/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file league_gui.cpp GUI for league tables. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "league_gui.h" #include "company_base.h" #include "company_gui.h" #include "gui.h" #include "industry.h" #include "league_base.h" #include "sortlist_type.h" #include "story_base.h" #include "strings_func.h" #include "tile_map.h" #include "town.h" #include "viewport_func.h" #include "window_gui.h" #include "widgets/league_widget.h" #include "table/strings.h" #include "table/sprites.h" #include "safeguards.h" static const StringID _performance_titles[] = { STR_COMPANY_LEAGUE_PERFORMANCE_TITLE_ENGINEER, STR_COMPANY_LEAGUE_PERFORMANCE_TITLE_ENGINEER, STR_COMPANY_LEAGUE_PERFORMANCE_TITLE_TRAFFIC_MANAGER, STR_COMPANY_LEAGUE_PERFORMANCE_TITLE_TRAFFIC_MANAGER, STR_COMPANY_LEAGUE_PERFORMANCE_TITLE_TRANSPORT_COORDINATOR, STR_COMPANY_LEAGUE_PERFORMANCE_TITLE_TRANSPORT_COORDINATOR, STR_COMPANY_LEAGUE_PERFORMANCE_TITLE_ROUTE_SUPERVISOR, STR_COMPANY_LEAGUE_PERFORMANCE_TITLE_ROUTE_SUPERVISOR, STR_COMPANY_LEAGUE_PERFORMANCE_TITLE_DIRECTOR, STR_COMPANY_LEAGUE_PERFORMANCE_TITLE_DIRECTOR, STR_COMPANY_LEAGUE_PERFORMANCE_TITLE_CHIEF_EXECUTIVE, STR_COMPANY_LEAGUE_PERFORMANCE_TITLE_CHIEF_EXECUTIVE, STR_COMPANY_LEAGUE_PERFORMANCE_TITLE_CHAIRMAN, STR_COMPANY_LEAGUE_PERFORMANCE_TITLE_CHAIRMAN, STR_COMPANY_LEAGUE_PERFORMANCE_TITLE_PRESIDENT, STR_COMPANY_LEAGUE_PERFORMANCE_TITLE_TYCOON, }; static inline StringID GetPerformanceTitleFromValue(uint value) { return _performance_titles[std::min(value, 1000u) >> 6]; } class PerformanceLeagueWindow : public Window { private: GUIList companies; uint ordinal_width; ///< The width of the ordinal number uint text_width; ///< The width of the actual text int line_height; ///< Height of the text lines Dimension icon; ///< Dimension of the company icon. /** * (Re)Build the company league list */ void BuildCompanyList() { if (!this->companies.NeedRebuild()) return; this->companies.clear(); for (const Company *c : Company::Iterate()) { this->companies.push_back(c); } this->companies.shrink_to_fit(); this->companies.RebuildDone(); } /** Sort the company league by performance history */ static bool PerformanceSorter(const Company * const &c1, const Company * const &c2) { return c2->old_economy[0].performance_history < c1->old_economy[0].performance_history; } public: PerformanceLeagueWindow(WindowDesc *desc, WindowNumber window_number) : Window(desc) { this->InitNested(window_number); this->companies.ForceRebuild(); this->companies.NeedResort(); } void OnPaint() override { this->BuildCompanyList(); this->companies.Sort(&PerformanceSorter); this->DrawWidgets(); } void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, WidgetID widget) const override { if (widget != WID_PLT_BACKGROUND) return; Rect ir = r.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect); int icon_y_offset = (this->line_height - this->icon.height) / 2; int text_y_offset = (this->line_height - GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL)) / 2; bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL; Rect ordinal = ir.WithWidth(this->ordinal_width, rtl); uint icon_left = ir.Indent(rtl ? this->text_width : this->ordinal_width, rtl).left; Rect text = ir.WithWidth(this->text_width, !rtl); for (uint i = 0; i != this->companies.size(); i++) { const Company *c = this->companies[i]; DrawString(ordinal.left, ordinal.right, ir.top + text_y_offset, i + STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_1ST, i == 0 ? TC_WHITE : TC_YELLOW); DrawCompanyIcon(c->index, icon_left, ir.top + icon_y_offset); SetDParam(0, c->index); SetDParam(1, c->index); SetDParam(2, GetPerformanceTitleFromValue(c->old_economy[0].performance_history)); DrawString(text.left, text.right, ir.top + text_y_offset, STR_COMPANY_LEAGUE_COMPANY_NAME); ir.top += this->line_height; } } void UpdateWidgetSize(WidgetID widget, Dimension *size, [[maybe_unused]] const