/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file infrastructure.cpp Implementation of infrastructure sharing */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "infrastructure_func.h" #include "train.h" #include "aircraft.h" #include "error.h" #include "vehicle_func.h" #include "station_base.h" #include "depot_base.h" #include "pbs.h" #include "signal_func.h" #include "window_func.h" #include "gui.h" #include "pathfinder/yapf/yapf_cache.h" #include "company_base.h" #include "string_func.h" #include "scope_info.h" #include "order_cmd.h" #include "table/strings.h" /** * Helper function for transferring sharing fees * @param v The vehicle involved * @param infra_owner The owner of the infrastructure * @param cost Amount to transfer as money fraction (shifted 8 bits to the left) */ static void PaySharingFee(Vehicle *v, Owner infra_owner, Money cost) { Company *c = Company::Get(v->owner); if (!_settings_game.economy.sharing_payment_in_debt) { /* Do not allow fee payment to drop (money - loan) below 0. */ cost = std::min(cost, (c->money - c->current_loan) << 8); if (cost <= 0) return; } v->profit_this_year -= cost; SubtractMoneyFromCompanyFract(v->owner, CommandCost(EXPENSES_SHARING_COST, cost)); SubtractMoneyFromCompanyFract(infra_owner, CommandCost(EXPENSES_SHARING_INC, -cost)); } /** * Pay the fee for spending a single tick inside a station. * @param v The vehicle that is using the station. * @param st The station that it uses. */ void PayStationSharingFee(Vehicle *v, const Station *st) { if (v->owner == st->owner || st->owner == OWNER_NONE || v->type == VEH_TRAIN) return; Money cost = _settings_game.economy.sharing_fee[v->type]; PaySharingFee(v, st->owner, (cost << 8) / DAY_TICKS); } uint16 is2_GetWeight(Train *v) { uint16 weight = (CargoSpec::Get(v->cargo_type)->weight * v->cargo.StoredCount() * FreightWagonMult(v->cargo_type)) / 16; /* Vehicle weight is not added for articulated parts. */ if (!v->IsArticulatedPart()) { weight += GetVehicleProperty(v, PROP_TRAIN_WEIGHT, RailVehInfo(v->engine_type)->weight); } /* Powered wagons have extra weight added. */ if (HasBit(v->flags, VRF_POWEREDWAGON)) { weight += RailVehInfo(v->gcache.first_engine)->pow_wag_weight; } return weight; } /** * Pay the daily fee for trains on foreign tracks. * @param v The vehicle to pay the fee for. */ void PayDailyTrackSharingFee(Train *v) { Owner owner = GetTileOwner(v->tile); if (owner == v->owner) return; Money cost = _settings_game.economy.sharing_fee[VEH_TRAIN] << 8; /* Cost is calculated per 1000 tonnes */ cost = cost * is2_GetWeight(v) / 1000; /* Only pay the required fraction */ cost = cost * v->running_ticks / DAY_TICKS; if (cost != 0) PaySharingFee(v, owner, cost); } /** * Check whether a vehicle is in an allowed position. * @param v The vehicle to check. * @param owner Owner whose infrastructure is not allowed, because the company will be removed. Ignored if INVALID_OWNER. * @return True if the vehicle is compeletely in an allowed position. */ static bool VehiclePositionIsAllowed(const Vehicle *v, Owner owner = INVALID_OWNER) { switch (v->type) { case VEH_TRAIN: if (HasBit(Train::From(v)->subtype, GVSF_VIRTUAL)) return true; for (const Vehicle *u = v; u != nullptr; u = u->Next()) { if (!IsValidTile(u->tile)) continue; if (!IsInfraTileUsageAllowed(VEH_TRAIN, v->owner, u->tile) || GetTileOwner(u->tile) == owner) return false; } return true; case VEH_ROAD: for (const Vehicle *u = v; u != nullptr; u = u->Next()) { if (!IsValidTile(u->tile)) continue; if (IsRoadDepotTile(u->tile) || IsStandardRoadStopTile(u->tile)) { if (!IsInfraTileUsageAllowed(VEH_ROAD, v->owner, u->tile) || GetTileOwner(u->tile) == owner) return false; } } return true; case VEH_SHIP: if (!IsValidTile(v->tile)) return true; if (IsShipDepotTile(v->tile) && v->IsStoppedInDepot()) { if (!IsInfraTileUsageAllowed(VEH_SHIP, v->owner, v->tile) || GetTileOwner(v->tile) == owner) return false; } return true; case VEH_AIRCRAFT: { const Aircraft *a = Aircraft::From(v); if (a->state != FLYING && Station::IsValidID(a->targetairport)) { Owner station_owner = Station::Get(a->targetairport)->owner; if (!IsInfraUsageAllowed(VEH_AIRCRAFT, a->owner, station_owner) || station_owner == owner) return false; } return true; } default: return true; } } /** * Check whether an