/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file strings_func.h Functions related to OTTD's strings. */ #ifndef STRINGS_FUNC_H #define STRINGS_FUNC_H #include "strings_type.h" #include "string_type.h" #include "gfx_type.h" #include "core/bitmath_func.hpp" /** * Extract the StringTab from a StringID. * @param str String identifier * @return StringTab from \a str */ static inline StringTab GetStringTab(StringID str) { StringTab result = (StringTab)(str >> TAB_SIZE_BITS); if (result >= TEXT_TAB_NEWGRF_START) return TEXT_TAB_NEWGRF_START; if (result >= TEXT_TAB_GAMESCRIPT_START) return TEXT_TAB_GAMESCRIPT_START; return result; } /** * Extract the StringIndex from a StringID. * @param str String identifier * @return StringIndex from \a str */ static inline uint GetStringIndex(StringID str) { return str - (GetStringTab(str) << TAB_SIZE_BITS); } /** * Create a StringID * @param tab StringTab * @param index StringIndex * @return StringID composed from \a tab and \a index */ static inline StringID MakeStringID(StringTab tab, uint index) { if (tab == TEXT_TAB_NEWGRF_START) { assert(index < TAB_SIZE_NEWGRF); } else if (tab == TEXT_TAB_GAMESCRIPT_START) { assert(index < TAB_SIZE_GAMESCRIPT); } else { assert(tab < TEXT_TAB_END); assert(index < TAB_SIZE); } return (tab << TAB_SIZE_BITS) + index; } class StringParameters { StringParameters *parent; ///< If not nullptr, this instance references data from this parent instance. uint64 *data; ///< Array with the actual data. WChar *type; ///< Array with type information about the data. Can be nullptr when no type information is needed. See #StringControlCode. public: uint offset; ///< Current offset in the data/type arrays. uint num_param; ///< Length of the data array. /** Create a new StringParameters instance. */ StringParameters(uint64 *data, uint num_param, WChar *type) : parent(nullptr), data(data), type(type), offset(0), num_param(num_param) { } /** Create a new StringParameters instance. */ template StringParameters(int64 (&data)[Tnum_param]) : parent(nullptr), data((uint64 *)data), type(nullptr), offset(0), num_param(Tnum_param) { static_assert(sizeof(data[0]) == sizeof(uint64)); } /** * Create a new StringParameters instance that can reference part of the data of * the given partent instance. */ StringParameters(StringParameters &parent, uint size) : parent(&parent), data(parent.data + parent.offset), offset(0), num_param(size) { assert(size <= parent.GetDataLeft()); if (parent.type == nullptr) { this->type = nullptr; } else { this->type = parent.type + parent.offset; } } ~StringParameters() { if (this->parent != nullptr) { this->parent->offset += this->num_param; } } void ClearTypeInformation(); int64 GetInt64(WChar type = 0); /** Read an int32 from the argument array. @see GetInt64. */ int32 GetInt32(WChar type = 0) { return (int32)this->GetInt64(type); } /** Get a pointer to the current element in the data array. */ uint64 *GetDataPointer() const { return &this->data[this->offset]; } /** Return the amount of elements which can still be read. */ uint GetDataLeft() const { return this->num_param - this->offset; } /** Get a pointer to a specific element in the data array. */ uint64 *GetPointerToOffset(uint offset) const { assert(offset < this->num_param); return &this->data[offset]; } /** Does this instance store information about the type of the parameters. */ bool HasTypeInformation() const { return this->type != nullptr; } /** Get the type of a specific element. */ WChar GetTypeAtOffset(uint offset) const { assert(offset < this->num_param); assert(this->HasTypeInformation()); return this->type[offset]; } void SetParam(uint n, uint64 v) { assert(n < this->num_param); this->data[n] = v; } uint64 GetParam(uint n) const { assert(n < this->num_param); return this->data[n]; } }; extern StringParameters _global_string_params; char *GetString(char *buffr, StringID string, const char *last); std::string GetString(StringID string); char *GetStringWithArgs(char *buffr, StringID string, StringParameters *args, const char *last, uint case_index = 0, bool game_script = false); const char *GetStringPtr(StringID string); uint32 GetStringGRFID(StringID string); uint ConvertKmhishSpeedToDisplaySpeed(uint speed); uint ConvertDisplaySpeedToKmhishSpeed(uint speed); WChar GetDecimalSeparatorChar(); /** * Set a string parameter \a v at index \a n in a given array \a s. * @param s Array of string parameters. * @param n Index of the string parameter. * @param v Value of the string parameter. */ static inline void SetDParamX(uint64 *s, uint n, uint64 v) { s[n] = v; } /** * Set a string parameter \a v at index \a n in the global string parameter array. * @param n Index of the string parameter. * @param v Value of the string parameter. */ static inline void SetDParam(uint n, uint64 v) { _global_string_params.SetParam(n, v); } void SetDParamMaxValue(uint n, uint64 max_value, uint min_count = 0, FontSize size = FS_NORMAL); void SetDParamMaxDigits(uint n, uint count, FontSize size = FS_NORMAL); void SetDParamStr(uint n, const char *str); void SetDParamStr(uint n, const std::string &str); void SetDParamStr(uint n, std::string &&str) = delete; // block passing temporaries to SetDParamStr void CopyInDParam(int offs, const uint64 *src, int num); void CopyOutDParam(uint64 *dst, int offs, int num); void CopyOutDParam(uint64 *dst, const char **strings, StringID string, int num); /** * Get the current string parameter at index \a n from parameter array \a s. * @param s Array of string parameters. * @param n Index of the string parameter. * @return Value of the requested string parameter. */ static inline uint64 GetDParamX(const uint64 *s, uint n) { return s[n]; } /** * Get the current string parameter at index \a n from the global string parameter array. * @param n Index of the string parameter. * @return Value of the requested string parameter. */ static inline uint64 GetDParam(uint n) { return _global_string_params.GetParam(n); } extern TextDirection _current_text_dir; ///< Text direction of the currently selected language void InitializeLanguagePacks(); const char *GetCurrentLanguageIsoCode(); bool StringIDSorter(const StringID &a, const StringID &b); /** * A searcher for missing glyphs. */ class MissingGlyphSearcher { public: /** Make sure everything gets destructed right. */ virtual ~MissingGlyphSearcher() {} /** * Get the next string to search through. * @return The next string or nullptr if there is none. */ virtual const char *NextString() = 0; /** * Get the default (font) size of the string. * @return The font size. */ virtual FontSize DefaultSize() = 0; /** * Reset the search, i.e. begin from the beginning again. */ virtual void Reset() = 0; /** * Whether to search for a monospace font or not. * @return True if searching for monospace. */ virtual bool Monospace() = 0; /** * Set the right font names. * @param settings The settings to modify. * @param font_name The new font name. * @param os_data Opaque pointer to OS-specific data. */ virtual void SetFontNames(struct FontCacheSettings *settings, const char *font_name, const void *os_data = nullptr) = 0; bool FindMissingGlyphs(); }; void CheckForMissingGlyphs(bool base_font = true, MissingGlyphSearcher *search = nullptr); #endif /* STRINGS_FUNC_H */