/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file viewport_gui.cpp Extra viewport window. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "landscape.h" #include "window_gui.h" #include "viewport_func.h" #include "strings_func.h" #include "tunnelbridge.h" #include "tilehighlight_func.h" #include "zoom_func.h" #include "window_func.h" #include "gfx_func.h" #include "industry.h" #include "town.h" #include "town_map.h" #include "widgets/viewport_widget.h" #include "table/strings.h" #include "table/sprites.h" #include "safeguards.h" /* Extra Viewport Window Stuff */ static const NWidgetPart _nested_extra_viewport_widgets[] = { NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CLOSEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_GREY, WID_EV_CAPTION), SetDataTip(STR_EXTRA_VIEWPORT_TITLE, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS), NWidget(WWT_SHADEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(WWT_DEFSIZEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(WWT_STICKYBOX, COLOUR_GREY), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(NWID_VIEWPORT, INVALID_COLOUR, WID_EV_VIEWPORT), SetPadding(2, 2, 2, 2), SetResize(1, 1), SetFill(1, 1), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_EV_ZOOM_IN), SetDataTip(SPR_IMG_ZOOMIN, STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_IN), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_EV_ZOOM_OUT), SetDataTip(SPR_IMG_ZOOMOUT, STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_OUT), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL, NC_EQUALSIZE), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_EV_MAIN_TO_VIEW), SetFill(1, 1), SetResize(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_EXTRA_VIEW_MOVE_MAIN_TO_VIEW, STR_EXTRA_VIEW_MOVE_MAIN_TO_VIEW_TT), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_EV_VIEW_TO_MAIN), SetFill(1, 1), SetResize(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_EXTRA_VIEW_MOVE_VIEW_TO_MAIN, STR_EXTRA_VIEW_MOVE_VIEW_TO_MAIN_TT), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_GREY), SetFill(1, 1), SetResize(1, 0), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_RESIZEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), EndContainer(), }; class ExtraViewportWindow : public Window { public: ExtraViewportWindow(WindowDesc *desc, int window_number, TileIndex tile) : Window(desc) { this->InitNested(window_number); NWidgetViewport *nvp = this->GetWidget(WID_EV_VIEWPORT); nvp->InitializeViewport(this, 0, ScaleZoomGUI(ZOOM_LVL_VIEWPORT)); if (_settings_client.gui.zoom_min == viewport->zoom) this->DisableWidget(WID_EV_ZOOM_IN); Point pt; if (tile == INVALID_TILE) { /* No tile? Use center of main viewport. */ const Window *w = GetMainWindow(); /* center on same place as main window (zoom is maximum, no adjustment needed) */ pt.x = w->viewport->scrollpos_x + w->viewport->virtual_width / 2; pt.y = w->viewport->scrollpos_y + w->viewport->virtual_height / 2; } else { pt = RemapCoords(TileX(tile) * TILE_SIZE + TILE_SIZE / 2, TileY(tile) * TILE_SIZE + TILE_SIZE / 2, TilePixelHeight(tile)); } this->viewport->scrollpos_x = pt.x - this->viewport->virtual_width / 2; this->viewport->scrollpos_y = pt.y - this->viewport->virtual_height / 2; this->viewport->dest_scrollpos_x = this->viewport->scrollpos_x; this->viewport->dest_scrollpos_y = this->viewport->scrollpos_y; this->viewport->map_type = (ViewportMapType) _settings_client.gui.default_viewport_map_mode; } void SetStringParameters(int widget) const override { switch (widget) { case WID_EV_CAPTION: /* set the number in the title bar */ SetDParam(0, this->window_number + 1); break; } } void OnClick(Point pt, int widget, int click_count) override { switch (widget) { case WID_EV_ZOOM_IN: DoZoomInOutWindow(ZOOM_IN, this); break; case WID_EV_ZOOM_OUT: DoZoomInOutWindow(ZOOM_OUT, this); break; case WID_EV_MAIN_TO_VIEW: { // location button (move main view to same spot as this