order has a destination that is allowed. * I.e. it refers to a station/depot/waypoint the vehicle is allowed to visit. * @param order The order to check * @param v The vehicle this order belongs to. * @param owner Owner whose infrastructure is not allowed, because the company will be removed. Ignored if INVALID_OWNER. * @return True if the order has an allowed destination. */ static bool OrderDestinationIsAllowed(const Order *order, const Vehicle *v, Owner owner = INVALID_OWNER) { Owner dest_owner; switch (order->GetType()) { case OT_IMPLICIT: case OT_GOTO_STATION: case OT_GOTO_WAYPOINT: dest_owner = BaseStation::Get(order->GetDestination())->owner; break; case OT_GOTO_DEPOT: if ((order->GetDepotActionType() & ODATFB_NEAREST_DEPOT) != 0) return true; dest_owner = (v->type == VEH_AIRCRAFT) ? Station::Get(order->GetDestination())->owner : GetTileOwner(Depot::Get(order->GetDestination())->xy); break; case OT_LOADING_ADVANCE: case OT_LOADING: dest_owner = Station::Get(v->last_station_visited)->owner; break; default: return true; } return dest_owner != owner && IsInfraUsageAllowed(v->type, v->owner, dest_owner); } /** * Sell a vehicle, no matter where it may be. * @param v The vehicle to sell * @param give_money Do we actually need to give money to the vehicle owner? */ static void RemoveAndSellVehicle(Vehicle *v, bool give_money) { assert(v->Previous() == nullptr); if (give_money) { /* compute total value and give that to the owner */ Money value = 0; for (Vehicle *u = v->First(); u != nullptr; u = u->Next()) { value += u->value; } CompanyID old = _current_company; _current_company = v->owner; SubtractMoneyFromCompany(CommandCost(EXPENSES_NEW_VEHICLES, -value)); _current_company = old; } /* take special measures for trains, but not when sharing is disabled or when the train is a free wagon chain */ if (_settings_game.economy.infrastructure_sharing[VEH_TRAIN] && v->type == VEH_TRAIN && Train::From(v)->IsFrontEngine() && !Train::From(v)->IsVirtual()) { DeleteVisibleTrain(Train::From(v)); } else { delete v; } } void ConsoleRemoveVehicle(VehicleID id) { Vehicle *v = Vehicle::GetIfValid(id); if (v->Previous() == nullptr) RemoveAndSellVehicle(v, false); } /** * Check all path reservations, and reserve a new path if the current path is invalid. */ static void FixAllReservations() { /* if this function is called, we can safely assume that sharing of rails is being switched off */ assert(!_settings_game.economy.infrastructure_sharing[VEH_TRAIN]); for (Train *v : Train::Iterate()) { if (!v->IsPrimaryVehicle() || (v->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED) != 0 || HasBit(v->subtype, GVSF_VIRTUAL)) continue; /* It might happen that the train reserved additional tracks, * but FollowTrainReservation can't detect those because they are no longer reachable. * detect this by first finding the end of the reservation, * then switch sharing on and try again. If these two ends differ, * unreserve the path, switch sharing off and try to reserve a new path */ PBSTileInfo end_tile_info = FollowTrainReservation(v, nullptr, FTRF_IGNORE_LOOKAHEAD | FTRF_OKAY_UNUSED); /* first do a quick test to determine whether the next tile has any reservation at all */ TileIndex next_tile = end_tile_info.tile + TileOffsByDiagDir(TrackdirToExitdir(end_tile_info.trackdir)); /* If the next tile doesn't have a reservation at all, the reservation surely ends here. Thus all is well */ if (GetReservedTrackbits(next_tile) == TRACK_BIT_NONE) continue; /* change sharing setting temporarily */ _settings_game.economy.infrastructure_sharing[VEH_TRAIN] = true; PBSTileInfo end_tile_info2 = FollowTrainReservation(v, nullptr, FTRF_IGNORE_LOOKAHEAD | FTRF_OKAY_UNUSED); /* if these two reservation ends differ, unreserve the path and try to reserve a new path */ if (end_tile_info.tile != end_tile_info2.tile || end_tile_info.trackdir != end_tile_info2.trackdir) { FreeTrainTrackReservation(v); _settings_game.economy.infrastructure_sharing[VEH_TRAIN] = false; TryPathReserve(v, true); } else { _settings_game.economy.infrastructure_sharing[VEH_TRAIN] = false; } } } /** * Check if a sharing change is possible. * If vehicles are still on others' infrastructure or using others' stations, * The change is not possible and false is returned. * @param type The type of