/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file spritecache.cpp Caching of sprites. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "random_access_file_type.h" #include "spriteloader/grf.hpp" #include "gfx_func.h" #include "error.h" #include "zoom_func.h" #include "settings_type.h" #include "blitter/factory.hpp" #include "core/alloc_func.hpp" #include "core/math_func.hpp" #include "core/mem_func.hpp" #include "video/video_driver.hpp" #include "scope_info.h" #include "spritecache.h" #include "spritecache_internal.h" #include "table/sprites.h" #include "table/strings.h" #include "table/palette_convert.h" #include "3rdparty/cpp-btree/btree_map.h" #include #include #include "safeguards.h" /* Default of 4MB spritecache */ uint _sprite_cache_size = 4; size_t _spritecache_bytes_used = 0; static uint32_t _sprite_lru_counter; static uint32_t _spritecache_prune_events = 0; static size_t _spritecache_prune_entries = 0; static size_t _spritecache_prune_total = 0; static std::vector _spritecache; static SpriteDataBuffer _last_sprite_allocation; static std::vector> _sprite_files; static inline SpriteCache *GetSpriteCache(uint index) { return &_spritecache[index]; } SpriteCache *AllocateSpriteCache(uint index) { if (index >= _spritecache.size()) { _spritecache.resize(index + 1); } return GetSpriteCache(index); } /** * Get the cached SpriteFile given the name of the file. * @param filename The name of the file at the disk. * @return The SpriteFile or \c null. */ static SpriteFile *GetCachedSpriteFileByName(const std::string &filename) { for (auto &f : _sprite_files) { if (f->GetFilename() == filename) { return f.get(); } } return nullptr; } /** * Open/get the SpriteFile that is cached for use in the sprite cache. * @param filename Name of the file at the disk. * @param subdir The sub directory to search this file in. * @param palette_remap Whether a palette remap needs to be performed for this file. * @return The reference to the SpriteCache. */ SpriteFile &OpenCachedSpriteFile(const std::string &filename, Subdirectory subdir, bool palette_remap) { SpriteFile *file = GetCachedSpriteFileByName(filename); if (file == nullptr) { file = _sprite_files.insert(std::end(_sprite_files), std::make_unique(filename, subdir, palette_remap))->get(); } else { file->SeekToBegin(); } return *file; } static void *AllocSprite(size_t mem_req); /** * Skip the given amount of sprite graphics data. * @param type the type of sprite (compressed etc) * @param num the amount of sprites to skip * @return true if the data could be correctly skipped. */ bool SkipSpriteData(SpriteFile &file, byte type, uint16_t num) { if (type & 2) { file.SkipBytes(num); } else { while (num > 0) { int8_t i = file.ReadByte(); if (i >= 0) { int size = (i == 0) ? 0x80 : i; if (size > num) return false; num -= size; file.SkipBytes(size); } else { i = -(i >> 3); num -= i; file.ReadByte(); } } } return true; } /* Check if the given Sprite ID exists */ bool SpriteExists(SpriteID id) { if (id >= _spritecache.size()) return false; /* Special case for Sprite ID zero -- its position is also 0... */ if (id == 0) return true; return !(GetSpriteCache(id)->file_pos == 0 && GetSpriteCache(id)->file == nullptr); } /** * Get the sprite type of a given sprite. * @param sprite The sprite to look at. * @return the type of sprite. */ SpriteType GetSpriteType(SpriteID sprite) { if (!SpriteExists(sprite)) return SpriteType::Invalid; return GetSpriteCache(sprite)->GetType(); } /** * Get the SpriteFile of a given sprite. * @param sprite The sprite to look at. * @return The SpriteFile. */ SpriteFile *GetOriginFile(SpriteID sprite) { if (!SpriteExists(sprite)) return nullptr; return GetSpriteCache(sprite)->file; } /** * Get the GRF-local sprite id of a given sprite. * @param sprite The sprite to look at. * @return The GRF-local sprite id. */ uint32_t GetSpriteLocalID(SpriteID sprite) { if (!SpriteExists(sprite)) return 0; return GetSpriteCache(sprite)->id; } /** * Count the sprites which originate from a specific file in a range of SpriteIDs. * @param file The loaded SpriteFile. * @param begin First sprite in range. * @param end First sprite not in range. * @return Number of sprites. */ uint GetSpriteCountForFile(const std::string &filename, SpriteID begin, SpriteID end) { SpriteFile *file = GetCachedSpriteFileByName(filename); if (file == nullptr) return 0; uint count = 0; for (SpriteID i = begin; i != end; i++) { if (SpriteExists(i)) { SpriteCache *sc = GetSpriteCache(i); if (sc->file == file) { count++; DEBUG(sprite, 4, "Sprite: %u", i); } } } return count; } /** * Get a reasonable (upper bound) estimate of the maximum * SpriteID used in OpenTTD; there will be no sprites with * a higher SpriteID. * @note It's actually the number of spritecache items. * @return maximum SpriteID */ uint GetMaxSpriteID() { return (uint)_spritecache.size(); } static bool ResizeSpriteIn(SpriteLoader::SpriteCollection &sprite, ZoomLevel src, ZoomLevel tgt, bool dry_run) { uint8_t scaled_1 = ScaleByZoom(1, (ZoomLevel)(src - tgt)); /* Check for possible memory overflow. */ if (sprite[src].width * scaled_1 > UINT16_MAX || sprite[src].height * scaled_1 > UINT16_MAX) return false; sprite[tgt].width = sprite[src].width * scaled_1; sprite[tgt].height = sprite[src].height * scaled_1; sprite[tgt].x_offs = sprite[src].x_offs * scaled_1; sprite[tgt].y_offs = sprite[src].y_offs * scaled_1; sprite[tgt].colours = sprite[src].colours; if (dry_run) { sprite[tgt].data = nullptr; return true; } sprite[tgt].AllocateData(tgt, static_cast(sprite[tgt].width) * sprite[tgt].height); SpriteLoader::CommonPixel *dst = sprite[tgt].data; for (int y = 0; y < sprite[tgt].height; y++) { const SpriteLoader::CommonPixel *src_ln = &sprite[src].data[y / scaled_1 * sprite[src].width]; for (int x = 0; x < sprite[tgt].width; x++) { *dst = src_ln[x / scaled_1]; dst++; } } return true; } static void ResizeSpriteOut(SpriteLoader::SpriteCollection &sprite, ZoomLevel zoom, bool dry_run) { /* Algorithm based on 32bpp_Optimized::ResizeSprite() */ sprite[zoom].width = UnScaleByZoom(sprite[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].width, zoom); sprite[zoom].height = UnScaleByZoom(sprite[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].height, zoom); sprite[zoom].x_offs = UnScaleByZoom(sprite[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].x_offs, zoom); sprite[zoom].y_offs = UnScaleByZoom(sprite[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].y_offs, zoom); sprite[zoom].colours = sprite[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].colours; if (dry_run) { sprite[zoom].data = nullptr; return; } sprite[zoom].AllocateData(zoom, static_cast(sprite[zoom].height) * sprite[zoom].width); SpriteLoader::CommonPixel *dst = sprite[zoom].data; const SpriteLoader::CommonPixel *src = sprite[zoom - 1].data; [[maybe_unused]] const SpriteLoader::CommonPixel *src_end = src + sprite[zoom - 1].height * sprite[zoom - 1].width; for (uint y = 0; y < sprite[zoom].height; y++) { const SpriteLoader::CommonPixel *src_ln = src + sprite[zoom - 1].width; assert(src_ln <= src_end); for (uint x = 0; x < sprite[zoom].width; x++) { assert(src < src_ln); if (src + 1 != src_ln && (src + 1)->a != 0) { *dst = *(src + 1); } else { *dst = *src; } dst++; src += 2; } src = src_ln + sprite[zoom - 1].width; } } static bool PadSingleSprite(SpriteLoader::Sprite *sprite, ZoomLevel zoom, uint pad_left, uint pad_top, uint pad_right, uint pad_bottom) { uint width = sprite->width + pad_left + pad_right; uint height = sprite->height + pad_top + pad_bottom; if (width > UINT16_MAX || height > UINT16_MAX) return false; if (sprite->data != nullptr) { /* Copy source data and reallocate sprite memory. */ size_t sprite_size = static_cast(sprite->width) * sprite->height; SpriteLoader::CommonPixel *src_data = MallocT(sprite_size); MemCpyT(src_data, sprite->data, sprite_size); sprite->AllocateData(zoom, static_cast(width) * height); /* Copy with padding to destination. */ SpriteLoader::CommonPixel *src = src_data; SpriteLoader::CommonPixel *data = sprite->data; for (uint y = 0; y < height; y++) { if (y < pad_top || pad_bottom + y >= height) { /* Top/bottom padding. */ MemSetT(data, 0, width); data += width; } else { if (pad_left > 0) { /* Pad left. */ MemSetT(data, 0, pad_left); data += pad_left; } /* Copy pixels. */ MemCpyT(data, src, sprite->width); src += sprite->width; data += sprite->width; if (pad_right > 0) { /* Pad right. */ MemSetT(data, 0, pad_right); data += pad_right; } } } free(src_data); } /* Update sprite size. */ sprite->width = width; sprite->height = height; sprite->x_offs -= pad_left; sprite->y_offs -= pad_top; return true; } static bool PadSprites(SpriteLoader::SpriteCollection &sprite, unsigned int sprite_avail, SpriteEncoder *encoder) { /* Get minimum top left corner coordinates. */ int min_xoffs = INT32_MAX; int min_yoffs = INT32_MAX; for (ZoomLevel zoom = ZOOM_LVL_BEGIN; zoom != ZOOM_LVL_SPR_END; zoom++) { if (HasBit(sprite_avail, zoom)) { min_xoffs = std::min(min_xoffs, ScaleByZoom(sprite[zoom].x_offs, zoom)); min_yoffs = std::min(min_yoffs, ScaleByZoom(sprite[zoom].y_offs, zoom)); } } /* Get maximum dimensions taking necessary padding at the top left into account. */ int max_width = INT32_MIN; int max_height = INT32_MIN; for (ZoomLevel zoom = ZOOM_LVL_BEGIN; zoom != ZOOM_LVL_SPR_END; zoom++) { if (HasBit(sprite_avail, zoom)) { max_width = std::max(max_width, ScaleByZoom(sprite[zoom].width + sprite[zoom].x_offs - UnScaleByZoom(min_xoffs, zoom), zoom)); max_height = std::max(max_height, ScaleByZoom(sprite[zoom].height + sprite[zoom].y_offs - UnScaleByZoom(min_yoffs, zoom), zoom)); } } /* Align height and width if