/* $Id$ */ /* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file toolbar_gui.cpp Code related to the (main) toolbar. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "gui.h" #include "window_gui.h" #include "window_func.h" #include "viewport_func.h" #include "command_func.h" #include "vehicle_gui.h" #include "rail_gui.h" #include "road_gui.h" #include "date_func.h" #include "vehicle_func.h" #include "sound_func.h" #include "terraform_gui.h" #include "strings_func.h" #include "company_func.h" #include "company_gui.h" #include "vehicle_base.h" #include "cheat_func.h" #include "transparency_gui.h" #include "screenshot.h" #include "signs_func.h" #include "fios.h" #include "console_gui.h" #include "news_gui.h" #include "ai/ai_gui.hpp" #include "tilehighlight_func.h" #include "smallmap_gui.h" #include "graph_gui.h" #include "textbuf_gui.h" #include "linkgraph/linkgraph_gui.h" #include "newgrf_debug.h" #include "hotkeys.h" #include "engine_base.h" #include "highscore.h" #include "game/game.hpp" #include "widgets/toolbar_widget.h" #include "network/network.h" #include "network/network_gui.h" #include "network/network_func.h" RailType _last_built_railtype; RoadType _last_built_roadtype; static ScreenshotType _confirmed_screenshot_type; ///< Screenshot type the current query is about to confirm. /** Toobar modes */ enum ToolbarMode { TB_NORMAL, TB_UPPER, TB_LOWER }; /** Callback functions. */ enum CallBackFunction { CBF_NONE, CBF_PLACE_SIGN, CBF_PLACE_LANDINFO, }; /** * Drop down list entry for showing a checked/unchecked toggle item. */ class DropDownListCheckedItem : public DropDownListStringItem { uint checkmark_width; public: bool checked; DropDownListCheckedItem(StringID string, int result, bool masked, bool checked) : DropDownListStringItem(string, result, masked), checked(checked) { this->checkmark_width = GetStringBoundingBox(STR_JUST_CHECKMARK).width + 3; } virtual ~DropDownListCheckedItem() {} uint Width() const { return DropDownListStringItem::Width() + this->checkmark_width; } void Draw(int left, int right, int top, int bottom, bool sel, int bg_colour) const { bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL; if (this->checked) { DrawString(left + WD_FRAMERECT_LEFT, right - WD_FRAMERECT_RIGHT, top, STR_JUST_CHECKMARK, sel ? TC_WHITE : TC_BLACK); } DrawString(left + WD_FRAMERECT_LEFT + (rtl ? 0 : this->checkmark_width), right - WD_FRAMERECT_RIGHT - (rtl ? this->checkmark_width : 0), top, this->String(), sel ? TC_WHITE : TC_BLACK); } }; /** * Drop down list entry for showing a company entry, with companies 'blob'. */ class DropDownListCompanyItem : public DropDownListItem { Dimension icon_size; public: bool greyed; DropDownListCompanyItem(int result, bool masked, bool greyed) : DropDownListItem(result, masked), greyed(greyed) { this->icon_size = GetSpriteSize(SPR_COMPANY_ICON); } virtual ~DropDownListCompanyItem() {} bool Selectable() const { return true; } uint Width() const { CompanyID company = (CompanyID)this->result; SetDParam(0, company); SetDParam(1, company); return GetStringBoundingBox(STR_COMPANY_NAME_COMPANY_NUM).width + this->icon_size.width + 3; } uint Height(uint width) const { return max(this->icon_size.height + 2U, (uint)FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL); } void Draw(int left, int right, int top, int bottom, bool sel, int bg_colour) const { CompanyID company = (CompanyID)this->result; bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL; /* It's possible the company is deleted while the dropdown is open */ if (!Company::IsValidID(company)) return; int icon_offset = (bottom - top - icon_size.height) / 2; int text_offset = (bottom - top - FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL) / 2; DrawCompanyIcon(company, rtl ? right - this->icon_size.width - WD_FRAMERECT_RIGHT : left + WD_FRAMERECT_LEFT, top + icon_offset); SetDParam(0, company); SetDParam(1, company); TextColour col; if (this->greyed) { col = (sel ? TC_SILVER : TC_GREY) | TC_NO_SHADE; } else { col = sel ? TC_WHITE : TC_BLACK; } DrawString(left + WD_FRAMERECT_LEFT + (rtl ? 0 : 3 + this->icon_size.width), right - WD_FRAMERECT_RIGHT - (rtl ? 3 + this->icon_size.width : 0), top + text_offset, STR_COMPANY_NAME_COMPANY_NUM, col); } }; /** * Pop up a generic text only menu. * @param w Toolbar * @param widget Toolbar button * @param list List of items * @param def Default item */ static void PopupMainToolbMenu(Window *w, int widget, DropDownList *list, int def) { ShowDropDownList(w, list, def, widget, 0, true, true); if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP); } /** * Pop up a generic text only menu. * @param w Toolbar * @param widget Toolbar button * @param string String for the first item in the menu * @param count Number of items in the menu * @param skip Hide first \a skip items in the menu */ static void PopupMainToolbMenu(Window *w, int widget, StringID string, int count, int skip = 0) { DropDownList *list = new DropDownList(); for (int i = skip; i < count; i++) { list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(string + i, i, false)); } PopupMainToolbMenu(w, widget, list, skip); } /** Enum for the Company Toolbar's network related buttons */ static const int CTMN_CLIENT_LIST = -1; ///< Show the client list static const int CTMN_NEW_COMPANY = -2; ///< Create a new company static const int CTMN_SPECTATE = -3; ///< Become spectator /** * Pop up a generic company list menu. */ static void PopupMainCompanyToolbMenu(Window *w, int widget, int grey = 0) { DropDownList *list = new DropDownList(); #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK if (widget == WID_TN_COMPANIES && _networking) { /* Add the client list button for the companies menu */ list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_NETWORK_COMPANY_LIST_CLIENT_LIST, CTMN_CLIENT_LIST, false)); if (_local_company == COMPANY_SPECTATOR) { list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_NETWORK_COMPANY_LIST_NEW_COMPANY, CTMN_NEW_COMPANY, NetworkMaxCompaniesReached())); } else { list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_NETWORK_COMPANY_LIST_SPECTATE, CTMN_SPECTATE, NetworkMaxSpectatorsReached())); } } #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ for (CompanyID c = COMPANY_FIRST; c < MAX_COMPANIES; c++) { if (!Company::IsValidID(c)) continue; list->push_back(new DropDownListCompanyItem(c, false, HasBit(grey, c))); } PopupMainToolbMenu(w, widget, list, _local_company == COMPANY_SPECTATOR ? CTMN_CLIENT_LIST : (int)_local_company); } static ToolbarMode _toolbar_mode; static CallBackFunction SelectSignTool() { if (_cursor.sprite == SPR_CURSOR_SIGN) { ResetObjectToPlace(); return CBF_NONE; } else { SetObjectToPlace(SPR_CURSOR_SIGN, PAL_NONE, HT_RECT, WC_MAIN_TOOLBAR, 0); return CBF_PLACE_SIGN; } } /* --- Pausing --- */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarPauseClick(Window *w) { if (_networking && !_network_server) return CBF_NONE; // only server can pause the game if (DoCommandP(0, PM_PAUSED_NORMAL, _pause_mode == PM_UNPAUSED, CMD_PAUSE)) { if (_settings_client.sound.confirm) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP); } return CBF_NONE; } /** * Toggle fast forward mode. * * @param w Unused. * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarFastForwardClick(Window *w) { _fast_forward ^= true; if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP); return CBF_NONE; } /** * Game Option button menu entries. */ enum OptionMenuEntries { OME_GAMEOPTIONS, OME_SETTINGS, OME_SCRIPT_SETTINGS, OME_NEWGRFSETTINGS, OME_TRANSPARENCIES, OME_SHOW_TOWNNAMES, OME_SHOW_STATIONNAMES, OME_SHOW_WAYPOINTNAMES, OME_SHOW_SIGNS, OME_SHOW_COMPETITOR_SIGNS, OME_FULL_ANIMATION, OME_FULL_DETAILS, OME_TRANSPARENTBUILDINGS, OME_SHOW_STATIONSIGNS, }; /** * Handle click on Options button in toolbar. * * @param w parent window the shown Drop down list is attached to. * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarOptionsClick(Window *w) { DropDownList *list = new DropDownList(); list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_GAME_OPTIONS, OME_GAMEOPTIONS, false)); list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_CONFIG_SETTINGS, OME_SETTINGS, false)); /* Changes to the per-AI settings don't get send from the server to the clients. Clients get * the settings once they join but never update it. As such don't show the window at all * to network clients. */ if (!