/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file industry_gui.cpp GUIs related to industries. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "error.h" #include "gui.h" #include "settings_gui.h" #include "sound_func.h" #include "window_func.h" #include "textbuf_gui.h" #include "command_func.h" #include "viewport_func.h" #include "industry.h" #include "town.h" #include "cheat_type.h" #include "newgrf_industries.h" #include "newgrf_text.h" #include "newgrf_debug.h" #include "network/network.h" #include "strings_func.h" #include "company_func.h" #include "tilehighlight_func.h" #include "string_func.h" #include "sortlist_type.h" #include "widgets/dropdown_func.h" #include "company_base.h" #include "core/geometry_func.hpp" #include "core/random_func.hpp" #include "core/backup_type.hpp" #include "genworld.h" #include "smallmap_gui.h" #include "widgets/dropdown_type.h" #include "widgets/industry_widget.h" #include "clear_map.h" #include "zoom_func.h" #include "querystring_gui.h" #include "stringfilter_type.h" #include "hotkeys.h" #include "table/strings.h" #include #include "safeguards.h" bool _ignore_restrictions; static std::bitset _displayed_industries; ///< Communication from the industry chain window to the smallmap window about what industries to display. static std::bitset _displayed_industries_in; static std::bitset _displayed_industries_out; enum IndustryLinkMode { ILM_ALL, ILM_IN, ILM_OUT, }; static IndustryLinkMode _link_mode = ILM_ALL; const std::bitset &GetIndustryLinkDisplayIndustries() { switch (_link_mode) { case ILM_IN: return _displayed_industries_in; case ILM_OUT: return _displayed_industries_out; default: return _displayed_industries; } } /** Cargo suffix type (for which window is it requested) */ enum CargoSuffixType { CST_FUND, ///< Fund-industry window CST_VIEW, ///< View-industry window CST_DIR, ///< Industry-directory window }; /** Ways of displaying the cargo. */ enum CargoSuffixDisplay { CSD_CARGO, ///< Display the cargo without sub-type (cb37 result 401). CSD_CARGO_AMOUNT, ///< Display the cargo and amount (if useful), but no sub-type (cb37 result 400 or fail). CSD_CARGO_TEXT, ///< Display then cargo and supplied string (cb37 result 800-BFF). CSD_CARGO_AMOUNT_TEXT, ///< Display then cargo, amount, and string (cb37 result 000-3FF). }; /** Transfer storage of cargo suffix information. */ struct CargoSuffix { CargoSuffixDisplay display; ///< How to display the cargo and text. std::string text; ///< Cargo suffix text. }; extern void GenerateIndustries(); static void ShowIndustryCargoesWindow(IndustryType id); /** * Gets the string to display after the cargo name (using callback 37) * @param cargo the cargo for which the suffix is requested, meaning depends on presence of flag 18 in prop 1A * @param cst the cargo suffix type (for which window is it requested). @see CargoSuffixType * @param ind the industry (nullptr if in fund window) * @param ind_type the industry type * @param indspec the industry spec * @param suffix is filled with the string to display */ static void GetCargoSuffix(uint cargo, CargoSuffixType cst, const Industry *ind, IndustryType ind_type, const IndustrySpec *indspec, CargoSuffix &suffix) { suffix.text.clear(); suffix.display = CSD_CARGO_AMOUNT; if (HasBit(indspec->callback_mask, CBM_IND_CARGO_SUFFIX)) { TileIndex t = (cst != CST_FUND) ? ind->location.tile : INVALID_TILE; uint16_t callback = GetIndustryCallback(CBID_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SUFFIX, 0, (cst << 8) | cargo, const_cast(ind), ind_type, t); if (callback == CALLBACK_FAILED) return; if (indspec->grf_prop.grffile->grf_version < 8) { if (GB(callback, 0, 8) == 0xFF) return; if (callback < 0x400) { StartTextRefStackUsage(indspec->grf_prop.grffile, 6); suffix.text = GetString(GetGRFStringID(indspec->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, 0xD000 + callback)); StopTextRefStackUsage(); suffix.display = CSD_CARGO_AMOUNT_TEXT; return; } ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(indspec->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, CBID_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SUFFIX, callback); return; } else { // GRF version 8 or higher. if (callback == 0x400) return; if (callback == 0x401) { suffix.display = CSD_CARGO; return; } if (callback < 0x400) { StartTextRefStackUsage(indspec->grf_prop.grffile, 6); suffix.text = GetString(GetGRFStringID(indspec->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, 0xD000 + callback)); StopTextRefStackUsage(); suffix.display = CSD_CARGO_AMOUNT_TEXT; return; } if (callback >= 0x800 && callback < 0xC00) { StartTextRefStackUsage(indspec->grf_prop.grffile, 6); suffix.text = GetString(GetGRFStringID(indspec->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, 0xD000 - 0x800 + callback)); StopTextRefStackUsage(); suffix.display = CSD_CARGO_TEXT; return; } ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(indspec->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, CBID_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SUFFIX, callback); return; } } } enum CargoSuffixInOut { CARGOSUFFIX_OUT = 0, CARGOSUFFIX_IN = 1, }; /** * Gets all strings to display after the cargoes of industries (using callback 37) * @param use_input get suffixes for output cargoes or input cargoes? * @param cst the cargo suffix type (for which window is it requested). @see CargoSuffixType * @param ind the industry (nullptr if in fund window) * @param ind_type the industry type * @param indspec the industry spec * @param cargoes array with cargotypes. for INVALID_CARGO no suffix will be determined * @param suffixes is filled with the suffixes */ template static inline void GetAllCargoSuffixes(CargoSuffixInOut use_input, CargoSuffixType cst, const Industry *ind, IndustryType ind_type, const IndustrySpec *indspec, const TC &cargoes, TS &suffixes) { static_assert(lengthof(cargoes) <= lengthof(suffixes)); if (indspec->behaviour & INDUSTRYBEH_CARGOTYPES_UNLIMITED) { /* Reworked behaviour with new many-in-many-out scheme */ for (uint j = 0; j < lengthof(suffixes); j++) { if (cargoes[j] != INVALID_CARGO) { byte local_id = indspec->grf_prop.grffile->cargo_map[cargoes[j]]; // should we check the value for valid? uint cargotype = local_id << 16 | use_input; GetCargoSuffix(cargotype, cst, ind, ind_type, indspec, suffixes[j]); } else { suffixes[j].text[0] = '\0'; suffixes[j].display = CSD_CARGO; } } } else { /* Compatible behaviour with old 3-in-2-out scheme */ for (uint j = 0; j < lengthof(suffixes); j++) { suffixes[j].text[0] = '\0'; suffixes[j].display = CSD_CARGO; } switch (use_input) { case CARGOSUFFIX_OUT: if (cargoes[0] != INVALID_CARGO) GetCargoSuffix(3, cst, ind, ind_type, indspec, suffixes[0]); if (cargoes[1] != INVALID_CARGO) GetCargoSuffix(4, cst, ind, ind_type, indspec, suffixes[1]); break; case CARGOSUFFIX_IN: if (cargoes[0] != INVALID_CARGO) GetCargoSuffix(0, cst, ind, ind_type, indspec, suffixes[0]); if (cargoes[1] != INVALID_CARGO) GetCargoSuffix(1, cst, ind, ind_type, indspec, suffixes[1]); if (cargoes[2] != INVALID_CARGO) GetCargoSuffix(2, cst, ind, ind_type, indspec, suffixes[2]); break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } } } std::array _sorted_industry_types; ///< Industry types sorted by name. /** * Initialize the list of sorted industry types. */ void SortIndustryTypes() { std::string industry_spec_names[NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES]{}; /* Add each industry type to the list. */ for (IndustryType i = 0; i < NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES; i++) { _sorted_industry_types[i] = i; industry_spec_names[i] = GetString(GetIndustrySpec(i)->name); } /* Sort industry types by name. */ std::sort(_sorted_industry_types.begin(), _sorted_industry_types.end(), [&](const IndustryType &a, const IndustryType &b) { int r = StrNaturalCompare(industry_spec_names[a], industry_spec_names[b]); // Sort by name (natural sorting). /* If the names are equal, sort by industry type. */ return (r != 0) ? r < 0 : (a < b); }); } /** * Command callback. In case of failure to build an industry, show an error message. * @param result Result of the command. * @param tile Tile where the industry is placed. * @param p1 Additional data of the #CMD_BUILD_INDUSTRY command. * @param p2 Additional data of the #CMD_BUILD_INDUSTRY command. * @param cmd Unused. */ void CcBuildIndustry(const CommandCost &result, TileIndex tile, uint32_t p1, uint32_t p2, uint64_t p3, uint32_t cmd) { if (result.Succeeded()) return; uint8_t indtype = GB(p1, 0, 8); if (indtype < NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES) { const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(indtype); if (indsp->enabled) { SetDParam(0, indsp->name); ShowErrorMessage(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUILD_HERE, result.GetErrorMessage(), WL_INFO, TileX(tile) * TILE_SIZE, TileY(tile) * TILE_SIZE); } } } static const NWidgetPart _nested_build_industry_widgets[] = { NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CLOSEBOX, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN), SetDataTip(STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_CAPTION, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS), NWidget(WWT_SHADEBOX, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN), NWidget(WWT_DEFSIZEBOX, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN), NWidget(WWT_STICKYBOX, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_SELECTION, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN, WID_DPI_SCENARIO_EDITOR_PANE), NWidget(NWID_VERTICAL), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN, WID_DPI_CREATE_RANDOM_INDUSTRIES_WIDGET), SetMinimalSize(0, 12), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_MANY_RANDOM_INDUSTRIES, STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_MANY_RANDOM_INDUSTRIES_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN, WID_DPI_REMOVE_ALL_INDUSTRIES_WIDGET), SetMinimalSize(0, 12), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_REMOVE_ALL_INDUSTRIES, STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_REMOVE_ALL_INDUSTRIES_TOOLTIP), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_MATRIX, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN, WID_DPI_MATRIX_WIDGET), SetMatrixDataTip(1, 0, STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_SELECTION_TOOLTIP), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(1, 1), SetScrollbar(WID_DPI_SCROLLBAR), NWidget(NWID_VSCROLLBAR, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN, WID_DPI_SCROLLBAR), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN, WID_DPI_INFOPANEL), SetResize(1, 0), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN, WID_DPI_DISPLAY_WIDGET), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_INDUSTRY_DISPLAY_CHAIN, STR_INDUSTRY_DISPLAY_CHAIN_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN, WID_DPI_FUND_WIDGET), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_JUST_STRING, STR_NULL), NWidget(WWT_RESIZEBOX, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN), EndContainer(), }; /** Window definition of the dynamic place industries gui */ static WindowDesc _build_industry_desc(__FILE__, __LINE__, WDP_AUTO, "build_industry", 170, 212, WC_BUILD_INDUSTRY, WC_NONE, WDF_CONSTRUCTION, std::begin(_nested_build_industry_widgets), std::end(_nested_build_industry_widgets) ); /** Build (fund or prospect) a new industry, */ class BuildIndustryWindow : public Window { IndustryType selected_type; ///< industry corresponding to the above index std::vector list; ///< List of industries. bool enabled; ///< Availability state of the selected industry. Scrollbar *vscroll; Dimension legend; ///< Dimension of the legend 'blob'. /** The largest allowed minimum-width of the window, given in line heights */ static const int MAX_MINWIDTH_LINEHEIGHTS = 20; void UpdateAvailability() { this->enabled = this->selected_type != INVALID_INDUSTRYTYPE && (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR || GetIndustryProbabilityCallback(this->selected_type, IACT_USERCREATION, 1) > 0); } void SetupArrays() { this->list.clear(); /* Fill the arrays with industries. * The tests performed after the enabled allow to load the industries * In the same way they are inserted by grf (if any) */ for (IndustryType ind : _sorted_industry_types) { const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(ind); if (indsp->enabled) { /* Rule is that editor mode loads all industries. * In game mode, all non raw industries are loaded too * and raw ones are loaded only when setting allows it */ if (_game_mode != GM_EDITOR && indsp->IsRawIndustry() && _settings_game.construction.raw_industry_construction == 0) { /* Unselect if the industry is no longer in the list */ if (this->selected_type == ind) this->selected_type = INVALID_INDUSTRYTYPE; continue; } this->list.push_back(ind); } } /* First industry type is selected if the current selection is invalid. */ if (this->selected_type == INVALID_INDUSTRYTYPE && !this->list.empty()) this->selected_type = this->list[0]; this->UpdateAvailability(); this->vscroll->SetCount(this->list.size()); } /** Update status of the fund and display-chain widgets. */ void SetButtons() { this->SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_DPI_FUND_WIDGET, this->selected_type != INVALID_INDUSTRYTYPE && !this->enabled); this->SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_DPI_DISPLAY_WIDGET, this->selected_type == INVALID_INDUSTRYTYPE && this->enabled); } /** * Build a string of cargo names with suffixes attached. * This is distinct from the CARGO_LIST string formatting code in two ways: * - This cargo list uses the order defined by the industry, rather than alphabetic. * - NewGRF-supplied suffix strings can be attached to each cargo. * * @param cargolist Array of CargoID to display * @param cargo_suffix Array of suffixes to attach to each cargo * @param cargolistlen Length of arrays * @param prefixstr String to use for the first item * @return A formatted raw string */ std::string MakeCargoListString(const CargoID *cargolist, const CargoSuffix *cargo_suffix, size_t cargolistlen, StringID prefixstr) const { std::string cargostring; size_t firstcargo = cargolistlen; size_t j = 0; for (; j < cargolistlen; j++) { if (cargolist[j] == INVALID_CARGO) continue; if (firstcargo == cargolistlen) { firstcargo = j; j++; break; } } if (firstcargo < cargolistlen) { SetDParam(0, CargoSpec::Get(cargolist[firstcargo])->name); SetDParamStr(1, cargo_suffix[firstcargo].text); GetString(StringBuilder(cargostring), prefixstr); } else { SetDParam(0, STR_JUST_NOTHING); SetDParamStr(1, ""); GetString(StringBuilder(cargostring), prefixstr); } for (; j < cargolistlen; j++) { if (cargolist[j] == INVALID_CARGO) continue; SetDParam(0, CargoSpec::Get(cargolist[j])->name); SetDParamStr(1, cargo_suffix[j].text); GetString(StringBuilder(cargostring), STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_CARGO_LIST_EXTENSION); } return cargostring; } public: BuildIndustryWindow() : Window(&_build_industry_desc) { this->selected_type = INVALID_INDUSTRYTYPE; this->CreateNestedTree(); this->vscroll = this->GetScrollbar(WID_DPI_SCROLLBAR); /* Show scenario editor tools in editor. */ if (_game_mode != GM_EDITOR) { this->GetWidget(WID_DPI_SCENARIO_EDITOR_PANE)->SetDisplayedPlane(SZSP_HORIZONTAL); } this->FinishInitNested(0); this->SetButtons(); } void OnInit() override { /* Width of the legend blob -- slightly larger than the smallmap legend blob. */ this->legend.height = GetCharacterHeight(FS_SMALL); this->legend.width = this->legend.height * 9 / 6; this->SetupArrays(); } void UpdateWidgetSize(WidgetID widget, Dimension *size, [[maybe_unused]] const Dimension &padding, [[maybe_unused]] Dimension *fill, [[maybe_unused]] Dimension *resize) override { switch (widget) { case WID_DPI_MATRIX_WIDGET: { Dimension d = GetStringBoundingBox(STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_MANY_RANDOM_INDUSTRIES); for (const auto &indtype : this->list) { d = maxdim(d, GetStringBoundingBox(GetIndustrySpec(indtype)->name)); } resize->height = std::max(this->legend.height, GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL)) + padding.height; d.width += this->legend.width + WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_wide + padding.width; d.height = 5 * resize->height; *size = maxdim(*size, d); break; } case WID_DPI_INFOPANEL: { /* Extra line for cost outside of editor. */ int height = 2 + (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR ? 