/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file pbs.cpp PBS support routines */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "viewport_func.h" #include "vehicle_func.h" #include "newgrf_station.h" #include "pathfinder/follow_track.hpp" #include "tracerestrict.h" #include "newgrf_newsignals.h" #include "safeguards.h" /** * Get the reserved trackbits for any tile, regardless of type. * @param t the tile * @return the reserved trackbits. TRACK_BIT_NONE on nothing reserved or * a tile without rail. */ TrackBits GetReservedTrackbits(TileIndex t) { switch (GetTileType(t)) { case MP_RAILWAY: if (IsRailDepot(t)) return GetDepotReservationTrackBits(t); if (IsPlainRail(t)) return GetRailReservationTrackBits(t); break; case MP_ROAD: if (IsLevelCrossing(t)) return GetCrossingReservationTrackBits(t); break; case MP_STATION: if (HasStationRail(t)) return GetStationReservationTrackBits(t); break; case MP_TUNNELBRIDGE: if (GetTunnelBridgeTransportType(t) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) return GetTunnelBridgeReservationTrackBits(t); break; default: break; } return TRACK_BIT_NONE; } /** * Set the reservation for a complete station platform. * @pre IsRailStationTile(start) * @param start starting tile of the platform * @param dir the direction in which to follow the platform * @param b the state the reservation should be set to */ void SetRailStationPlatformReservation(TileIndex start, DiagDirection dir, bool b) { TileIndex tile = start; TileIndexDiff diff = TileOffsByDiagDir(dir); assert_tile(IsRailStationTile(start), start); assert_tile(GetRailStationAxis(start) == DiagDirToAxis(dir), start); do { SetRailStationReservation(tile, b); MarkTileDirtyByTile(tile, VMDF_NOT_MAP_MODE); tile = TILE_ADD(tile, diff); } while (IsCompatibleTrainStationTile(tile, start)); } /** * Try to reserve a specific track on a tile * This also sets PBS signals to green if reserving through the facing track direction * @param v the train performing the reservation * @param tile the tile * @param t the track * @param trigger_stations whether to call station randomisation trigger * @return \c true if reservation was successful, i.e. the track was * free and didn't cross any other reserved tracks. */ bool TryReserveRailTrackdir(const Train *v, TileIndex tile, Trackdir td, bool trigger_stations) { bool success = TryReserveRailTrack(tile, TrackdirToTrack(td), trigger_stations); if (success && HasPbsSignalOnTrackdir(tile, td)) { SetSignalStateByTrackdir(tile, td, SIGNAL_STATE_GREEN); MarkSingleSignalDirty(tile, td); if (_extra_aspects > 0) { SetSignalAspect(tile, TrackdirToTrack(td), 0); UpdateAspectDeferredWithVehicle(v, tile, td, true); } } return success; } /** * Try to reserve a specific track on a tile * @param tile the tile * @param t the track * @param trigger_stations whether to call station randomisation trigger * @return \c true if reservation was successful, i.e. the track was * free and didn't cross any other reserved tracks. */ bool TryReserveRailTrack(TileIndex tile, Track t, bool trigger_stations) { assert_msg_tile((TrackStatusToTrackBits(GetTileTrackStatus(tile, TRANSPORT_RAIL, 0)) & TrackToTrackBits(t)) != 0, tile, "%X, %X, %X", TrackStatusToTrackBits(GetTileTrackStatus(tile, TRANSPORT_RAIL, 0)), t, TrackToTrackBits(t)); if (_settings_client.gui.show_track_reservation) { /* show the reserved rail if needed */ if (IsTileType(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) { MarkBridgeOrTunnelDirtyOnReservationChange(tile, VMDF_NOT_MAP_MODE); } else { MarkTileGroundDirtyByTile(tile, VMDF_NOT_MAP_MODE); } } switch (GetTileType(tile)) { case MP_RAILWAY: if (IsPlainRail(tile)) return TryReserveTrack(tile, t); if (IsRailDepot(tile)) { if (!HasDepotReservation(tile)) { SetDepotReservation(tile, true); MarkTileDirtyByTile(tile, VMDF_NOT_MAP_MODE); // some GRFs change their appearance when tile is reserved return true; } } break; case MP_ROAD: if (IsLevelCrossing(tile) && !HasCrossingReservation(tile)) { if (_settings_game.vehicle.safer_crossings) { if (IsCrossingOccupiedByRoadVehicle(tile)) return false; if (_settings_game.vehicle.adjacent_crossings) { const Axis axis = GetCrossingRoadAxis(tile); for (TileIndex t = tile; t < MapSize() && IsLevelCrossingTile(t) && GetCrossingRoadAxis(t) == axis; t = TileAddByDiagDir(t, AxisToDiagDir(GetCrossingRoadAxis(t)))) { if (IsCrossingOccupiedByRoadVehicle(t)) return false; } for (TileIndex t = tile; t < MapSize() && IsLevelCrossingTile(t) && GetCrossingRoadAxis(t) == axis; t = TileAddByDiagDir(t, ReverseDiagDir(AxisToDiagDir(GetCrossingRoadAxis(t))))) { if (IsCrossingOccupiedByRoadVehicle(t)) return false; } } } SetCrossingReservation(tile, true); UpdateLevelCrossing(tile, false); return true; } break; case MP_STATION: if (HasStationRail(tile) && !HasStationReservation(tile)) { SetRailStationReservation(tile, true); if (trigger_stations && IsRailStation(tile)) TriggerStationRandomisation(nullptr, tile, SRT_PATH_RESERVATION); MarkTileDirtyByTile(tile, VMDF_NOT_MAP_MODE); // some GRFs need redraw after reserving track return true; } break; case MP_TUNNELBRIDGE: if (GetTunnelBridgeTransportType(tile) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) { if (IsTunnel(tile) && !HasTunnelReservation(tile)) { SetTunnelReservation(tile, true); MarkTileGroundDirtyByTile(tile, VMDF_NOT_MAP_MODE); return true; } if (IsBridge(tile)) { if (TryReserveRailBridgeHead(tile, t)) { MarkBridgeOrTunnelDirtyOnReservationChange(tile, VMDF_NOT_MAP_MODE); return true; } } } break; default: break; } return false; } /** * Lift the reservation of a specific trackdir on a tile * This also sets PBS signals to red if unreserving through the facing track direction * @param tile the tile * @param t the track */ void UnreserveRailTrackdir(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td) { if (HasPbsSignalOnTrackdir(tile, td)) { SetSignalStateByTrackdir(tile, td, SIGNAL_STATE_RED); MarkSingleSignalDirty(tile, td); } UnreserveRailTrack(tile, TrackdirToTrack(td)); } /** * Lift the reservation of a specific track on a tile * @param tile the tile * @param t the track */ void UnreserveRailTrack(TileIndex tile, Track t) { assert_msg_tile(TrackStatusToTrackBits(GetTileTrackStatus(tile, TRANSPORT_RAIL, 0)) & TrackToTrackBits(t), tile, "track: %u", t); if (_settings_client.gui.show_track_reservation) { if (IsTileType(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) { MarkBridgeOrTunnelDirtyOnReservationChange(tile, VMDF_NOT_MAP_MODE); } else { MarkTileGroundDirtyByTile(tile, VMDF_NOT_MAP_MODE); } } switch (GetTileType(tile)) { case MP_RAILWAY: if (IsRailDepot(tile)) { SetDepotReservation(tile, false); MarkTileDirtyByTile(tile, VMDF_NOT_MAP_MODE); break; } if (IsPlainRail(tile)) UnreserveTrack(tile, t); break; case MP_ROAD: if (IsLevelCrossing(tile)) { SetCrossingReservation(tile, false); UpdateLevelCrossing(tile); } break; case MP_STATION: if (HasStationRail(tile)) { SetRailStationReservation(tile, false); MarkTileDirtyByTile(tile, VMDF_NOT_MAP_MODE); } break; case