/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file command.cpp Handling of NewGRF road stops. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "debug.h" #include "station_base.h" #include "roadstop_base.h" #include "newgrf_roadstop.h" #include "newgrf_class_func.h" #include "newgrf_cargo.h" #include "newgrf_roadtype.h" #include "gfx_type.h" #include "company_func.h" #include "road.h" #include "window_type.h" #include "date_func.h" #include "town.h" #include "viewport_func.h" #include "safeguards.h" template void NewGRFClass::InsertDefaults() { /* Set up initial data */ classes[0].global_id = 'DFLT'; classes[0].name = STR_STATION_CLASS_DFLT; classes[0].Insert(nullptr); classes[1].global_id = 'WAYP'; classes[1].name = STR_STATION_CLASS_WAYP; classes[1].Insert(nullptr); } template bool NewGRFClass::IsUIAvailable(uint index) const { return true; } INSTANTIATE_NEWGRF_CLASS_METHODS(RoadStopClass, RoadStopSpec, RoadStopClassID, ROADSTOP_CLASS_MAX) static const uint NUM_ROADSTOPSPECS_PER_STATION = 63; ///< Maximum number of parts per station. uint32 RoadStopScopeResolver::GetRandomBits() const { if (this->st == nullptr) return 0; uint32 bits = this->st->random_bits; if (this->tile != INVALID_TILE && Station::IsExpected(this->st)) { bits |= Station::From(this->st)->GetRoadStopRandomBits(this->tile) << 16; } return bits; } uint32 RoadStopScopeResolver::GetTriggers() const { return this->st == nullptr ? 0 : this->st->waiting_triggers; } uint32 RoadStopScopeResolver::GetVariable(uint16 variable, uint32 parameter, GetVariableExtra *extra) const { switch (variable) { case 0x40: return this->view; // view case 0x41: // stop type if (this->type == STATION_BUS) return 0; if (this->type == STATION_TRUCK) return 1; return 2; case 0x42: return this->tile == INVALID_TILE ? 0 : GetTerrainType(this->tile, TCX_NORMAL); // terrain_type case 0x43: return this->tile == INVALID_TILE ? 0 : GetReverseRoadTypeTranslation(GetRoadTypeRoad(this->tile), this->roadstopspec->grf_prop.grffile); // road_type case 0x44: return this->tile == INVALID_TILE ? 0 : GetReverseRoadTypeTranslation(GetRoadTypeTram(this->tile), this->roadstopspec->grf_prop.grffile); // tram_type case 0x45: { // town_zone if (this->tile == INVALID_TILE) return HZB_TOWN_EDGE; const Town *t = ClosestTownFromTile(this->tile, UINT_MAX); return t != nullptr ? GetTownRadiusGroup(t, this->tile) : HZB_TOWN_EDGE; } case 0x46: return GetCompanyInfo(this->st == nullptr ? _current_company : this->st->owner); // company_type case 0xF0: return this->st == nullptr ? 0 : this->st->facilities; // facilities case 0xFA: return Clamp((this->st == nullptr ? _date : this->st->build_date) - DAYS_TILL_ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR, 0, 65535); // build date } if (this->st != nullptr) return this->st->GetNewGRFVariable(this->ro, variable, parameter, &(extra->available)); extra->available = false; return UINT_MAX; } const SpriteGroup *RoadStopResolverObject::ResolveReal(const RealSpriteGroup *group) const { if (group == nullptr) return nullptr; return group->loading[0]; } RoadStopResolverObject::RoadStopResolverObject(const RoadStopSpec *roadstopspec, BaseStation *st, TileIndex tile, const RoadTypeInfo *rti, StationType type, uint8 view, CallbackID callback, uint32 param1, uint32 param2) : ResolverObject(roadstopspec->grf_prop.grffile, callback, param1, param2), roadstop_scope(*this, st, roadstopspec, tile, rti, type, view) { this->town_scope = nullptr; CargoID ctype = CT_DEFAULT_NA; if (st == nullptr) { /* No station, so we are in a purchase list */ ctype = CT_PURCHASE; } else if (Station::IsExpected(st)) { const Station *station = Station::From(st); /* Pick the first cargo that we have waiting */ for (const CargoSpec *cs : CargoSpec::Iterate()) { if (roadstopspec->grf_prop.spritegroup[cs->Index()] != nullptr && station->goods[cs->Index()].cargo.TotalCount() > 0) { ctype = cs->Index(); break; } } } if (roadstopspec->grf_prop.spritegroup[ctype] == nullptr) { ctype = CT_DEFAULT; } /* Remember the cargo type we've picked */ this->roadstop_scope.cargo_type = ctype; this->root_spritegroup = roadstopspec->grf_prop.spritegroup[ctype]; } RoadStopResolverObject::~RoadStopResolverObject() { delete this->town_scope; } TownScopeResolver* RoadStopResolverObject::GetTown() { if (this->town_scope == nullptr) { Town *t; if (this->roadstop_scope.st != nullptr) { t = this->roadstop_scope.st->town; } else { t = ClosestTownFromTile(this->roadstop_scope.tile, UINT_MAX); } if (t == nullptr) return nullptr; this->town_scope = new TownScopeResolver(*this, t, this->roadstop_scope.st == nullptr); } return this->town_scope; } /** * Draw representation of a road stop tile for GUI purposes. * @param x position x of image. * @param y position y of image. * @param image an int offset for the sprite. * @param roadtype the RoadType of the underlying road. * @param spec the RoadStop's spec. * @return true of the tile was drawn (allows for fallback to default graphics) */ void DrawRoadStopTile(int x, int y, RoadType roadtype, const RoadStopSpec *spec, StationType type, int view) { assert(roadtype != INVALID_ROADTYPE); assert(spec != nullptr); const RoadTypeInfo *rti = GetRoadTypeInfo(roadtype); RoadStopResolverObject object(spec, nullptr, INVALID_TILE, rti, type, view); const SpriteGroup *group = object.Resolve(); if (group == nullptr || group->type != SGT_TILELAYOUT) return; const DrawTileSprites *dts = ((const TileLayoutSpriteGroup *)group)->ProcessRegisters(nullptr); PaletteID palette = COMPANY_SPRITE_COLOUR(_local_company); SpriteID image = dts->ground.sprite; PaletteID pal = dts->ground.pal; if (GB(image, 0, SPRITE_WIDTH) != 0) { DrawSprite(image, GroundSpritePaletteTransform(image, pal, palette), x, y); } if (view >= 4) { /* Drive-through stop */ uint sprite_offset = 5 - view; /* Road underlay takes precedence over tram */ if (HasBit(spec->draw_mode, ROADSTOP_DRAW_MODE_OVERLAY)) { TileInfo ti {}; ti.tile = INVALID_TILE; DrawRoadOverlays(&ti, PAL_NONE, rti, rti, sprite_offset, sprite_offset); } if (rti->UsesOverlay()) { SpriteID ground = GetCustomRoadSprite(rti, INVALID_TILE, ROTSG_GROUND); DrawSprite(ground + sprite_offset, PAL_NONE, x, y); SpriteID overlay = GetCustomRoadSprite(rti, INVALID_TILE, ROTSG_OVERLAY); if (overlay) DrawSprite(overlay + sprite_offset, PAL_NONE, x, y); } else if (RoadTypeIsTram(roadtype)) { DrawSprite(SPR_TRAMWAY_TRAM + sprite_offset, PAL_NONE, x, y); } } else { /* Drive-in stop */ if (rti->UsesOverlay()) { SpriteID ground = GetCustomRoadSprite(rti, INVALID_TILE, ROTSG_ROADSTOP); DrawSprite(ground + view, PAL_NONE, x, y); } } DrawCommonTileSeqInGUI(x, y, dts, 0, 0, palette, true); } /** * Trigger road stop randomisation * * @param st the station being triggered * @param tile the exact tile of the station that should be triggered * @param trigger trigger type * @param cargo_type cargo type causing the trigger */ void TriggerRoadStopRandomisation(Station *st, TileIndex tile, RoadStopRandomTrigger trigger, CargoID cargo_type) { if (st == nullptr) st = Station::GetByTile(tile); /* Check the cached cargo trigger bitmask to see if we need * to bother with any further processing. */ if (st->roadstop_cached_cargo_triggers == 0) return; if (cargo_type != CT_INVALID && !HasBit(st->roadstop_cached_cargo_triggers, cargo_type)) return; SetBit(st->waiting_triggers, trigger); uint32 whole_reseed = 0; CargoTypes empty_mask = 0; if (trigger == RSRT_CARGO_TAKEN) { /* Create