/* $Id$ */ #ifndef BRIDGE_MAP_H #define BRIDGE_MAP_H #include "direction.h" #include "macros.h" #include "map.h" #include "rail.h" #include "road_map.h" #include "tile.h" void DrawBridgeMiddle(const TileInfo* ti); // XXX static inline bool IsBridge(TileIndex t) { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)); return HASBIT(_m[t].m5, 7); } static inline bool IsBridgeTile(TileIndex t) { return IsTileType(t, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) && IsBridge(t); } static inline bool MayHaveBridgeAbove(TileIndex t) { return IsTileType(t, MP_CLEAR) || IsTileType(t, MP_RAILWAY) || IsTileType(t, MP_STREET) || IsTileType(t, MP_WATER) || IsTileType(t, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE); } static inline bool IsXBridgeAbove(TileIndex t) { assert(MayHaveBridgeAbove(t)); return GB(_m[t].extra, 6, 1) != 0; } static inline bool IsYBridgeAbove(TileIndex t) { assert(MayHaveBridgeAbove(t)); return GB(_m[t].extra, 7, 1) != 0; } static inline bool IsBridgeOfAxis(TileIndex t, Axis a) { if (a == AXIS_X) return IsXBridgeAbove(t); return IsYBridgeAbove(t); } static inline bool IsBridgeAbove(TileIndex t) { return (IsXBridgeAbove(t) || IsYBridgeAbove(t)); } /** * Determines the type of bridge on a tile * @param tile The tile to analyze * @return The bridge type */ static inline uint GetBridgeType(TileIndex t) { assert(IsBridgeTile(t)); return GB(_m[t].m2, 4, 4); } /** * Get the direction pointing onto the bridge */ static inline DiagDirection GetBridgeRampDirection(TileIndex t) { return ReverseDiagDir(XYNSToDiagDir((Axis)GB(_m[t].m5, 0, 1), GB(_m[t].m5, 5, 1))); } static inline Axis GetBridgeAxis(TileIndex t) { static const Axis BridgeAxis[] = {AXIS_END, AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, AXIS_END}; assert(IsBridgeAbove(t)); return BridgeAxis[GB(_m[t].extra, 6, 2)]; } static inline TransportType GetBridgeTransportType(TileIndex t) { assert(IsBridgeTile(t)); return (TransportType)GB(_m[t].m5, 1, 2); } /** * Finds the end of a bridge in the specified direction starting at a middle tile */ TileIndex GetBridgeEnd(TileIndex, DiagDirection); /** * Finds the northern end of a bridge starting at a middle tile */ TileIndex GetNorthernBridgeEnd(TileIndex t); /** * Finds the southern end of a bridge starting at a middle tile */ TileIndex GetSouthernBridgeEnd(TileIndex t); /** * Starting at one bridge end finds the other bridge end */ TileIndex GetOtherBridgeEnd(TileIndex); uint GetBridgeHeight(TileIndex tile, Axis a); uint GetBridgeFoundation(Slope tileh, Axis axis); static inline void ClearSingleBridgeMiddle(TileIndex t, Axis a) { assert(MayHaveBridgeAbove(t)); CLRBIT(_m[t].extra, 6 + a); } static inline void ClearBridgeMiddle(TileIndex t) { ClearSingleBridgeMiddle(t, AXIS_X); ClearSingleBridgeMiddle(t, AXIS_Y); } static inline void SetBridgeMiddle(TileIndex t, Axis a) { assert(MayHaveBridgeAbove(t)); SETBIT(_m[t].extra, 6 + a); } static inline void MakeBridgeRamp(TileIndex t, Owner o, uint bridgetype, DiagDirection d, TransportType tt) { uint northsouth = (d == DIAGDIR_NE || d == DIAGDIR_NW); SetTileType(t, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE); SetTileOwner(t, o); _m[t].m2 = bridgetype << 4; _m[t].m4 = 0; _m[t].m5 = 1 << 7 | 0 << 6 | northsouth << 5 | tt << 1 | DiagDirToAxis(d); } static inline void MakeRoadBridgeRamp(TileIndex t, Owner o, uint bridgetype, DiagDirection d) { MakeBridgeRamp(t, o, bridgetype, d, TRANSPORT_ROAD); _m[t].m3 = 0; } static inline void MakeRailBridgeRamp(TileIndex t, Owner o, uint bridgetype, DiagDirection d, RailType r) { MakeBridgeRamp(t, o, bridgetype, d, TRANSPORT_RAIL); _m[t].m3 = r; } #endif