRESIDENT_NAME) { str = SPECSTR_ANDCO_NAME; strp = c->president_name_2; goto set_name; } else { str = SPECSTR_ANDCO_NAME; strp = Random(); goto verify_name; } } /** Sorting weights for the company colours. */ static const byte _colour_sort[COLOUR_END] = {2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1}; /** Similar colours, so we can try to prevent same coloured companies. */ static const Colours _similar_colour[COLOUR_END][2] = { { COLOUR_BLUE, COLOUR_LIGHT_BLUE }, // COLOUR_DARK_BLUE { COLOUR_GREEN, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN }, // COLOUR_PALE_GREEN { INVALID_COLOUR, INVALID_COLOUR }, // COLOUR_PINK { COLOUR_ORANGE, INVALID_COLOUR }, // COLOUR_YELLOW { INVALID_COLOUR, INVALID_COLOUR }, // COLOUR_RED { COLOUR_DARK_BLUE, COLOUR_BLUE }, // COLOUR_LIGHT_BLUE { COLOUR_PALE_GREEN, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN }, // COLOUR_GREEN { COLOUR_PALE_GREEN, COLOUR_GREEN }, // COLOUR_DARK_GREEN { COLOUR_DARK_BLUE, COLOUR_LIGHT_BLUE }, // COLOUR_BLUE { COLOUR_BROWN, COLOUR_ORANGE }, // COLOUR_CREAM { COLOUR_PURPLE, INVALID_COLOUR }, // COLOUR_MAUVE { COLOUR_MAUVE, INVALID_COLOUR }, // COLOUR_PURPLE { COLOUR_YELLOW, COLOUR_CREAM }, // COLOUR_ORANGE { COLOUR_CREAM, INVALID_COLOUR }, // COLOUR_BROWN { COLOUR_WHITE, INVALID_COLOUR }, // COLOUR_GREY { COLOUR_GREY, INVALID_COLOUR }, // COLOUR_WHITE }; /** * Generate a company colour. * @return Generated company colour. */ static Colours GenerateCompanyColour() { Colours colours[COLOUR_END]; /* Initialize array */ for (uint i = 0; i < COLOUR_END; i++) colours[i] = (Colours)i; /* And randomize it */ for (uint i = 0; i < 100; i++) { uint r = Random(); Swap(colours[GB(r, 0, 4)], colours[GB(r, 4, 4)]); } /* Bubble sort it according to the values in table 1 */ for (uint i = 0; i < COLOUR_END; i++) { for (uint j = 1; j < COLOUR_END; j++) { if (_colour_sort[colours[j - 1]] < _colour_sort[colours[j]]) { Swap(colours[j - 1], colours[j]); } } } /* Move the colours that look similar to each company's colour to the side */ for (const Company *c : Company::Iterate()) { Colours pcolour = (Colours)c->colour; for (uint i = 0; i < COLOUR_END; i++) { if (colours[i] == pcolour) { colours[i] = INVALID_COLOUR; break; } } for (uint j = 0; j < 2; j++) { Colours similar = _similar_colour[pcolour][j]; if (similar == INVALID_COLOUR) break; for (uint i = 1; i < COLOUR_END; i++) { if (colours[i - 1] == similar) Swap(colours[i - 1], colours[i]); } } } /* Return the first available colour */ for (uint i = 0; i < COLOUR_END; i++) { if (colours[i] != INVALID_COLOUR) return colours[i]; } NOT_REACHED(); } /** * Generate a random president name of a company. * @param c Company that needs a new president name. */ static void GeneratePresidentName(Company *c) { for (;;) { restart:; c->president_name_2 = Random(); c->president_name_1 = SPECSTR_PRESIDENT_NAME; /* Reserve space for extra unicode character. We need to do this to be able * to detect too long president name. */ char buffer[(MAX_LENGTH_PRESIDENT_NAME_CHARS + 1) * MAX_CHAR_LENGTH]; SetDParam(0, c->index); GetString(buffer, STR_PRESIDENT_NAME, lastof(buffer)); if (Utf8StringLength(buffer) >= MAX_LENGTH_PRESIDENT_NAME_CHARS) continue; for (const Company *cc : Company::Iterate()) { if (c != cc) { /* Reserve extra space so even overlength president names can be compared. */ char buffer2[(MAX_LENGTH_PRESIDENT_NAME_CHARS + 1) * MAX_CHAR_LENGTH]; SetDParam(0, cc->index); GetString(buffer2, STR_PRESIDENT_NAME, lastof(buffer2)); if (strcmp(buffer2, buffer) == 0) goto restart; } } return; } } /** * Reset the livery schemes to the company's primary