/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file departures.cpp Scheduled departures from a station. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "debug.h" #include "gui.h" #include "textbuf_gui.h" #include "strings_func.h" #include "window_func.h" #include "vehicle_func.h" #include "string_func.h" #include "window_gui.h" #include "timetable.h" #include "vehiclelist.h" #include "company_base.h" #include "date_func.h" #include "departures_gui.h" #include "station_base.h" #include "vehicle_gui_base.h" #include "vehicle_base.h" #include "vehicle_gui.h" #include "order_base.h" #include "settings_type.h" #include "core/smallvec_type.hpp" #include "date_type.h" #include "company_type.h" #include "cargo_type.h" #include "departures_func.h" #include "departures_type.h" #include #include #include #include /* A cache of used departure time for scheduled dispatch in departure time calculation */ typedef std::map> schdispatch_cache_t; /** A scheduled order. */ typedef struct OrderDate { const Order *order; ///< The order const Vehicle *v; ///< The vehicle carrying out the order DateTicks expected_date;///< The date on which the order is expected to complete Ticks lateness; ///< How late this order is expected to finish DepartureStatus status; ///< Whether the vehicle has arrived to carry out the order yet uint scheduled_waiting_time; ///< Scheduled waiting time if scheduled dispatch is used } OrderDate; static bool IsDeparture(const Order *order, StationID station) { return (order->GetType() == OT_GOTO_STATION && (StationID)order->GetDestination() == station && (order->GetLoadType() != OLFB_NO_LOAD || _settings_client.gui.departure_show_all_stops) && (order->GetWaitTime() != 0 || order->IsWaitTimetabled()) && !(order->GetNonStopType() & ONSF_NO_STOP_AT_DESTINATION_STATION)); } static bool IsVia(const Order *order, StationID station) { return ((order->GetType() == OT_GOTO_STATION || order->GetType() == OT_GOTO_WAYPOINT) && (StationID)order->GetDestination() == station && (order->GetNonStopType() == ONSF_NO_STOP_AT_ANY_STATION || order->GetNonStopType() == ONSF_NO_STOP_AT_DESTINATION_STATION)); } static bool IsArrival(const Order *order, StationID station) { return (order->GetType() == OT_GOTO_STATION && (StationID)order->GetDestination() == station && (order->GetUnloadType() != OUFB_NO_UNLOAD || _settings_client.gui.departure_show_all_stops) && (order->GetWaitTime() != 0 || order->IsWaitTimetabled()) && !(order->GetNonStopType() & ONSF_NO_STOP_AT_DESTINATION_STATION)); } static uint8 GetDepartureConditionalOrderMode(const Order *order) { if (order->GetConditionVariable() == OCV_UNCONDITIONALLY) return 1; return _settings_client.gui.departure_conditionals; } static inline bool VehicleSetNextDepartureTime(DateTicks *previous_departure, uint *waiting_time, const DateTicksScaled date_only_scaled, const Vehicle *v, const Order *order, bool arrived_at_timing_point, schdispatch_cache_t &dept_schedule_last) { if (HasBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_SCHEDULED_DISPATCH)) { /* Loop over all order to find the first waiting order */ for (int j = 0; j < v->orders.list->GetNumOrders(); ++j) { Order* iterating_order = v->orders.list->GetOrderAt(j); if (iterating_order->IsWaitTimetabled() && !iterating_order->IsType(OT_IMPLICIT)) { /* This condition means that we want departure time for the first order */ /* but not if the vehicle has arrived at the first order because the timetable is already shifted */ if (iterating_order == order && !(arrived_at_timing_point && v->cur_implicit_order_index == j)) { DateTicksScaled actual_departure = -1; const DateTicksScaled begin_time = v->orders.list->GetScheduledDispatchStartTick(); const uint32 dispatch_duration = v->orders.list->GetScheduledDispatchDuration(); const int32 max_delay = v->orders.list->GetScheduledDispatchDelay(); /* Earliest possible departure according to schedue */ DateTicksScaled earliest_departure = begin_time + v->orders.list->GetScheduledDispatchLastDispatch(); /* Earliest possible departure according to vehicle current timetable */ if (earliest_departure + max_delay < date_only_scaled + *previous_departure + order->GetTravelTime()) { earliest_departure = date_only_scaled + *previous_departure + order->GetTravelTime() - max_delay - 1; /* -1 because this number is actually a moment before actual departure */ } /* Find next