a bitmask of completely empty cargo types to be matched */ for (CargoID i = 0; i < NUM_CARGO; i++) { if (st->goods[i].cargo.TotalCount() == 0) { SetBit(empty_mask, i); } } } uint32 used_triggers = 0; auto process_tile = [&](TileIndex cur_tile) { const RoadStopSpec *ss = GetRoadStopSpec(tile); if (ss == nullptr) return; /* Cargo taken "will only be triggered if all of those * cargo types have no more cargo waiting." */ if (trigger == RSRT_CARGO_TAKEN) { if ((ss->cargo_triggers & ~empty_mask) != 0) return; } if (cargo_type == CT_INVALID || HasBit(ss->cargo_triggers, cargo_type)) { int dir = GetRoadStopDir(cur_tile); if (IsDriveThroughStopTile(cur_tile)) dir += 4; RoadStopResolverObject object(ss, st, cur_tile, nullptr, GetStationType(cur_tile), dir); object.waiting_triggers = st->waiting_triggers; const SpriteGroup *group = object.Resolve(); if (group == nullptr) return; used_triggers |= object.used_triggers; uint32 reseed = object.GetReseedSum(); if (reseed != 0) { whole_reseed |= reseed; reseed >>= 16; /* Set individual tile random bits */ uint8 random_bits = st->GetRoadStopRandomBits(cur_tile); random_bits &= ~reseed; random_bits |= Random() & reseed; st->SetRoadStopRandomBits(cur_tile, random_bits); MarkTileDirtyByTile(cur_tile, VMDF_NOT_MAP_MODE); } } }; if (trigger == RSRT_NEW_CARGO || trigger == RSRT_CARGO_TAKEN) { for (TileIndex cur_tile : st->custom_road_stop_tiles) { process_tile(cur_tile); } } else { process_tile(tile); } /* Update whole station random bits */ st->waiting_triggers &= ~used_triggers; if ((whole_reseed & 0xFFFF) != 0) { st->random_bits &= ~whole_reseed; st->random_bits |= Random() & whole_reseed; } } /** * Checks if there's any new stations by a specific RoadStopType * @param rs the RoadStopType to check for. * @return true if there was any new RoadStopSpec's found for the given RoadStopType, else false. */ bool GetIfNewStopsByType(RoadStopType rs) { if (!(RoadStopClass::GetClassCount() > 1 || RoadStopClass::Get(ROADSTOP_CLASS_DFLT)->GetSpecCount() > 1)) return false; for (uint i = 0; i < RoadStopClass::GetClassCount(); i++) { // We don't want to check the default or waypoint classes. These classes are always available. if (i == ROADSTOP_CLASS_DFLT || i == ROADSTOP_CLASS_WAYP) continue; RoadStopClass *roadstopclass = RoadStopClass::Get((RoadStopClassID)i); if (GetIfClassHasNewStopsByType(roadstopclass, rs)) return true; } return false; } /** * Checks if the given RoadStopClass has any specs assigned to it, compatible with the given RoadStopType. * @param roadstopclass the RoadStopClass to check. * @param rs the RoadStopType to check by. * @return true if the roadstopclass has any specs compatible with the given RoadStopType. */ bool GetIfClassHasNewStopsByType(RoadStopClass *roadstopclass, RoadStopType rs) { for (uint j = 0; j < roadstopclass->GetSpecCount(); j++) { if (GetIfStopIsForType(roadstopclass->GetSpec(j), rs)) return true; } return false; } /** * Checks if the given RoadStopSpec is compatible with the given RoadStopType. * @param roadstopspec the RoadStopSpec to check. * @param rs the RoadStopType to check by. * @return true if the roadstopspec is compatible with the given RoadStopType. */ bool GetIfStopIsForType(const RoadStopSpec *roadstopspec, RoadStopType rs) { // The roadstopspec is nullptr, must be the default station, always return true. if (roadstopspec == nullptr) return true; if (roadstopspec->stop_type == ROADSTOPTYPE_ALL) return true; switch (rs) { case ROADSTOP_BUS: if (roadstopspec->stop_type == ROADSTOPTYPE_PASSENGER) return true; break; case ROADSTOP_TRUCK: if (roadstopspec->stop_type == ROADSTOPTYPE_FREIGHT) return true; break; } return false; } const RoadStopSpec *GetRoadStopSpec(TileIndex