colour. * This is used on loading games without livery information and on new company start up. * @param c Company to reset. */ void ResetCompanyLivery(Company *c) { for (LiveryScheme scheme = LS_BEGIN; scheme < LS_END; scheme++) { c->livery[scheme].in_use = 0; c->livery[scheme].colour1 = c->colour; c->livery[scheme].colour2 = c->colour; } for (Group *g : Group::Iterate()) { if (g->owner == c->index) { g->livery.in_use = 0; g->livery.colour1 = c->colour; g->livery.colour2 = c->colour; } } } /** * Create a new company and sets all company variables default values * * @param flags oepration flags * @param company CompanyID to use for the new company * @return the company struct */ Company *DoStartupNewCompany(DoStartupNewCompanyFlag flags, CompanyID company) { if (!Company::CanAllocateItem()) return nullptr; const bool is_ai = (flags & DSNC_AI); /* we have to generate colour before this company is valid */ Colours colour = GenerateCompanyColour(); Company *c; if (company == INVALID_COMPANY) { c = new Company(STR_SV_UNNAMED, is_ai); } else { if (Company::IsValidID(company)) return nullptr; c = new (company) Company(STR_SV_UNNAMED, is_ai); } c->colour = colour; ResetCompanyLivery(c); _company_colours[c->index] = (Colours)c->colour; /* Scale the initial loan based on the inflation rounded down to the loan interval. The maximum loan has already been inflation adjusted. */ c->money = c->current_loan = std::min((INITIAL_LOAN * _economy.inflation_prices >> 16) / LOAN_INTERVAL * LOAN_INTERVAL, _economy.max_loan); std::fill(c->share_owners.begin(), c->share_owners.end(), INVALID_OWNER); c->avail_railtypes = GetCompanyRailtypes(c->index); c->avail_roadtypes = GetCompanyRoadTypes(c->index); c->inaugurated_year = _cur_year; /* If starting a player company in singleplayer and a favorite company manager face is selected, choose it. Otherwise, use a random face. * In a network game, we'll choose the favorite face later in CmdCompanyCtrl to sync it to all clients. */ if (_company_manager_face != 0 && !is_ai && !_networking) { c->face = _company_manager_face; } else { RandomCompanyManagerFaceBits(c->face, (GenderEthnicity)Random(), false, _random); } SetDefaultCompanySettings(c->index); ClearEnginesHiddenFlagOfCompany(c->index); GeneratePresidentName(c); SetWindowDirty(WC_GRAPH_LEGEND, 0); InvalidateWindowData(WC_CLIENT_LIST, 0); InvalidateWindowData(WC_LINKGRAPH_LEGEND, 0); BuildOwnerLegend(); InvalidateWindowData(WC_SMALLMAP, 0, 1); if (is_ai && (!_networking || _network_server)) AI::StartNew(c->index); AI::BroadcastNewEvent(new ScriptEventCompanyNew(c->index), c->index); Game::NewEvent(new ScriptEventCompanyNew(c->index)); if (!is_ai && !(flags & DSNC_DURING_LOAD)) UpdateAllTownVirtCoords(); return c; } /** Start a new competitor company if possible. */ TimeoutTimer _new_competitor_timeout(0, []() { if (_game_mode == GM_MENU || !AI::CanStartNew()) return; if (_networking && Company::GetNumItems() >= _settings_client.network.max_companies) return; /* count number of competitors */ uint n = 0; for (const Company *c : Company::Iterate()) { if (c->is_ai) n++; } if (n >= (uint)_settings_game.difficulty.max_no_competitors) return; /* Send a command to all clients to start up a new AI. * Works fine for Multiplayer and Singleplayer */ DoCommandP(0, CCA_NEW_AI | INVALID_COMPANY << 16, 0, CMD_COMPANY_CTRL); }); /** Start of a new game. */ void StartupCompanies() { /* Ensure the timeout is aborted, so it doesn't fire based on information of the last game. */ _new_competitor_timeout.Abort(); } static void ClearSavedPLYP() { _saved_PLYP_invalid_mask = 0; _saved_PLYP_data.clear(); } /** Initialize