available slots */ for (auto current_offset : v->orders.list->GetScheduledDispatch()) { if (current_offset >= dispatch_duration) continue; DateTicksScaled current_departure = begin_time + current_offset; while (current_departure <= earliest_departure) { current_departure += dispatch_duration; } /* Make sure the slots has not already been used previously in this departure board calculation */ while (dept_schedule_last[v->orders.list->index].count(current_departure) > 0) { current_departure += dispatch_duration; } if (actual_departure == -1 || actual_departure > current_departure) { actual_departure = current_departure; } } *waiting_time = order->GetWaitTime() + actual_departure - date_only_scaled - *previous_departure - order->GetTravelTime(); *previous_departure = actual_departure - date_only_scaled + order->GetWaitTime(); dept_schedule_last[v->orders.list->index].insert(actual_departure); /* Return true means that vehicle lateness should be clear from this point onward */ return true; } /* This is special case for proper calculation of arrival time. */ if (arrived_at_timing_point && v->cur_implicit_order_index == j) { *previous_departure += order->GetTravelTime() + order->GetWaitTime(); *waiting_time = -v->lateness_counter + order->GetWaitTime(); return false; } break; } /* if it is first waiting order */ } /* for in order list */ } /* if vehicle is on scheduled dispatch */ /* Not using schedule for this departure time */ *previous_departure += order->GetTravelTime() + order->GetWaitTime(); *waiting_time = 0; return false; } static void ScheduledDispatchDepartureLocalFix(DepartureList *departure_list) { /* Seperate departure by each shared order group */ std::map> separated_departure; for (Departure* departure : *departure_list) { separated_departure[departure->vehicle->orders.list->index].push_back(departure); } for (auto& pair : separated_departure) { auto d_list = pair.second; /* If the group is scheduled dispatch, then */ if (HasBit(d_list[0]->vehicle->vehicle_flags, VF_SCHEDULED_DISPATCH)) { /* Separate departure time and sort them ascendently */ std::vector departure_time_list; for (const auto& d : d_list) { departure_time_list.push_back(d->scheduled_date); } std::sort(departure_time_list.begin(), departure_time_list.end()); /* Sort the departure list by arrival time */ std::sort(d_list.begin(), d_list.end(), [](const Departure * const &a, const Departure * const &b) -> bool { DateTicksScaled arr_a = a->scheduled_date - (a->scheduled_waiting_time > 0 ? a->scheduled_waiting_time : a->order->GetWaitTime()); DateTicksScaled arr_b = b->scheduled_date - (b->scheduled_waiting_time > 0 ? b->scheduled_waiting_time : b->order->GetWaitTime()); return arr_a < arr_b; }); /* Re-assign them sequentially */ for (size_t i = 0; i < d_list.size(); i++) { const DateTicksScaled arrival = d_list[i]->scheduled_date - (d_list[i]->scheduled_waiting_time > 0 ? d_list[i]->scheduled_waiting_time : d_list[i]->order->GetWaitTime()); d_list[i]->scheduled_waiting_time = departure_time_list[i] - arrival; d_list[i]->scheduled_date = departure_time_list[i]; if (d_list[i]->scheduled_waiting_time == d_list[i]->order->GetWaitTime()) { d_list[i]->scheduled_waiting_time = 0; } } } } /* Re-sort the departure list */ std::sort(departure_list->begin(), departure_list->end(), [](Departure * const &a, Departure * const &b) -> bool { return a->scheduled_date < b->scheduled_date; }); } /** * Compute an up-to-date list of departures for a station. * @param station the station to compute the departures of * @param vehicles set of all the vehicles stopping at this station, of all vehicles types that we are interested in * @param type the type of departures to get (departures or arrivals) * @param show_vehicles_via whether to include vehicles that have this station in their orders but do not stop at it * @param show_pax whether to include passenger vehicles * @param show_freight whether to include freight vehicles * @return a list of departures, which is empty if an error occurred */ DepartureList* MakeDepartureList(StationID station, const std::vector &vehicles, DepartureType type, bool show_vehicles_via, bool show_pax, bool show_freight) { /* This function is the meat of the departure boards functionality. */ /* As an overview, it works by repeatedly considering the best possible next departure to show. */ /* By best possible we mean the