/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file ship_cmd.cpp Handling of ships. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "ship.h" #include "landscape.h" #include "timetable.h" #include "news_func.h" #include "company_func.h" #include "pathfinder/npf/npf_func.h" #include "depot_base.h" #include "station_base.h" #include "newgrf_engine.h" #include "pathfinder/yapf/yapf.h" #include "newgrf_sound.h" #include "spritecache.h" #include "strings_func.h" #include "window_func.h" #include "timer/timer_game_calendar.h" #include "vehicle_func.h" #include "sound_func.h" #include "ai/ai.hpp" #include "game/game.hpp" #include "engine_base.h" #include "company_base.h" #include "tunnelbridge_map.h" #include "zoom_func.h" #include "framerate_type.h" #include "industry.h" #include "industry_map.h" #include "ship_cmd.h" #include "table/strings.h" #include "safeguards.h" /** * Determine the effective #WaterClass for a ship travelling on a tile. * @param tile Tile of interest * @return the waterclass to be used by the ship. */ WaterClass GetEffectiveWaterClass(TileIndex tile) { if (HasTileWaterClass(tile)) return GetWaterClass(tile); if (IsTileType(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) { assert(GetTunnelBridgeTransportType(tile) == TRANSPORT_WATER); return WATER_CLASS_CANAL; } if (IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY)) { assert(GetRailGroundType(tile) == RAIL_GROUND_WATER); return WATER_CLASS_SEA; } NOT_REACHED(); } static const uint16 _ship_sprites[] = {0x0E5D, 0x0E55, 0x0E65, 0x0E6D}; template <> bool IsValidImageIndex(uint8 image_index) { return image_index < lengthof(_ship_sprites); } static inline TrackBits GetTileShipTrackStatus(TileIndex tile) { return TrackStatusToTrackBits(GetTileTrackStatus(tile, TRANSPORT_WATER, 0)); } static void GetShipIcon(EngineID engine, EngineImageType image_type, VehicleSpriteSeq *result) { const Engine *e = Engine::Get(engine); uint8 spritenum = e->u.ship.image_index; if (is_custom_sprite(spritenum)) { GetCustomVehicleIcon(engine, DIR_W, image_type, result); if (result->IsValid()) return; spritenum = e->original_image_index; } assert(IsValidImageIndex(spritenum)); result->Set(DIR_W + _ship_sprites[spritenum]); } void DrawShipEngine(int left, int right, int preferred_x, int y, EngineID engine, PaletteID pal, EngineImageType image_type) { VehicleSpriteSeq seq; GetShipIcon(engine, image_type, &seq); Rect rect; seq.GetBounds(&rect); preferred_x = Clamp(preferred_x, left - UnScaleGUI(rect.left), right - UnScaleGUI(rect.right)); seq.Draw(preferred_x, y, pal, pal == PALETTE_CRASH); } /** * Get the size of the sprite of a ship sprite heading west (used for lists). * @param engine The engine to get the sprite from. * @param[out] width The width of the sprite. * @param[out] height The height of the sprite. * @param[out] xoffs Number of pixels to shift the sprite to the right. * @param[out] yoffs Number of pixels to shift the sprite downwards. * @param image_type Context the sprite is used in. */ void GetShipSpriteSize(EngineID engine, uint &width, uint &height, int &xoffs, int &yoffs, EngineImageType image_type) { VehicleSpriteSeq seq; GetShipIcon(engine, image_type, &seq); Rect rect; seq.GetBounds(&rect); width = UnScaleGUI(rect.Width()); height = UnScaleGUI(rect.Height()); xoffs = UnScaleGUI(rect.left); yoffs = UnScaleGUI(rect.top); } void