#include "stdafx.h" #include "ttd.h" #include "vehicle.h" #include "command.h" #include "pathfind.h" #include "station.h" #include "gfx.h" #include "news.h" #include "engine.h" #include "gui.h" #include "player.h" static const uint16 _ship_sprites[] = {0x0E5D, 0x0E55, 0x0E65, 0x0E6D}; static const byte _ship_sometracks[4] = {0x19, 0x16, 0x25, 0x2A}; static byte GetTileShipTrackStatus(uint tile) { uint32 r = GetTileTrackStatus(tile, 4); return r | r >> 8; } void DrawShipEngine(int x, int y, int engine, uint32 image_ormod) { int spritenum = ship_vehicle_info(engine).image_index; if (is_custom_sprite(spritenum)) { int sprite = GetCustomEngineSprite(engine, 0xffff, CID_PURCHASE, 0, 0, 6); if (sprite) { DrawSprite(sprite | image_ormod, x, y); return; } spritenum = _engine_original_sprites[engine]; } DrawSprite((6 + _ship_sprites[spritenum]) | image_ormod, x, y); } void DrawShipEngineInfo(int engine, int x, int y, int maxw) { ShipVehicleInfo *svi = &ship_vehicle_info(engine); SET_DPARAM32(0, svi->base_cost * (_price.ship_base>>3)>>5); SET_DPARAM16(1, svi->max_speed * 10 >> 5); SET_DPARAM16(2, _cargoc.names_long_p[svi->cargo_type]); SET_DPARAM16(3, svi->capacity); SET_DPARAM32(4, svi->running_cost * _price.ship_running >> 8); DrawStringMultiCenter(x, y, STR_982E_COST_MAX_SPEED_CAPACITY, maxw); } int GetShipImage(Vehicle *v, byte direction) { int spritenum = v->spritenum; if (is_custom_sprite(spritenum)) { int sprite = GetCustomVehicleSprite(v, direction); if (sprite) return sprite; spritenum = _engine_original_sprites[v->engine_type]; } return _ship_sprites[spritenum] + direction; } static int FindClosestShipDepot(Vehicle *v) { uint tile, dist, best_dist = (uint)-1; int best_depot = -1; int i; byte owner = v->owner; uint tile2 = v->tile; for(i=0; i!=lengthof(_depots); i++) { tile = _depots[i].xy; if (IS_TILETYPE(tile, MP_WATER) && _map_owner[tile] == owner) { dist = GetTileDist(tile, tile2); if (dist < best_dist) { best_dist = dist; best_depot = i; } } } return best_depot; } static void CheckIfShipNeedsService(Vehicle *v) { int i; if (_patches.servint_ships == 0 && IS_HUMAN_PLAYER(v->owner)) return; if (v->date_of_last_service + v->service_interval > _date) return; if (v->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED) return; if ((v->next_order & (OT_MASK | OF_FULL_LOAD)) == (OT_GOTO_DEPOT | OF_FULL_LOAD)) return; if (_patches.gotodepot && IS_HUMAN_PLAYER(v->owner) && ScheduleHasDepotOrders(v->schedule_ptr)) return; i = FindClosestShipDepot(v); if (i < 0 || GetTileDist(v->tile, (&_depots[i])->xy) > 12) { if ((v->next_order & OT_MASK) == OT_GOTO_DEPOT) { v->next_order = OT_DUMMY; InvalidateWindowWidget(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index, 4); } return; } v->next_order = OT_GOTO_DEPOT | OF_NON_STOP; v->next_order_param = (byte)i; v->dest_tile = (&_depots[i])->xy; InvalidateWindowWidget(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index, 4); } void OnNewDay_Ship(Vehicle *v) { int32 cost; if ((++v->day_counter & 7) == 0) DecreaseVehicleValue(v); CheckVehicleBreakdown(v); AgeVehicle(v); CheckIfShipNeedsService(v); if (v->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED) return; cost = ship_vehicle_info(v->engine_type).running_cost * _price.ship_running / 364; v->profit_this_year -= cost >> 8; SET_EXPENSES_TYPE(EXPENSES_SHIP_RUN); SubtractMoneyFromPlayerFract(v->owner, cost); InvalidateWindow(WC_VEHICLE_DETAILS, v->index); InvalidateWindow(WC_SHIPS_LIST, v->owner); } static void HandleBrokenShip(Vehicle *v) { if (v->breakdown_ctr != 1) { v->breakdown_ctr = 1; v->cur_speed = 0; if (v->breakdowns_since_last_service != 255) v->breakdowns_since_last_service++; InvalidateWindow(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index); InvalidateWindow(WC_VEHICLE_DETAILS, v->index); SndPlayVehicleFx((_opt.landscape != LT_CANDY) ? 0xE : 0x3A, v); if (!(v->vehstatus & VS_HIDDEN)) { Vehicle *u = CreateEffectVehicleRel(v, 4, 4, 5, EV_BREAKDOWN_SMOKE); if (u) u->u.special.unk0 = v->breakdown_delay * 2; } } if (!(v->tick_counter & 1)) { if (!--v->breakdown_delay) { v->breakdown_ctr = 0; InvalidateWindow(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index); } } } static void MarkShipDirty(Vehicle *v) { v->cur_image = GetShipImage(v, v->direction); MarkAllViewportsDirty(v->left_coord, v->top_coord, v->right_coord + 1, v->bottom_coord + 1); } static void PlayShipSound(Vehicle *v) { SndPlayVehicleFx(ship_vehicle_info(v->engine_type).sfx, v); } static const TileIndexDiff _dock_offs[] = { TILE_XY(2, 0), TILE_XY(-2, 0), TILE_XY(0, 2), TILE_XY(2, 0), TILE_XY(0, -2), TILE_XY(0,0), TILE_XY(0,0), TILE_XY(0,0), }; static void ProcessShipOrder(Vehicle *v) { uint order; Station *st; if ((v->next_order & OT_MASK) >= OT_GOTO_DEPOT && (v->next_order & OT_MASK) <= OT_LEAVESTATION) { if ((v->next_order & (OT_MASK|OF_UNLOAD)) != (OT_GOTO_DEPOT|OF_UNLOAD)) return; } if ((v->next_order & (OT_MASK|OF_UNLOAD|OF_FULL_LOAD)) == (OT_GOTO_DEPOT|OF_UNLOAD|OF_FULL_LOAD) && v->date_of_last_service+v->service_interval > _date) { v->cur_order_index++; } if (v->cur_order_index >= v->num_orders) v->cur_order_index = 0; order = v->schedule_ptr[v->cur_order_index]; if (order == 0) { v->next_order = OT_NOTHING; v->dest_tile = 0; return; } if (order == (uint)((v->next_order | (v->next_order_param<<8)))) return; v->next_order = (byte)order; v->next_order_param = (byte)(order >> 8); if ((order & OT_MASK) == OT_GOTO_STATION) { if ( (byte)(order >> 8) == v->last_station_visited) v->last_station_visited = 0xFF; st = DEREF_STATION(order >> 8); if (st->dock_tile != 0) { v->dest_tile = TILE_ADD(st->dock_tile, _dock_offs[_map5[st->dock_tile]-0x4B]); } } else if ((order & OT_MASK) == OT_GOTO_DEPOT) { v->dest_tile = _depots[order >> 8].xy; } else { v->dest_tile = 0; } InvalidateVehicleOrderWidget(v); } static void HandleShipLoading(Vehicle *v) { if (v->next_order == OT_NOTHING) return; if (v->next_order != OT_DUMMY) { if ((v->next_order&OT_MASK) != OT_LOADING) return; if (--v->load_unload_time_rem) return; if (v->next_order&OF_FULL_LOAD && CanFillVehicle(v)) { SET_EXPENSES_TYPE(EXPENSES_SHIP_INC); if (LoadUnloadVehicle(v)) { InvalidateWindow(WC_SHIPS_LIST, v->owner); MarkShipDirty(v); } return; } PlayShipSound(v); { byte b = v->next_order; v->next_order = OT_LEAVESTATION; if (!