view) 'Paste Location' Window *w = GetMainWindow(); int x = this->viewport->scrollpos_x; // Where is the main looking at int y = this->viewport->scrollpos_y; /* set this view to same location. Based on the center, adjusting for zoom */ w->viewport->dest_scrollpos_x = x - (w->viewport->virtual_width - this->viewport->virtual_width) / 2; w->viewport->dest_scrollpos_y = y - (w->viewport->virtual_height - this->viewport->virtual_height) / 2; w->viewport->follow_vehicle = INVALID_VEHICLE; break; } case WID_EV_VIEW_TO_MAIN: { // inverse location button (move this view to same spot as main view) 'Copy Location' const Window *w = GetMainWindow(); int x = w->viewport->scrollpos_x; int y = w->viewport->scrollpos_y; this->viewport->dest_scrollpos_x = x + (w->viewport->virtual_width - this->viewport->virtual_width) / 2; this->viewport->dest_scrollpos_y = y + (w->viewport->virtual_height - this->viewport->virtual_height) / 2; break; } } } void OnResize() override { if (this->viewport != nullptr) { NWidgetViewport *nvp = this->GetWidget(WID_EV_VIEWPORT); nvp->UpdateViewportCoordinates(this); } } void OnScroll(Point delta) override { this->viewport->scrollpos_x += ScaleByZoom(delta.x, this->viewport->zoom); this->viewport->scrollpos_y += ScaleByZoom(delta.y, this->viewport->zoom); this->viewport->dest_scrollpos_x = this->viewport->scrollpos_x; this->viewport->dest_scrollpos_y = this->viewport->scrollpos_y; } bool OnRightClick(Point pt, int widget) override { return widget == WID_EV_VIEWPORT; } void OnMouseWheel(int wheel) override { if (_ctrl_pressed) { /* Cycle through the drawing modes */ ChangeRenderMode(this->viewport, wheel < 0); this->SetDirty(); } else if (_settings_client.gui.scrollwheel_scrolling != 2) { ZoomInOrOutToCursorWindow(wheel < 0, this); } } virtual void OnMouseOver(Point pt, int widget) override { if (pt.x != -1 && IsViewportMouseHoverActive()) { /* Show tooltip with last month production or town name */ const Point p = GetTileBelowCursor(); const TileIndex tile = TileVirtXY(p.x, p.y); if (tile < MapSize()) ShowTooltipForTile(this, tile); } } /** * Some data on this window has become invalid. * @param data Information about the changed data. * @param gui_scope Whether the call is done from GUI scope. You may not do everything when not in GUI scope. See #InvalidateWindowData() for details. */ void OnInvalidateData(int data = 0, bool gui_scope = true) override { if (!gui_scope) return; /* Only handle zoom message if intended for us (msg ZOOM_IN/ZOOM_OUT) */ HandleZoomMessage(this, this->viewport, WID_EV_ZOOM_IN, WID_EV_ZOOM_OUT); } }; static WindowDesc _extra_viewport_desc( WDP_AUTO, "extra_viewport", 300, 268, WC_EXTRA_VIEWPORT, WC_NONE, 0, _nested_extra_viewport_widgets, lengthof(_nested_extra_viewport_widgets) ); /** * Show a new Extra Viewport window. * @param tile Tile to center the view on. INVALID_TILE means to use the center of main viewport. */ void ShowExtraViewportWindow(TileIndex tile) { int i = 0; /* find next free window number for extra viewport */ while (FindWindowById(WC_EXTRA_VIEWPORT, i) != nullptr) i++; new ExtraViewportWindow(&_extra_viewport_desc, i, tile); } /** * Show a new Extra Viewport window. * When building a tunnel, the tunnel end-tile is used as center for new viewport. * Otherwise center it on the tile under the cursor, if the cursor is inside a viewport. * If that fails, center it on main viewport center. */ void ShowExtraViewportWindowForTileUnderCursor() { if (_build_tunnel_endtile != 0 && _thd.place_mode & HT_TUNNEL) { ShowExtraViewportWindow(_build_tunnel_endtile); return; } /* Use tile under mouse as center for new viewport. * Do this before creating the window, it might appear just below the mouse. */ Point pt = GetTileBelowCursor(); ShowExtraViewportWindow(pt.x != -1 ? TileVirtXY(pt.x, pt.y) : INVALID_TILE); } enum TownNameTooltipMode : uint8 { TNTM_OFF, TNTM_ON_IF_HIDDEN, TNTM_ALWAYS_ON }; enum WaypointTooltipNameMode : uint8 { WTNM_OFF, WTNM_ON_IF_HIDDEN, WTNM_ALWAYS_ON }; enum StationTooltipNameMode : uint8 { STNM_OFF, STNM_ON_IF_HIDDEN, STNM_ALWAYS_ON }; void ShowTownNameTooltip(Window *w, const TileIndex tile) { if (_settings_client.gui.town_name_tooltip_mode == TNTM_OFF) return; if (HasBit(_display_opt, DO_SHOW_TOWN_NAMES) && _settings_client.gui.town_name_tooltip_mode == TNTM_ON_IF_HIDDEN) return; // No need for a town name tooltip when it is already displayed TownID town_id = GetTownIndex(tile); const Town *town = Town::Get(town_id); if (_settings_client.gui.population_in_label) { SetDParam(0, STR_TOWN_NAME_POP_TOOLTIP); SetDParam(1, town_id); SetDParam(2, town->cache.population); } else { SetDParam(0, STR_TOWN_NAME_TOOLTIP); SetDParam(1, town_id); } StringID tooltip_string; if (_game_mode == GM_NORMAL && _local_company < MAX_COMPANIES && HasBit(town->have_ratings, _local_company)) { const int local_authority_rating_thresholds[] = { RATING_APPALLING, RATING_VERYPOOR, RATING_POOR, RATING_MEDIOCRE, RATING_GOOD, RATING_VERYGOOD, RATING_EXCELLENT, RATING_OUTSTANDING }; constexpr size_t threshold_count = lengthof(local_authority_rating_thresholds); int local_rating = town->ratings[_local_company]; StringID rating_string = STR_CARGO_RATING_APPALLING; for (size_t i = 0; i < threshold_count && local_rating > local_authority_rating_thresholds[i]; ++i) ++rating_string; SetDParam(3, rating_string); tooltip_string = STR_TOWN_NAME_RATING_TOOLTIP; } else { tooltip_string = STR_JUST_STRING2; } GuiShowTooltips(w, tooltip_string, 0, nullptr, TCC_HOVER_VIEWPORT); } void ShowWaypointViewportTooltip(Window *w, const TileIndex tile) { if (_settings_client.gui.waypoint_viewport_tooltip_name == WTNM_OFF || (_settings_client.gui.waypoint_viewport_tooltip_name == WTNM_ON_IF_HIDDEN && HasBit(_display_opt, DO_SHOW_WAYPOINT_NAMES))) return; SetDParam(0, GetStationIndex(tile)); GuiShowTooltips(w, STR_WAYPOINT_NAME, 0, nullptr, TCC_HOVER_VIEWPORT); } void ShowStationViewportTooltip(Window *w, const TileIndex tile) { const StationID station_id = GetStationIndex(tile); const Station *station = Station::GetIfValid(station_id); if (station == nullptr) return; std::string msg; if ( _settings_client.gui.station_viewport_tooltip_name == STNM_ALWAYS_ON || (_settings_client.gui.station_viewport_tooltip_name == STNM_ON_IF_HIDDEN && !HasBit(_display_opt, DO_SHOW_STATION_NAMES))) { SetDParam(0, station_id); SetDParam(1, station->facilities); msg = GetString(STR_STATION_VIEW_NAME_TOOLTIP); } if (_settings_client.gui.station_viewport_tooltip_cargo) { for (const CargoSpec *cs : _sorted_standard_cargo_specs) { const GoodsEntry *goods_entry = &station->goods[cs->Index()]; if (!goods_entry->HasRating()) continue; if (!msg.empty()) msg += '\n'; SetDParam(0, cs->name); SetDParam(1, ToPercent8(goods_entry->rating)); SetDParam(2, cs->Index()); SetDParam(3, goods_entry->CargoTotalCount()); msg += GetString(STR_STATION_VIEW_CARGO_LINE_TOOLTIP); } } if (!msg.empty()) { _temp_special_strings[0] = std::move(msg); GuiShowTooltips(w, SPECSTR_TEMP_START, 0, nullptr, TCC_HOVER_VIEWPORT); } } void ShowTooltipForTile(Window *w, const TileIndex tile) { extern void ShowDepotTooltip(Window *w, const TileIndex tile); extern void ShowIndustryTooltip(Window *w, const TileIndex tile); switch (GetTileType(tile)) { case MP_ROAD: if (IsRoadDepot(tile)) { ShowDepotTooltip(w, tile); return; } /* FALL THROUGH */ case MP_HOUSE: { ShowTownNameTooltip(w, tile); break; } case MP_INDUSTRY: { ShowIndustryTooltip(w, tile); break; } case MP_RAILWAY: { if (!IsRailDepot(tile)) return; ShowDepotTooltip(w, tile); break; } case MP_WATER: { if (!IsShipDepot(tile)) return; ShowDepotTooltip(w, tile); break; } case MP_STATION: { if (IsHangar(tile)) { ShowDepotTooltip(w, tile); } else if (IsBuoy(tile) || IsRailWaypoint(tile) || IsRoadWaypoint(tile)) { ShowWaypointViewportTooltip(w, tile); } else { ShowStationViewportTooltip(w, tile); } break; } default: return; } }