required to match the needs of the sprite encoder. */ uint align = encoder->GetSpriteAlignment(); if (align != 0) { max_width = Align(max_width, align); max_height = Align(max_height, align); } /* Pad sprites where needed. */ for (ZoomLevel zoom = ZOOM_LVL_BEGIN; zoom != ZOOM_LVL_SPR_END; zoom++) { if (HasBit(sprite_avail, zoom)) { /* Scaling the sprite dimensions in the blitter is done with rounding up, * so a negative padding here is not an error. */ int pad_left = std::max(0, sprite[zoom].x_offs - UnScaleByZoom(min_xoffs, zoom)); int pad_top = std::max(0, sprite[zoom].y_offs - UnScaleByZoom(min_yoffs, zoom)); int pad_right = std::max(0, UnScaleByZoom(max_width, zoom) - sprite[zoom].width - pad_left); int pad_bottom = std::max(0, UnScaleByZoom(max_height, zoom) - sprite[zoom].height - pad_top); if (pad_left > 0 || pad_right > 0 || pad_top > 0 || pad_bottom > 0) { if (!PadSingleSprite(&sprite[zoom], zoom, pad_left, pad_top, pad_right, pad_bottom)) return false; } } } return true; } static bool ResizeSprites(SpriteLoader::SpriteCollection &sprite, unsigned int sprite_avail, SpriteEncoder *encoder, uint8_t zoom_levels) { ZoomLevel first_avail = static_cast(FindFirstBit(sprite_avail)); ZoomLevel first_needed = static_cast(FindFirstBit(zoom_levels)); /* Upscale to desired sprite_min_zoom if provided sprite only had zoomed in versions. */ if (first_avail < _settings_client.gui.sprite_zoom_min) { const unsigned int below_min_zoom_mask = (1 << _settings_client.gui.sprite_zoom_min) - 1; if ((zoom_levels & below_min_zoom_mask) != 0 && !HasBit(sprite_avail, _settings_client.gui.sprite_zoom_min)) { if (!HasBit(sprite_avail, ZOOM_LVL_OUT_2X)) ResizeSpriteOut(sprite, ZOOM_LVL_OUT_2X, false); if (_settings_client.gui.sprite_zoom_min == ZOOM_LVL_OUT_4X) ResizeSpriteOut(sprite, ZOOM_LVL_OUT_4X, false); sprite_avail &= ~below_min_zoom_mask; SetBit(sprite_avail, _settings_client.gui.sprite_zoom_min); first_avail = _settings_client.gui.sprite_zoom_min; } } ZoomLevel start = std::min(first_avail, first_needed); bool needed = false; for (ZoomLevel zoom = ZOOM_LVL_SPR_END; zoom-- > start; ) { if (HasBit(sprite_avail, zoom) && sprite[zoom].data != nullptr) { needed = false; } else if (HasBit(zoom_levels, zoom)) { needed = true; } else if (needed) { SetBit(zoom_levels, zoom); } } /* Create a fully zoomed image if it does not exist */ if (first_avail != ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL) { if (!ResizeSpriteIn(sprite, first_avail, ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL, !HasBit(zoom_levels, ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL))) return false; SetBit(sprite_avail, ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL); } /* Create a zoomed image of the first required zoom if there any no sources which are equally or more zoomed in */ if (zoom_levels != 0 && start > ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL && start < first_avail && HasBit(zoom_levels, start)) { if (!ResizeSpriteIn(sprite, first_avail, start, false)) return false; SetBit(sprite_avail, start); } /* Pad sprites to make sizes match. */ if (!PadSprites(sprite, sprite_avail, encoder)) return false; /* Create other missing zoom levels */ for (ZoomLevel zoom = ZOOM_LVL_OUT_2X; zoom != ZOOM_LVL_SPR_END; zoom++) { if (HasBit(sprite_avail, zoom)) { /* Check that size and offsets match the fully zoomed image. */ assert(sprite[zoom].width == UnScaleByZoom(sprite[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].width, zoom)); assert(sprite[zoom].height == UnScaleByZoom(sprite[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].height, zoom)); assert(sprite[zoom].x_offs == UnScaleByZoom(sprite[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].x_offs, zoom)); assert(sprite[zoom].y_offs == UnScaleByZoom(sprite[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].y_offs, zoom)); } /* Zoom level is not available, or unusable, so create it */ if (!HasBit(sprite_avail, zoom)) ResizeSpriteOut(sprite, zoom, !HasBit(zoom_levels, zoom)); } return true; } /** * Load a recolour sprite into memory. * @param file GRF we're reading from. * @param num Size of the sprite in the GRF. * @return Sprite data. */ static void *ReadRecolourSprite(SpriteFile &file, uint num) { /* "Normal" recolour sprites are ALWAYS 257 bytes. Then there is a small * number of recolour sprites that are 17 bytes that only exist in DOS * GRFs which are the same as 257 byte recolour sprites, but with the last * 240 bytes zeroed. */ byte *dest = (byte *)AllocSprite(RECOLOUR_SPRITE_SIZE); auto read_data = [&](byte *targ) { file.ReadBlock(targ, std::min(num, RECOLOUR_SPRITE_SIZE)); if (num > RECOLOUR_SPRITE_SIZE) { file.SkipBytes(num - RECOLOUR_SPRITE_SIZE); } }; if (file.NeedsPaletteRemap()) { byte *dest_tmp = AllocaM(byte, RECOLOUR_SPRITE_SIZE); /* Only a few recolour sprites