MP_TUNNELBRIDGE: if (GetTunnelBridgeTransportType(tile) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) { if (IsTunnel(tile)) { SetTunnelReservation(tile, false); } else { UnreserveRailBridgeHeadTrack(tile, t); } if (IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationExit(tile) && IsTunnelBridgeEffectivelyPBS(tile) && IsTrackAcrossTunnelBridge(tile, t)) { if (IsTunnelBridgePBS(tile)) { SetTunnelBridgeExitSignalState(tile, SIGNAL_STATE_RED); if (_extra_aspects > 0) PropagateAspectChange(tile, GetTunnelBridgeExitTrackdir(tile), 0); } else { UpdateSignalsOnSegment(tile, INVALID_DIAGDIR, GetTileOwner(tile)); } } MarkBridgeOrTunnelDirtyOnReservationChange(tile, VMDF_NOT_MAP_MODE); } break; default: break; } } /** Flags for FollowReservation */ enum FollowReservationFlags { FRF_NONE = 0, ///< No flags FRF_IGNORE_ONEWAY = 0x01, ///< Ignore one way signals in the opposite direction FRF_TB_EXIT_FREE = 0x02, ///< Exit of starting tunnel/bridge is free }; DECLARE_ENUM_AS_BIT_SET(FollowReservationFlags) static void CheckCurveLookAhead(const Train *v, TrainReservationLookAhead *lookahead, int end_position, int z, RailType rt) { /* Coarse filter: remove curves beyond train length */ while (!lookahead->curves.empty() && lookahead->curves.front().position < end_position - v->gcache.cached_total_length) { lookahead->curves.pop_front(); } if (lookahead->curves.empty() || v->Next() == nullptr) return; static const int absolute_max_speed = UINT16_MAX; int max_speed = absolute_max_speed; int curvecount[2] = {0, 0}; /* first find the curve speed limit */ int numcurve = 0; int sum = 0; int pos = 0; int lastpos = -1; const Train *u = v->Next(); int veh_offset = v->CalcNextVehicleOffset(); for (auto iter = lookahead->curves.rbegin(); iter != lookahead->curves.rend(); ++iter) { const TrainReservationLookAheadCurve &curve = *iter; int delta = end_position - curve.position; while (delta >= veh_offset) { if (u->Next() != nullptr) { veh_offset += u->CalcNextVehicleOffset(); u = u->Next(); pos++; } else { u = nullptr; break; } } if (u == nullptr) break; if (curve.dir_diff == DIRDIFF_45LEFT) curvecount[0]++; if (curve.dir_diff == DIRDIFF_45RIGHT) curvecount[1]++; if (curve.dir_diff == DIRDIFF_45LEFT || curve.dir_diff == DIRDIFF_45RIGHT) { if (lastpos != -1) { numcurve++; sum += pos - lastpos; if (pos - lastpos == 1 && max_speed > 88) { max_speed = 88; } } lastpos = pos; } /* if we have a 90 degree turn, fix the speed limit to 60 */ if (curve.dir_diff == DIRDIFF_90LEFT || curve.dir_diff == DIRDIFF_90RIGHT) { max_speed = 61; } } if (numcurve > 0 && max_speed > 88) { if (curvecount[0] == 1 && curvecount[1] == 1) { max_speed = absolute_max_speed; } else { sum /= numcurve; max_speed = 232 - (13 - Clamp(sum, 1, 12)) * (13 - Clamp(sum, 1, 12)); } } if (max_speed != absolute_max_speed) { /* Apply the engine's rail type curve speed advantage, if it slowed by curves */ const RailtypeInfo *rti = GetRailTypeInfo(rt); max_speed += (max_speed / 2) * rti->curve_speed; if (v->tcache.cached_tflags & TCF_TILT) { /* Apply max_speed bonus of 20% for a tilting train */ max_speed += max_speed / 5; } lookahead->AddCurveSpeedLimit(max_speed, 4, z); } } static int LookaheadTileHeightForChunnel(int length, int offset) { if (offset == 0) return 0; if (offset < 3) return -1 * (int)TILE_HEIGHT; if (offset < length - 3) return -2 * (int)TILE_HEIGHT; if (offset < length) return -1 * (int)TILE_HEIGHT; return 0; } static uint16 ApplyTunnelBridgeLookaheadSignalSpeedRestriction(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, const Train *v, uint16 initial_speed_restriction, TrainReservationLookAhead *lookahead, int offset, int16 z) { uint16 speed_restriction = initial_speed_restriction; if (v != nullptr && IsTunnelBridgeRestrictedSignal(tile)) { if (trackdir == INVALID_TRACKDIR) { trackdir = GetTunnelBridgeExitTrackdir(tile); } const TraceRestrictProgram *prog = GetExistingTraceRestrictProgram(tile, TrackdirToTrack(trackdir)); if (prog && prog->actions_used_flags & TRPAUF_SPEED_RESTRICTION) { TraceRestrictProgramResult out; TraceRestrictProgramInput input(tile, trackdir, nullptr, nullptr); prog->Execute(v, input, out); if (out.flags & TRPRF_SPEED_RESTRICTION_SET) { int duration; if (TrackdirEntersTunnelBridge(tile, trackdir)) { duration = 4 + (IsDiagonalTrackdir(trackdir) ? 16 : 8); } else { duration = 4; } lookahead->AddSpeedRestriction(out.speed_restriction, offset, duration, z); if (out.speed_restriction != 0 && (speed_restriction == 0 || out.speed_restriction < speed_restriction)) { /* lower of the speed restrictions before or after the signal */ speed_restriction = out.speed_restriction; } } } } return speed_restriction; } static uint16 GetTrainSpeedLimitForRailtype(const Train *v, RailType rt, TileIndex tile, Track track) { uint16 speed = GetRailTypeInfo(rt)->max_speed; if (v->tcache.cached_tflags & TCF_SPD_RAILTYPE) { for (const Train *u = v; u != nullptr; u = u->Next()) { if (u->GetEngine()->callbacks_used & SGCU_CB36_SPEED_RAILTYPE) { const TileIndex prev_tile = u->tile; const TrackBits prev_track = u->track; const_cast(u)->tile = tile; const_cast(u)->track = TrackToTrackBits(track); uint16 cb_speed = GetVehicleProperty(u, PROP_TRAIN_SPEED, speed); if (cb_speed != 0 && (cb_speed < speed || speed == 0)) speed = cb_speed; const_cast(u)->tile = prev_tile; const_cast(u)->track = prev_track; } } } return speed; } /** Follow a reservation starting from a specific tile to the end. */ static PBSTileInfo FollowReservation(Owner o, RailTypes rts, TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, FollowReservationFlags flags, const Train *v, TrainReservationLookAhead *lookahead) { TileIndex start_tile = tile; Trackdir start_trackdir = trackdir; bool first_loop = true; /* Start track not reserved? This can happen if two trains * are on the same tile. The reservation on the next tile * is not ours in this case, so exit. */ if (!(flags & FRF_TB_EXIT_FREE) && !HasReservedTracks(tile, TrackToTrackBits(TrackdirToTrack(trackdir)))) return PBSTileInfo(tile, trackdir, false); RailType rt = INVALID_RAILTYPE; Direction dir = INVALID_DIR; int z = 0; auto update_z = [&](TileIndex t, Trackdir td, bool force) { if (force || TrackdirToTrack(td) == TRACK_X || TrackdirToTrack(td) == TRACK_Y) { if (IsBridgeTile(t) && TrackdirToExitdir(td) == GetTunnelBridgeDirection(t)) { z = GetBridgePixelHeight(t); } else { int x = (TileX(t) * TILE_SIZE) + 8; int y = (TileY(t) * TILE_SIZE) + 8; if (!IsTunnelTile(tile)) { switch (TrackdirToExitdir(td)) { case DIAGDIR_NE: x -= 8; break; case DIAGDIR_SE: y += 7; break; case DIAGDIR_SW: x += 7; break; case DIAGDIR_NW: y -= 8; break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } } z = GetSlopePixelZ(x, y); } } }; if (lookahead != nullptr) { rt = GetRailTypeByTrack(tile, TrackdirToTrack(trackdir)); dir = TrackdirToDirection(trackdir); update_z(tile, trackdir, true); } auto check_rail_type = [&](TileIndex t, Trackdir td, int offset) { RailType