0 : 1); uint extra_lines_req = 0; uint extra_lines_prd = 0; uint extra_lines_newgrf = 0; uint max_minwidth = GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL) * MAX_MINWIDTH_LINEHEIGHTS; Dimension d = {0, 0}; for (const auto &indtype : this->list) { const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(indtype); CargoSuffix cargo_suffix[lengthof(indsp->accepts_cargo)]; /* Measure the accepted cargoes, if any. */ GetAllCargoSuffixes(CARGOSUFFIX_IN, CST_FUND, nullptr, indtype, indsp, indsp->accepts_cargo, cargo_suffix); std::string cargostring = this->MakeCargoListString(indsp->accepts_cargo.data(), cargo_suffix, indsp->accepts_cargo.size(), STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_REQUIRES_N_CARGO); Dimension strdim = GetStringBoundingBox(cargostring); if (strdim.width > max_minwidth) { extra_lines_req = std::max(extra_lines_req, strdim.width / max_minwidth + 1); strdim.width = max_minwidth; } d = maxdim(d, strdim); /* Measure the produced cargoes, if any. */ GetAllCargoSuffixes(CARGOSUFFIX_OUT, CST_FUND, nullptr, indtype, indsp, indsp->produced_cargo, cargo_suffix); cargostring = this->MakeCargoListString(indsp->produced_cargo.data(), cargo_suffix, indsp->produced_cargo.size(), STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_PRODUCES_N_CARGO); strdim = GetStringBoundingBox(cargostring); if (strdim.width > max_minwidth) { extra_lines_prd = std::max(extra_lines_prd, strdim.width / max_minwidth + 1); strdim.width = max_minwidth; } d = maxdim(d, strdim); if (indsp->grf_prop.grffile != nullptr) { /* Reserve a few extra lines for text from an industry NewGRF. */ extra_lines_newgrf = 4; } } /* Set it to something more sane :) */ height += extra_lines_prd + extra_lines_req + extra_lines_newgrf; size->height = height * GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL) + padding.height; size->width = d.width + padding.width; break; } case WID_DPI_FUND_WIDGET: { Dimension d = GetStringBoundingBox(STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_BUILD_NEW_INDUSTRY); d = maxdim(d, GetStringBoundingBox(STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_PROSPECT_NEW_INDUSTRY)); d = maxdim(d, GetStringBoundingBox(STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY)); d.width += padding.width; d.height += padding.height; *size = maxdim(*size, d); break; } } } void SetStringParameters(WidgetID widget) const override { switch (widget) { case WID_DPI_FUND_WIDGET: /* Raw industries might be prospected. Show this fact by changing the string * In Editor, you just build, while ingame, or you fund or you prospect */ if (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR) { /* We've chosen many random industries but no industries have been specified */ SetDParam(0, STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_BUILD_NEW_INDUSTRY); } else { if (this->selected_type != INVALID_INDUSTRYTYPE) { const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(this->selected_type); SetDParam(0, (_settings_game.construction.raw_industry_construction == 2 && indsp->IsRawIndustry()) ? STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_PROSPECT_NEW_INDUSTRY : STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY); } else { SetDParam(0, STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY); } } break; } } void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, WidgetID widget) const override { switch (widget) { case WID_DPI_MATRIX_WIDGET: { bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL; Rect text = r.WithHeight(this->resize.step_height).Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.matrix); Rect icon = text.WithWidth(this->legend.width, rtl); text = text.Indent(this->legend.width + WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_wide, rtl); /* Vertical offset for legend icon. */ icon.top = r.top + (this->resize.step_height - this->legend.height + 1) / 2; icon.bottom = icon.top + this->legend.height - 1; for (uint16_t i = this->vscroll->GetPosition(); this->vscroll->IsVisible(i) && i < this->vscroll->GetCount(); i++) { IndustryType type = this->list[i]; bool selected = this->selected_type == type; const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(type); /* Draw the name of the industry in white is selected, otherwise, in orange */ DrawString(text, indsp->name, selected ? TC_WHITE : TC_ORANGE); GfxFillRect(icon, selected ? PC_WHITE : PC_BLACK); GfxFillRect(icon.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.bevel), indsp->map_colour); SetDParam(0, Industry::GetIndustryTypeCount(type)); DrawString(text, STR_JUST_COMMA, TC_BLACK, SA_RIGHT, false, FS_SMALL); text = text.Translate(0, this->resize.step_height); icon = icon.Translate(0, this->resize.step_height); } break; } case WID_DPI_INFOPANEL: { Rect ir = r.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect); if (this->selected_type == INVALID_INDUSTRYTYPE) { DrawStringMultiLine(ir, STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_MANY_RANDOM_INDUSTRIES_TOOLTIP); break; } const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(this->selected_type); if (_game_mode != GM_EDITOR) { SetDParam(0, indsp->GetConstructionCost()); DrawString(ir, STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_INDUSTRY_BUILD_COST); ir.top += GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL); } CargoSuffix cargo_suffix[lengthof(indsp->accepts_cargo)]; /* Draw the accepted cargoes, if any. Otherwise, will print "Nothing". */ GetAllCargoSuffixes(CARGOSUFFIX_IN, CST_FUND, nullptr, this->selected_type, indsp, indsp->accepts_cargo, cargo_suffix); std::string cargostring = this->MakeCargoListString(indsp->accepts_cargo.data(), cargo_suffix, indsp->accepts_cargo.size(), STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_REQUIRES_N_CARGO); ir.top = DrawStringMultiLine(ir, cargostring); /* Draw the produced cargoes, if any. Otherwise, will print "Nothing". */ GetAllCargoSuffixes(CARGOSUFFIX_OUT, CST_FUND, nullptr, this->selected_type, indsp, indsp->produced_cargo, cargo_suffix); cargostring = this->MakeCargoListString(indsp->produced_cargo.data(), cargo_suffix, indsp->produced_cargo.size(), STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_PRODUCES_N_CARGO); ir.top = DrawStringMultiLine(ir, cargostring); /* Get the additional purchase info text, if it has not already been queried. */ if (HasBit(indsp->callback_mask, CBM_IND_FUND_MORE_TEXT)) { uint16_t callback_res = GetIndustryCallback(CBID_INDUSTRY_FUND_MORE_TEXT, 0, 0, nullptr, this->selected_type, INVALID_TILE); if (callback_res != CALLBACK_FAILED && callback_res != 0x400) { if (callback_res > 0x400) { ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(indsp->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, CBID_INDUSTRY_FUND_MORE_TEXT, callback_res); } else { StringID str = GetGRFStringID(indsp->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, 0xD000 + callback_res); // No. here's the new string if (str != STR_UNDEFINED) { StartTextRefStackUsage(indsp->grf_prop.grffile, 6); DrawStringMultiLine(ir, str, TC_YELLOW); StopTextRefStackUsage(); } } } } break; } } } static void AskManyRandomIndustriesCallback(Window *, bool confirmed) { if (!confirmed) return; if (Town::GetNumItems() == 0) { ShowErrorMessage(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_GENERATE_INDUSTRIES, STR_ERROR_MUST_FOUND_TOWN_FIRST, WL_INFO); } else { Backup old_generating_world(_generating_world, true, FILE_LINE); BasePersistentStorageArray::SwitchMode(PSM_ENTER_GAMELOOP); GenerateIndustries(); BasePersistentStorageArray::SwitchMode(PSM_LEAVE_GAMELOOP); old_generating_world.Restore(); } } static void AskRemoveAllIndustriesCallback(Window *, bool confirmed) { if (!confirmed) return; for (Industry *industry : Industry::Iterate()) delete industry; /* Clear farmland. */ for (TileIndex tile = 0; tile < MapSize(); tile++) { if (IsTileType(tile, MP_CLEAR) && GetRawClearGround(tile) == CLEAR_FIELDS) { MakeClear(tile, CLEAR_GRASS, 3); } } MarkWholeScreenDirty(); } void OnClick([[maybe_unused]] Point pt, WidgetID widget, [[maybe_unused]] int click_count) override { switch (widget) { case WID_DPI_CREATE_RANDOM_INDUSTRIES_WIDGET: { assert(_game_mode == GM_EDITOR); this->HandleButtonClick(WID_DPI_CREATE_RANDOM_INDUSTRIES_WIDGET); ShowQuery(STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_MANY_RANDOM_INDUSTRIES_CAPTION, STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_MANY_RANDOM_INDUSTRIES_QUERY, nullptr, AskManyRandomIndustriesCallback); break; } case WID_DPI_REMOVE_ALL_INDUSTRIES_WIDGET: { assert(_game_mode == GM_EDITOR); this->HandleButtonClick(WID_DPI_REMOVE_ALL_INDUSTRIES_WIDGET); ShowQuery(STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_REMOVE_ALL_INDUSTRIES_CAPTION, STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_REMOVE_ALL_INDUSTRIES_QUERY, nullptr, AskRemoveAllIndustriesCallback); break; } case WID_DPI_MATRIX_WIDGET: { auto it = this->vscroll->GetScrolledItemFromWidget(this->list, pt.y, this, WID_DPI_MATRIX_WIDGET); if (it != this->list.end()) { // Is it within the boundaries of available data? this->selected_type = *it; this->UpdateAvailability(); const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(this->selected_type); this->SetDirty(); if (_thd.GetCallbackWnd() == this && ((_game_mode != GM_EDITOR && _settings_game.construction.raw_industry_construction == 2 && indsp != nullptr && indsp->IsRawIndustry()) || !this->enabled)) { /* Reset the button state if going to prospecting or "build many industries" */ this->RaiseButtons(); ResetObjectToPlace(); } this->SetButtons(); if (this->enabled && click_count > 1) this->OnClick(pt, WID_DPI_FUND_WIDGET, 1); } break; } case WID_DPI_DISPLAY_WIDGET: if (this->selected_type != INVALID_INDUSTRYTYPE) ShowIndustryCargoesWindow(this->selected_type); break; case WID_DPI_FUND_WIDGET: { if (this->selected_type != INVALID_INDUSTRYTYPE) { if (_game_mode != GM_EDITOR && _settings_game.construction.raw_industry_construction == 2 && GetIndustrySpec(this->selected_type)->IsRawIndustry()) { DoCommandP(0, this->selected_type, InteractiveRandom(), CMD_BUILD_INDUSTRY | CMD_MSG(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_CONSTRUCT_THIS_INDUSTRY)); this->HandleButtonClick(WID_DPI_FUND_WIDGET); } else { HandlePlacePushButton(this, WID_DPI_FUND_WIDGET, SPR_CURSOR_INDUSTRY, HT_RECT); } } break; } } } void OnResize() override { /* Adjust the number of items in the matrix depending of the resize */ this->vscroll->SetCapacityFromWidget(this, WID_DPI_MATRIX_WIDGET); } void OnPlaceObject([[maybe_unused]] Point pt, TileIndex tile) override { bool success = true; /* We do not need to protect ourselves against "Random Many Industries" in this mode */ const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(this->selected_type); uint32_t seed = InteractiveRandom(); uint32_t layout_index = InteractiveRandomRange((uint32_t)indsp->layouts.size()); if (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR) { /* Show error if no town exists at all */ if (Town::GetNumItems() == 0) { SetDParam(0, indsp->name); ShowErrorMessage(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUILD_HERE, STR_ERROR_MUST_FOUND_TOWN_FIRST, WL_INFO, pt.x, pt.y); return; } Backup cur_company(_current_company, OWNER_NONE, FILE_LINE); Backup old_generating_world(_generating_world, true, FILE_LINE); _ignore_restrictions = true; DoCommandP(tile, (layout_index << 8) | this->selected_type, seed, CMD_BUILD_INDUSTRY | CMD_MSG(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_CONSTRUCT_THIS_INDUSTRY), &CcBuildIndustry); cur_company.Restore(); old_generating_world.Restore(); _ignore_restrictions = false; } else { success = DoCommandP(tile, (layout_index << 8) | this->selected_type, seed, CMD_BUILD_INDUSTRY | CMD_MSG(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_CONSTRUCT_THIS_INDUSTRY)); } /* If an industry has been built, just reset the cursor and the system */ if (success && !_settings_client.gui.persistent_buildingtools) ResetObjectToPlace(); } void OnHundredthTick() override { if (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR) return; if (this->selected_type == INVALID_INDUSTRYTYPE) return; bool enabled = this->enabled; this->UpdateAvailability(); if (enabled != this->enabled) { this->SetButtons(); this->SetDirty(); } } void OnTimeout() override { this->RaiseButtons(); } void OnPlaceObjectAbort() override { this->RaiseButtons(); } /** * Some data on this window has become invalid. * @param data Information about the changed data. * @param gui_scope Whether the call is done from GUI scope. You may not do everything when not in GUI scope. See #InvalidateWindowData() for details. */ void OnInvalidateData([[maybe_unused]] int data = 0, [[maybe_unused]] bool gui_scope = true) override { if (!gui_scope) return; this->SetupArrays(); this->SetButtons(); this->SetDirty(); } }; void ShowBuildIndustryWindow() { if (_game_mode != GM_EDITOR && !Company::IsValidID(_local_company)) return; if (BringWindowToFrontById(WC_BUILD_INDUSTRY, 0)) return; new BuildIndustryWindow(); } static void UpdateIndustryProduction(Industry *i); static inline bool IsProductionAlterable(const Industry *i) { const IndustrySpec *is = GetIndustrySpec(i->type); bool has_prod = false; for (size_t j = 0; j < lengthof(is->production_rate); j++) { if (is->production_rate[j] != 0) { has_prod = true; break; } } return ((_game_mode == GM_EDITOR || _cheats.setup_prod.value) && (has_prod || is->IsRawIndustry()) && !_networking); } class IndustryViewWindow : public Window { /** Modes for changing production */ enum Editability { EA_NONE, ///< Not alterable EA_MULTIPLIER, ///< Allow changing the production multiplier EA_RATE, ///< Allow changing the production rates }; /** Specific lines in the info panel */ enum InfoLine { IL_NONE, ///< No line IL_MULTIPLIER, ///< Production multiplier IL_RATE1, ///< Production rate of cargo 1 IL_RATE2, ///< Production rate of cargo 2 }; Editability editable; ///< Mode for changing production InfoLine editbox_line; ///< The line clicked to open the edit box InfoLine clicked_line; ///< The line of the button that has been clicked byte clicked_button; ///< The button that has been clicked (to raise) int production_offset_y; ///< The offset of the production texts/buttons int info_height; ///< Height needed for the #WID_IV_INFO panel int cheat_line_height; ///< Height of each line for the #WID_IV_INFO panel public: IndustryViewWindow(WindowDesc *desc, WindowNumber window_number) : Window(desc) { this->flags |= WF_DISABLE_VP_SCROLL; this->editbox_line = IL_NONE; this->clicked_line = IL_NONE; this->clicked_button = 0; this->info_height = WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect.Vertical() + 2 * GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL); // Info panel has at least two lines text. this->InitNested(window_number); NWidgetViewport *nvp = this->GetWidget(WID_IV_VIEWPORT); nvp->InitializeViewport(this, Industry::Get(window_number)->location.GetCenterTile(), ScaleZoomGUI(ZOOM_LVL_INDUSTRY)); this->InvalidateData(); } void OnInit() override { /* This only used when the cheat to alter industry production is enabled */ this->cheat_line_height = std::max(SETTING_BUTTON_HEIGHT + WidgetDimensions::scaled.vsep_normal, GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL)); } void OnPaint() override { this->DrawWidgets(); if (this->IsShaded()) return; // Don't draw anything when the window is shaded. const Rect r = this->GetWidget(WID_IV_INFO)->GetCurrentRect(); int expected = this->DrawInfo(r); if (expected != r.bottom) { this->info_height = expected - r.top + 1; this->ReInit(); return; } } /** * Draw the text in the #WID_IV_INFO panel. * @param r Rectangle of the panel. * @return Expected position of the bottom edge of the panel. */ int DrawInfo(const Rect &r) { bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL; Industry *i = Industry::Get(this->window_number); const IndustrySpec *ind = GetIndustrySpec(i->type); Rect ir = r.