Ship::GetImage(Direction direction, EngineImageType image_type, VehicleSpriteSeq *result) const { uint8 spritenum = this->spritenum; if (image_type == EIT_ON_MAP) direction = this->rotation; if (is_custom_sprite(spritenum)) { GetCustomVehicleSprite(this, direction, image_type, result); if (result->IsValid()) return; spritenum = this->GetEngine()->original_image_index; } assert(IsValidImageIndex(spritenum)); result->Set(_ship_sprites[spritenum] + direction); } static const Depot *FindClosestShipDepot(const Vehicle *v, uint max_distance) { /* Find the closest depot */ const Depot *best_depot = nullptr; /* If we don't have a maximum distance, i.e. distance = 0, * we want to find any depot so the best distance of no * depot must be more than any correct distance. On the * other hand if we have set a maximum distance, any depot * further away than max_distance can safely be ignored. */ uint best_dist = max_distance == 0 ? UINT_MAX : max_distance + 1; for (const Depot *depot : Depot::Iterate()) { TileIndex tile = depot->xy; if (IsShipDepotTile(tile) && IsTileOwner(tile, v->owner)) { uint dist = DistanceManhattan(tile, v->tile); if (dist < best_dist) { best_dist = dist; best_depot = depot; } } } return best_depot; } static void CheckIfShipNeedsService(Vehicle *v) { if (Company::Get(v->owner)->settings.vehicle.servint_ships == 0 || !v->NeedsAutomaticServicing()) return; if (v->IsChainInDepot()) { VehicleServiceInDepot(v); return; } uint max_distance; switch (_settings_game.pf.pathfinder_for_ships) { case VPF_NPF: max_distance = _settings_game.pf.npf.maximum_go_to_depot_penalty / NPF_TILE_LENGTH; break; case VPF_YAPF: max_distance = _settings_game.pf.yapf.maximum_go_to_depot_penalty / YAPF_TILE_LENGTH; break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } const Depot *depot = FindClosestShipDepot(v, max_distance); if (depot == nullptr) { if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_GOTO_DEPOT)) { v->current_order.MakeDummy(); SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index, WID_VV_START_STOP); } return; } v->current_order.MakeGoToDepot(depot->index, ODTFB_SERVICE); v->SetDestTile(depot->xy); SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index, WID_VV_START_STOP); } /** * Update the caches of this ship. */ void Ship::UpdateCache() { const ShipVehicleInfo *svi = ShipVehInfo(this->engine_type); /* Get speed fraction for the current water type. Aqueducts are always canals. */ bool is_ocean = GetEffectiveWaterClass(this->tile) == WATER_CLASS_SEA; uint raw_speed = GetVehicleProperty(this, PROP_SHIP_SPEED, svi->max_speed); this->vcache.cached_max_speed = svi->ApplyWaterClassSpeedFrac(raw_speed, is_ocean); /* Update cargo aging period. */ this->vcache.cached_cargo_age_period = GetVehicleProperty(this, PROP_SHIP_CARGO_AGE_PERIOD, EngInfo(this->engine_type)->cargo_age_period); this->UpdateVisualEffect(); } Money Ship::GetRunningCost() const { const Engine *e = this->GetEngine(); uint cost_factor = GetVehicleProperty(this, PROP_SHIP_RUNNING_COST_FACTOR, e->u.ship.running_cost); return GetPrice(PR_RUNNING_SHIP, cost_factor, e->GetGRF()); } void Ship::OnNewDay() { if ((++this->day_counter & 7) == 0) { DecreaseVehicleValue(this); } CheckVehicleBreakdown(this); AgeVehicle(this); CheckIfShipNeedsService(this); CheckOrders(this); if (this->running_ticks == 0) return; CommandCost