/* $Id$ */ /** @file news_gui.cpp GUI functions related to news messages. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "openttd.h" #include "gui.h" #include "window_gui.h" #include "viewport_func.h" #include "news_type.h" #include "settings_type.h" #include "transparency.h" #include "strings_func.h" #include "window_func.h" #include "date_func.h" #include "vehicle_base.h" #include "station_base.h" #include "industry.h" #include "town.h" #include "sound_func.h" #include "string_func.h" #include "widgets/dropdown_func.h" #include "statusbar_gui.h" #include "company_manager_face.h" #include "map_func.h" #include "table/strings.h" #define NB_WIDG_PER_SETTING 4 NewsItem _statusbar_news_item; bool _news_ticker_sound; static uint MIN_NEWS_AMOUNT = 30; ///< prefered minimum amount of news messages static uint _total_news = 0; ///< current number of news items static NewsItem *_oldest_news = NULL; ///< head of news items queue static NewsItem *_latest_news = NULL; ///< tail of news items queue /** Forced news item. * Users can force an item by accessing the history or "last message". * If the message being shown was forced by the user, a pointer is stored * in _forced_news. Otherwise, \a _forced_news variable is NULL. */ static NewsItem *_forced_news = NULL; ///< item the user has asked for /** Current news item (last item shown regularly). */ static NewsItem *_current_news = NULL; typedef void DrawNewsCallbackProc(struct Window *w, const NewsItem *ni); void DrawNewsNewVehicleAvail(Window *w, const NewsItem *ni); static void DrawNewsBankrupcy(Window *w, const NewsItem *ni) { const CompanyNewsInformation *cni = (const CompanyNewsInformation*)ni->free_data; DrawCompanyManagerFace(cni->face, cni->colour, 2, 23); GfxFillRect(3, 23, 3 + 91, 23 + 118, PALETTE_TO_STRUCT_GREY, FILLRECT_RECOLOUR); SetDParamStr(0, cni->president_name); DrawStringMultiLine(49 - MAX_LENGTH_PRESIDENT_NAME_PIXELS / 2, 49 + MAX_LENGTH_PRESIDENT_NAME_PIXELS / 2, 141, 169, STR_JUST_RAW_STRING, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER); switch (ni->subtype) { case NS_COMPANY_TROUBLE: DrawString(0, w->width, 1, STR_NEWS_COMPANY_IN_TROUBLE_TITLE, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER); SetDParam(0, ni->params[2]); DrawStringMultiLine(100, w->width - 2, 20, 169, STR_NEWS_COMPANY_IN_TROUBLE_DESCRIPTION, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER); break; case NS_COMPANY_MERGER: DrawString(0, w->width, 1, STR_NEWS_COMPANY_MERGER_TITLE, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER); SetDParam(0, ni->params[2]); SetDParam(1, ni->params[3]); SetDParam(2, ni->params[4]); DrawStringMultiLine(100, w->width - 2, 20, 169, ni->params[4] == 0 ? STR_NEWS_MERGER_TAKEOVER_TITLE : STR_NEWS_COMPANY_MERGER_DESCRIPTION, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER); break; case NS_COMPANY_BANKRUPT: DrawString(0, w->width, 1, STR_NEWS_COMPANY_BANKRUPT_TITLE, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER); SetDParam(0, ni->params[2]); DrawStringMultiLine(100, w->width - 2, 20, 169, STR_NEWS_COMPANY_BANKRUPT_DESCRIPTION, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER); break; case NS_COMPANY_NEW: DrawString(0, w->width, 1, STR_NEWS_COMPANY_LAUNCH_TITLE, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER); SetDParam(0, ni->params[2]); SetDParam(1, ni->params[3]); DrawStringMultiLine(100, w->width - 2, 20, 169, STR_NEWS_COMPANY_LAUNCH_DESCRIPTION, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER); break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } } /** * Get the position a news-reference is referencing. * @param reftype The type of reference. * @param ref The reference. * @return A tile for the referenced object, or INVALID_TILE if none. */ static TileIndex GetReferenceTile(NewsReferenceType reftype, uint32 ref) { switch (reftype) { case NR_TILE: return (TileIndex)ref; case NR_STATION: return Station::Get((StationID)ref)->xy; case NR_INDUSTRY: return Industry::Get((IndustryID)ref)->xy + TileDiffXY(1, 1); case NR_TOWN: return Town::Get((TownID)ref)->xy; default: return INVALID_TILE; } } /** * Data common to all news items of a given subtype (structure) */ struct NewsSubtypeData { NewsType type; ///< News category @see NewsType NewsMode display_mode; ///< Display mode value @see NewsMode NewsFlag flags; ///< Initial NewsFlags bits @see NewsFlag DrawNewsCallbackProc *callback; ///< Call-back function }; /** * Data common to all news items of a given subtype (actual data) */ static const NewsSubtypeData _news_subtype_data[] = { /* type, display_mode, flags, callback */ { NT_ARRIVAL_COMPANY, NM_THIN, NF_VIEWPORT, NULL }, ///< NS_ARRIVAL_COMPANY { NT_ARRIVAL_OTHER, NM_THIN, NF_VIEWPORT, NULL }, ///< NS_ARRIVAL_OTHER { NT_ACCIDENT, NM_THIN, NF_VIEWPORT, NULL }, ///< NS_ACCIDENT { NT_COMPANY_INFO, NM_NORMAL, NF_NONE, DrawNewsBankrupcy }, ///< NS_COMPANY_TROUBLE { NT_COMPANY_INFO, NM_NORMAL, NF_NONE, DrawNewsBankrupcy }, ///< NS_COMPANY_MERGER { NT_COMPANY_INFO, NM_NORMAL, NF_NONE, DrawNewsBankrupcy }, ///< NS_COMPANY_BANKRUPT { NT_COMPANY_INFO, NM_NORMAL, NF_NONE, DrawNewsBankrupcy }, ///< NS_COMPANY_NEW { NT_INDUSTRY_OPEN, NM_THIN, NF_VIEWPORT, NULL }, ///< NS_INDUSTRY_OPEN { NT_INDUSTRY_CLOSE, NM_THIN, NF_VIEWPORT, NULL }, ///< NS_INDUSTRY_CLOSE { NT_ECONOMY, NM_NORMAL, NF_NONE, NULL }, ///< NS_ECONOMY { NT_INDUSTRY_COMPANY, NM_THIN, NF_VIEWPORT, NULL }, ///< NS_INDUSTRY_COMPANY { NT_INDUSTRY_OTHER, NM_THIN, NF_VIEWPORT, NULL }, ///< NS_INDUSTRY_OTHER { NT_INDUSTRY_NOBODY, NM_THIN, NF_VIEWPORT, NULL }, ///< NS_INDUSTRY_NOBODY { NT_ADVICE, NM_SMALL, NF_VIEWPORT, NULL }, ///< NS_ADVICE { NT_NEW_VEHICLES, NM_NORMAL, NF_NONE, DrawNewsNewVehicleAvail }, ///< NS_NEW_VEHICLES { NT_ACCEPTANCE, NM_SMALL, NF_VIEWPORT, NULL }, ///< NS_ACCEPTANCE { NT_SUBSIDIES, NM_NORMAL, NF_NONE, NULL }, ///< NS_SUBSIDIES { NT_GENERAL, NM_NORMAL, NF_NONE, NULL }, ///< NS_GENERAL }; assert_compile(lengthof(_news_subtype_data) == NS_END); /** * Per-NewsType data */ NewsTypeData _news_type_data[] = { /* name, age, sound, description */ NewsTypeData("arrival_player", 60, SND_1D_APPLAUSE, STR_NEWS_MESSAGE_TYPE_ARRIVAL_OF_FIRST_VEHICLE_OWN ), ///< NT_ARRIVAL_COMPANY NewsTypeData("arrival_other", 60, SND_1D_APPLAUSE, STR_NEWS_MESSAGE_TYPE_ARRIVAL_OF_FIRST_VEHICLE_OTHER ), ///< NT_ARRIVAL_OTHER NewsTypeData("accident", 90, SND_BEGIN, STR_NEWS_MESSAGE_TYPE_ACCIDENTS_DISASTERS ), ///< NT_ACCIDENT NewsTypeData("company_info", 60, SND_BEGIN, STR_NEWS_MESSAGE_TYPE_COMPANY_INFORMATION ), ///< NT_COMPANY_INFO NewsTypeData("open", 90, SND_BEGIN, STR_NEWS_MESSAGE_TYPE_INDUSTRY_OPEN ), ///< NT_INDUSTRY_OPEN NewsTypeData("close", 90, SND_BEGIN, STR_NEWS_MESSAGE_TYPE_INDUSTRY_CLOSE ), ///< NT_INDUSTRY_CLOSE NewsTypeData("economy", 30, SND_BEGIN, STR_NEWS_MESSAGE_TYPE_ECONOMY_CHANGES ), ///< NT_ECONOMY NewsTypeData("production_player", 30, SND_BEGIN, STR_NEWS_MESSAGE_TYPE_INDUSTRY_CHANGES_SERVED_BY_COMPANY ), ///< NT_INDUSTRY_COMPANY NewsTypeData("production_other", 30, SND_BEGIN, STR_NEWS_MESSAGE_TYPE_INDUSTRY_CHANGES_SERVED_BY_OTHER ), ///< NT_INDUSTRY_OTHER NewsTypeData("production_nobody", 30, SND_BEGIN, STR_NEWS_MESSAGE_TYPE_INDUSTRY_CHANGES_UNSERVED ), ///< NT_INDUSTRY_NOBODY NewsTypeData("advice", 150, SND_BEGIN, STR_NEWS_MESSAGE_TYPE_ADVICE_INFORMATION_ON_COMPANY ), ///< NT_ADVICE NewsTypeData("new_vehicles", 30, SND_1E_OOOOH, STR_NEWS_MESSAGE_TYPE_NEW_VEHICLES ), ///< NT_NEW_VEHICLES NewsTypeData("acceptance", 90, SND_BEGIN, STR_NEWS_MESSAGE_TYPE_CHANGES_OF_CARGO_ACCEPTANCE ), ///< NT_ACCEPTANCE NewsTypeData("subsidies", 180, SND_BEGIN, STR_NEWS_MESSAGE_TYPE_SUBSIDIES ), ///< NT_SUBSIDIES NewsTypeData("general", 60, SND_BEGIN, STR_NEWS_MESSAGE_TYPE_GENERAL_INFORMATION ), ///< NT_GENERAL }; assert_compile(lengthof(_news_type_data) == NT_END); /** Widget numbers of the news display windows. */ enum NewsTypeWidgets { NTW_HEADLINE, ///< The news headline. NTW_CLOSEBOX, ///< Close the window. NTW_CAPTION, ///< Title bar of the window. Only used in type0-news. NTW_VIEWPORT, ///< Viewport in window. Only used in type0-news. }; struct NewsWindow : Window { uint16 chat_height; NewsItem *ni; static uint duration; NewsWindow(const WindowDesc *desc, NewsItem *ni) : Window(desc), ni(ni) { NewsWindow::duration = 555; const Window *w = FindWindowById(WC_SEND_NETWORK_MSG, 0); this->chat_height = (w != NULL) ? w->height : 0; this->ni = _forced_news == NULL ? _current_news : _forced_news; this->flags4 |= WF_DISABLE_VP_SCROLL; this->FindWindowPlacementAndResize(desc); } void DrawNewsBorder() { int left = 0; int right = this->width - 1; int top = 0; int bottom = this->height - 1; GfxFillRect(left, top, right, bottom, 0xF); GfxFillRect(left, top, left, bottom, 0xD7); GfxFillRect(right, top, right, bottom, 0xD7); GfxFillRect(left, top, right, top, 0xD7); GfxFillRect(left, bottom, right, bottom, 0xD7); DrawString(left + 2, right - 2, top + 1, STR_SILVER_CROSS); } virtual void OnPaint() { const NewsMode display_mode = _news_subtype_data[this->ni->subtype].display_mode; switch (display_mode) { case NM_NORMAL: case NM_THIN: { this->DrawNewsBorder(); if (_news_subtype_data[this->ni->subtype].callback != NULL) { (_news_subtype_data[this->ni->subtype].callback)(this, ni); break; } DrawString(2, this->width - 1, 1, STR_SILVER_CROSS); SetDParam(0, this->ni->date); DrawString(2, this->width - 2, 1, STR_DATE_LONG_SMALL, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_RIGHT); if (!(this->ni->flags & NF_VIEWPORT)) { CopyInDParam(0, this->ni->params, lengthof(this->ni->params)); DrawStringMultiLine(2, this->width - 2, 20, this->height, this->ni->string_id, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER); } else { /* Back up transparency options to draw news view */ TransparencyOptionBits to_backup = _transparency_opt; _transparency_opt = 0; this->DrawViewport(); _transparency_opt = to_backup; /* Shade the viewport into gray, or colour*/ ViewPort *vp = this->viewport; GfxFillRect(vp->left - this->left, vp->top - this->top, vp->left - this->left + vp->width - 1, vp->top - this->top + vp->height - 1, (this->ni->flags & NF_INCOLOUR ? PALETTE_TO_TRANSPARENT : PALETTE_TO_STRUCT_GREY), FILLRECT_RECOLOUR ); CopyInDParam(0, this->ni->params, lengthof(this->ni->params)); DrawStringMultiLine(2, this->width - 2, 0, 58, this->ni->string_id, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER); } break; } default: this->DrawWidgets(); if (!