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect); bool first = true; bool has_accept = false; if (i->prod_level == PRODLEVEL_CLOSURE) { DrawString(ir, STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_INDUSTRY_ANNOUNCED_CLOSURE); ir.top += GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL) + WidgetDimensions::scaled.vsep_wide; } CargoSuffix cargo_suffix[lengthof(i->accepts_cargo)]; GetAllCargoSuffixes(CARGOSUFFIX_IN, CST_VIEW, i, i->type, ind, i->accepts_cargo, cargo_suffix); bool stockpiling = HasBit(ind->callback_mask, CBM_IND_PRODUCTION_CARGO_ARRIVAL) || HasBit(ind->callback_mask, CBM_IND_PRODUCTION_256_TICKS); for (byte j = 0; j < lengthof(i->accepts_cargo); j++) { if (i->accepts_cargo[j] == INVALID_CARGO) continue; has_accept = true; if (first) { DrawString(ir, STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_REQUIRES); ir.top += GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL); first = false; } SetDParam(0, CargoSpec::Get(i->accepts_cargo[j])->name); SetDParam(1, i->accepts_cargo[j]); SetDParam(2, i->incoming_cargo_waiting[j]); SetDParamStr(3, ""); StringID str = STR_NULL; switch (cargo_suffix[j].display) { case CSD_CARGO_AMOUNT_TEXT: SetDParamStr(3, cargo_suffix[j].text); FALLTHROUGH; case CSD_CARGO_AMOUNT: str = stockpiling ? STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_ACCEPT_CARGO_AMOUNT : STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_ACCEPT_CARGO; break; case CSD_CARGO_TEXT: SetDParamStr(3, cargo_suffix[j].text); FALLTHROUGH; case CSD_CARGO: str = STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_ACCEPT_CARGO; break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } DrawString(ir.Indent(WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_indent, rtl), str); ir.top += GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL); } GetAllCargoSuffixes(CARGOSUFFIX_OUT, CST_VIEW, i, i->type, ind, i->produced_cargo, cargo_suffix); int line_height = this->editable == EA_RATE ? this->cheat_line_height : GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL); int text_y_offset = (line_height - GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL)) / 2; int button_y_offset = (line_height - SETTING_BUTTON_HEIGHT) / 2; first = true; for (byte j = 0; j < lengthof(i->produced_cargo); j++) { if (i->produced_cargo[j] == INVALID_CARGO) continue; if (first) { if (has_accept) ir.top += WidgetDimensions::scaled.vsep_wide; DrawString(ir, STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH_TITLE); ir.top += GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL); if (this->editable == EA_RATE) this->production_offset_y = ir.top; first = false; } SetDParam(0, i->produced_cargo[j]); SetDParam(1, i->last_month_production[j]); SetDParamStr(2, cargo_suffix[j].text); SetDParam(3, ToPercent8(i->last_month_pct_transported[j])); DrawString(ir.Indent(WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_indent + (this->editable == EA_RATE ? SETTING_BUTTON_WIDTH + WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_normal : 0), rtl).Translate(0, text_y_offset), STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_TRANSPORTED); /* Let's put out those buttons.. */ if (this->editable == EA_RATE) { DrawArrowButtons(ir.Indent(WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_indent, rtl).WithWidth(SETTING_BUTTON_WIDTH, rtl).left, ir.top + button_y_offset, COLOUR_YELLOW, (this->clicked_line == IL_RATE1 + j) ? this->clicked_button : 0, i->production_rate[j] > 0, i->production_rate[j] < 255); } ir.top += line_height; } /* Display production multiplier if editable */ if (this->editable == EA_MULTIPLIER) { line_height = this->cheat_line_height; text_y_offset = (line_height - GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL)) / 2; button_y_offset = (line_height - SETTING_BUTTON_HEIGHT) / 2; ir.top += WidgetDimensions::scaled.vsep_wide; this->production_offset_y = ir.top; SetDParam(0, RoundDivSU(i->prod_level * 100, PRODLEVEL_DEFAULT)); DrawString(ir.Indent(WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_indent + SETTING_BUTTON_WIDTH + WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_normal, rtl).Translate(0, text_y_offset), STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_PRODUCTION_LEVEL); DrawArrowButtons(ir.Indent(WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_indent, rtl).WithWidth(SETTING_BUTTON_WIDTH, rtl).left, ir.top + button_y_offset, COLOUR_YELLOW, (this->clicked_line == IL_MULTIPLIER) ? this->clicked_button : 0, i->prod_level > PRODLEVEL_MINIMUM, i->prod_level < PRODLEVEL_MAXIMUM); ir.top += line_height; } /* Get the extra message for the GUI */ if (HasBit(ind->callback_mask, CBM_IND_WINDOW_MORE_TEXT)) { uint16_t callback_res = GetIndustryCallback(CBID_INDUSTRY_WINDOW_MORE_TEXT, 0, 0, i, i->type, i->location.tile); if (callback_res != CALLBACK_FAILED && callback_res != 0x400) { if (callback_res > 0x400) { ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(ind->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, CBID_INDUSTRY_WINDOW_MORE_TEXT, callback_res); } else { StringID message = GetGRFStringID(ind->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, 0xD000 + callback_res); if (message != STR_NULL && message != STR_UNDEFINED) { ir.top += WidgetDimensions::scaled.vsep_wide; StartTextRefStackUsage(ind->grf_prop.grffile, 6); /* Use all the available space left from where we stand up to the * end of the window. We ALSO enlarge the window if needed, so we * can 'go' wild with the bottom of the window. */ ir.top = DrawStringMultiLine(ir.left, ir.right, ir.top, UINT16_MAX, message, TC_BLACK); StopTextRefStackUsage(); } } } } if (!i->text.empty()) { SetDParamStr(0, i->text); ir.top += WidgetDimensions::scaled.vsep_wide; ir.top = DrawStringMultiLine(ir.left, ir.right, ir.top, UINT16_MAX, STR_JUST_RAW_STRING, TC_BLACK); } /* Return required bottom position, the last pixel row plus some padding. */ return ir.top - 1 + WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect.bottom; } void SetStringParameters(WidgetID widget) const override { if (widget == WID_IV_CAPTION) SetDParam(0, this->window_number); } void UpdateWidgetSize(WidgetID widget, Dimension *size, [[maybe_unused]] const Dimension &padding, [[maybe_unused]] Dimension *fill, [[maybe_unused]] Dimension *resize) override { if (widget == WID_IV_INFO) size->height = this->info_height; } void OnClick([[maybe_unused]] Point pt, WidgetID widget, [[maybe_unused]] int click_count) override { switch (widget) { case WID_IV_INFO: { Industry *i = Industry::Get(this->window_number); InfoLine line = IL_NONE; switch (this->editable) { case EA_NONE: break; case EA_MULTIPLIER: if (IsInsideBS(pt.y, this->production_offset_y, this->cheat_line_height)) line = IL_MULTIPLIER; break; case EA_RATE: if (pt.y >= this->production_offset_y) { int row = (pt.y - this->production_offset_y) / this->cheat_line_height; for (uint j = 0; j < lengthof(i->produced_cargo); j++) { if (i->produced_cargo[j] == INVALID_CARGO) continue; row--; if (row < 0) { line = (InfoLine)(IL_RATE1 + j); break; } } } break; } if (line == IL_NONE) return; bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL; Rect r = this->GetWidget(widget)->GetCurrentRect().Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect).Indent(WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_indent, rtl); if (r.WithWidth(SETTING_BUTTON_WIDTH, rtl).Contains(pt)) { /* Clicked buttons, decrease or increase production */ bool decrease = r.WithWidth(SETTING_BUTTON_WIDTH / 2, rtl).Contains(pt); switch (this->editable) { case EA_MULTIPLIER: if (decrease) { if (i->prod_level <= PRODLEVEL_MINIMUM) return; i->prod_level = static_cast(std::max(i->prod_level / 2, PRODLEVEL_MINIMUM)); } else { if (i->prod_level >= PRODLEVEL_MAXIMUM) return; i->prod_level = static_cast(std::min(i->prod_level * 2, PRODLEVEL_MAXIMUM)); } break; case EA_RATE: if (decrease) { if (i->production_rate[line - IL_RATE1] <= 0) return; i->production_rate[line - IL_RATE1] = std::max(i->production_rate[line - IL_RATE1] / 2, 0); } else { if (i->production_rate[line - IL_RATE1] >= 255) return; /* a zero production industry is unlikely to give anything but zero, so push it a little bit */ int new_prod = i->production_rate[line - IL_RATE1] == 0 ? 1 : i->production_rate[line - IL_RATE1] * 2; i->production_rate[line - IL_RATE1] = ClampTo(new_prod); } break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } UpdateIndustryProduction(i); this->SetDirty(); this->SetTimeout(); this->clicked_line = line; this->clicked_button = (decrease ^ rtl) ? 1 : 2; } else if (r.Indent(SETTING_BUTTON_WIDTH + WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_normal, rtl).Contains(pt)) { /* clicked the text */ this->editbox_line = line; switch (this->editable) { case EA_MULTIPLIER: SetDParam(0, RoundDivSU(i->prod_level * 100, PRODLEVEL_DEFAULT)); ShowQueryString(STR_JUST_INT, STR_CONFIG_GAME_PRODUCTION_LEVEL, 10, this, CS_ALPHANUMERAL, QSF_NONE); break; case EA_RATE: SetDParam(0, i->production_rate[line - IL_RATE1] * 8); ShowQueryString(STR_JUST_INT, STR_CONFIG_GAME_PRODUCTION, 10, this, CS_ALPHANUMERAL, QSF_NONE); break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } } break; } case WID_IV_GOTO: { Industry *i = Industry::Get(this->window_number); if (_ctrl_pressed) { ShowExtraViewportWindow(i->location.GetCenterTile()); } else { ScrollMainWindowToTile(i->location.GetCenterTile()); } break; } case WID_IV_DISPLAY: { Industry *i = Industry::Get(this->window_number); ShowIndustryCargoesWindow(i->type); break; } } } void OnTimeout() override { this->clicked_line = IL_NONE; this->clicked_button = 0; this->SetDirty(); } void OnResize() override { if (this->viewport != nullptr) { NWidgetViewport *nvp = this->GetWidget(WID_IV_VIEWPORT); nvp->UpdateViewportCoordinates(this); ScrollWindowToTile(Industry::Get(this->window_number)->location.GetCenterTile(), this, true); // Re-center viewport. } } void OnQueryTextFinished(char *str) override { if (StrEmpty(str)) return; Industry *i = Industry::Get(this->window_number); uint value = atoi(str); switch (this->editbox_line) { case IL_NONE: NOT_REACHED(); case IL_MULTIPLIER: i->prod_level = ClampU(RoundDivSU(value * PRODLEVEL_DEFAULT, 100), PRODLEVEL_MINIMUM, PRODLEVEL_MAXIMUM); break; default: i->production_rate[this->editbox_line - IL_RATE1] = ClampU(RoundDivSU(value, 8), 0, 255); break; } UpdateIndustryProduction(i); this->SetDirty(); } /** * Some data on this window has become invalid. * @param data Information about the changed data. * @param gui_scope Whether the call is done from GUI scope. You may not do everything when not in GUI scope. See #InvalidateWindowData() for details. */ void OnInvalidateData([[maybe_unused]] int data = 0, [[maybe_unused]] bool gui_scope = true) override { if (!gui_scope) return; const Industry *i = Industry::Get(this->window_number); if (IsProductionAlterable(i)) { const IndustrySpec *ind = GetIndustrySpec(i->type); this->editable = ind->UsesOriginalEconomy() ? EA_MULTIPLIER : EA_RATE; } else { this->editable = EA_NONE; } } bool IsNewGRFInspectable() const override { return ::IsNewGRFInspectable(GSF_INDUSTRIES, this->window_number); } void ShowNewGRFInspectWindow() const override { ::ShowNewGRFInspectWindow(GSF_INDUSTRIES, this->window_number); } }; static void UpdateIndustryProduction(Industry *i) { const IndustrySpec *indspec = GetIndustrySpec(i->type); if (indspec->UsesOriginalEconomy()) i->RecomputeProductionMultipliers(); for (byte j = 0; j < lengthof(i->produced_cargo); j++) { if (i->produced_cargo[j] != INVALID_CARGO) { i->last_month_production[j] = ScaleQuantity(8 * i->production_rate[j], _settings_game.economy.industry_cargo_scale_factor); } } } /** Widget definition of the view industry gui */ static const NWidgetPart _nested_industry_view_widgets[] = { NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CLOSEBOX, COLOUR_CREAM), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_CREAM, WID_IV_CAPTION), SetDataTip(STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_CAPTION, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_CREAM, WID_IV_GOTO), SetMinimalSize(12, 14), SetDataTip(SPR_GOTO_LOCATION, STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_LOCATION_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_DEBUGBOX, COLOUR_CREAM), NWidget(WWT_SHADEBOX, COLOUR_CREAM), NWidget(WWT_DEFSIZEBOX, COLOUR_CREAM), NWidget(WWT_STICKYBOX, COLOUR_CREAM), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_CREAM), NWidget(WWT_INSET, COLOUR_CREAM), SetPadding(2, 2, 2, 2), NWidget(NWID_VIEWPORT, INVALID_COLOUR, WID_IV_VIEWPORT), SetMinimalSize(254, 86), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(1, 1), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_CREAM, WID_IV_INFO), SetMinimalSize(260, 0), SetMinimalTextLines(2, WidgetDimensions::unscaled.framerect.Vertical()), SetResize(1, 0), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_CREAM, WID_IV_DISPLAY), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_INDUSTRY_DISPLAY_CHAIN, STR_INDUSTRY_DISPLAY_CHAIN_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_RESIZEBOX, COLOUR_CREAM), EndContainer(), }; /** Window definition of the view industry gui */ static WindowDesc _industry_view_desc(__FILE__, __LINE__, WDP_AUTO, "view_industry", 260, 120, WC_INDUSTRY_VIEW, WC_NONE, 0, std::begin(_nested_industry_view_widgets), std::end(_nested_industry_view_widgets) ); void ShowIndustryViewWindow(int industry) { AllocateWindowDescFront(&_industry_view_desc, industry); } /** Widget definition of the industry directory gui */ static const NWidgetPart _nested_industry_directory_widgets[] = { NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CLOSEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_BROWN), SetDataTip(STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_CAPTION, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS), NWidget(WWT_SHADEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_DEFSIZEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_STICKYBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(NWID_VERTICAL), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_ID_DROPDOWN_ORDER), SetDataTip(STR_BUTTON_SORT_BY, STR_TOOLTIP_SORT_ORDER), NWidget(WWT_DROPDOWN, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_ID_DROPDOWN_CRITERIA), SetDataTip(STR_JUST_STRING, STR_TOOLTIP_SORT_CRITERIA), NWidget(WWT_EDITBOX, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_ID_FILTER), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_LIST_FILTER_OSKTITLE, STR_LIST_FILTER_TOOLTIP), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_DROPDOWN, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_ID_FILTER_BY_ACC_CARGO), SetMinimalSize(225, 12), SetFill(0, 1), SetDataTip(STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_ACCEPTED_CARGO_FILTER, STR_TOOLTIP_FILTER_CRITERIA), NWidget(WWT_DROPDOWN, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_ID_FILTER_BY_PROD_CARGO), SetMinimalSize(225, 12), SetFill(0, 1), SetDataTip(STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_PRODUCED_CARGO_FILTER, STR_TOOLTIP_FILTER_CRITERIA), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_BROWN), SetResize(1, 0), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_ID_INDUSTRY_LIST), SetDataTip(0x0, STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_LIST_CAPTION), SetResize(1, 1), SetScrollbar(WID_ID_VSCROLLBAR), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_VSCROLLBAR, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_ID_VSCROLLBAR), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(NWID_HSCROLLBAR, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_ID_HSCROLLBAR), NWidget(WWT_RESIZEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), EndContainer(), }; typedef GUIList &> GUIIndustryList; /** Cargo filter functions */ /** * Check whether an industry accepts and produces a certain cargo pair. * @param industry The industry whose cargoes will being checked. * @param cargoes The accepted and produced cargo pair to look for. * @return bool Whether the given cargoes accepted and produced by the industry. */ static bool CargoFilter(const Industry * const *industry, const std::pair &cargoes) { auto accepted_cargo = cargoes.first; auto produced_cargo = cargoes.second; bool accepted_cargo_matches; switch (accepted_cargo) { case CargoFilterCriteria::CF_ANY: accepted_cargo_matches = true; break; case CargoFilterCriteria::CF_NONE: accepted_cargo_matches = !