/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file settingsgen.cpp Tool to create computer-readable settings. */ #include "../stdafx.h" #include "../string_func.h" #include "../strings_type.h" #include "../misc/getoptdata.h" #include "../ini_type.h" #include "../core/smallvec_type.hpp" #include #if !defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) #include #include #endif #include "../safeguards.h" /** * Report a fatal error. * @param s Format string. * @note Function does not return. */ void NORETURN CDECL error(const char *s, ...) { char buf[1024]; va_list va; va_start(va, s); vseprintf(buf, lastof(buf), s, va); va_end(va); fprintf(stderr, "settingsgen: FATAL: %s\n", buf); exit(1); } static const size_t OUTPUT_BLOCK_SIZE = 16000; ///< Block size of the buffer in #OutputBuffer. /** Output buffer for a block of data. */ class OutputBuffer { public: /** Prepare buffer for use. */ void Clear() { this->size = 0; } /** * Add text to the output buffer. * @param text Text to store. * @param length Length of the text in bytes. * @return Number of bytes actually stored. */ size_t Add(const char *text, size_t length) { size_t store_size = std::min(length, OUTPUT_BLOCK_SIZE - this->size); assert(store_size <= OUTPUT_BLOCK_SIZE); MemCpyT(this->data + this->size, text, store_size); this->size += store_size; return store_size; } /** * Dump buffer to the output stream. * @param out_fp Stream to write the \a data to. */ void Write(FILE *out_fp) const { if (fwrite(this->data, 1, this->size, out_fp) != this->size) { error("Cannot write output"); } } /** * Does the block have room for more data? * @return \c true if room is available, else \c false. */ bool HasRoom() const { return this->size < OUTPUT_BLOCK_SIZE; } size_t size; ///< Number of bytes stored in \a data. char data[OUTPUT_BLOCK_SIZE]; ///< Stored data. }; /** Temporarily store output. */ class OutputStore { public: OutputStore() { this->Clear(); } /** Clear the temporary storage. */ void Clear() { this->output_buffer.clear(); } /** * Add text to the output storage. * @param text Text to store. * @param length Length of the text in bytes, \c 0 means 'length of the string'. */ void Add(const char *text, size_t length = 0) { if (length == 0) length = strlen(text); if (length > 0 && this->BufferHasRoom()) { size_t stored_size = this->output_buffer[this->output_buffer.size() - 1].Add(text, length); length -= stored_size; text += stored_size; } while (length > 0) { OutputBuffer &block = this->output_buffer.emplace_back(); block.Clear(); // Initialize the new block. size_t stored_size = block.Add(text, length); length -= stored_size; text += stored_size; } } /** * Write all stored output to the output stream. * @param out_fp Stream to write the \a data to. */ void Write(FILE *out_fp) const { for (const OutputBuffer &out_data : output_buffer) { out_data.Write(out_fp); } } private: /** * Does the buffer have room without adding a new #OutputBuffer block? * @return \c true if room is available, else \c false. */ bool BufferHasRoom() const { size_t num_blocks = this->output_buffer.size(); return num_blocks > 0 && this->output_buffer[num_blocks - 1].HasRoom(); } typedef std::vector OutputBufferVector; ///< Vector type for output buffers. OutputBufferVector output_buffer; ///< Vector of blocks containing the stored output. }; /** Derived class for loading INI files without going through Fio stuff. */ struct SettingsIniFile : IniLoadFile { /** * Construct a new ini loader. * @param list_group_names A \c nullptr terminated list with group names that should be loaded as lists instead of variables. @see IGT_LIST * @param seq_group_names A \c nullptr terminated list with group names that should be loaded as lists of names. @see IGT_SEQUENCE */ SettingsIniFile(const char * const *list_group_names = nullptr, const char * const *seq_group_names = nullptr) : IniLoadFile(list_group_names, seq_group_names) { } virtual FILE *OpenFile(const std::string &filename, Subdirectory subdir, size_t *size) { /* Open the text file in binary mode to prevent end-of-line translations * done by ftell() and friends, as defined by K&R. */ FILE *in = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb"); if (in == nullptr) return nullptr; fseek(in, 0L, SEEK_END); *size = ftell(in); fseek(in, 0L, SEEK_SET); // Seek back to the start of the file. return in; } virtual void ReportFileError(const char * const pre, const char * const buffer, const char * const post) { error("%s%s%s", pre, buffer, post); } }; OutputStore _stored_output; ///< Temporary storage of the output, until all processing is done. OutputStore _post_amble_output; ///< Similar to _stored_output, but for the post amble. static const char *PREAMBLE_GROUP_NAME = "pre-amble"; ///< Name of the group containing the pre amble. static const char *POSTAMBLE_GROUP_NAME = "post-amble"; ///< Name of the group containing the post amble. static const char *TEMPLATES_GROUP_NAME = "templates"; ///< Name of the group containing the templates. static const char *VALIDATION_GROUP_NAME = "validation"; ///< Name of the group containing the validation statements. static const char *DEFAULTS_GROUP_NAME = "defaults"; ///< Name of the group containing default values for the template variables. /** * Load the INI file. * @param filename Name of the file to load. * @return Loaded INI data. */ static IniLoadFile *LoadIniFile(const char *filename) { static const char * const seq_groups[] = {PREAMBLE_GROUP_NAME, POSTAMBLE_GROUP_NAME, nullptr}; IniLoadFile *ini = new SettingsIniFile(nullptr, seq_groups); ini->LoadFromDisk(filename, NO_DIRECTORY); return ini; } /** * Dump a #IGT_SEQUENCE group into #_stored_output. * @param ifile Loaded INI data. * @param group_name Name of the group to copy. */ static void DumpGroup(IniLoadFile *ifile, const char * const group_name) { IniGroup *grp = ifile->GetGroup(group_name, false); if (grp != nullptr && grp->type == IGT_SEQUENCE) { for (IniItem *item = grp->item; item != nullptr; item = item->next) { if (!item->name.empty()) { _stored_output.Add(item->name.c_str()); _stored_output.Add("\n", 1); } } } } /** * Find the value of a template variable. * @param name Name of the item to find. * @param grp Group currently being expanded (searched first). * @param defaults Fallback group to search, \c nullptr skips the search. * @return Text of the item if found, else \c nullptr. */ static const char *FindItemValue(const char *name, IniGroup *grp, IniGroup *defaults) { IniItem *item = grp->GetItem(name, false); if (item == nullptr && defaults != nullptr) item = defaults->GetItem(name, false); if (item == nullptr || !item->value.has_value()) return nullptr; return item->value->c_str(); } /** * Parse a single entry via a template and output this. * @param item The template to use for the output. * @param grp Group current being used for template rendering. * @param default_grp Default values for items not set in @grp. * @param output Output to use for result. */ static void DumpLine(IniItem *item, IniGroup *grp, IniGroup *default_grp, OutputStore &output) { static const int MAX_VAR_LENGTH = 64; /* Prefix with #if/#ifdef/#ifndef */ static const char * const pp_lines[] = {"if", "ifdef", "ifndef", nullptr}; int count = 0; for (const char * const *name = pp_lines; *name != nullptr; name++) { const char *condition = FindItemValue(*name, grp, default_grp); if (condition != nullptr) { output.Add("#", 1); output.Add(*name); output.Add(" ", 1); output.Add(condition); output.Add("\n", 1); count++; } } /* Output text of the template, except template variables of the form '$[_a-z0-9]+' which get replaced by their value. */ const char *txt = item->value->c_str(); while (*txt != '\0') { if (*txt != '$') { output.Add(txt, 1); txt++; continue; } txt++; if (*txt == '$') { // Literal $ output.Add(txt, 1); txt++; continue; } /* Read variable. */ char variable[MAX_VAR_LENGTH]; int i = 0; while (i < MAX_VAR_LENGTH - 1) { if (!(txt[i] == '_' || (txt[i] >= 'a' && txt[i] <= 'z') || (txt[i] >= '0' && txt[i] <= '9'))) break; variable[i] = txt[i]; i++; } variable[i] = '\0'; txt += i; if (i > 0) { /* Find the text to output. */ const char *valitem = FindItemValue(variable, grp, default_grp); if (valitem != nullptr) output.Add(valitem); } else { output.Add("$", 1); } } output.Add("\n", 1); // \n after the expanded template. while (count > 0) { output.Add("#endif\n"); count--; } } /** * Output all non-special sections through the template / template variable expansion system. * @param ifile Loaded INI data. */ static void DumpSections(IniLoadFile *ifile) { static const char * const special_group_names[] = {PREAMBLE_GROUP_NAME, POSTAMBLE_GROUP_NAME, DEFAULTS_GROUP_NAME, TEMPLATES_GROUP_NAME, VALIDATION_GROUP_NAME, nullptr}; IniGroup *default_grp = ifile->GetGroup(DEFAULTS_GROUP_NAME, false); IniGroup *templates_grp = ifile->GetGroup(TEMPLATES_GROUP_NAME, false); IniGroup *validation_grp = ifile->GetGroup(VALIDATION_GROUP_NAME, false); if (templates_grp == nullptr) return; /* Output every group, using its name as template name. */ for (IniGroup *grp = ifile->group; grp != nullptr; grp = grp->next) { const char * const *sgn; for (sgn = special_group_names; *sgn != nullptr; sgn++) if (grp->name == *sgn) break; if (*sgn != nullptr) continue; IniItem *template_item = templates_grp->GetItem(grp->name, false); // Find template value. if (template_item == nullptr || !template_item->value.has_value()) { error("Cannot find template %s", grp->name.c_str()); } DumpLine(template_item, grp, default_grp, _stored_output); if (validation_grp != nullptr) { IniItem *validation_item = validation_grp->GetItem(grp->name, false); // Find