Dimension &padding, [[maybe_unused]] Dimension *fill, [[maybe_unused]] Dimension *resize) override { if (widget != WID_PLT_BACKGROUND) return; this->ordinal_width = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < MAX_COMPANIES; i++) { this->ordinal_width = std::max(this->ordinal_width, GetStringBoundingBox(STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_1ST + i).width); } this->ordinal_width += WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_wide; // Keep some extra spacing uint widest_width = 0; uint widest_title = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < lengthof(_performance_titles); i++) { uint width = GetStringBoundingBox(_performance_titles[i]).width; if (width > widest_width) { widest_title = i; widest_width = width; } } this->icon = GetSpriteSize(SPR_COMPANY_ICON); this->line_height = std::max(this->icon.height + WidgetDimensions::scaled.vsep_normal, GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL)); for (const Company *c : Company::Iterate()) { SetDParam(0, c->index); SetDParam(1, c->index); SetDParam(2, _performance_titles[widest_title]); widest_width = std::max(widest_width, GetStringBoundingBox(STR_COMPANY_LEAGUE_COMPANY_NAME).width); } this->text_width = widest_width + WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_indent * 3; // Keep some extra spacing size->width = WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect.Horizontal() + this->ordinal_width + this->icon.width + this->text_width + WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_wide; size->height = this->line_height * MAX_COMPANIES + WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect.Vertical(); } void OnGameTick() override { if (this->companies.NeedResort()) { this->SetDirty(); } } /** * Some data on this window has become invalid. * @param data Information about the changed data. * @param gui_scope Whether the call is done from GUI scope. You may not do everything when not in GUI scope. See #InvalidateWindowData() for details. */ void OnInvalidateData([[maybe_unused]] int data = 0, [[maybe_unused]] bool gui_scope = true) override { if (data == 0) { /* This needs to be done in command-scope to enforce rebuilding before resorting invalid data */ this->companies.ForceRebuild(); } else { this->companies.ForceResort(); } } }; static const NWidgetPart _nested_performance_league_widgets[] = { NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CLOSEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_BROWN), SetDataTip(STR_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE_CAPTION, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS), NWidget(WWT_SHADEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_STICKYBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_PLT_BACKGROUND), SetMinimalSize(400, 0), SetMinimalTextLines(15, WidgetDimensions::unscaled.framerect.Vertical()), EndContainer(), }; static WindowDesc _performance_league_desc(__FILE__, __LINE__, WDP_AUTO, "performance_league", 0, 0, WC_COMPANY_LEAGUE, WC_NONE, 0, std::begin(_nested_performance_league_widgets), std::end(_nested_performance_league_widgets) ); void ShowPerformanceLeagueTable() { AllocateWindowDescFront(&_performance_league_desc, 0); } static void HandleLinkClick(Link link) { TileIndex xy; switch (link.type) { case LT_NONE: return; case LT_TILE: if (!IsValidTile(link.target)) return; xy = link.target; break; case LT_INDUSTRY: if (!Industry::IsValidID(link.target)) return; xy = Industry::Get(link.target)->location.tile; break; case LT_TOWN: if (!Town::IsValidID(link.target)) return; xy = Town::Get(link.target)->xy; break; case LT_COMPANY: ShowCompany((CompanyID)link.target); return; case LT_STORY_PAGE: { if (!StoryPage::IsValidID(link.target)) return; CompanyID story_company = StoryPage::Get(link.target)->company; ShowStoryBook(story_company, link.target); return; } default: NOT_REACHED(); } if (_ctrl_pressed) { ShowExtraViewportWindow(xy); } else { ScrollMainWindowToTile(xy); } } class ScriptLeagueWindow : public Window { private: LeagueTableID table; std::vector> rows; uint rank_width; ///< The width of the rank ordinal uint text_width; ///< The width of the actual text uint score_width; ///< The width of the score text uint header_height; ///< Height of the table header int line_height; ///< Height of the text lines Dimension icon_size; ///< Dimenion of the company icon. std::string title; /** * Rebuild the company league list */ void BuildTable() { this->rows.clear(); this->title = std::string{}; auto lt = LeagueTable::GetIfValid(this->table); if (lt == nullptr) return; /* We store title in the window class so we can safely reference the string later */ this->title = lt->title; std::vector elements; for (LeagueTableElement *lte : LeagueTableElement::Iterate()) { if (lte->table == this->table) { elements.push_back(lte); } } std::sort(elements.begin(), elements.end(), [](auto a, auto b) { return a->rating > b->rating; }); /* Calculate rank, companies with the same rating share the ranks */ uint rank = 0; for (uint i = 0; i != elements.size(); i++) { auto *lte = elements[i]; if (i > 0 && elements[i - 1]->rating != lte->rating) rank = i; this->rows.emplace_back(std::make_pair(rank, lte)); } } public: ScriptLeagueWindow(WindowDesc *desc, LeagueTableID table) : Window(desc) { this->table = table; this->BuildTable(); this->InitNested(table); } void SetStringParameters(WidgetID widget) const override { if (widget != WID_SLT_CAPTION) return; SetDParamStr(0, this->title); } void OnPaint() override { this->DrawWidgets(); } void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, WidgetID widget) const override { if (widget != WID_SLT_BACKGROUND) return; auto lt = LeagueTable::GetIfValid(this->table); if (lt == nullptr) return; Rect ir = r.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect); if (!lt->header.empty()) { SetDParamStr(0, lt->header); ir.top = DrawStringMultiLine(ir.left, ir.right, ir.top, UINT16_MAX, STR_JUST_RAW_STRING, TC_BLACK) + WidgetDimensions::scaled.vsep_wide; } int icon_y_offset = (this->line_height - this->icon_size.height) / 2; int text_y_offset = (this->line_height - GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL)) / 2; /* Calculate positions.of the columns */ bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL; int spacer = WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_wide; Rect rank_rect = ir.WithWidth(this->rank_width, rtl); Rect icon_rect = ir.Indent(this->rank_width + (rtl ? 0 : spacer), rtl).WithWidth(this->icon_size.width, rtl); Rect text_rect = ir.Indent(this->rank_width + spacer + this->icon_size.width, rtl).WithWidth(this->text_width, rtl); Rect score_rect = ir.Indent(this->rank_width + 2 * spacer + this->icon_size.width + this->text_width, rtl).WithWidth(this->score_width, rtl); for (auto [rank, lte] : this->rows) { DrawString(rank_rect.left, rank_rect.right, ir.top + text_y_offset, rank + STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_1ST, rank == 0 ? TC_WHITE : TC_YELLOW); if (this->icon_size.width > 0 && lte->company != INVALID_COMPANY) DrawCompanyIcon(lte->company, icon_rect.left, ir.top + icon_y_offset); SetDParamStr(0, lte->text); DrawString(text_rect.left, text_rect.right, ir.top + text_y_offset, STR_JUST_RAW_STRING, TC_BLACK); SetDParamStr(0, lte->score); DrawString(score_rect.left, score_rect.right, ir.top + text_y_offset, STR_JUST_RAW_STRING, TC_BLACK, SA_RIGHT); ir.top += this->line_height; } if (!lt->footer.empty()) { ir.top += WidgetDimensions::scaled.vsep_wide; SetDParamStr(0, lt->footer); ir.top = DrawStringMultiLine(ir.left, ir.right, ir.top, UINT16_MAX, STR_JUST_RAW_STRING, TC_BLACK); } } void UpdateWidgetSize(WidgetID widget, Dimension *size, [[maybe_unused]] const Dimension &padding, [[maybe_unused]] Dimension *fill, [[maybe_unused]] Dimension *resize) override { if (widget != WID_SLT_BACKGROUND) return; auto lt = LeagueTable::GetIfValid(this->table); if (lt == nullptr) return; this->icon_size = GetSpriteSize(SPR_COMPANY_ICON); this->line_height = std::max(this->icon_size.height + WidgetDimensions::scaled.fullbevel.Vertical(), GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL)); /* Calculate maximum width of every column */ this->rank_width = this->text_width = this->score_width = 0; bool show_icon_column = false; for (auto [rank, lte] : this->rows) { this->rank_width = std::max(this->rank_width, GetStringBoundingBox(STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_1ST + rank).width); SetDParamStr(0, lte->text); this->text_width = std::max(this->text_width, GetStringBoundingBox(STR_JUST_RAW_STRING).width); SetDParamStr(0, lte->score); this->score_width = std::max(this->score_width, GetStringBoundingBox(STR_JUST_RAW_STRING).width); if (lte->company != INVALID_COMPANY) show_icon_column = true; } if (!show_icon_column) this->icon_size.width = 0; else this->icon_size.width += WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_wide; size->width = this->rank_width + this->icon_size.width + this->text_width + this->score_width + WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect.Horizontal() + WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_wide * 2; size->height = this->line_height * std::max(3u, (unsigned)this->rows.size()) + WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect.Vertical(); if (!lt->header.empty()) { SetDParamStr(0, lt->header); this->header_height = GetStringHeight(STR_JUST_RAW_STRING, size->width - WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect.Horizontal()) + WidgetDimensions::scaled.vsep_wide; size->height += header_height; } else this->header_height = 0; if (!lt->footer.empty()) { SetDParamStr(0, lt->footer); size->height += GetStringHeight(STR_JUST_RAW_STRING, size->width - WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect.Horizontal()) + WidgetDimensions::scaled.vsep_wide; } } void OnClick([[maybe_unused]] Point pt, WidgetID widget, [[maybe_unused]] int click_count) override { if (widget != WID_SLT_BACKGROUND) return; auto *wid = this->GetWidget(WID_SLT_BACKGROUND); int index = (pt.y - WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect.top - wid->pos_y - this->header_height) / this->line_height; if (index >= 0 && (uint)index < this->rows.size()) { auto lte = this->rows[index].second; HandleLinkClick(lte->link); } } /** * Some data on this window has become invalid. * @param data Information about the changed data. * @param gui_scope Whether the call is done from GUI scope. You may not do everything when not in GUI scope. See #InvalidateWindowData() for details. */ void OnInvalidateData([[maybe_unused]] int data = 0, [[maybe_unused]] bool gui_scope = true) override { this->BuildTable(); this->ReInit(); } }; static const NWidgetPart _nested_script_league_widgets[] = { NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CLOSEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_SLT_CAPTION), SetDataTip(STR_JUST_RAW_STRING, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS), NWidget(WWT_SHADEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_STICKYBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_SLT_BACKGROUND), SetMinimalSize(400, 0), SetMinimalTextLines(15, WidgetDimensions::unscaled.framerect.Vertical()), EndContainer(), }; static WindowDesc _script_league_desc(__FILE__, __LINE__, WDP_AUTO, "script_league", 0, 0, WC_COMPANY_LEAGUE, WC_NONE, 0, std::begin(_nested_script_league_widgets), std::end(_nested_script_league_widgets) ); void ShowScriptLeagueTable(LeagueTableID table) { if (!LeagueTable::IsValidID(table)) return; AllocateWindowDescFront(&_script_league_desc, table); } void ShowFirstLeagueTable() { auto it = LeagueTable::Iterate(); if (!it.empty()) { ShowScriptLeagueTable((*it.begin())->index); } else { ShowPerformanceLeagueTable(); } }