(this->ni->flags & NF_VIEWPORT)) { CopyInDParam(0, this->ni->params, lengthof(this->ni->params)); DrawStringMultiLine(2, 278, 38, this->ni->string_id, SA_CENTER); } else { this->DrawViewport(); CopyInDParam(0, this->ni->params, lengthof(this->ni->params)); DrawStringMultiLine(2, this->width - 2, 64, this->height, this->ni->string_id, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER); } break; } } virtual void OnClick(Point pt, int widget) { switch (widget) { case NTW_CLOSEBOX: NewsWindow::duration = 0; delete this; _forced_news = NULL; break; case NTW_HEADLINE: if (this->ni->reftype1 == NR_VEHICLE) { const Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(this->ni->ref1); ScrollMainWindowTo(v->x_pos, v->y_pos, v->z_pos); } else { TileIndex tile1 = GetReferenceTile(this->ni->reftype1, this->ni->ref1); TileIndex tile2 = GetReferenceTile(this->ni->reftype2, this->ni->ref2); if (_ctrl_pressed) { if (tile1 != INVALID_TILE) ShowExtraViewPortWindow(tile1); if (tile2 != INVALID_TILE) ShowExtraViewPortWindow(tile2); } else { if (((tile1 == INVALID_TILE) || !ScrollMainWindowToTile(tile1)) && (tile2 != INVALID_TILE)) { ScrollMainWindowToTile(tile2); } } } break; } } virtual EventState OnKeyPress(uint16 key, uint16 keycode) { if (keycode == WKC_SPACE) { /* Don't continue. */ delete this; return ES_HANDLED; } return ES_NOT_HANDLED; } virtual void OnInvalidateData(int data) { /* The chatbar has notified us that is was either created or closed */ this->chat_height = data; } virtual void OnTick() { /* Scroll up newsmessages from the bottom in steps of 4 pixels */ int y = max(this->top - 4, _screen.height - this->height - 12 - this->chat_height); if (y == this->top) return; if (this->viewport != NULL) this->viewport->top += y - this->top; int diff = Delta(this->top, y); this->top = y; SetDirtyBlocks(this->left, this->top - diff, this->left + this->width, this->top + this->height); } }; /* static */ uint NewsWindow::duration; ///< Remaining time for showing current news message static const Widget _news_type13_widgets[] = { { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_WHITE, 0, 429, 0, 169, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_WHITE, 0, 10, 0, 11, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WIDGETS_END}, }; static const NWidgetPart _nested_news_type13_widgets[] = { NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_WHITE, NTW_HEADLINE), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_WHITE, NTW_CLOSEBOX), SetMinimalSize(11, 12), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), SetMinimalSize(419, 0), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), SetMinimalSize(0, 158), EndContainer(), }; static WindowDesc _news_type13_desc( WDP_CENTER, 476, 430, 170, 430, 170, WC_NEWS_WINDOW, WC_NONE, WDF_DEF_WIDGET, _news_type13_widgets, _nested_news_type13_widgets, lengthof(_nested_news_type13_widgets) ); static const Widget _news_type2_widgets[] = { { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_WHITE, 0, 429, 0, 129, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_WHITE, 0, 10, 0, 11, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WIDGETS_END}, }; static const NWidgetPart _nested_news_type2_widgets[] = { NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_WHITE, NTW_HEADLINE), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_WHITE, NTW_CLOSEBOX), SetMinimalSize(11, 12), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), SetMinimalSize(419, 0), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), SetMinimalSize(0, 118), EndContainer(), }; static WindowDesc _news_type2_desc( WDP_CENTER, 476, 430, 130, 430, 130, WC_NEWS_WINDOW, WC_NONE, WDF_DEF_WIDGET, _news_type2_widgets, _nested_news_type2_widgets, lengthof(_nested_news_type2_widgets) ); static const Widget _news_type0_widgets[] = { { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_LIGHT_BLUE, 0, 279, 14, 86, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_CLOSEBOX, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_LIGHT_BLUE, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_BLACK_CROSS, STR_TOOLTIP_CLOSE_WINDOW}, { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_LIGHT_BLUE, 11, 279, 0, 13, STR_NEWS_MESSAGE_CAPTION, STR_NULL}, { WWT_INSET, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_LIGHT_BLUE, 2, 277, 16, 64, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WIDGETS_END}, }; static NWidgetPart _nested_news_type0_widgets[] = { /* Caption + close box */ NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CLOSEBOX, COLOUR_LIGHT_BLUE, NTW_CLOSEBOX), SetMinimalSize(11, 14), SetDataTip(STR_BLACK_CROSS, STR_TOOLTIP_CLOSE_WINDOW), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_LIGHT_BLUE, NTW_CAPTION), SetMinimalSize(269, 14), SetDataTip(STR_NEWS_MESSAGE_CAPTION, STR_NULL), EndContainer(), /* Main part */ NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_LIGHT_BLUE, NTW_HEADLINE), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), SetMinimalSize(0, 2), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), SetMinimalSize(2, 0), NWidget(WWT_INSET, COLOUR_LIGHT_BLUE, NTW_VIEWPORT), SetMinimalSize(276, 49), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), SetMinimalSize(2, 0), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), SetMinimalSize(0, 22), EndContainer(), }; static WindowDesc _news_type0_desc( WDP_CENTER, 476, 280, 87, 280, 87, WC_NEWS_WINDOW, WC_NONE, WDF_DEF_WIDGET, _news_type0_widgets, _nested_news_type0_widgets, lengthof(_nested_news_type0_widgets) ); /** Open up an own newspaper window for the news item */ static void ShowNewspaper(NewsItem *ni) { SoundFx sound = _news_type_data[_news_subtype_data[ni->subtype].type].sound; if (sound != 0) SndPlayFx(sound); int top = _screen.height; Window *w; switch (_news_subtype_data[ni->subtype].display_mode) { case NM_NORMAL: _news_type13_desc.top = top; w = new NewsWindow(&_news_type13_desc, ni); if (ni->flags & NF_VIEWPORT) { InitializeWindowViewport(w, 2, 58, 426, 110, ni->reftype1 == NR_VEHICLE ? 0x80000000 | ni->ref1 : GetReferenceTile(ni->reftype1, ni->ref1), ZOOM_LVL_NEWS); } break; case NM_THIN: _news_type2_desc.top = top; w = new NewsWindow(&_news_type2_desc, ni); if (ni->flags & NF_VIEWPORT) { InitializeWindowViewport(w, 2, 58, 426, 70, ni->reftype1 == NR_VEHICLE ? 0x80000000 | ni->ref1 : GetReferenceTile(ni->reftype1, ni->ref1), ZOOM_LVL_NEWS); } break; default: _news_type0_desc.top = top; w = new NewsWindow(&_news_type0_desc, ni); if (ni->flags & NF_VIEWPORT) { InitializeWindowViewport(w, 3, 17, 274, 47, ni->reftype1 == NR_VEHICLE ? 0x80000000 | ni->ref1 : GetReferenceTile(ni->reftype1, ni->ref1), ZOOM_LVL_NEWS); } break; } } /** Show news item in the ticker */ static void ShowTicker(const NewsItem *ni) { if (_news_ticker_sound) SndPlayFx(SND_16_MORSE); _statusbar_news_item = *ni; InvalidateWindowData(WC_STATUS_BAR, 0, SBI_SHOW_TICKER); } /** Initialize the news-items data structures */ void InitNewsItemStructs() { for (NewsItem *ni = _oldest_news; ni != NULL; ) { NewsItem *next = ni->next; delete ni; ni = next; } _total_news = 0; _oldest_news = NULL; _latest_news = NULL; _forced_news = NULL; _current_news = NULL; } /** * Are we ready to show another news item? * Only if nothing is in the newsticker and no newspaper is displayed */ static bool ReadyForNextItem() { NewsItem *ni = _forced_news == NULL ? _current_news : _forced_news; if (ni == NULL) return true; /* Ticker message * Check if the status bar message is still being displayed? */ if (IsNewsTickerShown()) return false; /* Newspaper message, decrement duration counter */ if (NewsWindow::duration != 0) NewsWindow::duration--; /* neither newsticker nor newspaper are running */ return (NewsWindow::duration == 0 || FindWindowById(WC_NEWS_WINDOW, 0) == NULL); } /** Move to the next news item */ static void MoveToNextItem() { InvalidateWindowData(WC_STATUS_BAR, 0, SBI_NEWS_DELETED); // invalidate the statusbar DeleteWindowById(WC_NEWS_WINDOW, 0); // close the newspapers window if shown _forced_news = NULL; /* if we're not at the last item, then move on */ if (_current_news != _latest_news) { _current_news = (_current_news == NULL) ? _oldest_news : _current_news->next; NewsItem *ni = _current_news; const NewsType type = _news_subtype_data[ni->subtype].type; /* check the date, don't show too old items */ if (_date - _news_type_data[type].age > ni->date) return; switch (_news_type_data[type].display) { default: NOT_REACHED(); case ND_OFF: // Off - show nothing only a small reminder in the status bar InvalidateWindowData(WC_STATUS_BAR, 0, SBI_SHOW_REMINDER); break; case ND_SUMMARY: // Summary - show ticker ShowTicker(ni); break; case ND_FULL: // Full - show newspaper ShowNewspaper(ni); break; } } } /** * Add a new newsitem to be shown. * @param string String to display * @param subtype news category, any of the NewsSubtype enums (NS_) * @param reftype1 Type of ref1 * @param ref1 Reference 1 to some object: Used for a possible viewport, scrolling after clicking on the news, and for deleteing the news when the object is deleted. * @param reftype2 Type of ref2 * @param ref2 Reference 2 to some object: Used for scrolling after clicking on the news, and for deleteing the news when the object is deleted. * * @see NewsSubype */ void AddNewsItem(StringID string, NewsSubtype subtype, NewsReferenceType reftype1, uint32 ref1, NewsReferenceType reftype2, uint32 ref2, void *free_data) { if (_game_mode == GM_MENU) return; /* Create new news item node */ NewsItem *ni = new NewsItem; ni->string_id = string; ni->subtype = subtype; ni->flags = _news_subtype_data[subtype].flags; /* show this news message in colour? */ if (_cur_year >= _settings_client.gui.coloured_news_year) ni->flags |= NF_INCOLOUR; ni->reftype1 = reftype1; ni->reftype2 = reftype2; ni->ref1 = ref1; ni->ref2 = ref2; ni->free_data = free_data; ni->date = _date; CopyOutDParam(ni->params, 0, lengthof(ni->params)); if (_total_news++ == 0) { assert(_oldest_news == NULL); _oldest_news = ni; ni->prev = NULL; } else { assert(_latest_news->next == NULL); _latest_news->next = ni; ni->prev = _latest_news; } ni->next = NULL; _latest_news = ni; InvalidateWindow(WC_MESSAGE_HISTORY, 0); } /** Delete a news item from the queue */ static void DeleteNewsItem(NewsItem *ni) { if (_forced_news == ni || _current_news == ni) { /* about to remove the currently forced item (shown as newspapers) || * about to remove the currently displayed item (newspapers, ticker, or just a reminder) */ MoveToNextItem(); } /* delete item */ if (ni->prev != NULL) { ni->prev->next = ni->next; } else { assert(_oldest_news == ni); _oldest_news = ni->next; } if (ni->next != NULL) { ni->next->prev = ni->prev; } else { assert(_latest_news == ni); _latest_news = ni->prev; } free(ni->free_data); if (_current_news == ni) _current_news = ni->prev; _total_news--; delete ni; InvalidateWindow(WC_MESSAGE_HISTORY, 0); } void DeleteVehicleNews(VehicleID vid, StringID news) { NewsItem *ni = _oldest_news; while (ni != NULL) { NewsItem *next = ni->next; if (((ni->reftype1 == NR_VEHICLE && ni->ref1 == vid) || (ni->reftype2 == NR_VEHICLE && ni->ref2 == vid)) && (news == INVALID_STRING_ID || ni->string_id == news)) { DeleteNewsItem(ni); } ni = next; } } /** Remove news regarding given station so there are no 'unknown station now accepts Mail' * or 'First train arrived at unknown station' news items. * @param sid station to remove news about */ void DeleteStationNews(StationID sid) { NewsItem *ni = _oldest_news; while (ni != NULL) { NewsItem *next = ni->next; if ((ni->reftype1 == NR_STATION && ni->ref1 == sid) || (ni->reftype2 == NR_STATION && ni->ref2 == sid)) { DeleteNewsItem(ni); } ni = next; } } /** Remove news regarding given industry * @param iid industry to remove news about */ void DeleteIndustryNews(IndustryID iid) { NewsItem *ni = _oldest_news; while (ni != NULL) { NewsItem *next = ni->next; if ((ni->reftype1 == NR_INDUSTRY && ni->ref1 == iid) || (ni->reftype2 == NR_INDUSTRY && ni->ref2 == iid)) { DeleteNewsItem(ni); } ni = next; } } void RemoveOldNewsItems() { NewsItem *next; for (NewsItem *cur = _oldest_news; _total_news > MIN_NEWS_AMOUNT && cur != NULL; cur = next) { next = cur->next; if (_date - _news_type_data[_news_subtype_data[cur->subtype].type].age * _settings_client.gui.news_message_timeout > cur->date) DeleteNewsItem(cur); } } void NewsLoop() { /* no news item yet */ if (_total_news == 0) return; static byte _last_clean_month = 0; if (_last_clean_month != _cur_month) { RemoveOldNewsItems(); _last_clean_month = _cur_month; } if (ReadyForNextItem()) MoveToNextItem(); } /** Do a forced show of a specific message */ static void ShowNewsMessage(NewsItem *ni) { assert(_total_news != 0); /* Delete the news window */ DeleteWindowById(WC_NEWS_WINDOW, 0); /* setup forced news item */ _forced_news = ni; if (_forced_news != NULL) { DeleteWindowById(WC_NEWS_WINDOW, 0); ShowNewspaper(ni); } } /** Show previous news item */ void ShowLastNewsMessage() { if (_total_news == 0) { return; } else if (_forced_news == NULL) { /* Not forced any news yet, show the current one, unless a news window is * open (which can only be the current one), then show the previous item */ const Window *w = FindWindowById(WC_NEWS_WINDOW, 0); ShowNewsMessage((w == NULL || (_current_news == _oldest_news)) ? _current_news : _current_news->prev); } else if (_forced_news == _oldest_news) { /* We have reached the oldest news, start anew with the latest */ ShowNewsMessage(_latest_news); } else { /* 'Scrolling' through news history show each one in turn */ ShowNewsMessage(_forced_news->prev); } } /** * Draw an unformatted news message truncated to a maximum length. If * length exceeds maximum length it will be postfixed by '...' * @param x,y position of the string * @param colour the colour the string will be shown in * @param *ni NewsItem being printed * @param maxw maximum width of string in pixels */ static void DrawNewsString(int x, int y, TextColour colour, const NewsItem *ni, uint maxw) { char buffer[512], buffer2[512]; StringID str; CopyInDParam(0, ni->params, lengthof(ni->params)); str = ni->string_id; GetString(buffer, str, lastof(buffer)); /* Copy the just gotten string to another buffer to remove any formatting * from it such as big fonts, etc. */ const char *ptr = buffer; char *dest = buffer2; WChar c_last = '\0'; for (;;) { WChar c = Utf8Consume(&ptr); if (c == 0) break; /* Make a space from a newline, but ignore multiple newlines */ if (c == '\n' && c_last != '\n') { dest[0] = ' '; dest++; } else if (c == '\r') { dest[0] = dest[1] = dest[2] = dest[3] = ' '; dest += 4; } else if (IsPrintable(c)) { dest += Utf8Encode(dest, c); } c_last = c; } *dest = '\0'; /* Truncate and show string; postfixed by '...' if neccessary */ DrawString(x, x + maxw, y, buffer2, colour); } /** Widget numbers of the message history window. */ enum MessageHistoryWidgets { MHW_CLOSEBOX, MHW_CAPTION, MHW_STICKYBOX, MHW_BACKGROUND, MHW_SCROLLBAR, MHW_RESIZEBOX, }; struct MessageHistoryWindow : Window { static const int top_spacing; ///< Additional spacing at the top of the #MHW_BACKGROUND widget. static const int bottom_spacing; ///< Additional spacing at the bottom of the #MHW_BACKGROUND widget. int line_height; /// < Height of a single line in the news