/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file 32bpp_sse_func.hpp Functions related to SSE 32 bpp blitter. */ #ifndef BLITTER_32BPP_SSE_FUNC_HPP #define BLITTER_32BPP_SSE_FUNC_HPP #ifdef WITH_SSE static inline void InsertFirstUint32(const uint32 value, __m128i &into) { #if (SSE_VERSION >= 4) into = _mm_insert_epi32(into, value, 0); #else into = _mm_insert_epi16(into, value, 0); into = _mm_insert_epi16(into, value >> 16, 1); #endif } static inline void InsertSecondUint32(const uint32 value, __m128i &into) { #if (SSE_VERSION >= 4) into = _mm_insert_epi32(into, value, 1); #else into = _mm_insert_epi16(into, value, 2); into = _mm_insert_epi16(into, value >> 16, 3); #endif } static inline void LoadUint64(const uint64 value, __m128i &into) { #ifdef POINTER_IS_64BIT into = _mm_cvtsi64_si128(value); #else #if (SSE_VERSION >= 4) into = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(value); InsertSecondUint32(value >> 32, into); #else (*(um128i*) &into).m128i_u64[0] = value; #endif #endif } static inline __m128i PackUnsaturated(__m128i from, const __m128i &mask) { #if (SSE_VERSION == 2) from = _mm_and_si128(from, mask); // PAND, wipe high bytes to keep low bytes when packing return _mm_packus_epi16(from, from); // PACKUSWB, pack 2 colours (with saturation) #else return _mm_shuffle_epi8(from, mask); #endif } static inline __m128i DistributeAlpha(const __m128i from, const __m128i &mask) { #if (SSE_VERSION == 2) __m128i alphaAB = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(from, 0x3F); // PSHUFLW, put alpha1 in front of each rgb1 return _mm_shufflehi_epi16(alphaAB, 0x3F); // PSHUFHW, put alpha2 in front of each rgb2 #else return _mm_shuffle_epi8(from, mask); #endif } static inline __m128i AlphaBlendTwoPixels(__m128i src, __m128i dst, const __m128i &distribution_mask, const __m128i &pack_mask) { __m128i srcAB = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(src, _mm_setzero_si128()); // PUNPCKLBW, expand each uint8 into uint16 __m128i dstAB = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(dst, _mm_setzero_si128()); __m128i alphaAB = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(srcAB, _mm_setzero_si128()); // PCMPGTW, if (alpha > 0) a++; alphaAB = _mm_srli_epi16(alphaAB, 15); alphaAB = _mm_add_epi16(alphaAB, srcAB); alphaAB = DistributeAlpha(alphaAB, distribution_mask); srcAB = _mm_sub_epi16(srcAB, dstAB); // PSUBW, (r - Cr) srcAB = _mm_mullo_epi16(srcAB, alphaAB); // PMULLW, a*(r - Cr) srcAB = _mm_srli_epi16(srcAB, 8); // PSRLW, a*(r - Cr)/256 srcAB = _mm_add_epi16(srcAB, dstAB); // PADDW, a*(r - Cr)/256 + Cr return PackUnsaturated(srcAB, pack_mask); } /* Darken 2 pixels. * rgb = rgb * ((256/4) * 4 - (alpha/4)) / ((256/4) * 4) */ static inline __m128i DarkenTwoPixels(__m128i src, __m128i dst, const __m128i &distribution_mask, const __m128i &tr_nom_base) { __m128i srcAB = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(src, _mm_setzero_si128()); __m128i dstAB = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(dst, _mm_setzero_si128()); __m128i alphaAB = DistributeAlpha(srcAB, distribution_mask); alphaAB = _mm_srli_epi16(alphaAB, 2); // Reduce to 64 levels of shades so the max value fits in 16 bits. __m128i nom = _mm_sub_epi16(tr_nom_base, alphaAB); dstAB = _mm_mullo_epi16(dstAB, nom); dstAB = _mm_srli_epi16(dstAB, 8); return _mm_packus_epi16(dstAB, dstAB); } IGNORE_UNINITIALIZED_WARNING_START static Colour ReallyAdjustBrightness(Colour colour, uint8 brightness) { uint64 c16 = colour.b | (uint64) colour.g << 16 | (uint64) colour.r << 32; c16 *= brightness; uint64 c16_ob = c16; // Helps out of order execution. c16 /= Blitter_32bppBase::DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS; c16 &= 0x01FF01FF01FFULL; /* Sum overbright (maximum for each rgb is 508, 9 bits, -255 is changed in -256 so we just have to take the 8 lower bits into account). */ c16_ob = (((c16_ob >> (8 + 7)) & 0x0100010001ULL) * 0xFF) & c16; const uint ob = ((uint16) c16_ob + (uint16) (c16_ob >> 16) + (uint16) (c16_ob >> 32)) / 2; const uint32 alpha32 = colour.data & 0xFF000000; __m128i ret; LoadUint64(c16, ret); if (ob != 0) { __m128i ob128 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(ob); ob128 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(ob128, 0xC0); __m128i white = OVERBRIGHT_VALUE_MASK; __m128i c128 = ret; ret = _mm_subs_epu16(white, c128); // PSUBUSW, (255 - rgb) ret = _mm_mullo_epi16(ret, ob128); // PMULLW, ob*(255 - rgb) ret = _mm_srli_epi16(ret, 8); // PSRLW, ob*(255 - rgb)/256 ret = _mm_add_epi16(ret, c128); // PADDW, ob*(255 - rgb)/256 + rgb } ret = _mm_packus_epi16(ret, ret); // PACKUSWB, saturate and pack. return alpha32 | _mm_cvtsi128_si32(ret); } IGNORE_UNINITIALIZED_WARNING_STOP /** ReallyAdjustBrightness() is not called that often. * Inlining this function implies a far jump, which has a huge latency. */ static inline Colour AdjustBrightneSSE(Colour colour, uint8 brightness) { /* Shortcut for normal brightness. */ if (likely(brightness == Blitter_32bppBase::DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS)) return colour; return ReallyAdjustBrightness(colour, brightness); } static inline __m128i AdjustBrightnessOfTwoPixels(__m128i from, uint32 brightness) { #if (SSE_VERSION < 3) NOT_REACHED(); #else /* The following dataflow differs from the one of AdjustBrightness() only for alpha. * In order to keep alpha in colAB, insert a 1 in a unused brightness byte (a*1->a). * OK, not a 1 but DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS to compensate the div. */ brightness &= 0xFF00FF00; brightness += Blitter_32bppBase::DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS; __m128i colAB = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(from, _mm_setzero_si128()); __m128i briAB = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(brightness); briAB = _mm_shuffle_epi8(briAB, BRIGHTNESS_LOW_CONTROL_MASK); // DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS in 0, 0x00 in 2. colAB = _mm_mullo_epi16(colAB, briAB); __m128i colAB_ob = _mm_srli_epi16(colAB, 8 + 7); colAB = _mm_srli_epi16(colAB, 7); /* Sum overbright. * Maximum for each rgb is 508 => 9 bits. The highest bit tells if there is overbright. * -255 is changed in -256 so we just have to take the 8 lower bits into account. */ colAB = _mm_and_si128(colAB, BRIGHTNESS_DIV_CLEANER); colAB_ob = _mm_and_si128(colAB_ob, OVERBRIGHT_PRESENCE_MASK); colAB_ob = _mm_mullo_epi16(colAB_ob, OVERBRIGHT_VALUE_MASK); colAB_ob = _mm_and_si128(colAB_ob, colAB); __m128i obAB = _mm_hadd_epi16(_mm_hadd_epi16(colAB_ob, _mm_setzero_si128()), _mm_setzero_si128()); obAB = _mm_srli_epi16(obAB, 1); // Reduce overbright strength. obAB = _mm_shuffle_epi8(obAB, OVERBRIGHT_CONTROL_MASK); __m128i retAB = OVERBRIGHT_VALUE_MASK; // ob_mask is equal to white. retAB = _mm_subs_epu16(retAB, colAB); // (255 - rgb) retAB = _mm_mullo_epi16(retAB, obAB); // ob*(255 - rgb) retAB = _mm_srli_epi16(retAB, 8); // ob*(255 - rgb)/256 retAB = _mm_add_epi16(retAB, colAB); // ob*(255 - rgb)/256 + rgb return _mm_packus_epi16(retAB, retAB); #endif } #if FULL_ANIMATION == 0 /** * Draws a sprite to a (screen) buffer. It is templated to allow faster operation. * * @tparam mode blitter mode * @param bp further blitting parameters * @param zoom zoom level at which we are drawing */ IGNORE_UNINITIALIZED_WARNING_START template #if (SSE_VERSION == 2) inline void Blitter_32bppSSE2::Draw(const Blitter::BlitterParams *bp, ZoomLevel zoom) #elif (SSE_VERSION == 3) inline void Blitter_32bppSSSE3::Draw(const Blitter::BlitterParams *bp, ZoomLevel zoom) #elif (SSE_VERSION == 4) inline void Blitter_32bppSSE4::Draw(const Blitter::BlitterParams *bp, ZoomLevel zoom) #endif { const byte * const remap = bp->remap; Colour *dst_line = (Colour *) bp->dst + bp->top * bp->pitch + bp->left; int effective_width = bp->width; /* Find where to start reading in the source sprite. */ const SpriteData * const sd = (const SpriteData *) bp->sprite; const SpriteInfo * const si = &sd->infos[zoom]; const MapValue *src_mv_line = (const MapValue *) &sd->data[si->mv_offset] + bp->skip_top * si->sprite_width; const Colour *src_rgba_line = (const Colour *) ((const byte *) &sd->data[si->sprite_offset] + bp->skip_top * si->sprite_line_size); uint32 bm_normal_brightness = 0; if (mode == BM_NORMAL_WITH_BRIGHTNESS) { bm_normal_brightness = (DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS + bp->brightness_adjust) << 8; bm_normal_brightness |= bm_normal_brightness << 16; } if (read_mode != RM_WITH_MARGIN) { src_rgba_line += bp->skip_left; src_mv_line += bp->skip_left; } const MapValue *src_mv = src_mv_line; /* Load these variables into register before loop. */ #if (SSE_VERSION == 2) const __m128i clear_hi = CLEAR_HIGH_BYTE_MASK; #define ALPHA_BLEND_PARAM_1 clear_hi #define ALPHA_BLEND_PARAM_2 clear_hi #define DARKEN_PARAM_1 tr_nom_base #define DARKEN_PARAM_2 tr_nom_base #else const __m128i a_cm = ALPHA_CONTROL_MASK; const __m128i pack_low_cm = PACK_LOW_CONTROL_MASK; #define ALPHA_BLEND_PARAM_1 a_cm #define ALPHA_BLEND_PARAM_2 pack_low_cm #define DARKEN_PARAM_1 a_cm #define DARKEN_PARAM_2 tr_nom_base #endif const __m128i tr_nom_base = TRANSPARENT_NOM_BASE; for (int y = bp->height; y != 0; y--) { Colour *dst = dst_line; const Colour *src = src_rgba_line + META_LENGTH; if (mode == BM_COLOUR_REMAP || mode == BM_CRASH_REMAP || mode == BM_COLOUR_REMAP_WITH_BRIGHTNESS) src_mv = src_mv_line; if (read_mode == RM_WITH_MARGIN) { assert(bt_last == BT_NONE); // or you must ensure block type is preserved src += src_rgba_line[0].data; dst += src_rgba_line[0].data; if (mode == BM_COLOUR_REMAP || mode == BM_CRASH_REMAP || mode == BM_COLOUR_REMAP_WITH_BRIGHTNESS) src_mv += src_rgba_line[0].data; const int width_diff = si->sprite_width - bp->width; effective_width = bp->width - (int) src_rgba_line[0].data; const int delta_diff = (int) src_rgba_line[1].data - width_diff; const int new_width = effective_width - delta_diff; effective_width = delta_diff > 0 ? new_width : effective_width; if (effective_width <= 0) goto next_line; } switch (mode) { default: if (!translucent) { for (uint x = (uint) effective_width; x > 0; x--) { if (src->a) *dst = *src; src++; dst++; } break; } for (uint x = (uint) effective_width / 2; x > 0; x--) { __m128i srcABCD = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i*) src); __m128i dstABCD = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*) dst); _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*) dst, AlphaBlendTwoPixels(srcABCD, dstABCD, ALPHA_BLEND_PARAM_1, ALPHA_BLEND_PARAM_2)); src += 2; dst += 2; } if ((bt_last == BT_NONE && effective_width & 1) || bt_last == BT_ODD) { __m128i srcABCD = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(src->data); __m128i dstABCD = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(dst->data); dst->data = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(AlphaBlendTwoPixels(srcABCD, dstABCD, ALPHA_BLEND_PARAM_1, ALPHA_BLEND_PARAM_2)); } break; case BM_COLOUR_REMAP: #if (SSE_VERSION >= 3) for (uint x = (uint) effective_width / 2; x > 0; x--) { __m128i srcABCD = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i*) src); __m128i dstABCD = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*) dst); uint32 mvX2 = *((uint32 *) const_cast(src_mv)); /* Remap colours. */ if (mvX2 & 0x00FF00FF) { #define CMOV_REMAP(m_colour, m_colour_init, m_src, m_m) \ /* Written so the compiler uses CMOV. */ \ Colour m_colour = m_colour_init; \ { \ const Colour srcm = (Colour) (m_src); \ const uint m = (byte) (m_m); \ const uint r = remap[m]; \ const Colour cmap = (this->LookupColourInPalette(r).data & 