_networking || _network_server) list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_SCRIPT_SETTINGS, OME_SCRIPT_SETTINGS, false)); list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_NEWGRF_SETTINGS, OME_NEWGRFSETTINGS, false)); list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_TRANSPARENCY_OPTIONS, OME_TRANSPARENCIES, false)); list->push_back(new DropDownListItem(-1, false)); list->push_back(new DropDownListCheckedItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_TOWN_NAMES_DISPLAYED, OME_SHOW_TOWNNAMES, false, HasBit(_display_opt, DO_SHOW_TOWN_NAMES))); list->push_back(new DropDownListCheckedItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_STATION_NAMES_DISPLAYED, OME_SHOW_STATIONNAMES, false, HasBit(_display_opt, DO_SHOW_STATION_NAMES))); list->push_back(new DropDownListCheckedItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_WAYPOINTS_DISPLAYED, OME_SHOW_WAYPOINTNAMES, false, HasBit(_display_opt, DO_SHOW_WAYPOINT_NAMES))); list->push_back(new DropDownListCheckedItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_SIGNS_DISPLAYED, OME_SHOW_SIGNS, false, HasBit(_display_opt, DO_SHOW_SIGNS))); list->push_back(new DropDownListCheckedItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_SHOW_COMPETITOR_SIGNS, OME_SHOW_COMPETITOR_SIGNS, false, HasBit(_display_opt, DO_SHOW_COMPETITOR_SIGNS))); list->push_back(new DropDownListCheckedItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_FULL_ANIMATION, OME_FULL_ANIMATION, false, HasBit(_display_opt, DO_FULL_ANIMATION))); list->push_back(new DropDownListCheckedItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_FULL_DETAIL, OME_FULL_DETAILS, false, HasBit(_display_opt, DO_FULL_DETAIL))); list->push_back(new DropDownListCheckedItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS, OME_TRANSPARENTBUILDINGS, false, IsTransparencySet(TO_HOUSES))); list->push_back(new DropDownListCheckedItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS, OME_SHOW_STATIONSIGNS, false, IsTransparencySet(TO_SIGNS))); ShowDropDownList(w, list, 0, WID_TN_SETTINGS, 140, true, true); if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP); return CBF_NONE; } /** * Handle click on one of the entries in the Options button menu. * * @param index Index being clicked. * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction MenuClickSettings(int index) { switch (index) { case OME_GAMEOPTIONS: ShowGameOptions(); return CBF_NONE; case OME_SETTINGS: ShowGameSettings(); return CBF_NONE; case OME_SCRIPT_SETTINGS: ShowAIConfigWindow(); return CBF_NONE; case OME_NEWGRFSETTINGS: ShowNewGRFSettings(!_networking && _settings_client.gui.UserIsAllowedToChangeNewGRFs(), true, true, &_grfconfig); return CBF_NONE; case OME_TRANSPARENCIES: ShowTransparencyToolbar(); break; case OME_SHOW_TOWNNAMES: ToggleBit(_display_opt, DO_SHOW_TOWN_NAMES); break; case OME_SHOW_STATIONNAMES: ToggleBit(_display_opt, DO_SHOW_STATION_NAMES); break; case OME_SHOW_WAYPOINTNAMES: ToggleBit(_display_opt, DO_SHOW_WAYPOINT_NAMES); break; case OME_SHOW_SIGNS: ToggleBit(_display_opt, DO_SHOW_SIGNS); break; case OME_SHOW_COMPETITOR_SIGNS: ToggleBit(_display_opt, DO_SHOW_COMPETITOR_SIGNS); InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_SIGN_LIST, -1); break; case OME_FULL_ANIMATION: ToggleBit(_display_opt, DO_FULL_ANIMATION); break; case OME_FULL_DETAILS: ToggleBit(_display_opt, DO_FULL_DETAIL); break; case OME_TRANSPARENTBUILDINGS: ToggleTransparency(TO_HOUSES); break; case OME_SHOW_STATIONSIGNS: ToggleTransparency(TO_SIGNS); break; } MarkWholeScreenDirty(); return CBF_NONE; } /** * SaveLoad entries in scenario editor mode. */ enum SaveLoadEditorMenuEntries { SLEME_SAVE_SCENARIO = 0, SLEME_LOAD_SCENARIO, SLEME_SAVE_HEIGHTMAP, SLEME_LOAD_HEIGHTMAP, SLEME_EXIT_TOINTRO, SLEME_EXIT_GAME = 6, SLEME_MENUCOUNT, }; /** * SaveLoad entries in normal game mode. */ enum SaveLoadNormalMenuEntries { SLNME_SAVE_GAME = 0, SLNME_LOAD_GAME, SLNME_EXIT_TOINTRO, SLNME_EXIT_GAME = 4, SLNME_MENUCOUNT, }; /** * Handle click on Save button in toolbar in normal game mode. * * @param w parent window the shown save dialogue is attached to. * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarSaveClick(Window *w) { PopupMainToolbMenu(w, WID_TN_SAVE, STR_FILE_MENU_SAVE_GAME, SLNME_MENUCOUNT); return CBF_NONE; } /** * Handle click on SaveLoad button in toolbar in the scenario editor. * * @param w parent window the shown save dialogue is attached to. * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarScenSaveOrLoad(Window *w) { PopupMainToolbMenu(w, WID_TE_SAVE, STR_SCENEDIT_FILE_MENU_SAVE_SCENARIO, SLEME_MENUCOUNT); return CBF_NONE; } /** * Handle click on one of the entries in the SaveLoad menu. * * @param index Index being clicked. * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction MenuClickSaveLoad(int index = 0) { if (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR) { switch (index) { case SLEME_SAVE_SCENARIO: ShowSaveLoadDialog(SLD_SAVE_SCENARIO); break; case SLEME_LOAD_SCENARIO: ShowSaveLoadDialog(SLD_LOAD_SCENARIO); break; case SLEME_SAVE_HEIGHTMAP: ShowSaveLoadDialog(SLD_SAVE_HEIGHTMAP); break; case SLEME_LOAD_HEIGHTMAP: ShowSaveLoadDialog(SLD_LOAD_HEIGHTMAP); break; case SLEME_EXIT_TOINTRO: AskExitToGameMenu(); break; case SLEME_EXIT_GAME: HandleExitGameRequest(); break; } } else { switch (index) { case SLNME_SAVE_GAME: ShowSaveLoadDialog(SLD_SAVE_GAME); break; case SLNME_LOAD_GAME: ShowSaveLoadDialog(SLD_LOAD_GAME); break; case SLNME_EXIT_TOINTRO: AskExitToGameMenu(); break; case SLNME_EXIT_GAME: HandleExitGameRequest(); break; } } return CBF_NONE; } /* --- Map button menu --- */ enum MapMenuEntries { MME_SHOW_SMALLMAP = 0, MME_SHOW_EXTRAVIEWPORTS, MME_SHOW_LINKGRAPH, MME_SHOW_SIGNLISTS, MME_SHOW_TOWNDIRECTORY, MME_SHOW_INDUSTRYDIRECTORY, }; static CallBackFunction ToolbarMapClick(Window *w) { DropDownList *list = new DropDownList(); list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_MAP_MENU_MAP_OF_WORLD, MME_SHOW_SMALLMAP, false)); list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_MAP_MENU_EXTRA_VIEW_PORT, MME_SHOW_EXTRAVIEWPORTS, false)); list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_MAP_MENU_LINGRAPH_LEGEND, MME_SHOW_LINKGRAPH, false)); list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_MAP_MENU_SIGN_LIST, MME_SHOW_SIGNLISTS, false)); PopupMainToolbMenu(w, WID_TN_SMALL_MAP, list, 0); return CBF_NONE; } static CallBackFunction ToolbarScenMapTownDir(Window *w) { DropDownList *list = new DropDownList(); list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_MAP_MENU_MAP_OF_WORLD, MME_SHOW_SMALLMAP, false)); list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_MAP_MENU_EXTRA_VIEW_PORT, MME_SHOW_EXTRAVIEWPORTS, false)); list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_MAP_MENU_SIGN_LIST, MME_SHOW_SIGNLISTS, false)); list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_TOWN_MENU_TOWN_DIRECTORY, MME_SHOW_TOWNDIRECTORY, false)); list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_INDUSTRY_MENU_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY, MME_SHOW_INDUSTRYDIRECTORY, false)); PopupMainToolbMenu(w, WID_TE_SMALL_MAP, list, 0); return CBF_NONE; } /** * Handle click on one of the entries in the Map menu. * * @param index Index being clicked. * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction MenuClickMap(int index) { switch (index) { case MME_SHOW_SMALLMAP: ShowSmallMap(); break; case MME_SHOW_EXTRAVIEWPORTS: ShowExtraViewPortWindow(); break; case MME_SHOW_LINKGRAPH: ShowLinkGraphLegend(); break; case MME_SHOW_SIGNLISTS: ShowSignList(); break; case MME_SHOW_TOWNDIRECTORY: ShowTownDirectory(); break; case MME_SHOW_INDUSTRYDIRECTORY: ShowIndustryDirectory(); break; } return CBF_NONE; } /* --- Town button menu --- */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarTownClick(Window *w) { PopupMainToolbMenu(w, WID_TN_TOWNS, STR_TOWN_MENU_TOWN_DIRECTORY, (_settings_game.economy.found_town == TF_FORBIDDEN) ? 1 : 2); return CBF_NONE; } /** * Handle click on one of the entries in the Town menu. * * @param index Index being clicked. * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction MenuClickTown(int index) { switch (index) { case 0: ShowTownDirectory(); break; case 1: // setting could be changed when the dropdown was open if (_settings_game.economy.found_town != TF_FORBIDDEN) ShowFoundTownWindow(); break; } return CBF_NONE; } /* --- Subidies button menu --- */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarSubsidiesClick(Window *w) { PopupMainToolbMenu(w, WID_TN_SUBSIDIES, STR_SUBSIDIES_MENU_SUBSIDIES, 1); return CBF_NONE; } /** * Handle click on the entry in the Subsidies menu. * * @param index Unused. * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction MenuClickSubsidies(int index) { switch (index) { case 0: ShowSubsidiesList(); break; } return CBF_NONE; } /* --- Stations button menu --- */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarStationsClick(Window *w) { PopupMainCompanyToolbMenu(w, WID_TN_STATIONS); return CBF_NONE; } /** * Handle click on the entry in the Stations menu * * @param index CompanyID to show station list for * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction MenuClickStations(int index) { ShowCompanyStations((CompanyID)index); return CBF_NONE; } /* --- Finances