are less than 257 bytes */ if (num < RECOLOUR_SPRITE_SIZE) memset(dest_tmp, 0, RECOLOUR_SPRITE_SIZE); read_data(dest_tmp); /* The data of index 0 is never used; "literal 00" according to the (New)GRF specs. */ for (uint i = 1; i < RECOLOUR_SPRITE_SIZE; i++) { dest[i] = _palmap_w2d[dest_tmp[_palmap_d2w[i - 1] + 1]]; } } else { read_data(dest); } return dest; } static const char *GetSpriteTypeName(SpriteType type) { static const char * const sprite_types[] = { "normal", // SpriteType::Normal "map generator", // SpriteType::MapGen "character", // SpriteType::Font "recolour", // SpriteType::Recolour }; return sprite_types[static_cast(type)]; } /** * Read a sprite from disk. * @param sc Location of sprite. * @param id Sprite number. * @param sprite_type Type of sprite. * @param allocator Allocator function to use. * @param encoder Sprite encoder to use. * @return Read sprite data. */ static void *ReadSprite(const SpriteCache *sc, SpriteID id, SpriteType sprite_type, AllocatorProc *allocator, SpriteEncoder *encoder, uint8_t zoom_levels) { /* Use current blitter if no other sprite encoder is given. */ if (encoder == nullptr) { encoder = BlitterFactory::GetCurrentBlitter(); if (!encoder->SupportsMissingZoomLevels()) zoom_levels = UINT8_MAX; } else { zoom_levels = UINT8_MAX; } if (encoder->NoSpriteDataRequired()) zoom_levels = 0; SpriteFile &file = *sc->file; size_t file_pos = sc->file_pos; SCOPE_INFO_FMT([&], "ReadSprite: pos: " PRINTF_SIZE ", id: %u, file: (%s), type: %s", file_pos, id, file.GetSimplifiedFilename().c_str(), GetSpriteTypeName(sprite_type)); assert(sprite_type != SpriteType::Recolour); assert(IsMapgenSpriteID(id) == (sprite_type == SpriteType::MapGen)); assert(sc->GetType() == sprite_type); DEBUG(sprite, 9, "Load sprite %d", id); SpriteLoader::SpriteCollection sprite; uint8_t sprite_avail = 0; sprite[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].type = sprite_type; SpriteLoaderGrf sprite_loader(file.GetContainerVersion()); if (sprite_type != SpriteType::MapGen && sc->GetHasNonPalette() && encoder->Is32BppSupported()) { /* Try for 32bpp sprites first. */ sprite_avail = sprite_loader.LoadSprite(sprite, file, file_pos, sprite_type, true, sc->count, sc->flags, zoom_levels); } if (sprite_avail == 0) { sprite_avail = sprite_loader.LoadSprite(sprite, file, file_pos, sprite_type, false, sc->count, sc->flags, zoom_levels); } if (sprite_avail == 0) { if (sprite_type == SpriteType::MapGen) return nullptr; if (id == SPR_IMG_QUERY) usererror("Okay... something went horribly wrong. I couldn't load the fallback sprite. What should I do?"); return (void*)GetRawSprite(SPR_IMG_QUERY, SpriteType::Normal, UINT8_MAX, allocator, encoder); } if (sprite_type == SpriteType::MapGen) { /* Ugly hack to work around the problem that the old landscape * generator assumes that those sprites are stored uncompressed in * the memory, and they are only read directly by the code, never * send to the blitter. So do not send it to the blitter (which will * result in a data array in the format the blitter likes most), but * extract the data directly and store that as sprite. * Ugly: yes. Other solution: no. Blame the original author or * something ;) The image should really have been a data-stream * (so type = 0xFF basically). */ uint num = sprite[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].width * sprite[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].height; Sprite *s = (Sprite *)allocator(sizeof(*s) + num); s->width = sprite[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].width; s->height = sprite[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].height; s->x_offs = sprite[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].x_offs; s->y_offs = sprite[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].y_offs; s->next = nullptr; s->missing_zoom_levels = 0; SpriteLoader::CommonPixel *src = sprite[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].data; byte *dest = s->data; while (num-- > 0) { *dest++ = src->m; src++; } return s; } if (!ResizeSprites(sprite, sprite_avail, encoder, zoom_levels)) { if (id == SPR_IMG_QUERY) usererror("Okay... something went horribly wrong. I couldn't resize the fallback sprite. What should I do?"); return (void*)GetRawSprite(SPR_IMG_QUERY, SpriteType::Normal, UINT8_MAX, allocator, encoder); } if (sprite[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].type == SpriteType::Font && _font_zoom != ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL) { /* Make ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL be ZOOM_LVL_GUI */ sprite[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].width = sprite[_font_zoom].width; sprite[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].height = sprite[_font_zoom].height; sprite[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].x_offs = sprite[_font_zoom].x_offs; sprite[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].y_offs = sprite[_font_zoom].y_offs; sprite[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].data = sprite[_font_zoom].data; sprite[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].colours = sprite[_font_zoom].colours; } if (sprite[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].type == SpriteType::Normal) { /* Remove unwanted zoom levels before encoding */ for (ZoomLevel zoom = ZOOM_LVL_BEGIN; zoom != ZOOM_LVL_SPR_END; zoom++) { if (!HasBit(zoom_levels, zoom)) sprite[zoom].data = nullptr; } } return encoder->Encode(sprite, allocator); } struct GrfSpriteOffset { size_t file_pos; uint count; uint16_t control_flags; }; /** Map from sprite numbers to position in the GRF file. */ static btree::btree_map _grf_sprite_offsets; /** * Get the file offset for a specific sprite in the sprite section of a GRF. * @param id ID of the sprite to look up. * @return Position of the sprite in the sprite section or SIZE_MAX if no such sprite is present. */ size_t GetGRFSpriteOffset(uint32_t id) { auto iter = _grf_sprite_offsets.find(id); return iter != _grf_sprite_offsets.end() ? iter->second.file_pos : SIZE_MAX; } /** * Parse the sprite section of GRFs. * @param container_version Container version of the GRF we're currently processing. */ void ReadGRFSpriteOffsets(SpriteFile &file) { _grf_sprite_offsets.clear(); if (file.GetContainerVersion() >= 2) { /* Seek to sprite section of the GRF. */ size_t data_offset = file.ReadDword(); size_t old_pos = file.GetPos(); file.SeekTo(data_offset, SEEK_CUR); GrfSpriteOffset offset = { 0, 0, 0 }; /* Loop over all sprite section entries and store the file * offset for each newly encountered ID. */ uint32_t id, prev_id = 0; while ((id = file.ReadDword()) != 0) { if (id != prev_id) { _grf_sprite_offsets[prev_id] = offset; offset.file_pos = file.GetPos() - 4; offset.count = 0; offset.control_flags = 0; } offset.count++; prev_id = id; uint length = file.ReadDword(); if (length > 0) { byte colour = file.ReadByte() & SCC_MASK; length--; if (length > 0) { byte zoom = file.ReadByte(); length--; if (colour != 0) { static const ZoomLevel zoom_lvl_map[6] = {ZOOM_LVL_OUT_4X, ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL, ZOOM_LVL_OUT_2X, ZOOM_LVL_OUT_8X, ZOOM_LVL_OUT_16X, ZOOM_LVL_OUT_32X}; if (zoom < 6) SetBit(offset.control_flags, static_cast(zoom_lvl_map[zoom]) + static_cast((colour != SCC_PAL) ? SCC_32BPP_ZOOM_START : SCC_PAL_ZOOM_START)); } } } file.SkipBytes(length); } if (prev_id != 0) _grf_sprite_offsets[prev_id] = offset; /* Continue processing the data section. */ file.SeekTo(old_pos, SEEK_SET); } } /** * Load a real or recolour sprite. * @param load_index Global sprite index. * @param file GRF to load from. * @param file_sprite_id Sprite number in the GRF. * @param container_version Container version of the GRF. * @return True if a valid sprite was loaded, false on any error. */ bool LoadNextSprite(int load_index, SpriteFile &file, uint file_sprite_id) { size_t file_pos = file.GetPos(); SCOPE_INFO_FMT([&], "LoadNextSprite: pos: " PRINTF_SIZE ", file: %s, load_index: %d, file_sprite_id: %u, container_ver: %u", file_pos, file.GetSimplifiedFilename().c_str(), load_index, file_sprite_id, file.GetContainerVersion()); /* Read sprite header. */ uint32_t num = file.GetContainerVersion() >= 2 ? file.ReadDword() : file.ReadWord(); if (num == 0) return false; byte grf_type = file.ReadByte(); SpriteType type; void *data = nullptr; uint count = 0; uint16_t control_flags = 0; if (grf_type == 0xFF) { /* Some NewGRF files have "empty" pseudo-sprites which are 1 * byte long. Catch these so the sprites won't be displayed. */ if (num == 1) { file.ReadByte(); return false; } type = SpriteType::Recolour; data = ReadRecolourSprite(file, num); } else if (file.GetContainerVersion() >= 2 && grf_type == 0xFD) { if (num != 4) { /* Invalid sprite section include, ignore. */ file.SkipBytes(num); return false; } /* It is not an error if no sprite with the provided ID is found in the sprite section. */ auto iter = _grf_sprite_offsets.find(file.ReadDword()); if (iter != _grf_sprite_offsets.end()) { file_pos = iter->second.file_pos; count = iter->second.count; control_flags = iter->second.control_flags; } else { file_pos = SIZE_MAX; } type = SpriteType::Normal; } else { file.SkipBytes(7); type = SkipSpriteData(file, grf_type, num - 8) ? SpriteType::Normal : SpriteType::Invalid; /* Inline sprites are not supported for container version >= 2. */ if (file.GetContainerVersion() >= 2) return false; } if (type == SpriteType::Invalid) return false; if (load_index == -1) { if (data != nullptr) _last_sprite_allocation.Clear(); return false; } if (load_index >= MAX_SPRITES) { usererror("Tried to load too many sprites (#%d; max %d)", load_index, MAX_SPRITES); } bool