(b & OF_NON_STOP)) return; } } v->cur_order_index++; InvalidateVehicleOrderWidget(v); } static void UpdateShipDeltaXY(Vehicle *v, int dir) { #define MKIT(d,c,b,a) ((a&0xFF)<<24) | ((b&0xFF)<<16) | ((c&0xFF)<<8) | ((d&0xFF)<<0) static const uint32 _delta_xy_table[8] = { MKIT( -3, -3, 6, 6), MKIT(-16, -3, 32, 6), MKIT( -3, -3, 6, 6), MKIT( -3,-16, 6, 32), MKIT( -3, -3, 6, 6), MKIT(-16, -3, 32, 6), MKIT( -3, -3, 6, 6), MKIT( -3,-16, 6, 32), }; #undef MKIT uint32 x = _delta_xy_table[dir]; v->x_offs = (byte)x; v->y_offs = (byte)(x>>=8); v->sprite_width = (byte)(x>>=8); v->sprite_height = (byte)(x>>=8); } static void RecalcShipStuff(Vehicle *v) { UpdateShipDeltaXY(v, v->direction); v->cur_image = GetShipImage(v, v->direction); MarkShipDirty(v); InvalidateWindow(WC_VEHICLE_DEPOT, v->tile); } static const TileIndexDiff _ship_leave_depot_offs[] = { TILE_XY(-1,0), TILE_XY(0,-1), }; static void CheckShipLeaveDepot(Vehicle *v) { uint tile; int d; uint m; if (v->u.ship.state != 0x80) return; tile = v->tile; d = (_map5[tile]&2) ? 1 : 0; // Check first side if (_ship_sometracks[d] & GetTileShipTrackStatus(TILE_ADD(tile,_ship_leave_depot_offs[d]))) { m = (d==0) ? 0x101 : 0x207; // Check second side } else if (_ship_sometracks[d+2] & GetTileShipTrackStatus(TILE_ADD(tile, -2*_ship_leave_depot_offs[d]))) { m = (d==0) ? 0x105 : 0x203; } else { return; } v->direction = (byte)m; v->u.ship.state = (byte)(m >> 8); v->vehstatus &= ~VS_HIDDEN; v->cur_speed = 0; RecalcShipStuff(v); PlayShipSound(v); } static bool ShipAccelerate(Vehicle *v) { uint spd; byte t; spd = min(v->cur_speed + 1, v->max_speed); //updates statusbar only if speed have changed to save CPU time if (spd != v->cur_speed) { v->cur_speed = spd; if (_patches.vehicle_speed) InvalidateWindowWidget(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index, 4); } // Decrease somewhat when turning if (!(v->direction&1)) { spd = spd * 3 >> 2; } if (spd == 0) return false; if ((byte)++spd == 0) return true; v->progress = (t = v->progress) - (byte)spd; return (t < v->progress); } static int32 EstimateShipCost(uint16 engine_type); static void ShipEnterDepot(Vehicle *v) { byte t; v->u.ship.state = 0x80; v->vehstatus |= VS_HIDDEN; v->cur_speed = 0; RecalcShipStuff(v); v->date_of_last_service = _date; v->breakdowns_since_last_service = 0; v->reliability = _engines[v->engine_type].reliability; InvalidateWindow(WC_VEHICLE_DETAILS, v->index); MaybeRenewVehicle(v, EstimateShipCost(v->engine_type)); if ((v->next_order&OT_MASK) == OT_GOTO_DEPOT) { InvalidateWindow(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index); t = v->next_order; v->next_order = OT_DUMMY; if (t&OF_UNLOAD) { v->cur_order_index++; } else if (t & 0x40) { v->vehstatus |= VS_STOPPED; if (v->owner == _local_player) { SET_DPARAM16(0, v->unitnumber); AddNewsItem( STR_981C_SHIP_IS_WAITING_IN_DEPOT, NEWS_FLAGS(NM_SMALL, NF_VIEWPORT|NF_VEHICLE, NT_ADVICE, 0), v->index, 0); } } } } static void ShipArrivesAt(Vehicle *v, Station *st) { /* Check if station was ever visited before */ if (!