button menu --- */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarFinancesClick(Window *w) { PopupMainCompanyToolbMenu(w, WID_TN_FINANCES); return CBF_NONE; } /** * Handle click on the entry in the finances overview menu. * * @param index CompanyID to show finances for. * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction MenuClickFinances(int index) { ShowCompanyFinances((CompanyID)index); return CBF_NONE; } /* --- Company's button menu --- */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarCompaniesClick(Window *w) { PopupMainCompanyToolbMenu(w, WID_TN_COMPANIES); return CBF_NONE; } /** * Handle click on the entry in the Company menu. * * @param index Menu entry to handle. * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction MenuClickCompany(int index) { #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK if (_networking) { switch (index) { case CTMN_CLIENT_LIST: ShowClientList(); return CBF_NONE; case CTMN_NEW_COMPANY: if (_network_server) { DoCommandP(0, 0, _network_own_client_id, CMD_COMPANY_CTRL); } else { NetworkSendCommand(0, 0, 0, CMD_COMPANY_CTRL, NULL, NULL, _local_company); } return CBF_NONE; case CTMN_SPECTATE: if (_network_server) { NetworkServerDoMove(CLIENT_ID_SERVER, COMPANY_SPECTATOR); MarkWholeScreenDirty(); } else { NetworkClientRequestMove(COMPANY_SPECTATOR); } return CBF_NONE; } } #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ ShowCompany((CompanyID)index); return CBF_NONE; } /* --- Graphs button menu --- */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarGraphsClick(Window *w) { PopupMainToolbMenu(w, WID_TN_GRAPHS, STR_GRAPH_MENU_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH, (_toolbar_mode == TB_NORMAL) ? 6 : 8); return CBF_NONE; } /** * Handle click on the entry in the Graphs menu. * * @param index Graph to show. * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction MenuClickGraphs(int index) { switch (index) { case 0: ShowOperatingProfitGraph(); break; case 1: ShowIncomeGraph(); break; case 2: ShowDeliveredCargoGraph(); break; case 3: ShowPerformanceHistoryGraph(); break; case 4: ShowCompanyValueGraph(); break; case 5: ShowCargoPaymentRates(); break; /* functions for combined graphs/league button */ case 6: ShowCompanyLeagueTable(); break; case 7: ShowPerformanceRatingDetail(); break; } return CBF_NONE; } /* --- League button menu --- */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarLeagueClick(Window *w) { PopupMainToolbMenu(w, WID_TN_LEAGUE, STR_GRAPH_MENU_GOAL, _networking ? 4 : 5, Game::GetInstance() != NULL ? 0 : 2); return CBF_NONE; } /** * Handle click on the entry in the CompanyLeague menu. * * @param index Menu entry number. * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction MenuClickLeague(int index) { switch (index) { case 0: ShowGoalsList(_local_company); break; case 1: ShowStoryBook(_local_company); break; case 2: ShowCompanyLeagueTable(); break; case 3: ShowPerformanceRatingDetail(); break; case 4: ShowHighscoreTable(); break; } return CBF_NONE; } /* --- Industries button menu --- */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarIndustryClick(Window *w) { /* Disable build-industry menu if we are a spectator */ PopupMainToolbMenu(w, WID_TN_INDUSTRIES, STR_INDUSTRY_MENU_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY, (_local_company == COMPANY_SPECTATOR) ? 2 : 3); return CBF_NONE; } /** * Handle click on the entry in the Industry menu. * * @param index Menu entry number. * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction MenuClickIndustry(int index) { switch (index) { case 0: ShowIndustryDirectory(); break; case 1: ShowIndustryCargoesWindow(); break; case 2: ShowBuildIndustryWindow(); break; } return CBF_NONE; } /* --- Trains button menu + 1 helper function for all vehicles. --- */ static void ToolbarVehicleClick(Window *w, VehicleType veh) { const Vehicle *v; int dis = ~0; FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { if (v->type == veh && v->IsPrimaryVehicle()) ClrBit(dis, v->owner); } PopupMainCompanyToolbMenu(w, WID_TN_VEHICLE_START + veh, dis); } static CallBackFunction ToolbarTrainClick(Window *w) { ToolbarVehicleClick(w, VEH_TRAIN); return CBF_NONE; } /** * Handle click on the entry in the Train menu. * * @param index CompanyID to show train list for. * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction MenuClickShowTrains(int index) { ShowVehicleListWindow((CompanyID)index, VEH_TRAIN); return CBF_NONE; } /* --- Road vehicle button menu --- */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarRoadClick(Window *w) { ToolbarVehicleClick(w, VEH_ROAD); return CBF_NONE; } /** * Handle click on the entry in the Road Vehicles menu. * * @param index CompanyID to show road vehicles list for. * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction MenuClickShowRoad(int index) { ShowVehicleListWindow((CompanyID)index, VEH_ROAD); return CBF_NONE; } /* --- Ship button menu --- */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarShipClick(Window *w) { ToolbarVehicleClick(w, VEH_SHIP); return CBF_NONE; } /** * Handle click on the entry in the Ships menu. * * @param index CompanyID to show ship list for. * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction MenuClickShowShips(int index) { ShowVehicleListWindow((CompanyID)index, VEH_SHIP); return CBF_NONE; } /* --- Aircraft button menu --- */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarAirClick(Window *w) { ToolbarVehicleClick(w, VEH_AIRCRAFT); return CBF_NONE; } /** * Handle click on the entry in the Aircraft menu. * * @param index CompanyID to show aircraft list for. * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction MenuClickShowAir(int index) { ShowVehicleListWindow((CompanyID)index, VEH_AIRCRAFT); return CBF_NONE; } /* --- Zoom in button --- */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarZoomInClick(Window *w) { if (DoZoomInOutWindow(ZOOM_IN, FindWindowById(WC_MAIN_WINDOW, 0))) { w->HandleButtonClick((_game_mode == GM_EDITOR) ? (byte)WID_TE_ZOOM_IN : (byte)WID_TN_ZOOM_IN); if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP); } return CBF_NONE; } /* --- Zoom out button --- */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarZoomOutClick(Window *w) { if (DoZoomInOutWindow(ZOOM_OUT, FindWindowById(WC_MAIN_WINDOW, 0))) { w->HandleButtonClick((_game_mode == GM_EDITOR) ? (byte)WID_TE_ZOOM_OUT : (byte)WID_TN_ZOOM_OUT); if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP); } return CBF_NONE; } /* --- Rail button menu --- */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarBuildRailClick(Window *w) { ShowDropDownList(w, GetRailTypeDropDownList(), _last_built_railtype, WID_TN_RAILS, 140, true, true); if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP); return CBF_NONE; } /** * Handle click on the entry in the Build Rail menu. * * @param index RailType to show the build toolbar for. * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction MenuClickBuildRail(int index) { _last_built_railtype = (RailType)index; ShowBuildRailToolbar(_last_built_railtype); return CBF_NONE; } /* --- Road button menu --- */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarBuildRoadClick(Window *w) { const Company *c = Company::Get(_local_company); DropDownList *list = new DropDownList(); /* Road is always visible and available. */ list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_ROAD_MENU_ROAD_CONSTRUCTION, ROADTYPE_ROAD, false)); /* Tram is only visible when there will be a tram, and available when that has been introduced. */ Engine *e; FOR_ALL_ENGINES_OF_TYPE(e, VEH_ROAD) { if (!HasBit(e->info.climates, _settings_game.game_creation.landscape)) continue; if (!HasBit(e->info.misc_flags, EF_ROAD_TRAM)) continue; list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_ROAD_MENU_TRAM_CONSTRUCTION, ROADTYPE_TRAM, !HasBit(c->avail_roadtypes, ROADTYPE_TRAM))); break; } ShowDropDownList(w, list, _last_built_roadtype, WID_TN_ROADS, 140, true, true); if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP); return CBF_NONE; } /** * Handle click on the entry in the Build Road menu. * * @param index RoadType to show the build toolbar for. * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction MenuClickBuildRoad(int index) { _last_built_roadtype = (RoadType)index; ShowBuildRoadToolbar(_last_built_roadtype); return CBF_NONE; } /* --- Water button menu --- */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarBuildWaterClick(Window *w) { PopupMainToolbMenu(w, WID_TN_WATER, STR_WATERWAYS_MENU_WATERWAYS_CONSTRUCTION, 1); return CBF_NONE; } /** * Handle click on the entry in the Build Waterways menu. * * @param index Unused. * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction MenuClickBuildWater(int index) { ShowBuildDocksToolbar(); return CBF_NONE; } /* --- Airport button menu --- */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarBuildAirClick(Window *w) { PopupMainToolbMenu(w, WID_TN_AIR, STR_AIRCRAFT_MENU_AIRPORT_CONSTRUCTION, 1); return CBF_NONE; } /** * Handle click on the entry in the Build Air menu. * * @param index Unused. * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction MenuClickBuildAir(int index) { ShowBuildAirToolbar(); return CBF_NONE; } /* --- Forest button menu --- */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarForestClick(Window *w) { PopupMainToolbMenu(w, WID_TN_LANDSCAPE, STR_LANDSCAPING_MENU_LANDSCAPING, 3); return CBF_NONE; } /** * Handle click on the entry in the landscaping menu. * * @param index Menu entry clicked. * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction MenuClickForest(int index) { switch (index) { case 0: ShowTerraformToolbar(); break; case 1: ShowBuildTreesToolbar(); break; case 2: return SelectSignTool(); } return CBF_NONE; } /* --- Music button menu --- */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarMusicClick(Window *w) { PopupMainToolbMenu(w, WID_TN_MUSIC_SOUND, STR_TOOLBAR_SOUND_MUSIC, 1); return CBF_NONE; } /** * Handle click on the entry in the Music menu. * * @param index Unused. * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction MenuClickMusicWindow(int index) { ShowMusicWindow(); return CBF_NONE; } /* --- Newspaper button menu --- */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarNewspaperClick(Window *w) { PopupMainToolbMenu(w, WID_TN_MESSAGES, STR_NEWS_MENU_LAST_MESSAGE_NEWS_REPORT, 2); return CBF_NONE; } /** * Handle click on the entry in the Newspaper menu. * * @param index Menu entry clicked. * @return #CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction MenuClickNewspaper(int index) { switch (index) { case 0: ShowLastNewsMessage(); break; case 1: ShowMessageHistory(); break; } return CBF_NONE; } /* --- Help button menu --- */ static CallBackFunction PlaceLandBlockInfo() { if (_cursor.sprite == SPR_CURSOR_QUERY) { ResetObjectToPlace(); return CBF_NONE; } else { SetObjectToPlace(SPR_CURSOR_QUERY, PAL_NONE, HT_RECT, WC_MAIN_TOOLBAR, 0); return CBF_PLACE_LANDINFO; } } static CallBackFunction ToolbarHelpClick(Window *w) { PopupMainToolbMenu(w, WID_TN_HELP, STR_ABOUT_MENU_LAND_BLOCK_INFO, _settings_client.gui.newgrf_developer_tools ? 12 : 9); return CBF_NONE; } static void MenuClickSmallScreenshot() { MakeScreenshot(SC_VIEWPORT, NULL); } /** * Callback on the confirmation window for huge screenshots. * @param w Window with viewport * @param confirmed true on confirmation */ static void ScreenshotConfirmCallback(Window *w, bool confirmed) { if (confirmed) MakeScreenshot(_confirmed_screenshot_type, NULL); } /** * Make a screenshot of the world. * Ask for confirmation if the screenshot will be huge. * @param t Screenshot type: World or viewport screenshot */ static void MenuClickLargeWorldScreenshot(ScreenshotType t) { ViewPort vp; SetupScreenshotViewport(t, &vp); if (vp.width * vp.height > 8192 * 8192) { /* Ask for confirmation */ SetDParam(0, vp.width); SetDParam(1, vp.height); _confirmed_screenshot_type = t; ShowQuery(STR_WARNING_SCREENSHOT_SIZE_CAPTION, STR_WARNING_SCREENSHOT_SIZE_MESSAGE, NULL, ScreenshotConfirmCallback); } else { /* Less than 4M pixels, just do it */ MakeScreenshot(t, NULL); } } /** * Toggle drawing of sprites' bounding boxes. * @note has only an effect when newgrf_developer_tools are active. * * Function is found here and not in viewport.cpp in order to avoid * importing the settings structs to there. */ void ToggleBoundingBoxes() { extern bool _draw_bounding_boxes; /* Always allow to toggle them off */ if (_settings_client.gui.newgrf_developer_tools || _draw_bounding_boxes) { _draw_bounding_boxes = !_draw_bounding_boxes; MarkWholeScreenDirty(); } } /** * Toggle drawing of the dirty blocks. * @note has only an effect when newgrf_developer_tools are active. * * Function is found here and not in viewport.cpp in order to avoid * importing the settings structs to there. */ void ToggleDirtyBlocks() { extern bool _draw_dirty_blocks; /* Always allow to toggle them off */ if (_settings_client.gui.newgrf_developer_tools || _draw_dirty_blocks) { _draw_dirty_blocks = !_draw_dirty_blocks; MarkWholeScreenDirty(); } } /** * Choose the proper callback function for the main toolbar's help menu. * @param index The menu index which was selected. * @return CBF_NONE */ static CallBackFunction MenuClickHelp(int index) { switch (index) { case 0: return PlaceLandBlockInfo(); case 2: IConsoleSwitch(); break; case 3: ShowAIDebugWindow(); break; case 4: MenuClickSmallScreenshot(); break; case 5: MenuClickLargeWorldScreenshot(SC_ZOOMEDIN); break; case 6: MenuClickLargeWorldScreenshot(SC_DEFAULTZOOM); break; case 7: MenuClickLargeWorldScreenshot(SC_WORLD); break; case 8: ShowAboutWindow(); break; case 9: ShowSpriteAlignerWindow(); break; case 10: ToggleBoundingBoxes(); break; case 11: ToggleDirtyBlocks(); break; } return CBF_NONE; } /* --- Switch toolbar button --- */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarSwitchClick(Window *w) { if (_toolbar_mode != TB_LOWER) { _toolbar_mode = TB_LOWER; } else { _toolbar_mode = TB_UPPER; } w->ReInit(); w->SetWidgetLoweredState(WID_TN_SWITCH_BAR, _toolbar_mode == TB_LOWER); if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP); return CBF_NONE; } /* --- Scenario editor specific handlers. */ /** * Called when clicking at the date panel of the scenario editor toolbar. */ static CallBackFunction ToolbarScenDatePanel(Window *w) { SetDParam(0, _settings_game.game_creation.starting_year); ShowQueryString(STR_JUST_INT, STR_MAPGEN_START_DATE_QUERY_CAPT, 8, w, CS_NUMERAL, QSF_ENABLE_DEFAULT); _left_button_clicked = false; return CBF_NONE; } static CallBackFunction ToolbarScenDateBackward(Window *w) { /* don't allow too fast scrolling */ if (!(w->flags & WF_TIMEOUT) || w->timeout_timer <= 1) { w->HandleButtonClick(WID_TE_DATE_BACKWARD); w->SetDirty(); _settings_game.game_creation.starting_year = Clamp(_settings_game.game_creation.starting_year - 1, MIN_YEAR, MAX_YEAR); SetDate(ConvertYMDToDate(_settings_game.game_creation.starting_year, 0, 1), 0); } _left_button_clicked = false; return CBF_NONE; } static CallBackFunction ToolbarScenDateForward(Window *w) { /* don't allow too fast scrolling */ if (!(w->flags & WF_TIMEOUT) || w->timeout_timer <= 1) { w->HandleButtonClick(WID_TE_DATE_FORWARD); w->SetDirty(); _settings_game.game_creation.starting_year = Clamp(_settings_game.game_creation.starting_year + 1, MIN_YEAR, MAX_YEAR); SetDate(ConvertYMDToDate(_settings_game.game_creation.starting_year, 0, 1), 0); } _left_button_clicked = false; return CBF_NONE; } static CallBackFunction ToolbarScenGenLand(Window *w) { w->HandleButtonClick(WID_TE_LAND_GENERATE); if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP); ShowEditorTerraformToolbar(); return CBF_NONE; } static CallBackFunction ToolbarScenGenTown(Window *w) { w->HandleButtonClick(WID_TE_TOWN_GENERATE); if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP); ShowFoundTownWindow(); return CBF_NONE; } static CallBackFunction ToolbarScenGenIndustry(Window *w) { w->HandleButtonClick(WID_TE_INDUSTRY); if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP); ShowBuildIndustryWindow(); return CBF_NONE; } static CallBackFunction ToolbarScenBuildRoad(Window *w) { w->HandleButtonClick(WID_TE_ROADS); if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP); ShowBuildRoadScenToolbar(); return CBF_NONE; } static CallBackFunction ToolbarScenBuildDocks(Window *w) { w->HandleButtonClick(WID_TE_WATER); if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP); ShowBuildDocksScenToolbar(); return CBF_NONE; } static CallBackFunction ToolbarScenPlantTrees(Window *w) { w->HandleButtonClick(WID_TE_TREES); if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP); ShowBuildTreesToolbar(); return CBF_NONE; } static CallBackFunction ToolbarScenPlaceSign(Window *w) { w->HandleButtonClick(WID_TE_SIGNS); if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP); return SelectSignTool(); } static CallBackFunction ToolbarBtn_NULL(Window *w) { return CBF_NONE; } typedef CallBackFunction MenuClickedProc(int index); static MenuClickedProc * const _menu_clicked_procs[] = { NULL, // 0 NULL, // 1 MenuClickSettings, // 2 MenuClickSaveLoad, // 3 MenuClickMap, // 4 MenuClickTown, // 5 MenuClickSubsidies, // 6 MenuClickStations, // 7 MenuClickFinances, // 8 MenuClickCompany, // 9 MenuClickGraphs, // 10 MenuClickLeague, // 11 MenuClickIndustry, // 12 MenuClickShowTrains, // 13 MenuClickShowRoad, // 14 MenuClickShowShips, // 15 MenuClickShowAir, // 16 MenuClickMap, // 17 NULL, // 18 MenuClickBuildRail, // 19 MenuClickBuildRoad, // 20 MenuClickBuildWater, // 21 MenuClickBuildAir, // 22 MenuClickForest, // 23 MenuClickMusicWindow, // 24 MenuClickNewspaper, // 25 MenuClickHelp, // 26 }; /** Full blown container to make it behave