#include "stdafx.h" #include "ttd.h" #include "command.h" #include "gfx.h" #include "map.h" #include "order.h" #include "saveload.h" #include "station.h" #include "tile.h" #include "town.h" #include "waypoint.h" #include "table/sprites.h" #include "table/strings.h" #include "table/track_land.h" enum { /* Max waypoints: 64000 (8 * 8000) */ WAYPOINT_POOL_BLOCK_SIZE_BITS = 3, /* In bits, so (1 << 3) == 8 */ WAYPOINT_POOL_MAX_BLOCKS = 8000, MAX_WAYPOINTS_PER_TOWN = 64, }; /** * Called if a new block is added to the waypoint-pool */ static void WaypointPoolNewBlock(uint start_item) { Waypoint *wp; FOR_ALL_WAYPOINTS_FROM(wp, start_item) wp->index = start_item++; } /* Initialize the town-pool */ MemoryPool _waypoint_pool = { "Waypoints", WAYPOINT_POOL_MAX_BLOCKS, WAYPOINT_POOL_BLOCK_SIZE_BITS, sizeof(Waypoint), &WaypointPoolNewBlock, 0, 0, NULL }; /* Create a new waypoint */ Waypoint *AllocateWaypoint(void) { Waypoint *wp; FOR_ALL_WAYPOINTS(wp) { if (wp->xy == 0) { uint index = wp->index; memset(wp, 0, sizeof(Waypoint)); wp->index = index; return wp; } } /* Check if we can add a block to the pool */ if (AddBlockToPool(&_waypoint_pool)) return AllocateWaypoint(); return NULL; } /* Fetch a waypoint by tile */ Waypoint *GetWaypointByTile(TileIndex tile) { Waypoint *wp; FOR_ALL_WAYPOINTS(wp) { if (wp->xy == tile) return wp; } return NULL; } /* Update the sign for the waypoint */ void UpdateWaypointSign(Waypoint *wp) { Point pt = RemapCoords2(TileX(wp->xy) * 16, TileY(wp->xy) * 16); SetDParam(0, wp->index); UpdateViewportSignPos(&wp->sign, pt.x, pt.y - 0x20, STR_WAYPOINT_VIEWPORT); } /* Redraw the sign of a waypoint */ void RedrawWaypointSign(Waypoint *wp) { MarkAllViewportsDirty( wp->sign.left - 6, wp->sign.top, wp->sign.left + (wp->sign.width_1 << 2) + 12, wp->sign.top + 48); } /* Update all signs */ void UpdateAllWaypointSigns(void) { Waypoint *wp; FOR_ALL_WAYPOINTS(wp) { if (wp->xy) UpdateWaypointSign(wp); } } /* Set the default name for a waypoint */ void MakeDefaultWaypointName(Waypoint *wp) { Waypoint *local_wp; bool used_waypoint[MAX_WAYPOINTS_PER_TOWN]; int i; wp->town_index = ClosestTownFromTile(wp->xy, (uint)-1)->index; memset(used_waypoint, 0, sizeof(used_waypoint)); /* Find an unused waypoint number belonging to this town */ FOR_ALL_WAYPOINTS(local_wp) { if (wp == local_wp) continue; if (local_wp->xy && local_wp->string == STR_NULL && local_wp->town_index == wp->town_index) used_waypoint[local_wp->town_cn] = true; } /* Find an empty spot */ for (i = 0; used_waypoint[i] && i < MAX_WAYPOINTS_PER_TOWN; i++) {} wp->string = STR_NULL; wp->town_cn = i; } /* Find a deleted waypoint close to a tile. */ static Waypoint *FindDeletedWaypointCloseTo(uint tile) { Waypoint *wp, *best = NULL; uint thres = 8, cur_dist; FOR_ALL_WAYPOINTS(wp) { if (wp->deleted && wp->xy) { cur_dist = DistanceManhattan(tile, wp->xy); if (cur_dist < thres) { thres = cur_dist; best = wp; } } } return best; } /** Convert existing rail to waypoint. Eg build a waypoint station over * piece of rail * @param x,y coordinates where waypoint will be built * @param p1 graphics for waypoint type, bit 8 signifies custom waypoint gfx (& 0x100) * @param p2 unused */ int32 CmdBuildTrainWaypoint(int x, int y, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2) { TileIndex tile = TILE_FROM_XY(x, y); Waypoint *wp; uint tileh; uint dir; SET_EXPENSES_TYPE(EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION); /* if custom gfx are used, make sure it is within bounds */ if (p1 > 0x100 + (uint)GetCustomStationsCount(STAT_CLASS_WAYP)) return CMD_ERROR; if (!IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY) || ((dir = 0, _map5[tile] != 1) && (dir = 1, _map5[tile] != 2))) return_cmd_error(STR_1005_NO_SUITABLE_RAILROAD_TRACK); if (!CheckTileOwnership(tile)) return CMD_ERROR; if (!EnsureNoVehicle(tile)) return CMD_ERROR; tileh = GetTileSlope(tile, NULL); if (tileh != 0) { if (!_patches.build_on_slopes || tileh & 0x10 || !(tileh & (0x3 << dir)) || !(tileh & ~(0x3 << dir))) return_cmd_error(STR_0007_FLAT_LAND_REQUIRED); } /* Check if there is an already existing, deleted, waypoint close to us that we can reuse. */ wp = FindDeletedWaypointCloseTo(tile); if (wp == NULL) { wp = AllocateWaypoint(); if (wp == NULL) return CMD_ERROR; wp->town_index = 0; wp->string = STR_NULL; wp->town_cn = 0; } if (flags & DC_EXEC) { ModifyTile(tile, MP_MAP5, RAIL_TYPE_WAYPOINT | dir); if (--p1 & 0x100) { // waypoint type 0 uses default graphics // custom graphics _map3_lo[tile] |= 16; _map3_hi[tile] = p1 & 0xff; } wp->deleted = 0; wp->xy = tile; wp->build_date = _date; if (wp->town_index == STR_NULL) MakeDefaultWaypointName(wp); UpdateWaypointSign(wp); RedrawWaypointSign(wp); } return _price.build_train_depot; } /* Internal handler to delete a waypoint */ static void DoDeleteWaypoint(Waypoint *wp) { Order order; wp->xy = 0; order.type = OT_GOTO_WAYPOINT; order.station = wp->index; DeleteDestinationFromVehicleOrder(order); if (wp->string != STR_NULL) DeleteName(wp->string); RedrawWaypointSign(wp); } /* Daily loop for waypoints */ void WaypointsDailyLoop(void) { Waypoint *wp; /* Check if we need to delete a waypoint */ FOR_ALL_WAYPOINTS(wp) { if (wp->deleted && !--wp->deleted) { DoDeleteWaypoint(wp); } } } /* Remove a waypoint */ int32 RemoveTrainWaypoint(uint tile, uint32 flags, bool justremove) { Waypoint *wp; /* Make sure it's a waypoint */ if (!IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY) || !IsRailWaypoint(_map5[tile])) return CMD_ERROR; if (!CheckTileOwnership(tile) && !(_current_player == OWNER_WATER)) return CMD_ERROR; if (!EnsureNoVehicle(tile)) return CMD_ERROR; if (flags & DC_EXEC) { int direction = _map5[tile] & RAIL_WAYPOINT_TRACK_MASK; wp = GetWaypointByTile(tile); wp->deleted = 30; // let it live for this many days before we do the actual deletion. RedrawWaypointSign(wp); if (justremove) { ModifyTile(tile, MP_MAP5, 1<string != STR_NULL) DeleteName(wp->string); wp->string = str; wp->town_cn = 0; UpdateWaypointSign(wp); MarkWholeScreenDirty(); } else { DeleteName(str); } } else { if (flags & DC_EXEC) { wp = GetWaypoint(p1); if (wp->string != STR_NULL) DeleteName(wp->string); MakeDefaultWaypointName(wp); UpdateWaypointSign(wp); MarkWholeScreenDirty(); } } return 0; } /* This hacks together some dummy one-shot Station structure for a waypoint. */ Station *ComposeWaypointStation(uint