(st->had_vehicle_of_type & HVOT_SHIP)) { uint32 flags; st->had_vehicle_of_type |= HVOT_SHIP; SET_DPARAM16(0, st->index); flags = (v->owner == _local_player) ? NEWS_FLAGS(NM_THIN, NF_VIEWPORT|NF_VEHICLE, NT_ARRIVAL_PLAYER, 0) : NEWS_FLAGS(NM_THIN, NF_VIEWPORT|NF_VEHICLE, NT_ARRIVAL_OTHER, 0); AddNewsItem( STR_9833_CITIZENS_CELEBRATE_FIRST, flags, v->index, 0); } } typedef struct { uint skiptile; uint dest_coords; uint best_bird_dist; uint best_length; } PathFindShip; //extern void dbg_store_path(); static bool ShipTrackFollower(uint tile, PathFindShip *pfs, int track, uint length, byte *state) { // Found dest? if (tile == pfs->dest_coords) { pfs->best_bird_dist = 0; // if (length < pfs->best_length) // dbg_store_path(); pfs->best_length = minu(pfs->best_length, length); return true; } // Skip this tile in the calculation if (tile != pfs->skiptile) { pfs->best_bird_dist = minu(pfs->best_bird_dist, GetTileDist1Db(pfs->dest_coords, tile)); } return false; } static const byte _ship_search_directions[6][4] = { { 0, 9, 2, 9 }, { 9, 1, 9, 3 }, { 9, 0, 3, 9 }, { 1, 9, 9, 2 }, { 3, 2, 9, 9 }, { 9, 9, 1, 0 }, }; static const byte _pick_shiptrack_table[6] = {1, 3, 2, 2, 0, 0}; static uint FindShipTrack(Vehicle *v, uint tile, int dir, uint bits, uint skiptile, int *track) { PathFindShip pfs; int i, best_track; uint best_bird_dist = 0; uint best_length = 0; uint r; byte ship_dir = v->direction & 3; pfs.dest_coords = v->dest_tile; pfs.skiptile = skiptile; best_track = -1; do { i = FIND_FIRST_BIT(bits); bits = KILL_FIRST_BIT(bits); pfs.best_bird_dist = (uint)-1; pfs.best_length = (uint)-1; FollowTrack(tile, 0x3804, _ship_search_directions[i][dir], (TPFEnumProc*)ShipTrackFollower, NULL, &pfs); if (best_track >= 0) { if (pfs.best_bird_dist != 0) { /* neither reached the destination, pick the one with the smallest bird dist */ if (pfs.best_bird_dist > best_bird_dist) goto bad; if (pfs.best_bird_dist < best_bird_dist) goto good; } else { if (pfs.best_length > best_length) goto bad; if (pfs.best_length < best_length) goto good; } /* if we reach this position, there's two paths of equal value so far. * pick one randomly. */ r = (byte)Random(); if (_pick_shiptrack_table[i] == ship_dir) r += 80; if (_pick_shiptrack_table[best_track] == ship_dir) r -= 80; if (r <= 127) goto bad; } good:; best_track = i; best_bird_dist = pfs.best_bird_dist; best_length = pfs.best_length; bad:; } while (bits != 0); *track = best_track; return best_bird_dist; } static int ChooseShipTrack(Vehicle *v, uint tile, int dir, uint tracks) { uint b; uint tot_dist, dist; int track; uint tile2; assert(dir>=0 && dir<=3); tile2 = TILE_ADD(tile, -_tileoffs_by_dir[dir]); dir ^= 2; tot_dist = (uint)-1; b = GetTileShipTrackStatus(tile2) & _ship_sometracks[dir] & v->u.ship.state; if (b != 0) { dist = FindShipTrack(v, tile2, dir, b, tile, &track); if (dist != (uint)-1) tot_dist = dist + 1; } dist = FindShipTrack(v, tile, dir^2, tracks, 0, &track); if (dist > tot_dist) return -1; return track; } static const byte _new_vehicle_direction_table[11] = { 0, 7, 6, 0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 2, 3, 4, }; static int ShipGetNewDirectionFromTiles(uint new_tile, uint old_tile) { uint offs = (GET_TILE_Y(new_tile) - GET_TILE_Y(old_tile) + 1) * 4 + GET_TILE_X(new_tile) - GET_TILE_X(old_tile) + 1; assert(offs < 11 && offs != 3 && offs != 7); return _new_vehicle_direction_table[offs]; } static int ShipGetNewDirection(Vehicle *v, int x, int y) { uint offs = (y - v->y_pos + 1) * 4 + (x - v->x_pos + 1); assert(offs < 11 && offs != 3 && offs != 7); return _new_vehicle_direction_table[offs]; } static int GetAvailShipTracks(uint tile, int dir) { uint32 r = GetTileTrackStatus(tile, 4); return (byte) ((r | r >> 8)) & _ship_sometracks[dir]; } static const byte _ship_subcoord[4][6][3] = { { {15, 8, 1}, { 0, 0, 0}, { 0, 0, 0}, {15, 8, 2}, {15, 7, 0}, { 0, 0, 0}, }, { { 0, 0, 0}, { 8, 0, 3}, { 7, 0, 2}, { 0, 0, 0}, { 8, 0, 4}, { 0, 0, 0}, }, { { 0, 8, 5}, { 0, 0, 0}, { 0, 7, 6}, { 0, 0, 0}, { 0, 0, 0}, { 0, 8, 4}, }, { { 0, 0, 0}, { 8,15, 7}, { 0, 0, 0}, { 8,15, 6}, { 0, 0, 0}, { 7,15, 0}, } }; static void ShipController(Vehicle *v) { GetNewVehiclePosResult gp; uint32 r; const byte *b; int dir,track,tracks; v->tick_counter++; if (v->breakdown_ctr != 0) { if (v->breakdown_ctr <= 2) { HandleBrokenShip(v); return; } v->breakdown_ctr--; } if (v->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED) return; ProcessShipOrder(v); HandleShipLoading(v); if ((v->next_order & OT_MASK) == OT_LOADING) return; CheckShipLeaveDepot(v); if (!ShipAccelerate(v)) return; BeginVehicleMove(v); if (GetNewVehiclePos(v, &gp)) { // staying in tile if (v->u.ship.state == 0x80) { gp.x = v->x_pos; gp.y = v->y_pos; } else { /* isnot inside depot */ r = VehicleEnterTile(v, gp.new_tile, gp.x, gp.y); if (r & 0x8) goto reverse_direction; if (v->dest_tile != 0 && v->dest_tile == gp.new_tile) { if ((v->next_order & OT_MASK) == OT_GOTO_DEPOT) { if ((gp.x&0xF)==8 && (gp.y&0xF)==8) { ShipEnterDepot(v); return; } } else if ((v->next_order & OT_MASK) == OT_GOTO_STATION) { Station *st; v->last_station_visited = v->next_order_param; st = DEREF_STATION(v->next_order_param); if (!(st->had_vehicle_of_type & HVOT_BUOY)) { v->next_order = (v->next_order & (OF_FULL_LOAD|OF_UNLOAD)) | OF_NON_STOP | OT_LOADING; ShipArrivesAt(v, st); SET_EXPENSES_TYPE(EXPENSES_SHIP_INC); if (LoadUnloadVehicle(v)) { InvalidateWindow(WC_SHIPS_LIST, v->owner); MarkShipDirty(v); } InvalidateWindowWidget(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index, 4); } else { v->next_order = OT_LEAVESTATION; v->cur_order_index++; InvalidateVehicleOrderWidget(v); } goto else_end; } } if (v->next_order == OT_LEAVESTATION) { v->next_order = OT_NOTHING; InvalidateWindowWidget(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index, 4); } } } else { // new tile if (GET_TILE_X(gp.new_tile) == 0xFF || (byte)GET_TILE_Y(gp.new_tile) == 0xFF) goto reverse_direction; dir = ShipGetNewDirectionFromTiles(gp.new_tile, gp.old_tile); assert(dir == 1 || dir == 3 || dir == 5 || dir == 7); dir>>=1; tracks = GetAvailShipTracks(gp.new_tile, dir); if (tracks == 0) goto reverse_direction; // Choose a direction, and continue if we find one track = ChooseShipTrack(v, gp.new_tile, dir, tracks); if (track < 0) goto reverse_direction; b = _ship_subcoord[dir][track]; gp.x = (gp.x&~0xF) | b[0]; gp.y = (gp.y&~0xF) | b[1]; /* Call the landscape function and tell it that the vehicle entered the tile */ r = VehicleEnterTile(v, gp.new_tile, gp.x, gp.y); if (r&0x8) goto reverse_direction; if (!(r&0x4)) { v->tile = gp.new_tile; v->u.ship.state = 1 << track; } v->direction = b[2]; } else_end:; /* update image of ship, as well as delta XY */ dir = ShipGetNewDirection(v, gp.x, gp.y); v->x_pos = gp.x; v->y_pos = gp.y; v->z_pos = GetSlopeZ(gp.x, gp.y); getout: UpdateShipDeltaXY(v, dir); v->cur_image = GetShipImage(v, dir); VehiclePositionChanged(v); EndVehicleMove(v); return; reverse_direction: dir = v->direction ^ 4; v->direction = dir; goto getout; } static void AgeShipCargo(Vehicle *v) { if (_age_cargo_skip_counter != 0) return; if (v->cargo_days != 255) v->cargo_days++; } void Ship_Tick(Vehicle *v) { AgeShipCargo(v); ShipController(v); } void OnTick_Ship() { // unused } void HandleClickOnShip(Vehicle *v) { ShowShipViewWindow(v); } void ShipsYearlyLoop() { Vehicle *v; FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { if (v->type == VEH_Ship) { v->profit_last_year = v->profit_this_year; v->profit_this_year = 0; InvalidateWindow(WC_VEHICLE_DETAILS, v->index); } } } static int32 EstimateShipCost(uint16 engine_type) { return ship_vehicle_info(engine_type).base_cost * (_price.ship_base>>3)>>5; } // p1 = type to build int32 CmdBuildShip(int x, int y, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2) { int32 value; Vehicle *v; uint unit_num; uint tile = TILE_FROM_XY(x,y); Engine *e; SET_EXPENSES_TYPE(EXPENSES_NEW_VEHICLES); value = EstimateShipCost(p1); if (flags & DC_QUERY_COST) return value; v = AllocateVehicle(); if (v == NULL || _ptr_to_next_order >= endof(_order_array) || (unit_num = GetFreeUnitNumber(VEH_Ship)) > _patches.max_ships) return_cmd_error(STR_00E1_TOO_MANY_VEHICLES_IN_GAME); if (flags & DC_EXEC) { v->unitnumber = unit_num; v->owner = _current_player; v->tile = tile; x = GET_TILE_X(tile)*16 + 8; y = GET_TILE_Y(tile)*16 + 8; v->x_pos = x; v->y_pos = y; v->z_pos = GetSlopeZ(x,y); v->z_height = 6; v->sprite_width = 6; v->sprite_height = 6; v->x_offs = -3; v->y_offs = -3; v->vehstatus = VS_HIDDEN | VS_STOPPED | VS_DEFPAL; v->spritenum = ship_vehicle_info(p1).image_index; v->cargo_type = ship_vehicle_info(p1).cargo_type; v->cargo_cap = ship_vehicle_info(p1).capacity; v->value = value; v->last_station_visited = 255; v->max_speed = ship_vehicle_info(p1).max_speed; v->engine_type = (byte)p1; e = &_engines[p1]; v->reliability = e->reliability; v->reliability_spd_dec = e->reliability_spd_dec; v->max_age = e->lifelength * 366; _new_ship_id = v->index; v->string_id = STR_SV_SHIP_NAME; v->u.ship.state = 0x80; *(v->schedule_ptr = _ptr_to_next_order++) = 