/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file newgrf_industrytiles.cpp NewGRF handling of industry tiles. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "debug.h" #include "landscape.h" #include "newgrf_industrytiles.h" #include "newgrf_sound.h" #include "industry.h" #include "town.h" #include "command_func.h" #include "water.h" #include "newgrf_animation_base.h" #include "newgrf_analysis.h" #include "newgrf_industrytiles_analysis.h" #include "table/strings.h" #include "safeguards.h" /** * Based on newhouses equivalent, but adapted for newindustries * @param parameter from callback. It's in fact a pair of coordinates * @param tile TileIndex from which the callback was initiated * @param index of the industry been queried for * @param signed_offsets Are the x and y offset encoded in parameter signed? * @param grf_version8 True, if we are dealing with a new NewGRF which uses GRF version >= 8. * @return a construction of bits obeying the newgrf format */ uint32_t GetNearbyIndustryTileInformation(byte parameter, TileIndex tile, IndustryID index, bool signed_offsets, bool grf_version8, uint32_t mask) { if (parameter != 0) tile = GetNearbyTile(parameter, tile, signed_offsets); // only perform if it is required bool is_same_industry = (IsTileType(tile, MP_INDUSTRY) && GetIndustryIndex(tile) == index); uint32_t result = (is_same_industry ? 1 : 0) << 8; if (mask & ~0x100) result |= GetNearbyTileInformation(tile, grf_version8, mask); return result; } /** * This is the position of the tile relative to the northernmost tile of the industry. * Format: 00yxYYXX * Variable Content * x the x offset from the northernmost tile * XX same, but stored in a byte instead of a nibble * y the y offset from the northernmost tile * YY same, but stored in a byte instead of a nibble * @param tile TileIndex of the tile to evaluate * @param ind_tile northernmost tile of the industry */ uint32_t GetRelativePosition(TileIndex tile, TileIndex ind_tile) { byte x = TileX(tile) - TileX(ind_tile); byte y = TileY(tile) - TileY(ind_tile); return ((y & 0xF) << 20) | ((x & 0xF) << 16) | (y << 8) | x; } /* virtual */ uint32_t IndustryTileScopeResolver::GetVariable(uint16_t variable, uint32_t parameter, GetVariableExtra *extra) const { switch (variable) { /* Construction state of the tile: a value between 0 and 3 */ case 0x40: return (IsTileType(this->tile, MP_INDUSTRY)) ? GetIndustryConstructionStage(this->tile) : 0; /* Terrain type */ case 0x41: return GetTerrainType(this->tile); /* Current town zone of the tile in the nearest town */ case 0x42: return GetTownRadiusGroup(ClosestTownFromTile(this->tile, UINT_MAX), this->tile); /* Relative position */ case 0x43: return GetRelativePosition(this->tile, this->industry->location.tile); /* Animation frame. Like house variable 46 but can contain anything 0..FF. */ case 0x44: return IsTileType(this->tile, MP_INDUSTRY) ? GetAnimationFrame(this->tile) : 0; /* Land info of nearby tiles */ case 0x60: return GetNearbyIndustryTileInformation(parameter, this->tile, this->industry == nullptr ? (IndustryID)INVALID_INDUSTRY : this->industry->index, true, this->ro.grffile->grf_version >= 8, extra->mask); /* Animation stage of nearby tiles */ case 0x61: { TileIndex tile = GetNearbyTile(parameter, this->tile); if (IsTileType(tile, MP_INDUSTRY) && Industry::GetByTile(tile) == this->industry) { return GetAnimationFrame(tile); } return UINT_MAX; } /* Get industry tile ID at offset */ case 0x62: return GetIndustryIDAtOffset(GetNearbyTile(parameter, this->tile), this->industry, this->ro.grffile->grfid); } DEBUG(grf, 1, "Unhandled industry tile variable 0x%X", variable); extra->available = false; return UINT_MAX; } /* virtual */ uint32_t IndustryTileScopeResolver::GetRandomBits() const { assert_tile(this->industry != nullptr && IsValidTile(this->tile), this->tile); assert_tile(this->industry->index == INVALID_INDUSTRY || IsTileType(this->tile, MP_INDUSTRY), this->tile); return (this->industry->index != INVALID_INDUSTRY) ? GetIndustryRandomBits(this->tile) : 0; } /* virtual */ uint32_t IndustryTileScopeResolver::GetTriggers() const { assert_tile(this->industry != nullptr && IsValidTile(this->tile), this->tile); assert_tile(this->industry->index == INVALID_INDUSTRY || IsTileType(this->tile, MP_INDUSTRY), this->tile); if (this->industry->index == INVALID_INDUSTRY) return 0; return GetIndustryTriggers(this->tile); } /** * Get the associated NewGRF file from the industry graphics. * @param gfx Graphics to query. * @return Grf file associated with the graphics, if any. */ static const GRFFile *GetIndTileGrffile(IndustryGfx gfx) { const IndustryTileSpec *its = GetIndustryTileSpec(gfx); return (its != nullptr) ? its->grf_prop.grffile : nullptr; } /** * Constructor of the industry tiles scope resolver. * @param gfx Graphics of the industry. * @param tile %Tile of the industry. * @param indus %Industry owning the tile. * @param callback Callback ID. * @param callback_param1 First parameter (var 10) of the callback. * @param callback_param2 Second parameter (var 18) of the callback. */ IndustryTileResolverObject::IndustryTileResolverObject(IndustryGfx gfx, TileIndex tile, Industry *indus, CallbackID callback, uint32_t callback_param1, uint32_t callback_param2) : ResolverObject(GetIndTileGrffile(gfx), callback, callback_param1, callback_param2), indtile_scope(*this, indus, tile), ind_scope(*this, tile, indus, indus->type), gfx(gfx) { this->root_spritegroup = GetIndustryTileSpec(gfx)->grf_prop.spritegroup[0]; } GrfSpecFeature IndustryTileResolverObject::GetFeature() const { return GSF_INDUSTRYTILES; } uint32_t IndustryTileResolverObject::GetDebugID() const { return GetIndustryTileSpec(gfx)->grf_prop.local_id; } static void IndustryDrawTileLayout(const TileInfo *ti, const TileLayoutSpriteGroup *group, byte rnd_colour, byte stage) { const DrawTileSprites *dts = group->ProcessRegisters(&stage); SpriteID image = dts->ground.sprite; PaletteID pal = dts->ground.pal; if (HasBit(image, SPRITE_MODIFIER_CUSTOM_SPRITE)) image += stage; if (HasBit(pal, SPRITE_MODIFIER_CUSTOM_SPRITE)) pal += stage; if (GB(image, 0, SPRITE_WIDTH) != 0) { /* If the ground sprite is the default flat water sprite, draw also canal/river borders * Do not do this if the tile's WaterClass is 'land'. */ if (image == SPR_FLAT_WATER_TILE && IsTileOnWater(ti->tile)) { DrawWaterClassGround(ti); } else { DrawGroundSprite(image, GroundSpritePaletteTransform(image, pal, GENERAL_SPRITE_COLOUR(rnd_colour))); } } DrawNewGRFTileSeq(ti, dts, TO_INDUSTRIES, stage, GENERAL_SPRITE_COLOUR(rnd_colour)); } uint16_t GetIndustryTileCallback(CallbackID callback, uint32_t param1, uint32_t param2, IndustryGfx gfx_id, Industry *industry, TileIndex tile) { assert_tile(industry != nullptr && IsValidTile(tile), tile); assert_tile(industry->index == INVALID_INDUSTRY || IsTileType(tile, MP_INDUSTRY), tile); IndustryTileResolverObject object(gfx_id, tile, industry, callback, param1, param2); return object.ResolveCallback(); } bool DrawNewIndustryTile(TileInfo *ti, Industry *i, IndustryGfx gfx, const IndustryTileSpec *inds) { if (ti->tileh != SLOPE_FLAT) { bool draw_old_one = true; if (HasBit(inds->callback_mask, CBM_INDT_DRAW_FOUNDATIONS)) { /* Called to determine the type (if any) of foundation to draw for industry tile */ uint32_t callback_res = GetIndustryTileCallback(CBID_INDTILE_DRAW_FOUNDATIONS, 0, 0, gfx, i, ti->tile); if (callback_res != CALLBACK_FAILED) draw_old_one = ConvertBooleanCallback(inds->grf_prop.grffile, CBID_INDTILE_DRAW_FOUNDATIONS, callback_res); } if (draw_old_one) DrawFoundation(ti, FOUNDATION_LEVELED); } IndustryTileResolverObject object(gfx, ti->tile, i); const SpriteGroup *group = object.Resolve(); if (group == nullptr || group->type != SGT_TILELAYOUT) return false; /* Limit the building stage to the number of stages supplied. */ const TileLayoutSpriteGroup *tlgroup = (const TileLayoutSpriteGroup *)group; byte stage = GetIndustryConstructionStage(ti->tile); IndustryDrawTileLayout(ti, tlgroup, i->random_colour, stage); return true; } extern bool IsSlopeRefused(Slope current, Slope refused); /** * Check the slope of a tile of a new industry. * @param ind_base_tile Base tile of the industry. * @param ind_tile Tile to check. * @param its Tile specification. * @param