new_rt = GetRailTypeByTrack(t, TrackdirToTrack(td)); if (new_rt != rt) { uint16 rail_speed = GetTrainSpeedLimitForRailtype(v, new_rt, t, TrackdirToTrack(td)); if (rail_speed > 0) lookahead->AddTrackSpeedLimit(rail_speed, offset, 4, z); if (GetRailTypeInfo(rt)->curve_speed != GetRailTypeInfo(new_rt)->curve_speed) { CheckCurveLookAhead(v, lookahead, lookahead->RealEndPosition() + 4 + offset, z, new_rt); } rt = new_rt; } }; auto check_direction = [&](Direction new_dir, int offset, TileIndex tile) { if (dir == new_dir) return; DirDiff dirdiff = DirDifference(dir, new_dir); int end = lookahead->RealEndPosition() + 4; lookahead->curves.push_back({ end + offset, dirdiff }); dir = new_dir; CheckCurveLookAhead(v, lookahead, end + offset, z, rt); }; /* Do not disallow 90 deg turns as the setting might have changed between reserving and now. */ CFollowTrackRail ft(o, rts); auto check_tunnel_bridge = [&]() -> bool { if (IsTunnelBridgeWithSignalSimulation(tile) && TrackdirEntersTunnelBridge(tile, trackdir)) { if (_settings_game.vehicle.train_braking_model == TBM_REALISTIC && IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationEntrance(tile)) { TileIndex end = GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(tile); if (HasAcrossTunnelBridgeReservation(end) && GetTunnelBridgeExitSignalState(end) == SIGNAL_STATE_GREEN && ((flags & FRF_TB_EXIT_FREE) || TunnelBridgeIsFree(tile, end, nullptr, true).Succeeded())) { /* skip far end */ if (lookahead != nullptr) { lookahead->reservation_end_position += (DistanceManhattan(tile, end) - 1) * TILE_SIZE; } Trackdir end_trackdir = GetTunnelBridgeExitTrackdir(end); if (lookahead != nullptr) { if ((flags & FRF_TB_EXIT_FREE) && GetTunnelBridgeLength(tile, end) > 1) { /* middle part of bridge is in wormhole direction */ dir = DiagDirToDir(GetTunnelBridgeDirection(tile)); } check_direction(TrackdirToDirection(end_trackdir), 0, end); lookahead->reservation_end_position += (IsDiagonalTrackdir(end_trackdir) ? 16 : 8); update_z(end, end_trackdir, false); } tile = end; trackdir = end_trackdir; return true; } } if ((flags & FRF_IGNORE_ONEWAY) && _settings_game.vehicle.train_braking_model == TBM_REALISTIC && IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationExit(tile) && GetTunnelBridgeExitSignalState(tile) == SIGNAL_STATE_GREEN) { TileIndex end = GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(tile); if (HasAcrossTunnelBridgeReservation(end) && TunnelBridgeIsFree(tile, end, nullptr, true).Succeeded()) { /* skip far end */ tile = end; trackdir = GetTunnelBridgeExitTrackdir(tile); return true; } } return false; } return true; }; while (check_tunnel_bridge() && ft.Follow(tile, trackdir)) { flags &= ~FRF_TB_EXIT_FREE; TrackdirBits reserved = ft.m_new_td_bits & TrackBitsToTrackdirBits(GetReservedTrackbits(ft.m_new_tile)); /* No reservation --> path end found */ if (reserved == TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE) { if (ft.m_is_station) { /* Check skipped station tiles as well, maybe our reservation ends inside the station. */ TileIndexDiff diff = TileOffsByDiagDir(ft.m_exitdir); while (ft.m_tiles_skipped-- > 0) { ft.m_new_tile -= diff; if (HasStationReservation(ft.m_new_tile)) { if (lookahead != nullptr) { lookahead->AddStation(1 + ft.m_tiles_skipped, GetStationIndex(ft.m_new_tile), z); lookahead->reservation_end_position += (1 + ft.m_tiles_skipped) * TILE_SIZE; } tile = ft.m_new_tile; trackdir = DiagDirToDiagTrackdir(ft.m_exitdir); break; } } } break; } /* Can't have more than one reserved trackdir */ Trackdir new_trackdir = FindFirstTrackdir(reserved); /* One-way signal against us. The reservation can't be ours as it is not * a safe position from our direction and we can never pass the signal. */ if (!(flags & FRF_IGNORE_ONEWAY) && HasOnewaySignalBlockingTrackdir(ft.m_new_tile, new_trackdir)) break; tile = ft.m_new_tile; trackdir = new_trackdir; if (lookahead != nullptr) { if (ft.m_tiles_skipped > 0) { DiagDirection skip_dir = ReverseDiagDir(TrackdirToExitdir(ReverseTrackdir(trackdir))); check_direction(DiagDirToDir(skip_dir), 0, tile); } if (ft.m_is_station) { if (ft.m_tiles_skipped > 0) { TileIndexDiff diff = TileOffsByDiagDir(TrackdirToExitdir(trackdir)); TileIndex start = tile - (diff * ft.m_tiles_skipped); for (int i = 0; i < ft.m_tiles_skipped; i++) { check_rail_type(start, trackdir, i * TILE_SIZE); start += diff; } } check_rail_type(tile, trackdir, ft.m_tiles_skipped * TILE_SIZE); lookahead->AddStation(1 + ft.m_tiles_skipped, GetStationIndex(ft.m_new_tile), z); } else { check_rail_type(tile, trackdir, 0); } check_direction(TrackdirToDirection(trackdir), ft.m_tiles_skipped * TILE_SIZE, tile); if (IsTileType(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) && TrackdirEntersTunnelBridge(tile, trackdir)) { uint16 bridge_speed = 0; if (IsBridge(tile)) { bridge_speed = GetBridgeSpec(GetBridgeType(tile))->speed; lookahead->AddTrackSpeedLimit(bridge_speed, 0, 8, z); } const int start_offset = (IsDiagonalTrackdir(trackdir) ? 16 : 8); const TileIndex end = GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(tile); const int length = GetTunnelBridgeLength(tile, end); if (IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationEntrance(tile)) { const int spacing = GetTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationSpacing(tile); const int signals = length / spacing; uint16 speed_restriction = ApplyTunnelBridgeLookaheadSignalSpeedRestriction(tile, trackdir, v, lookahead->speed_restriction, lookahead, 0, z); uint16 signal_speed = GetRailTypeInfo(rt)->max_speed; if (signal_speed == 0 || (speed_restriction != 0 && speed_restriction < signal_speed)) signal_speed = speed_restriction; if (signal_speed == 0 || (bridge_speed != 0 && bridge_speed < signal_speed)) signal_speed = bridge_speed; const uint16 signal_flags = GetTunnelBridgeSignalStyle(tile) << 8; /* Entrance signal */ lookahead->AddSignal(signal_speed, 0, z, signal_flags); update_z(tile, trackdir, false); if (length > 1) { check_direction(DiagDirToDir(GetTunnelBridgeDirection(tile)), start_offset, tile); } bool chunnel = IsTunnel(tile) && Tunnel::GetByTile(tile)->is_chunnel; /* Middle signals */ int offset = start_offset - TILE_SIZE; for (int i = 0; i < signals; i++) { offset += TILE_SIZE * spacing; lookahead->AddSignal(signal_speed, offset, chunnel ? LookaheadTileHeightForChunnel(length, i * spacing) : z, signal_flags); } /* Exit signal */ const int end_offset = start_offset + (TILE_SIZE * length); uint16 exit_speed_restriction = ApplyTunnelBridgeLookaheadSignalSpeedRestriction(end, INVALID_TRACKDIR, v, lookahead->speed_restriction, lookahead, end_offset, z); if (exit_speed_restriction != speed_restriction) { speed_restriction = exit_speed_restriction; signal_speed = GetRailTypeInfo(rt)->max_speed; if (signal_speed == 0 || (speed_restriction != 0 && speed_restriction < signal_speed)) signal_speed = speed_restriction; if (signal_speed == 0 || (bridge_speed != 0 && bridge_speed < signal_speed)) signal_speed = bridge_speed; } lookahead->AddSignal(signal_speed, end_offset, z, signal_flags); lookahead->SetNextExtendPositionIfUnset(); } else { update_z(tile, trackdir, false); if (length > 1) { check_direction(DiagDirToDir(GetTunnelBridgeDirection(tile)), start_offset, tile); } } } if (IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY) && HasSignalOnTrack(tile, TrackdirToTrack(trackdir))) { TraceRestrictProgramActionsUsedFlags au_flags; if (HasSignalOnTrackdir(tile, trackdir)) { /* Passing through a signal from the front side */ au_flags = TRPAUF_SPEED_RESTRICTION; } else { /* Passing through a signal from the rear side */ au_flags = TRPAUF_SPEED_RESTRICTION | TRPAUF_REVERSE; } uint16 speed_restriction = lookahead->speed_restriction; if (v != nullptr) { const TraceRestrictProgram *prog = GetExistingTraceRestrictProgram(tile, TrackdirToTrack(trackdir)); if (prog && prog->actions_used_flags & au_flags) { TraceRestrictProgramResult out; TraceRestrictProgramInput input(tile, trackdir, nullptr, nullptr); prog->Execute(v, input, out); if (out.flags & TRPRF_REVERSE && au_flags & TRPAUF_REVERSE) { lookahead->AddReverse(z); } if (out.flags & TRPRF_SPEED_RESTRICTION_SET) { lookahead->AddSpeedRestriction(out.speed_restriction, 0, 0, z); if (out.speed_restriction != 0 && (speed_restriction == 0 || out.speed_restriction < speed_restriction)) { /* lower of the speed restrictions before or after the signal */ speed_restriction = out.speed_restriction; } } } } if (!(au_flags & TRPAUF_REVERSE)) { /* Passing through a signal from the front side */ uint16 signal_speed = GetRailTypeInfo(rt)->max_speed; if (signal_speed == 0 || (speed_restriction != 0 && speed_restriction < signal_speed)) signal_speed = speed_restriction; uint8 signal_style = GetSignalStyle(tile, TrackdirToTrack(trackdir)); uint16 signal_flags = signal_style << 8; if (HasBit(_signal_style_masks.non_aspect_inc, signal_style)) { SetBit(signal_flags, TRSLAI_NO_ASPECT_INC); } if (HasBit(_signal_style_masks.next_only, signal_style)) { SetBit(signal_flags, TRSLAI_NEXT_ONLY); } if (HasBit(_signal_style_masks.combined_normal_shunt, signal_style)) { SetBit(signal_flags, TRSLAI_COMBINED); UpdateLookaheadCombinedNormalShuntSignalDeferred(tile, trackdir, lookahead->RealEndPosition()); } lookahead->AddSignal(signal_speed, 0, z, signal_flags); lookahead->SetNextExtendPositionIfUnset(); } } lookahead->reservation_end_position += (IsDiagonalTrackdir(trackdir) ? 16 : 8) + (ft.m_tiles_skipped * 16); update_z(tile, trackdir, false); } if (first_loop) { /* Update the start tile after we followed the track the first * time. This is necessary because the track follower can skip * tiles (in stations for example) which means that we might * never visit our original starting tile again. */ start_tile = tile; start_trackdir = trackdir; first_loop = false; } else { /* Loop encountered? */ if (tile == start_tile && trackdir == start_trackdir) break; } /* Depot tile? Can't continue. */ if (IsRailDepotTile(tile)) { if (lookahead != nullptr) SetBit(lookahead->flags, TRLF_DEPOT_END); break; } /* Non-pbs signal? Reservation can't continue. */ if (IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY) && HasSignalOnTrackdir(tile, trackdir) && !IsPbsSignal(GetSignalType(tile, TrackdirToTrack(trackdir)))) break; } if (lookahead != nullptr) lookahead->reservation_end_z = z; return PBSTileInfo(tile, trackdir, false); } /** * Helper struct for finding the best matching vehicle on a specific track. */ struct FindTrainOnTrackInfo { PBSTileInfo res; ///< Information about the track. Train *best; ///< The currently "best" vehicle we have found. /** Init the best location to nullptr always! */ FindTrainOnTrackInfo() : best(nullptr) {} }; /** Callback for Has/FindVehicleOnPos to find a train on a specific track. */ static Vehicle *FindTrainOnTrackEnum(Vehicle *v, void *data) { FindTrainOnTrackInfo *info = (FindTrainOnTrackInfo *)data; if ((v->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED)) return nullptr; Train *t = Train::From(v); if (t->track & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE) { /* Do not find trains inside signalled bridge/tunnels. * Trains on the ramp/entrance itself are found though. */ if (IsTileType(info->res.tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) && IsTunnelBridgeWithSignalSimulation(info->res.tile) && info->res.tile != TileVirtXY(t->x_pos, t->y_pos)) { return nullptr; } } if (t->track & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE || HasBit((TrackBits)t->track, TrackdirToTrack(info->res.trackdir))) { t = t->First(); /* ALWAYS return the lowest ID (anti-desync!) */ if (info->best == nullptr || t->index < info->best->index) info->best = t; return t; } return nullptr; } void TrainReservationLookAhead::SetNextExtendPosition() { int32 threshold = this->current_position + 24; for (const TrainReservationLookAheadItem &item : this->items) { if (item.type == TRLIT_SIGNAL && item.start > threshold) { this->next_extend_position = item.start - 24; return; } } this->next_extend_position = this->current_position; } bool ValidateLookAhead(const Train *v) { TileIndex tile = v->lookahead->reservation_end_tile; Trackdir trackdir = v->lookahead->reservation_end_trackdir; if (HasBit(v->lookahead->flags, TRLF_TB_EXIT_FREE)) { if (!likely(IsRailTunnelBridgeTile(tile) && TrackdirEntersTunnelBridge(tile, trackdir))) { return false; } } if (HasBit(v->lookahead->flags, TRLF_DEPOT_END) && !IsRailDepotTile(tile)) return false; TrackdirBits trackdirbits = TrackStatusToTrackdirBits(GetTileTrackStatus(tile, TRANSPORT_RAIL, 0)); if (!HasTrackdir(trackdirbits, trackdir)) return false; return true; } /** * Follow a train reservation to the last tile. * * @param v the vehicle * @param train_on_res Is set to a train we might encounter * @returns The last tile of the reservation or the current train tile if no reservation present. */ PBSTileInfo FollowTrainReservation(const Train *v, Vehicle **train_on_res, FollowTrainReservationFlags flags) { assert(v->type == VEH_TRAIN); TileIndex tile; Trackdir trackdir; if (!