the pool of companies. */ void InitializeCompanies() { _cur_company_tick_index = 0; ClearSavedPLYP(); } void UninitializeCompanies() { ClearSavedPLYP(); } /** * May company \a cbig buy company \a csmall? * @param cbig Company buying \a csmall. * @param csmall Company getting bought. * @return Return \c true if it is allowed. */ bool MayCompanyTakeOver(CompanyID cbig, CompanyID csmall) { const Company *c1 = Company::Get(cbig); const Company *c2 = Company::Get(csmall); /* Do the combined vehicle counts stay within the limits? */ return c1->group_all[VEH_TRAIN].num_vehicle + c2->group_all[VEH_TRAIN].num_vehicle <= _settings_game.vehicle.max_trains && c1->group_all[VEH_ROAD].num_vehicle + c2->group_all[VEH_ROAD].num_vehicle <= _settings_game.vehicle.max_roadveh && c1->group_all[VEH_SHIP].num_vehicle + c2->group_all[VEH_SHIP].num_vehicle <= _settings_game.vehicle.max_ships && c1->group_all[VEH_AIRCRAFT].num_vehicle + c2->group_all[VEH_AIRCRAFT].num_vehicle <= _settings_game.vehicle.max_aircraft; } /** * Handle the bankruptcy take over of a company. * Companies going bankrupt will ask the other companies in order of their * performance rating, so better performing companies get the 'do you want to * merge with Y' question earlier. The question will then stay till either the * company has gone bankrupt or got merged with a company. * * @param c the company that is going bankrupt. */ static void HandleBankruptcyTakeover(Company *c) { /* Amount of time out for each company to take over a company; * Timeout is a quarter (3 months of 30 days) divided over the * number of companies. The minimum number of days in a quarter * is 90: 31 in January, 28 in February and 31 in March. * Note that the company going bankrupt can't buy itself. */ static const int TAKE_OVER_TIMEOUT = 3 * 30 * DAY_TICKS / (MAX_COMPANIES - 1); assert(c->bankrupt_asked != 0); /* We're currently asking some company to buy 'us' */ if (c->bankrupt_timeout != 0) { if (!Company::IsValidID(c->bankrupt_last_asked)) { c->bankrupt_timeout = 0; return; } if (_network_server && Company::IsValidHumanID(c->bankrupt_last_asked) && !NetworkCompanyHasClients(c->bankrupt_last_asked)) { /* This company can no longer accept the offer as there are no clients connected, decline the offer on the company's behalf */ Backup cur_company(_current_company, c->bankrupt_last_asked, FILE_LINE); DoCommandP(0, c->index, 0, CMD_DECLINE_BUY_COMPANY | CMD_NO_SHIFT_ESTIMATE); cur_company.Restore(); } c->bankrupt_timeout -= MAX_COMPANIES; if (c->bankrupt_timeout > 0) return; c->bankrupt_timeout = 0; return; } /* Did we ask everyone for bankruptcy? If so, bail out. */ if (c->bankrupt_asked == MAX_UVALUE(CompanyMask)) return; Company *best = nullptr; int32 best_performance = -1; /* Ask the company with the highest performance history first */ for (Company *c2 : Company::Iterate()) { if ((c2->bankrupt_asked == 0 || (c2->bankrupt_flags & CBRF_SALE_ONLY)) && // Don't ask companies going bankrupt themselves !HasBit(c->bankrupt_asked, c2->index) && best_performance < c2->old_economy[1].performance_history && MayCompanyTakeOver(c2->index, c->index)) { best_performance = c2->old_economy[1].performance_history; best = c2; } } /* Asked all companies? */ if (best_performance == -1) { if (c->bankrupt_flags & CBRF_SALE_ONLY) { c->bankrupt_asked = 0; DeleteWindowById(WC_BUY_COMPANY, c->index); } else { c->bankrupt_asked = MAX_UVALUE(CompanyMask); } c->bankrupt_flags = CBRF_NONE; return; } SetBit(c->bankrupt_asked, best->index); c->bankrupt_last_asked = best->index; c->bankrupt_timeout = TAKE_OVER_TIMEOUT; AI::NewEvent(best->index, new ScriptEventCompanyAskMerger(c->index, c->bankrupt_value)); if (IsInteractiveCompany(best->index)) { ShowBuyCompanyDialog(c->index); } else if ((!