/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file smallmap_gui.h Smallmap GUI functions. */ #ifndef SMALLMAP_GUI_H #define SMALLMAP_GUI_H #include "industry_type.h" #include "company_base.h" #include "window_gui.h" #include "strings_func.h" #include "blitter/factory.hpp" #include "linkgraph/linkgraph_gui.h" #include "widgets/smallmap_widget.h" #include "guitimer_func.h" /* set up the cargos to be displayed in the smallmap's route legend */ void BuildLinkStatsLegend(); void BuildIndustriesLegend(); void ShowSmallMap(); void BuildLandLegend(); void BuildOwnerLegend(); /** Enum for how to include the heightmap pixels/colours in small map related functions */ enum class IncludeHeightmap { Never, ///< Never include the heightmap IfEnabled, ///< Only include the heightmap if its enabled in the gui by the player Always ///< Always include the heightmap }; uint32 GetSmallMapOwnerPixels(TileIndex tile, TileType t, IncludeHeightmap include_heightmap); /** Structure for holding relevant data for legends in small map */ struct LegendAndColour { uint8 colour; ///< Colour of the item on the map. StringID legend; ///< String corresponding to the coloured item. IndustryType type; ///< Type of industry. Only valid for industry entries. uint8 height; ///< Height in tiles. Only valid for height legend entries. CompanyID company; ///< Company to display. Only valid for company entries of the owner legend. bool show_on_map; ///< For filtering industries, if \c true, industry is shown on the map in colour. bool end; ///< This is the end of the list. bool col_break; ///< Perform a column break and go further at the next column. }; /** Class managing the smallmap window. */ class SmallMapWindow : public Window { protected: /** Types of legends in the #WID_SM_LEGEND widget. */ enum SmallMapType { SMT_CONTOUR, SMT_VEHICLES, SMT_INDUSTRY, SMT_LINKSTATS, SMT_ROUTES, SMT_VEGETATION, SMT_OWNER, }; /** Available kinds of zoomlevel changes. */ enum ZoomLevelChange { ZLC_INITIALIZE, ///< Initialize zoom level. ZLC_ZOOM_OUT, ///< Zoom out. ZLC_ZOOM_IN, ///< Zoom in. }; static SmallMapType map_type; ///< Currently displayed legends. static bool show_towns; ///< Display town names in the smallmap. static int map_height_limit; ///< Currently used/cached map height limit. static const uint INDUSTRY_MIN_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS = 2; ///< Minimal number of columns in the #WID_SM_LEGEND widget for the #SMT_INDUSTRY legend. static const uint FORCE_REFRESH_PERIOD = 930; ///< map is redrawn after that many milliseconds. static const uint BLINK_PERIOD = 450; ///< highlight blinking interval in milliseconds. uint min_number_of_columns; ///< Minimal number of columns in legends. uint min_number_of_fixed_rows; ///< Minimal number of rows in the legends for the fixed layouts only (all except #SMT_INDUSTRY). uint column_width; ///< Width of a column in the #WID_SM_LEGEND widget. uint legend_width; ///< Width of legend 'blob'. int32 scroll_x; ///< Horizontal world coordinate of the base tile left of the top-left corner of the smallmap display. int32 scroll_y; ///< Vertical world coordinate of the base tile left of the top-left corner of the smallmap display. int32 subscroll; ///< Number of pixels (0..3) between the right end of the base tile and the pixel at the top-left corner of the smallmap display. int zoom; ///< Zoom level. Bigger number means more zoom-out (further away). GUITimer refresh; ///< Refresh timer. LinkGraphOverlay *overlay; static void BreakIndustryChainLink(); Point SmallmapRemapCoords(int x, int y) const; /** * Draws vertical part of map indicator * @param x X coord of left/right border of main viewport * @param y Y coord of top border of main viewport * @param y2 Y coord of bottom border of main viewport */ static inline void DrawVertMapIndicator(int x, int y, int y2) { GfxFillRect(x, y, x, y + 3, PC_VERY_LIGHT_YELLOW); GfxFillRect(x, y2 - 3, x, y2, PC_VERY_LIGHT_YELLOW); } /** * Draws horizontal part of map indicator * @param x X coord of left border of main viewport * @param x2 X coord of right border of main viewport * @param y Y coord of top/bottom border of main viewport */ static inline void DrawHorizMapIndicator(int x, int x2, int y) { GfxFillRect(x, y, x + 3, y, PC_VERY_LIGHT_YELLOW); GfxFillRect(x2 - 3, y, x2, y, PC_VERY_LIGHT_YELLOW); } /** * Compute minimal required width of the legends. * @return Minimally needed width for displaying the smallmap legends in pixels. */ inline uint GetMinLegendWidth() const { return WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect.left + this->min_number_of_columns * this->column_width; } /** * Return number of columns that can be displayed in \a width pixels. * @return Number of columns to display. */ inline uint GetNumberColumnsLegend(uint width) const { return width / this->column_width; } /** * Compute height given a number of columns. * @param num_columns Number of columns. * @return Needed height for displaying the smallmap legends in pixels. */ inline uint GetLegendHeight(uint num_columns) const { return WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect.Vertical() + this->GetNumberRowsLegend(num_columns) * FONT_HEIGHT_SMALL; } /** * Get a bitmask for company links to be displayed. Usually this will be * the _local_company. Spectators get to see all companies' links. * @return Company mask. */ inline CompanyMask GetOverlayCompanyMask() const { return Company::IsValidID(_local_company) ? 1U << _local_company : MAX_UVALUE(CompanyMask); } void RebuildColourIndexIfNecessary(); uint GetNumberRowsLegend(uint columns) const; void SelectLegendItem(int click_pos, LegendAndColour *legend, int end_legend_item, int begin_legend_item = 0); void SwitchMapType(SmallMapType map_type); void SetNewScroll(int sx, int sy, int sub); void DrawMapIndicators() const; void DrawSmallMapColumn(void *dst, uint xc, uint yc, int pitch, int reps, int start_pos, int end_pos, Blitter *blitter) const; void DrawVehicles(const DrawPixelInfo *dpi, Blitter *blitter) const; void DrawTowns(const DrawPixelInfo *dpi) const; void DrawSmallMap(DrawPixelInfo *dpi) const; Point RemapTile(int tile_x, int tile_y) const; Point PixelToTile(int px, int py, int *sub, bool add_sub = true) const; Point ComputeScroll(int tx, int ty, int x, int y, int *sub); void SetZoomLevel(ZoomLevelChange change, const Point *zoom_pt); void SetOverlayCargoMask(); void SetupWidgetData(); uint32 GetTileColours(const TileArea &ta) const; int GetPositionOnLegend(Point pt); public: friend class NWidgetSmallmapDisplay; SmallMapWindow(WindowDesc *desc, int window_number); virtual ~SmallMapWindow(); void SmallMapCenterOnCurrentPos(); Point GetStationMiddle(const Station *st) const; void Close() override; void SetStringParameters(int widget) const override; void OnInit() override; void OnPaint() override; void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, int widget) const override; void OnClick(Point pt, int widget, int click_count) override; void OnInvalidateData(int data = 0, bool gui_scope = true) override; bool OnRightClick(Point pt, int widget) override; void OnMouseWheel(int wheel) override; void OnRealtimeTick(uint delta_ms) override; void OnScroll(Point delta) override; void OnMouseOver(Point pt, int widget) override; }; #endif /* SMALLMAP_GUI_H */