is_mapgen = IsMapgenSpriteID(load_index); if (is_mapgen) { if (type != SpriteType::Normal) usererror("Uhm, would you be so kind not to load a NewGRF that changes the type of the map generator sprites?"); type = SpriteType::MapGen; } SpriteCache *sc = AllocateSpriteCache(load_index); sc->file = &file; sc->file_pos = file_pos; sc->SetType(type); if (data != nullptr) { assert(data == _last_sprite_allocation.GetPtr()); sc->Assign(std::move(_last_sprite_allocation)); } else { sc->Clear(); } sc->id = file_sprite_id; sc->count = count; sc->flags = control_flags; return true; } void DupSprite(SpriteID old_spr, SpriteID new_spr) { SpriteCache *scnew = AllocateSpriteCache(new_spr); // may reallocate: so put it first SpriteCache *scold = GetSpriteCache(old_spr); scnew->file = scold->file; scnew->file_pos = scold->file_pos; scnew->id = scold->id; scnew->SetType(scold->GetType()); scnew->flags = scold->flags; scnew->SetWarned(false); } static size_t GetSpriteCacheUsage() { return _spritecache_bytes_used; } /** * Delete a single entry from the sprite cache. * @param item Entry to delete. */ static void DeleteEntryFromSpriteCache(uint item) { GetSpriteCache(item)->Clear(); } static void DeleteEntriesFromSpriteCache(size_t target) { const size_t initial_in_use = GetSpriteCacheUsage(); struct SpriteInfo { uint32_t lru; SpriteID id; uint32_t size; uint8_t missing_zoom_levels; bool operator<(const SpriteInfo &other) const { return this->lru < other.lru; } }; std::vector candidates; size_t candidate_bytes = 0; auto push = [&](SpriteInfo info) { candidates.push_back(info); std::push_heap(candidates.begin(), candidates.end()); candidate_bytes += info.size; }; auto pop = [&]() { candidate_bytes -= candidates.front().size; std::pop_heap(candidates.begin(), candidates.end()); candidates.pop_back(); }; size_t total_candidates = 0; SpriteID i = 0; for (; i != _spritecache.size() && candidate_bytes < target; i++) { SpriteCache *sc = GetSpriteCache(i); if (sc->GetType() != SpriteType::Recolour) { Sprite *sp = (Sprite *)sc->GetPtr(); while (sp != nullptr) { push({ sp->lru, i, sp->size, sp->missing_zoom_levels }); total_candidates++; sp = sp->next; } if (candidate_bytes >= target) break; } } for (; i != _spritecache.size(); i++) { SpriteCache *sc = GetSpriteCache(i); if (sc->GetType() != SpriteType::Recolour) { Sprite *sp = (Sprite *)sc->GetPtr(); while (sp != nullptr) { total_candidates++; /* Only add to candidates if LRU <= current highest */ if (sp->lru <= candidates.front().lru) { push({ sp->lru, i, sp->size, sp->missing_zoom_levels }); while (!candidates.empty() && candidate_bytes - candidates.front().size >= target) { pop(); } } sp = sp->next; } } } for (auto &it : candidates) { GetSpriteCache(it.id)->RemoveByMissingZoomLevels(it.missing_zoom_levels); } DEBUG(sprite, 3, "DeleteEntriesFromSpriteCache, deleted: " PRINTF_SIZE " of " PRINTF_SIZE ", freed: " PRINTF_SIZE ", in use: " PRINTF_SIZE " --> " PRINTF_SIZE ", delta: " PRINTF_SIZE ", requested: " PRINTF_SIZE, candidates.size(), total_candidates, candidate_bytes, initial_in_use, GetSpriteCacheUsage(), initial_in_use - GetSpriteCacheUsage(), target); _spritecache_prune_events++; _spritecache_prune_entries += candidates.size(); _spritecache_prune_total += (initial_in_use - GetSpriteCacheUsage()); } uint GetTargetSpriteSize() { int bpp = BlitterFactory::GetCurrentBlitter()->GetScreenDepth(); return (bpp > 0 ? _sprite_cache_size * bpp / 8 : 1) * 1024 * 1024; } void IncreaseSpriteLRU() { uint target_size = GetTargetSpriteSize(); if (_spritecache_bytes_used > target_size) { DeleteEntriesFromSpriteCache(_spritecache_bytes_used - target_size + 512 * 1024); } /* Adjust all LRU values */ if (_sprite_lru_counter >= 0xC0000000) { DEBUG(sprite, 5, "Fixing lru %u, inuse=" PRINTF_SIZE, _sprite_lru_counter, GetSpriteCacheUsage()); for (SpriteID i = 0; i != _spritecache.size(); i++) { SpriteCache *sc = GetSpriteCache(i); if (sc->GetType() != SpriteType::Recolour) { Sprite *sp = (Sprite *)sc->GetPtr(); while (sp != nullptr) { if (sp->lru > 0x80000000) { sp->lru -= 0x80000000; } else { sp->lru = 0; } sp = sp->next; } } } _sprite_lru_counter -= 0x80000000; } } static void *AllocSprite(size_t mem_req) { assert(_last_sprite_allocation.GetPtr() == nullptr); _last_sprite_allocation.Allocate((uint32_t)mem_req); return _last_sprite_allocation.GetPtr(); } /** * Sprite allocator simply using malloc. */ void *SimpleSpriteAlloc(size_t size) { return MallocT(size); } /** * Handles the case when a sprite of different type is requested than is present in the SpriteCache. * For SpriteType::Font sprites, it is normal. In other cases, default sprite is loaded instead. * @param sprite ID of loaded sprite * @param requested requested sprite type * @param sc the currently known sprite cache for the requested sprite * @return fallback sprite * @note this function will do usererror() in the case the fallback sprite isn't available */ static void *HandleInvalidSpriteRequest(SpriteID sprite, SpriteType requested, SpriteCache *sc, AllocatorProc *allocator) { SpriteType available = sc->GetType(); if (requested == SpriteType::Font && available == SpriteType::Normal) { if (sc->GetPtr() == nullptr) sc->SetType(SpriteType::Font); return GetRawSprite(sprite, sc->GetType(), UINT8_MAX, allocator); } byte warning_level = sc->GetWarned() ? 