(flags & FTRF_IGNORE_LOOKAHEAD) && _settings_game.vehicle.train_braking_model == TBM_REALISTIC && v->lookahead != nullptr) { tile = v->lookahead->reservation_end_tile; trackdir = v->lookahead->reservation_end_trackdir; if (HasBit(v->lookahead->flags, TRLF_DEPOT_END)) return PBSTileInfo(tile, trackdir, false); if (HasBit(v->lookahead->flags, TRLF_TB_EXIT_FREE)) { TileIndex exit_tile = GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(tile); if (IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationExit(exit_tile) && GetTunnelBridgeExitSignalState(exit_tile) == SIGNAL_STATE_GREEN && HasAcrossTunnelBridgeReservation(exit_tile)) { tile = exit_tile; trackdir = GetTunnelBridgeExitTrackdir(exit_tile); } } } else { tile = v->tile; trackdir = v->GetVehicleTrackdir(); } if (IsRailDepotTile(tile) && !GetDepotReservationTrackBits(tile)) return PBSTileInfo(tile, trackdir, false); FindTrainOnTrackInfo ftoti; ftoti.res = FollowReservation(v->owner, GetRailTypeInfo(v->railtype)->all_compatible_railtypes, tile, trackdir, FRF_NONE, v, nullptr); ftoti.res.okay = (flags & FTRF_OKAY_UNUSED) ? false : IsSafeWaitingPosition(v, ftoti.res.tile, ftoti.res.trackdir, true, _settings_game.pf.forbid_90_deg); if (train_on_res != nullptr) { FindVehicleOnPos(ftoti.res.tile, VEH_TRAIN, &ftoti, FindTrainOnTrackEnum); if (ftoti.best != nullptr) *train_on_res = ftoti.best->First(); if (*train_on_res == nullptr && IsRailStationTile(ftoti.res.tile)) { /* The target tile is a rail station. The track follower * has stopped on the last platform tile where we haven't * found a train. Also check all previous platform tiles * for a possible train. */ TileIndexDiff diff = TileOffsByDiagDir(TrackdirToExitdir(ReverseTrackdir(ftoti.res.trackdir))); for (TileIndex st_tile = ftoti.res.tile + diff; *train_on_res == nullptr && IsCompatibleTrainStationTile(st_tile, ftoti.res.tile); st_tile += diff) { FindVehicleOnPos(st_tile, VEH_TRAIN, &ftoti, FindTrainOnTrackEnum); if (ftoti.best != nullptr) *train_on_res = ftoti.best->First(); } } if (*train_on_res == nullptr && IsTileType(ftoti.res.tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) && IsTrackAcrossTunnelBridge(ftoti.res.tile, TrackdirToTrack(ftoti.res.trackdir)) && !IsTunnelBridgeWithSignalSimulation(ftoti.res.tile)) { /* The target tile is a bridge/tunnel, also check the other end tile. */ FindVehicleOnPos(GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(ftoti.res.tile), VEH_TRAIN, &ftoti, FindTrainOnTrackEnum); if (ftoti.best != nullptr) *train_on_res = ftoti.best->First(); } } return ftoti.res; } void ApplyAvailableFreeTunnelBridgeTiles(TrainReservationLookAhead *lookahead, int free_tiles, TileIndex tile, TileIndex end) { SB(lookahead->flags, TRLF_TB_EXIT_FREE, 1, free_tiles == INT_MAX ? 1 : 0); if (free_tiles == INT_MAX) { /* whole tunnel/bridge is empty */ if (unlikely(end == INVALID_TILE)) end = GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(tile); free_tiles = DistanceManhattan(tile, end) - 1; } else { if (free_tiles > 0) { int spacing = GetTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationSpacing(tile); free_tiles = (((free_tiles - 1) / spacing) * spacing) - 1; } else { free_tiles = -1; } } lookahead->reservation_end_position += ((free_tiles - lookahead->tunnel_bridge_reserved_tiles) * TILE_SIZE); lookahead->tunnel_bridge_reserved_tiles = free_tiles; if (HasBit(lookahead->flags, TRLF_CHUNNEL)) { if (unlikely(end == INVALID_TILE)) end = GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(tile); lookahead->reservation_end_z = LookaheadTileHeightForChunnel(GetTunnelBridgeLength(tile, end), free_tiles + 1); } } void FillLookAheadCurveDataFromTrainPosition(Train *t) { TileIndex tile = TileVirtXY(t->x_pos, t->y_pos); Direction dir = t->direction; int32 current_pos = t->lookahead->reservation_end_position + 4 - ((dir & 1) ? 16 : 8); for (Train *u = t->Next(); u != nullptr; u = u->Next()) { TileIndex cur_tile = TileVirtXY(u->x_pos, u->y_pos); if (cur_tile == tile) continue; tile = cur_tile; if (u->direction != dir) { DirDiff dirdiff = DirDifference(u->direction, dir); t->lookahead->curves.push_front({ current_pos, dirdiff }); dir = u->direction; } current_pos -= ((dir & 1) ? 16 : 8); } } static int ScanTrainPositionForLookAheadStation(Train *t, TileIndex start_tile) { StationID prev = INVALID_STATION; int offset = 0; int start_offset_tiles = 0; TileIndex cur_tile = start_tile; for (const Train *u = t; u != nullptr; u = u->Next()) { if (u != t) { TileIndex u_tile = TileVirtXY(u->x_pos, u->y_pos); if (u_tile != cur_tile) { offset += (IsDiagonalTrackdir(u->GetVehicleTrackdir()) ? 16 : 8); cur_tile = u_tile; } } if (HasStationTileRail(u->tile)) { StationID current = GetStationIndex(u->tile); if (current != prev) { /* Train is in a station, add that to the lookahead */ TileIndex tile = u->tile; Trackdir trackdir = u->GetVehicleTrackdir(); RailType rt = GetRailTypeByTrack(tile, TrackdirToTrack(trackdir)); int z = GetTileMaxPixelZ(tile); DiagDirection forward_dir = TrackdirToExitdir(trackdir); TileIndexDiff diff = TileOffsByDiagDir(forward_dir); uint forward_length = BaseStation::GetByTile(tile)->GetPlatformLength(tile, forward_dir); uint reverse_length = BaseStation::GetByTile(tile)->GetPlatformLength(tile, ReverseDiagDir(forward_dir)); if (u == t) { for (uint i = 1; i < forward_length; i++) { /* Check for mid platform rail type change */ TileIndex new_tile = tile + (i * diff); RailType new_rt = GetRailTypeByTrack(new_tile, TrackdirToTrack(trackdir)); if (new_rt != rt) { uint16 rail_speed = GetTrainSpeedLimitForRailtype(t, new_rt, new_tile, TrackdirToTrack(trackdir)); if (rail_speed > 0) t->lookahead->AddTrackSpeedLimit(rail_speed, (i - 1) * TILE_SIZE, 4, z); rt = new_rt; } } start_offset_tiles = forward_length - 1; } t->lookahead->AddStation(forward_length - 1, current, z); t->lookahead->items.back().start -= offset + (reverse_length * TILE_SIZE); t->lookahead->items.back().end -= offset; prev = current; } } else { prev = INVALID_STATION; } if (!HasBit(u->flags, VRF_BEYOND_PLATFORM_END)) break; } return start_offset_tiles; } void TryCreateLookAheadForTrainInTunnelBridge(Train *t) { if (IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationExitOnly(t->tile)) return; DiagDirection tb_dir = GetTunnelBridgeDirection(t->tile); if (DirToDiagDirAlongAxis(t->direction, DiagDirToAxis(tb_dir)) == tb_dir) { /* going in the right direction, allocate a new lookahead */ t->lookahead.reset(new TrainReservationLookAhead()); t->lookahead->reservation_end_tile = t->tile; t->lookahead->reservation_end_trackdir = GetTunnelBridgeEntranceTrackdir(t->tile); t->lookahead->reservation_end_z = t->z_pos; t->lookahead->current_position = 0; t->lookahead->next_extend_position = 0; t->lookahead->tunnel_bridge_reserved_tiles = DistanceManhattan(t->tile, TileVirtXY(t->x_pos, t->y_pos)); t->lookahead->reservation_end_position = GetTileMarginInFrontOfTrain(t); t->lookahead->flags = 0; t->lookahead->speed_restriction = t->speed_restriction; t->lookahead->cached_zpos = t->CalculateOverallZPos(); t->lookahead->zpos_refresh_remaining = t->GetZPosCacheUpdateInterval(); if (IsTunnel(t->tile) && Tunnel::GetByTile(t->tile)->is_chunnel) SetBit(t->lookahead->flags, TRLF_CHUNNEL); if (IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationEntrance(t->tile)) { const uint16 bridge_speed = IsBridge(t->tile) ? GetBridgeSpec(GetBridgeType(t->tile))->speed : 0; const TileIndex end = GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(t->tile); const int length = GetTunnelBridgeLength(t->tile, end); const int spacing = GetTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationSpacing(t->tile); const int signals = length / spacing; const RailType rt = GetRailTypeByTrack(t->tile, TrackdirToTrack(t->lookahead->reservation_end_trackdir)); uint16 signal_speed = GetRailTypeInfo(rt)->max_speed; if (signal_speed == 0 || (t->speed_restriction != 0 && t->speed_restriction < signal_speed)) signal_speed = t->speed_restriction; if (signal_speed == 0 || (bridge_speed != 0 && bridge_speed < signal_speed)) signal_speed = bridge_speed; int z = IsBridge(t->tile) ? GetBridgeHeight(t->tile) : GetTilePixelZ(t->tile); const uint16 signal_flags = GetTunnelBridgeSignalStyle(t->tile) << 8; /* Middle signals */ int offset = -(int)TILE_SIZE; for (int i = 0; i < signals; i++) { offset += TILE_SIZE * spacing; t->lookahead->AddSignal(signal_speed, offset, HasBit(t->lookahead->flags, TRLF_CHUNNEL) ? LookaheadTileHeightForChunnel(length, i * spacing) : z, signal_flags); } /* Exit signal */ const int end_offset = TILE_SIZE * length; uint16 exit_speed_restriction = ApplyTunnelBridgeLookaheadSignalSpeedRestriction(end, INVALID_TRACKDIR, t, t->speed_restriction, t->lookahead.get(), end_offset, z); if (exit_speed_restriction != t->speed_restriction) { signal_speed = GetRailTypeInfo(rt)->max_speed; if (signal_speed == 0 || (exit_speed_restriction != 0 && exit_speed_restriction < signal_speed)) signal_speed = exit_speed_restriction; if (signal_speed == 0 || (bridge_speed != 0 && bridge_speed < signal_speed)) signal_speed = bridge_speed; } t->lookahead->AddSignal(signal_speed, end_offset, z, signal_flags); t->lookahead->SetNextExtendPositionIfUnset(); } FillLookAheadCurveDataFromTrainPosition(t); TileIndex end = GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(t->tile); int raw_free_tiles = GetAvailableFreeTilesInSignalledTunnelBridgeWithStartOffset(t->tile, end, t->lookahead->tunnel_bridge_reserved_tiles + 1); ApplyAvailableFreeTunnelBridgeTiles(t->lookahead.get(), raw_free_tiles, t->tile, end); ScanTrainPositionForLookAheadStation(t, TileVirtXY(t->x_pos, t->y_pos)); } } void SetTrainReservationLookaheadEnd(Train *v) { if (_settings_game.vehicle.realistic_braking_aspect_limited != TRBALM_ON || _extra_aspects == 0) { v->lookahead->lookahead_end_position = v->lookahead->reservation_end_position + 1; return; } if (v->lookahead->lookahead_end_position > v->lookahead->reservation_end_position) return; int32 threshold = v->lookahead->current_position + 24; uint8 known_signals_ahead = 1; bool allow_skip_no_aspect_inc = false; if (v->IsInDepot()) { known_signals_ahead = _extra_aspects + 1; allow_skip_no_aspect_inc = true; } for (const TrainReservationLookAheadItem &item : v->lookahead->items) { if (item.end >= v->lookahead->reservation_end_position) break; if (item.type == TRLIT_SIGNAL) { if (HasBit(item.data_aux, TRSLAI_COMBINED_SHUNT)) { /* Combined normal/shunt in shunt mode */ allow_skip_no_aspect_inc = false; if (item.start <= threshold) { known_signals_ahead = 1; continue; } else { if (item.start > v->lookahead->lookahead_end_position) v->lookahead->lookahead_end_position = item.start; return; } } if (item.start <= threshold) { /* Signal is within visual range */ uint8 style = item.data_aux >> 8; uint8 max_aspect = (style == 0) ? _extra_aspects : _new_signal_styles[style - 1].lookahead_extra_aspects; if (!HasBit(item.data_aux, TRSLAI_NEXT_ONLY)) allow_skip_no_aspect_inc = true; max_aspect += ((HasBit(item.data_aux, TRSLAI_NO_ASPECT_INC) && allow_skip_no_aspect_inc) ? 1 : 2); if (max_aspect > known_signals_ahead) known_signals_ahead = max_aspect; } if (!HasBit(item.data_aux, TRSLAI_NO_ASPECT_INC) || !allow_skip_no_aspect_inc) { known_signals_ahead--; if (known_signals_ahead == 0) { if (item.start > v->lookahead->lookahead_end_position) v->lookahead->lookahead_end_position = item.start; return; } } } } /* Didn't need to stop at a signal along the reservation */ if (v->lookahead->reservation_end_position >= v->lookahead->lookahead_end_position) { v->lookahead->lookahead_end_position = v->lookahead->reservation_end_position; if (known_signals_ahead > 1) v->lookahead->lookahead_end_position++; } } void FillTrainReservationLookAhead(Train *v) { TileIndex tile; Trackdir trackdir; if (v->lookahead == nullptr && (v->track & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE)) { TryCreateLookAheadForTrainInTunnelBridge(v); if (v->lookahead == nullptr) return; } if (v->lookahead == nullptr) { v->lookahead.reset(new TrainReservationLookAhead()); v->lookahead->current_position = 0; v->lookahead->next_extend_position = 0; /* Special case, if called from TrainController, * v->tile, v->track and v->direction can be updated to the new tile, * but v->x_pos and v->y_pos can still use the cordinates on the old tile, * GetTileMarginInFrontOfTrain could erroneously return -5 if the old and * new directions don't match. */ v->lookahead->reservation_end_position = std::max(GetTileMarginInFrontOfTrain(v), -4); v->lookahead->tunnel_bridge_reserved_tiles = 0; v->lookahead->flags = 0; v->lookahead->speed_restriction = v->speed_restriction; v->lookahead->cached_zpos = v->CalculateOverallZPos(); v->lookahead->zpos_refresh_remaining = v->GetZPosCacheUpdateInterval(); FillLookAheadCurveDataFromTrainPosition(v); tile = v->tile; trackdir = v->GetVehicleTrackdir(); TileIndex virt_tile = TileVirtXY(v->x_pos, v->y_pos); if (tile != virt_tile) { v->lookahead->reservation_end_position += (IsDiagonalDirection(v->direction) ? 16 : 8); } int station_offset_tiles = ScanTrainPositionForLookAheadStation(v, tile); if (station_offset_tiles > 0) { TileIndexDiff diff = TileOffsByDiagDir(TrackdirToExitdir(trackdir)); tile += station_offset_tiles * diff; v->lookahead->reservation_end_position += station_offset_tiles * TILE_SIZE; } } else { tile = v->lookahead->reservation_end_tile; trackdir = v->lookahead->reservation_end_trackdir; if (IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationEntranceTile(tile) && TrackdirEntersTunnelBridge(tile, trackdir)) { TileIndex end = GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(tile); int raw_free_tiles; if (HasBit(v->lookahead->flags, TRLF_TB_EXIT_FREE)) { raw_free_tiles = INT_MAX; } else { raw_free_tiles = GetAvailableFreeTilesInSignalledTunnelBridgeWithStartOffset(tile, end, v->lookahead->tunnel_bridge_reserved_tiles + 1); ApplyAvailableFreeTunnelBridgeTiles(v->lookahead.get(), raw_free_tiles, tile, end); } if (!(HasAcrossTunnelBridgeReservation(end) && GetTunnelBridgeExitSignalState(end) == SIGNAL_STATE_GREEN && raw_free_tiles == INT_MAX)) { /* do not attempt to follow through a signalled tunnel/bridge if it is not empty or the far end is not reserved */ FlushDeferredDetermineCombineNormalShuntMode(v); SetTrainReservationLookaheadEnd(v); return; } } } if (IsRailDepotTile(tile) && !GetDepotReservationTrackBits(tile)) { FlushDeferredDetermineCombineNormalShuntMode(v); SetTrainReservationLookaheadEnd(v); return; } FollowReservationFlags flags = FRF_NONE; if (HasBit(v->lookahead->flags, TRLF_TB_EXIT_FREE)) flags |= FRF_TB_EXIT_FREE; PBSTileInfo res = FollowReservation(v->owner, GetRailTypeInfo(v->railtype)->all_compatible_railtypes, tile, trackdir, flags, v, v->lookahead.get()); if (IsTunnelBridgeWithSignalSimulation(res.tile) && TrackdirEntersTunnelBridge(res.tile, res.trackdir)) { SB(v->lookahead->flags, TRLF_CHUNNEL, 1, (IsTunnel(res.tile) && Tunnel::GetByTile(res.tile)->is_chunnel) ? 