exactly as we want :) */ class NWidgetToolbarContainer : public NWidgetContainer { bool visible[WID_TN_END]; ///< The visible headers protected: uint spacers; ///< Number of spacer widgets in this toolbar public: NWidgetToolbarContainer() : NWidgetContainer(NWID_HORIZONTAL) { } /** * Check whether the given widget type is a button for us. * @param type the widget type to check. * @return true if it is a button for us. */ bool IsButton(WidgetType type) const { return type == WWT_IMGBTN || type == WWT_IMGBTN_2 || type == WWT_PUSHIMGBTN; } void SetupSmallestSize(Window *w, bool init_array) { this->smallest_x = 0; // Biggest child this->smallest_y = 0; // Biggest child this->fill_x = 1; this->fill_y = 0; this->resize_x = 1; // We only resize in this direction this->resize_y = 0; // We never resize in this direction this->spacers = 0; uint nbuttons = 0; /* First initialise some variables... */ for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) { child_wid->SetupSmallestSize(w, init_array); this->smallest_y = max(this->smallest_y, child_wid->smallest_y + child_wid->padding_top + child_wid->padding_bottom); if (this->IsButton(child_wid->type)) { nbuttons++; this->smallest_x = max(this->smallest_x, child_wid->smallest_x + child_wid->padding_left + child_wid->padding_right); } else if (child_wid->type == NWID_SPACER) { this->spacers++; } } /* ... then in a second pass make sure the 'current' heights are set. Won't change ever. */ for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) { child_wid->current_y = this->smallest_y; if (!this->IsButton(child_wid->type)) { child_wid->current_x = child_wid->smallest_x; } } w->window_desc->default_width = nbuttons * this->smallest_x; } void AssignSizePosition(SizingType sizing, uint x, uint y, uint given_width, uint given_height, bool rtl) { assert(given_width >= this->smallest_x && given_height >= this->smallest_y); this->pos_x = x; this->pos_y = y; this->current_x = given_width; this->current_y = given_height; /* Figure out what are the visible buttons */ memset(this->visible, 0, sizeof(this->visible)); uint arrangable_count, button_count, spacer_count; const byte *arrangement = GetButtonArrangement(given_width, arrangable_count, button_count, spacer_count); for (uint i = 0; i < arrangable_count; i++) { this->visible[arrangement[i]] = true; } /* Create us ourselves a quick lookup table */ NWidgetBase *widgets[WID_TN_END]; for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) { if (child_wid->type == NWID_SPACER) continue; widgets[((NWidgetCore*)child_wid)->index] = child_wid; } /* Now assign the widgets to their rightful place */ uint position = 0; // Place to put next child relative to origin of the container. uint spacer_space = max(0, (int)given_width - (int)(button_count * this->smallest_x)); // Remaining spacing for 'spacer' widgets uint button_space = given_width - spacer_space; // Remaining spacing for the buttons uint spacer_i = 0; uint button_i = 0; /* Index into the arrangement indices. The macro lastof cannot be used here! */ const byte *cur_wid = rtl ? &arrangement[arrangable_count - 1] : arrangement; for (uint i = 0; i < arrangable_count; i++) { NWidgetBase *child_wid = widgets[*cur_wid]; /* If we have to give space to the spacers, do that */ if (spacer_space != 0) { NWidgetBase *possible_spacer = rtl ? child_wid->next : child_wid->prev; if (possible_spacer != NULL && possible_spacer->type == NWID_SPACER) { uint add = spacer_space / (spacer_count - spacer_i); position += add; spacer_space -= add; spacer_i++; } } /* Buttons can be scaled, the others not. */ if (this->IsButton(child_wid->type)) { child_wid->current_x = button_space / (button_count - button_i); button_space -= child_wid->current_x; button_i++; } child_wid->AssignSizePosition(sizing, x + position, y, child_wid->current_x, this->current_y, rtl); position += child_wid->current_x; if (rtl) { cur_wid--; } else { cur_wid++; } } } /* virtual */ void Draw(const Window *w) { /* Draw brown-red toolbar bg. */ GfxFillRect(this->pos_x, this->pos_y, this->pos_x + this->current_x - 1, this->pos_y + this->current_y - 1, PC_VERY_DARK_RED); GfxFillRect(this->pos_x, this->pos_y, this->pos_x + this->current_x - 1, this->pos_y + this->current_y - 1, PC_DARK_RED, FILLRECT_CHECKER); bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL; for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = rtl ? this->tail : this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = rtl ? child_wid->prev : child_wid->next) { if (child_wid->type == NWID_SPACER) continue; if (!this->visible[((NWidgetCore*)child_wid)->index]) continue; child_wid->Draw(w); } } /* virtual */ NWidgetCore *GetWidgetFromPos(int x, int y) { if (!IsInsideBS(x, this->pos_x, this->current_x) || !IsInsideBS(y, this->pos_y, this->current_y)) return NULL; for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) { if (child_wid->type == NWID_SPACER) continue; if (!this->visible[((NWidgetCore*)child_wid)->index]) continue; NWidgetCore *nwid = child_wid->GetWidgetFromPos(x, y); if (nwid != NULL) return nwid; } return NULL; } /** * Get the arrangement of the buttons for the toolbar. * @param width the new width of the toolbar. * @param arrangable_count output of the number of visible items. * @param button_count output of the number of visible buttons. * @param spacer_count output of the number of spacers. * @return the button configuration. */ virtual const byte *GetButtonArrangement(uint &width, uint &arrangable_count, uint &button_count, uint &spacer_count) const = 0; }; /** Container for the 'normal' main toolbar */ class NWidgetMainToolbarContainer : public NWidgetToolbarContainer { /* virtual */ const byte *GetButtonArrangement(uint &width, uint &arrangable_count, uint &button_count, uint &spacer_count) const { static const uint SMALLEST_ARRANGEMENT = 14; static const uint BIGGEST_ARRANGEMENT = 19; static const byte arrange14[] = { 0, 1, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 24, 25, 26, 27, }; static const byte arrange15[] = { 0, 1, 4, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 17, 18, 27, 0, 2, 4, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 24, 25, 26, 27, }; static const byte arrange16[] = { 0, 1, 2, 4, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 17, 18, 27, 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 24, 25, 26, 17, 18, 27, }; static const byte arrange17[] = { 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 17, 18, 27, 0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 24, 25, 26, 17, 18, 27, }; static const byte arrange18[] = { 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 17, 18, 27, 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 24, 25, 26, 17, 18, 27, }; static const byte arrange19[] = { 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 17, 18, 27, 0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 25, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 17, 18, 27, }; static const byte arrange_all[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, }; /* If at least BIGGEST_ARRANGEMENT fit, just spread all the buttons nicely */ uint full_buttons = max(CeilDiv(width, this->smallest_x), SMALLEST_ARRANGEMENT); if (full_buttons > BIGGEST_ARRANGEMENT) { button_count = arrangable_count = lengthof(arrange_all); spacer_count = this->spacers; return arrange_all; } /* Introduce the split toolbar */ static const byte * const arrangements[] = { arrange14, arrange15, arrange16, arrange17, arrange18, arrange19 }; button_count = arrangable_count = full_buttons; spacer_count = this->spacers; return arrangements[full_buttons - SMALLEST_ARRANGEMENT] + ((_toolbar_mode == TB_LOWER) ? full_buttons : 0); } }; /** Container for the scenario editor's toolbar */ class NWidgetScenarioToolbarContainer : public NWidgetToolbarContainer { uint panel_widths[2]; ///< The width of the two panels (the text panel and date panel) void SetupSmallestSize(Window *w, bool init_array) { this->NWidgetToolbarContainer::SetupSmallestSize(w, init_array); /* Find the size of panel_widths */ uint i = 0; for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) { if (child_wid->type == NWID_SPACER || this->IsButton(child_wid->type)) continue; assert(i < lengthof(this->panel_widths)); this->panel_widths[i++] = child_wid->current_x; w->window_desc->default_width += child_wid->current_x; } } /* virtual */ const byte *GetButtonArrangement(uint &width, uint &arrangable_count, uint &button_count, uint &spacer_count) const { static const byte arrange_all[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 18, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 24, 26, }; static const byte arrange_nopanel[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 18, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 24, 26, }; static const byte arrange_switch[] = { 18, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 27, 0, 1, 2, 3, 18, 9, 10, 24, 26, 27, }; /* If we can place all buttons *and* the panels, show them. */ uint min_full_width = (lengthof(arrange_all) - lengthof(this->panel_widths)) * this->smallest_x + this->panel_widths[0] + this->panel_widths[1]; if (width >= min_full_width) { width -= this->panel_widths[0] + this->panel_widths[1]; arrangable_count = lengthof(arrange_all); button_count = arrangable_count - 2; spacer_count = this->spacers; return arrange_all; } /* Otherwise don't show the date panel and if we can't fit half the buttons and the panels anymore, split the toolbar in two */ uint min_small_width = (lengthof(arrange_switch) - lengthof(this->panel_widths)) * this->smallest_x / 2 + this->panel_widths[1]; if (width > min_small_width) { width -= this->panel_widths[1]; arrangable_count = lengthof(arrange_nopanel); button_count = arrangable_count - 1; spacer_count = this->spacers - 1; return arrange_nopanel; } /* Split toolbar */ width -= this->panel_widths[1]; arrangable_count = lengthof(arrange_switch) / 2; button_count = arrangable_count - 1; spacer_count = 0; return arrange_switch + ((_toolbar_mode == TB_LOWER) ? arrangable_count : 0); } }; /* --- Toolbar handling for the 'normal' case */ typedef CallBackFunction ToolbarButtonProc(Window *w); static ToolbarButtonProc * const _toolbar_button_procs[] = { ToolbarPauseClick, ToolbarFastForwardClick, ToolbarOptionsClick, ToolbarSaveClick, ToolbarMapClick, ToolbarTownClick, ToolbarSubsidiesClick, ToolbarStationsClick, ToolbarFinancesClick, ToolbarCompaniesClick, ToolbarGraphsClick, ToolbarLeagueClick, ToolbarIndustryClick, ToolbarTrainClick, ToolbarRoadClick, ToolbarShipClick, ToolbarAirClick, ToolbarZoomInClick, ToolbarZoomOutClick, ToolbarBuildRailClick, ToolbarBuildRoadClick, ToolbarBuildWaterClick, ToolbarBuildAirClick, ToolbarForestClick, ToolbarMusicClick, ToolbarNewspaperClick, ToolbarHelpClick, ToolbarSwitchClick, }; enum MainToolbarHotkeys { MTHK_PAUSE, MTHK_FASTFORWARD, MTHK_SETTINGS, MTHK_SAVEGAME, MTHK_LOADGAME, MTHK_SMALLMAP, MTHK_TOWNDIRECTORY, MTHK_SUBSIDIES, MTHK_STATIONS, MTHK_FINANCES, MTHK_COMPANIES, MTHK_GRAPHS, MTHK_LEAGUE, MTHK_INDUSTRIES, MTHK_TRAIN_LIST, MTHK_ROADVEH_LIST, MTHK_SHIP_LIST, MTHK_AIRCRAFT_LIST, MTHK_ZOOM_IN, MTHK_ZOOM_OUT, MTHK_BUILD_RAIL, MTHK_BUILD_ROAD, MTHK_BUILD_DOCKS, MTHK_BUILD_AIRPORT, MTHK_BUILD_TREES, MTHK_MUSIC, MTHK_AI_DEBUG, MTHK_SMALL_SCREENSHOT, MTHK_ZOOMEDIN_SCREENSHOT, MTHK_DEFAULTZOOM_SCREENSHOT, MTHK_GIANT_SCREENSHOT, MTHK_CHEATS, MTHK_TERRAFORM, MTHK_EXTRA_VIEWPORT, MTHK_CLIENT_LIST, MTHK_SIGN_LIST, }; /** Main toolbar. */ struct MainToolbarWindow : Window { CallBackFunction last_started_action; ///< Last started user action. MainToolbarWindow(WindowDesc *desc) : Window(desc) { this->InitNested(0); this->last_started_action = CBF_NONE; CLRBITS(this->flags, WF_WHITE_BORDER); this->SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_TN_PAUSE, _networking && !_network_server); // if not server, disable pause button this->SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_TN_FAST_FORWARD, _networking); // if networking, disable fast-forward button PositionMainToolbar(this); DoZoomInOutWindow(ZOOM_NONE, this); } virtual void OnPaint() { /* If spectator, disable all construction buttons * ie : Build road, rail, ships, airports and landscaping * Since enabled state is the default, just disable when needed */ this->SetWidgetsDisabledState(_local_company == COMPANY_SPECTATOR, WID_TN_RAILS, WID_TN_ROADS, WID_TN_WATER, WID_TN_AIR, WID_TN_LANDSCAPE, WIDGET_LIST_END); /* disable company list drop downs, if there are no companies */ this->SetWidgetsDisabledState(Company::GetNumItems() == 0, WID_TN_STATIONS, WID_TN_FINANCES, WID_TN_TRAINS, WID_TN_ROADVEHS, WID_TN_SHIPS, WID_TN_AIRCRAFTS, WIDGET_LIST_END); this->SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_TN_RAILS, !CanBuildVehicleInfrastructure(VEH_TRAIN)); this->SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_TN_AIR, !CanBuildVehicleInfrastructure(VEH_AIRCRAFT)); this->DrawWidgets(); } virtual void OnClick(Point pt, int widget, int click_count) { if (_game_mode != GM_MENU && !this->IsWidgetDisabled(widget)) _toolbar_button_procs[widget](this); } virtual void OnDropdownSelect(int widget, int index) { CallBackFunction cbf = _menu_clicked_procs[widget](index); if (cbf != CBF_NONE) this->last_started_action = cbf; } virtual EventState OnKeyPress(uint16 key, uint16 keycode) { switch (CheckHotkeyMatch(maintoolbar_hotkeys, keycode, this)) { case MTHK_PAUSE: ToolbarPauseClick(this); break; case MTHK_FASTFORWARD: ToolbarFastForwardClick(this); break; case MTHK_SETTINGS: ShowGameOptions(); break; case MTHK_SAVEGAME: MenuClickSaveLoad(); break; case MTHK_LOADGAME: ShowSaveLoadDialog(SLD_LOAD_GAME); break; case MTHK_SMALLMAP: ShowSmallMap(); break; case MTHK_TOWNDIRECTORY: ShowTownDirectory(); break; case MTHK_SUBSIDIES: ShowSubsidiesList(); break; case MTHK_STATIONS: ShowCompanyStations(_local_company); break; case MTHK_FINANCES: ShowCompanyFinances(_local_company); break; case MTHK_COMPANIES: ShowCompany(_local_company); break; case MTHK_GRAPHS: ShowOperatingProfitGraph(); break; case MTHK_LEAGUE: ShowCompanyLeagueTable(); break; case MTHK_INDUSTRIES: ShowBuildIndustryWindow(); break; case MTHK_TRAIN_LIST: ShowVehicleListWindow(_local_company, VEH_TRAIN); break; case MTHK_ROADVEH_LIST: ShowVehicleListWindow(_local_company, VEH_ROAD); break; case MTHK_SHIP_LIST: ShowVehicleListWindow(_local_company, VEH_SHIP); break; case MTHK_AIRCRAFT_LIST: ShowVehicleListWindow(_local_company, VEH_AIRCRAFT); break; case MTHK_ZOOM_IN: ToolbarZoomInClick(this); break; case MTHK_ZOOM_OUT: ToolbarZoomOutClick(this); break; case MTHK_BUILD_RAIL: if (CanBuildVehicleInfrastructure(VEH_TRAIN)) ShowBuildRailToolbar(_last_built_railtype); break; case MTHK_BUILD_ROAD: ShowBuildRoadToolbar(_last_built_roadtype); break; case MTHK_BUILD_DOCKS: ShowBuildDocksToolbar(); break; case MTHK_BUILD_AIRPORT: if (CanBuildVehicleInfrastructure(VEH_AIRCRAFT)) ShowBuildAirToolbar(); break; case MTHK_BUILD_TREES: ShowBuildTreesToolbar(); break; case MTHK_MUSIC: ShowMusicWindow(); break; case MTHK_AI_DEBUG: ShowAIDebugWindow(); break; case MTHK_SMALL_SCREENSHOT: MenuClickSmallScreenshot(); break; case MTHK_ZOOMEDIN_SCREENSHOT: MenuClickLargeWorldScreenshot(SC_ZOOMEDIN); break; case MTHK_DEFAULTZOOM_SCREENSHOT: MenuClickLargeWorldScreenshot(SC_DEFAULTZOOM); break; case MTHK_GIANT_SCREENSHOT: MenuClickLargeWorldScreenshot(SC_WORLD); break; case MTHK_CHEATS: if (!_networking) ShowCheatWindow(); break; case MTHK_TERRAFORM: ShowTerraformToolbar(); break; case MTHK_EXTRA_VIEWPORT: ShowExtraViewPortWindowForTileUnderCursor(); break; #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK case MTHK_CLIENT_LIST: if (_networking) ShowClientList(); break; #endif case MTHK_SIGN_LIST: ShowSignList(); break; default: return ES_NOT_HANDLED; } return ES_HANDLED; } virtual void OnPlaceObject(Point pt, TileIndex tile) { switch (this->last_started_action) { case CBF_PLACE_SIGN: PlaceProc_Sign(tile); break; case CBF_PLACE_LANDINFO: ShowLandInfo(tile); break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } } virtual void OnTick() { if (this->IsWidgetLowered(WID_TN_PAUSE) != !!_pause_mode) { this->ToggleWidgetLoweredState(WID_TN_PAUSE); this->SetWidgetDirty(WID_TN_PAUSE); } if (this->IsWidgetLowered(WID_TN_FAST_FORWARD) != !!_fast_forward) { this->ToggleWidgetLoweredState(WID_TN_FAST_FORWARD); this->SetWidgetDirty(WID_TN_FAST_FORWARD); } } virtual void OnTimeout() { /* We do not want to automatically raise the pause, fast forward and * switchbar buttons; they have to stay down when pressed etc. */ for (uint i = WID_TN_SETTINGS; i < WID_TN_SWITCH_BAR; i++) { if (this->IsWidgetLowered(i)) { this->RaiseWidget(i); this->SetWidgetDirty(i); } } } /** * Some data on this window has become invalid. * @param data Information about the changed data. * @param gui_scope Whether the call is done from GUI scope. You may not do everything when not in GUI scope. See #InvalidateWindowData() for details. */ virtual void OnInvalidateData(int data = 0, bool gui_scope = true) { if (!gui_scope) return; if (FindWindowById(WC_MAIN_WINDOW, 0) != NULL) HandleZoomMessage(this, FindWindowById(WC_MAIN_WINDOW, 0)->viewport, WID_TN_ZOOM_IN, WID_TN_ZOOM_OUT); } static Hotkey maintoolbar_hotkeys[]; }; const uint16 _maintoolbar_pause_keys[] = {WKC_F1, WKC_PAUSE, 0}; const uint16 _maintoolbar_zoomin_keys[] = {WKC_NUM_PLUS, WKC_EQUALS, WKC_SHIFT | WKC_EQUALS, WKC_SHIFT | WKC_F5, 0}; const uint16 _maintoolbar_zoomout_keys[] = {WKC_NUM_MINUS, WKC_MINUS, WKC_SHIFT | WKC_MINUS, WKC_SHIFT | WKC_F6, 0}; const uint16 _maintoolbar_smallmap_keys[] = {WKC_F4, 'M', 0}; Hotkey