cost(EXPENSES_SHIP_RUN, this->GetRunningCost() * this->running_ticks / (DAYS_IN_YEAR * DAY_TICKS)); this->profit_this_year -= cost.GetCost(); this->running_ticks = 0; SubtractMoneyFromCompanyFract(this->owner, cost); SetWindowDirty(WC_VEHICLE_DETAILS, this->index); /* we need this for the profit */ SetWindowClassesDirty(WC_SHIPS_LIST); } Trackdir Ship::GetVehicleTrackdir() const { if (this->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED) return INVALID_TRACKDIR; if (this->IsInDepot()) { /* We'll assume the ship is facing outwards */ return DiagDirToDiagTrackdir(GetShipDepotDirection(this->tile)); } if (this->state == TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE) { /* ship on aqueduct, so just use its direction and assume a diagonal track */ return DiagDirToDiagTrackdir(DirToDiagDir(this->direction)); } return TrackDirectionToTrackdir(FindFirstTrack(this->state), this->direction); } void Ship::MarkDirty() { this->colourmap = PAL_NONE; this->UpdateViewport(true, false); this->UpdateCache(); } void Ship::PlayLeaveStationSound(bool force) const { if (PlayVehicleSound(this, VSE_START, force)) return; SndPlayVehicleFx(ShipVehInfo(this->engine_type)->sfx, this); } TileIndex Ship::GetOrderStationLocation(StationID station) { if (station == this->last_station_visited) this->last_station_visited = INVALID_STATION; const Station *st = Station::Get(station); if (CanVehicleUseStation(this, st)) { return st->xy; } else { this->IncrementRealOrderIndex(); return 0; } } void Ship::UpdateDeltaXY() { static const int8 _delta_xy_table[8][4] = { /* y_extent, x_extent, y_offs, x_offs */ { 6, 6, -3, -3}, // N { 6, 32, -3, -16}, // NE { 6, 6, -3, -3}, // E {32, 6, -16, -3}, // SE { 6, 6, -3, -3}, // S { 6, 32, -3, -16}, // SW { 6, 6, -3, -3}, // W {32, 6, -16, -3}, // NW }; const int8 *bb = _delta_xy_table[this->rotation]; this->x_offs = bb[3]; this->y_offs = bb[2]; this->x_extent = bb[1]; this->y_extent = bb[0]; this->z_extent = 6; if (this->direction != this->rotation) { /* If we are rotating, then it is possible the ship was moved to its next position. In that * case, because we are still showing the old direction, the ship will appear to glitch sideways * slightly. We can work around this by applying an additional offset to make the ship appear * where it was before it moved. */ this->x_offs -= this->x_pos - this->rotation_x_pos; this->y_offs -= this->y_pos - this->rotation_y_pos; } } /** * Test-procedure for HasVehicleOnPos to check for any ships which are visible and not stopped by the player. */ static Vehicle *EnsureNoMovingShipProc(Vehicle *v, void *data) { return v->type == VEH_SHIP && (v->vehstatus & (VS_HIDDEN | VS_STOPPED)) == 0 ? v : nullptr; } static bool CheckReverseShip(const Ship *v, Trackdir *trackdir = nullptr) { /* Ask pathfinder for best direction */ bool reverse = false; switch (_settings_game.pf.pathfinder_for_ships) { case VPF_NPF: reverse = NPFShipCheckReverse(v, trackdir); break; case VPF_YAPF: reverse = YapfShipCheckReverse(v, trackdir); break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } return reverse; } static bool CheckShipLeaveDepot(Ship *v) { if (!v->IsChainInDepot()) return false; /* We are leaving a depot, but have to go to the exact same one; re-enter */ if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_GOTO_DEPOT) && IsShipDepotTile(v->tile) && GetDepotIndex(v->tile) == v->current_order.GetDestination()) { VehicleEnterDepot(v); return