histoy window including spacing. int date_width; /// < Width needed for the date part. MessageHistoryWindow(const WindowDesc *desc) : Window() { this->InitNested(desc); // Initializes 'this->line_height' and 'this->date_width'. this->vscroll.cap = (this->nested_array[MHW_BACKGROUND]->current_y - this->top_spacing - this->bottom_spacing) / this->line_height; OnInvalidateData(0); } virtual void UpdateWidgetSize(int widget, Dimension *size, const Dimension &padding, Dimension *resize) { if (widget == MHW_BACKGROUND) { this->line_height = FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL + 2; resize->height = this->line_height; SetDParam(0, ConvertYMDToDate(2024, 7, 28)); this->date_width = GetStringBoundingBox(STR_SHORT_DATE).width; size->height = 4 * resize->height + this->top_spacing + this->bottom_spacing; // At least 4 lines are visible. size->width = max(200u, size->width); // At least 200 pixels wide. } } virtual void OnPaint() { OnInvalidateData(0); this->DrawWidgets(); } virtual void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, int widget) const { if (widget != MHW_BACKGROUND || _total_news == 0) return; /* Find the first news item to display. */ NewsItem *ni = _latest_news; for (int n = this->vscroll.pos; n > 0; n--) { ni = ni->prev; if (ni == NULL) return; } /* Fill the widget with news items. */ int y = r.top + this->top_spacing; const int date_left = r.left + WD_FRAMETEXT_LEFT; // Left edge of dates const int news_left = date_left + this->date_width + 5; // Left edge of news items for (int n = this->vscroll.cap; n > 0; n--) { SetDParam(0, ni->date); DrawString(date_left, news_left, y, STR_SHORT_DATE); DrawNewsString(news_left, y, TC_WHITE, ni, r.right - WD_FRAMETEXT_RIGHT - news_left); y += this->line_height; ni = ni->prev; if (ni == NULL) return; } } virtual void OnInvalidateData(int data) { SetVScrollCount(this, _total_news); } virtual void OnClick(Point pt, int widget) { if (widget == MHW_BACKGROUND) { NewsItem *ni = _latest_news; if (ni == NULL) return; for (int n = (pt.y - this->nested_array[MHW_BACKGROUND]->pos_y - WD_FRAMERECT_TOP) / this->line_height + this->vscroll.pos; n > 0; n--) { ni = ni->prev; if (ni == NULL) return; } ShowNewsMessage(ni); } } virtual void OnResize(Point delta) { this->vscroll.cap += delta.y / this->line_height; OnInvalidateData(0); } }; const int MessageHistoryWindow::top_spacing = WD_FRAMERECT_TOP + 4; const int MessageHistoryWindow::bottom_spacing = WD_FRAMERECT_BOTTOM; static const NWidgetPart _nested_message_history[] = { NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CLOSEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN, MHW_CLOSEBOX), SetMinimalSize(11, 14), SetDataTip(STR_BLACK_CROSS, STR_TOOLTIP_CLOSE_WINDOW), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_BROWN, MHW_CAPTION), SetDataTip(STR_MESSAGE_HISTORY, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS), NWidget(WWT_STICKYBOX, COLOUR_BROWN, MHW_STICKYBOX), SetMinimalSize(12, 14), SetDataTip(0x0, STR_TOOLTIP_STICKY), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_BROWN, MHW_BACKGROUND), SetMinimalSize(200, 125), SetDataTip(0x0, STR_MESSAGE_HISTORY_TOOLTIP), SetResize(1, 12), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_VERTICAL), NWidget(WWT_SCROLLBAR, COLOUR_BROWN, MHW_SCROLLBAR), SetFill(0, 1), SetDataTip(0x0, STR_TOOLTIP_VSCROLL_BAR_SCROLLS_LIST), SetResize(0, 1), NWidget(WWT_RESIZEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN, MHW_RESIZEBOX), SetMinimalSize(12, 12), SetDataTip(0x0, STR_TOOLTIP_RESIZE), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), }; static const WindowDesc _message_history_desc( 240, 22, 400, 140, 400, 140, WC_MESSAGE_HISTORY, WC_NONE, WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS | WDF_STICKY_BUTTON | WDF_RESIZABLE, NULL, _nested_message_history, lengthof(_nested_message_history) ); /** Display window with news messages history */ void ShowMessageHistory() { DeleteWindowById(WC_MESSAGE_HISTORY, 0); new MessageHistoryWindow(&_message_history_desc); } /** News settings window widget offset constants */ enum NewsSettingsWidgets { WIDGET_NEWSOPT_CLOSEBOX, ///< Close box. WIDGET_NEWSOPT_CAPTION, ///< Caption. WIDGET_NEWSOPT_BACKGROUND, ///< Background widget. WIDGET_NEWSOPT_LABEL, ///< Top label. WIDGET_NEWSOPT_DROP_SUMMARY, ///< Dropdown that adjusts at once the level for all settings. WIDGET_NEWSOPT_LABEL_SUMMARY, ///< Label of the summary drop down. WIDGET_NEWSOPT_SOUNDTICKER, ///< Button for (de)activating sound on events. WIDGET_NEWSOPT_SOUNDTICKER_LABEL, ///< Label of the soundticker button, WIDGET_NEWSOPT_START_OPTION, ///< First widget that is part of a group [<] .. [.] }; static const StringID _message_opt[] = {STR_NEWS_MESSAGES_OFF, STR_NEWS_MESSAGES_SUMMARY, STR_NEWS_MESSAGES_FULL, INVALID_STRING_ID}; struct MessageOptionsWindow : Window { int state; MessageOptionsWindow(const WindowDesc *desc) : Window(desc) { NewsDisplay all_val; /* Set up the initial disabled buttons in the case of 'off' or 'full' */ all_val = _news_type_data[0].display; for (int i = 0; i < NT_END; i++) { this->SetMessageButtonStates(_news_type_data[i].display, i); /* If