(*industry)->IsCargoAccepted(); break; default: accepted_cargo_matches = (*industry)->IsCargoAccepted(accepted_cargo); break; } bool produced_cargo_matches; switch (produced_cargo) { case CargoFilterCriteria::CF_ANY: produced_cargo_matches = true; break; case CargoFilterCriteria::CF_NONE: produced_cargo_matches = !(*industry)->IsCargoProduced(); break; default: produced_cargo_matches = (*industry)->IsCargoProduced(produced_cargo); break; } return accepted_cargo_matches && produced_cargo_matches; } static GUIIndustryList::FilterFunction * const _filter_funcs[] = { &CargoFilter }; /** Enum referring to the Hotkeys in the industry directory window */ enum IndustryDirectoryHotkeys { IDHK_FOCUS_FILTER_BOX, ///< Focus the filter box }; /** * The list of industries. */ class IndustryDirectoryWindow : public Window { protected: /* Runtime saved values */ static Listing last_sorting; /* Constants for sorting industries */ static const StringID sorter_names[]; static GUIIndustryList::SortFunction * const sorter_funcs[]; GUIIndustryList industries{IndustryDirectoryWindow::produced_cargo_filter}; Scrollbar *vscroll; Scrollbar *hscroll; CargoID produced_cargo_filter_criteria; ///< Selected produced cargo filter index CargoID accepted_cargo_filter_criteria; ///< Selected accepted cargo filter index static CargoID produced_cargo_filter; const int MAX_FILTER_LENGTH = 16; ///< The max length of the filter, in chars StringFilter string_filter; ///< Filter for industries QueryString industry_editbox; ///< Filter editbox enum class SorterType : uint8_t { ByName, ///< Sorter type to sort by name ByType, ///< Sorter type to sort by type ByProduction, ///< Sorter type to sort by production amount ByTransported, ///< Sorter type to sort by transported percentage }; /** * Set produced cargo filter for the industry list. * @param cid The cargo to be set */ void SetProducedCargoFilter(CargoID cid) { if (this->produced_cargo_filter_criteria != cid) { this->produced_cargo_filter_criteria = cid; /* deactivate filter if criteria is 'Show All', activate it otherwise */ bool is_filtering_necessary = this->produced_cargo_filter_criteria != CargoFilterCriteria::CF_ANY || this->accepted_cargo_filter_criteria != CargoFilterCriteria::CF_ANY; this->industries.SetFilterState(is_filtering_necessary); this->industries.SetFilterType(0); this->industries.ForceRebuild(); } } /** * Set accepted cargo filter for the industry list. * @param index The cargo to be set */ void SetAcceptedCargoFilter(CargoID cid) { if (this->accepted_cargo_filter_criteria != cid) { this->accepted_cargo_filter_criteria = cid; /* deactivate filter if criteria is 'Show All', activate it otherwise */ bool is_filtering_necessary = this->produced_cargo_filter_criteria != CargoFilterCriteria::CF_ANY || this->accepted_cargo_filter_criteria != CargoFilterCriteria::CF_ANY; this->industries.SetFilterState(is_filtering_necessary); this->industries.SetFilterType(0); this->industries.ForceRebuild(); } } StringID GetCargoFilterLabel(CargoID cid) const { switch (cid) { case CargoFilterCriteria::CF_ANY: return STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_FILTER_ALL_TYPES; case CargoFilterCriteria::CF_NONE: return STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_FILTER_NONE; default: return CargoSpec::Get(cid)->name; } } /** * Populate the filter list and set the cargo filter criteria. */ void SetCargoFilterArray() { this->produced_cargo_filter_criteria = CargoFilterCriteria::CF_ANY; this->accepted_cargo_filter_criteria = CargoFilterCriteria::CF_ANY; this->industries.SetFilterFuncs(_filter_funcs); bool is_filtering_necessary = this->produced_cargo_filter_criteria != CargoFilterCriteria::CF_ANY || this->accepted_cargo_filter_criteria != CargoFilterCriteria::CF_ANY; this->industries.SetFilterState(is_filtering_necessary); } /** * Get the width needed to draw the longest industry line. * @return Returns width of the longest industry line, including padding. */ uint GetIndustryListWidth() const { uint width = 0; for (const Industry *i : this->industries) { width = std::max(width, GetStringBoundingBox(this->GetIndustryString(i)).width); } return width + WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect.Horizontal(); } /** (Re)Build industries list */ void BuildSortIndustriesList() { if (this->industries.NeedRebuild()) { this->industries.clear(); for (const Industry *i : Industry::Iterate()) { if (this->string_filter.IsEmpty()) { this->industries.push_back(i); continue; } this->string_filter.ResetState(); this->string_filter.AddLine(i->GetCachedName()); if (this->string_filter.GetState()) this->industries.push_back(i); } this->industries.shrink_to_fit(); this->industries.RebuildDone(); auto filter = std::make_pair(this->accepted_cargo_filter_criteria, this->produced_cargo_filter_criteria); this->industries.Filter(filter); this->hscroll->SetCount(this->GetIndustryListWidth()); this->vscroll->SetCount(this->industries.size()); // Update scrollbar as well. } IndustryDirectoryWindow::produced_cargo_filter = this->produced_cargo_filter_criteria; this->industries.Sort(); this->SetDirty(); } /** * Returns percents of cargo transported if industry produces this cargo, else -1 * * @param i industry to check * @param id cargo slot * @return percents of cargo transported, or -1 if industry doesn't use this cargo slot */ static inline int GetCargoTransportedPercentsIfValid(const Industry *i, uint id) { assert(id < lengthof(i->produced_cargo)); if (i->produced_cargo[id] == INVALID_CARGO) return -1; return ToPercent8(i->last_month_pct_transported[id]); } /** * Returns value representing industry's transported cargo * percentage for industry sorting * * @param i industry to check * @return value used for sorting */ static int GetCargoTransportedSortValue(const Industry *i) { CargoID filter = IndustryDirectoryWindow::produced_cargo_filter; if (filter == CargoFilterCriteria::CF_NONE) return 0; int percentage = 0, produced_cargo_count = 0; for (uint id = 0; id < lengthof(i->produced_cargo); id++) { if (filter == CargoFilterCriteria::CF_ANY) { int transported = GetCargoTransportedPercentsIfValid(i, id); if (transported != -1) { produced_cargo_count++; percentage += transported; } if (produced_cargo_count == 0 && id == lengthof(i->produced_cargo) - 1 && percentage == 0) { return transported; } } else if (filter == i->produced_cargo[id]) { return GetCargoTransportedPercentsIfValid(i, id); } } if (produced_cargo_count == 0) return percentage; return percentage / produced_cargo_count; } /** Sort industries by name */ static bool IndustryNameSorter(const Industry * const &a, const Industry * const &b, const CargoID &) { int r = StrNaturalCompare(a->GetCachedName(), b->GetCachedName()); // Sort by name (natural sorting). if (r == 0) return a->index < b->index; return r < 0; } /** Sort industries by type and name */ static bool IndustryTypeSorter(const Industry * const &a, const Industry * const &b, const CargoID &filter) { int it_a = 0; while (it_a != NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES && a->type != _sorted_industry_types[it_a]) it_a++; int it_b = 0; while (it_b != NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES && b->type != _sorted_industry_types[it_b]) it_b++; int r = it_a - it_b; return (r == 0) ? IndustryNameSorter(a, b, filter) : r < 0; } /** Sort industries by production and name */ static bool IndustryProductionSorter(const Industry * const &a, const Industry * const &b, const CargoID &filter) { if (filter == CargoFilterCriteria::CF_NONE) return IndustryTypeSorter(a, b, filter); uint prod_a = 0, prod_b = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < lengthof(a->produced_cargo); i++) { if (filter == CargoFilterCriteria::CF_ANY) { if (a->produced_cargo[i] != INVALID_CARGO) prod_a += a->last_month_production[i]; if (b->produced_cargo[i] != INVALID_CARGO) prod_b += b->last_month_production[i]; } else { if (a->produced_cargo[i] == filter) prod_a += a->last_month_production[i]; if (b->produced_cargo[i] == filter) prod_b += b->last_month_production[i]; } } int r = prod_a - prod_b; return (r == 0) ? IndustryTypeSorter(a, b, filter) : r < 0; } /** Sort industries by transported cargo and name */ static bool IndustryTransportedCargoSorter(const Industry * const &a, const Industry * const &b, const CargoID &filter) { int r = GetCargoTransportedSortValue(a) - GetCargoTransportedSortValue(b); return (r == 0) ? IndustryNameSorter(a, b, filter) : r < 0; } /** * Get the StringID to draw and set the appropriate DParams. * @param i the industry to get the StringID of. * @return the StringID. */ StringID GetIndustryString(const Industry *i) const { const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(i->type); byte p = 0; /* Industry name */ SetDParam(p++, i->index); static CargoSuffix cargo_suffix[lengthof(i->produced_cargo)]; GetAllCargoSuffixes(CARGOSUFFIX_OUT, CST_DIR, i, i->type, indsp, i->produced_cargo, cargo_suffix); /* Get industry productions (CargoID, production, suffix, transported) */ struct CargoInfo { CargoID cargo_id; uint16_t production; const char *suffix; uint transported; }; std::vector cargos; for (byte j = 0; j < lengthof(i->produced_cargo); j++) { if (i->produced_cargo[j] == INVALID_CARGO) continue; cargos.push_back({ i->produced_cargo[j], i->last_month_production[j], cargo_suffix[j].text.c_str(), ToPercent8(i->last_month_pct_transported[j]) }); } switch (static_cast(this->industries.SortType())) { case IndustryDirectoryWindow::SorterType::ByName: case IndustryDirectoryWindow::SorterType::ByType: case IndustryDirectoryWindow::SorterType::ByProduction: /* Sort by descending production, then descending transported */ std::sort(cargos.begin(), cargos.end(), [](const CargoInfo &a, const CargoInfo &b) { if (a.production != b.production) return a.production > b.production; return a.transported > b.transported; }); break; case IndustryDirectoryWindow::SorterType::ByTransported: /* Sort by descending transported, then descending production */ std::sort(cargos.begin(), cargos.end(), [](const CargoInfo &a, const CargoInfo &b) { if (a.transported != b.transported) return a.transported > b.transported; return a.production > b.production; }); break; } /* If the produced cargo filter is active then move the filtered cargo to the beginning of the list, * because this is the one the player interested in, and that way it is not hidden in the 'n' more cargos */ const CargoID cid = this->produced_cargo_filter_criteria; if (cid != CargoFilterCriteria::CF_ANY && cid != CargoFilterCriteria::CF_NONE) { auto filtered_ci = std::find_if(cargos.begin(), cargos.end(), [cid](const CargoInfo &ci) -> bool { return ci.cargo_id == cid; }); if (filtered_ci != cargos.end()) { std::rotate(cargos.begin(), filtered_ci, filtered_ci + 1); } } /* Display first 3 cargos */ for (size_t j = 0; j < std::min(3, cargos.size()); j++) { CargoInfo ci = cargos[j]; SetDParam(p++, STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_ITEM_INFO); SetDParam(p++, ci.cargo_id); SetDParam(p++, ci.production); SetDParamStr(p++, ci.suffix); SetDParam(p++, ci.transported); } /* Undisplayed cargos if any */ SetDParam(p++, cargos.size() - 3); /* Drawing the right string */ switch (cargos.size()) { case 0: return STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_ITEM_NOPROD; case 1: return STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_ITEM_PROD1; case 2: return STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_ITEM_PROD2; case 3: return STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_ITEM_PROD3; default: return STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_ITEM_PRODMORE; } } public: IndustryDirectoryWindow(WindowDesc *desc, WindowNumber) : Window(desc), industry_editbox(MAX_FILTER_LENGTH * MAX_CHAR_LENGTH, MAX_FILTER_LENGTH) { this->CreateNestedTree(); this->vscroll = this->GetScrollbar(WID_ID_VSCROLLBAR); this->hscroll = this->GetScrollbar(WID_ID_HSCROLLBAR); this->industries.SetListing(this->last_sorting); this->industries.SetSortFuncs(IndustryDirectoryWindow::sorter_funcs); this->industries.ForceRebuild(); this->FinishInitNested(0); this->BuildSortIndustriesList(); this->querystrings[WID_ID_FILTER] = &this->industry_editbox; this->industry_editbox.cancel_button = QueryString::ACTION_CLEAR; } void Close(int data = 0) override { this->last_sorting = this->industries.GetListing(); this->Window::Close(); } void OnInit() override { this->SetCargoFilterArray(); } void SetStringParameters(WidgetID widget) const override { switch (widget) { case WID_ID_DROPDOWN_CRITERIA: SetDParam(0, IndustryDirectoryWindow::sorter_names[this->industries.SortType()]); break; case WID_ID_FILTER_BY_ACC_CARGO: SetDParam(0, this->GetCargoFilterLabel(this->accepted_cargo_filter_criteria)); break; case WID_ID_FILTER_BY_PROD_CARGO: SetDParam(0, this->GetCargoFilterLabel(this->produced_cargo_filter_criteria)); break; } } void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, WidgetID widget) const override { switch (widget) { case WID_ID_DROPDOWN_ORDER: this->DrawSortButtonState(widget, this->industries.IsDescSortOrder() ? SBS_DOWN : SBS_UP); break; case WID_ID_INDUSTRY_LIST: { Rect ir = r.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect); /* Setup a clipping rectangle... */ DrawPixelInfo tmp_dpi; if (!FillDrawPixelInfo(&tmp_dpi, ir)) return; /* ...but keep coordinates relative to the window. */ tmp_dpi.left += ir.left; tmp_dpi.top += ir.top; AutoRestoreBackup dpi_backup(_cur_dpi, &tmp_dpi); ir.left -= this->hscroll->GetPosition(); ir.right += this->hscroll->GetCapacity() - this->hscroll->GetPosition(); if (this->industries.empty()) { DrawString(ir, STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_NONE); break; } int n = 0; const CargoID acf_cid = this->accepted_cargo_filter_criteria; for (uint i = this->vscroll->GetPosition(); i < this->industries.size(); i++) { TextColour tc = TC_FROMSTRING; if (acf_cid != CargoFilterCriteria::CF_ANY && acf_cid != CargoFilterCriteria::CF_NONE) { Industry *ind = const_cast(this->industries[i]); if (IndustryTemporarilyRefusesCargo(ind, acf_cid)) { tc = TC_GREY | TC_FORCED; } } DrawString(ir, this->GetIndustryString(this->industries[i]), tc); ir.top += this->resize.step_height; if (++n == this->vscroll->GetCapacity()) break; // max number of industries in 1 window } break; } } } void UpdateWidgetSize(WidgetID widget, Dimension *size, [[maybe_unused]] const Dimension &padding, [[maybe_unused]] Dimension *fill, [[maybe_unused]] Dimension *resize) override { switch (widget) { case WID_ID_DROPDOWN_ORDER: { Dimension d = GetStringBoundingBox(this->GetWidget(widget)->widget_data); d.width += padding.width + Window::SortButtonWidth() * 2; // Doubled since the string is centred and it also looks better. d.height += padding.height; *size = maxdim(*size, d); break; } case WID_ID_DROPDOWN_CRITERIA: { Dimension d = {0, 0}; for (uint i = 0; IndustryDirectoryWindow::sorter_names[i] != INVALID_STRING_ID; i++) { d = maxdim(d, GetStringBoundingBox(IndustryDirectoryWindow::sorter_names[i])); } d.width += padding.width; d.height += padding.height; *size = maxdim(*size, d); break; } case WID_ID_INDUSTRY_LIST: { Dimension d = GetStringBoundingBox(STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_NONE); resize->height = d.height; d.height *= 5; d.width += padding.width; d.height += padding.height; *size = maxdim(*size, d); break; } } } DropDownList BuildCargoDropDownList() const { DropDownList list; /* Add item for disabling filtering. */ list.push_back(std::make_unique(this->GetCargoFilterLabel(CargoFilterCriteria::CF_ANY), CargoFilterCriteria::CF_ANY, false)); /* Add item for industries not producing anything, e.g. power plants */ list.push_back(std::make_unique(this->GetCargoFilterLabel(CargoFilterCriteria::CF_NONE), CargoFilterCriteria::CF_NONE, false)); /* Add cargos */ Dimension d = GetLargestCargoIconSize(); for (const CargoSpec *cs : _sorted_standard_cargo_specs) { list.push_back(std::make_unique(d, cs->GetCargoIcon(), PAL_NONE, cs->name, cs->Index(), false)); } return list; } void OnClick([[maybe_unused]] Point pt, WidgetID widget, [[maybe_unused]] int click_count) override { switch (widget) { case WID_ID_DROPDOWN_ORDER: this->industries.ToggleSortOrder(); this->SetDirty(); break; case WID_ID_DROPDOWN_CRITERIA: ShowDropDownMenu(this, IndustryDirectoryWindow::sorter_names, this->industries.SortType(), WID_ID_DROPDOWN_CRITERIA, 0, 0); break; case WID_ID_FILTER_BY_ACC_CARGO: // Cargo filter dropdown ShowDropDownList(this, this->BuildCargoDropDownList(), this->accepted_cargo_filter_criteria, widget); break; case WID_ID_FILTER_BY_PROD_CARGO: // Cargo filter dropdown ShowDropDownList(this, this->BuildCargoDropDownList(), this->produced_cargo_filter_criteria, widget); break; case WID_ID_INDUSTRY_LIST: { auto it = this->vscroll->GetScrolledItemFromWidget(this->industries, pt.y, this, WID_ID_INDUSTRY_LIST, WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect.top); if (it != this->industries.end()) { if (_ctrl_pressed) { ShowExtraViewportWindow((*it)->location.tile); } else { ScrollMainWindowToTile((*it)->location.tile); } } break; } } } void OnDropdownSelect(WidgetID widget, int index) override { switch (widget) { case WID_ID_DROPDOWN_CRITERIA: { if (this->industries.SortType() != index) { this->industries.SetSortType(index); this->BuildSortIndustriesList(); } break; } case WID_ID_FILTER_BY_ACC_CARGO: { this->SetAcceptedCargoFilter(index); this->BuildSortIndustriesList(); break; } case WID_ID_FILTER_BY_PROD_CARGO: { this->SetProducedCargoFilter(index); this->BuildSortIndustriesList(); break; } } } void OnResize() override { this->vscroll->SetCapacityFromWidget(this, WID_ID_INDUSTRY_LIST); this->hscroll->SetCapacityFromWidget(this, WID_ID_INDUSTRY_LIST); } void OnEditboxChanged(WidgetID wid) override { if (wid == WID_ID_FILTER) { this->string_filter.SetFilterTerm(this->industry_editbox.text.buf); this->InvalidateData(IDIWD_FORCE_REBUILD); } } void OnPaint() override { if (this->industries.NeedRebuild()) this->BuildSortIndustriesList(); this->DrawWidgets(); } void OnHundredthTick() override { this->industries.ForceResort(); this->BuildSortIndustriesList(); } /** * Some data on this window has become invalid. * @param data Information about the changed data. * @param gui_scope Whether the call is done from GUI scope. You may not do everything when not in GUI scope. See #InvalidateWindowData() for details. */ void OnInvalidateData([[maybe_unused]] int data = 0, [[maybe_unused]] bool gui_scope = true) override { switch (data) { case IDIWD_FORCE_REBUILD: /* This needs to be done in command-scope to enforce rebuilding before resorting invalid data */ this->industries.ForceRebuild(); break; case IDIWD_PRODUCTION_CHANGE: if (this->industries.SortType() == 2) this->industries.ForceResort(); break; default: this->industries.ForceResort(); break; } } EventState OnHotkey(int hotkey) override { switch (hotkey) { case IDHK_FOCUS_FILTER_BOX: this->SetFocusedWidget(WID_ID_FILTER); SetFocusedWindow(this); // The user has asked to give focus to the text box, so make sure this window is focused. break; default: return ES_NOT_HANDLED; } return ES_HANDLED; } static HotkeyList hotkeys; }; static Hotkey industrydirectory_hotkeys[] = { Hotkey('F', "focus_filter_box", IDHK_FOCUS_FILTER_BOX), HOTKEY_LIST_END }; HotkeyList IndustryDirectoryWindow::hotkeys("industrydirectory", industrydirectory_hotkeys); Listing IndustryDirectoryWindow::last_sorting = {false, 0}; /* Available station sorting functions. */ GUIIndustryList::SortFunction * const IndustryDirectoryWindow::sorter_funcs[] = { &IndustryNameSorter, &IndustryTypeSorter, &IndustryProductionSorter, &IndustryTransportedCargoSorter }; /* Names of the sorting functions */ const StringID IndustryDirectoryWindow::sorter_names[] = { STR_SORT_BY_NAME, STR_SORT_BY_TYPE, STR_SORT_BY_PRODUCTION, STR_SORT_BY_TRANSPORTED, INVALID_STRING_ID }; CargoID IndustryDirectoryWindow::produced_cargo_filter = CargoFilterCriteria::CF_ANY; /** Window definition of the industry directory gui */ static WindowDesc _industry_directory_desc(__FILE__, __LINE__, WDP_AUTO, "list_industries", 428, 190, WC_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY, WC_NONE, 0, std::begin(_nested_industry_directory_widgets), std::end(_nested_industry_directory_widgets), &IndustryDirectoryWindow::hotkeys ); void ShowIndustryDirectory() { AllocateWindowDescFront(&_industry_directory_desc, 0); } /** Widgets of the industry cargoes window. */ static const NWidgetPart _nested_industry_cargoes_widgets[] = { NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CLOSEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_IC_CAPTION), SetDataTip(STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_INDUSTRY_CAPTION, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS), NWidget(WWT_DEBUGBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_SHADEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_DEFSIZEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_STICKYBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(NWID_VERTICAL), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_IC_PANEL), SetResize(1, 10), SetScrollbar(WID_IC_SCROLLBAR), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(NWID_BUTTON_DROPDOWN, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_IC_NOTIFY), SetDataTip(STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_NOTIFY_SMALLMAP, STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_NOTIFY_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_BROWN), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(0, 0), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_DROPDOWN, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_IC_IND_DROPDOWN), SetFill(0, 0), SetResize(0, 0), SetDataTip(STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_SELECT_INDUSTRY, STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_SELECT_INDUSTRY_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_DROPDOWN, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_IC_CARGO_DROPDOWN), SetFill(0, 0), SetResize(0, 0), SetDataTip(STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_SELECT_CARGO, STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_SELECT_CARGO_TOOLTIP), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_VERTICAL), NWidget(NWID_VSCROLLBAR, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_IC_SCROLLBAR), NWidget(WWT_RESIZEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), }; /** Window description for the industry cargoes window. */ static WindowDesc _industry_cargoes_desc(__FILE__, __LINE__, WDP_AUTO, "industry_cargoes", 300, 210, WC_INDUSTRY_CARGOES, WC_NONE, 0, std::begin(_nested_industry_cargoes_widgets), std::end(_nested_industry_cargoes_widgets) ); /** Available types of field. */ enum CargoesFieldType { CFT_EMPTY, ///< Empty field. CFT_SMALL_EMPTY, ///< Empty small field (for the header). CFT_INDUSTRY, ///< Display industry. CFT_CARGO, ///< Display cargo connections. CFT_CARGO_LABEL, ///< Display cargo labels. CFT_HEADER, ///< Header text. }; static const uint MAX_CARGOES = 16; ///< Maximum number of cargoes carried in a #CFT_CARGO field in #CargoesField. /** Data about a single field in the #IndustryCargoesWindow panel. */ struct CargoesField { static int vert_inter_industry_space; static int blob_distance; static Dimension legend; static Dimension cargo_border; static Dimension cargo_line; static Dimension cargo_space; static Dimension cargo_stub; static const int INDUSTRY_LINE_COLOUR; static const int CARGO_LINE_COLOUR; static int small_height, normal_height; static int cargo_field_width; static int industry_width; static uint max_cargoes; CargoesFieldType type; ///< Type of field. union { struct { IndustryType ind_type; ///< Industry type (#NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES means 'houses'). CargoID other_produced[MAX_CARGOES]; ///< Cargoes produced but not used in this figure. CargoID other_accepted[MAX_CARGOES]; ///< Cargoes accepted but not used in this figure. } industry; ///< Industry data (for #CFT_INDUSTRY). struct { CargoID vertical_cargoes[MAX_CARGOES]; ///< Cargoes running from top to bottom (cargo ID or #INVALID_CARGO). uint8_t num_cargoes; ///< Number of cargoes. CargoID supp_cargoes[MAX_CARGOES]; ///< Cargoes entering from the left (index in #vertical_cargoes, or #INVALID_CARGO). uint8_t top_end; ///< Stop at the top of the vertical cargoes. CargoID cust_cargoes[MAX_CARGOES]; ///< Cargoes leaving to the right (index in #vertical_cargoes, or #INVALID_CARGO). uint8_t bottom_end; ///< Stop at the bottom of the vertical cargoes. } cargo; ///< Cargo data (for #CFT_CARGO). struct { CargoID cargoes[MAX_CARGOES]; ///< Cargoes to display (or #INVALID_CARGO). bool left_align; ///< Align all cargo texts to the left (else align to the right). } cargo_label; ///< Label data (for #CFT_CARGO_LABEL). StringID header; ///< Header text (for #CFT_HEADER). } u; // Data for each type. /** * Make one of the empty fields (#CFT_EMPTY or #CFT_SMALL_EMPTY). * @param type Type of empty field. */ void MakeEmpty(CargoesFieldType type) { this->type = type; } /** * Make an industry type field. * @param ind_type Industry type (#NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES means 'houses'). * @note #other_accepted and #other_produced should be filled later. */ void MakeIndustry(IndustryType ind_type) { this->type = CFT_INDUSTRY; this->u.industry.ind_type = ind_type; std::fill(std::begin(this->u.industry.other_accepted), std::end(this->u.industry.other_accepted), INVALID_CARGO); std::fill(std::begin(this->u.industry.other_produced), std::end(this->u.industry.other_produced), INVALID_CARGO); } /** * Connect a cargo from an industry to the #CFT_CARGO column. * @param cargo Cargo to connect. * @param producer Cargo is produced (if \c false, cargo is assumed to be accepted). * @return Horizontal connection index, or \c -1 if not accepted at all. */ int ConnectCargo(CargoID cargo, bool producer) { assert(this->type == CFT_CARGO); if (cargo == INVALID_CARGO) return -1; /* Find the vertical cargo column carrying the cargo. */ int column = -1; for (int i = 0; i < this->u.cargo.num_cargoes; i++) { if (cargo == this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes[i]) { column = i; break; } } if (column < 0) return -1; if (producer) { assert(this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes[column] == INVALID_CARGO); this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes[column] = column; } else { assert(this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes[column] == INVALID_CARGO); this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes[column] = column; } return column; } /** * Does this #CFT_CARGO field have a horizontal connection? * @return \c true if a horizontal connection exists, \c false otherwise. */ bool HasConnection() { assert(this->type == CFT_CARGO); for (uint i = 0; i < MAX_CARGOES; i++) { if (this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes[i] != INVALID_CARGO) return true; if (this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes[i] != INVALID_CARGO) return true; } return false; } /** * Make a piece of cargo column. * @param cargoes Array of #CargoID (may contain #INVALID_CARGO). * @param length Number of cargoes in \a cargoes. * @param count Number of cargoes to display (should be at least the number of valid cargoes, or \c -1 to let the method compute it). * @param top_end This is the first cargo field of this column. * @param bottom_end This is the last cargo field of this column. * @note #supp_cargoes and #cust_cargoes should be filled in later. */ void MakeCargo(const CargoID *cargoes, size_t length, int count = -1, bool top_end = false, bool bottom_end = false) { this->type = CFT_CARGO; auto insert = std::begin(this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes); for (size_t i = 0; insert != std::end(this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes) && i < length; i++) { if (cargoes[i] != INVALID_CARGO) { *insert = cargoes[i]; ++insert; } } this->u.cargo.num_cargoes = (count < 0) ? static_cast(insert - std::begin(this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes)) : count; CargoIDComparator comparator; std::sort(std::begin(this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes), insert, comparator); std::fill(insert, std::end(this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes), INVALID_CARGO); this->u.cargo.top_end = top_end; this->u.cargo.bottom_end = bottom_end; std::fill(std::begin(this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes), std::end(this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes), INVALID_CARGO); std::fill(std::begin(this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes), std::end(this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes), INVALID_CARGO); } /** * Make a field displaying cargo type names. * @param cargoes Array of #CargoID (may contain #INVALID_CARGO). * @param length Number of cargoes in \a cargoes. * @param left_align ALign texts to the left (else to the right). */ void MakeCargoLabel(const CargoID *cargoes, uint length, bool left_align) { this->type = CFT_CARGO_LABEL; uint i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CARGOES && i < length; i++) this->u.cargo_label.cargoes[i] = cargoes[i]; for (; i < MAX_CARGOES; i++) this->u.cargo_label.cargoes[i] = INVALID_CARGO; this->u.cargo_label.left_align = left_align; } /** * Make a header above an industry column. * @param textid Text to display. */ void MakeHeader(StringID textid) { this->type = CFT_HEADER; this->u.header = textid; } /** * For a #CFT_CARGO, compute the left position of the left-most vertical cargo connection. * @param xpos Left position of the field. * @return Left position of the left-most vertical cargo column. */ int GetCargoBase(int xpos) const { assert(this->type == CFT_CARGO); int n = this->u.cargo.num_cargoes; return xpos + cargo_field_width / 2 - (CargoesField::cargo_line.width * n + CargoesField::cargo_space.width * (n - 1)) / 2; } /** * Draw the field. * @param xpos Position of the left edge. * @param ypos Position of the top edge. */ void Draw(int xpos, int ypos) const { switch (this->type) { case CFT_EMPTY: case CFT_SMALL_EMPTY: break; case CFT_HEADER: ypos += (small_height - GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL)) / 2; DrawString(xpos, xpos + industry_width, ypos, this->u.header, TC_WHITE, SA_HOR_CENTER); break; case CFT_INDUSTRY: { int ypos1 = ypos + vert_inter_industry_space / 2; int ypos2 = ypos + normal_height - 1 - vert_inter_industry_space / 2; int xpos2 = xpos + industry_width - 1; DrawRectOutline({xpos, ypos1, xpos2, ypos2}, INDUSTRY_LINE_COLOUR); ypos += (normal_height - GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL)) / 2; if (this->u.industry.ind_type < NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES) { const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(this->u.industry.ind_type); DrawString(xpos, xpos2, ypos, indsp->name, TC_WHITE, SA_HOR_CENTER); /* Draw the industry legend. */ int blob_left, blob_right; if (_current_text_dir == TD_RTL) { blob_right = xpos2 - blob_distance; blob_left = blob_right - CargoesField::legend.width; } else { blob_left = xpos + blob_distance; blob_right = blob_left + CargoesField::legend.width; } GfxFillRect(blob_left, ypos2 - blob_distance - CargoesField::legend.height, blob_right, ypos2 - blob_distance, PC_BLACK); // Border GfxFillRect(blob_left + 1, ypos2 - blob_distance - CargoesField::legend.height + 1, blob_right - 1, ypos2 - blob_distance - 1, indsp->map_colour); } else { DrawString(xpos, xpos2, ypos, STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_HOUSES, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_HOR_CENTER); } /* Draw the other_produced/other_accepted cargoes. */ const CargoID *other_right, *other_left; if (_current_text_dir == TD_RTL) { other_right = this->u.industry.other_accepted; other_left = this->u.industry.other_produced; } else { other_right = this->u.industry.other_produced; other_left = this->u.industry.other_accepted; } ypos1 += CargoesField::cargo_border.height + (GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL) - CargoesField::cargo_line.height) / 2; for (uint i = 0; i < CargoesField::max_cargoes; i++) { if (other_right[i] != INVALID_CARGO) { const CargoSpec *csp = CargoSpec::Get(other_right[i]); int xp = xpos + industry_width + CargoesField::cargo_stub.width; DrawHorConnection(xpos + industry_width, xp - 1, ypos1, csp); GfxDrawLine(xp, ypos1, xp, ypos1 + CargoesField::cargo_line.height - 1, CARGO_LINE_COLOUR); } if (other_left[i] != INVALID_CARGO) { const CargoSpec *csp = CargoSpec::Get(other_left[i]); int xp = xpos - CargoesField::cargo_stub.width; DrawHorConnection(xp + 1, xpos - 1, ypos1, csp); GfxDrawLine(xp, ypos1, xp, ypos1 + CargoesField::cargo_line.height - 1, CARGO_LINE_COLOUR); } ypos1 += GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL) + CargoesField::cargo_space.height; } break; } case CFT_CARGO: { int cargo_base = this->GetCargoBase(xpos); int top = ypos + (this->u.cargo.top_end ? vert_inter_industry_space / 2 + 1 : 0); int bot = ypos - (this->u.cargo.bottom_end ? vert_inter_industry_space / 2 + 1 : 0) + normal_height - 1; int colpos = cargo_base; for (int i = 0; i < this->u.cargo.num_cargoes; i++) { if (this->u.cargo.top_end) GfxDrawLine(colpos, top - 1, colpos + CargoesField::cargo_line.width - 1, top - 1, CARGO_LINE_COLOUR); if (this->u.cargo.bottom_end) GfxDrawLine(colpos, bot + 1, colpos + CargoesField::cargo_line.width - 1, bot + 1, CARGO_LINE_COLOUR); GfxDrawLine(colpos, top, colpos, bot, CARGO_LINE_COLOUR); colpos++; const CargoSpec *csp = CargoSpec::Get(this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes[i]); GfxFillRect(colpos, top, colpos + CargoesField::cargo_line.width - 2, bot, csp->legend_colour, FILLRECT_OPAQUE); colpos += CargoesField::cargo_line.width - 2; GfxDrawLine(colpos, top, colpos, bot, CARGO_LINE_COLOUR); colpos += 1 + CargoesField::cargo_space.width; } const CargoID *hor_left, *hor_right; if (_current_text_dir == TD_RTL) { hor_left = this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes; hor_right = this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes; } else { hor_left = this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes; hor_right = this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes; } ypos += CargoesField::cargo_border.height + vert_inter_industry_space / 2 + (GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL) - CargoesField::cargo_line.height) / 2; for (uint i = 0; i < MAX_CARGOES; i++) { if (hor_left[i] != INVALID_CARGO) { int col = hor_left[i]; int dx = 0; const CargoSpec *csp = CargoSpec::Get(this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes[col]); for (; col > 0; col--) { int lf = cargo_base + col * CargoesField::cargo_line.width + (col - 1) * CargoesField::cargo_space.width; DrawHorConnection(lf, lf + CargoesField::cargo_space.width - dx, ypos, csp); dx = 1; } DrawHorConnection(xpos, cargo_base - dx, ypos, csp); } if (hor_right[i] != INVALID_CARGO) { int col = hor_right[i]; int dx = 0; const CargoSpec *csp = CargoSpec::Get(this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes[col]); for (; col < this->u.cargo.num_cargoes - 1; col++) { int lf = cargo_base + (col + 1) * CargoesField::cargo_line.width + col * CargoesField::cargo_space.width; DrawHorConnection(lf + dx - 1, lf + CargoesField::cargo_space.width - 1, ypos, csp); dx = 1; } DrawHorConnection(cargo_base + col * CargoesField::cargo_space.width + (col + 1) * CargoesField::cargo_line.width - 1 + dx, xpos + CargoesField::cargo_field_width - 1, ypos, csp); } ypos += GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL) + CargoesField::cargo_space.height; } break; } case CFT_CARGO_LABEL: ypos += CargoesField::cargo_border.height + vert_inter_industry_space / 2; for (uint i = 0; i < MAX_CARGOES; i++) { if (this->u.cargo_label.cargoes[i] != INVALID_CARGO) { const CargoSpec *csp = CargoSpec::Get(this->u.cargo_label.cargoes[i]); DrawString(xpos + WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect.left, xpos + industry_width - 1 - WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect.right, ypos, csp->name, TC_WHITE, (this->u.cargo_label.left_align) ? SA_LEFT : SA_RIGHT); } ypos += GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL) + CargoesField::cargo_space.height; } break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } } /** * Decide which cargo was clicked at in a #CFT_CARGO field. * @param left Left industry neighbour if available (else \c nullptr should be supplied). * @param right Right industry neighbour if available (else \c nullptr should be supplied). * @param pt Click position in the cargo field. * @return Cargo clicked at, or #INVALID_CARGO if none. */ CargoID CargoClickedAt(const CargoesField *left, const CargoesField *right, Point pt) const { assert(this->type == CFT_CARGO); /* Vertical matching. */ int cpos = this->GetCargoBase(0); uint col; for (col = 0; col < this->u.cargo.num_cargoes; col++) { if (pt.x < cpos) break; if (pt.x < cpos + (int)CargoesField::cargo_line.width) return this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes[col]; cpos += CargoesField::cargo_line.width + CargoesField::cargo_space.width; } /* col = 0 -> left of first col, 1 -> left of 2nd col, ... this->u.cargo.num_cargoes right of last-col. */ int vpos = vert_inter_industry_space / 2 + CargoesField::cargo_border.width; uint row; for (row = 0; row < MAX_CARGOES; row++) { if (pt.y < vpos) return INVALID_CARGO; if (pt.y < vpos + GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL)) break; vpos += GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL) + CargoesField::cargo_space.width; } if (row == MAX_CARGOES) return INVALID_CARGO; /* row = 0 -> at first horizontal row, row = 1 -> second horizontal row, 2 = 3rd horizontal row. */ if (col == 0) { if (this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes[row] != INVALID_CARGO) return this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes[this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes[row]]; if (left != nullptr) { if (left->type == CFT_INDUSTRY) return left->u.industry.other_produced[row]; if (left->type == CFT_CARGO_LABEL && !left->u.cargo_label.left_align) return left->u.cargo_label.cargoes[row]; } return INVALID_CARGO; } if (col == this->u.cargo.num_cargoes) { if (this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes[row] != INVALID_CARGO) return this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes[this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes[row]]; if (right != nullptr) { if (right->type == CFT_INDUSTRY) return right->u.industry.other_accepted[row]; if (right->type == CFT_CARGO_LABEL && right->u.cargo_label.left_align) return right->u.cargo_label.cargoes[row]; } return INVALID_CARGO; } if (row >= col) { /* Clicked somewhere in-between vertical cargo connection. * Since the horizontal connection is made in the same order as the vertical list, the above condition * ensures we are left-below the main diagonal, thus at the supplying side. */ if (this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes[row] == INVALID_CARGO) return INVALID_CARGO; return this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes[this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes[row]]; } else { /* Clicked at a customer connection. */ if (this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes[row] == INVALID_CARGO) return INVALID_CARGO; return this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes[this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes[row]]; } /* Clicked at a customer connection. */ if (IsValidCargoID(this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes[row])) return this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes[this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes[row]]; return INVALID_CARGO; } /** * Decide what cargo the user clicked in the cargo label field. * @param pt Click position in the cargo label field. * @return Cargo clicked at, or #INVALID_CARGO if none. */ CargoID CargoLabelClickedAt(Point pt) const { assert(this->type == CFT_CARGO_LABEL); int vpos = vert_inter_industry_space / 2 + CargoesField::cargo_border.height; uint row; for (row = 0; row < MAX_CARGOES; row++) { if (pt.y < vpos) return INVALID_CARGO; if (pt.y < vpos + GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL)) break; vpos += GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL) + CargoesField::cargo_space.height; } if (row == MAX_CARGOES) return INVALID_CARGO; return this->u.cargo_label.cargoes[row]; } private: /** * Draw a horizontal cargo connection. * @param left Left-most coordinate to draw. * @param right Right-most coordinate to draw. * @param top Top coordinate of the cargo connection. * @param csp Cargo to draw. */ static void DrawHorConnection(int left, int right, int top, const CargoSpec *csp) { GfxDrawLine(left, top, right, top, CARGO_LINE_COLOUR); GfxFillRect(left, top + 1, right, top + CargoesField::cargo_line.height - 2, csp->legend_colour, FILLRECT_OPAQUE); GfxDrawLine(left, top + CargoesField::cargo_line.height - 1, right, top + CargoesField::cargo_line.height - 1, CARGO_LINE_COLOUR); } }; static_assert(MAX_CARGOES >= cpp_lengthof(IndustrySpec, produced_cargo)); static_assert(MAX_CARGOES >= cpp_lengthof(IndustrySpec, accepts_cargo)); Dimension CargoesField::legend; ///< Dimension of the legend blob. Dimension CargoesField::cargo_border; ///< Dimensions of border between cargo lines and industry boxes. Dimension CargoesField::cargo_line; ///< Dimensions of cargo lines. Dimension CargoesField::cargo_space; ///< Dimensions of space between cargo lines. Dimension CargoesField::cargo_stub; ///< Dimensions of cargo stub (unconnected cargo line.) int CargoesField::small_height; ///< Height of the header row. int CargoesField::normal_height; ///< Height of the non-header rows. int CargoesField::industry_width; ///< Width of an industry field. int CargoesField::cargo_field_width; ///< Width of a cargo field. uint CargoesField::max_cargoes; ///< Largest number of cargoes actually on any industry. int CargoesField::vert_inter_industry_space; ///< Amount of space between two industries in a column. int CargoesField::blob_distance; ///< Distance of the industry legend colour from the edge of the industry box. const int CargoesField::INDUSTRY_LINE_COLOUR = PC_YELLOW; ///< Line colour of the industry type box. const int CargoesField::CARGO_LINE_COLOUR = PC_YELLOW; ///< Line colour around the cargo. /** A single row of #CargoesField. */ struct CargoesRow { CargoesField columns[5]; ///< One row of fields. /** * Connect industry production cargoes to the cargo column after it. * @param column Column of the industry. */ void ConnectIndustryProduced(int column) { CargoesField *ind_fld = this->columns + column; CargoesField *cargo_fld = this->columns + column + 1; assert(ind_fld->type == CFT_INDUSTRY && cargo_fld->type == CFT_CARGO); std::fill(std::begin(ind_fld->u.industry.other_produced), std::end(ind_fld->u.industry.other_produced), INVALID_CARGO); if (ind_fld->u.industry.ind_type < NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES) { CargoID others[MAX_CARGOES]; // Produced cargoes not carried in the cargo column. int other_count = 0; const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(ind_fld->u.industry.ind_type); assert(CargoesField::max_cargoes <= lengthof(indsp->produced_cargo)); for (uint i = 0; i < CargoesField::max_cargoes; i++) { int col = cargo_fld->ConnectCargo(indsp->produced_cargo[i], true); if (col < 0) others[other_count++] = indsp->produced_cargo[i]; } /* Allocate other cargoes in the empty holes of the horizontal cargo connections. */ for (uint i = 0; i < CargoesField::max_cargoes && other_count > 0; i++) { if (cargo_fld->u.cargo.supp_cargoes[i] == INVALID_CARGO) ind_fld->u.industry.other_produced[i] = others[--other_count]; } } else { /* Houses only display what is demanded. */ for (uint i = 0; i < cargo_fld->u.cargo.num_cargoes; i++) { CargoID cid = cargo_fld->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes[i]; if (cid == CT_PASSENGERS || cid == CT_MAIL) cargo_fld->ConnectCargo(cid, true); } } } /** * Construct a #CFT_CARGO_LABEL field. * @param column Column to create the new field. * @param accepting Display accepted cargo (if \c false, display produced cargo). */ void MakeCargoLabel(int column, bool accepting) { CargoID cargoes[MAX_CARGOES]; std::fill(std::begin(cargoes), std::end(cargoes), INVALID_CARGO); CargoesField *label_fld = this->columns + column; CargoesField *cargo_fld = this->columns + (accepting ? column - 1 : column + 1); assert(cargo_fld->type == CFT_CARGO && label_fld->type == CFT_EMPTY); for (uint i = 0; i < cargo_fld->u.cargo.num_cargoes; i++) { int col = cargo_fld->ConnectCargo(cargo_fld->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes[i], !accepting); if (col >= 0) cargoes[col] = cargo_fld->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes[i]; } label_fld->MakeCargoLabel(cargoes, lengthof(cargoes), accepting); } /** * Connect industry accepted cargoes to the cargo column before it. * @param column Column of the industry. */ void ConnectIndustryAccepted(int column) { CargoesField *ind_fld = this->columns + column; CargoesField *cargo_fld = this->columns + column - 1; assert(ind_fld->type == CFT_INDUSTRY && cargo_fld->type == CFT_CARGO); std::fill(std::begin(ind_fld->u.industry.other_accepted), std::end(ind_fld->u.industry.other_accepted), INVALID_CARGO); if (ind_fld->u.industry.ind_type < NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES) { CargoID others[MAX_CARGOES]; // Accepted cargoes not carried in the cargo column. int other_count = 0; const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(ind_fld->u.industry.ind_type); assert(CargoesField::max_cargoes <= lengthof(indsp->accepts_cargo)); for (uint i = 0; i < CargoesField::max_cargoes; i++) { int col = cargo_fld->ConnectCargo(indsp->accepts_cargo[i], false); if (col < 0) others[other_count++] = indsp->accepts_cargo[i]; } /* Allocate other cargoes in the empty holes of the horizontal cargo connections. */ for (uint i = 0; i < CargoesField::max_cargoes && other_count > 0; i++) { if (cargo_fld->u.cargo.cust_cargoes[i] == INVALID_CARGO) ind_fld->u.industry.other_accepted[i] = others[--other_count]; } } else { /* Houses only display what is demanded. */ for (uint i = 0; i < cargo_fld->u.cargo.num_cargoes; i++) { for (uint h = 0; h < NUM_HOUSES; h++) { HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(h); if (!hs->enabled) continue; for (uint j = 0; j < lengthof(hs->accepts_cargo); j++) { if (hs->cargo_acceptance[j] > 0 && cargo_fld->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes[i] == hs->accepts_cargo[j]) { cargo_fld->ConnectCargo(cargo_fld->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes[i], false); goto next_cargo; } } } next_cargo: ; } } } }; /** * Window displaying the cargo connections around an industry (or cargo). * * The main display is constructed from 'fields', rectangles that contain an industry, piece of the cargo connection, cargo labels, or headers. * For a nice display, the following should be kept in mind: * - A #CFT_HEADER is always at the top of an column of #CFT_INDUSTRY fields. * - A #CFT_CARGO_LABEL field is also always put in a column of #CFT_INDUSTRY fields. * - The top row contains #CFT_HEADER and #CFT_SMALL_EMPTY fields. * - Cargo connections have a column of their own (#CFT_CARGO fields). * - Cargo accepted or produced by an industry, but not carried in a cargo connection, is drawn in the space of a cargo column attached to the industry. * The information however is part of the industry. * * This results in the following invariants: * - Width of a #CFT_INDUSTRY column is large enough to hold all industry type labels, all cargo labels, and all header texts. * - Height of a #CFT_INDUSTRY is large enough to hold a header line, or a industry type line, \c N cargo labels * (where \c N is the maximum number of cargoes connected between industries), \c N connections of cargo types, and space * between two industry types (1/2 above it, and 1/2 underneath it). * - Width of a cargo field (#CFT_CARGO) is large enough to hold \c N vertical columns (one for each type of cargo). * Also, space is needed between an industry and the leftmost/rightmost column to draw the non-carried cargoes. * - Height of a #CFT_CARGO field is equally high as the height of the #CFT_INDUSTRY. * - A field at the top (#CFT_HEADER or #CFT_SMALL_EMPTY) match the width of the fields below them (#CFT_INDUSTRY respectively * #CFT_CARGO), the height should be sufficient to display the header text. * * When displaying the cargoes around an industry type, five columns are needed (supplying industries, accepted cargoes, the industry, * produced cargoes, customer industries). Displaying the industries around a cargo needs three columns (supplying industries, the cargo, * customer industries). The remaining two columns are set to #CFT_EMPTY with a width equal to the average of a cargo and an industry column. */ struct IndustryCargoesWindow : public Window { typedef std::vector Fields; Fields fields; ///< Fields to display in the #WID_IC_PANEL. uint ind_cargo; ///< If less than #NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES, an industry type, else a cargo id + NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES. Dimension cargo_textsize; ///< Size to hold any cargo text, as well as STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_SELECT_CARGO. Dimension ind_textsize; ///< Size to hold any industry type text, as well as STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_SELECT_INDUSTRY. Scrollbar *vscroll; IndustryCargoesWindow(int id) : Window(&_industry_cargoes_desc) { this->OnInit(); this->CreateNestedTree(); this->vscroll = this->GetScrollbar(WID_IC_SCROLLBAR); this->FinishInitNested(0); this->OnInvalidateData(id); } void OnInit() override { /* Initialize static CargoesField size variables. */ Dimension d = GetStringBoundingBox(STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_PRODUCERS); d = maxdim(d, GetStringBoundingBox(STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_CUSTOMERS)); d.width += WidgetDimensions::scaled.frametext.Horizontal(); d.height += WidgetDimensions::scaled.frametext.Vertical(); CargoesField::small_height = d.height; /* Size of the legend blob -- slightly larger than the smallmap legend blob. */ CargoesField::legend.height = GetCharacterHeight(FS_SMALL); CargoesField::legend.width = CargoesField::legend.height * 9 / 6; /* Size of cargo lines. */ CargoesField::cargo_line.width = ScaleGUITrad(6); CargoesField::cargo_line.height = CargoesField::cargo_line.width; /* Size of border between cargo lines and industry boxes. */ CargoesField::cargo_border.width = CargoesField::cargo_line.width * 3 / 2; CargoesField::cargo_border.height = CargoesField::cargo_line.width / 2; /* Size of space between cargo lines. */ CargoesField::cargo_space.width = CargoesField::cargo_line.width / 2; CargoesField::cargo_space.height = CargoesField::cargo_line.height / 2; /* Size of cargo stub (unconnected cargo line.) */ CargoesField::cargo_stub.width = CargoesField::cargo_line.width / 2; CargoesField::cargo_stub.height = CargoesField::cargo_line.height; /* Unused */ CargoesField::vert_inter_industry_space = WidgetDimensions::scaled.vsep_wide; CargoesField::blob_distance = WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_normal; /* Decide about the size of the box holding the text of an industry type. */ this->ind_textsize.width = 0; this->ind_textsize.height = 0; CargoesField::max_cargoes = 0; for (IndustryType it = 0; it < NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES; it++) { const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(it); if (!indsp->enabled) continue; this->ind_textsize = maxdim(this->ind_textsize, GetStringBoundingBox(indsp->name)); CargoesField::max_cargoes = std::max(CargoesField::max_cargoes, std::count_if(indsp->accepts_cargo.begin(), indsp->accepts_cargo.end(), IsValidCargoID)); CargoesField::max_cargoes = std::max(CargoesField::max_cargoes, std::count_if(indsp->produced_cargo.begin(), indsp->produced_cargo.end(), IsValidCargoID)); } d.width = std::max(d.width, this->ind_textsize.width); d.height = this->ind_textsize.height; this->ind_textsize = maxdim(this->ind_textsize, GetStringBoundingBox(STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_SELECT_INDUSTRY)); /* Compute max size of the cargo texts. */ this->cargo_textsize.width = 0; this->cargo_textsize.height = 0; for (const CargoSpec *csp : CargoSpec::Iterate()) { if (!csp->IsValid()) continue; this->cargo_textsize = maxdim(this->cargo_textsize, GetStringBoundingBox(csp->name)); } d = maxdim(d, this->cargo_textsize); // Box must also be wide enough to hold any cargo label. this->cargo_textsize = maxdim(this->cargo_textsize, GetStringBoundingBox(STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_SELECT_CARGO)); d.width += WidgetDimensions::scaled.frametext.Horizontal(); /* Ensure the height is enough for the industry type text, for the horizontal connections, and for the cargo labels. */ uint min_ind_height = CargoesField::cargo_border.height * 2 + CargoesField::max_cargoes * GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL) + (CargoesField::max_cargoes - 1) * CargoesField::cargo_space.height; d.height = std::max(d.height + WidgetDimensions::scaled.frametext.Vertical(), min_ind_height); CargoesField::industry_width = d.width; CargoesField::normal_height = d.height + CargoesField::vert_inter_industry_space; /* Width of a #CFT_CARGO field. */ CargoesField::cargo_field_width = CargoesField::cargo_border.width * 2 + CargoesField::cargo_line.width * CargoesField::max_cargoes + CargoesField::cargo_space.width * (CargoesField::max_cargoes - 1); } void UpdateWidgetSize(WidgetID widget, Dimension *size, [[maybe_unused]] const Dimension &padding, [[maybe_unused]] Dimension *fill, [[maybe_unused]] Dimension *resize) override { switch (widget) { case WID_IC_PANEL: resize->height = CargoesField::normal_height; size->width = CargoesField::industry_width * 3 + CargoesField::cargo_field_width * 2 + WidgetDimensions::scaled.frametext.Horizontal(); size->height = CargoesField::small_height + 2 * resize->height + WidgetDimensions::scaled.frametext.Vertical(); break; case WID_IC_IND_DROPDOWN: size->width = std::max(size->width, this->ind_textsize.width + padding.width); break; case WID_IC_CARGO_DROPDOWN: size->width = std::max(size->width, this->cargo_textsize.width + padding.width); break; } } CargoesFieldType type; ///< Type of field. void SetStringParameters (WidgetID widget) const override { if (widget != WID_IC_CAPTION) return; if (this->ind_cargo < NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES) { const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(this->ind_cargo); SetDParam(0, indsp->name); } else { const CargoSpec *csp = CargoSpec::Get(this->ind_cargo - NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES); SetDParam(0, csp->name); } } /** * Do the two sets of cargoes have a valid cargo in common? * @param cargoes1 Base address of the first cargo array. * @param length1 Number of cargoes in the first cargo array. * @param cargoes2 Base address of the second cargo array. * @param length2 Number of cargoes in the second cargo array. * @return Arrays have at least one valid cargo in common. */ static bool HasCommonValidCargo(const CargoID *cargoes1, size_t length1, const CargoID *cargoes2, size_t length2) { while (length1 > 0) { if (*cargoes1 != INVALID_CARGO) { for (size_t i = 0; i < length2; i++) if (*cargoes1 == cargoes2[i]) return true; } cargoes1++; length1--; } return false; } /** * Can houses be used to supply one of the cargoes? * @param cargoes Base address of the cargo array. * @param length Number of cargoes in the array. * @return Houses can supply at least one of the cargoes. */ static bool HousesCanSupply(const CargoID *cargoes, size_t length) { for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (cargoes[i] == INVALID_CARGO) continue; if (cargoes[i] == CT_PASSENGERS || cargoes[i] == CT_MAIL) return true; } return false; } /** * Can houses be used as customers of the produced cargoes? * @param cargoes Base address of the cargo array. * @param length Number of cargoes in the array. * @return Houses can accept at least one of the cargoes. */ static bool HousesCanAccept(const CargoID *cargoes, size_t length) { HouseZones climate_mask; switch (_settings_game.game_creation.landscape) { case LT_TEMPERATE: climate_mask = HZ_TEMP; break; case LT_ARCTIC: climate_mask = HZ_SUBARTC_ABOVE | HZ_SUBARTC_BELOW; break; case LT_TROPIC: climate_mask = HZ_SUBTROPIC; break; case LT_TOYLAND: climate_mask = HZ_TOYLND; break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (cargoes[i] == INVALID_CARGO) continue; for (uint h = 0; h < NUM_HOUSES; h++) { HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(h); if (!hs->enabled || !(hs->building_availability & climate_mask)) continue; for (uint j = 0; j < lengthof(hs->accepts_cargo); j++) { if (hs->cargo_acceptance[j] > 0 && cargoes[i] == hs->accepts_cargo[j]) return true; } } } return false; } /** * Count how many industries have accepted cargoes in common with one of the supplied set. * @param cargoes Cargoes to search. * @param length Number of cargoes in \a cargoes. * @return Number of industries that have an accepted cargo in common with the supplied set. */ static int CountMatchingAcceptingIndustries(const CargoID *cargoes, size_t length) { int count = 0; for (IndustryType it = 0; it < NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES; it++) { const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(it); if (!indsp->enabled) continue; if (HasCommonValidCargo(cargoes, length, indsp->accepts_cargo.data(), indsp->accepts_cargo.size())) count++; } return count; } /** * Count how many industries have produced cargoes in common with one of the supplied set. * @param cargoes Cargoes to search. * @param length Number of cargoes in \a cargoes. * @return Number of industries that have a produced cargo in common with the supplied set. */ static int CountMatchingProducingIndustries(const CargoID *cargoes, size_t length) { int count = 0; for (IndustryType it = 0; it < NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES; it++) { const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(it); if (!indsp->enabled) continue; if (HasCommonValidCargo(cargoes, length, indsp->produced_cargo.data(), indsp->produced_cargo.size())) count++; } return count; } /** * Shorten the cargo column to just the part between industries. * @param column Column number of the cargo column. * @param top Current top row. * @param bottom Current bottom row. */ void ShortenCargoColumn(int column, int top, int bottom) { while (top < bottom && !this->fields[top].columns[column].HasConnection()) { this->fields[top].columns[column].MakeEmpty(CFT_EMPTY); top++; } this->fields[top].columns[column].u.cargo.top_end = true; while (bottom > top && !this->fields[bottom].columns[column].HasConnection()) { this->fields[bottom].columns[column].MakeEmpty(CFT_EMPTY); bottom--; } this->fields[bottom].columns[column].u.cargo.bottom_end = true; } /** * Place an industry in the fields. * @param row Row of the new industry. * @param col Column of the new industry. * @param it Industry to place. */ void PlaceIndustry(int row, int col, IndustryType it) { assert(this->fields[row].columns[col].type == CFT_EMPTY); this->fields[row].columns[col].MakeIndustry(it); if (col == 0) { this->fields[row].ConnectIndustryProduced(col); } else { this->fields[row].ConnectIndustryAccepted(col); } } /** * Notify smallmap that new displayed industries have been selected (in #_displayed_industries). */ void NotifySmallmap() { if (!this->IsWidgetLowered(WID_IC_NOTIFY)) return; UpdateSmallMapSelectedIndustries(); } /** * Compute what and where to display for industry type \a it. * @param displayed_it Industry type to display. */ void ComputeIndustryDisplay(IndustryType displayed_it) { this->GetWidget(WID_IC_CAPTION)->widget_data = STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_INDUSTRY_CAPTION; this->ind_cargo = displayed_it; _displayed_industries.reset(); _displayed_industries_in.reset(); _displayed_industries_out.reset(); _displayed_industries.set(displayed_it); _displayed_industries_in.set(displayed_it); _displayed_industries_out.set(displayed_it); this->fields.clear(); CargoesRow &first_row = this->fields.emplace_back(); first_row.columns[0].MakeHeader(STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_PRODUCERS); first_row.columns[1].MakeEmpty(CFT_SMALL_EMPTY); first_row.columns[2].MakeEmpty(CFT_SMALL_EMPTY); first_row.columns[3].MakeEmpty(CFT_SMALL_EMPTY); first_row.columns[4].MakeHeader(STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_CUSTOMERS); const IndustrySpec *central_sp = GetIndustrySpec(displayed_it); bool houses_supply = HousesCanSupply(central_sp->accepts_cargo.data(), central_sp->accepts_cargo.size()); bool houses_accept = HousesCanAccept(central_sp->produced_cargo.data(), central_sp->produced_cargo.size()); /* Make a field consisting of two cargo columns. */ int num_supp = CountMatchingProducingIndustries(central_sp->accepts_cargo.data(), central_sp->accepts_cargo.size()) + houses_supply; int num_cust = CountMatchingAcceptingIndustries(central_sp->produced_cargo.data(), central_sp->produced_cargo.size()) + houses_accept; int num_indrows = std::max(3, std::max(num_supp, num_cust)); // One is needed for the 'it' industry, and 2 for the cargo labels. for (int i = 0; i < num_indrows; i++) { CargoesRow &row = this->fields.emplace_back(); row.columns[0].MakeEmpty(CFT_EMPTY); row.columns[1].MakeCargo(central_sp->accepts_cargo.data(), central_sp->accepts_cargo.size()); row.columns[2].MakeEmpty(CFT_EMPTY); row.columns[3].MakeCargo(central_sp->produced_cargo.data(), central_sp->produced_cargo.size()); row.columns[4].MakeEmpty(CFT_EMPTY); } /* Add central industry. */ int central_row = 1 + num_indrows / 2; this->fields[central_row].columns[2].MakeIndustry(displayed_it); this->fields[central_row].ConnectIndustryProduced(2); this->fields[central_row].ConnectIndustryAccepted(2); /* Add cargo labels. */ this->fields[central_row - 1].MakeCargoLabel(2, true); this->fields[central_row + 1].MakeCargoLabel(2, false); /* Add suppliers and customers of the 'it' industry. */ int supp_count = 0; int cust_count = 0; for (IndustryType it : _sorted_industry_types) { const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(it); if (!indsp->enabled) continue; if (HasCommonValidCargo(central_sp->accepts_cargo.data(), central_sp->accepts_cargo.size(), indsp->produced_cargo.data(), indsp->produced_cargo.size())) { this->PlaceIndustry(1 + supp_count * num_indrows / num_supp, 0, it); _displayed_industries.set(it); _displayed_industries_in.set(it); supp_count++; } if (HasCommonValidCargo(central_sp->produced_cargo.data(), central_sp->produced_cargo.size(), indsp->accepts_cargo.data(), indsp->accepts_cargo.size())) { this->PlaceIndustry(1 + cust_count * num_indrows / num_cust, 4, it); _displayed_industries.set(it); _displayed_industries_out.set(it); cust_count++; } } if (houses_supply) { this->PlaceIndustry(1 + supp_count * num_indrows / num_supp, 0, NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES); supp_count++; } if (houses_accept) { this->PlaceIndustry(1 + cust_count * num_indrows / num_cust, 4, NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES); cust_count++; } this->ShortenCargoColumn(1, 1, num_indrows); this->ShortenCargoColumn(3, 1, num_indrows); this->vscroll->SetCount(num_indrows); this->SetDirty(); this->NotifySmallmap(); } /** * Compute what and where to display for cargo id \a cid. * @param cid Cargo id to display. */ void ComputeCargoDisplay(CargoID cid) { this->GetWidget(WID_IC_CAPTION)->widget_data = STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_CARGO_CAPTION; this->ind_cargo = cid + NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES; _displayed_industries.reset(); _displayed_industries_in.reset(); _displayed_industries_out.reset(); this->fields.clear(); CargoesRow &first_row = this->fields.emplace_back(); first_row.columns[0].MakeHeader(STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_PRODUCERS); first_row.columns[1].MakeEmpty(CFT_SMALL_EMPTY); first_row.columns[2].MakeHeader(STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_CUSTOMERS); first_row.columns[3].MakeEmpty(CFT_SMALL_EMPTY); first_row.columns[4].MakeEmpty(CFT_SMALL_EMPTY); bool houses_supply = HousesCanSupply(&cid, 1); bool houses_accept = HousesCanAccept(&cid, 1); int num_supp = CountMatchingProducingIndustries(&cid, 1) + houses_supply + 1; // Ensure room for the cargo label. int num_cust = CountMatchingAcceptingIndustries(&cid, 