/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file map.cpp Base functions related to the map and distances on them. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "debug.h" #include "core/alloc_func.hpp" #include "water_map.h" #include "string_func.h" #include "rail_map.h" #include "tunnelbridge_map.h" #include "pathfinder/water_regions.h" #include "3rdparty/cpp-btree/btree_map.h" #include "core/ring_buffer.hpp" #include #include #if defined(__linux__) #include #endif #include "safeguards.h" #if defined(_MSC_VER) /* Why the hell is that not in all MSVC headers?? */ extern "C" _CRTIMP void __cdecl _assert(void *, void *, unsigned); #endif uint _map_log_x; ///< 2^_map_log_x == _map_size_x uint _map_log_y; ///< 2^_map_log_y == _map_size_y uint _map_size_x; ///< Size of the map along the X uint _map_size_y; ///< Size of the map along the Y uint _map_size; ///< The number of tiles on the map uint _map_tile_mask; ///< _map_size - 1 (to mask the mapsize) Tile *_m = nullptr; ///< Tiles of the map TileExtended *_me = nullptr; ///< Extended Tiles of the map #if defined(__linux__) && defined(MADV_HUGEPAGE) static size_t _munmap_size = 0; #endif /** * Validates whether a map with the given dimension is valid * @param size_x the width of the map along the NE/SW edge * @param size_y the 'height' of the map along the SE/NW edge * @return true if valid, or false if not valid */ bool ValidateMapSize(uint size_x, uint size_y) { /* Make sure that the map size is within the limits and that * size of both axes is a power of 2. */ if (size_x * size_y > MAX_MAP_TILES || size_x < MIN_MAP_SIZE || size_y < MIN_MAP_SIZE || (size_x & (size_x - 1)) != 0 || (size_y & (size_y - 1)) != 0) { return false; } return true; } /** * (Re)allocates a map with the given dimension * @param size_x the width of the map along the NE/SW edge * @param size_y the 'height' of the map along the SE/NW edge */ void AllocateMap(uint size_x, uint size_y) { DEBUG(map, 2, "Min/max map size %d/%d, max map tiles %d", MIN_MAP_SIZE, MAX_MAP_SIZE, MAX_MAP_TILES); DEBUG(map, 1, "Allocating map of size %dx%d", size_x, size_y); if (!ValidateMapSize(size_x, size_y)) { error("Invalid map size"); } _map_log_x = FindFirstBit(size_x); _map_log_y = FindFirstBit(size_y); _map_size_x = size_x; _map_size_y = size_y; _map_size = size_x * size_y; _map_tile_mask = _map_size - 1; #if defined(__linux__) && defined(MADV_HUGEPAGE) if (_munmap_size != 0) { munmap(_m, _munmap_size); _munmap_size = 0; _m = nullptr; } #endif free(_m); const size_t total_size = (sizeof(Tile) + sizeof(TileExtended)) * _map_size; byte *buf = nullptr; #if defined(__linux__) && defined(MADV_HUGEPAGE) const size_t alignment = 2 * 1024 * 1024; /* First try mmap with a 2MB alignment, if that fails, just use calloc */ if (total_size >= alignment) { size_t allocated = total_size + alignment; void * const ret = mmap(nullptr, allocated, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0); if (ret != MAP_FAILED) { void *target = ret; assert(std::align(alignment, total_size, target, allocated)); /* target is now aligned, allocated has been adjusted accordingly */ const size_t remove_front = static_cast(target) - static_cast(ret); if (remove_front != 0) { munmap(ret, remove_front); } const size_t remove_back = allocated - total_size; if (remove_back != 0) { munmap(static_cast(target) + total_size, remove_back); } madvise(target, total_size, MADV_HUGEPAGE); DEBUG(map, 2, "Using mmap for map allocation"); buf = static_cast(target); _munmap_size = total_size; } } #endif if (buf == nullptr) buf = CallocT(total_size); _m = reinterpret_cast(buf); _me = reinterpret_cast(buf + (_map_size * sizeof(Tile))); InitializeWaterRegions(); } #ifdef _DEBUG TileIndex TileAdd(TileIndex tile, TileIndexDiff add, const char *exp, const char *file, int line) { int dx; int dy; uint x; uint y; dx = add & MapMaxX(); if (dx >= (int)MapSizeX() / 2) dx -= MapSizeX(); dy = (add - dx) / (int)MapSizeX(); x = TileX(tile) + dx; y = TileY(tile) + dy; if (x >= MapSizeX() || y >= MapSizeY()) { char buf[512]; seprintf(buf, lastof(buf), "TILE_ADD(%s) when adding 0x%.4X and 0x%.4X failed", exp, tile, add); #if !defined(_MSC_VER) fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d %s\n", file, line, buf); #else _assert(buf, (char*)file, line); #endif } dbg_assert(TileXY(x, y) == TILE_MASK(tile + add)); return TileXY(x, y); } #endif /** * This function checks if we add addx/addy to tile, if we * do wrap around the edges. For example, tile = (10,2) and * addx = +3 and addy = -4. This function will now return * INVALID_TILE, because the y is wrapped. This is needed in * for example, farmland. When the tile is not wrapped, * the result will be tile + TileDiffXY(addx, addy) * * @param tile the 'starting' point of the adding * @param addx the amount of tiles in the X direction to add * @param addy the amount of tiles in the Y direction to add * @return translated tile, or INVALID_TILE when it would've wrapped. */ TileIndex TileAddWrap(TileIndex tile, int addx, int addy) { uint x = TileX(tile) + addx; uint y = TileY(tile) + addy; /* Disallow void tiles at the north border. */ if ((x == 0 || y == 0) && _settings_game.construction.freeform_edges) return INVALID_TILE; /* Are we about to wrap? */ if (x >= MapMaxX() || y >= MapMaxY()) return INVALID_TILE; return TileXY(x, y); } /** * This function checks if we add addx/addy to tile, if we * do wrap around the edges. Instead of wrapping, saturate at the map edge. * * @param tile the 'starting' point of the adding * @param addx the amount of tiles in the X direction to add * @param addy the amount of tiles in the Y direction to add * @return translated tile */ TileIndex TileAddSaturating(TileIndex tile, int addx, int addy) { int x = TileX(tile) + addx; int y = TileY(tile) + addy; auto clamp = [&](int coord, int map_max) -> uint { return Clamp(coord, _settings_game.construction.freeform_edges ? 1 : 0, map_max - 1); }; return TileXY(clamp(x, MapMaxX()), clamp(y, MapMaxY())); } /** 'Lookup table' for tile offsets given a DiagDirection */ extern const TileIndexDiffC _tileoffs_by_diagdir[] = { {-1, 0}, ///< DIAGDIR_NE { 0, 1}, ///< DIAGDIR_SE { 1, 0}, ///< DIAGDIR_SW { 0, -1} ///< DIAGDIR_NW }; /** 'Lookup table' for tile offsets given a Direction */ extern const TileIndexDiffC _tileoffs_by_dir[] = { {-1, -1}, ///< DIR_N {-1, 0}, ///< DIR_NE {-1, 1}, ///< DIR_E { 0, 1}, ///< DIR_SE { 1, 1}, ///< DIR_S { 1, 0}, ///< DIR_SW { 1, -1}, ///< DIR_W { 0, -1} ///< DIR_NW }; /** * Gets the Manhattan distance between the two given tiles. * The Manhattan distance is the sum of the delta of both the * X and Y component. * Also known as L1-Norm * @param t0 the start tile * @param t1 the end tile * @return the distance */ uint DistanceManhattan(TileIndex t0, TileIndex t1) { const uint dx = Delta(TileX(t0), TileX(t1)); const uint dy = Delta(TileY(t0), TileY(t1)); return dx + dy; } /** * Gets the 'Square' distance between the two given tiles. * The 'Square' distance is the