_networking || (_network_server && !NetworkCompanyHasClients(best->index))) && !best->is_ai) { /* This company can never accept the offer as there are no clients connected, decline the offer on the company's behalf */ Backup cur_company(_current_company, best->index, FILE_LINE); DoCommandP(0, c->index, 0, CMD_DECLINE_BUY_COMPANY | CMD_NO_SHIFT_ESTIMATE); cur_company.Restore(); } } /** Called every tick for updating some company info. */ void OnTick_Companies(bool main_tick) { if (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR) return; if (main_tick) { Company *c = Company::GetIfValid(_cur_company_tick_index); if (c != nullptr) { if (c->bankrupt_asked != 0) HandleBankruptcyTakeover(c); } _cur_company_tick_index = (_cur_company_tick_index + 1) % MAX_COMPANIES; } for (Company *c : Company::Iterate()) { if (c->name_1 != 0) GenerateCompanyName(c); if (c->bankrupt_asked != 0 && c->bankrupt_timeout == 0) HandleBankruptcyTakeover(c); } if (_new_competitor_timeout.HasFired() && _game_mode != GM_MENU && AI::CanStartNew()) { int32 timeout = _settings_game.difficulty.competitors_interval * 60 * TICKS_PER_SECOND; /* If the interval is zero, start as many competitors as needed then check every ~10 minutes if a company went bankrupt and needs replacing. */ if (timeout == 0) { for (auto i = 0; i < _settings_game.difficulty.max_no_competitors; i++) { if (_networking && Company::GetNumItems() >= _settings_client.network.max_companies) break; DoCommandP(0, CCA_NEW_AI | INVALID_COMPANY << 16, 0, CMD_COMPANY_CTRL); } timeout = 10 * 60 * TICKS_PER_SECOND; } /* Randomize a bit when the AI is actually going to start; ranges from 87.5% .. 112.5% of indicated value. */ timeout += ScriptObject::GetRandomizer(OWNER_NONE).Next(timeout / 4) - timeout / 8; _new_competitor_timeout.Reset(std::max(1, timeout)); } } /** * A year has passed, update the economic data of all companies, and perhaps show the * financial overview window of the local company. */ void CompaniesYearlyLoop() { /* Copy statistics */ for (Company *c : Company::Iterate()) { memmove(&c->yearly_expenses[1], &c->yearly_expenses[0], sizeof(c->yearly_expenses) - sizeof(c->yearly_expenses[0])); memset(&c->yearly_expenses[0], 0, sizeof(c->yearly_expenses[0])); SetWindowDirty(WC_FINANCES, c->index); } if (_settings_client.gui.show_finances && _local_company != COMPANY_SPECTATOR) { ShowCompanyFinances(_local_company); Company *c = Company::Get(_local_company); if (c->num_valid_stat_ent > 5 && c->old_economy[0].performance_history < c->old_economy[4].performance_history) { if (_settings_client.sound.new_year) SndPlayFx(SND_01_BAD_YEAR); } else { if (_settings_client.sound.new_year) SndPlayFx(SND_00_GOOD_YEAR); } } } /** * Fill the CompanyNewsInformation struct with the required data. * @param c the current company. * @param other the other company (use \c nullptr if not relevant). */ CompanyNewsInformation::CompanyNewsInformation(const Company *c, const Company *other) { SetDParam(0, c->index); this->company_name = GetString(STR_COMPANY_NAME); if (other != nullptr) { SetDParam(0, other->index); this->other_company_name = GetString(STR_COMPANY_NAME); c = other; } SetDParam(0, c->index); this->president_name = GetString(STR_PRESIDENT_NAME_MANAGER); this->colour = c->colour; this->face = c->face; } /** * Called whenever company related information changes in order to notify admins. * @param company The company data changed of. */ void CompanyAdminUpdate(const Company *company) { if (_network_server) NetworkAdminCompanyUpdate(company); } /** * Called whenever a company is removed in order to notify admins. * @param company_id The company that was removed. * @param reason The reason the company was removed. */ void CompanyAdminRemove(CompanyID company_id, CompanyRemoveReason reason) { if (_network_server) NetworkAdminCompanyRemove(company_id, (AdminCompanyRemoveReason)reason); } /** * Control the companies: add, delete, etc. * @param tile unused * @param flags operation to perform * @param p1 various functionality * - bits 0..15: CompanyCtrlAction * - bits 16..23: CompanyID * - bits 24..31: CompanyRemoveReason (with CCA_DELETE) * @param p2 ClientID * @param text unused * @return the cost of this operation or an error */ CommandCost CmdCompanyCtrl(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const char *text) { InvalidateWindowData(WC_COMPANY_LEAGUE, 0, 0); CompanyID company_id = (CompanyID)GB(p1, 16, 8); switch ((CompanyCtrlAction)GB(p1, 0, 16)) { case CCA_NEW: { // Create a new company /* This command is only executed in a multiplayer game */ if (!_networking) return CMD_ERROR; /* Has the network client a correct ClientIndex? */ if (!(flags & DC_EXEC)) return CommandCost(); ClientID client_id = (ClientID)p2; NetworkClientInfo *ci = NetworkClientInfo::GetByClientID(client_id); /* Delete multiplayer progress bar */ DeleteWindowById(WC_NETWORK_STATUS_WINDOW, WN_NETWORK_STATUS_WINDOW_JOIN); Company *c = DoStartupNewCompany(DSNC_NONE); /* A new company could not be created, revert to being a spectator */ if (c == nullptr) { /* We check for "ci != nullptr" as a client could have left by * the time we execute this command. */ if (_network_server && ci != nullptr) { ci->client_playas = COMPANY_SPECTATOR; NetworkUpdateClientInfo(ci->client_id); } break; } /* This is the client (or non-dedicated server) who wants a new company */ if (client_id == _network_own_client_id) { assert(_local_company == COMPANY_SPECTATOR); SetLocalCompany(c->index); if (!_settings_client.network.default_company_pass.empty()) { NetworkChangeCompanyPassword(_local_company, _settings_client.network.default_company_pass); } /* In network games, we need to try setting the company manager face here to sync it to all clients. * If a favorite company manager face is selected, choose it. Otherwise, use a random face. */ if (_company_manager_face != 0) NetworkSendCommand(0, 0, _company_manager_face, 0, CMD_SET_COMPANY_MANAGER_FACE, nullptr, nullptr, _local_company, nullptr); /* Now that we have a new company, broadcast our company settings to * all clients so everything is in sync */ SyncCompanySettings(); MarkWholeScreenDirty(); } NetworkServerNewCompany(c, ci); DEBUG(desync, 1, "new_company: date{%08x; %02x; %02x}, company_id: %u", _date, _date_fract, _tick_skip_counter, c->index); break; } case CCA_NEW_AI: { // Make a new AI company if (company_id != INVALID_COMPANY && company_id >= MAX_COMPANIES) return CMD_ERROR; /* For network games, company deletion is delayed. */ if (!_networking && company_id != INVALID_COMPANY && Company::IsValidID(company_id)) return CMD_ERROR; if (!(flags & DC_EXEC)) return CommandCost(); /* For network game, just assume deletion happened. */ assert(company_id == INVALID_COMPANY || !Company::IsValidID(company_id)); Company *c = DoStartupNewCompany(DSNC_AI, company_id); if (c != nullptr) { NetworkServerNewCompany(c, nullptr); DEBUG(desync, 1, "new_company_ai: date{%08x; %02x; %02x}, company_id: %u", _date, _date_fract, _tick_skip_counter, c->index); } break; } case CCA_DELETE: { // Delete a company CompanyRemoveReason reason = (CompanyRemoveReason)GB(p1, 24, 8); if (reason >= CRR_END) return CMD_ERROR; /* We can't delete the last existing company in singleplayer mode. */ if (!