tile) { Waypoint *wp = GetWaypointByTile(tile); static Station stat; stat.train_tile = stat.xy = wp->xy; stat.town = GetTown(wp->town_index); stat.string_id = wp->string == STR_NULL ? /* FIXME? */ 0 : wp->string; stat.build_date = wp->build_date; stat.class_id = 6; stat.stat_id = wp->stat_id; return &stat; } extern uint16 _custom_sprites_base; /* Draw a waypoint */ void DrawWaypointSprite(int x, int y, int stat_id, int railtype) { StationSpec *stat; uint32 relocation; DrawTileSprites *cust; DrawTileSeqStruct const *seq; uint32 ormod, img; ormod = SPRITE_PALETTE(PLAYER_SPRITE_COLOR(_local_player)); x += 33; y += 17; /* draw default waypoint graphics of ID 0 */ if (stat_id == 0) { const DrawTrackSeqStruct *dtss = _track_depot_layout_table[4]; img = dtss++->image; if (img & 0x8000) img = (img & 0x7FFF) + railtype*TRACKTYPE_SPRITE_PITCH; DrawSprite(img, x, y); for (; dtss->image != 0; dtss++) { Point pt = RemapCoords(dtss->subcoord_x, dtss->subcoord_y, 0); img = dtss->image; if (img & 0x8000) img |= ormod; DrawSprite(img, x + pt.x, y + pt.y); } return; } stat = GetCustomStation(STAT_CLASS_WAYP, stat_id - 1); assert(stat); relocation = GetCustomStationRelocation(stat, NULL, 1); // emulate station tile - open with building // add 1 to get the other direction cust = &stat->renderdata[2]; img = cust->ground_sprite; img += railtype * ((img < _custom_sprites_base) ? TRACKTYPE_SPRITE_PITCH : 1); if (img & 0x8000) img = (img & 0x7FFF); DrawSprite(img, x, y); foreach_draw_tile_seq(seq, cust->seq) { Point pt = RemapCoords(seq->delta_x, seq->delta_y, seq->delta_z); uint32 image = seq->image + relocation; DrawSprite((image&0x3FFF) | ormod, x + pt.x, y + pt.y); } } /* Fix savegames which stored waypoints in their old format */ void FixOldWaypoints(void) { Waypoint *wp; /* Convert the old 'town_or_string', to 'string' / 'town' / 'town_cn' */ FOR_ALL_WAYPOINTS(wp) { if (wp->xy == 0) continue; wp->town_index = ClosestTownFromTile(wp->xy, (uint)-1)->index; wp->town_cn = 0; if (wp->string & 0xC000) { wp->town_cn = wp->string & 0x3F; wp->string = STR_NULL; } } } void InitializeWaypoints(void) { CleanPool(&_waypoint_pool); AddBlockToPool(&_waypoint_pool); } static const SaveLoad _waypoint_desc[] = { SLE_CONDVAR(Waypoint, xy, SLE_FILE_U16 | SLE_VAR_U32, 0, 5), SLE_CONDVAR(Waypoint, xy, SLE_UINT32, 6, 255), SLE_CONDVAR(Waypoint, town_index, SLE_UINT16, 12, 255), SLE_CONDVAR(Waypoint, town_cn, SLE_UINT8, 12, 255), SLE_VAR(Waypoint,string, SLE_UINT16), SLE_VAR(Waypoint,deleted, SLE_UINT8), SLE_CONDVAR(Waypoint, build_date, SLE_UINT16, 3, 255), SLE_CONDVAR(Waypoint, stat_id, SLE_UINT8, 3, 255), SLE_END() }; static void Save_WAYP(void) { Waypoint *wp; FOR_ALL_WAYPOINTS(wp) { if (wp->xy != 0) { SlSetArrayIndex(wp->index); SlObject(wp, _waypoint_desc); } } } static void Load_WAYP(void) { int index; while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) { Waypoint *wp; if (!AddBlockIfNeeded(&_waypoint_pool, index)) error("Waypoints: failed loading savegame: too many waypoints"); wp = GetWaypoint(index); SlObject(wp, _waypoint_desc); } } const ChunkHandler _waypoint_chunk_handlers[] = { { 'CHKP', Save_WAYP, Load_WAYP, CH_ARRAY | CH_LAST}, };