0; v->service_interval = _patches.servint_ships; v->date_of_last_service = _date; v->build_year = _cur_year; v->cur_image = 0x0E5E; v->type = VEH_Ship; VehiclePositionChanged(v); InvalidateWindow(WC_VEHICLE_DEPOT, v->tile); InvalidateWindow(WC_SHIPS_LIST, v->owner); InvalidateWindow(WC_COMPANY, v->owner); } return value; } int32 CmdSellShip(int x, int y, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2) { Vehicle *v; SET_EXPENSES_TYPE(EXPENSES_NEW_VEHICLES); v = &_vehicles[p1]; if (!CheckOwnership(v->owner)) return CMD_ERROR; if (!IsShipDepotTile(v->tile) || v->u.road.state != 0x80 || !(v->vehstatus&VS_STOPPED)) return_cmd_error(STR_980B_SHIP_MUST_BE_STOPPED_IN); if (flags & DC_EXEC) { InvalidateWindow(WC_VEHICLE_DEPOT, v->tile); InvalidateWindow(WC_SHIPS_LIST, v->owner); InvalidateWindow(WC_COMPANY, v->owner); DeleteWindowById(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index); DeleteVehicle(v); } return -(int32)v->value; } // p1 = vehicle int32 CmdStartStopShip(int x, int y, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2) { Vehicle *v; v = &_vehicles[p1]; if (!CheckOwnership(v->owner)) return CMD_ERROR; if (flags & DC_EXEC) { v->vehstatus ^= VS_STOPPED; InvalidateWindowWidget(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index, 4); InvalidateWindow(WC_VEHICLE_DEPOT, v->tile); } return 0; } int32 CmdSendShipToDepot(int x, int y, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2) { Vehicle *v; int depot; v = &_vehicles[p1]; if (!CheckOwnership(v->owner)) return CMD_ERROR; if ((v->next_order&OT_MASK) == OT_GOTO_DEPOT) { if (flags & DC_EXEC) { if (v->next_order&OF_UNLOAD) {v->cur_order_index++;} v->next_order = OT_DUMMY; InvalidateWindowWidget(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index, 4); } } else { depot = FindClosestShipDepot(v); if (depot < 0) return_cmd_error(STR_981A_UNABLE_TO_FIND_LOCAL_DEPOT); if (flags & DC_EXEC) { v->dest_tile = _depots[depot].xy; v->next_order = OF_NON_STOP | OF_FULL_LOAD | OT_GOTO_DEPOT; v->next_order_param = depot; InvalidateWindowWidget(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index, 4); } } return 0; } int32 CmdChangeShipServiceInt(int x, int y, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2) { Vehicle *v; v = &_vehicles[p1]; if (!CheckOwnership(v->owner)) return CMD_ERROR; if (flags & DC_EXEC) { v->service_interval = (uint16)p2; InvalidateWindowWidget(WC_VEHICLE_DETAILS, v->index, 7); } return 0; } // p1 = vehicle // p2 = new cargo int32 CmdRefitShip(int x, int y, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2) { Vehicle *v; int32 cost; SET_EXPENSES_TYPE(EXPENSES_SHIP_RUN); v = &_vehicles[p1]; if (!CheckOwnership(v->owner)) return CMD_ERROR; if (!IsShipDepotTile(v->tile) || !(v->vehstatus&VS_STOPPED) || v->u.ship.state != 0x80) return_cmd_error(STR_980B_SHIP_MUST_BE_STOPPED_IN); cost = 0; if (IS_HUMAN_PLAYER(v->owner) && (byte)p2 != v->cargo_type) { cost = _price.ship_base >> 7; } if (flags & DC_EXEC) { v->cargo_count = 0; v->cargo_type = (byte)p2; InvalidateWindow(WC_VEHICLE_DETAILS, v->index); } return cost; }