one expected to arrive at the station first. */ /* However, we do not consider departures whose scheduled time is too far in the future, even if they are expected before some delayed ones. */ /* This code can probably be made more efficient. I haven't done so in order to keep both its (relative) simplicity and my (relative) sanity. */ /* Having written that, it's not exactly slow at the moment. */ /* The list of departures which will be returned as a result. */ std::vector *result = new std::vector(); if (!show_pax && !show_freight) return result; /* A list of the next scheduled orders to be considered for inclusion in the departure list. */ std::vector next_orders; /* The maximum possible date for departures to be scheduled to occur. */ DateTicksScaled max_date = _settings_client.gui.max_departure_time * DAY_TICKS * _settings_game.economy.day_length_factor; DateTicksScaled date_only_scaled = ((DateTicksScaled)_date * DAY_TICKS * _settings_game.economy.day_length_factor); DateTicksScaled date_fract_scaled = ((DateTicksScaled)_date_fract * _settings_game.economy.day_length_factor) + _tick_skip_counter; /* The scheduled order in next_orders with the earliest expected_date field. */ OrderDate *least_order = nullptr; /* Cache for scheduled departure time */ schdispatch_cache_t schdispatch_last_planned_dispatch; { /* Get the first order for each vehicle for the station we're interested in that doesn't have No Loading set. */ /* We find the least order while we're at it. */ for (const Vehicle *v : vehicles) { if (v->GetNumOrders() == 0) continue; if (show_pax != show_freight) { bool carries_passengers = false; const Vehicle *u = v; while (u != nullptr) { if (u->cargo_cap > 0 && IsCargoInClass(u->cargo_type, CC_PASSENGERS)) { carries_passengers = true; break; } u = u->Next(); } if (carries_passengers != show_pax) { continue; } } const Order *order = v->GetOrder(v->cur_implicit_order_index % v->GetNumOrders()); if (order == nullptr) continue; DateTicks start_date = date_fract_scaled - v->current_order_time; if (v->cur_timetable_order_index != INVALID_VEH_ORDER_ID && v->cur_timetable_order_index != v->cur_real_order_index) { /* vehicle is taking a conditional order branch, adjust start time to compensate */ const Order *real_current_order = v->GetOrder(v->cur_real_order_index); const Order *real_timetable_order = v->GetOrder(v->cur_timetable_order_index); assert(real_timetable_order->IsType(OT_CONDITIONAL)); start_date += (real_timetable_order->GetWaitTime() - real_current_order->GetTravelTime()); } DepartureStatus status = D_TRAVELLING; bool should_reset_lateness = false; uint waiting_time = 0; /* If the vehicle is stopped in a depot, ignore it. */ if (v->IsStoppedInDepot()) { continue; } /* If the vehicle is heading for a depot to stop there, then its departures are cancelled. */ if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_GOTO_DEPOT) && v->current_order.GetDepotActionType() & ODATFB_HALT) { status = D_CANCELLED; } if (v->current_order.IsAnyLoadingType() || v->current_order.IsType(OT_WAITING)) { /* Account for the vehicle having reached the current order and being in the loading phase. */ status = D_ARRIVED; start_date -= order->GetTravelTime() + ((v->lateness_counter < 0) ? v->lateness_counter : 0); } /* Loop through the vehicle's orders until we've found a suitable order or we've determined that no such order exists. */ /* We only need to consider each order at most once. */ for (int i = v->GetNumOrders(); i > 0; --i) { if (VehicleSetNextDepartureTime(&start_date, &waiting_time, date_only_scaled, v, order, status == D_ARRIVED, schdispatch_last_planned_dispatch)) { should_reset_lateness = true; } /* If the scheduled departure date is too far in the future, stop. */ if (start_date - v->lateness_counter > max_date) { break; } /* If the order is a conditional branch, handle it. */ if (order->IsType(OT_CONDITIONAL)) { switch(GetDepartureConditionalOrderMode(order)) { case 0: { /* Give up */ break; } case 1: { /* Take the branch */ if (status != D_CANCELLED) { status = D_TRAVELLING; } order = v->GetOrder(order->GetConditionSkipToOrder()); if (order == nullptr) { break; } start_date -= order->GetTravelTime(); continue; } case 2: { /* Do not take the branch */ if (status != D_CANCELLED) { status = D_TRAVELLING; } order = (order->next == nullptr) ? v->GetFirstOrder() : order->next; continue; } } } /* Skip