/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file newgrf_sound.cpp Handling NewGRF provided sounds. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "engine_base.h" #include "newgrf.h" #include "newgrf_engine.h" #include "newgrf_sound.h" #include "vehicle_base.h" #include "sound_func.h" #include "random_access_file_type.h" #include "debug.h" #include "settings_type.h" #include "safeguards.h" static std::vector _sounds; /** * Allocate sound slots. * @param num Number of slots to allocate. * @return First allocated slot. */ SoundEntry *AllocateSound(uint num) { size_t pos = _sounds.size(); _sounds.insert(_sounds.end(), num, SoundEntry()); return &_sounds[pos]; } void InitializeSoundPool() { _sounds.clear(); /* Copy original sound data to the pool */ SndCopyToPool(); } SoundEntry *GetSound(SoundID index) { if (index >= _sounds.size()) return nullptr; return &_sounds[index]; } uint GetNumSounds() { return (uint)_sounds.size(); } /** * Extract meta data from a NewGRF sound. * @param sound Sound to load. * @return True if a valid sound was loaded. */ bool LoadNewGRFSound(SoundEntry *sound) { if (sound->file_offset == SIZE_MAX || sound->file == nullptr) return false; RandomAccessFile &file = *sound->file; file.SeekTo(sound->file_offset, SEEK_SET); /* Skip ID for container version >= 2 as we only look at the first * entry and ignore any further entries with the same ID. */ if (sound->grf_container_ver >= 2) file.ReadDword(); /* Format: '\0' */ uint32_t num = sound->grf_container_ver >= 2 ? file.ReadDword() : file.ReadWord(); if (file.ReadByte() != 0xFF) return false; if (file.ReadByte() != 0xFF) return false; uint8_t name_len = file.ReadByte(); char *name = AllocaM(char, name_len + 1); file.ReadBlock(name, name_len + 1); /* Test string termination */ if (name[name_len] != 0) { DEBUG(grf, 2, "LoadNewGRFSound [%s]: Name not properly terminated", file.GetSimplifiedFilename().c_str()); return false; } DEBUG(grf, 2, "LoadNewGRFSound [%s]: Sound name '%s'...", file.GetSimplifiedFilename().c_str(), name); if (file.ReadDword() != BSWAP32('RIFF')) { DEBUG(grf, 1, "LoadNewGRFSound [%s]: Missing RIFF header", file.GetSimplifiedFilename().c_str()); return false; } uint32_t total_size = file.ReadDword(); uint header_size = 11; if (sound->grf_container_ver >= 2) header_size++; // The first FF in the sprite is only counted for container version >= 2. if (total_size + name_len + header_size > num) { DEBUG(grf, 1, "LoadNewGRFSound [%s]: RIFF was truncated", file.GetSimplifiedFilename().c_str()); return false; } if (file.ReadDword() != BSWAP32('WAVE')) { DEBUG(grf, 1, "LoadNewGRFSound [%s]: Invalid RIFF type", file.GetSimplifiedFilename().c_str()); return false; } while (total_size >= 8) { uint32_t tag = file.ReadDword(); uint32_t size = file.ReadDword(); total_size -= 8; if (total_size < size) { DEBUG(grf, 1, "LoadNewGRFSound [%s]: Invalid RIFF", file.GetSimplifiedFilename().c_str()); return false; } total_size -= size; switch (tag) { case ' tmf': // 'fmt ' /* Audio format, must be 1 (PCM) */ if (size < 16 || file.ReadWord() != 1) { DEBUG(grf, 1, "LoadGRFSound [%s]: Invalid audio format", file.GetSimplifiedFilename().c_str()); return false; } sound->channels = file.ReadWord(); sound->rate = file.ReadDword(); file.ReadDword(); file.ReadWord(); sound->bits_per_sample = file.ReadWord(); /* The rest will be skipped */ size -= 16; break; case 'atad': // 'data' sound->file_size = size; sound->file_offset = file.GetPos(); DEBUG(grf, 2, "LoadNewGRFSound [%s]: channels %u, sample rate %u, bits per sample %u, length %u", file.GetSimplifiedFilename().c_str(), sound->channels, sound->rate, sound->bits_per_sample, size); return true; // the fmt chunk has to appear before data, so we are finished default: /* Skip unknown chunks */ break; } /* Skip rest of chunk */ if (size > 0) file.SkipBytes(size); } DEBUG(grf, 1, "LoadNewGRFSound [%s]: RIFF does not contain any sound data", file.GetSimplifiedFilename().c_str()); /* Clear everything that was read */ MemSetT(sound, 0); return false; } /** * Resolve NewGRF sound ID. * @param file NewGRF to get sound from. * @param sound_id GRF-specific sound ID. (GRF-local for IDs above ORIGINAL_SAMPLE_COUNT) * @return Translated (global) sound ID, or INVALID_SOUND. */ SoundID GetNewGRFSoundID(const GRFFile *file, SoundID sound_id) { /* Global sound? */ if (sound_id < ORIGINAL_SAMPLE_COUNT) return sound_id; sound_id -= ORIGINAL_SAMPLE_COUNT; if (file == nullptr || sound_id >= file->num_sounds) return INVALID_SOUND; return file->sound_offset + sound_id; } /** * Checks whether a NewGRF wants to play a different vehicle sound effect. * @param v Vehicle to play sound effect for. * @param event Trigger for the sound effect. * @param force Should we play the sound effect even if vehicle sound effects are muted? * @return false if the default sound effect shall be played instead. */ bool PlayVehicleSound(const Vehicle *v, VehicleSoundEvent event, bool force) { if ((!_settings_client.sound.vehicle || _settings_client.music.effect_vol == 0) && !force) return true; const GRFFile *file = v->GetGRF(); uint16_t callback; /* If the engine has no GRF ID associated it can't ever play any new sounds */ if (file == nullptr) return false; /* Check that the vehicle type uses the sound effect callback */ if (!HasBit(EngInfo(v->engine_type)->callback_mask, CBM_VEHICLE_SOUND_EFFECT)) return false; callback = GetVehicleCallback(CBID_VEHICLE_SOUND_EFFECT, event, 0, v->engine_type, v); /* Play default sound if callback fails */ if (callback == CALLBACK_FAILED) return false; callback = GetNewGRFSoundID(file, callback); /* Play no sound, if result is invalid */ if (callback == INVALID_SOUND) return true; assert(callback < GetNumSounds()); SndPlayVehicleFx(callback, v); return true; } /** * Play a NewGRF sound effect at the location of a specific tile. * @param file NewGRF triggering the sound effect. * @param sound_id Sound effect the NewGRF wants to play. * @param tile Location of the effect. */ void PlayTileSound(const GRFFile *file, SoundID sound_id, TileIndex tile) { sound_id = GetNewGRFSoundID(file, sound_id); if (sound_id == INVALID_SOUND) return; assert(sound_id < GetNumSounds()); SndPlayTileFx(sound_id, tile); }