/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** * @file newgrf_internal.h Internal NewGRF processing definitions. */ #ifndef NEWGRF_INTERNAL_H #define NEWGRF_INTERNAL_H #include "newgrf.h" #include "newgrf_spritegroup.h" #include "spriteloader/spriteloader.hpp" #include "core/arena_alloc.hpp" #include "3rdparty/cpp-btree/btree_map.h" #include /** Base GRF ID for OpenTTD's base graphics GRFs. */ static const uint32 OPENTTD_GRAPHICS_BASE_GRF_ID = BSWAP32(0xFF4F5400); struct VarAction2GroupVariableTracking { std::bitset<256> in; std::bitset<256> out; std::bitset<256> proc_call_out; std::bitset<256> proc_call_in; }; struct VarAction2ProcedureAnnotation { std::bitset<256> stores; uint32 special_register_values[16]; uint16 special_register_mask = 0; bool unskippable = false; }; /** Temporary data during loading of GRFs */ struct GrfProcessingState { private: /** Definition of a single Action1 spriteset */ struct SpriteSet { SpriteID sprite; ///< SpriteID of the first sprite of the set. uint num_sprites; ///< Number of sprites in the set. }; /** Currently referenceable spritesets */ btree::btree_map spritesets[GSF_END]; public: /* Global state */ GrfLoadingStage stage; ///< Current loading stage SpriteID spriteid; ///< First available SpriteID for loading realsprites. /* Local state in the file */ SpriteFile *file; ///< File of currently processed GRF file. GRFFile *grffile; ///< Currently processed GRF file. GRFConfig *grfconfig; ///< Config of the currently processed GRF file. uint32 nfo_line; ///< Currently processed pseudo sprite number in the GRF. /* Kind of return values when processing certain actions */ int skip_sprites; ///< Number of pseudo sprites to skip before processing the next one. (-1 to skip to end of file) /* Currently referenceable spritegroups */ std::vector spritegroups; /* VarAction2 temporary storage variable tracking */ btree::btree_map group_temp_store_variable_tracking; UniformArenaAllocator group_temp_store_variable_tracking_storage; btree::btree_map procedure_annotations; UniformArenaAllocator procedure_annotations_storage; btree::btree_map *> inlinable_adjust_groups; UniformArenaAllocator), 1024> inlinable_adjust_groups_storage; std::vector dead_store_elimination_candidates; VarAction2GroupVariableTracking *GetVarAction2GroupVariableTracking(const SpriteGroup *group, bool make_new) { if (make_new) { VarAction2GroupVariableTracking *&ptr = this->group_temp_store_variable_tracking[group]; if (!ptr) ptr = new (this->group_temp_store_variable_tracking_storage.Allocate()) VarAction2GroupVariableTracking(); return ptr; } else { auto iter = this->group_temp_store_variable_tracking.find(group); if (iter != this->group_temp_store_variable_tracking.end()) return iter->second; return nullptr; } } std::pair GetVarAction2ProcedureAnnotation(const SpriteGroup *group) { VarAction2ProcedureAnnotation *&ptr = this->procedure_annotations[group]; if (!ptr) { ptr = new (this->procedure_annotations_storage.Allocate()) VarAction2ProcedureAnnotation(); return std::make_pair(ptr, true); } else { return std::make_pair(ptr, false); } } std::vector *GetInlinableGroupAdjusts(const DeterministicSpriteGroup *group, bool make_new) { if (make_new) { std::vector *&ptr = this->inlinable_adjust_groups[group]; if (!ptr) ptr = new (this->inlinable_adjust_groups_storage.Allocate()) std::vector(); return ptr; } else { auto iter = this->inlinable_adjust_groups.find(group); if (iter != this->inlinable_adjust_groups.end()) return iter->second; return nullptr; } } /** Clear temporary data before processing the next file in the current loading stage */ void ClearDataForNextFile() { this->nfo_line = 0; this->skip_sprites = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < GSF_END; i++) { this->spritesets[i].clear(); } this->spritegroups.clear(); this->group_temp_store_variable_tracking.clear(); this->group_temp_store_variable_tracking_storage.EmptyArena(); this->procedure_annotations.clear(); this->procedure_annotations_storage.EmptyArena(); for (auto iter : this->inlinable_adjust_groups) { iter.second->~vector(); } this->inlinable_adjust_groups.clear(); this->inlinable_adjust_groups_storage.EmptyArena(); this->dead_store_elimination_candidates.clear(); } /** * Records new spritesets. * @param feature GrfSpecFeature the set is defined for. * @param first_sprite SpriteID of the first sprite in the set. * @param first_set First spriteset