6 : 0; sc->SetWarned(true); DEBUG(sprite, warning_level, "Tried to load %s sprite #%d as a %s sprite. Probable cause: NewGRF interference", GetSpriteTypeName(available), sprite, GetSpriteTypeName(requested)); switch (requested) { case SpriteType::Normal: if (sprite == SPR_IMG_QUERY) usererror("Uhm, would you be so kind not to load a NewGRF that makes the 'query' sprite a non-normal sprite?"); [[fallthrough]]; case SpriteType::Font: return GetRawSprite(SPR_IMG_QUERY, SpriteType::Normal, UINT8_MAX, allocator); case SpriteType::Recolour: if (sprite == PALETTE_TO_DARK_BLUE) usererror("Uhm, would you be so kind not to load a NewGRF that makes the 'PALETTE_TO_DARK_BLUE' sprite a non-remap sprite?"); return GetRawSprite(PALETTE_TO_DARK_BLUE, SpriteType::Recolour, UINT8_MAX, allocator); case SpriteType::MapGen: /* this shouldn't happen, overriding of SpriteType::MapGen sprites is checked in LoadNextSprite() * (the only case the check fails is when these sprites weren't even loaded...) */ default: NOT_REACHED(); } } /** * Reads a sprite (from disk or sprite cache). * If the sprite is not available or of wrong type, a fallback sprite is returned. * @param sprite Sprite to read. * @param type Expected sprite type. * @param allocator Allocator function to use. Set to nullptr to use the usual sprite cache. * @param encoder Sprite encoder to use. Set to nullptr to use the currently active blitter. * @return Sprite raw data */ void *GetRawSprite(SpriteID sprite, SpriteType type, uint8_t zoom_levels, AllocatorProc *allocator, SpriteEncoder *encoder) { assert(type != SpriteType::MapGen || IsMapgenSpriteID(sprite)); assert(type < SpriteType::Invalid); if (!SpriteExists(sprite)) { DEBUG(sprite, 1, "Tried to load non-existing sprite #%d. Probable cause: Wrong/missing NewGRFs", sprite); /* SPR_IMG_QUERY is a BIG FAT RED ? */ sprite = SPR_IMG_QUERY; } SpriteCache *sc = GetSpriteCache(sprite); if (sc->GetType() != type) return HandleInvalidSpriteRequest(sprite, type, sc, allocator); if (allocator == nullptr && encoder == nullptr) { /* Load sprite into/from spritecache */ if (type != SpriteType::Normal) zoom_levels = UINT8_MAX; /* Load the sprite, if it is not loaded, yet */ if (sc->GetPtr() == nullptr) { [[maybe_unused]] void *ptr = ReadSprite(sc, sprite, type, AllocSprite, nullptr, zoom_levels); assert(ptr == _last_sprite_allocation.GetPtr()); sc->Assign(std::move(_last_sprite_allocation)); } else if ((sc->total_missing_zoom_levels & zoom_levels) != 0) { [[maybe_unused]] void *ptr = ReadSprite(sc, sprite, type, AllocSprite, nullptr, sc->total_missing_zoom_levels & zoom_levels); assert(ptr == _last_sprite_allocation.GetPtr()); sc->Append(std::move(_last_sprite_allocation)); } if (type != SpriteType::Recolour) { uint8_t lvls = zoom_levels; Sprite *sp = (Sprite *)sc->GetPtr(); while (lvls != 0 && sp != nullptr) { uint8_t usable = ~sp->missing_zoom_levels; if (usable & lvls) { /* Update LRU */ sp->lru = ++_sprite_lru_counter; lvls &= ~usable; } sp = sp->next; } } return sc->GetPtr(); } else { /* Do not use the spritecache, but a different allocator. */ return ReadSprite(sc, sprite, type, allocator, encoder, UINT8_MAX); } } /** * Reads a sprite and finds its most representative colour. * @param sprite Sprite to read. * @param palette_id Palette for remapping colours. * @return if blitter supports 32bpp, average Colour.data else a palette index. */ uint32_t GetSpriteMainColour(SpriteID sprite_id, PaletteID palette_id) { if (!SpriteExists(sprite_id)) return 0; SpriteCache *sc = GetSpriteCache(sprite_id); if (sc->GetType() != SpriteType::Normal) return 0; const byte * const remap = (palette_id == PAL_NONE ? nullptr : GetNonSprite(GB(palette_id, 0, PALETTE_WIDTH), SpriteType::Recolour) + 1); SpriteFile &file = *sc->file; size_t file_pos = sc->file_pos; SpriteLoader::SpriteCollection sprites; sprites[ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL].type = SpriteType::Normal; SpriteLoaderGrf sprite_loader(file.GetContainerVersion()); uint8_t sprite_avail; const uint8_t screen_depth = BlitterFactory::GetCurrentBlitter()->GetScreenDepth(); auto zoom_mask = [&](bool is32bpp) -> uint8_t { return 1 << FindFirstBit(GB(sc->flags, is32bpp ? SCC_32BPP_ZOOM_START : SCC_PAL_ZOOM_START, 6)); }; /* Try to read the 32bpp sprite first. */ if (screen_depth == 32 && sc->GetHasNonPalette()) { sprite_avail = sprite_loader.LoadSprite(sprites, file, file_pos, SpriteType::Normal, true, sc->count, sc->flags, zoom_mask(true)); if (sprite_avail != 0) { SpriteLoader::Sprite *sprite = &sprites[FindFirstBit(sprite_avail)]; /* Return the average colour. */ uint32_t r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, cnt = 0; SpriteLoader::CommonPixel *pixel = sprite->data; for (uint x = sprite->width * sprite->height; x != 0; x--) { if (pixel->a) { if (remap && pixel->m) { const Colour c = _cur_palette.palette[remap[pixel->m]]; if (c.a) { r += c.r; g += c.g; b += c.b; cnt++; } } else { r += pixel->r; g += pixel->g; b += pixel->b; cnt++; } } pixel++; } return cnt ? Colour(r / cnt, g / cnt, b / cnt).data : 0; } } /* No 32bpp, try 8bpp. */ sprite_avail = sprite_loader.LoadSprite(sprites, file, file_pos, SpriteType::Normal, false, sc->count, sc->flags, zoom_mask(false)); if (sprite_avail != 0) { SpriteLoader::Sprite *sprite = &sprites[FindFirstBit(sprite_avail)]; SpriteLoader::CommonPixel *pixel = sprite->data; if (screen_depth == 32) { /* Return the average colour. */ uint32_t r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, cnt = 0; for (uint x = sprite->width * sprite->height; x != 0; x--) { if (pixel->a) { const uint col_index = remap ? remap[pixel->m] : pixel->m; const Colour c = _cur_palette.palette[col_index]; r += c.r; g += c.g; b += c.b; cnt++; } pixel++; } return cnt ? Colour(r / cnt, g / cnt, b / cnt).data : 0; } else { /* Return the most used indexed colour. */ int cnt[256]; memset(cnt, 0, sizeof(cnt)); for (uint x = sprite->width * sprite->height; x != 0; x--) { cnt[remap ? remap[pixel->m] : pixel->m]++; pixel++; } int cnt_max = -1; uint32_t rk = 0; for (uint x = 1; x < lengthof(cnt); x++) { if (cnt[x] > cnt_max) { rk = x; cnt_max = cnt[x]; } } return rk; } } return 0; } void GfxInitSpriteMem() { /* Reset the spritecache 'pool' */ _spritecache.clear(); _sprite_files.clear(); assert(_spritecache_bytes_used == 0); _spritecache_prune_events = 0; _spritecache_prune_entries = 0; _spritecache_prune_total = 0; } /** * Remove all encoded sprites from the sprite cache without * discarding sprite location information. */ void GfxClearSpriteCache() { /* Clear sprite ptr for all cached items */ for (uint i = 0; i != _spritecache.size(); i++) { SpriteCache *sc = GetSpriteCache(i); if (sc->GetType() != SpriteType::Recolour && sc->GetPtr() != nullptr) DeleteEntryFromSpriteCache(i); } VideoDriver::GetInstance()->ClearSystemSprites(); } /** * Remove all encoded font sprites from the sprite cache without * discarding sprite location information. */ void GfxClearFontSpriteCache() { /* Clear sprite ptr for all cached font items */ for (uint i = 0; i != _spritecache.size(); i++) { SpriteCache *sc = GetSpriteCache(i); if (sc->GetType() == SpriteType::Font && sc->GetPtr() != nullptr) DeleteEntryFromSpriteCache(i); } } void DumpSpriteCacheStats(char *buffer, const char *last) { uint target_size = GetTargetSpriteSize(); buffer += seprintf(buffer, last, "Sprite cache: entries: %u, size: %u, target: %u, percent used: %.1f%%\n", (uint)_spritecache.size(), (uint)_spritecache_bytes_used, target_size, (100.0f * _spritecache_bytes_used) / target_size); uint types[(uint)SpriteType::Invalid] = {}; uint have_data = 0; uint have_warned = 0; uint have_8bpp = 0; uint have_32bpp = 0; uint depths[16] = {}; uint have_partial_zoom = 0; for (const SpriteCache &entry : _spritecache) { if ((uint)entry.GetType() >= (uint)SpriteType::Invalid) continue; types[(uint)entry.GetType()]++; if (entry.GetPtr() != nullptr) have_data++; if (entry.GetHasPalette()) have_8bpp++; if (entry.GetHasNonPalette()) have_32bpp++; if (entry.GetType() == SpriteType::Normal) { if (entry.total_missing_zoom_levels != 0) have_partial_zoom++; uint depth = 0; const Sprite *p = (const Sprite *)entry.GetPtr(); while (p != nullptr) { depth++; p = p->next; } if (depth < lengthof(depths)) depths[depth]++; } } buffer += seprintf(buffer, last, " Normal: %u, MapGen: %u, Font: %u, Recolour: %u\n", types[(uint)SpriteType::Normal], types[(uint)SpriteType::MapGen], types[(uint)SpriteType::Font], types[(uint)SpriteType::Recolour]); buffer += seprintf(buffer, last, " Data loaded: %u, Warned: %u, 8bpp: %u, 32bpp: %u\n", have_data, have_warned, have_8bpp, have_32bpp); buffer += seprintf(buffer, last, " Cache prune events: %u, pruned entry total: " PRINTF_SIZE ", pruned data total: " PRINTF_SIZE "\n", _spritecache_prune_events, _spritecache_prune_entries, _spritecache_prune_total); buffer += seprintf(buffer, last, " Normal:\n"); buffer += seprintf(buffer, last, " Partial zoom: %u\n", have_partial_zoom); for (uint i = 0; i < lengthof(depths); i++) { if (depths[i] > 0) buffer += seprintf(buffer, last, " Data depth %u: %u\n", i, depths[i]); } } /* static */ ReusableBuffer SpriteLoader::Sprite::buffer[ZOOM_LVL_SPR_COUNT];