/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file command_func.h Functions related to commands. */ #ifndef COMMAND_FUNC_H #define COMMAND_FUNC_H #include "command_type.h" #include "network/network_type.h" #include "company_type.h" #include "company_func.h" #include "core/backup_type.hpp" #include "misc/endian_buffer.hpp" #include "tile_map.h" /** * Define a default return value for a failed command. * * This variable contains a CommandCost object with is declared as "failed". * Other functions just need to return this error if there is an error, * which doesn't need to specific by a StringID. */ static const CommandCost CMD_ERROR = CommandCost(INVALID_STRING_ID); /** * Returns from a function with a specific StringID as error. * * This macro is used to return from a function. The parameter contains the * StringID which will be returned. * * @param errcode The StringID to return */ #define return_cmd_error(errcode) return CommandCost(errcode); void NetworkSendCommand(Commands cmd, StringID err_message, CommandCallback *callback, CompanyID company, const CommandDataBuffer &cmd_data); bool IsValidCommand(Commands cmd); CommandFlags GetCommandFlags(Commands cmd); const char *GetCommandName(Commands cmd); Money GetAvailableMoneyForCommand(); bool IsCommandAllowedWhilePaused(Commands cmd); template constexpr CommandFlags GetCommandFlags() { return CommandTraits::flags; } /** * Extracts the DC flags needed for DoCommand from the flags returned by GetCommandFlags * @param cmd_flags Flags from GetCommandFlags * @return flags for DoCommand */ static constexpr inline DoCommandFlag CommandFlagsToDCFlags(CommandFlags cmd_flags) { DoCommandFlag flags = DC_NONE; if (cmd_flags & CMD_NO_WATER) flags |= DC_NO_WATER; if (cmd_flags & CMD_AUTO) flags |= DC_AUTO; if (cmd_flags & CMD_ALL_TILES) flags |= DC_ALL_TILES; return flags; } /** Helper class to keep track of command nesting level. */ struct RecursiveCommandCounter { RecursiveCommandCounter() noexcept { _counter++; } ~RecursiveCommandCounter() noexcept { _counter--; } /** Are we in the top-level command execution? */ bool IsTopLevel() const { return _counter == 1; } private: static int _counter; }; #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__) /* * We cast specialized function pointers to a generic one, but don't use the * converted value to call the function, which is safe, except that GCC * helpfully thinks it is not. * * "Any pointer to function can be converted to a pointer to a different function type. * Calling the function through a pointer to a different function type is undefined, * but converting such pointer back to pointer to the original function type yields * the pointer to the original function." */ # pragma GCC diagnostic push # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-function-type" # define SILENCE_GCC_FUNCTION_POINTER_CAST #endif template struct CommandHelper; class CommandHelperBase { protected: static void InternalDoBefore(bool top_level, bool test); static void InternalDoAfter(CommandCost &res, DoCommandFlag flags, bool top_level, bool test); static std::tuple InternalPostBefore(Commands cmd, CommandFlags flags, TileIndex tile, StringID err_message, bool network_command); static void InternalPostResult(const CommandCost &res, TileIndex tile, bool estimate_only, bool only_sending, StringID err_message, bool my_cmd); static bool InternalExecutePrepTest(CommandFlags cmd_flags, TileIndex tile, Backup &cur_company); static std::tuple InternalExecuteValidateTestAndPrepExec(CommandCost &res, CommandFlags cmd_flags, bool estimate_only, bool network_command, Backup &cur_company); static CommandCost InternalExecuteProcessResult(Commands cmd, CommandFlags cmd_flags, const CommandCost &res_test, const CommandCost &res_exec, Money extra_cash, TileIndex tile, Backup &cur_company); static void LogCommandExecution(Commands cmd, StringID err_message, TileIndex tile, const CommandDataBuffer &args, bool failed); }; /** * Templated wrapper that exposes the command parameter arguments * for the various Command::Do/Post calls. * @tparam Tcmd The command-id to execute. * @tparam Tret Return type of the command. * @tparam Targs The command parameter types. */ template struct CommandHelper : protected CommandHelperBase { private: /** Extract the \c CommandCost from a command proc result. */ static inline CommandCost &ExtractCommandCost(Tret &ret) { if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { return ret; } else { return std::get<0>(ret); } } /** Make a command proc result from a \c CommandCost. */ static inline Tret MakeResult(const CommandCost &cost) { Tret ret{}; ExtractCommandCost(ret) = cost; return ret; } public: /** * This function executes a given command with the parameters from the #CommandProc parameter list. * Depending on the flags parameter it executes or tests a command. * * @note This function is to be called from the StateGameLoop or from within the execution of a Command. * This function must not be called from the context of a "player" (real person, AI, game script). * Use ::Post for commands directly triggered by "players". * * @param flags Flags for the command and how to execute the command * @param args Parameters for the command * @see CommandProc * @return the cost */ static Tret Do(DoCommandFlag flags, Targs... args) { if constexpr (std::is_same_v>>) { /* Do not even think about executing out-of-bounds tile-commands. */ TileIndex tile = std::get<0>(std::make_tuple(args...)); if (tile != 0 && (tile >= Map::Size() || (!IsValidTile(tile) && (flags & DC_ALL_TILES) == 0))) return MakeResult(CMD_ERROR); } RecursiveCommandCounter counter{}; /* Only execute the test call if it's toplevel, or we're not execing. */ if (counter.IsTopLevel() || !