/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file cargopacket_sl.cpp Code handling saving and loading of cargo packets */ #include "../stdafx.h" #include "../vehicle_base.h" #include "../station_base.h" #include "../scope_info.h" #include "../3rdparty/cpp-btree/btree_map.h" #include "saveload.h" #include "../safeguards.h" extern btree::btree_map _cargo_packet_deferred_payments; /** * Savegame conversion for cargopackets. */ /* static */ void CargoPacket::AfterLoad() { if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_44)) { /* If we remove a station while cargo from it is still en route, payment calculation will assume * 0, 0 to be the source of the cargo, resulting in very high payments usually. v->source_xy * stores the coordinates, preserving them even if the station is removed. However, if a game is loaded * where this situation exists, the cargo-source information is lost. in this case, we set the source * to the current tile of the vehicle to prevent excessive profits */ for (const Vehicle *v : Vehicle::Iterate()) { const CargoPacketList *packets = v->cargo.Packets(); for (VehicleCargoList::ConstIterator it(packets->begin()); it != packets->end(); it++) { CargoPacket *cp = *it; cp->source_xy = Station::IsValidID(cp->source) ? Station::Get(cp->source)->xy : v->tile; cp->loaded_at_xy = cp->source_xy; } } /* Store position of the station where the goods come from, so there * are no very high payments when stations get removed. However, if the * station where the goods came from is already removed, the source * information is lost. In that case we set it to the position of this * station */ for (Station *st : Station::Iterate()) { for (CargoID c = 0; c < NUM_CARGO; c++) { GoodsEntry *ge = &st->goods[c]; const StationCargoPacketMap *packets = ge->cargo.Packets(); for (StationCargoList::ConstIterator it(packets->begin()); it != packets->end(); it++) { CargoPacket *cp = *it; cp->source_xy = Station::IsValidID(cp->source) ? Station::Get(cp->source)->xy : st->xy; cp->loaded_at_xy = cp->source_xy; } } } } if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_120)) { /* CargoPacket's source should be either INVALID_STATION or a valid station */ for (CargoPacket *cp : CargoPacket::Iterate()) { if (!Station::IsValidID(cp->source)) cp->source = INVALID_STATION; } } if (!IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_68)) { /* Only since version 68 we have cargo packets. Savegames from before used * 'new CargoPacket' + cargolist.Append so their caches are already * correct and do not need rebuilding. */ for (Vehicle *v : Vehicle::Iterate()) v->cargo.InvalidateCache(); for (Station *st : Station::Iterate()) { for (CargoID c = 0; c < NUM_CARGO; c++) st->goods[c].cargo.InvalidateCache(); } } if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_181)) { for (Vehicle *v : Vehicle::Iterate()) v->cargo.KeepAll(); } } /** * Savegame conversion for cargopackets. */ /* static */ void CargoPacket::PostVehiclesAfterLoad() { if (SlXvIsFeaturePresent(XSLFI_CHILLPP)) { extern std::map _veh_cpp_packets; for (auto &iter : _veh_cpp_packets) { if (iter.second.empty()) continue; Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(iter.first); Station *st = Station::Get(v->First()->last_station_visited); assert_msg(st != nullptr, "%s", scope_dumper().VehicleInfo(v)); for (CargoPacket *cp : iter.second) { st->goods[v->cargo_type].cargo.AfterLoadIncreaseReservationCount(cp->count); v->cargo.Append(cp, VehicleCargoList::MTA_LOAD); } } _veh_cpp_packets.clear(); } } /** * Wrapper function to get the CargoPacket's internal structure while * some of the variables itself are private. * @return the saveload description for CargoPackets. */ const SaveLoad *GetCargoPacketDesc() { static const SaveLoad _cargopacket_desc[] = { SLE_VAR(CargoPacket, source, SLE_UINT16), SLE_VAR(CargoPacket, source_xy, SLE_UINT32), SLE_VAR(CargoPacket, loaded_at_xy, SLE_UINT32), SLE_VAR(CargoPacket, count, SLE_UINT16), SLE_VAR(CargoPacket, days_in_transit, SLE_UINT8), SLE_VAR(CargoPacket, feeder_share, SLE_INT64), SLE_CONDVAR(CargoPacket, source_type, SLE_UINT8, SLV_125, SL_MAX_VERSION), SLE_CONDVAR(CargoPacket, source_id, SLE_UINT16, SLV_125, SL_MAX_VERSION), /* Used to be paid_for, but that got changed. */ SLE_CONDNULL(1, SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_121), SLE_END() }; return _cargopacket_desc; } /** * Save the cargo packets. */ static void Save_CAPA() { std::vector filtered_packet_desc = SlFilterObject(GetCargoPacketDesc()); for (CargoPacket *cp : CargoPacket::Iterate()) { SlSetArrayIndex(cp->index); SlObjectSaveFiltered(cp, filtered_packet_desc.data()); } } /** * Load the cargo packets. */ static void Load_CAPA() { std::vector filtered_packet_desc = SlFilterObject(GetCargoPacketDesc()); int index; while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) { CargoPacket *cp = new (index) CargoPacket(); SlObjectLoadFiltered(cp, filtered_packet_desc.data()); } } /** * Save cargo packet deferred payments. */ void Save_CPDP() { SlSetLength(16 * _cargo_packet_deferred_payments.size()); for (auto &it : _cargo_packet_deferred_payments) { SlWriteUint64(it.first); SlWriteUint64(it.second); } } /** * Load cargo packet deferred payments. */ void Load_CPDP() { uint count = SlGetFieldLength() / 16; uint last_cargo_packet_id = (uint) -1; for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) { uint64 k = SlReadUint64(); uint64 v = SlReadUint64(); _cargo_packet_deferred_payments[k] = v; if (k >> 32 != last_cargo_packet_id) { last_cargo_packet_id = k >> 32; CargoPacket::Get(last_cargo_packet_id)->flags |= CargoPacket::CPF_HAS_DEFERRED_PAYMENT; } } } /** Chunk handlers related to cargo packets. */ extern const ChunkHandler _cargopacket_chunk_handlers[] = { { 'CAPA', Save_CAPA, Load_CAPA, nullptr, nullptr, CH_ARRAY }, { 'CPDP', Save_CPDP, Load_CPDP, nullptr, nullptr, CH_RIFF | CH_LAST }, };