1) + houses_accept; int num_indrows = std::max(num_supp, num_cust); for (int i = 0; i < num_indrows; i++) { CargoesRow &row = this->fields.emplace_back(); row.columns[0].MakeEmpty(CFT_EMPTY); row.columns[1].MakeCargo(&cid, 1); row.columns[2].MakeEmpty(CFT_EMPTY); row.columns[3].MakeEmpty(CFT_EMPTY); row.columns[4].MakeEmpty(CFT_EMPTY); } this->fields[num_indrows].MakeCargoLabel(0, false); // Add cargo labels at the left bottom. /* Add suppliers and customers of the cargo. */ int supp_count = 0; int cust_count = 0; for (IndustryType it : _sorted_industry_types) { const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(it); if (!indsp->enabled) continue; if (HasCommonValidCargo(&cid, 1, indsp->produced_cargo.data(), indsp->produced_cargo.size())) { this->PlaceIndustry(1 + supp_count * num_indrows / num_supp, 0, it); _displayed_industries.set(it); _displayed_industries_in.set(it); supp_count++; } if (HasCommonValidCargo(&cid, 1, indsp->accepts_cargo.data(), indsp->accepts_cargo.size())) { this->PlaceIndustry(1 + cust_count * num_indrows / num_cust, 2, it); _displayed_industries.set(it); _displayed_industries_out.set(it); cust_count++; } } if (houses_supply) { this->PlaceIndustry(1 + supp_count * num_indrows / num_supp, 0, NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES); supp_count++; } if (houses_accept) { this->PlaceIndustry(1 + cust_count * num_indrows / num_cust, 2, NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES); cust_count++; } this->ShortenCargoColumn(1, 1, num_indrows); this->vscroll->SetCount(num_indrows); this->SetDirty(); this->NotifySmallmap(); } /** * Some data on this window has become invalid. * @param data Information about the changed data. * - data = 0 .. NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES - 1: Display the chain around the given industry. * - data = NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES: Stop sending updates to the smallmap window. * @param gui_scope Whether the call is done from GUI scope. You may not do everything when not in GUI scope. See #InvalidateWindowData() for details. */ void OnInvalidateData([[maybe_unused]] int data = 0, [[maybe_unused]] bool gui_scope = true) override { if (!gui_scope) return; if (data == NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES) { this->RaiseWidgetWhenLowered(WID_IC_NOTIFY); return; } assert(data >= 0 && data < NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES); this->ComputeIndustryDisplay(data); } void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, WidgetID widget) const override { if (widget != WID_IC_PANEL) return; Rect ir = r.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.bevel); DrawPixelInfo tmp_dpi; if (!FillDrawPixelInfo(&tmp_dpi, ir)) return; AutoRestoreBackup dpi_backup(_cur_dpi, &tmp_dpi); int left_pos = WidgetDimensions::scaled.frametext.left - WidgetDimensions::scaled.bevel.left; if (this->ind_cargo >= NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES) left_pos += (CargoesField::industry_width + CargoesField::cargo_field_width) / 2; int last_column = (this->ind_cargo < NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES) ? 4 : 2; const NWidgetBase *nwp = this->GetWidget(WID_IC_PANEL); int vpos = WidgetDimensions::scaled.frametext.top - WidgetDimensions::scaled.bevel.top - this->vscroll->GetPosition() * nwp->resize_y; int row_height = CargoesField::small_height; for (const auto &field : this->fields) { if (vpos + row_height >= 0) { int xpos = left_pos; int col, dir; if (_current_text_dir == TD_RTL) { col = last_column; dir = -1; } else { col = 0; dir = 1; } while (col >= 0 && col <= last_column) { field.columns[col].Draw(xpos, vpos); xpos += (col & 1) ? CargoesField::cargo_field_width : CargoesField::industry_width; col += dir; } } vpos += row_height; if (vpos >= height) break; row_height = CargoesField::normal_height; } } /** * Calculate in which field was clicked, and within the field, at what position. * @param pt Clicked position in the #WID_IC_PANEL widget. * @param fieldxy If \c true is returned, field x/y coordinate of \a pt. * @param xy If \c true is returned, x/y coordinate with in the field. * @return Clicked at a valid position. */ bool CalculatePositionInWidget(Point pt, Point *fieldxy, Point *xy) { const NWidgetBase *nw = this->GetWidget(WID_IC_PANEL); pt.x -= nw->pos_x; pt.y -= nw->pos_y; int vpos = WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect.top + CargoesField::small_height - this->vscroll->GetPosition() * nw->resize_y; if (pt.y < vpos) return false; int row = (pt.y - vpos) / CargoesField::normal_height; // row is relative to row 1. if (row + 1 >= (int)this->fields.size()) return false; vpos = pt.y - vpos - row * CargoesField::normal_height; // Position in the row + 1 field row++; // rebase row to match index of this->fields. int xpos = 2 * WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect.left + ((this->ind_cargo < NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES) ? 0 : (CargoesField::industry_width + CargoesField::cargo_field_width) / 2); if (pt.x < xpos) return false; int column; for (column = 0; column <= 5; column++) { int width = (column & 1) ? CargoesField::cargo_field_width : CargoesField::industry_width; if (pt.x < xpos + width) break; xpos += width; } int num_columns = (this->ind_cargo < NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES) ? 4 : 2; if (column > num_columns) return false; xpos = pt.x - xpos; /* Return both positions, compensating for RTL languages (which works due to the equal symmetry in both displays). */ fieldxy->y = row; xy->y = vpos; if (_current_text_dir == TD_RTL) { fieldxy->x = num_columns - column; xy->x = ((column & 1) ? CargoesField::cargo_field_width : CargoesField::industry_width) - xpos; } else { fieldxy->x = column; xy->x = xpos; } return true; } void OnClick([[maybe_unused]] Point pt, WidgetID widget, [[maybe_unused]] int click_count) override { switch (widget) { case WID_IC_PANEL: { Point fieldxy, xy; if (!CalculatePositionInWidget(pt, &fieldxy, &xy)) return; const CargoesField *fld = this->fields[fieldxy.y].columns + fieldxy.x; switch (fld->type) { case CFT_INDUSTRY: if (fld->u.industry.ind_type < NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES) this->ComputeIndustryDisplay(fld->u.industry.ind_type); break; case CFT_CARGO: { CargoesField *lft = (fieldxy.x > 0) ? this->fields[fieldxy.y].columns + fieldxy.x - 1 : nullptr; CargoesField *rgt = (fieldxy.x < 4) ? this->fields[fieldxy.y].columns + fieldxy.x + 1 : nullptr; CargoID cid = fld->CargoClickedAt(lft, rgt, xy); if (cid != INVALID_CARGO) this->ComputeCargoDisplay(cid); break; } case CFT_CARGO_LABEL: { CargoID cid = fld->CargoLabelClickedAt(xy); if (cid != INVALID_CARGO) this->ComputeCargoDisplay(cid); break; } default: break; } break; } case WID_IC_NOTIFY: if (this->GetWidget(widget)->ButtonHit(pt)) { this->ToggleWidgetLoweredState(WID_IC_NOTIFY); this->SetWidgetDirty(WID_IC_NOTIFY); if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP); if (this->IsWidgetLowered(WID_IC_NOTIFY)) { _link_mode = ILM_ALL; if (FindWindowByClass(WC_SMALLMAP) == nullptr) ShowSmallMap(); this->NotifySmallmap(); } } else { DropDownList list; auto add_item = [&](StringID string, int result) { std::unique_ptr item(new DropDownListStringItem(string, result, false)); item->SetColourFlags(TC_FORCED); list.emplace_back(std::move(item)); }; add_item(STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_NOTIFY_SMALLMAP_ALL, ILM_ALL); add_item(STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_PRODUCERS, ILM_IN); add_item(STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_CUSTOMERS, ILM_OUT); int selected = (this->IsWidgetLowered(WID_IC_NOTIFY)) ? (int)_link_mode : -1; ShowDropDownList(this, std::move(list), selected, WID_IC_NOTIFY); } break; case WID_IC_CARGO_DROPDOWN: { DropDownList lst; Dimension d = GetLargestCargoIconSize(); for (const CargoSpec *cs : _sorted_standard_cargo_specs) { lst.push_back(std::make_unique(d, cs->GetCargoIcon(), PAL_NONE, cs->name, cs->Index(), false)); } if (!lst.empty()) { int selected = (this->ind_cargo >= NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES) ? (int)(this->ind_cargo - NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES) : -1; ShowDropDownList(this, std::move(lst), selected, WID_IC_CARGO_DROPDOWN); } break; } case WID_IC_IND_DROPDOWN: { DropDownList lst; for (IndustryType ind : _sorted_industry_types) { const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(ind); if (!indsp->enabled) continue; lst.push_back(std::make_unique(indsp->name, ind, false)); } if (!lst.empty()) { int selected = (this->ind_cargo < NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES) ? (int)this->ind_cargo : -1; ShowDropDownList(this, std::move(lst), selected, WID_IC_IND_DROPDOWN); } break; } } } void OnDropdownSelect(WidgetID widget, int index) override { if (index < 0) return; switch (widget) { case WID_IC_CARGO_DROPDOWN: this->ComputeCargoDisplay(index); break; case WID_IC_IND_DROPDOWN: this->ComputeIndustryDisplay(index); break; case WID_IC_NOTIFY: _link_mode = (IndustryLinkMode)index; this->LowerWidget(WID_IC_NOTIFY); this->SetWidgetDirty(WID_IC_NOTIFY); if (FindWindowByClass(WC_SMALLMAP) == nullptr) ShowSmallMap(); this->NotifySmallmap(); break; } } bool OnTooltip([[maybe_unused]] Point pt, WidgetID widget, TooltipCloseCondition close_cond) override { if (widget != WID_IC_PANEL) return false; Point fieldxy, xy; if (!CalculatePositionInWidget(pt, &fieldxy, &xy)) return false; const CargoesField *fld = this->fields[fieldxy.y].columns + fieldxy.x; CargoID cid = INVALID_CARGO; switch (fld->type) { case CFT_CARGO: { CargoesField *lft = (fieldxy.x > 0) ? this->fields[fieldxy.y].columns + fieldxy.x - 1 : nullptr; CargoesField *rgt = (fieldxy.x < 4) ? this->fields[fieldxy.y].columns + fieldxy.x + 1 : nullptr; cid = fld->CargoClickedAt(lft, rgt, xy); break; } case CFT_CARGO_LABEL: { cid = fld->CargoLabelClickedAt(xy); break; } case CFT_INDUSTRY: if (fld->u.industry.ind_type < NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES && (this->ind_cargo >= NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES || fieldxy.x != 2)) { GuiShowTooltips(this, STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_INDUSTRY_TOOLTIP, close_cond); } return true; default: break; } if (cid != INVALID_CARGO && (this->ind_cargo < NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES || cid != this->ind_cargo - NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES)) { const CargoSpec *csp = CargoSpec::Get(cid); SetDParam(0, csp->name); GuiShowTooltips(this, STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_CARGO_TOOLTIP, close_cond, 1); return true; } return false; } void OnResize() override { this->vscroll->SetCapacityFromWidget(this, WID_IC_PANEL, WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect.top + CargoesField::small_height); } bool IsNewGRFInspectable() const override { return true; } void ShowNewGRFInspectWindow() const override { if (this->ind_cargo < NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES) { ::ShowNewGRFInspectWindow(GSF_INDUSTRIES, this->ind_cargo | (1 << 26)); } else { ::ShowNewGRFInspectWindow(GSF_CARGOES, this->ind_cargo - NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES); } } }; /** * Open the industry and cargoes window. * @param id Industry type to display, \c NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES selects a default industry type. */ static void ShowIndustryCargoesWindow(IndustryType id) { if (id >= NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES) { for (IndustryType ind : _sorted_industry_types) { const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(ind); if (indsp->enabled) { id = ind; break; } } if (id >= NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES) return; } Window *w = BringWindowToFrontById(WC_INDUSTRY_CARGOES, 0); if (w != nullptr) { w->InvalidateData(id); return; } new IndustryCargoesWindow(id); } /** Open the industry and cargoes window with an industry. */ void ShowIndustryCargoesWindow() { ShowIndustryCargoesWindow(NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES); } void ShowIndustryTooltip(Window *w, const TileIndex tile) { if (!_settings_client.gui.industry_tooltip_show) return; if (!(_settings_client.gui.industry_tooltip_show_name || _settings_client.gui.industry_tooltip_show_produced || _settings_client.gui.industry_tooltip_show_required || _settings_client.gui.industry_tooltip_show_stockpiled)) return; const Industry *industry = Industry::GetByTile(tile); const IndustrySpec *industry_spec = GetIndustrySpec(industry->type); std::string msg; if (_settings_client.gui.industry_tooltip_show_name) { // Print out the name of the industry. SetDParam(0, industry_spec->name); msg = GetString(STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_NAME_TOOLTIP); } if (_settings_client.gui.industry_tooltip_show_required || _settings_client.gui.industry_tooltip_show_stockpiled) { const size_t accepted_cargo_count = lengthof(industry->accepts_cargo); CargoSuffix suffixes[accepted_cargo_count]; GetAllCargoSuffixes(CARGOSUFFIX_IN, CST_VIEW, industry, industry->type, industry_spec, industry->accepts_cargo, suffixes); // Have to query the stockpiling right now, in case callback 37 returns fail. bool stockpiling = HasBit(industry_spec->callback_mask, CBM_IND_PRODUCTION_CARGO_ARRIVAL) || HasBit(industry_spec->callback_mask, CBM_IND_PRODUCTION_256_TICKS); if (_settings_client.gui.industry_tooltip_show_required) { // Print out required cargo. bool first = true; std::string required_cargo_list; for (size_t i = 0; i < accepted_cargo_count; ++i) { CargoID required_cargo = industry->accepts_cargo[i]; if (required_cargo == INVALID_CARGO) { continue; } const CargoSuffix &suffix = suffixes[i]; const bool is_stockpile_with_suffix = (suffix.display == CSD_CARGO_AMOUNT_TEXT); const bool is_stockpile_without_suffix = (suffix.display == CSD_CARGO_AMOUNT); const bool is_proper_stockpile_without_suffix = (is_stockpile_without_suffix && stockpiling); // If callback 37 fails, the result is interpreted as a stockpile, for some reason. if (is_stockpile_with_suffix || is_proper_stockpile_without_suffix) { if (_settings_client.gui.industry_tooltip_show_stockpiled) continue; } StringID format = STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_REQUIRED_TOOLTIP_NEXT; if (first) { format = STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_REQUIRED_TOOLTIP_FIRST; first = false; } SetDParam(0, CargoSpec::Get(required_cargo)->name); SetDParamStr(1, suffix.text); required_cargo_list += GetString(format); } if (!required_cargo_list.empty()) { if (!msg.empty()) msg += '\n'; msg += required_cargo_list; } } // Print out stockpiled cargo. if (stockpiling && _settings_client.gui.industry_tooltip_show_stockpiled) { for (size_t i = 0; i < accepted_cargo_count; ++i) { CargoID stockpiled_cargo = industry->accepts_cargo[i]; if (stockpiled_cargo == INVALID_CARGO) continue; const CargoSuffix &suffix = suffixes[i]; if (suffix.display == CSD_CARGO || suffix.display == CSD_CARGO_TEXT) { continue; } if (!msg.empty()) msg += '\n'; SetDParam(0, stockpiled_cargo); SetDParam(1, industry->incoming_cargo_waiting[i]); SetDParamStr(2, suffix.text); msg += GetString(STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_STOCKPILED_TOOLTIP); } } } if (_settings_client.gui.industry_tooltip_show_produced) { const size_t produced_cargo_count = lengthof(industry->produced_cargo); CargoSuffix suffixes[produced_cargo_count]; GetAllCargoSuffixes(CARGOSUFFIX_OUT, CST_VIEW, industry, industry->type, industry_spec, industry->produced_cargo, suffixes); // Print out amounts of produced cargo. for (size_t i = 0; i < produced_cargo_count; i++) { CargoID produced_cargo = industry->produced_cargo[i]; if (produced_cargo == INVALID_CARGO) continue; if (!msg.empty()) msg += '\n'; SetDParam(0, produced_cargo); SetDParam(1, industry->last_month_production[i]); SetDParamStr(2, suffixes[i].text); SetDParam(3, ToPercent8(industry->last_month_pct_transported[i])); msg += GetString(STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_TRANSPORTED_TOOLTIP_EXTENSION); } } if (!msg.empty()) { _temp_special_strings[0] = std::move(msg); GuiShowTooltips(w, SPECSTR_TEMP_START, TCC_HOVER_VIEWPORT); } }