(flags & DC_EXEC)) { InternalDoBefore(counter.IsTopLevel(), true); Tret res = CommandTraits::proc(flags & ~DC_EXEC, args...); InternalDoAfter(ExtractCommandCost(res), flags, counter.IsTopLevel(), true); // Can modify res. if (ExtractCommandCost(res).Failed() || !(flags & DC_EXEC)) return res; } /* Execute the command here. All cost-relevant functions set the expenses type * themselves to the cost object at some point. */ InternalDoBefore(counter.IsTopLevel(), false); Tret res = CommandTraits::proc(flags, args...); InternalDoAfter(ExtractCommandCost(res), flags, counter.IsTopLevel(), false); return res; } /** * Shortcut for the long Post when not using a callback. * @param err_message Message prefix to show on error * @param args Parameters for the command */ static inline bool Post(StringID err_message, Targs... args) { return Post(err_message, nullptr, std::forward(args)...); } /** * Shortcut for the long Post when not using an error message. * @param callback A callback function to call after the command is finished * @param args Parameters for the command */ template static inline bool Post(Tcallback *callback, Targs... args) { return Post((StringID)0, callback, std::forward(args)...); } /** * Shortcut for the long Post when not using a callback or an error message. * @param args Parameters for the command */ static inline bool Post(Targs... args) { return Post((StringID)0, nullptr, std::forward(args)...); } /** * Top-level network safe command execution for the current company. * Must not be called recursively. The callback is called when the * command succeeded or failed. * * @param err_message Message prefix to show on error * @param callback A callback function to call after the command is finished * @param args Parameters for the command * @return \c true if the command succeeded, else \c false. */ template static bool Post(StringID err_message, Tcallback *callback, Targs... args) { return InternalPost(err_message, callback, true, false, std::forward_as_tuple(args...)); } /** * Execute a command coming from the network. * @param err_message Message prefix to show on error * @param callback A callback function to call after the command is finished * @param my_cmd indicator if the command is from a company or server (to display error messages for a user) * @param args Parameters for the command * @return \c true if the command succeeded, else \c false. */ template static bool PostFromNet(StringID err_message, Tcallback *callback, bool my_cmd, std::tuple args) { return InternalPost(err_message, callback, my_cmd, true, std::move(args)); } /** * Prepare a command to be send over the network * @param cmd The command to execute (a CMD_* value) * @param err_message Message prefix to show on error * @param company The company that wants to send the command * @param args Parameters for the command */ static void SendNet(StringID err_message, CompanyID company, Targs... args) { auto args_tuple = std::forward_as_tuple(args...); ::NetworkSendCommand(Tcmd, err_message, nullptr, company, EndianBufferWriter::FromValue(args_tuple)); } /** * Top-level network safe command execution without safety checks. * @param err_message Message prefix to show on error * @param callback A callback function to call after the command is finished * @param my_cmd indicator if the command is from a company or server (to display error messages for a user) * @param estimate_only whether to give only the estimate or also execute the command * @param location Tile location for user feedback. * @param args Parameters for the command * @return the command cost of this function. */ template static Tret Unsafe(StringID err_message, Tcallback *callback, bool my_cmd, bool estimate_only, TileIndex location, std::tuple args) { return Execute(err_message, reinterpret_cast(callback), my_cmd, estimate_only, false, location, std::move(args)); } protected: /** Helper to process a single ClientID argument. */ template static inline void SetClientIdHelper([[maybe_unused]] T &data) { if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { if (data == INVALID_CLIENT_ID) data = CLIENT_ID_SERVER; } } /** Set all invalid ClientID's to the proper value. */ template static inline void SetClientIds(Ttuple &values, std::index_sequence) { ((SetClientIdHelper(std::get(values))), ...); } /** Remove the first element of a tuple. */ template