t) { if (!IsCustomRoadStopSpecIndex(t)) return nullptr; const BaseStation *st = BaseStation::GetByTile(t); uint specindex = GetCustomRoadStopSpecIndex(t); return specindex < st->num_roadstop_specs ? st->roadstop_speclist[specindex].spec : nullptr; } int AllocateRoadStopSpecToStation(const RoadStopSpec *statspec, BaseStation *st, bool exec) { uint i; if (statspec == nullptr || st == nullptr) return 0; /* Try to find the same spec and return that one */ for (i = 1; i < st->num_roadstop_specs && i < NUM_ROADSTOPSPECS_PER_STATION; i++) { if (st->roadstop_speclist[i].spec == statspec) return i; } /* Try to find an unused spec slot */ for (i = 1; i < st->num_roadstop_specs && i < NUM_ROADSTOPSPECS_PER_STATION; i++) { if (st->roadstop_speclist[i].spec == nullptr && st->roadstop_speclist[i].grfid == 0) break; } if (i == NUM_ROADSTOPSPECS_PER_STATION) { /* Full, give up */ return -1; } if (exec) { if (i >= st->num_roadstop_specs) { st->num_roadstop_specs = i + 1; st->roadstop_speclist = ReallocT(st->roadstop_speclist, st->num_roadstop_specs); if (st->num_roadstop_specs == 2) { /* Initial allocation */ st->roadstop_speclist[0].spec = nullptr; st->roadstop_speclist[0].grfid = 0; st->roadstop_speclist[0].localidx = 0; } } st->roadstop_speclist[i].spec = statspec; st->roadstop_speclist[i].grfid = statspec->grf_prop.grffile->grfid; st->roadstop_speclist[i].localidx = statspec->grf_prop.local_id; StationUpdateRoadStopCachedTriggers(st); } return i; } void DeallocateRoadStopSpecFromStation(BaseStation *st, byte specindex) { /* specindex of 0 (default) is never freeable */ if (specindex == 0) return; /* Check custom road stop tiles if the specindex is still in use */ for (TileIndex tile : st->custom_road_stop_tiles) { if (GetCustomRoadStopSpecIndex(tile) == specindex) { return; } } /* This specindex is no longer in use, so deallocate it */ st->roadstop_speclist[specindex].spec = nullptr; st->roadstop_speclist[specindex].grfid = 0; st->roadstop_speclist[specindex].localidx = 0; /* If this was the highest spec index, reallocate */ if (specindex == st->num_roadstop_specs - 1) { for (; st->roadstop_speclist[st->num_roadstop_specs - 1].grfid == 0 && st->num_roadstop_specs > 1; st->num_roadstop_specs--) {} if (st->num_roadstop_specs > 1) { st->roadstop_speclist = ReallocT(st->roadstop_speclist, st->num_roadstop_specs); } else { free(st->roadstop_speclist); st->num_roadstop_specs = 0; st->roadstop_speclist = nullptr; st->roadstop_cached_cargo_triggers = 0; return; } } StationUpdateRoadStopCachedTriggers(st); } /** * Update the cached animation trigger bitmask for a station. * @param st Station to update. */ void StationUpdateRoadStopCachedTriggers(BaseStation *st) { st->roadstop_cached_cargo_triggers = 0; /* Combine animation trigger bitmask for all road stop specs * of this station. */ for (uint i = 0; i < st->num_roadstop_specs; i++) { const RoadStopSpec *ss = st->roadstop_speclist[i].spec; if (ss != nullptr) { st->roadstop_cached_cargo_triggers |= ss->cargo_triggers; } } } void DumpRoadStopSpriteGroup(const BaseStation *st, const RoadStopSpec *spec, std::function print) { CargoID ctype = CT_DEFAULT_NA; if (st == nullptr) { /* No station, so we are in a purchase list */ ctype = CT_PURCHASE; } else if (Station::IsExpected(st)) { const Station *station = Station::From(st); /* Pick the first cargo that we have waiting */ for (const CargoSpec *cs : CargoSpec::Iterate()) { if (spec->grf_prop.spritegroup[cs->Index()] != nullptr && station->goods[cs->Index()].cargo.TotalCount() > 0) { ctype = cs->Index(); break; } } } if (spec->grf_prop.spritegroup[ctype] == nullptr) { ctype = CT_DEFAULT; } DumpSpriteGroup(spec->grf_prop.spritegroup[ctype], std::move(print)); }