/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file tilematrix_type.hpp Template for storing a value per area of the map. */ #ifndef TILEMATRIX_TYPE_HPP #define TILEMATRIX_TYPE_HPP #include "core/alloc_func.hpp" #include "tilearea_type.h" /** * A simple matrix that stores one value per N*N square of the map. * Storage is only allocated for the part of the map that has values * assigned. * * @note No constructor is called for newly allocated values, you * have to do this yourself if needed. * @tparam T The type of the stored items. * @tparam N Grid size. */ template class TileMatrix { /** Allocates space for a new tile in the matrix. * @param tile Tile to add. */ void AllocateStorage(TileIndex tile) { uint old_left = TileX(this->area.tile) / N; uint old_top = TileY(this->area.tile) / N; uint old_w = this->area.w / N; uint old_h = this->area.h / N; /* Add the square the tile is in to the tile area. We do this * by adding top-left and bottom-right of the square. */ uint grid_x = (TileX(tile) / N) * N; uint grid_y = (TileY(tile) / N) * N; this->area.Add(TileXY(grid_x, grid_y)); this->area.Add(TileXY(grid_x + N - 1, grid_y + N - 1)); /* Allocate new storage. */ T *new_data = CallocT(this->area.w / N * this->area.h / N); if (old_w > 0) { /* Copy old data if present. */ uint offs_x = old_left - TileX(this->area.tile) / N; uint offs_y = old_top - TileY(this->area.tile) / N; for (uint row = 0; row < old_h; row++) { MemCpyT(&new_data[(row + offs_y) * this->area.w / N + offs_x], &this->data[row * old_w], old_w); } } free(this->data); this->data = new_data; } public: static const uint GRID = N; TileArea area; ///< Area covered by the matrix. T *data; ///< Pointer to data array. TileMatrix() : area(INVALID_TILE, 0, 0), data(nullptr) {} ~TileMatrix() { free(this->data); } void Clear() { this->area = TileArea(INVALID_TILE, 0, 0); free(this->data); this->data = nullptr; } /** * Get the total covered area. * @return The area covered by the matrix. */ const TileArea& GetArea() const { return this->area; } /** * Get the area of the matrix square that contains a specific tile. * @param tile The tile to get the map area for. * @param extend Extend the area by this many squares on all sides. * @return Tile area containing the tile. */ static TileArea GetAreaForTile(TileIndex tile, uint extend = 0) { uint tile_x = (TileX(tile) / N) * N; uint tile_y = (TileY(tile) / N) * N; uint w = N, h = N; w += min(extend * N, tile_x); h += min(extend * N, tile_y); tile_x -= min(extend * N, tile_x); tile_y -= min(extend * N, tile_y); w += min(extend * N, MapSizeX() - tile_x - w); h += min(extend * N, MapSizeY() - tile_y - h); return TileArea(TileXY(tile_x, tile_y), w, h); } /** * Extend the coverage area to include a tile. * @param tile The tile to include. */ void Add(TileIndex tile) { if (!this->area.Contains(tile)) { this->AllocateStorage(tile); } } /** * Get the value associated to a tile index. * @param tile The tile to get the value for. * @return Pointer to the value. */ T *Get(TileIndex tile) { this->Add(tile); tile -= this->area.tile; uint x = TileX(tile) / N; uint y = TileY(tile) / N; return &this->data[y * this->area.w / N + x]; } /** Array access operator, see #Get. */ inline T &operator[](TileIndex tile) { return *this->Get(tile); } }; #endif /* TILEMATRIX_TYPE_HPP */