true; } /* Don't leave depot if no destination set */ if (v->dest_tile == 0) return true; /* Don't leave depot if another vehicle is already entering/leaving */ /* This helps avoid CPU load if many ships are set to start at the same time */ if (HasVehicleOnPos(v->tile, nullptr, &EnsureNoMovingShipProc)) return true; TileIndex tile = v->tile; Axis axis = GetShipDepotAxis(tile); DiagDirection north_dir = ReverseDiagDir(AxisToDiagDir(axis)); TileIndex north_neighbour = TILE_ADD(tile, TileOffsByDiagDir(north_dir)); DiagDirection south_dir = AxisToDiagDir(axis); TileIndex south_neighbour = TILE_ADD(tile, 2 * TileOffsByDiagDir(south_dir)); TrackBits north_tracks = DiagdirReachesTracks(north_dir) & GetTileShipTrackStatus(north_neighbour); TrackBits south_tracks = DiagdirReachesTracks(south_dir) & GetTileShipTrackStatus(south_neighbour); if (north_tracks && south_tracks) { if (CheckReverseShip(v)) north_tracks = TRACK_BIT_NONE; } if (north_tracks) { /* Leave towards north */ v->rotation = v->direction = DiagDirToDir(north_dir); } else if (south_tracks) { /* Leave towards south */ v->rotation = v->direction = DiagDirToDir(south_dir); } else { /* Both ways blocked */ return false; } v->state = AxisToTrackBits(axis); v->vehstatus &= ~VS_HIDDEN; v->cur_speed = 0; v->UpdateViewport(true, true); SetWindowDirty(WC_VEHICLE_DEPOT, v->tile); v->PlayLeaveStationSound(); VehicleServiceInDepot(v); InvalidateWindowData(WC_VEHICLE_DEPOT, v->tile); SetWindowClassesDirty(WC_SHIPS_LIST); return false; } static bool ShipAccelerate(Vehicle *v) { uint spd; byte t; spd = std::min(v->cur_speed + 1, v->vcache.cached_max_speed); spd = std::min(spd, v->current_order.GetMaxSpeed() * 2); /* updates statusbar only if speed have changed to save CPU time */ if (spd != v->cur_speed) { v->cur_speed = spd; SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index, WID_VV_START_STOP); } /* Convert direction-independent speed into direction-dependent speed. (old movement method) */ spd = v->GetOldAdvanceSpeed(spd); if (spd == 0) return false; if ((byte)++spd == 0) return true; v->progress = (t = v->progress) - (byte)spd; return (t < v->progress); } /** * Ship arrives at a dock. If it is the first time, send out a news item. * @param v Ship that arrived. * @param st Station being visited. */ static void ShipArrivesAt(const Vehicle *v, Station *st) { /* Check if station was ever visited before */ if (!(st->had_vehicle_of_type & HVOT_SHIP)) { st->had_vehicle_of_type |= HVOT_SHIP; SetDParam(0, st->index); AddVehicleNewsItem( STR_NEWS_FIRST_SHIP_ARRIVAL, (v->owner == _local_company) ? NT_ARRIVAL_COMPANY : NT_ARRIVAL_OTHER, v->index, st->index ); AI::NewEvent(v->owner, new ScriptEventStationFirstVehicle(st->index, v->index)); Game::NewEvent(new ScriptEventStationFirstVehicle(st->index, v->index)); } } /** * Runs the pathfinder to choose a track to continue along. * * @param v Ship to navigate * @param tile Tile, the ship is about to enter * @param enterdir Direction of entering * @param tracks Available track choices on \a tile * @return Track to choose, or INVALID_TRACK when to reverse. */ static Track ChooseShipTrack(Ship *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir, TrackBits tracks) { assert(IsValidDiagDirection(enterdir)); bool path_found = true; Track track; if (v->dest_tile == 0) { /* No destination, don't