/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file tbtr_template_vehicle.cpp Template-based train replacement: template vehicle. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "company_func.h" #include "train.h" #include "command_func.h" #include "engine_func.h" #include "vehicle_func.h" #include "autoreplace_func.h" #include "autoreplace_gui.h" #include "group.h" #include "articulated_vehicles.h" #include "core/random_func.hpp" #include "core/pool_type.hpp" #include "engine_type.h" #include "group_type.h" #include "core/pool_func.hpp" #include "table/strings.h" #include "newgrf.h" #include "vehicle_type.h" #include "vehicle_base.h" #include "vehicle_func.h" #include "table/train_cmd.h" #include "tbtr_template_vehicle.h" #include "tbtr_template_vehicle_func.h" // since doing stuff with sprites #include "newgrf_spritegroup.h" #include "newgrf_engine.h" #include "newgrf_cargo.h" #include "3rdparty/robin_hood/robin_hood.h" #include "safeguards.h" TemplatePool _template_pool("TemplatePool"); INSTANTIATE_POOL_METHODS(Template) TemplateReplacementPool _template_replacement_pool("TemplateReplacementPool"); INSTANTIATE_POOL_METHODS(TemplateReplacement) robin_hood::unordered_flat_map _template_replacement_index; robin_hood::unordered_flat_map _template_replacement_index_recursive; static void ReindexTemplateReplacementsRecursive(); static void MarkTrainsInGroupAsPendingTemplateReplacement(GroupID gid, const TemplateVehicle *tv); void TemplateVehicleImageDimensions::SetFromTrain(const Train *t) { this->reference_width = TRAININFO_DEFAULT_VEHICLE_WIDTH; this->vehicle_pitch = 0; this->cached_veh_length = t->gcache.cached_veh_length; const Engine *e = t->GetEngine(); if (e->GetGRF() != nullptr && is_custom_sprite(e->u.rail.image_index)) { this->reference_width = e->GetGRF()->traininfo_vehicle_width; this->vehicle_pitch = e->GetGRF()->traininfo_vehicle_pitch; } if (t->gcache.cached_veh_length != 8 && HasBit(t->flags, VRF_REVERSE_DIRECTION) && !HasBit(EngInfo(t->engine_type)->misc_flags, EF_RAIL_FLIPS)) { this->vehicle_flip_length = t->gcache.cached_veh_length; } else { this->vehicle_flip_length = -1; } } TemplateVehicle::TemplateVehicle(VehicleType type, EngineID eid, Owner current_owner) { this->type = type; this->engine_type = eid; this->reuse_depot_vehicles = false; this->keep_remaining_vehicles = false; this->refit_as_template = true; this->replace_old_only = false; this->first = this; this->next = 0x0; this->previous = 0x0; this->sprite_seq.Set(SPR_IMG_QUERY); this->owner = current_owner; this->real_consist_length = 0; this->ctrl_flags = 0; } TemplateVehicle::~TemplateVehicle() { TemplateVehicle *v = this->Next(); this->SetNext(nullptr); delete v; } /** getting */ void TemplateVehicle::SetNext(TemplateVehicle *v) { this->next = v; } void TemplateVehicle::SetPrev(TemplateVehicle *v) { this->previous = v; } void TemplateVehicle::SetFirst(TemplateVehicle *v) { this->first = v; } TemplateVehicle* TemplateVehicle::GetNextUnit() const { TemplateVehicle *tv = this->Next(); while (tv && HasBit(tv->subtype, GVSF_ARTICULATED_PART)) { tv = tv->Next(); } if (tv && HasBit(tv->subtype, GVSF_MULTIHEADED) && !HasBit(tv->subtype, GVSF_ENGINE)) tv = tv->Next(); return tv; } TemplateVehicle* TemplateVehicle::GetPrevUnit() { TemplateVehicle *tv = this->Prev(); while (tv && HasBit(tv->subtype, GVSF_ARTICULATED_PART|GVSF_ENGINE)) { tv = tv->Prev(); } if (tv && HasBit(tv->subtype, GVSF_MULTIHEADED|GVSF_ENGINE)) tv = tv->Prev(); return tv; } /** Length() * @return: length of vehicle, including current part */ int TemplateVehicle::Length() const { int l = 1; const TemplateVehicle *tmp = this; while (tmp->Next()) { tmp = tmp->Next(); l++; } return l; } TemplateReplacement::~TemplateReplacement() { if (CleaningPool()) return; _template_replacement_index.erase(this->Group()); ReindexTemplateReplacementsRecursive(); MarkTrainsInGroupAsPendingTemplateReplacement(this->Group(), nullptr); } void TemplateReplacement::PreCleanPool() { _template_replacement_index.clear(); _template_replacement_index_recursive.clear(); } bool ShouldServiceTrainForTemplateReplacement(const Train *t, const TemplateVehicle *tv) { const Company *c = Company::Get(t->owner); if (tv->IsReplaceOldOnly() && !t->NeedsAutorenewing(c, false)) return false; Money needed_money = c->settings.engine_renew_money; if (needed_money > c->money) return false; bool need_replacement = !TrainMatchesTemplate(t, tv); if (need_replacement) { /* Check money. * We want 2*(the price of the whole template) without looking at the value of the vehicle(s) we are going