it if it's an automatic order. */ if (order->IsType(OT_IMPLICIT)) { order = (order->next == nullptr) ? v->GetFirstOrder() : order->next; continue; } /* If an order has a 0 travel time, and it's not explictly set, then stop. */ if (order->GetTravelTime() == 0 && !order->IsTravelTimetabled()) { break; } /* If the vehicle will be stopping at and loading from this station, and its wait time is not zero, then it is a departure. */ /* If the vehicle will be stopping at and unloading at this station, and its wait time is not zero, then it is an arrival. */ if ((type == D_DEPARTURE && IsDeparture(order, station)) || (type == D_DEPARTURE && show_vehicles_via && IsVia(order, station)) || (type == D_ARRIVAL && IsArrival(order, station))) { /* If the departure was scheduled to have already begun and has been cancelled, do not show it. */ if (start_date < 0 && status == D_CANCELLED) { break; } OrderDate *od = new OrderDate(); od->order = order; od->v = v; /* We store the expected date for now, so that vehicles will be shown in order of expected time. */ od->expected_date = start_date; od->lateness = v->lateness_counter > 0 ? v->lateness_counter : 0; od->status = status; od->scheduled_waiting_time = waiting_time; /* Reset lateness if timing is from scheduled dispatch */ if (should_reset_lateness) { od->lateness = 0; } /* If we are early, use the scheduled date as the expected date. We also take lateness to be zero. */ if (!should_reset_lateness && v->lateness_counter < 0 && !(v->current_order.IsAnyLoadingType() || v->current_order.IsType(OT_WAITING))) { od->expected_date -= v->lateness_counter; } /* Update least_order if this is the current least order. */ if (least_order == nullptr) { least_order = od; } else if (int(least_order->expected_date - least_order->lateness - (type == D_ARRIVAL ? (least_order->scheduled_waiting_time > 0 ? least_order->scheduled_waiting_time : least_order->order->GetWaitTime()) : 0)) > int(od->expected_date - od->lateness - (type == D_ARRIVAL ? (od->scheduled_waiting_time > 0 ? od->scheduled_waiting_time : od->order->GetWaitTime()) : 0))) { /* Somehow my compiler perform an unsigned comparition above so integer cast is required */ least_order = od; } next_orders.push_back(od); /* We're done with this vehicle. */ break; } else { /* Go to the next order in the list. */ if (status != D_CANCELLED) { status = D_TRAVELLING; } order = (order->next == nullptr) ? v->GetFirstOrder() : order->next; } } } } /* No suitable orders found? Then stop. */ if (next_orders.size() == 0) { return result; } /* We now find as many departures as we can. It's a little involved so I'll try to explain each major step. */ /* The countdown from 10000 is a safeguard just in case something nasty happens. 10000 seemed large enough. */ for(int i = 10000; i > 0; --i) { /* I should probably try to convince you that this loop always terminates regardless of the safeguard. */ /* 1. next_orders contains at least one element. */ /* 2. The loop terminates if result->size() exceeds a fixed (for this loop) value, or if the least order's scheduled date is later than max_date. */ /* (We ignore the case that the least order's scheduled date has overflown, as it is a relative rather than absolute date.) */ /* 3. Every time we loop round, either result->size() will have increased -OR- we will have increased the expected_date of one of the elements of next_orders. */ /* 4. Therefore the loop must eventually terminate. */ /* least_order is the best candidate for the next departure. */ /* First, we check if we can stop looking for departures yet. */ if (result->size() >= _settings_client.gui.max_departures || least_order->expected_date - least_order->lateness > max_date) { break; } /* We already know the least order and that it's a suitable departure, so make it into a departure. */ Departure *d = new Departure(); d->scheduled_date = date_only_scaled + least_order->expected_date - least_order->lateness; d->lateness = least_order->lateness; d->status = least_order->status; d->vehicle = least_order->v; d->type = type; d->order = least_order->order; d->scheduled_waiting_time = least_order->scheduled_waiting_time; /* We'll be going through the order list later, so we need a separate variable for it. */ const Order *order = least_order->order; if (type == D_DEPARTURE) { /* Computing departures: */ /* We want to find out where