square of the shortest (straight line) * distance between the two tiles. * Also known as euclidian- or L2-Norm squared. * @param t0 the start tile * @param t1 the end tile * @return the distance */ uint DistanceSquare(TileIndex t0, TileIndex t1) { const int dx = TileX(t0) - TileX(t1); const int dy = TileY(t0) - TileY(t1); return dx * dx + dy * dy; } /** * Gets the biggest distance component (x or y) between the two given tiles. * Also known as L-Infinity-Norm. * @param t0 the start tile * @param t1 the end tile * @return the distance */ uint DistanceMax(TileIndex t0, TileIndex t1) { const uint dx = Delta(TileX(t0), TileX(t1)); const uint dy = Delta(TileY(t0), TileY(t1)); return std::max(dx, dy); } /** * Gets the biggest distance component (x or y) between the two given tiles * plus the Manhattan distance, i.e. two times the biggest distance component * and once the smallest component. * @param t0 the start tile * @param t1 the end tile * @return the distance */ uint DistanceMaxPlusManhattan(TileIndex t0, TileIndex t1) { const uint dx = Delta(TileX(t0), TileX(t1)); const uint dy = Delta(TileY(t0), TileY(t1)); return dx > dy ? 2 * dx + dy : 2 * dy + dx; } /** * Param the minimum distance to an edge * @param tile the tile to get the distance from * @return the distance from the edge in tiles */ uint DistanceFromEdge(TileIndex tile) { const uint xl = TileX(tile); const uint yl = TileY(tile); const uint xh = MapSizeX() - 1 - xl; const uint yh = MapSizeY() - 1 - yl; const uint minl = std::min(xl, yl); const uint minh = std::min(xh, yh); return std::min(minl, minh); } /** * Gets the distance to the edge of the map in given direction. * @param tile the tile to get the distance from * @param dir the direction of interest * @return the distance from the edge in tiles */ uint DistanceFromEdgeDir(TileIndex tile, DiagDirection dir) { switch (dir) { case DIAGDIR_NE: return TileX(tile) - (_settings_game.construction.freeform_edges ? 1 : 0); case DIAGDIR_NW: return TileY(tile) - (_settings_game.construction.freeform_edges ? 1 : 0); case DIAGDIR_SW: return MapMaxX() - TileX(tile) - 1; case DIAGDIR_SE: return MapMaxY() - TileY(tile) - 1; default: NOT_REACHED(); } } /** * Function performing a search around a center tile and going outward, thus in circle. * Although it really is a square search... * Every tile will be tested by means of the callback function proc, * which will determine if yes or no the given tile meets criteria of search. * @param tile to start the search from. Upon completion, it will return the tile matching the search * @param size: number of tiles per side of the desired search area * @param proc: callback testing function pointer. * @param user_data to be passed to the callback function. Depends on the implementation * @return result of the search * @pre proc != nullptr * @pre size > 0 */ bool CircularTileSearch(TileIndex *tile, uint size, TestTileOnSearchProc proc, void *user_data) { dbg_assert(proc != nullptr); dbg_assert(size > 0); if (size % 2 == 1) { /* If the length of the side is uneven, the center has to be checked * separately, as the pattern of uneven sides requires to go around the center */ if (proc(*tile, user_data)) return true; /* If tile test is not successful, get one tile up, * ready for a test in first circle around center tile */ *tile = TileAddByDir(*tile, DIR_N); return CircularTileSearch(tile, size / 2, 1, 1, proc, user_data); } else { return CircularTileSearch(tile, size / 2, 0, 