/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file sdl2_default_v.cpp Implementation of the default backend for SDL2 video driver. */ #include "../stdafx.h" #include "../openttd.h" #include "../gfx_func.h" #include "../rev.h" #include "../blitter/factory.hpp" #include "../network/network.h" #include "../thread.h" #include "../progress.h" #include "../core/random_func.hpp" #include "../core/math_func.hpp" #include "../core/mem_func.hpp" #include "../core/geometry_func.hpp" #include "../fileio_func.h" #include "../framerate_type.h" #include "../window_func.h" #include "sdl2_default_v.h" #include #include #include #if defined(__MINGW32__) #include "../3rdparty/mingw-std-threads/mingw.mutex.h" #include "../3rdparty/mingw-std-threads/mingw.condition_variable.h" #endif #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ # include # include #endif #include "../safeguards.h" static FVideoDriver_SDL_Default iFVideoDriver_SDL_Default; static SDL_Surface *_sdl_surface; static SDL_Surface *_sdl_rgb_surface; static SDL_Surface *_sdl_real_surface; static SDL_Palette *_sdl_palette; void VideoDriver_SDL_Default::UpdatePalette() { SDL_Color pal[256]; for (int i = 0; i != this->local_palette.count_dirty; i++) { pal[i].r = this->local_palette.palette[this->local_palette.first_dirty + i].r; pal[i].g = this->local_palette.palette[this->local_palette.first_dirty + i].g; pal[i].b = this->local_palette.palette[this->local_palette.first_dirty + i].b; pal[i].a = 0; } SDL_SetPaletteColors(_sdl_palette, pal, this->local_palette.first_dirty, this->local_palette.count_dirty); SDL_SetSurfacePalette(_sdl_surface, _sdl_palette); } void VideoDriver_SDL_Default::MakePalette() { if (_sdl_palette == nullptr) { _sdl_palette = SDL_AllocPalette(256); if (_sdl_palette == nullptr) usererror("SDL2: Couldn't allocate palette: %s", SDL_GetError()); } _cur_palette.first_dirty = 0; _cur_palette.count_dirty = 256; this->local_palette = _cur_palette; _cur_palette.count_dirty = 0; this->UpdatePalette(); if (_sdl_surface != _sdl_real_surface) { /* When using a shadow surface, also set our palette on the real screen. This lets SDL * allocate as many colors (or approximations) as * possible, instead of using only the default SDL * palette. This allows us to get more colors exactly * right and might allow using better approximations for * other colors. * * Note that colors allocations are tried in-order, so * this favors colors further up into the palette. Also * note that if two colors from the same animation * sequence are approximated using the same color, that * animation will stop working. * * Since changing the system palette causes the colours * to change right away, and allocations might * drastically change, we can't use this for animation, * since that could cause weird coloring between the * palette change and the blitting below, so we only set * the real palette during initialisation. */ SDL_SetSurfacePalette(_sdl_real_surface, _sdl_palette); } } void VideoDriver_SDL_Default::Paint() { PerformanceMeasurer framerate(PFE_VIDEO); if (IsEmptyRect(this->dirty_rect) && this->local_palette.count_dirty == 0) return; if (this->local_palette.count_dirty != 0) { Blitter *blitter = BlitterFactory::GetCurrentBlitter(); switch (blitter->UsePaletteAnimation()) { case Blitter::PALETTE_ANIMATION_VIDEO_BACKEND: this->UpdatePalette(); break; case Blitter::PALETTE_ANIMATION_BLITTER: { blitter->PaletteAnimate(this->local_palette); break; } case Blitter::PALETTE_ANIMATION_NONE: break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } this->local_palette.count_dirty = 0; } SDL_Rect r = { this->dirty_rect.left, this->dirty_rect.top, this->dirty_rect.right - this->dirty_rect.left, this->dirty_rect.bottom - this->dirty_rect.top }; if (_sdl_surface != _sdl_real_surface) { SDL_BlitSurface(_sdl_surface, &r, _sdl_real_surface, &r); } SDL_UpdateWindowSurfaceRects(this->sdl_window, &r, 1); this->dirty_rect = {}; } bool VideoDriver_SDL_Default::AllocateBackingStore(int w, int h, bool force) { int bpp = BlitterFactory::GetCurrentBlitter()->GetScreenDepth(); _sdl_real_surface = SDL_GetWindowSurface(this->sdl_window); if (_sdl_real_surface == nullptr) usererror("SDL2: Couldn't get window surface: %s", SDL_GetError()); if (!force && w == _sdl_real_surface->w && h == _sdl_real_surface->h) return false; /* Free any previously allocated rgb surface. */ if (_sdl_rgb_surface != nullptr) { SDL_FreeSurface(_sdl_rgb_surface); _sdl_rgb_surface = nullptr; } if (bpp == 8) { _sdl_rgb_surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, w, h, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (_sdl_rgb_surface == nullptr) usererror("SDL2: Couldn't allocate shadow surface: %s", SDL_GetError()); _sdl_surface = _sdl_rgb_surface; } else { _sdl_surface = _sdl_real_surface; } /* X11 doesn't appreciate it if we invalidate areas outside the window * if shared memory is enabled (read: it crashes). So, as we might have * gotten smaller, reset our dirty rects. GameSizeChanged() a bit lower * will mark the whole screen dirty again anyway, but this time with the * new dimensions. */ this->dirty_rect = {}; _screen.width = _sdl_surface->w; _screen.height = _sdl_surface->h; _screen.pitch = _sdl_surface->pitch / (bpp / 8); _screen.dst_ptr = this->GetVideoPointer(); this->MakePalette(); return true; } void *VideoDriver_SDL_Default::GetVideoPointer() { return _sdl_surface->pixels; }