1 : 0); if (v->lookahead->current_position < v->lookahead->reservation_end_position - ((int)TILE_SIZE * (1 + v->lookahead->tunnel_bridge_reserved_tiles))) { /* Vehicle is not itself in this tunnel/bridge, scan how much is available */ TileIndex end = INVALID_TILE; int free_tiles; if (GetTunnelBridgeEntranceSignalState(res.tile) == SIGNAL_STATE_GREEN) { end = GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(res.tile); free_tiles = GetAvailableFreeTilesInSignalledTunnelBridge(res.tile, end, res.tile); } else { free_tiles = -1; } ApplyAvailableFreeTunnelBridgeTiles(v->lookahead.get(), free_tiles, res.tile, end); } } else { ClrBit(v->lookahead->flags, TRLF_TB_EXIT_FREE); ClrBit(v->lookahead->flags, TRLF_CHUNNEL); if (v->lookahead->tunnel_bridge_reserved_tiles != 0) { v->lookahead->reservation_end_position -= (v->lookahead->tunnel_bridge_reserved_tiles * (int)TILE_SIZE); v->lookahead->tunnel_bridge_reserved_tiles = 0; } } v->lookahead->reservation_end_tile = res.tile; v->lookahead->reservation_end_trackdir = res.trackdir; FlushDeferredDetermineCombineNormalShuntMode(v); SetTrainReservationLookaheadEnd(v); } /** * Find the train which has reserved a specific path. * * @param tile A tile on the path. * @param track A reserved track on the tile. * @return The vehicle holding the reservation or nullptr if the path is stray. */ Train *GetTrainForReservation(TileIndex tile, Track track) { assert_msg_tile(HasReservedTracks(tile, TrackToTrackBits(track)), tile, "track: %u", track); Trackdir trackdir = TrackToTrackdir(track); RailTypes rts = GetRailTypeInfo(GetTileRailTypeByTrack(tile, track))->all_compatible_railtypes; /* Follow the path from tile to both ends, one of the end tiles should * have a train on it. We need FollowReservation to ignore one-way signals * here, as one of the two search directions will be the "wrong" way. */ for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i, trackdir = ReverseTrackdir(trackdir)) { /* If the tile has a one-way block signal in the current trackdir, skip the * search in this direction as the reservation can't come from this side.*/ if (HasOnewaySignalBlockingTrackdir(tile, ReverseTrackdir(trackdir)) && !HasPbsSignalOnTrackdir(tile, trackdir)) continue; FindTrainOnTrackInfo ftoti; ftoti.res = FollowReservation(GetTileOwner(tile), rts, tile, trackdir, FRF_IGNORE_ONEWAY, nullptr, nullptr); FindVehicleOnPos(ftoti.res.tile, VEH_TRAIN, &ftoti, FindTrainOnTrackEnum); if (ftoti.best != nullptr) return ftoti.best; /* Special case for stations: check the whole platform for a vehicle. */ if (IsRailStationTile(ftoti.res.tile)) { TileIndexDiff diff = TileOffsByDiagDir(TrackdirToExitdir(ReverseTrackdir(ftoti.res.trackdir))); for (TileIndex st_tile = ftoti.res.tile + diff; IsCompatibleTrainStationTile(st_tile, ftoti.res.tile); st_tile += diff) { FindVehicleOnPos(st_tile, VEH_TRAIN, &ftoti, FindTrainOnTrackEnum); if (ftoti.best != nullptr) return ftoti.best; } } if (IsTileType(ftoti.res.tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) && IsTrackAcrossTunnelBridge(ftoti.res.tile, TrackdirToTrack(ftoti.res.trackdir))) { if (IsTunnelBridgeWithSignalSimulation(ftoti.res.tile)) { /* Special case for signalled bridges/tunnels: find best train on bridge/tunnel if exit reserved. */ if (IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationExit(ftoti.res.tile) && !(IsTunnelBridgeEffectivelyPBS(ftoti.res.tile) && GetTunnelBridgeExitSignalState(ftoti.res.tile) == SIGNAL_STATE_RED)) { ftoti.best = GetTrainClosestToTunnelBridgeEnd(ftoti.res.tile, GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(ftoti.res.tile)); } } else { /* Special case for bridges/tunnels: check the other end as well. */ FindVehicleOnPos(GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(ftoti.res.tile), VEH_TRAIN, &ftoti, FindTrainOnTrackEnum); } if (ftoti.best != nullptr) return ftoti.best; } } return nullptr; } CommandCost CheckTrainReservationPreventsTrackModification(TileIndex tile, Track track) { if (_settings_game.vehicle.train_braking_model == TBM_REALISTIC) { return CheckTrainReservationPreventsTrackModification(GetTrainForReservation(tile, track)); } return CommandCost(); } CommandCost CheckTrainReservationPreventsTrackModification(const Train *v) { if (_settings_game.vehicle.train_braking_model == TBM_REALISTIC && v != nullptr && v->UsingRealisticBraking() && (v->cur_speed > 0 || !(v->vehstatus & (VS_STOPPED | VS_CRASHED)))) { return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_CANNOT_MODIFY_TRACK_TRAIN_APPROACHING); } return CommandCost(); } static Vehicle *TrainInTunnelBridgePreventsTrackModificationEnum(Vehicle *v, void *) { if (CheckTrainReservationPreventsTrackModification(Train::From(v)->First()).Failed()) return v; return nullptr; } CommandCost CheckTrainInTunnelBridgePreventsTrackModification(TileIndex start, TileIndex end) { if (_settings_game.vehicle.train_braking_model != TBM_REALISTIC) return CommandCost(); if (HasVehicleOnPos(start, VEH_TRAIN, nullptr, &TrainInTunnelBridgePreventsTrackModificationEnum) || HasVehicleOnPos(end, VEH_TRAIN, nullptr, &TrainInTunnelBridgePreventsTrackModificationEnum)) { return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_CANNOT_MODIFY_TRACK_TRAIN_APPROACHING); } return CommandCost(); } /** * This is called to retrieve the previous signal, as required * This is not run all the time as it is somewhat expensive and most restrictions will not test for the previous signal */ TileIndex VehiclePosTraceRestrictPreviousSignalCallback(const Train *v, const void *, TraceRestrictPBSEntrySignalAuxField mode) { if (mode == TRPESAF_RES_END_TILE) return INVALID_TILE; TileIndex tile; Trackdir trackdir; if (mode == TRPESAF_RES_END && v->lookahead != nullptr) { tile = v->lookahead->reservation_end_tile; trackdir = v->lookahead->reservation_end_trackdir; } else { if (IsRailDepotTile(v->tile)) { return v->tile; } if (v->track & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE && IsTileType(v->tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) && IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationExit(v->tile) && IsTunnelBridgeEffectivelyPBS(v->tile)) { return v->tile; } tile = v->tile; trackdir = v->GetVehicleTrackdir(); } // scan forwards from vehicle position, for the case that train is waiting at/approaching PBS signal CFollowTrackRail ft(v); for (;;) { if (IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY) && HasSignalOnTrackdir(tile, trackdir)) { if (HasPbsSignalOnTrackdir(tile, trackdir)) { // found PBS signal return tile; } else { // wrong type of signal return INVALID_TILE; } } if (IsTileType(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) && IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationExit(tile) && IsTunnelBridgeEffectivelyPBS(tile) && TrackdirExitsTunnelBridge(tile, trackdir)) { return tile; } // advance to next tile if (!ft.Follow(tile, trackdir)) { // ran out of track return INVALID_TILE; } if (KillFirstBit(ft.m_new_td_bits) != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE) { // reached a junction tile return INVALID_TILE; } tile = ft.m_new_tile; trackdir = FindFirstTrackdir(ft.m_new_td_bits); } } /** * Determine whether a certain track on a tile is a safe position to end a path. * * @param v the vehicle to test for * @param tile The tile * @param trackdir The trackdir to test * @param include_line_end Should end-of-line tiles be considered safe? * @param forbid_90deg Don't allow trains to make 90 degree turns * @return True if it is a safe position */ bool IsSafeWaitingPosition(const Train *v, TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, bool include_line_end, bool forbid_90deg) { if (IsRailDepotTile(tile)) return true; if (IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY)) { /* For non-pbs signals, stop on the signal tile. */ if (HasSignalOnTrackdir(tile, trackdir) && !IsPbsSignal(GetSignalType(tile, TrackdirToTrack(trackdir)))) return true; } if (IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationEntranceTile(tile) && IsTrackAcrossTunnelBridge(tile, TrackdirToTrack(trackdir))) { return true; } /* Check next tile. For performance reasons, we check for 90 degree turns ourself. */ CFollowTrackRail ft(v, GetRailTypeInfo(v->railtype)->all_compatible_railtypes); /* End of track? */ if (!ft.Follow(tile, trackdir)) { /* Last tile of a terminus station is a safe position. */ if (include_line_end) return true; } /* Check for reachable tracks. */ ft.m_new_td_bits &= DiagdirReachesTrackdirs(ft.m_exitdir); if (ft.m_tiles_skipped == 0 && Rail90DegTurnDisallowedTilesFromTrackdir(ft.m_old_tile, ft.m_new_tile, ft.m_old_td, forbid_90deg)) ft.m_new_td_bits &= ~TrackdirCrossesTrackdirs(trackdir); if (ft.m_new_td_bits == TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE) return include_line_end; if (ft.m_new_td_bits != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE && KillFirstBit(ft.m_new_td_bits) == TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE) { Trackdir td = FindFirstTrackdir(ft.m_new_td_bits); /* PBS signal on next trackdir? Conditionally safe position. */ if (HasPbsSignalOnTrackdir(ft.m_new_tile, td)) { if (GetSignalType(ft.m_new_tile, TrackdirToTrack(td)) == SIGTYPE_NO_ENTRY) return include_line_end; if (GetSignalAlwaysReserveThrough(ft.m_new_tile, TrackdirToTrack(td))) return false; if (IsRestrictedSignal(ft.m_new_tile)) { const TraceRestrictProgram *prog = GetExistingTraceRestrictProgram(ft.m_new_tile, TrackdirToTrack(td)); if (prog && prog->actions_used_flags & TRPAUF_RESERVE_THROUGH) { TraceRestrictProgramResult out; prog->Execute(v, TraceRestrictProgramInput(ft.m_new_tile, td, &VehiclePosTraceRestrictPreviousSignalCallback, nullptr), out); if (out.flags & TRPRF_RESERVE_THROUGH) { return false; } } } return true; } /* One-way PBS signal against us? Safe if end-of-line is allowed. */ if (IsTileType(ft.m_new_tile, MP_RAILWAY) && HasSignalOnTrackdir(ft.m_new_tile, ReverseTrackdir(td)) && GetSignalType(ft.m_new_tile, TrackdirToTrack(td)) == SIGTYPE_PBS_ONEWAY) { return include_line_end; } if (IsRailTunnelBridgeTile(ft.m_new_tile) && IsTrackAcrossTunnelBridge(ft.m_new_tile, TrackdirToTrack(td)) && IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationExitOnly(ft.m_new_tile) && IsTunnelBridgeEffectivelyPBS(ft.m_new_tile)) { return include_line_end; } } return false; } /** * Check if a safe position is free. * * @param v the vehicle to test for * @param tile The tile * @param trackdir The trackdir to test * @param forbid_90deg Don't allow trains to make 90 degree turns * @return True if the position is free */ bool IsWaitingPositionFree(const Train *v, TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, bool forbid_90deg, PBSWaitingPositionRestrictedSignalInfo *restricted_signal_info) { Track track = TrackdirToTrack(trackdir); TrackBits reserved = GetReservedTrackbits(tile); /* Tile reserved? Can never be a free waiting position. */ if (TrackOverlapsTracks(reserved, track)) return false; /* Not reserved and depot or not a pbs signal -> free. */ if (IsRailDepotTile(tile)) return true; auto pbs_res_end_wait_test = [v, restricted_signal_info](TileIndex t, Trackdir td, bool tunnel_bridge) -> bool { if (tunnel_bridge ? IsTunnelBridgeRestrictedSignal(t) : IsRestrictedSignal(t)) { const TraceRestrictProgram *prog = GetExistingTraceRestrictProgram(t, TrackdirToTrack(td)); if (restricted_signal_info && prog) { restricted_signal_info->tile = t; restricted_signal_info->trackdir = td; } if (prog && prog->actions_used_flags & TRPAUF_PBS_RES_END_WAIT) { TraceRestrictProgramInput input(t, td, &VehiclePosTraceRestrictPreviousSignalCallback, nullptr); input.permitted_slot_operations = TRPISP_PBS_RES_END_ACQ_DRY; TraceRestrictProgramResult out; prog->Execute(v, input, out); if (out.flags & TRPRF_PBS_RES_END_WAIT) { return false; } } } return true; }; if (IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY) && HasSignalOnTrackdir(tile, trackdir) && !IsPbsSignal(GetSignalType(tile, track))) { return pbs_res_end_wait_test(tile, trackdir, false); } if (IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationEntranceTile(tile) && IsTrackAcrossTunnelBridge(tile, TrackdirToTrack(trackdir))) { bool free = pbs_res_end_wait_test(tile, trackdir, true); if (free && IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationBidirectional(tile)) { TileIndex other_end = GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(tile); if (HasAcrossTunnelBridgeReservation(other_end) && GetTunnelBridgeExitSignalState(other_end) == SIGNAL_STATE_RED) return false; Direction dir = DiagDirToDir(GetTunnelBridgeDirection(other_end)); if (HasVehicleOnPos(other_end, VEH_TRAIN, &dir, [](Vehicle *v, void *data) -> Vehicle * { DirDiff diff = DirDifference(v->direction, *((Direction *) data)); if (diff == DIRDIFF_SAME) return v; if (diff == DIRDIFF_45RIGHT || diff == DIRDIFF_45LEFT) { if (GetAcrossTunnelBridgeTrackBits(v->tile) & Train::From(v)->track) return v; } return nullptr; })) return false; } return free; } /* Check the next tile, if it's a PBS signal, it has to be free as well. */ CFollowTrackRail ft(v, GetRailTypeInfo(v->railtype)->all_compatible_railtypes); if (!ft.Follow(tile, trackdir)) return true; /* Check for reachable tracks. */ ft.m_new_td_bits &= DiagdirReachesTrackdirs(ft.m_exitdir); if (Rail90DegTurnDisallowedTilesFromTrackdir(ft.m_old_tile, ft.m_new_tile, ft.m_old_td, forbid_90deg)) ft.m_new_td_bits &= ~TrackdirCrossesTrackdirs(trackdir); if (HasReservedTracks(ft.m_new_tile, TrackdirBitsToTrackBits(ft.m_new_td_bits))) return false; if (ft.m_new_td_bits != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE && KillFirstBit(ft.m_new_td_bits) == TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE) { Trackdir td = FindFirstTrackdir(ft.m_new_td_bits); /* PBS signal on next trackdir? */ if (HasPbsSignalOnTrackdir(ft.m_new_tile, td)) { return pbs_res_end_wait_test(ft.m_new_tile, td, false); } } return true; }