0, proc, user_data); } } /** * Generalized circular search allowing for rectangles and a hole. * Function performing a search around a center rectangle and going outward. * The center rectangle is left out from the search. To do a rectangular search * without a hole, set either h or w to zero. * Every tile will be tested by means of the callback function proc, * which will determine if yes or no the given tile meets criteria of search. * @param tile to start the search from. Upon completion, it will return the tile matching the search. * This tile should be directly north of the hole (if any). * @param radius How many tiles to search outwards. Note: This is a radius and thus different * from the size parameter of the other CircularTileSearch function, which is a diameter. * @param w the width of the inner rectangle * @param h the height of the inner rectangle * @param proc callback testing function pointer. * @param user_data to be passed to the callback function. Depends on the implementation * @return result of the search * @pre proc != nullptr * @pre radius > 0 */ bool CircularTileSearch(TileIndex *tile, uint radius, uint w, uint h, TestTileOnSearchProc proc, void *user_data) { dbg_assert(proc != nullptr); dbg_assert(radius > 0); uint x = TileX(*tile) + w + 1; uint y = TileY(*tile); const uint extent[DIAGDIR_END] = { w, h, w, h }; for (uint n = 0; n < radius; n++) { for (DiagDirection dir = DIAGDIR_BEGIN; dir < DIAGDIR_END; dir++) { /* Is the tile within the map? */ for (uint j = extent[dir] + n * 2 + 1; j != 0; j--) { if (x < MapSizeX() && y < MapSizeY()) { TileIndex t = TileXY(x, y); /* Is the callback successful? */ if (proc(t, user_data)) { /* Stop the search */ *tile = t; return true; } } /* Step to the next 'neighbour' in the circular line */ x += _tileoffs_by_diagdir[dir].x; y += _tileoffs_by_diagdir[dir].y; } } /* Jump to next circle to test */ x += _tileoffs_by_dir[DIR_W].x; y += _tileoffs_by_dir[DIR_W].y; } *tile = INVALID_TILE; return false; } /** * Generalized contiguous matching tile area size threshold function. * Contiguous means directly adjacent by DiagDirection directions. * * @param tile to start the search from. * @param threshold minimum number of matching tiles for success, searching is halted when this is reached. * @param proc callback testing function pointer. * @param user_data to be passed to the callback function. Depends on the implementation * @return whether the contiguous tile area size is >= threshold * @pre proc != nullptr */ bool EnoughContiguousTilesMatchingCondition(TileIndex tile, uint threshold, TestTileOnSearchProc proc, void *user_data) { dbg_assert(proc != nullptr); if (threshold == 0) return true; static_assert(MAX_MAP_TILES_BITS <= 30); btree::btree_set processed_tiles; ring_buffer candidates; uint matching_count = 0; auto process_tile = [&](TileIndex t, DiagDirection exclude_onward_dir) { auto iter = processed_tiles.lower_bound(t); if (iter != processed_tiles.end() && *iter == t) { /* done this tile already */ } else { if (proc(t, user_data)) { matching_count++; for (DiagDirection dir = DIAGDIR_BEGIN; dir < DIAGDIR_END; dir++) { if (dir == exclude_onward_dir) continue; TileIndex neighbour_tile = AddTileIndexDiffCWrap(t, TileIndexDiffCByDiagDir(dir)); if (IsValidTile(neighbour_tile)) { candidates.push_back(neighbour_tile | (ReverseDiagDir(dir) << 30)); } } } processed_tiles.insert(iter, t); } }; process_tile(tile, INVALID_DIAGDIR); while (matching_count < threshold && !candidates.empty()) { uint32_t next = candidates.front(); candidates.pop_front(); TileIndex t = GB(next, 0, 30); DiagDirection exclude_onward_dir = (DiagDirection)GB(next, 30, 2); process_tile(t, exclude_onward_dir); } return matching_count >= threshold; } void IterateCurvedCircularTileArea(TileIndex centre_tile, uint diameter, TileIteratorProc proc, void *user_data) { const uint radius_sq = ((diameter * diameter) + 2) / 4; const uint centre_radius = (diameter + 1) / 2; const int centre_x = TileX(centre_tile); const int centre_y = TileY(centre_tile); /* Centre row */ for (int x = std::max(0, centre_x - centre_radius); x <= std::min(MapMaxX(), centre_x + centre_radius); x++) { proc(TileXY(x, centre_y), user_data); } /* Other (shorter) rows */ for (uint offset = 1; offset <= centre_radius; offset++) { const uint offset_sq = offset * offset; uint half_width = 0; while (offset_sq + (half_width * half_width) < radius_sq) { half_width++; } const int x_left = std::max(0, centre_x - half_width); const int x_right = std::min(MapMaxX(), centre_x + half_width); auto iterate_row = [&](int y) { if (y < 0 || y > (int)MapMaxY()) return; for (int x = x_left; x <= x_right; x++) { proc(TileXY(x, y), user_data); } }; iterate_row(centre_y - offset); iterate_row(centre_y + offset); } } /** * Finds the distance for the closest tile with water/land given a tile * @param tile the tile to find the distance too * @param water whether to find water or land * @return distance to nearest water (max 0x7F) / land (max 0x1FF; 0x200 if there is no land) */ uint GetClosestWaterDistance(TileIndex tile, bool water) { if (HasTileWaterGround(tile) == water) return 0; uint max_dist = water ? 0x7F : 0x200; int x = TileX(tile); int y = TileY(tile); uint max_x = MapMaxX(); uint max_y = MapMaxY(); uint min_xy = _settings_game.construction.freeform_edges ? 1 : 0; /* go in a 'spiral' with increasing manhattan distance in each iteration */ for (uint dist = 1; dist < max_dist; dist++) { /* next 'diameter' */ y--; /* going counter-clockwise around this square */ for (DiagDirection dir = DIAGDIR_BEGIN; dir < DIAGDIR_END; dir++) { static const int8_t ddx[DIAGDIR_END] = { -1, 1, 1, -1}; static const int8_t ddy[DIAGDIR_END] = { 1, 1, -1, -1}; int dx = ddx[dir]; int dy = ddy[dir]; /* each side of this square has length 'dist' */ for (uint a = 0; a < dist; a++) { /* MP_VOID tiles are not checked (interval is [min; max) for IsInsideMM())*/ if (IsInsideMM(x, min_xy, max_x) && IsInsideMM(y, min_xy, max_y)) { TileIndex t = TileXY(x, y); if (HasTileWaterGround(t) == water) return dist; } x += dx; y += dy; } } } if (!water) { /* no land found - is this a water-only map? */ for (TileIndex t = 0; t < MapSize(); t++) { if (!IsTileType(t, MP_VOID) && !IsTileType(t, MP_WATER)) return 0x1FF; } } return max_dist; } static const char *tile_type_names[16] = { "MP_CLEAR", "MP_RAILWAY", "MP_ROAD", "MP_HOUSE", "MP_TREES", "MP_STATION", "MP_WATER", "MP_VOID", "MP_INDUSTRY", "MP_TUNNELBRIDGE", "MP_OBJECT", "INVALID_B", "INVALID_C", "INVALID_D", "INVALID_E", "INVALID_F", }; char *DumpTileInfo(char *b, const char *last, TileIndex tile) { if (tile == INVALID_TILE) { b += seprintf(b, last, "tile: %X (INVALID_TILE)", tile); } else { b += seprintf(b, last, "tile: %X (%u x %u)", tile, TileX(tile), TileY(tile)); } if (!_m || !