vehicle whose setting will be changed. * @return True if the change can take place, false otherwise. */ bool CheckSharingChangePossible(VehicleType type) { if (type != VEH_AIRCRAFT) YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(INVALID_TILE, INVALID_TRACK); /* Only do something when sharing is being disabled */ if (_settings_game.economy.infrastructure_sharing[type]) return true; StringID error_message = STR_NULL; for (Vehicle *v : Vehicle::Iterate()) { if (type != v->type || HasBit(v->subtype, GVSF_VIRTUAL)) continue; if (v->Previous() != nullptr) continue; /* Check vehicle positiion */ if (!VehiclePositionIsAllowed(v)) { error_message = STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SHARING_USED_BY_VEHICLES; /* Break immediately, this error message takes precedence over the others. */ break; } /* Check current order */ if (!OrderDestinationIsAllowed(&v->current_order, v)) { error_message = STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SHARING_ORDERS_TO_OTHERS; } /* Check order list */ if (v->FirstShared() != v) continue; for(const Order *o : v->Orders()) { if (!OrderDestinationIsAllowed(o, v)) { error_message = STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SHARING_ORDERS_TO_OTHERS; } } } if (error_message != STR_NULL) { ShowErrorMessage(error_message, INVALID_STRING_ID, WL_ERROR); return false; } if (type == VEH_TRAIN) FixAllReservations(); return true; } /** * Handle the removal (through reset_company or bankruptcy) of a company. * i.e. remove all vehicles owned by that company or on its infrastructure, * and delete all now-invalid orders. * @param Owner the company to be removed. */ void HandleSharingCompanyDeletion(Owner owner) { YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(INVALID_TILE, INVALID_TRACK); Vehicle *si_v = nullptr; SCOPE_INFO_FMT([&si_v], "HandleSharingCompanyDeletion: veh: %s", scope_dumper().VehicleInfo(si_v)); for (Vehicle *v : Vehicle::Iterate()) { si_v = v; if (!IsCompanyBuildableVehicleType(v) || v->Previous() != nullptr) continue; /* vehicle position */ if (v->owner == owner || !VehiclePositionIsAllowed(v, owner)) { RemoveAndSellVehicle(v, v->owner != owner); continue; } /* current order */ if (!OrderDestinationIsAllowed(&v->current_order, v, owner)) { if (v->current_order.IsAnyLoadingType()) { v->LeaveStation(); } else { v->current_order.MakeDummy(); } SetWindowDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index); } /* order list */ if (v->FirstShared() != v) continue; RemoveVehicleOrdersIf(v, [&](const Order *o) { if (o->GetType() == OT_GOTO_DEPOT && (o->GetDepotActionType() & ODATFB_NEAREST_DEPOT) != 0) return false; return !OrderDestinationIsAllowed(o, v, owner); }); } } /** * Update all block signals on the map. * To be called after the setting for sharing of rails changes. * @param owner Owner whose signals to update. If INVALID_OWNER, update everything. */ void UpdateAllBlockSignals(Owner owner) { Owner last_owner = INVALID_OWNER; TileIndex tile = 0; do { if (IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY) && HasSignals(tile)) { Owner track_owner = GetTileOwner(tile); if (owner != INVALID_OWNER && track_owner != owner) continue; if (!IsOneSignalBlock(track_owner, last_owner)) { /* Cannot update signals of two different companies in one run, * if these signal blocks are not joined */ UpdateSignalsInBuffer(); last_owner = track_owner; } TrackBits bits = GetTrackBits(tile); do { Track track = RemoveFirstTrack(&bits); if (HasSignalOnTrack(tile, track)) { AddTrackToSignalBuffer(tile, track, track_owner); } } while (bits != TRACK_BIT_NONE); } else if (IsLevelCrossingTile(tile) && (owner == INVALID_OWNER || GetTileOwner(tile) == owner)) { UpdateLevelCrossing(tile); } else if (IsTunnelBridgeWithSignalSimulation(tile)) { if (IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationExit(tile)) { AddSideToSignalBuffer(tile, INVALID_DIAGDIR, GetTileOwner(tile)); } if (_extra_aspects > 0 && IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationEntrance(tile) && GetTunnelBridgeEntranceSignalState(tile) == SIGNAL_STATE_GREEN) { SetTunnelBridgeEntranceSignalAspect(tile, 0); UpdateAspectDeferred(tile, GetTunnelBridgeEntranceTrackdir(tile)); } } } while (++tile != MapSize()); UpdateSignalsInBuffer(); FlushDeferredAspectUpdates(); }