_networking && Company::GetNumItems() == 1) return CMD_ERROR; Company *c = Company::GetIfValid(company_id); if (c == nullptr) return CMD_ERROR; if (!(flags & DC_EXEC)) return CommandCost(); DEBUG(desync, 1, "delete_company: date{%08x; %02x; %02x}, company_id: %u, reason: %u", _date, _date_fract, _tick_skip_counter, company_id, reason); CompanyNewsInformation *cni = new CompanyNewsInformation(c); /* Show the bankrupt news */ SetDParam(0, STR_NEWS_COMPANY_BANKRUPT_TITLE); SetDParam(1, STR_NEWS_COMPANY_BANKRUPT_DESCRIPTION); SetDParamStr(2, cni->company_name); AddCompanyNewsItem(STR_MESSAGE_NEWS_FORMAT, cni); /* Remove the company */ ChangeOwnershipOfCompanyItems(c->index, INVALID_OWNER); if (c->is_ai) AI::Stop(c->index); CompanyID c_index = c->index; delete c; AI::BroadcastNewEvent(new ScriptEventCompanyBankrupt(c_index)); Game::NewEvent(new ScriptEventCompanyBankrupt(c_index)); CompanyAdminRemove(c_index, (CompanyRemoveReason)reason); if (StoryPage::GetNumItems() == 0 || Goal::GetNumItems() == 0) InvalidateWindowData(WC_MAIN_TOOLBAR, 0); InvalidateWindowData(WC_CLIENT_LIST, 0); InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_DEPARTURES_BOARD, 0); CheckCaches(true, nullptr, CHECK_CACHE_ALL | CHECK_CACHE_EMIT_LOG); break; } case CCA_SALE: { Company *c = Company::GetIfValid(company_id); if (c == nullptr) return CMD_ERROR; if (!(flags & DC_EXEC)) return CommandCost(); c->bankrupt_flags |= CBRF_SALE; if (c->bankrupt_asked == 0) c->bankrupt_flags |= CBRF_SALE_ONLY; c->bankrupt_value = CalculateCompanyValue(c, false); c->bankrupt_asked = 1 << c->index; // Don't ask the owner c->bankrupt_timeout = 0; DeleteWindowById(WC_BUY_COMPANY, c->index); break; } default: return CMD_ERROR; } InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_GAME_OPTIONS); InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_SCRIPT_SETTINGS); InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_SCRIPT_LIST); return CommandCost(); } /** * Change the company manager's face. * @param tile unused * @param flags operation to perform * @param p1 unused * @param p2 face bitmasked * @param text unused * @return the cost of this operation or an error */ CommandCost CmdSetCompanyManagerFace(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const char *text) { CompanyManagerFace cmf = (CompanyManagerFace)p2; if (!IsValidCompanyManagerFace(cmf)) return CMD_ERROR; if (flags & DC_EXEC) { Company::Get(_current_company)->face = cmf; MarkWholeScreenDirty(); } return CommandCost(); } /** * Change the company's company-colour * @param tile unused * @param flags operation to perform * @param p1 bitstuffed: * p1 bits 0-7 scheme to set * p1 bit 8 set first/second colour * @param p2 new colour for vehicles, property, etc. * @param text unused * @return the cost of this operation or an error */ CommandCost CmdSetCompanyColour(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const char *text) { Colours colour = Extract(p2); LiveryScheme scheme = Extract(p1); bool second = HasBit(p1, 8); if (scheme >= LS_END || (colour >= COLOUR_END && colour != INVALID_COLOUR)) return CMD_ERROR; /* Default scheme can't be reset to invalid. */ if (scheme == LS_DEFAULT && colour == INVALID_COLOUR) return CMD_ERROR; Company *c = Company::Get(_current_company); /* Ensure no two companies have the same primary colour */ if (scheme == LS_DEFAULT && !second) { for (const Company *cc : Company::Iterate()) { if (cc != c && cc->colour == colour) return CMD_ERROR; } } if (flags & DC_EXEC) { if (!second) { if (scheme != LS_DEFAULT) SB(c->livery[scheme].in_use, 0, 1, colour != INVALID_COLOUR); if (colour == INVALID_COLOUR) colour = (Colours)c->livery[LS_DEFAULT].colour1; c->livery[scheme].colour1 = colour; /* If setting the first colour of the default scheme, adjust the * original and cached company colours too. */ if (scheme == LS_DEFAULT) { for (int i = 1; i < LS_END; i++) { if (!HasBit(c->livery[i].in_use, 0)) c->livery[i].colour1 = colour; } _company_colours[_current_company] = colour; c->colour = colour; CompanyAdminUpdate(c); } } else { if (scheme != LS_DEFAULT) SB(c->livery[scheme].in_use, 1, 1, colour != INVALID_COLOUR); if (colour == INVALID_COLOUR) colour = (Colours)c->livery[LS_DEFAULT].colour2; c->livery[scheme].colour2 = colour; if (scheme == LS_DEFAULT) { for (int i = 1; i < LS_END; i++) { if (!HasBit(c->livery[i].in_use, 1)) c->livery[i].colour2 = colour; } } } if (c->livery[scheme].in_use != 0) { /* If enabling a scheme, set the default scheme to be in use too */ c->livery[LS_DEFAULT].in_use = 1; } else { /* Else loop through all schemes to see if any are left enabled. * If not, disable the default scheme too. */ c->livery[LS_DEFAULT].in_use = 0; for (scheme = LS_DEFAULT; scheme < LS_END; scheme++) { if (c->livery[scheme].in_use != 0) { c->livery[LS_DEFAULT].in_use = 1; break; } } } ResetVehicleColourMap(); InvalidateTemplateReplacementImages(); MarkWholeScreenDirty(); /* All graph related to companies use the company colour. */ InvalidateWindowData(WC_INCOME_GRAPH, 0); InvalidateWindowData(WC_OPERATING_PROFIT, 0); InvalidateWindowData(WC_DELIVERED_CARGO, 0); InvalidateWindowData(WC_PERFORMANCE_HISTORY, 0); InvalidateWindowData(WC_COMPANY_VALUE, 0); InvalidateWindowData(WC_LINKGRAPH_LEGEND, 0); /* The smallmap owner view also stores the company colours. */ BuildOwnerLegend(); InvalidateWindowData(WC_SMALLMAP, 0, 1); extern void MarkAllViewportMapLandscapesDirty(); MarkAllViewportMapLandscapesDirty(); /* Company colour data is indirectly cached. */ for (Vehicle *v : Vehicle::Iterate()) { if (v->owner == _current_company) { v->InvalidateNewGRFCache(); v->InvalidateImageCache(); } } UpdateObjectColours(c); } return CommandCost(); } /** * Is the given name in use as name of a company? * @param name Name to search. * @return \c true if the name us unique (that is, not in use), else \c false. */ static bool IsUniqueCompanyName(const char *name) { for (const Company *c : Company::Iterate()) { if (!c->name.empty() && c->name == name) return false; } return true; } /** * Change the name of the company. * @param tile unused * @param flags operation to perform * @param p1 unused * @param p2 unused * @param text the new name or an empty string when resetting to the default * @return the cost of this operation or an error */ CommandCost CmdRenameCompany(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const char *text) { bool reset = StrEmpty(text); if (!reset) { if (Utf8StringLength(text) >= MAX_LENGTH_COMPANY_NAME_CHARS) return CMD_ERROR; if (!IsUniqueCompanyName(text)) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_NAME_MUST_BE_UNIQUE); } if (flags & DC_EXEC) { Company *c = Company::Get(_current_company); if (reset) { c->name.clear(); } else { c->name = text; } MarkWholeScreenDirty(); CompanyAdminUpdate(c); } return CommandCost(); } /** * Is the given name in use as president name of a company? * @param name Name to search. * @return \c true if the name us unique (that is, not in use), else \c false. */ static bool IsUniquePresidentName(const char *name) { for (const Company *c : Company::Iterate()) { if (!c->president_name.empty() && c->president_name == name) return false; } return true; } /** * Change the name of the president. * @param tile unused * @param flags operation to perform * @param p1 unused * @param p2 unused * @param text the new name or an empty string when resetting to the default * @return the cost of this operation or an error */ CommandCost CmdRenamePresident(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const char *text) { bool reset = StrEmpty(text); if (!reset) { if (Utf8StringLength(text) >= MAX_LENGTH_PRESIDENT_NAME_CHARS) return CMD_ERROR; if (!IsUniquePresidentName(text)) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_NAME_MUST_BE_UNIQUE); } if (flags & DC_EXEC) { Company *c = Company::Get(_current_company); if (reset) { c->president_name.clear(); } else { c->president_name = text; if (c->name_1 == STR_SV_UNNAMED && c->name.empty()) { char buf[80]; seprintf(buf, lastof(buf), "%s Transport", text); DoCommand(0, 0, 0, DC_EXEC, CMD_RENAME_COMPANY, buf); } } MarkWholeScreenDirty(); CompanyAdminUpdate(c); } return CommandCost(); } /** * Get the service interval for the given company and vehicle type. * @param c The company, or nullptr for client-default settings. * @param type The vehicle type to get the interval for. * @return The service interval. */ int CompanyServiceInterval(const Company *c, VehicleType type) { const VehicleDefaultSettings *vds = (c == nullptr) ? &_settings_client.company.vehicle : &c->settings.vehicle; switch (type) { default: NOT_REACHED(); case VEH_TRAIN: return vds->servint_trains; case VEH_ROAD: return vds->servint_roadveh; case VEH_AIRCRAFT: return vds->servint_aircraft; case VEH_SHIP: return vds->servint_ships; } } /** * Get the default local company after loading a new game */ CompanyID GetDefaultLocalCompany() { if (_loaded_local_company < MAX_COMPANIES && Company::IsValidID(_loaded_local_company)) { return _loaded_local_company; } for (CompanyID i = COMPANY_FIRST; i < MAX_COMPANIES; i++) { if (Company::IsValidID(i)) return i; } return COMPANY_FIRST; } /** * Get total sum of all owned road bits. * @return Combined total road road bits. */ uint32 CompanyInfrastructure::GetRoadTotal() const { uint32 total = 0; for (RoadType rt = ROADTYPE_BEGIN; rt != ROADTYPE_END; rt++) { if (RoadTypeIsRoad(rt)) total += this->road[rt]; } return total; } /** * Get total sum of all owned tram bits. * @return Combined total of tram road bits. */ uint32 CompanyInfrastructure::GetTramTotal() const { uint32 total = 0; for (RoadType rt = ROADTYPE_BEGIN; rt != ROADTYPE_END; rt++) { if (RoadTypeIsTram(rt)) total += this->road[rt]; } return total; } char *CompanyInfrastructure::Dump(char *buffer, const char *last) const { uint rail_total = 0; for (RailType rt = RAILTYPE_BEGIN; rt != RAILTYPE_END; rt++) { if (rail[rt]) buffer += seprintf(buffer, last, "Rail: %s: %u\n", GetStringPtr(GetRailTypeInfo(rt)->strings.name), rail[rt]); rail_total += rail[rt]; } buffer += seprintf(buffer, last, "Total Rail: %u\n", rail_total); buffer += seprintf(buffer, last, "Signal: %u\n", signal); for (RoadType rt = ROADTYPE_BEGIN; rt != ROADTYPE_END; rt++) { if (road[rt]) buffer += seprintf(buffer, last, "%s: %s: %u\n", RoadTypeIsTram(rt) ? "Tram" : "Road", GetStringPtr(GetRoadTypeInfo(rt)->strings.name), road[rt]); } buffer += seprintf(buffer, last, "Total Road: %u\n", this->GetRoadTotal()); buffer += seprintf(buffer, last, "Total Tram: %u\n", this->GetTramTotal()); buffer += seprintf(buffer, last, "Water: %u\n", water); buffer += seprintf(buffer, last, "Station: %u\n", station); buffer += seprintf(buffer, last, "Airport: %u\n", airport); return buffer; }