@echo off echo Running SVN version detection script... rem rem Requires subversion (`svnversion'), GNU make and some other GNU tools (eg, textutils) rem installed - a hack, I know, but it seems to work if you have the appropriate tools rem installed. rem cd ..\.. if not exist .svn goto nosvn make -f os/os2/svn_version.mak if not %ERRORLEVEL%==0 goto nomake goto end :nomake gmake -f os/os2/svn_version.mak if not %ERRORLEVEL%==0 goto nomake2 goto end :nomake2 echo Neither `make` nor `gmake' could be found, SVN version detection unable to echo run. Default rev.c used... :nosvn echo const char _openttd_revision[] = "norev000"; > rev.c echo const int _revision_number = 0; >> rev.c echo #ifdef __MORPHOS__ >> rev.c echo const char morphos_versions_tag[] = "\\0$VER: OpenTTD norev000 (00.00.00) © OpenTTD Team [MorphOS, PowerPC]"; >> rev.c echo #endif >> rev.c goto end :end cd os\os2 rem end