0x00FFFFFF) | (srcm.data & 0xFF000000); \ m_colour = r == 0 ? m_colour : cmap; \ m_colour = m != 0 ? m_colour : srcm; \ } #ifdef POINTER_IS_64BIT uint64 srcs = _mm_cvtsi128_si64(srcABCD); uint64 remapped_src = 0; CMOV_REMAP(c0, 0, srcs, mvX2); remapped_src = c0.data; CMOV_REMAP(c1, 0, srcs >> 32, mvX2 >> 16); remapped_src |= (uint64) c1.data << 32; srcABCD = _mm_cvtsi64_si128(remapped_src); #else Colour remapped_src[2]; CMOV_REMAP(c0, 0, _mm_cvtsi128_si32(srcABCD), mvX2); remapped_src[0] = c0.data; CMOV_REMAP(c1, 0, src[1], mvX2 >> 16); remapped_src[1] = c1.data; srcABCD = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*) &remapped_src); #endif if ((mvX2 & 0xFF00FF00) != 0x80008000) srcABCD = AdjustBrightnessOfTwoPixels(srcABCD, mvX2); } /* Blend colours. */ _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *) dst, AlphaBlendTwoPixels(srcABCD, dstABCD, ALPHA_BLEND_PARAM_1, ALPHA_BLEND_PARAM_2)); dst += 2; src += 2; src_mv += 2; } if ((bt_last == BT_NONE && effective_width & 1) || bt_last == BT_ODD) { #else for (uint x = (uint) effective_width; x > 0; x--) { #endif /* In case the m-channel is zero, do not remap this pixel in any way. */ __m128i srcABCD; if (src_mv->m) { const uint r = remap[src_mv->m]; if (r != 0) { Colour remapped_colour = AdjustBrightneSSE(this->LookupColourInPalette(r), src_mv->v); if (src->a == 255) { *dst = remapped_colour; } else { remapped_colour.a = src->a; srcABCD = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(remapped_colour.data); goto bmcr_alpha_blend_single; } } } else { srcABCD = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(src->data); if (src->a < 255) { bmcr_alpha_blend_single: __m128i dstABCD = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(dst->data); srcABCD = AlphaBlendTwoPixels(srcABCD, dstABCD, ALPHA_BLEND_PARAM_1, ALPHA_BLEND_PARAM_2); } dst->data = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(srcABCD); } #if (SSE_VERSION == 2) src_mv++; dst++; src++; #endif } break; case BM_TRANSPARENT: /* Make the current colour a bit more black, so it looks like this image is transparent. */ for (uint x = (uint) bp->width / 2; x > 0; x--) { __m128i srcABCD = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i*) src); __m128i dstABCD = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*) dst); _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *) dst, DarkenTwoPixels(srcABCD, dstABCD, DARKEN_PARAM_1, DARKEN_PARAM_2)); src += 2; dst += 2; } if ((bt_last == BT_NONE && bp->width & 1) || bt_last == BT_ODD) { __m128i srcABCD = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(src->data); __m128i dstABCD = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(dst->data); dst->data = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(DarkenTwoPixels(srcABCD, dstABCD, DARKEN_PARAM_1, DARKEN_PARAM_2)); } break; case BM_CRASH_REMAP: for (uint x = (uint) bp->width; x > 0; x--) { if (src_mv->m == 0) { if (src->a != 0) { uint8 g = MakeDark(src->r, src->g, src->b); *dst = ComposeColourRGBA(g, g, g, src->a, *dst); } } else { uint r = remap[src_mv->m]; if (r != 0) *dst = ComposeColourPANoCheck(this->AdjustBrightness(this->LookupColourInPalette(r), src_mv->v), src->a, *dst); } src_mv++; dst++; src++; } break; case BM_BLACK_REMAP: for (uint x = (uint) bp->width; x > 0; x--) { if (src->a != 0) { *dst = Colour(0, 0, 0); } src_mv++; dst++; src++; } break; case BM_NORMAL_WITH_BRIGHTNESS: for (uint x = (uint) effective_width / 2; x > 0; x--) { #if (SSE_VERSION >= 3) __m128i srcABCD = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i*) src); srcABCD = AdjustBrightnessOfTwoPixels(srcABCD, bm_normal_brightness); #else __m128i srcABCD = _mm_setr_epi32(AdjustBrightneSSE(src->data, DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS + bp->brightness_adjust).data, AdjustBrightneSSE((src + 1)->data, DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS + bp->brightness_adjust).data, 0, 0); #endif __m128i dstABCD = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*) dst); _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*) dst, AlphaBlendTwoPixels(srcABCD, dstABCD, ALPHA_BLEND_PARAM_1, ALPHA_BLEND_PARAM_2)); src += 2; dst += 2; } if ((bt_last == BT_NONE && effective_width & 1) || bt_last == BT_ODD) { __m128i srcABCD = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(AdjustBrightneSSE(src->data, DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS + bp->brightness_adjust).data); __m128i dstABCD = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(dst->data); dst->data = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(AlphaBlendTwoPixels(srcABCD, dstABCD, ALPHA_BLEND_PARAM_1, ALPHA_BLEND_PARAM_2)); } break; case BM_COLOUR_REMAP_WITH_BRIGHTNESS: for (uint x = (uint) bp->width; x > 0; x--) { /* In case the m-channel is zero, do not remap this pixel in any way. */ __m128i srcABCD; if (src_mv->m) { const uint r = remap[src_mv->m]; if (r != 0) { Colour remapped_colour = AdjustBrightneSSE(this->LookupColourInPalette(r), Clamp(src_mv->v + bp->brightness_adjust, 0, 255)); if (src->a == 255) { *dst = remapped_colour; } else { remapped_colour.a = src->a; srcABCD = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(remapped_colour.data); goto bmcr_alpha_blend_single_brightness; } } } else { { Colour c = AdjustBrightneSSE(src->data, DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS + bp->brightness_adjust); srcABCD = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(c.data); } if (src->a < 255) { bmcr_alpha_blend_single_brightness: __m128i dstABCD = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(dst->data); srcABCD = AlphaBlendTwoPixels(srcABCD, dstABCD, ALPHA_BLEND_PARAM_1, ALPHA_BLEND_PARAM_2); } dst->data = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(srcABCD); } src_mv++; dst++; src++; } break; } next_line: if (mode == BM_COLOUR_REMAP || mode == BM_CRASH_REMAP || mode == BM_COLOUR_REMAP_WITH_BRIGHTNESS) src_mv_line += si->sprite_width; src_rgba_line = (const Colour*) ((const byte*) src_rgba_line + si->sprite_line_size); dst_line += bp->pitch; } } IGNORE_UNINITIALIZED_WARNING_STOP /** * Draws a sprite to a (screen) buffer. Calls adequate templated function. * * @param bp further blitting parameters * @param mode blitter mode * @param zoom zoom level at which we are drawing */ #if (SSE_VERSION == 2) void Blitter_32bppSSE2::Draw(Blitter::BlitterParams *bp, BlitterMode mode, ZoomLevel zoom) #elif (SSE_VERSION == 3) void Blitter_32bppSSSE3::Draw(Blitter::BlitterParams *bp, BlitterMode mode, ZoomLevel zoom) #elif (SSE_VERSION == 4) void Blitter_32bppSSE4::Draw(Blitter::BlitterParams *bp, BlitterMode mode, ZoomLevel zoom) #endif { switch (mode) { default: { if (bp->skip_left != 0 || bp->width <= MARGIN_NORMAL_THRESHOLD) { bm_normal: const BlockType bt_last = (BlockType) (bp->width & 1); switch (bt_last) { default: Draw(bp, zoom); return; case BT_ODD: Draw(bp, zoom); return; } } else { if (((const Blitter_32bppSSE_Base::SpriteData *) bp->sprite)->flags & SF_TRANSLUCENT) { Draw(bp, zoom); } else { Draw(bp, zoom); } return; } break; } case BM_COLOUR_REMAP: if (((const Blitter_32bppSSE_Base::SpriteData *) bp->sprite)->flags & SF_NO_REMAP) goto bm_normal; if (bp->skip_left != 0 || bp->width <= MARGIN_REMAP_THRESHOLD) { Draw(bp, zoom); return; } else { Draw(bp, zoom); return; } case BM_TRANSPARENT: Draw(bp, zoom); return; case BM_CRASH_REMAP: Draw(bp, zoom); return; case BM_BLACK_REMAP: Draw(bp, zoom); return; case BM_COLOUR_REMAP_WITH_BRIGHTNESS: if (!(((const Blitter_32bppSSE_Base::SpriteData *) bp->sprite)->flags & SF_NO_REMAP)) { Draw(bp, zoom); return; } /* FALL THROUGH */ case BM_NORMAL_WITH_BRIGHTNESS: Draw(bp, zoom); return; } } #endif /* FULL_ANIMATION */ #endif /* WITH_SSE */ #endif /* BLITTER_32BPP_SSE_FUNC_HPP */