/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file station_func.h Functions related to stations. */ #ifndef STATION_FUNC_H #define STATION_FUNC_H #include "sprite.h" #include "rail_type.h" #include "road_type.h" #include "vehicle_type.h" #include "economy_func.h" #include "rail.h" #include "road.h" #include "linkgraph/linkgraph_type.h" #include "industry_type.h" void ModifyStationRatingAround(TileIndex tile, Owner owner, int amount, uint radius); void ShowStationViewWindow(StationID station); void UpdateAllStationVirtCoords(); void ClearAllStationCachedNames(); CargoArray GetProductionAroundTiles(TileIndex tile, int w, int h, int rad); CargoArray GetAcceptanceAroundTiles(TileIndex tile, int w, int h, int rad, CargoTypes *always_accepted = nullptr); void UpdateStationAcceptance(Station *st, bool show_msg); CargoTypes GetAcceptanceMask(const Station *st); CargoTypes GetEmptyMask(const Station *st); const DrawTileSprites *GetStationTileLayout(StationType st, byte gfx); void StationPickerDrawSprite(int x, int y, StationType st, RailType railtype, RoadType roadtype, int image); bool HasStationInUse(StationID station, bool include_company, CompanyID company); void DeleteOilRig(TileIndex t); void UpdateStationDockingTiles(Station *st); void RemoveDockingTile(TileIndex t); void ClearDockingTilesCheckingNeighbours(TileIndex tile); void UpdateAirportsNoise(); bool SplitGroundSpriteForOverlay(const TileInfo *ti, SpriteID *ground, RailTrackOffset *overlay_offset); void IncreaseStats(Station *st, CargoID cargo, StationID next_station_id, uint capacity, uint usage, uint32_t time, EdgeUpdateMode mode); void RerouteCargo(Station *st, CargoID c, StationID avoid, StationID avoid2); void RerouteCargoFromSource(Station *st, CargoID c, StationID source, StationID avoid, StationID avoid2); void FreeTrainStationPlatformReservation(const Train *v); /** * Calculates the maintenance cost of a number of station tiles. * @param num Number of station tiles. * @return Total cost. */ inline Money StationMaintenanceCost(uint32_t num) { return (_price[PR_INFRASTRUCTURE_STATION] * num * (1 + IntSqrt(num))) >> 7; // 7 bits scaling. } Money AirportMaintenanceCost(Owner owner); bool ShouldShowBaseStationViewportLabel(const BaseStation *bst); #endif /* STATION_FUNC_H */