it will terminate, making a list of the stations it calls at along the way. */ /* We only count stations where unloading happens as being called at - i.e. pickup-only stations are ignored. */ /* Where the vehicle terminates is defined as the last unique station called at by the vehicle from the current order. */ /* If the vehicle loops round to the current order without a terminus being found, then it terminates upon reaching its current order again. */ /* We also determine which station this departure is going via, if any. */ /* A departure goes via a station if it is the first station for which the vehicle has an order to go via or non-stop via. */ /* Multiple departures on the same journey may go via different stations. That a departure can go via at most one station is intentional. */ /* We keep track of potential via stations along the way. If we call at a station immediately after going via it, then it is the via station. */ StationID candidate_via = INVALID_STATION; /* Go through the order list, looping if necessary, to find a terminus. */ /* Get the next order, which may be the vehicle's first order. */ order = (order->next == nullptr) ? least_order->v->GetFirstOrder() : order->next; /* We only need to consider each order at most once. */ bool found_terminus = false; CallAt c = CallAt((StationID)order->GetDestination(), d->scheduled_date); for (int i = least_order->v->GetNumOrders(); i > 0; --i) { /* If we reach the order at which the departure occurs again, then use the departure station as the terminus. */ if (order == least_order->order) { /* If we're not calling anywhere, then skip this departure. */ found_terminus = (d->calling_at.size() > 0); break; } /* If the order is a conditional branch, handle it. */ if (order->IsType(OT_CONDITIONAL)) { switch(GetDepartureConditionalOrderMode(order)) { case 0: { /* Give up */ break; } case 1: { /* Take the branch */ order = least_order->v->GetOrder(order->GetConditionSkipToOrder()); if (order == nullptr) { break; } continue; } case 2: { /* Do not take the branch */ order = (order->next == nullptr) ? least_order->v->GetFirstOrder() : order->next; continue; } } } /* If we reach the original station again, then use it as the terminus. */ if (order->GetType() == OT_GOTO_STATION && (StationID)order->GetDestination() == station && (order->GetUnloadType() != OUFB_NO_UNLOAD || _settings_client.gui.departure_show_all_stops) && order->GetNonStopType() != ONSF_NO_STOP_AT_ANY_STATION && order->GetNonStopType() != ONSF_NO_STOP_AT_DESTINATION_STATION) { /* If we're not calling anywhere, then skip this departure. */ found_terminus = (d->calling_at.size() > 0); break; } /* Check if we're going via this station. */ if ((order->GetNonStopType() == ONSF_NO_STOP_AT_ANY_STATION || order->GetNonStopType() == ONSF_NO_STOP_AT_DESTINATION_STATION) && order->GetType() == OT_GOTO_STATION && d->via == INVALID_STATION) { candidate_via = (StationID)order->GetDestination(); } if (c.scheduled_date != 0 && (order->GetTravelTime() != 0 || order->IsTravelTimetabled())) { c.scheduled_date += order->GetTravelTime(); /* TODO smart terminal may not work correctly */ } else { c.scheduled_date = 0; } c.station = (StationID)order->GetDestination(); /* We're not interested in this order any further if we're not calling at it. */ if ((order->GetUnloadType() == OUFB_NO_UNLOAD && !_settings_client.gui.departure_show_all_stops) || (order->GetType() != OT_GOTO_STATION && order->GetType() != OT_IMPLICIT) || order->GetNonStopType() == ONSF_NO_STOP_AT_ANY_STATION || order->GetNonStopType() == ONSF_NO_STOP_AT_DESTINATION_STATION) { c.scheduled_date += order->GetWaitTime(); order = (order->next == nullptr) ? least_order->v->GetFirstOrder() : order->next; continue; } /* If this order's station is already in the calling, then the previous called at station is the terminus. */ if (std::find(d->calling_at.begin(), d->calling_at.end(), c) != d->calling_at.end()) { found_terminus = true; break; } /* If appropriate, add the station to the calling at list and make it the candidate terminus. */ if ((order->GetType() == OT_GOTO_STATION || order->GetType() == OT_IMPLICIT) && order->GetNonStopType() != ONSF_NO_STOP_AT_ANY_STATION && order->GetNonStopType() != ONSF_NO_STOP_AT_DESTINATION_STATION) { if (d->via == INVALID_STATION && candidate_via == (StationID)order->GetDestination()) { d->via = (StationID)order->GetDestination(); } d->terminus = c; d->calling_at.push_back(c); } /* If we unload all at this station, then it is the terminus. */ if (order->GetType() == OT_GOTO_STATION && order->GetUnloadType() == OUFB_UNLOAD) { if (d->calling_at.size() > 0) { found_terminus = true; } break; } c.scheduled_date += order->GetWaitTime(); /* Get the next order, which may be the vehicle's first order. */ order = (order->next == nullptr) ? least_order->v->GetFirstOrder() : order->next; } if (found_terminus) { /* Add the departure to the result list. */ bool duplicate = false; if (_settings_client.gui.departure_merge_identical) { for (uint i = 0; i < result->size(); ++i) { if (*d == *((*result)[i])) { duplicate = true; break; } } } if (!duplicate) { result->push_back(d); if (_settings_client.gui.departure_smart_terminus && type == D_DEPARTURE) { for (uint i = 0; i < result->size() - 1; ++i) { Departure *d_first = (*result)[i]; uint k = d_first->calling_at.size() - 2; for (uint j = d->calling_at.size(); j > 0; --j) { CallAt c = CallAt(d->calling_at[j - 1]); if (d_first->terminus >= c && d_first->calling_at.size() >= 2) { d_first->terminus = CallAt(d_first->calling_at[k]); if (k == 0) break; k--; } } } } /* If the vehicle is expected to be late, we want to know what time it will arrive rather than depart. */ /* This is done because it looked silly to me to have a vehicle not be expected for another few days, yet it be at the same time pulling into the station. */ if (d->status != D_ARRIVED && d->lateness > 0) { d->lateness -= least_order->order->GetWaitTime(); } } } } else { /* Computing arrivals: */ /* First we need to find the origin of the order. This is somewhat like finding a terminus, but a little more involved since order lists are singly linked. */ /* The next stage is simpler. We just need to add all the stations called at on the way to the current station. */ /* Again, we define a station as being called at if the vehicle loads from it. */ /* However, the very first thing we do is use the arrival time as the scheduled time instead of the departure time. */ d->scheduled_date -= d->scheduled_waiting_time > 0 ? d->scheduled_waiting_time : order->GetWaitTime(); const Order *candidate_origin = (order->next == nullptr) ? least_order->v->GetFirstOrder() : order->next; bool found_origin = false; while (candidate_origin != least_order->order) { if ((candidate_origin->GetLoadType() != OLFB_NO_LOAD || _settings_client.gui.departure_show_all_stops) && (candidate_origin->GetType() == OT_GOTO_STATION || candidate_origin->GetType() == OT_IMPLICIT) && candidate_origin->GetDestination() != station && (candidate_origin->GetNonStopType() & ONSF_NO_STOP_AT_DESTINATION_STATION) == 0) { const Order *o = (candidate_origin->next == nullptr) ? least_order->v->GetFirstOrder() : candidate_origin->next; bool found_collision = false; /* Check if the candidate origin's destination appears again before the original order or the station does. */ while (o != least_order->order) { if (o->GetUnloadType() == OUFB_UNLOAD) { found_collision = true; break; } if ((o->GetType() == OT_GOTO_STATION || o->GetType() == OT_IMPLICIT) && (o->GetDestination() == candidate_origin->GetDestination() || o->GetDestination() == station) && (o->GetNonStopType() & ONSF_NO_STOP_AT_DESTINATION_STATION) == 0) { found_collision = true; break; } o = (o->next == nullptr) ? least_order->v->GetFirstOrder() : o->next; } /* If it doesn't, then we have found the origin. */ if (!found_collision) { found_origin = true; break; } } candidate_origin = (candidate_origin->next == nullptr) ? least_order->v->GetFirstOrder() : candidate_origin->next; } order = (candidate_origin->next == nullptr) ? least_order->v->GetFirstOrder() : candidate_origin->next; while (order != least_order->order) { if (order->GetType() == OT_GOTO_STATION && (order->GetLoadType() != OLFB_NO_LOAD || _settings_client.gui.departure_show_all_stops) && (order->GetNonStopType() & ONSF_NO_STOP_AT_DESTINATION_STATION) == 0) { d->calling_at.push_back(CallAt((StationID)order->GetDestination())); } order = (order->next == nullptr) ? least_order->v->GetFirstOrder() : order->next; } d->terminus = CallAt((StationID)candidate_origin->GetDestination()); if (found_origin) { bool duplicate = false; if (_settings_client.gui.departure_merge_identical) { for (uint i = 0; i < result->size(); ++i) { if (*d == *((*result)[i])) { duplicate = true; break; } } } if (!duplicate) { result->push_back(d); } } } /* Save on pointer dereferences in the coming loop. */ order = least_order->order; /* Now we find the next suitable order for being a departure for this vehicle. */ /* We do this in a similar way to finding the first suitable order for the vehicle. */ /* Go to the next order so we don't add the current order again. */ order = (order->next == nullptr) ? least_order->v->GetFirstOrder() : order->next; if (VehicleSetNextDepartureTime(&least_order->expected_date, &least_order->scheduled_waiting_time, date_only_scaled, least_order->v, order, false, schdispatch_last_planned_dispatch)) { least_order->lateness = 0; } /* Go through the order list to find the next candidate departure. */ /* We only need to consider each order at most once. */ bool found_next_order = false; for (int i = least_order->v->GetNumOrders(); i > 0; --i) { /* If the order is a conditional branch, handle it. */ if (order->IsType(OT_CONDITIONAL)) { switch(GetDepartureConditionalOrderMode(order)) { case 0: { /* Give up */ break; } case 1: { /* Take the branch */ order = least_order->v->GetOrder(order->GetConditionSkipToOrder()); if (order == nullptr) { break; } if (VehicleSetNextDepartureTime(&least_order->expected_date, &least_order->scheduled_waiting_time, date_only_scaled, least_order->v, order, false, schdispatch_last_planned_dispatch)) { least_order->lateness = 0; } continue; } case 2: { /* Do not take the branch */ order = (order->next == nullptr) ? least_order->v->GetFirstOrder() : order->next; if (VehicleSetNextDepartureTime(&least_order->expected_date, &least_order->scheduled_waiting_time, date_only_scaled, least_order->v, order, false, schdispatch_last_planned_dispatch)) { least_order->lateness = 0; } continue; } } } /* Skip it if it's an automatic order. */ if (order->IsType(OT_IMPLICIT)) { order = (order->next == nullptr) ? least_order->v->GetFirstOrder() : order->next; continue; } /* If an order has a 0 travel time, and it's not explictly set, then stop. */ if (order->GetTravelTime() == 0 && !order->IsTravelTimetabled()) { break; } /* If the departure is scheduled to be too late, then stop. */ if (least_order->expected_date - least_order->lateness > max_date) { break; } /* If the order loads from this station (or unloads if we're computing arrivals) and has a wait time set, then it is suitable for being a departure. */ if ((type == D_DEPARTURE && IsDeparture(order, station)) || (type == D_DEPARTURE && show_vehicles_via && IsVia(order, station)) || (type == D_ARRIVAL && IsArrival(order, station))) { least_order->order = order; found_next_order = true; break; } order = (order->next == nullptr) ? least_order->v->GetFirstOrder() : order->next; if (VehicleSetNextDepartureTime(&least_order->expected_date, &least_order->scheduled_waiting_time, date_only_scaled, least_order->v, order, false, schdispatch_last_planned_dispatch)) { least_order->lateness = 0; } } /* If we didn't find a suitable order for being a departure, then we can ignore this vehicle from now on. */ if (!found_next_order) { /* Make sure we don't try to get departures out of this order. */ /* This is cheaper than deleting it from next_orders. */ /* If we ever get to a state where _date * DAY_TICKS is close to INT_MAX, then we'll have other problems anyway as departures' scheduled dates will wrap around. */ least_order->expected_date = INT32_MAX; } /* The vehicle can't possibly have arrived at its next candidate departure yet. */ if (least_order->status == D_ARRIVED) { least_order->status = D_TRAVELLING; } /* Find the new least order. */ for (uint i = 0; i < next_orders.size(); ++i) { OrderDate *od = next_orders[i]; DateTicks lod = least_order->expected_date - least_order->lateness; DateTicks odd = od->expected_date - od->lateness; if (type == D_ARRIVAL) { lod -= least_order->scheduled_waiting_time > 0 ? least_order->scheduled_waiting_time : least_order->order->GetWaitTime(); odd -= od->scheduled_waiting_time > 0 ? od->scheduled_waiting_time : od->order->GetWaitTime(); } if (lod > odd && od->expected_date - od->lateness < max_date) { least_order = od; } } } /* Avoid leaking OrderDate structs */ for (uint i = 0; i < next_orders.size(); ++i) { OrderDate *od = next_orders[i]; delete od; } if (type == D_DEPARTURE) ScheduledDispatchDepartureLocalFix(result); /* Done. Phew! */ return result; }