/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file linkgraphjob.cpp Definition of link graph job classes used for cargo distribution. */ #include "../stdafx.h" #include "../core/pool_func.hpp" #include "../window_func.h" #include "linkgraphjob.h" #include "linkgraphschedule.h" #include "../safeguards.h" /* Initialize the link-graph-job-pool */ LinkGraphJobPool _link_graph_job_pool("LinkGraphJob"); INSTANTIATE_POOL_METHODS(LinkGraphJob) /** * Static instance of an invalid path. * Note: This instance is created on task start. * Lazy creation on first usage results in a data race between the CDist threads. */ /* static */ Path *Path::invalid_path = new Path(INVALID_NODE, true); static DateTicks GetLinkGraphJobJoinDateTicks(uint duration_multiplier) { DateTicks ticks = _settings_game.linkgraph.recalc_time * DAY_TICKS * duration_multiplier; if (_settings_game.linkgraph.recalc_not_scaled_by_daylength) { ticks /= _settings_game.economy.day_length_factor; } return ticks + (_date * DAY_TICKS) + _date_fract; } /** * Create a link graph job from a link graph. The link graph will be copied so * that the calculations don't interfer with the normal operations on the * original. The job is immediately started. * @param orig Original LinkGraph to be copied. */ LinkGraphJob::LinkGraphJob(const LinkGraph &orig, uint duration_multiplier) : /* Copying the link graph here also copies its index member. * This is on purpose. */ link_graph(orig), settings(_settings_game.linkgraph), join_date_ticks(GetLinkGraphJobJoinDateTicks(duration_multiplier)), start_date_ticks((_date * DAY_TICKS) + _date_fract), job_completed(false), abort_job(false) { } /** * Erase all flows originating at a specific node. * @param from Node to erase flows for. */ void LinkGraphJob::EraseFlows(NodeID from) { for (NodeID node_id = 0; node_id < this->Size(); ++node_id) { (*this)[node_id].Flows().erase(from); } } void LinkGraphJob::SetJobGroup(std::shared_ptr group) { this->group = std::move(group); } /** * Join the calling thread with this job's thread if threading is enabled. */ void LinkGraphJob::JoinThread() { if (this->group != nullptr) { this->group->JoinThread(); this->group.reset(); } } /** * Join the link graph job thread, if not already joined. */ LinkGraphJob::~LinkGraphJob() { this->JoinThread(); } /** * Join the link graph job thread, then merge/apply it. */ void LinkGraphJob::FinaliseJob() { this->JoinThread(); /* Link graph has been merged into another one. */ if (!LinkGraph::IsValidID(this->link_graph.index)) return; uint size = this->Size(); for (NodeID node_id = 0; node_id < size; ++node_id) { Node from = (*this)[node_id]; /* The station can have been deleted. Remove all flows originating from it then. */ Station *st = Station::GetIfValid(from.Station()); if (st == nullptr) { this->EraseFlows(node_id); continue; } /* Link graph merging and station deletion may change around IDs. Make * sure that everything is still consistent or ignore it otherwise. */ GoodsEntry &ge = st->goods[this->Cargo()]; if (ge.link_graph != this->link_graph.index || ge.node != node_id) { this->EraseFlows(node_id); continue; } LinkGraph *lg = LinkGraph::Get(ge.link_graph); FlowStatMap &flows = from.Flows(); for (EdgeIterator it(from.Begin()); it != from.End(); ++it) { if (from[it->first].Flow() == 0) continue; StationID to = (*this)[it->first].Station(); Station *st2 = Station::GetIfValid(to); if (st2 == nullptr || st2->goods[this->Cargo()].link_graph != this->link_graph.index || st2->goods[this->Cargo()].node != it->first || (*lg)[node_id][it->first].LastUpdate() == INVALID_DATE) { /* Edge has been removed. Delete flows. */ StationIDStack erased = flows.DeleteFlows(to); /* Delete old flows for source stations which have been deleted * from the new flows. This avoids flow cycles between old and * new flows. */ while (!erased.IsEmpty()) ge.flows.erase(erased.Pop()); } else if ((*lg)[node_id][it->first].LastUnrestrictedUpdate() == INVALID_DATE) { /* Edge is fully restricted. */ flows.RestrictFlows(to); } } /* Swap shares and invalidate ones that are completely deleted. Don't * really delete them as we could then end up with unroutable cargo * somewhere. Do delete them and also reroute relevant cargo if * automatic distribution has been turned off for that cargo. */ for (FlowStatMap::iterator it(ge.flows.begin()); it != ge.flows.end();) { FlowStatMap::iterator new_it = flows.find(it->GetOrigin()); if (new_it == flows.end()) { bool should_erase = true; if (_settings_game.linkgraph.GetDistributionType(this->Cargo()) != DT_MANUAL) { should_erase = it->Invalidate(); } if (should_erase) { FlowStat shares(INVALID_STATION, INVALID_STATION, 1); it->SwapShares(shares); it = ge.flows.erase(it); for (FlowStat::const_iterator shares_it(shares.begin()); shares_it != shares.end(); ++shares_it) { RerouteCargo(st, this->Cargo(), shares_it->second, st->index); } } else { ++it; } } else { it->SwapShares(*new_it); flows.erase(new_it); ++it; } } for (FlowStatMap::iterator it(flows.begin()); it != flows.end(); ++it) { ge.flows.insert(std::move(*it)); } ge.flows.SortStorage(); InvalidateWindowData(WC_STATION_VIEW, st->index, this->Cargo()); } } /** * Check if job has actually finished. * This is allowed to spuriously return an incorrect value. * @return True if job has actually finished. */ bool LinkGraphJob::IsJobCompleted() const { #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) return __atomic_load_n(&job_completed, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); #else return job_completed; #endif } /** * Check if job has been requested to be aborted. * This is allowed to spuriously return a falsely negative value. * @return True if job abort has been requested. */ bool LinkGraphJob::IsJobAborted() const { #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) return __atomic_load_n(&abort_job, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); #else return abort_job; #endif } /** * Abort job. * The job may exit early at the next available opportunity. * After this method has been called the state of the job is undefined, and the only valid operation * is to join the thread and discard the job data. */ void LinkGraphJob::AbortJob() { /* * Note that this it not guaranteed to be an atomic write and there are no memory barriers or other protections. * Readers of this variable in another thread may see an out of date value. * However this is OK as if this method is called the state of the job/thread does not matter anyway. */ #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) __atomic_store_n(&(abort_job), true, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); #else abort_job = true; #endif } /** * Initialize the link graph job: Resize nodes and edges and populate them. * This is done after the constructor so that we can do it in the calculation * thread without delaying the main game. */ void LinkGraphJob::Init() { uint size = this->Size(); this->nodes.resize(size); this->edges.Resize(size, size); for (uint i = 0; i < size; ++i) { this->nodes[i].Init(this->link_graph[i].Supply()); EdgeAnnotation *node_edges = this->edges[i]; for (uint j = 0; j < size; ++j) { node_edges[j].Init(); } } } /** * Initialize a linkgraph job edge. */ void LinkGraphJob::EdgeAnnotation::Init() { this->demand = 0; this->flow = 0; this->unsatisfied_demand = 0; } /** * Initialize a Linkgraph job node. The underlying memory is expected to be * freshly allocated, without any constructors having been called. * @param supply Initial undelivered supply. */ void LinkGraphJob::NodeAnnotation::Init(uint supply) { this->undelivered_supply = supply; this->received_demand = 0; } /** * Add this path as a new child to the given base path, thus making this path * a "fork" of the base path. * @param base Path to fork from. * @param cap Maximum capacity of the new leg. * @param free_cap Remaining free capacity of the new leg. * @param dist Distance of the new leg. */ void Path::Fork(Path *base, uint cap, int free_cap, uint dist) { this->capacity = min(base->capacity, cap); this->free_capacity = min(base->free_capacity, free_cap); this->distance = base->distance + dist; assert(this->distance > 0); if (this->GetParent() != base) { this->Detach(); this->SetParent(base); base->num_children++; } this->origin = base->origin; } /** * Push some flow along a path and register the path in the nodes it passes if * successful. * @param new_flow Amount of flow to push. * @param job Link graph job this node belongs to. * @param max_saturation Maximum saturation of edges. * @return Amount of flow actually pushed. */ uint Path::AddFlow(uint new_flow, LinkGraphJob &job, uint max_saturation) { if (this->GetParent() != nullptr) { LinkGraphJob::Edge edge = job[this->GetParent()->node][this->node]; if (max_saturation != UINT_MAX) { uint usable_cap = edge.Capacity() * max_saturation / 100; if (usable_cap > edge.Flow()) { new_flow = min(new_flow, usable_cap - edge.Flow()); } else { return 0; } } new_flow = this->GetParent()->AddFlow(new_flow, job, max_saturation); if (this->flow == 0 && new_flow > 0) { job[this->GetParent()->node].Paths().push_back(this); } edge.AddFlow(new_flow); } this->flow += new_flow; return new_flow; } /** * Create a leg of a path in the link graph. * @param n Id of the link graph node this path passes. * @param source If true, this is the first leg of the path. */ Path::Path(NodeID n, bool source) : distance(source ? 0 : UINT_MAX), capacity(source ? UINT_MAX : 0), free_capacity(source ? INT_MAX : INT_MIN), flow(0), node(n), origin(source ? n : INVALID_NODE), num_children(0), parent_storage(0) {}