invoke pathfinder. */ track = TrackBitsToTrack(v->state); if (!IsDiagonalTrack(track)) track = TrackToOppositeTrack(track); if (!HasBit(tracks, track)) track = FindFirstTrack(tracks); path_found = false; } else { /* Attempt to follow cached path. */ if (!v->path.empty()) { track = TrackdirToTrack(v->path.front()); if (HasBit(tracks, track)) { v->path.pop_front(); /* HandlePathfindResult() is not called here because this is not a new pathfinder result. */ return track; } /* Cached path is invalid so continue with pathfinder. */ v->path.clear(); } switch (_settings_game.pf.pathfinder_for_ships) { case VPF_NPF: track = NPFShipChooseTrack(v, path_found); break; case VPF_YAPF: track = YapfShipChooseTrack(v, tile, enterdir, tracks, path_found, v->path); break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } } v->HandlePathfindingResult(path_found); return track; } /** * Get the available water tracks on a tile for a ship entering a tile. * @param tile The tile about to enter. * @param dir The entry direction. * @return The available trackbits on the next tile. */ static inline TrackBits GetAvailShipTracks(TileIndex tile, DiagDirection dir) { TrackBits tracks = GetTileShipTrackStatus(tile) & DiagdirReachesTracks(dir); return tracks; } /** Structure for ship sub-coordinate data for moving into a new tile via a Diagdir onto a Track. */ struct ShipSubcoordData { byte x_subcoord; ///< New X sub-coordinate on the new tile byte y_subcoord; ///< New Y sub-coordinate on the new tile Direction dir; ///< New Direction to move in on the new track }; /** Ship sub-coordinate data for moving into a new tile via a Diagdir onto a Track. * Array indexes are Diagdir, Track. * There will always be three possible tracks going into an adjacent tile via a Diagdir, * so each Diagdir sub-array will have three valid and three invalid structures per Track. */ static const ShipSubcoordData _ship_subcoord[DIAGDIR_END][TRACK_END] = { // DIAGDIR_NE { {15, 8, DIR_NE}, // TRACK_X { 0, 0, INVALID_DIR}, // TRACK_Y { 0, 0, INVALID_DIR}, // TRACK_UPPER {15, 8, DIR_E}, // TRACK_LOWER {15, 7, DIR_N}, // TRACK_LEFT { 0, 0, INVALID_DIR}, // TRACK_RIGHT }, // DIAGDIR_SE { { 0, 0, INVALID_DIR}, // TRACK_X { 8, 0, DIR_SE}, // TRACK_Y { 7, 0, DIR_E}, // TRACK_UPPER { 0, 0, INVALID_DIR}, // TRACK_LOWER { 8, 0, DIR_S}, // TRACK_LEFT { 0, 0, INVALID_DIR}, // TRACK_RIGHT }, // DIAGDIR_SW { { 0, 8, DIR_SW}, // TRACK_X { 0, 0, INVALID_DIR}, // TRACK_Y { 0, 7, DIR_W}, // TRACK_UPPER { 0, 0, INVALID_DIR}, // TRACK_LOWER { 0, 0, INVALID_DIR}, // TRACK_LEFT { 0, 8, DIR_S}, // TRACK_RIGHT }, // DIAGDIR_NW { { 0, 0, INVALID_DIR}, // TRACK_X { 8, 15, DIR_NW}, // TRACK_Y { 0, 0, INVALID_DIR}, // TRACK_UPPER { 8, 15, DIR_W}, // TRACK_LOWER { 0, 0, INVALID_DIR}, // TRACK_LEFT { 7, 15, DIR_N}, // TRACK_RIGHT } }; /** * Test if a ship is in the centre of a lock and should move up or down. * @param v Ship being tested. * @return 0 if ship is not moving in lock, or -1 to move down, 1 to move up. */ static int ShipTestUpDownOnLock(const Ship *v) { /* Suitable tile? */ if (!IsTileType(v->tile, MP_WATER) || !IsLock(v->tile) || GetLockPart(v->tile) != LOCK_PART_MIDDLE) return 0; /* Must be at the centre of the lock */ if ((v->x_pos & 0xF) != 8 || (v->y_pos & 0xF) != 8) return 0; DiagDirection diagdir = GetInclinedSlopeDirection(GetTileSlope(v->tile)); assert(IsValidDiagDirection(diagdir)); if (DirToDiagDir(v->direction) == diagdir) { /* Move up */ return (v->z_pos < GetTileMaxZ(v->tile) * (int)TILE_HEIGHT) ? 