_me) { b += seprintf(b, last, ", NO MAP ALLOCATED"); } else { if (tile >= MapSize()) { b += seprintf(b, last, ", TILE OUTSIDE MAP"); } else { b += seprintf(b, last, ", type: %02X (%s), height: %02X, data: %02X %04X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %04X", _m[tile].type, tile_type_names[GB(_m[tile].type, 4, 4)], _m[tile].height, _m[tile].m1, _m[tile].m2, _m[tile].m3, _m[tile].m4, _m[tile].m5, _me[tile].m6, _me[tile].m7, _me[tile].m8); } } return b; } void DumpMapStats(char *b, const char *last) { std::array tile_types; uint restricted_signals = 0; uint prog_signals = 0; uint dual_rail_type = 0; uint road_works = 0; enum TunnelBridgeBits { TBB_BRIDGE = 1 << 0, TBB_ROAD = 1 << 1, TBB_TRAM = 1 << 2, TBB_RAIL = 1 << 3, TBB_WATER = 1 << 4, TBB_CUSTOM_HEAD = 1 << 5, TBB_DUAL_RT = 1 << 6, TBB_SIGNALLED = 1 << 7, TBB_SIGNALLED_BIDI = 1 << 8, }; btree::btree_map tunnel_bridge_stats; for (uint type = 0; type < 16; type++) { tile_types[type] = 0; } for (TileIndex t = 0; t < MapSize(); t++) { tile_types[GetTileType(t)]++; if (IsTileType(t, MP_RAILWAY)) { if (GetRailTileType(t) == RAIL_TILE_SIGNALS) { if (IsRestrictedSignal(t)) restricted_signals++; if (HasSignalOnTrack(t, TRACK_LOWER) && GetSignalType(t, TRACK_LOWER) == SIGTYPE_PROG) prog_signals++; if (HasSignalOnTrack(t, TRACK_UPPER) && GetSignalType(t, TRACK_UPPER) == SIGTYPE_PROG) prog_signals++; } } bool dual_rt = false; RailType rt1 = GetTileRailType(t); if (rt1 != INVALID_RAILTYPE) { RailType rt2 = GetTileSecondaryRailTypeIfValid(t); if (rt2 != INVALID_RAILTYPE && rt1 != rt2) { dual_rail_type++; dual_rt = true; } } if (IsNormalRoadTile(t) && HasRoadWorks(t)) road_works++; if (IsTileType(t, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) { uint bucket = 0; if (IsBridge(t)) bucket |= TBB_BRIDGE; if (IsTunnelBridgeWithSignalSimulation(t)) { bucket |= TBB_SIGNALLED; if (IsTunnelBridgeSignalSimulationBidirectional(t)) bucket |= TBB_SIGNALLED_BIDI; if (IsTunnelBridgeRestrictedSignal(t)) restricted_signals++; } if (GetTunnelBridgeTransportType(t) == TRANSPORT_ROAD) { if (HasTileRoadType(t, RTT_ROAD)) bucket |= TBB_ROAD; if (HasTileRoadType(t, RTT_TRAM)) bucket |= TBB_TRAM; } if (GetTunnelBridgeTransportType(t) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) bucket |= TBB_RAIL; if (GetTunnelBridgeTransportType(t) == TRANSPORT_WATER) bucket |= TBB_WATER; if (IsCustomBridgeHeadTile(t)) bucket |= TBB_CUSTOM_HEAD; if (dual_rt) bucket |= TBB_DUAL_RT; tunnel_bridge_stats[bucket]++; } } for (uint type = 0; type < 16; type++) { if (tile_types[type]) b += seprintf(b, last, "%-20s %20u\n", tile_type_names[type], tile_types[type]); } b += seprintf(b, last, "\n"); if (restricted_signals) b += seprintf(b, last, "restricted signals %20u\n", restricted_signals); if (prog_signals) b += seprintf(b, last, "prog signals %20u\n", prog_signals); if (dual_rail_type) b += seprintf(b, last, "dual rail type %20u\n", dual_rail_type); if (road_works) b += seprintf(b, last, "road works %20u\n", road_works); for (auto it : tunnel_bridge_stats) { b = strecpy(b, it.first & TBB_BRIDGE ? "bridge" : "tunnel", last, true); if (it.first & TBB_ROAD) b = strecpy(b, ", road", last, true); if (it.first & TBB_TRAM) b = strecpy(b, ", tram", last, true); if (it.first & TBB_RAIL) b = strecpy(b, ", rail", last, true); if (it.first & TBB_WATER) b = strecpy(b, ", water", last, true); if (it.first & TBB_CUSTOM_HEAD) b = strecpy(b, ", custom head", last, true); if (it.first & TBB_DUAL_RT) b = strecpy(b, ", dual rail type", last, true); if (it.first & TBB_SIGNALLED) b = strecpy(b, ", signalled", last, true); if (it.first & TBB_SIGNALLED_BIDI) b = strecpy(b, ", bidi", last, true); b += seprintf(b, last, ": %u\n", it.second); } }