to sell, or not need to buy. */ for (const TemplateVehicle *tv_unit = tv; tv_unit != nullptr; tv_unit = tv_unit->GetNextUnit()) { if (!HasBit(Engine::Get(tv->engine_type)->company_avail, t->owner)) return false; needed_money += 2 * Engine::Get(tv->engine_type)->GetCost(); } return needed_money <= c->money; } else if (!TrainMatchesTemplateRefit(t, tv) && tv->refit_as_template) { return true; } else { return false; } } static void MarkTrainsInGroupAsPendingTemplateReplacement(GroupID gid, const TemplateVehicle *tv) { std::vector groups; groups.push_back(gid); Owner owner = Group::Get(gid)->owner; for (const Group *group : Group::Iterate()) { if (group->vehicle_type != VEH_TRAIN || group->owner != owner || group->index == gid) continue; auto is_descendant = [gid](const Group *g) -> bool { while (true) { if (g->parent == INVALID_GROUP) return false; if (g->parent == gid) { /* If this group has its own template defined, it's not a descendant for template inheriting purposes */ if (_template_replacement_index.find(g->index) != _template_replacement_index.end()) return false; return true; } g = Group::Get(g->parent); } NOT_REACHED(); }; if (is_descendant(group)) { groups.push_back(group->index); } } std::sort(groups.begin(), groups.end()); for (Train *t : Train::Iterate()) { if (!t->IsFrontEngine() || t->owner != owner || t->group_id >= NEW_GROUP) continue; if (std::binary_search(groups.begin(), groups.end(), t->group_id)) { SB(t->vehicle_flags, VF_REPLACEMENT_PENDING, 1, (tv != nullptr && ShouldServiceTrainForTemplateReplacement(t, tv)) ? 1 : 0); } } } void MarkTrainsUsingTemplateAsPendingTemplateReplacement(const TemplateVehicle *tv) { Owner owner = tv->owner; for (Train *t : Train::Iterate()) { if (!t->IsFrontEngine() || t->owner != owner || t->group_id >= NEW_GROUP) continue; if (GetTemplateIDByGroupIDRecursive(t->group_id) == tv->index) { SB(t->vehicle_flags, VF_REPLACEMENT_PENDING, 1, ShouldServiceTrainForTemplateReplacement(t, tv) ? 1 : 0); } } } TemplateReplacement *GetTemplateReplacementByGroupID(GroupID gid) { if (GetTemplateIDByGroupID(gid) == INVALID_TEMPLATE) return nullptr; for (TemplateReplacement *tr : TemplateReplacement::Iterate()) { if (tr->Group() == gid) { return tr; } } return nullptr; } TemplateID GetTemplateIDByGroupID(GroupID gid) { auto iter = _template_replacement_index.find(gid); if (iter == _template_replacement_index.end()) return INVALID_TEMPLATE; return iter->second; } TemplateID GetTemplateIDByGroupIDRecursive(GroupID gid) { auto iter = _template_replacement_index_recursive.find(gid); if (iter == _template_replacement_index_recursive.end()) return INVALID_TEMPLATE; return iter->second; } bool IssueTemplateReplacement(GroupID gid, TemplateID tid) { TemplateReplacement *tr = GetTemplateReplacementByGroupID(gid); if (tr) { /* Then set the new TemplateVehicle and return */ tr->SetTemplate(tid); _template_replacement_index[gid] = tid; ReindexTemplateReplacementsRecursive(); MarkTrainsInGroupAsPendingTemplateReplacement(gid, TemplateVehicle::Get(tid)); return true; } else if (TemplateReplacement::CanAllocateItem()) { tr = new TemplateReplacement(gid, tid); _template_replacement_index[gid] = tid; ReindexTemplateReplacementsRecursive(); MarkTrainsInGroupAsPendingTemplateReplacement(gid, TemplateVehicle::Get(tid)); return true; } else { return false; } } uint TemplateVehicle::NumGroupsUsingTemplate() const { uint amount = 0; for (const TemplateReplacement *tr : TemplateReplacement::Iterate()) { if (tr->sel_template == this->index) { amount++; } } return amount; } uint DeleteTemplateReplacementsByGroupID(GroupID g_id) { if (GetTemplateIDByGroupID(g_id) == INVALID_TEMPLATE) return 0; uint del_amount = 0; for (const TemplateReplacement *tr : TemplateReplacement::Iterate()) { if (tr->group == g_id) { delete tr; del_amount++; } } return del_amount; } void ReindexTemplateReplacements() { _template_replacement_index.clear(); for (const TemplateReplacement *tr : TemplateReplacement::Iterate()) { _template_replacement_index[tr->group] = tr->sel_template; } ReindexTemplateReplacementsRecursive(); } static void ReindexTemplateReplacementsRecursive() { _template_replacement_index_recursive.clear(); for (const Group *group : Group::Iterate()) { if (group->vehicle_type != VEH_TRAIN) continue; const Group *g = group; while (true) { auto iter = _template_replacement_index.find(g->index); if (iter != _template_replacement_index.end()) { _template_replacement_index_recursive[group->index] = iter->second; break; } if (g->parent == INVALID_GROUP) break; g = Group::Get(g->parent); } } }