type Industry type. * @param gfx Gfx of the tile. * @param layout_index Layout. * @param initial_random_bits Random bits of industry after construction * @param founder Industry founder * @param creation_type The circumstances the industry is created under. * @return Succeeded or failed command. */ CommandCost PerformIndustryTileSlopeCheck(TileIndex ind_base_tile, TileIndex ind_tile, const IndustryTileSpec *its, IndustryType type, IndustryGfx gfx, size_t layout_index, uint16_t initial_random_bits, Owner founder, IndustryAvailabilityCallType creation_type) { Industry ind; ind.index = INVALID_INDUSTRY; ind.location.tile = ind_base_tile; ind.location.w = 0; ind.type = type; ind.random = initial_random_bits; ind.founder = founder; uint16_t callback_res = GetIndustryTileCallback(CBID_INDTILE_SHAPE_CHECK, 0, creation_type << 8 | (uint32_t)layout_index, gfx, &ind, ind_tile); if (callback_res == CALLBACK_FAILED) { if (!IsSlopeRefused(GetTileSlope(ind_tile), its->slopes_refused)) return CommandCost(); return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_SITE_UNSUITABLE); } if (its->grf_prop.grffile->grf_version < 7) { if (callback_res != 0) return CommandCost(); return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_SITE_UNSUITABLE); } return GetErrorMessageFromLocationCallbackResult(callback_res, its->grf_prop.grffile, STR_ERROR_SITE_UNSUITABLE); } /* Simple wrapper for GetHouseCallback to keep the animation unified. */ uint16_t GetSimpleIndustryCallback(CallbackID callback, uint32_t param1, uint32_t param2, const IndustryTileSpec *spec, Industry *ind, TileIndex tile, int extra_data) { return GetIndustryTileCallback(callback, param1, param2, spec - GetIndustryTileSpec(0), ind, tile); } /** Helper class for animation control. */ struct IndustryAnimationBase : public AnimationBase > { static const CallbackID cb_animation_speed = CBID_INDTILE_ANIMATION_SPEED; static const CallbackID cb_animation_next_frame = CBID_INDTILE_ANIM_NEXT_FRAME; static const IndustryTileCallbackMask cbm_animation_speed = CBM_INDT_ANIM_SPEED; static const IndustryTileCallbackMask cbm_animation_next_frame = CBM_INDT_ANIM_NEXT_FRAME; }; void AnimateNewIndustryTile(TileIndex tile) { const IndustryTileSpec *itspec = GetIndustryTileSpec(GetIndustryGfx(tile)); if (itspec == nullptr) return; IndustryAnimationBase::AnimateTile(itspec, Industry::GetByTile(tile), tile, (itspec->special_flags & INDTILE_SPECIAL_NEXTFRAME_RANDOMBITS) != 0); } bool StartStopIndustryTileAnimation(TileIndex tile, IndustryAnimationTrigger iat, uint32_t random) { const IndustryTileSpec *itspec = GetIndustryTileSpec(GetIndustryGfx(tile)); if (!HasBit(itspec->animation.triggers, iat)) return false; IndustryAnimationBase::ChangeAnimationFrame(CBID_INDTILE_ANIM_START_STOP, itspec, Industry::GetByTile(tile), tile, random, iat); return true; } bool StartStopIndustryTileAnimation(const Industry *ind, IndustryAnimationTrigger iat) { bool ret = true; uint32_t random = Random(); for (TileIndex tile : ind->location) { if (ind->TileBelongsToIndustry(tile)) { if (StartStopIndustryTileAnimation(tile, iat, random)) { SB(random, 0, 16, Random()); } else { ret = false; } } } return ret; } uint8_t GetNewIndustryTileAnimationSpeed(TileIndex tile) { const IndustryTileSpec *itspec = GetIndustryTileSpec(GetIndustryGfx(tile)); if (itspec == nullptr) return 0; return IndustryAnimationBase::GetAnimationSpeed(itspec); } /** * Trigger random triggers for an industry tile and reseed its random bits. * @param tile Industry tile to trigger. * @param trigger Trigger to trigger. * @param ind Industry of the tile. * @param[in,out] reseed_industry Collects bits to reseed for the industry. */ static void DoTriggerIndustryTile(TileIndex tile, IndustryTileTrigger trigger, Industry *ind, uint32_t &reseed_industry) { assert_tile(IsValidTile(tile) && IsTileType(tile, MP_INDUSTRY), tile); IndustryGfx gfx = GetIndustryGfx(tile); const IndustryTileSpec *itspec = GetIndustryTileSpec(gfx); if (itspec->grf_prop.spritegroup[0] == nullptr) return; IndustryTileResolverObject object(gfx, tile, ind, CBID_RANDOM_TRIGGER); object.waiting_triggers = GetIndustryTriggers(tile) | trigger; SetIndustryTriggers(tile, object.waiting_triggers); // store now for var 5F const SpriteGroup *group = object.Resolve(); if (group == nullptr) return; /* Store remaining triggers. */ SetIndustryTriggers(tile, object.GetRemainingTriggers()); /* Rerandomise tile bits */ byte new_random_bits = Random(); byte random_bits = GetIndustryRandomBits(tile); random_bits &= ~object.reseed[VSG_SCOPE_SELF]; random_bits |= new_random_bits & object.reseed[VSG_SCOPE_SELF]; SetIndustryRandomBits(tile, random_bits); MarkTileDirtyByTile(tile, VMDF_NOT_MAP_MODE); reseed_industry |= object.reseed[VSG_SCOPE_PARENT]; } /** * Reseeds the random bits of an industry. * @param ind Industry. * @param reseed Bits to reseed. */ static void DoReseedIndustry(Industry *ind, uint32_t reseed) { if (reseed == 0 || ind == nullptr) return; uint16_t random_bits = Random(); ind->random &= reseed; ind->random |= random_bits & reseed; } /** * Trigger a random trigger for a single industry tile. * @param tile Industry tile to trigger. * @param trigger Trigger to trigger. */ void TriggerIndustryTile(TileIndex tile, IndustryTileTrigger trigger) { uint32_t reseed_industry = 0; Industry *ind = Industry::GetByTile(tile); DoTriggerIndustryTile(tile, trigger, ind, reseed_industry); DoReseedIndustry(ind, reseed_industry); } /** * Trigger a random trigger for all industry tiles. * @param ind Industry to trigger. * @param trigger Trigger to trigger. */ void TriggerIndustry(Industry *ind, IndustryTileTrigger trigger) { uint32_t reseed_industry = 0; for (TileIndex tile : ind->location) { if (ind->TileBelongsToIndustry(tile)) { DoTriggerIndustryTile(tile, trigger, ind, reseed_industry); } } DoReseedIndustry(ind, reseed_industry); } void AnalyseIndustryTileSpriteGroups() { for (IndustrySpec &spec : _industry_specs) { const uint layout_count = (uint)spec.layouts.size(); spec.layout_anim_masks.clear(); spec.layout_anim_masks.resize(layout_count); IndustryTileLayout layout; for (uint idx = 0; idx < layout_count; idx++) { btree::btree_set seen_gfx; layout.clear(); for (IndustryTileLayoutTile it : spec.layouts[idx]) { if (it.gfx == 0xFF) continue; IndustryGfx gfx = GetTranslatedIndustryTileID(it.gfx); layout.push_back({ it.ti, gfx }); seen_gfx.insert(gfx); if (layout.size() == 64) break; } /* Layout now contains the translated tile layout with gaps removed, up to a maximum of 64 tiles */ uint64_t anim_mask = 0; uint64_t to_check = UINT64_MAX >> (64 - layout.size()); while (to_check != 0) { uint64_t current = 0; uint i = FindFirstBit(to_check); IndustryGfx gfx = layout[i].gfx; for (; i < layout.size(); i++) { if (gfx == layout[i].gfx) SetBit(current, i); } to_check &= ~current; const IndustryTileSpec &tilespec = _industry_tile_specs[gfx]; if (tilespec.grf_prop.spritegroup[0] == nullptr) continue; anim_mask |= current; AnalyseCallbackOperationIndustryTileData data; data.layout = &layout; data.check_mask = current; data.result_mask = &anim_mask; data.layout_index = idx + 1; data.anim_state_at_offset = false; data.check_anim_next_frame_cb = HasBit(tilespec.callback_mask, CBM_INDT_ANIM_NEXT_FRAME); AnalyseCallbackOperation op(ACOM_INDUSTRY_TILE); op.data.indtile = &data; tilespec.grf_prop.spritegroup[0]->AnalyseCallbacks(op); if (data.anim_state_at_offset) { /* Give up: use of get anim state of offset tiles */ anim_mask = 0; break; } } spec.layout_anim_masks[idx] = anim_mask; } } } void ApplyIndustryTileAnimMasking() { for (Industry *ind : Industry::Iterate()) { const IndustrySpec *spec = GetIndustrySpec(ind->type); if (ind->selected_layout == 0 || ind->selected_layout > spec->layouts.size()) continue; uint64_t mask = spec->layout_anim_masks[ind->selected_layout - 1]; uint idx = 0; for (IndustryTileLayoutTile it : spec->layouts[ind->selected_layout - 1]) { if (it.gfx == 0xFF) continue; TileIndex tile = AddTileIndexDiffCWrap(ind->location.tile, it.ti); if (!IsValidTile(tile) || !ind->TileBelongsToIndustry(tile)) break; IndustryGfx gfx = GetTranslatedIndustryTileID(it.gfx); if (gfx != GetIndustryGfx(tile)) break; if (HasBit(mask, idx)) DeleteAnimatedTile(tile); idx++; if (idx == 64) break; } } }