the value doesn't match the ALL-button value, set the ALL-button value to 'off' */ if (_news_type_data[i].display != all_val) all_val = ND_OFF; } /* If all values are the same value, the ALL-button will take over this value */ this->state = all_val; this->FindWindowPlacementAndResize(desc); } /** * Setup the disabled/enabled buttons in the message window * If the value is 'off' disable the [<] widget, and enable the [>] one * Same-wise for all the others. Starting value of 4 is the first widget * group. These are grouped as [<][>] .. [<][>], etc. * @param value to set in the widget * @param element index of the group of widget to set */ void SetMessageButtonStates(byte value, int element) { element *= NB_WIDG_PER_SETTING; this->SetWidgetDisabledState(element + WIDGET_NEWSOPT_START_OPTION, value == 0); this->SetWidgetDisabledState(element + WIDGET_NEWSOPT_START_OPTION + 2, value == 2); } virtual void OnPaint() { if (_news_ticker_sound) this->LowerWidget(WIDGET_NEWSOPT_SOUNDTICKER); this->widget[WIDGET_NEWSOPT_DROP_SUMMARY].data = _message_opt[this->state]; this->DrawWidgets(); /* Draw the string of each setting on each button. */ for (int i = 0; i < NT_END; i++) { DrawString(this->widget[WIDGET_NEWSOPT_START_OPTION + 1].left, this->widget[WIDGET_NEWSOPT_START_OPTION + 1].right, this->widget[WIDGET_NEWSOPT_START_OPTION + NB_WIDG_PER_SETTING * i + 1].top + 1, _message_opt[_news_type_data[i].display], TC_BLACK, SA_CENTER); } } virtual void OnClick(Point pt, int widget) { switch (widget) { case WIDGET_NEWSOPT_DROP_SUMMARY: // Dropdown menu for all settings ShowDropDownMenu(this, _message_opt, this->state, WIDGET_NEWSOPT_DROP_SUMMARY, 0, 0); break; case WIDGET_NEWSOPT_SOUNDTICKER: // Change ticker sound on/off _news_ticker_sound ^= 1; this->ToggleWidgetLoweredState(widget); this->InvalidateWidget(widget); break; default: { // Clicked on the [<] .. [>] widgets int wid = widget - WIDGET_NEWSOPT_START_OPTION; if (wid >= 0 && wid < (NB_WIDG_PER_SETTING * NT_END)) { int element = wid / NB_WIDG_PER_SETTING; byte val = (_news_type_data[element].display + ((wid % NB_WIDG_PER_SETTING) ? 1 : -1)) % 3; this->SetMessageButtonStates(val, element); _news_type_data[element].display = (NewsDisplay)val; this->SetDirty(); } break; } } } virtual void OnDropdownSelect(int widget, int index) { this->state = index; for (int i = 0; i < NT_END; i++) { this->SetMessageButtonStates(index, i); _news_type_data[i].display = (NewsDisplay)index; } this->SetDirty(); } }; /* * The news settings window widgets * * Main part of the window is a list of news setting lines, one for each news category. * Each line is constructed by an expansion of the \c NEWS_SETTINGS_LINE macro */ /** * Macro to construct one news setting line in the news - settings window. * One line consists of four widgets, namely * - A [<] button * - A [...] label * - A [>] button * - A text label describing the news category * Horizontal positions of the widgets are hard coded, vertical start position is (\a basey + \a linenum * \c NEWS_SETTING_BASELINE_SKIP). * Height of one line is 12, with the text label shifted 1 pixel down. * * First line should be widget number WIDGET_NEWSOPT_START_OPTION * * @param basey: Base Y coordinate * @param linenum: Count, news - setting is the \a linenum - th line */ #define NEWS_SETTINGS_LINE(basey, linenum) \ { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_YELLOW, \ 4, 12, basey + linenum * NEWS_SETTING_BASELINE_SKIP, basey + 11 + linenum * NEWS_SETTING_BASELINE_SKIP, \ SPR_ARROW_LEFT, STR_TOOLTIP_HSCROLL_BAR_SCROLLS_LIST}, \ { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_YELLOW, \ 13, 89, basey + linenum * NEWS_SETTING_BASELINE_SKIP, basey + 11 + linenum * NEWS_SETTING_BASELINE_SKIP, \ STR_EMPTY, STR_NULL}, \ { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_YELLOW, \ 90, 98, basey + linenum * NEWS_SETTING_BASELINE_SKIP, basey + 11 + linenum * NEWS_SETTING_BASELINE_SKIP, \ SPR_ARROW_RIGHT, STR_TOOLTIP_HSCROLL_BAR_SCROLLS_LIST}, \ { WWT_TEXT, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_YELLOW, \ 103, 409, basey + linenum * NEWS_SETTING_BASELINE_SKIP, basey + 11 + linenum * NEWS_SETTING_BASELINE_SKIP, \ _news_type_data[linenum].description, STR_NULL} static const int NEWS_SETTING_BASELINE_SKIP = 12; ///< Distance between two news-setting lines, should be at least 12 static const Widget _message_options_widgets[] = { { WWT_CLOSEBOX, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_BROWN, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_BLACK_CROSS, STR_TOOLTIP_CLOSE_WINDOW}, { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_BROWN, 11, 409, 0, 13, STR_NEWS_MESSAGE_OPTIONS_CAPTION, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_BROWN, 0, 409, 14, 64 + NT_END * NEWS_SETTING_BASELINE_SKIP, 0x0, STR_NULL}, /* Text at the top of the main panel, in black */ { WWT_LABEL, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_BROWN, 0, 409, 14, 27, STR_NEWS_MESSAGE_TYPES, STR_NULL}, /* General drop down and sound button, widgets WIDGET_NEWSOPT_BTN_SUMMARY and WIDGET_NEWSOPT_DROP_SUMMARY */ { WWT_DROPDOWN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_YELLOW, 4, 98, 34 + NT_END * NEWS_SETTING_BASELINE_SKIP, 45 + NT_END * NEWS_SETTING_BASELINE_SKIP, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_TEXT, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_YELLOW, 103, 409, 34 + NT_END * NEWS_SETTING_BASELINE_SKIP, 45 + NT_END * NEWS_SETTING_BASELINE_SKIP, STR_NEWS_MESSAGES_ALL, STR_NULL}, /* Below is widget WIDGET_NEWSOPT_SOUNDTICKER */ { WWT_TEXTBTN_2, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_YELLOW, 4, 98, 46 + NT_END * NEWS_SETTING_BASELINE_SKIP, 57 + NT_END * NEWS_SETTING_BASELINE_SKIP, STR_STATION_BUILD_COVERAGE_OFF, STR_NULL}, { WWT_TEXT, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_YELLOW, 103, 409, 46 + NT_END * NEWS_SETTING_BASELINE_SKIP, 57 + NT_END * NEWS_SETTING_BASELINE_SKIP, STR_NEWS_MESSAGES_SOUND, STR_NULL}, /* List of news-setting lines (4 widgets for each line). * First widget must be number WIDGET_NEWSOPT_START_OPTION */ NEWS_SETTINGS_LINE(28, NT_ARRIVAL_COMPANY), NEWS_SETTINGS_LINE(28, NT_ARRIVAL_OTHER), NEWS_SETTINGS_LINE(28, NT_ACCIDENT), NEWS_SETTINGS_LINE(28, NT_COMPANY_INFO), NEWS_SETTINGS_LINE(28, NT_INDUSTRY_OPEN), NEWS_SETTINGS_LINE(28, NT_INDUSTRY_CLOSE), NEWS_SETTINGS_LINE(28, NT_ECONOMY), NEWS_SETTINGS_LINE(28, NT_INDUSTRY_COMPANY), NEWS_SETTINGS_LINE(28, NT_INDUSTRY_OTHER), NEWS_SETTINGS_LINE(28, NT_INDUSTRY_NOBODY), NEWS_SETTINGS_LINE(28, NT_ADVICE), NEWS_SETTINGS_LINE(28, NT_NEW_VEHICLES), NEWS_SETTINGS_LINE(28, NT_ACCEPTANCE), NEWS_SETTINGS_LINE(28, NT_SUBSIDIES), NEWS_SETTINGS_LINE(28, NT_GENERAL), { WIDGETS_END}, }; /** * Make nested widget tree for the news settings. * @param biggest_index Storage for collecting the biggest index used in the returned tree. * @return Panel with rows of news settings. * @postcond \c *biggest_index contains the largest used index in the tree. */ static NWidgetBase *MakeNewsSettingLines(int *biggest_index) { const int NEWS_SETTING_HEIGHT = 12; // Height of one line. NWidgetVertical *vert = new NWidgetVertical; int widnum = WIDGET_NEWSOPT_START_OPTION; for (int i = 0; i < NT_END; i++) { NWidgetHorizontal *hor = new NWidgetHorizontal; hor->SetPIP(4, 0, 0); /* [<] button. */ NWidgetLeaf *leaf = new NWidgetLeaf(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_YELLOW, widnum++, SPR_ARROW_LEFT, STR_TOOLTIP_HSCROLL_BAR_SCROLLS_LIST); leaf->SetMinimalSize(9, NEWS_SETTING_HEIGHT); hor->Add(leaf); /* Label. */ leaf = new NWidgetLeaf(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_YELLOW, widnum++, STR_EMPTY, STR_NULL); leaf->SetMinimalSize(77, NEWS_SETTING_HEIGHT); hor->Add(leaf); /* [>] button. */ leaf = new NWidgetLeaf(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_YELLOW, widnum++, SPR_ARROW_RIGHT, STR_TOOLTIP_HSCROLL_BAR_SCROLLS_LIST); leaf->SetMinimalSize(9, NEWS_SETTING_HEIGHT); hor->Add(leaf); /* Descriptive text. */ leaf = new NWidgetLeaf(WWT_TEXT, COLOUR_YELLOW, widnum++, _news_type_data[i].description, STR_NULL); leaf->SetMinimalSize(307, NEWS_SETTING_HEIGHT); leaf->SetPadding(0, 0, 0, 4); hor->Add(leaf); vert->Add(hor); } *biggest_index = widnum - 1; return vert; } static const NWidgetPart _nested_message_options_widgets[] = { NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CLOSEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN, WIDGET_NEWSOPT_CLOSEBOX), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_BROWN, WIDGET_NEWSOPT_CAPTION), SetDataTip(STR_NEWS_MESSAGE_OPTIONS_CAPTION, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_BROWN, WIDGET_NEWSOPT_BACKGROUND), NWidget(WWT_LABEL, COLOUR_BROWN, WIDGET_NEWSOPT_LABEL), SetMinimalSize(410, 14), SetDataTip(STR_NEWS_MESSAGE_TYPES, STR_NULL), NWidgetFunction(MakeNewsSettingLines), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), SetMinimalSize(0, 6), NWidget(NWID_VERTICAL), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), SetPadding(0, 0, 0, 4), NWidget(WWT_DROPDOWN, COLOUR_YELLOW, WIDGET_NEWSOPT_DROP_SUMMARY), SetMinimalSize(95, 12), SetDataTip(0x0, STR_NULL), NWidget(WWT_TEXT, COLOUR_YELLOW, WIDGET_NEWSOPT_LABEL_SUMMARY), SetMinimalSize(307, 12), SetDataTip(STR_NEWS_MESSAGES_ALL, STR_NULL), SetPadding(0, 0, 0, 4), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), SetPadding(0, 0, 0, 4), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN_2, COLOUR_YELLOW, WIDGET_NEWSOPT_SOUNDTICKER), SetMinimalSize(95, 12), SetDataTip(STR_STATION_BUILD_COVERAGE_OFF, STR_NULL), NWidget(WWT_TEXT, COLOUR_YELLOW, WIDGET_NEWSOPT_SOUNDTICKER_LABEL), SetMinimalSize(307, 12), SetDataTip(STR_NEWS_MESSAGES_SOUND, STR_NULL), SetPadding(0, 0, 0, 4), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), SetMinimalSize(0, 7), EndContainer(), }; static const WindowDesc _message_options_desc( 270, 22, 410, 65 + NT_END * NEWS_SETTING_BASELINE_SKIP, 410, 65 + NT_END * NEWS_SETTING_BASELINE_SKIP, WC_GAME_OPTIONS, WC_NONE, WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS, _message_options_widgets, _nested_message_options_widgets, lengthof(_nested_message_options_widgets) ); void ShowMessageOptions() { DeleteWindowById(WC_GAME_OPTIONS, 0); new MessageOptionsWindow(&_message_options_desc); }