1 : 0; } else { /* Move down */ return (v->z_pos > GetTileZ(v->tile) * (int)TILE_HEIGHT) ? -1 : 0; } } /** * Test and move a ship up or down in a lock. * @param v Ship to move. * @return true iff ship is moving up or down in a lock. */ static bool ShipMoveUpDownOnLock(Ship *v) { /* Moving up/down through lock */ int dz = ShipTestUpDownOnLock(v); if (dz == 0) return false; if (v->cur_speed != 0) { v->cur_speed = 0; SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index, WID_VV_START_STOP); } if ((v->tick_counter & 7) == 0) { v->z_pos += dz; v->UpdatePosition(); v->UpdateViewport(true, true); } return true; } /** * Test if a tile is a docking tile for the given station. * @param tile Docking tile to test. * @param station Destination station. * @return true iff docking tile is next to station. */ bool IsShipDestinationTile(TileIndex tile, StationID station) { assert(IsDockingTile(tile)); /* Check each tile adjacent to docking tile. */ for (DiagDirection d = DIAGDIR_BEGIN; d != DIAGDIR_END; d++) { TileIndex t = tile + TileOffsByDiagDir(d); if (!IsValidTile(t)) continue; if (IsDockTile(t) && GetStationIndex(t) == station && IsValidDockingDirectionForDock(t, d)) return true; if (IsTileType(t, MP_INDUSTRY)) { const Industry *i = Industry::GetByTile(t); if (i->neutral_station != nullptr && i->neutral_station->index == station) return true; } if (IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) && IsOilRig(t) && GetStationIndex(t) == station) return true; } return false; } static void ShipController(Ship *v) { uint32 r; Track track; TrackBits tracks; GetNewVehiclePosResult gp; v->tick_counter++; v->current_order_time++; if (v->HandleBreakdown()) return; if (v->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED) return; if (ProcessOrders(v) && CheckReverseShip(v)) goto reverse_direction; v->HandleLoading(); if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_LOADING)) return; if (CheckShipLeaveDepot(v)) return; v->ShowVisualEffect(); /* Rotating on spot */ if (v->direction != v->rotation) { if ((v->tick_counter & 7) == 0) { DirDiff diff = DirDifference(v->direction, v->rotation); v->rotation = ChangeDir(v->rotation, diff > DIRDIFF_REVERSE ? DIRDIFF_45LEFT : DIRDIFF_45RIGHT); /* Invalidate the sprite cache direction to force recalculation of viewport */ v->sprite_cache.last_direction = INVALID_DIR; v->UpdateViewport(true, true); } return; } if (ShipMoveUpDownOnLock(v)) return; if (!ShipAccelerate(v)) return; gp = GetNewVehiclePos(v); if (v->state != TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE) { /* Not on a bridge */ if (gp.old_tile == gp.new_tile) { /* Staying in tile */ if (v->IsInDepot()) { gp.x = v->x_pos; gp.y = v->y_pos; } else { /* Not inside depot */ r = VehicleEnterTile(v, gp.new_tile, gp.x, gp.y); if (HasBit(r, VETS_CANNOT_ENTER)) goto reverse_direction; /* A leave station order only needs one tick to get processed, so we can * always skip ahead. */ if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_LEAVESTATION)) { v->current_order.Free(); SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index, WID_VV_START_STOP); /* Test if continuing forward would lead to a dead-end, moving into the dock. */ DiagDirection exitdir = VehicleExitDir(v->direction, v->state); TileIndex tile = TileAddByDiagDir(v->tile, exitdir); if (TrackStatusToTrackBits(GetTileTrackStatus(tile, TRANSPORT_WATER, 0, exitdir)) == TRACK_BIT_NONE) goto reverse_direction; } else if (v->dest_tile != 0) { /* We have a target, let's see if we reached it... */ if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_GOTO_WAYPOINT) && DistanceManhattan(v->dest_tile, gp.new_tile) <= 3) { /* We got within 3 tiles of our target buoy, so let's skip to our * next order */ UpdateVehicleTimetable(v, true); v->IncrementRealOrderIndex(); v->current_order.MakeDummy(); } else if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_GOTO_DEPOT) && v->dest_tile == gp.new_tile) { /* Depot orders really need to reach the tile */ if ((gp.x & 0xF) == 8 && (gp.y & 0xF) == 8) { VehicleEnterDepot(v); return; } } else if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_GOTO_STATION) && IsDockingTile(gp.new_tile)) { /* Process station in the orderlist. */ Station *st = Station::Get(v->current_order.GetDestination()); if (st->docking_station.Contains(gp.new_tile) && IsShipDestinationTile(gp.new_tile, st->index)) { v->last_station_visited = st->index; if (st->facilities & FACIL_DOCK) { // ugly, ugly workaround for problem with ships able to drop off cargo at wrong stations ShipArrivesAt(v, st); v->BeginLoading(); } else { // leave stations without docks right away v->current_order.MakeLeaveStation(); v->IncrementRealOrderIndex(); } } } } } } else { /* New tile */ if (!IsValidTile(gp.new_tile)) goto reverse_direction; DiagDirection diagdir = DiagdirBetweenTiles(gp.old_tile, gp.new_tile); assert(diagdir != INVALID_DIAGDIR); tracks = GetAvailShipTracks(gp.new_tile, diagdir); if (tracks == TRACK_BIT_NONE) { Trackdir trackdir = INVALID_TRACKDIR; CheckReverseShip(v, &trackdir); if (trackdir == INVALID_TRACKDIR) goto reverse_direction; static const Direction _trackdir_to_direction[] = { DIR_NE, DIR_SE, DIR_E, DIR_E, DIR_S, DIR_S, INVALID_DIR, INVALID_DIR, DIR_SW, DIR_NW, DIR_W, DIR_W, DIR_N, DIR_N, INVALID_DIR, INVALID_DIR, }; v->direction = _trackdir_to_direction[trackdir]; assert(v->direction != INVALID_DIR); v->state = TrackdirBitsToTrackBits(TrackdirToTrackdirBits(trackdir)); goto direction_changed; } /* Choose a direction, and continue if we find one */ track = ChooseShipTrack(v, gp.new_tile, diagdir, tracks); if (track == INVALID_TRACK) goto reverse_direction; const ShipSubcoordData &b = _ship_subcoord[diagdir][track]; gp.x = (gp.x & ~0xF) | b.x_subcoord; gp.y = (gp.y & ~0xF) | b.y_subcoord; /* Call the landscape function and tell it that the vehicle entered the tile */ r = VehicleEnterTile(v, gp.new_tile, gp.x, gp.y); if (HasBit(r, VETS_CANNOT_ENTER)) goto reverse_direction; if (!HasBit(r, VETS_ENTERED_WORMHOLE)) { v->tile = gp.new_tile; v->state = TrackToTrackBits(track); /* Update ship cache when the water class changes. Aqueducts are always canals. */ WaterClass old_wc = GetEffectiveWaterClass(gp.old_tile); WaterClass new_wc = GetEffectiveWaterClass(gp.new_tile); if (old_wc != new_wc) v->UpdateCache(); } Direction new_direction = b.dir; DirDiff diff = DirDifference(new_direction, v->direction); switch (diff) { case DIRDIFF_SAME: case DIRDIFF_45RIGHT: case DIRDIFF_45LEFT: /* Continue at speed */ v->rotation = v->direction = new_direction; break; default: /* Stop for rotation */ v->cur_speed = 0; v->direction = new_direction; /* Remember our current location to avoid movement glitch */ v->rotation_x_pos = v->x_pos; v->rotation_y_pos = v->y_pos; break; } } } else { /* On a bridge */ if (!IsTileType(gp.new_tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) || !HasBit(VehicleEnterTile(v, gp.new_tile, gp.x, gp.y), VETS_ENTERED_WORMHOLE)) { v->x_pos = gp.x; v->y_pos = gp.y; v->UpdatePosition(); if ((v->vehstatus & VS_HIDDEN) == 0) v->Vehicle::UpdateViewport(true); return; } /* Ship is back on the bridge head, we need to consume its path * cache entry here as we didn't have to choose a ship track. */ if (!v->path.empty()) v->path.pop_front(); } /* update image of ship, as well as delta XY */ v->x_pos = gp.x; v->y_pos = gp.y; getout: v->UpdatePosition(); v->UpdateViewport(true, true); return; reverse_direction: v->direction = ReverseDir(v->direction); direction_changed: /* Remember our current location to avoid movement glitch */ v->rotation_x_pos = v->x_pos; v->rotation_y_pos = v->y_pos; v->cur_speed = 0; v->path.clear(); goto getout; } bool Ship::Tick() { PerformanceAccumulator framerate(PFE_GL_SHIPS); if (!(this->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED)) this->running_ticks++; ShipController(this); return true; } void Ship::SetDestTile(TileIndex tile) { if (tile == this->dest_tile) return; this->path.clear(); this->dest_tile = tile; } /** * Build a ship. * @param flags type of operation. * @param tile tile of the depot where ship is built. * @param e the engine to build. * @param[out] ret the vehicle that has been built. * @return the cost of this operation or an error. */ CommandCost CmdBuildShip(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, const Engine *e, Vehicle **ret) { tile = GetShipDepotNorthTile(tile); if (flags & DC_EXEC) { int x; int y; const ShipVehicleInfo *svi = &e->u.ship; Ship *v = new Ship(); *ret = v; v->owner = _current_company; v->tile = tile; x = TileX(tile) * TILE_SIZE + TILE_SIZE / 2; y = TileY(tile) * TILE_SIZE + TILE_SIZE / 2; v->x_pos = x; v->y_pos = y; v->z_pos = GetSlopePixelZ(x, y); v->UpdateDeltaXY(); v->vehstatus = VS_HIDDEN | VS_STOPPED | VS_DEFPAL; v->spritenum = svi->image_index; v->cargo_type = e->GetDefaultCargoType(); v->cargo_cap = svi->capacity; v->refit_cap = 0; v->last_station_visited = INVALID_STATION; v->last_loading_station = INVALID_STATION; v->engine_type = e->index; v->reliability = e->reliability; v->reliability_spd_dec = e->reliability_spd_dec; v->max_age = e->GetLifeLengthInDays(); v->state = TRACK_BIT_DEPOT; v->SetServiceInterval(Company::Get(_current_company)->settings.vehicle.servint_ships); v->date_of_last_service = TimerGameCalendar::date; v->build_year = TimerGameCalendar::year; v->sprite_cache.sprite_seq.Set(SPR_IMG_QUERY); v->random_bits = VehicleRandomBits(); v->UpdateCache(); if (e->flags & ENGINE_EXCLUSIVE_PREVIEW) SetBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_BUILT_AS_PROTOTYPE); v->SetServiceIntervalIsPercent(Company::Get(_current_company)->settings.vehicle.servint_ispercent); v->InvalidateNewGRFCacheOfChain(); v->cargo_cap = e->DetermineCapacity(v); v->InvalidateNewGRFCacheOfChain(); v->UpdatePosition(); } return CommandCost(); } ClosestDepot Ship::FindClosestDepot() { const Depot *depot = FindClosestShipDepot(this, 0); if (depot == nullptr) return ClosestDepot(); return ClosestDepot(depot->xy, depot->index); }