to define. * @param numsets Number of sets to define. * @param numents Number of sprites per set to define. */ void AddSpriteSets(byte feature, SpriteID first_sprite, uint first_set, uint numsets, uint numents) { assert(feature < GSF_END); for (uint i = 0; i < numsets; i++) { SpriteSet &set = this->spritesets[feature][first_set + i]; set.sprite = first_sprite + i * numents; set.num_sprites = numents; } } /** * Check whether there are any valid spritesets for a feature. * @param feature GrfSpecFeature to check. * @return true if there are any valid sets. * @note Spritesets with zero sprites are valid to allow callback-failures. */ bool HasValidSpriteSets(byte feature) const { assert(feature < GSF_END); return !this->spritesets[feature].empty(); } /** * Check whether a specific set is defined. * @param feature GrfSpecFeature to check. * @param set Set to check. * @return true if the set is valid. * @note Spritesets with zero sprites are valid to allow callback-failures. */ bool IsValidSpriteSet(byte feature, uint set) const { assert(feature < GSF_END); return this->spritesets[feature].find(set) != this->spritesets[feature].end(); } /** * Returns the first sprite of a spriteset. * @param feature GrfSpecFeature to query. * @param set Set to query. * @return First sprite of the set. */ SpriteID GetSprite(byte feature, uint set) const { assert(IsValidSpriteSet(feature, set)); return this->spritesets[feature].find(set)->second.sprite; } /** * Returns the number of sprites in a spriteset * @param feature GrfSpecFeature to query. * @param set Set to query. * @return Number of sprites in the set. */ uint GetNumEnts(byte feature, uint set) const { assert(IsValidSpriteSet(feature, set)); return this->spritesets[feature].find(set)->second.num_sprites; } }; extern GrfProcessingState _cur; enum VarAction2AdjustInferenceFlags { VA2AIF_NONE = 0x00, VA2AIF_SIGNED_NON_NEGATIVE = 0x01, VA2AIF_ONE_OR_ZERO = 0x02, VA2AIF_PREV_TERNARY = 0x04, VA2AIF_PREV_MASK_ADJUST = 0x08, VA2AIF_PREV_STORE_TMP = 0x10, VA2AIF_HAVE_CONSTANT = 0x20, VA2AIF_SINGLE_LOAD = 0x40, VA2AIF_MUL_BOOL = 0x80, VA2AIF_PREV_SCMP_DEC = 0x100, VA2AIF_PREV_MASK = VA2AIF_PREV_TERNARY | VA2AIF_PREV_MASK_ADJUST | VA2AIF_PREV_STORE_TMP | VA2AIF_PREV_SCMP_DEC, }; DECLARE_ENUM_AS_BIT_SET(VarAction2AdjustInferenceFlags) struct VarAction2TempStoreInferenceVarSource { DeterministicSpriteGroupAdjustType type; uint16 variable; byte shift_num; uint32 parameter; uint32 and_mask; uint32 add_val; uint32 divmod_val; }; struct VarAction2TempStoreInference { VarAction2AdjustInferenceFlags inference = VA2AIF_NONE; uint32 store_constant = 0; VarAction2TempStoreInferenceVarSource var_source; uint version = 0; }; struct VarAction2InferenceBackup { VarAction2AdjustInferenceFlags inference = VA2AIF_NONE; uint32 current_constant = 0; uint adjust_size = 0; }; struct VarAction2OptimiseState { VarAction2AdjustInferenceFlags inference = VA2AIF_NONE; uint32 current_constant = 0; btree::btree_map temp_stores; VarAction2InferenceBackup inference_backup; VarAction2GroupVariableTracking *var_tracking = nullptr; bool seen_procedure_call = false; bool var_1C_present = false; bool check_expensive_vars = false; bool enable_dse = false; uint default_variable_version = 0; uint32 special_register_store_values[16]; uint16 special_register_store_mask = 0; inline VarAction2GroupVariableTracking *GetVarTracking(DeterministicSpriteGroup *group) { if (this->var_tracking == nullptr) { this->var_tracking = _cur.GetVarAction2GroupVariableTracking(group, true); } return this->var_tracking; } }; inline void OptimiseVarAction2PreCheckAdjust(VarAction2OptimiseState &state, const DeterministicSpriteGroupAdjust &adjust) { uint16 variable = adjust.variable; if (variable == 0x7B) variable = adjust.parameter; if (variable == 0x1C) state.var_1C_present = true; } struct VarAction2AdjustInfo { GrfSpecFeature feature; GrfSpecFeature scope_feature; byte varsize; }; const SpriteGroup *PruneTargetSpriteGroup(const SpriteGroup *result); void OptimiseVarAction2Adjust(VarAction2OptimiseState &state, const VarAction2AdjustInfo info, DeterministicSpriteGroup *group, DeterministicSpriteGroupAdjust &adjust); void OptimiseVarAction2DeterministicSpriteGroup(VarAction2OptimiseState &state, const VarAction2AdjustInfo info, DeterministicSpriteGroup *group, std::vector &saved_adjusts); void HandleVarAction2OptimisationPasses(); #endif /* NEWGRF_INTERNAL_H */