template value. if (validation_item != nullptr && validation_item->value.has_value()) { DumpLine(validation_item, grp, default_grp, _post_amble_output); } } } } /** * Copy a file to the output. * @param fname Filename of file to copy. * @param out_fp Output stream to write to. */ static void CopyFile(const char *fname, FILE *out_fp) { if (fname == nullptr) return; FILE *in_fp = fopen(fname, "r"); if (in_fp == nullptr) { error("Cannot open file %s for copying", fname); } char buffer[4096]; size_t length; do { length = fread(buffer, 1, lengthof(buffer), in_fp); if (fwrite(buffer, 1, length, out_fp) != length) { error("Cannot copy file"); } } while (length == lengthof(buffer)); fclose(in_fp); } /** * Compare two files for identity. * @param n1 First file. * @param n2 Second file. * @return True if both files are identical. */ static bool CompareFiles(const char *n1, const char *n2) { FILE *f2 = fopen(n2, "rb"); if (f2 == nullptr) return false; FILE *f1 = fopen(n1, "rb"); if (f1 == nullptr) { fclose(f2); error("can't open %s", n1); } size_t l1, l2; do { char b1[4096]; char b2[4096]; l1 = fread(b1, 1, sizeof(b1), f1); l2 = fread(b2, 1, sizeof(b2), f2); if (l1 != l2 || memcmp(b1, b2, l1) != 0) { fclose(f2); fclose(f1); return false; } } while (l1 != 0); fclose(f2); fclose(f1); return true; } /** Options of settingsgen. */ static const OptionData _opts[] = { GETOPT_NOVAL( 'v', "--version"), GETOPT_NOVAL( 'h', "--help"), GETOPT_GENERAL('h', '?', nullptr, ODF_NO_VALUE), GETOPT_VALUE( 'o', "--output"), GETOPT_VALUE( 'b', "--before"), GETOPT_VALUE( 'a', "--after"), GETOPT_END(), }; /** * Process a single INI file. * The file should have a [templates] group, where each item is one template. * Variables in a template have the form '\$[_a-z0-9]+' (a literal '$' followed * by one or more '_', lowercase letters, or lowercase numbers). * * After loading, the [pre-amble] group is copied verbatim if it exists. * * For every group with a name that matches a template name the template is written. * It starts with a optional \c \#if line if an 'if' item exists in the group. The item * value is used as condition. Similarly, \c \#ifdef and \c \#ifndef lines are also written. * Below the macro processor directives, the value of the template is written * at a line with its variables replaced by item values of the group being written. * If the group has no item for the variable, the [defaults] group is tried as fall back. * Finally, \c \#endif lines are written to match the macro processor lines. * * Last but not least, the [post-amble] group is copied verbatim. * * @param fname Ini file to process. @return Exit status of the processing. */ static void ProcessIniFile(const char *fname) { IniLoadFile *ini_data = LoadIniFile(fname); DumpGroup(ini_data, PREAMBLE_GROUP_NAME); DumpSections(ini_data); DumpGroup(ini_data, POSTAMBLE_GROUP_NAME); delete ini_data; } /** * And the main program (what else?) * @param argc Number of command-line arguments including the program name itself. * @param argv Vector of the command-line arguments. */ int CDECL main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *output_file = nullptr; const char *before_file = nullptr; const char *after_file = nullptr; GetOptData mgo(argc - 1, argv + 1, _opts); for (;;) { int i = mgo.GetOpt(); if (i == -1) break; switch (i) { case 'v': puts("$Revision$"); return 0; case 'h': puts("settingsgen - $Revision$\n" "Usage: settingsgen [options] ini-file...\n" "with options:\n" " -v, --version Print version information and exit\n" " -h, -?, --help Print this help message and exit\n" " -b FILE, --before FILE Copy FILE before all settings\n" " -a FILE, --after FILE Copy FILE after all settings\n" " -o FILE, --output FILE Write output to FILE\n"); return 0; case 'o': output_file = mgo.opt; break; case 'a': after_file = mgo.opt; break; case 'b': before_file = mgo.opt; break; case -2: fprintf(stderr, "Invalid arguments\n"); return 1; } } _stored_output.Clear(); _post_amble_output.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < mgo.numleft; i++) ProcessIniFile(mgo.argv[i]); /* Write output. */ if (output_file == nullptr) { CopyFile(before_file, stdout); _stored_output.Write(stdout); _post_amble_output.Write(stdout); CopyFile(after_file, stdout); } else { static const char * const tmp_output = "tmp2.xxx"; FILE *fp = fopen(tmp_output, "w"); if (fp == nullptr) { error("Cannot open file %s", tmp_output); } CopyFile(before_file, fp); _stored_output.Write(fp); _post_amble_output.Write(fp); CopyFile(after_file, fp); fclose(fp); if (CompareFiles(tmp_output, output_file)) { /* Files are equal. tmp2.xxx is not needed. */ unlink(tmp_output); } else { /* Rename tmp2.xxx to output file. */ #if defined(_WIN32) unlink(output_file); #endif if (rename(tmp_output, output_file) == -1) error("rename() failed"); } } return 0; }