/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file newgrf_sl.cpp Code handling saving and loading of newgrf config */ #include "../stdafx.h" #include "../fios.h" #include "../load_check.h" #include "../string_func.h" #include "saveload.h" #include "newgrf_sl.h" #include "../safeguards.h" /** Save and load the mapping between a spec and the NewGRF it came from. */ static const SaveLoad _newgrf_mapping_desc_old[] = { SLE_VAR(EntityIDMapping, grfid, SLE_UINT32), SLE_VAR(EntityIDMapping, entity_id, SLE_FILE_U8 | SLE_VAR_U16), SLE_VAR(EntityIDMapping, substitute_id, SLE_FILE_U8 | SLE_VAR_U16), }; static const NamedSaveLoad _newgrf_mapping_desc_new[] = { NSL("grfid", SLE_VAR(EntityIDMapping, grfid, SLE_UINT32)), NSL("entity_id", SLE_VAR(EntityIDMapping, entity_id, SLE_UINT16)), NSL("substitute_id", SLE_VAR(EntityIDMapping, substitute_id, SLE_UINT16)), }; /** * Save a GRF ID + local id -> OpenTTD's id mapping. * @param mapping The mapping to save. */ void Save_NewGRFMapping(const OverrideManagerBase &mapping) { std::vector sld = SlTableHeader(_newgrf_mapping_desc_new); for (uint i = 0; i < mapping.GetMaxMapping(); i++) { if (mapping.mappings[i].grfid == 0 && mapping.mappings[i].entity_id == 0) continue; SlSetArrayIndex(i); SlSetLength(4 + 2 + 2); SlObjectSaveFiltered(const_cast(&mapping.mappings[i]), sld); } } /** * Load a GRF ID + local id -> OpenTTD's id mapping. * @param mapping The mapping to load. */ void Load_NewGRFMapping(OverrideManagerBase &mapping) { /* Clear the current mapping stored. * This will create the manager if ever it is not yet done */ mapping.ResetMapping(); uint max_id = mapping.GetMaxMapping(); SaveLoadTable slt; std::vector sld; if (SlXvIsFeaturePresent(XSLFI_NEWGRF_ENTITY_EXTRA) || SlIsTableChunk()) { sld = SlTableHeaderOrRiff(_newgrf_mapping_desc_new); slt = SaveLoadTable(sld); } else { slt = SaveLoadTable(_newgrf_mapping_desc_old); } int index; while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) { if (unlikely((uint)index >= max_id)) SlErrorCorrupt("Too many NewGRF entity mappings"); SlObjectLoadFiltered(&mapping.mappings[index], slt); // _newgrf_mapping_desc_old/_newgrf_mapping_desc_new has no conditionals } } static std::string _grf_name; static const NamedSaveLoad _grfconfig_desc[] = { NSL("filename", SLE_SSTR(GRFConfig, filename, SLE_STR)), NSL("ident.grfid", SLE_VAR(GRFConfig, ident.grfid, SLE_UINT32)), NSL("ident.md5sum", SLE_ARR(GRFConfig, ident.md5sum, SLE_UINT8, 16)), NSL("version", SLE_CONDVAR(GRFConfig, version, SLE_UINT32, SLV_151, SL_MAX_VERSION)), NSL("param", SLE_ARR(GRFConfig, param, SLE_UINT32, 0x80)), NSL("num_params", SLE_VAR(GRFConfig, num_params, SLE_UINT8)), NSL("palette", SLE_CONDVAR(GRFConfig, palette, SLE_UINT8, SLV_101, SL_MAX_VERSION)), NSL("grf_name", SLEG_CONDSSTR_X(_grf_name, SLE_STR, SL_MIN_VERSION, SL_MAX_VERSION, SlXvFeatureTest(XSLFTO_AND, XSLFI_NEWGRF_INFO_EXTRA))), }; static void Save_NGRF() { std::vector sld = SlTableHeader(_grfconfig_desc); int index = 0; for (GRFConfig *c = _grfconfig; c != nullptr; c = c->next) { if (HasBit(c->flags, GCF_STATIC) || HasBit(c->flags, GCF_INIT_ONLY)) continue; SlSetArrayIndex(index++); _grf_name = str_strip_all_scc(GetDefaultLangGRFStringFromGRFText(c->name)); SlObjectSaveFiltered(c, sld); } } static void Load_NGRF_common(GRFConfig *&grfconfig) { if (SlXvIsFeaturePresent(XSLFI_TABLE_NEWGRF_SL, 1, 1)) { SlLoadTableWithArrayLengthPrefixesMissing(); } std::vector sld = SlTableHeaderOrRiff(_grfconfig_desc); ClearGRFConfigList(&grfconfig); while (SlIterateArray() != -1) { GRFConfig *c = new GRFConfig(); SlObjectLoadFiltered(c, sld); if (SlXvIsFeaturePresent(XSLFI_NEWGRF_INFO_EXTRA)) { AddGRFTextToList(c->name, 0x7F, c->ident.grfid, false, _grf_name.c_str()); } if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_101)) c->SetSuitablePalette(); AppendToGRFConfigList(&grfconfig, c); } } static void Load_NGRF() { Load_NGRF_common(_grfconfig); if (_game_mode == GM_MENU) { /* Intro game must not have NewGRF. */ if (_grfconfig != nullptr) SlErrorCorrupt("The intro game must not use NewGRF"); /* Activate intro NewGRFs (townnames) */ ResetGRFConfig(false); } else { /* Append static NewGRF configuration */ AppendStaticGRFConfigs(&_grfconfig); } } static void Check_NGRF() { Load_NGRF_common(_load_check_data.grfconfig); } static const ChunkHandler newgrf_chunk_handlers[] = { { 'NGRF', Save_NGRF, Load_NGRF, nullptr, Check_NGRF, CH_TABLE } }; extern const ChunkHandlerTable _newgrf_chunk_handlers(newgrf_chunk_handlers);