MainToolbarWindow::maintoolbar_hotkeys[] = { Hotkey(_maintoolbar_pause_keys, "pause", MTHK_PAUSE), Hotkey((uint16)0, "fastforward", MTHK_FASTFORWARD), Hotkey(WKC_F2, "settings", MTHK_SETTINGS), Hotkey(WKC_F3, "saveload", MTHK_SAVEGAME), Hotkey((uint16)0, "load_game", MTHK_LOADGAME), Hotkey(_maintoolbar_smallmap_keys, "smallmap", MTHK_SMALLMAP), Hotkey(WKC_F5, "town_list", MTHK_TOWNDIRECTORY), Hotkey(WKC_F6, "subsidies", MTHK_SUBSIDIES), Hotkey(WKC_F7, "station_list", MTHK_STATIONS), Hotkey(WKC_F8, "finances", MTHK_FINANCES), Hotkey(WKC_F9, "companies", MTHK_COMPANIES), Hotkey(WKC_F10, "graphs", MTHK_GRAPHS), Hotkey(WKC_F11, "league", MTHK_LEAGUE), Hotkey(WKC_F12, "industry_list", MTHK_INDUSTRIES), Hotkey(WKC_SHIFT | WKC_F1, "train_list", MTHK_TRAIN_LIST), Hotkey(WKC_SHIFT | WKC_F2, "roadveh_list", MTHK_ROADVEH_LIST), Hotkey(WKC_SHIFT | WKC_F3, "ship_list", MTHK_SHIP_LIST), Hotkey(WKC_SHIFT | WKC_F4, "aircraft_list", MTHK_AIRCRAFT_LIST), Hotkey(_maintoolbar_zoomin_keys, "zoomin", MTHK_ZOOM_IN), Hotkey(_maintoolbar_zoomout_keys, "zoomout", MTHK_ZOOM_OUT), Hotkey(WKC_SHIFT | WKC_F7, "build_rail", MTHK_BUILD_RAIL), Hotkey(WKC_SHIFT | WKC_F8, "build_road", MTHK_BUILD_ROAD), Hotkey(WKC_SHIFT | WKC_F9, "build_docks", MTHK_BUILD_DOCKS), Hotkey(WKC_SHIFT | WKC_F10, "build_airport", MTHK_BUILD_AIRPORT), Hotkey(WKC_SHIFT | WKC_F11, "build_trees", MTHK_BUILD_TREES), Hotkey(WKC_SHIFT | WKC_F12, "music", MTHK_MUSIC), Hotkey((uint16)0, "ai_debug", MTHK_AI_DEBUG), Hotkey(WKC_CTRL | 'S', "small_screenshot", MTHK_SMALL_SCREENSHOT), Hotkey(WKC_CTRL | 'P', "zoomedin_screenshot", MTHK_ZOOMEDIN_SCREENSHOT), Hotkey(WKC_CTRL | 'D', "defaultzoom_screenshot", MTHK_DEFAULTZOOM_SCREENSHOT), Hotkey((uint16)0, "giant_screenshot", MTHK_GIANT_SCREENSHOT), Hotkey(WKC_CTRL | WKC_ALT | 'C', "cheats", MTHK_CHEATS), Hotkey('L', "terraform", MTHK_TERRAFORM), Hotkey('V', "extra_viewport", MTHK_EXTRA_VIEWPORT), #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK Hotkey((uint16)0, "client_list", MTHK_CLIENT_LIST), #endif Hotkey((uint16)0, "sign_list", MTHK_SIGN_LIST), HOTKEY_LIST_END(MainToolbarWindow) }; Hotkey *_maintoolbar_hotkeys = MainToolbarWindow::maintoolbar_hotkeys; static NWidgetBase *MakeMainToolbar(int *biggest_index) { /** Sprites to use for the different toolbar buttons */ static const SpriteID toolbar_button_sprites[] = { SPR_IMG_PAUSE, // WID_TN_PAUSE SPR_IMG_FASTFORWARD, // WID_TN_FAST_FORWARD SPR_IMG_SETTINGS, // WID_TN_SETTINGS SPR_IMG_SAVE, // WID_TN_SAVE SPR_IMG_SMALLMAP, // WID_TN_SMALL_MAP SPR_IMG_TOWN, // WID_TN_TOWNS SPR_IMG_SUBSIDIES, // WID_TN_SUBSIDIES SPR_IMG_COMPANY_LIST, // WID_TN_STATIONS SPR_IMG_COMPANY_FINANCE, // WID_TN_FINANCES SPR_IMG_COMPANY_GENERAL, // WID_TN_COMPANIES SPR_IMG_GRAPHS, // WID_TN_GRAPHS SPR_IMG_COMPANY_LEAGUE, // WID_TN_LEAGUE SPR_IMG_INDUSTRY, // WID_TN_INDUSTRIES SPR_IMG_TRAINLIST, // WID_TN_TRAINS SPR_IMG_TRUCKLIST, // WID_TN_ROADVEHS SPR_IMG_SHIPLIST, // WID_TN_SHIPS SPR_IMG_AIRPLANESLIST, // WID_TN_AIRCRAFT SPR_IMG_ZOOMIN, // WID_TN_ZOOMIN SPR_IMG_ZOOMOUT, // WID_TN_ZOOMOUT SPR_IMG_BUILDRAIL, // WID_TN_RAILS SPR_IMG_BUILDROAD, // WID_TN_ROADS SPR_IMG_BUILDWATER, // WID_TN_WATER SPR_IMG_BUILDAIR, // WID_TN_AIR SPR_IMG_LANDSCAPING, // WID_TN_LANDSCAPE SPR_IMG_MUSIC, // WID_TN_MUSIC_SOUND SPR_IMG_MESSAGES, // WID_TN_MESSAGES SPR_IMG_QUERY, // WID_TN_HELP SPR_IMG_SWITCH_TOOLBAR, // WID_TN_SWITCH_BAR }; NWidgetMainToolbarContainer *hor = new NWidgetMainToolbarContainer(); for (uint i = 0; i < WID_TN_END; i++) { switch (i) { case 4: case 8: case 13: case 17: case 19: case 24: hor->Add(new NWidgetSpacer(0, 0)); break; } hor->Add(new NWidgetLeaf(i == WID_TN_SAVE ? WWT_IMGBTN_2 : WWT_IMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, i, toolbar_button_sprites[i], STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_PAUSE_GAME + i)); } *biggest_index = max(*biggest_index, WID_TN_SWITCH_BAR); return hor; } static const NWidgetPart _nested_toolbar_normal_widgets[] = { NWidgetFunction(MakeMainToolbar), }; static WindowDesc _toolb_normal_desc( WDP_MANUAL, NULL, 640, 22, WC_MAIN_TOOLBAR, WC_NONE, WDF_NO_FOCUS, _nested_toolbar_normal_widgets, lengthof(_nested_toolbar_normal_widgets) ); /* --- Toolbar handling for the scenario editor */ static ToolbarButtonProc * const _scen_toolbar_button_procs[] = { ToolbarPauseClick, ToolbarFastForwardClick, ToolbarOptionsClick, ToolbarScenSaveOrLoad, ToolbarBtn_NULL, ToolbarScenDatePanel, ToolbarScenDateBackward, ToolbarScenDateForward, ToolbarScenMapTownDir, ToolbarZoomInClick, ToolbarZoomOutClick, ToolbarScenGenLand, ToolbarScenGenTown, ToolbarScenGenIndustry, ToolbarScenBuildRoad, ToolbarScenBuildDocks, ToolbarScenPlantTrees, ToolbarScenPlaceSign, ToolbarBtn_NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ToolbarMusicClick, NULL, ToolbarHelpClick, ToolbarSwitchClick, }; enum MainToolbarEditorHotkeys { MTEHK_PAUSE, MTEHK_FASTFORWARD, MTEHK_SETTINGS, MTEHK_SAVEGAME, MTEHK_GENLAND, MTEHK_GENTOWN, MTEHK_GENINDUSTRY, MTEHK_BUILD_ROAD, MTEHK_BUILD_DOCKS, MTEHK_BUILD_TREES, MTEHK_SIGN, MTEHK_MUSIC, MTEHK_LANDINFO, MTEHK_SMALL_SCREENSHOT, MTEHK_ZOOMEDIN_SCREENSHOT, MTEHK_DEFAULTZOOM_SCREENSHOT, MTEHK_GIANT_SCREENSHOT, MTEHK_ZOOM_IN, MTEHK_ZOOM_OUT, MTEHK_TERRAFORM, MTEHK_SMALLMAP, MTEHK_EXTRA_VIEWPORT, }; struct ScenarioEditorToolbarWindow : Window { CallBackFunction last_started_action; ///< Last started user action. ScenarioEditorToolbarWindow(WindowDesc *desc) : Window(desc) { this->InitNested(0); this->last_started_action = CBF_NONE; CLRBITS(this->flags, WF_WHITE_BORDER); PositionMainToolbar(this); DoZoomInOutWindow(ZOOM_NONE, this); } virtual void OnPaint() { this->SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_TE_DATE_BACKWARD, _settings_game.game_creation.starting_year <= MIN_YEAR); this->SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_TE_DATE_FORWARD, _settings_game.game_creation.starting_year >= MAX_YEAR); this->DrawWidgets(); } virtual void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, int widget) const { switch (widget) { case WID_TE_DATE: SetDParam(0, ConvertYMDToDate(_settings_game.game_creation.starting_year, 0, 1)); DrawString(r.left, r.right, (this->height - FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL) / 2, STR_WHITE_DATE_LONG, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_HOR_CENTER); break; case WID_TE_SPACER: { int height = r.bottom - r.top; if (height > 2 * FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL) { DrawString(r.left, r.right, (height + 1) / 2 - FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL, STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_OPENTTD, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_HOR_CENTER); DrawString(r.left, r.right, (height + 1) / 2, STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_SCENARIO_EDITOR, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_HOR_CENTER); } else { DrawString(r.left, r.right, (height - FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL) / 2, STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_SCENARIO_EDITOR, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_HOR_CENTER); } break; } } } virtual void UpdateWidgetSize(int widget, Dimension *size, const Dimension &padding, Dimension *fill, Dimension *resize) { switch (widget) { case WID_TE_SPACER: size->width = max(GetStringBoundingBox(STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_OPENTTD).width, GetStringBoundingBox(STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_SCENARIO_EDITOR).width) + WD_FRAMERECT_LEFT + WD_FRAMERECT_RIGHT; break; case WID_TE_DATE: SetDParam(0, ConvertYMDToDate(MAX_YEAR, 0, 1)); *size = GetStringBoundingBox(STR_WHITE_DATE_LONG); size->height = max(size->height, GetSpriteSize(SPR_IMG_SAVE).height + WD_IMGBTN_TOP + WD_IMGBTN_BOTTOM); break; } } virtual void OnClick(Point pt, int widget, int click_count) { if (_game_mode == GM_MENU) return; CallBackFunction cbf = _scen_toolbar_button_procs[widget](this); if (cbf != CBF_NONE) this->last_started_action = cbf; } virtual void OnDropdownSelect(int widget, int index) { /* The map button is in a different location on the scenario * editor toolbar, so we need to adjust for it. */ if (widget == WID_TE_SMALL_MAP) widget = WID_TN_SMALL_MAP; CallBackFunction cbf = _menu_clicked_procs[widget](index); if (cbf != CBF_NONE) this->last_started_action = cbf; if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP); } virtual EventState OnKeyPress(uint16 key, uint16 keycode) { CallBackFunction cbf = CBF_NONE; switch (CheckHotkeyMatch(scenedit_maintoolbar_hotkeys, keycode, this)) { case MTEHK_PAUSE: ToolbarPauseClick(this); break; case MTEHK_FASTFORWARD: ToolbarFastForwardClick(this); break; case MTEHK_SETTINGS: ShowGameOptions(); break; case MTEHK_SAVEGAME: MenuClickSaveLoad(); break; case MTEHK_GENLAND: ToolbarScenGenLand(this); break; case MTEHK_GENTOWN: ToolbarScenGenTown(this); break; case MTEHK_GENINDUSTRY: ToolbarScenGenIndustry(this); break; case MTEHK_BUILD_ROAD: ToolbarScenBuildRoad(this); break; case MTEHK_BUILD_DOCKS: ToolbarScenBuildDocks(this); break; case MTEHK_BUILD_TREES: ToolbarScenPlantTrees(this); break; case MTEHK_SIGN: cbf = ToolbarScenPlaceSign(this); break; case MTEHK_MUSIC: ShowMusicWindow(); break; case MTEHK_LANDINFO: cbf = PlaceLandBlockInfo(); break; case MTEHK_SMALL_SCREENSHOT: MenuClickSmallScreenshot(); break; case MTEHK_ZOOMEDIN_SCREENSHOT: MenuClickLargeWorldScreenshot(SC_ZOOMEDIN); break; case MTEHK_DEFAULTZOOM_SCREENSHOT: MenuClickLargeWorldScreenshot(SC_DEFAULTZOOM); break; case MTEHK_GIANT_SCREENSHOT: MenuClickLargeWorldScreenshot(SC_WORLD); break; case MTEHK_ZOOM_IN: ToolbarZoomInClick(this); break; case MTEHK_ZOOM_OUT: ToolbarZoomOutClick(this); break; case MTEHK_TERRAFORM: ShowEditorTerraformToolbar(); break; case MTEHK_SMALLMAP: ShowSmallMap(); break; case MTEHK_EXTRA_VIEWPORT: ShowExtraViewPortWindowForTileUnderCursor(); break; default: return ES_NOT_HANDLED; } if (cbf != CBF_NONE) this->last_started_action = cbf; return ES_HANDLED; } virtual void OnPlaceObject(Point pt, TileIndex tile) { switch (this->last_started_action) { case CBF_PLACE_SIGN: PlaceProc_Sign(tile); break; case CBF_PLACE_LANDINFO: ShowLandInfo(tile); break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } } virtual void OnTimeout() { this->SetWidgetsLoweredState(false, WID_TE_DATE_BACKWARD, WID_TE_DATE_FORWARD, WIDGET_LIST_END); this->SetWidgetDirty(WID_TE_DATE_BACKWARD); this->SetWidgetDirty(WID_TE_DATE_FORWARD); } virtual void OnTick() { if (this->IsWidgetLowered(WID_TE_PAUSE) != !!_pause_mode) { this->ToggleWidgetLoweredState(WID_TE_PAUSE); this->SetDirty(); } if (this->IsWidgetLowered(WID_TE_FAST_FORWARD) != !!_fast_forward) { this->ToggleWidgetLoweredState(WID_TE_FAST_FORWARD); this->SetDirty(); } } /** * Some data on this window has become invalid. * @param data Information about the changed data. * @param gui_scope Whether the call is done from GUI scope. You may not do everything when not in GUI scope. See #InvalidateWindowData() for details. */ virtual void OnInvalidateData(int data = 0, bool gui_scope = true) { if (!gui_scope) return; if (FindWindowById(WC_MAIN_WINDOW, 0) != NULL) HandleZoomMessage(this, FindWindowById(WC_MAIN_WINDOW, 0)->viewport, WID_TE_ZOOM_IN, WID_TE_ZOOM_OUT); } virtual void OnQueryTextFinished(char *str) { /* Was 'cancel' pressed? */ if (str == NULL) return; int32 value; if (!StrEmpty(str)) { value = atoi(str); } else { /* An empty string means revert to the default */ value = DEF_START_YEAR; } _settings_game.game_creation.starting_year = Clamp(value, MIN_YEAR, MAX_YEAR); SetDate(ConvertYMDToDate(_settings_game.game_creation.starting_year, 0, 1), 0); this->SetDirty(); } static Hotkey scenedit_maintoolbar_hotkeys[]; }; Hotkey ScenarioEditorToolbarWindow::scenedit_maintoolbar_hotkeys[] = { Hotkey(_maintoolbar_pause_keys, "pause", MTEHK_PAUSE), Hotkey((uint16)0, "fastforward", MTEHK_FASTFORWARD), Hotkey(WKC_F2, "settings", MTEHK_SETTINGS), Hotkey(WKC_F3, "saveload", MTEHK_SAVEGAME), Hotkey(WKC_F4, "gen_land", MTEHK_GENLAND), Hotkey(WKC_F5, "gen_town", MTEHK_GENTOWN), Hotkey(WKC_F6, "gen_industry", MTEHK_GENINDUSTRY), Hotkey(WKC_F7, "build_road", MTEHK_BUILD_ROAD), Hotkey(WKC_F8, "build_docks", MTEHK_BUILD_DOCKS), Hotkey(WKC_F9, "build_trees", MTEHK_BUILD_TREES), Hotkey(WKC_F10, "build_sign", MTEHK_SIGN), Hotkey(WKC_F11, "music", MTEHK_MUSIC), Hotkey(WKC_F12, "land_info", MTEHK_LANDINFO), Hotkey(WKC_CTRL | 'S', "small_screenshot", MTEHK_SMALL_SCREENSHOT), Hotkey(WKC_CTRL | 'P', "zoomedin_screenshot", MTEHK_ZOOMEDIN_SCREENSHOT), Hotkey(WKC_CTRL | 'D', "defaultzoom_screenshot", MTEHK_DEFAULTZOOM_SCREENSHOT), Hotkey((uint16)0, "giant_screenshot", MTEHK_GIANT_SCREENSHOT), Hotkey(_maintoolbar_zoomin_keys, "zoomin", MTEHK_ZOOM_IN), Hotkey(_maintoolbar_zoomout_keys, "zoomout", MTEHK_ZOOM_OUT), Hotkey('L', "terraform", MTEHK_TERRAFORM), Hotkey('M', "smallmap", MTEHK_SMALLMAP), Hotkey('V', "extra_viewport", MTEHK_EXTRA_VIEWPORT), HOTKEY_LIST_END(ScenarioEditorToolbarWindow) }; Hotkey *_scenedit_maintoolbar_hotkeys = ScenarioEditorToolbarWindow::scenedit_maintoolbar_hotkeys; static const NWidgetPart _nested_toolb_scen_inner_widgets[] = { NWidget(WWT_IMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TE_PAUSE), SetDataTip(SPR_IMG_PAUSE, STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_PAUSE_GAME), NWidget(WWT_IMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TE_FAST_FORWARD), SetDataTip(SPR_IMG_FASTFORWARD, STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FORWARD), NWidget(WWT_IMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TE_SETTINGS), SetDataTip(SPR_IMG_SETTINGS, STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_OPTIONS), NWidget(WWT_IMGBTN_2, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TE_SAVE), SetDataTip(SPR_IMG_SAVE, STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SAVE_SCENARIO_LOAD_SCENARIO), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TE_SPACER), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TE_DATE_PANEL), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), SetPIP(3, 2, 3), NWidget(WWT_IMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TE_DATE_BACKWARD), SetDataTip(SPR_ARROW_DOWN, STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_MOVE_THE_STARTING_DATE_BACKWARD), NWidget(WWT_EMPTY, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TE_DATE), SetDataTip(STR_NULL, STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SET_DATE), NWidget(WWT_IMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TE_DATE_FORWARD), SetDataTip(SPR_ARROW_UP, STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_MOVE_THE_STARTING_DATE_FORWARD), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), NWidget(WWT_IMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TE_SMALL_MAP), SetDataTip(SPR_IMG_SMALLMAP, STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_MAP_TOWN_DIRECTORY), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TE_ZOOM_IN), SetDataTip(SPR_IMG_ZOOMIN, STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_IN), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TE_ZOOM_OUT), SetDataTip(SPR_IMG_ZOOMOUT, STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_OUT), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TE_LAND_GENERATE), SetDataTip(SPR_IMG_LANDSCAPING, STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_LANDSCAPE_GENERATION), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TE_TOWN_GENERATE), SetDataTip(SPR_IMG_TOWN, STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TOWN_GENERATION), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TE_INDUSTRY), SetDataTip(SPR_IMG_INDUSTRY, STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_INDUSTRY_GENERATION), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TE_ROADS), SetDataTip(SPR_IMG_BUILDROAD, STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_ROAD_CONSTRUCTION), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TE_WATER), SetDataTip(SPR_IMG_BUILDWATER, STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_SHIP_DOCKS), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TE_TREES), SetDataTip(SPR_IMG_PLANTTREES, STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_PLANT_TREES), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TE_SIGNS), SetDataTip(SPR_IMG_SIGN, STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_PLACE_SIGN), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), NWidget(WWT_IMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TE_MUSIC_SOUND), SetDataTip(SPR_IMG_MUSIC, STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SHOW_SOUND_MUSIC_WINDOW), NWidget(WWT_IMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TE_HELP), SetDataTip(SPR_IMG_QUERY, STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_LAND_BLOCK_INFORMATION), NWidget(WWT_IMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TE_SWITCH_BAR), SetDataTip(SPR_IMG_SWITCH_TOOLBAR, STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SWITCH_TOOLBAR), }; static NWidgetBase *MakeScenarioToolbar(int *biggest_index) { return MakeNWidgets(_nested_toolb_scen_inner_widgets, lengthof(_nested_toolb_scen_inner_widgets), biggest_index, new NWidgetScenarioToolbarContainer()); } static const NWidgetPart _nested_toolb_scen_widgets[] = { NWidgetFunction(MakeScenarioToolbar), }; static WindowDesc _toolb_scen_desc( WDP_MANUAL, NULL, 640, 22, WC_MAIN_TOOLBAR, WC_NONE, WDF_NO_FOCUS, _nested_toolb_scen_widgets, lengthof(_nested_toolb_scen_widgets) ); /** Allocate the toolbar. */ void AllocateToolbar() { /* Clean old GUI values; railtype is (re)set by rail_gui.cpp */ _last_built_roadtype = ROADTYPE_ROAD; if (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR) { new ScenarioEditorToolbarWindow(&_toolb_scen_desc); } else { new MainToolbarWindow(&_toolb_normal_desc); } }