/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file gamelog_sl.cpp Code handling saving and loading of gamelog data */ #include "../stdafx.h" #include "saveload.h" #include "compat/gamelog_sl_compat.h" #include "../gamelog_internal.h" #include "../fios.h" #include "../load_check.h" #include "../string_func.h" #include "../safeguards.h" namespace upstream_sl { class SlGamelogMode : public DefaultSaveLoadHandler { public: inline static const SaveLoad description[] = { SLE_VAR(LoggedChange, mode.mode, SLE_UINT8), SLE_VAR(LoggedChange, mode.landscape, SLE_UINT8), }; inline const static SaveLoadCompatTable compat_description = _gamelog_mode_sl_compat; void Save(LoggedChange *lc) const override { if (lc->ct != GLCT_MODE) return; SlObject(lc, this->GetDescription()); } void Load(LoggedChange *lc) const override { if (lc->ct != GLCT_MODE) return; SlObject(lc, this->GetLoadDescription()); } void LoadCheck(LoggedChange *lc) const override { this->Load(lc); } }; static char old_revision_text[GAMELOG_REVISION_LENGTH]; static std::string revision_test; class SlGamelogRevision : public DefaultSaveLoadHandler { public: inline static const SaveLoad description[] = { SLEG_CONDARR("revision.text", old_revision_text, SLE_UINT8, GAMELOG_REVISION_LENGTH, SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_STRING_GAMELOG), SLEG_CONDSSTR("revision.text", revision_test, SLE_STR, SLV_STRING_GAMELOG, SL_MAX_VERSION), SLE_VAR(LoggedChange, revision.newgrf, SLE_UINT32), SLE_VAR(LoggedChange, revision.slver, SLE_UINT16), SLE_VAR(LoggedChange, revision.modified, SLE_UINT8), }; inline const static SaveLoadCompatTable compat_description = _gamelog_revision_sl_compat; void Save(LoggedChange *lc) const override { if (lc->ct != GLCT_REVISION) return; SlObject(lc, this->GetDescription()); } void Load(LoggedChange *lc) const override { if (lc->ct != GLCT_REVISION) return; SlObject(lc, this->GetLoadDescription()); if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_STRING_GAMELOG)) { lc->revision.text = stredup(old_revision_text, lastof(old_revision_text)); } else { lc->revision.text = stredup(revision_test.c_str()); } } void LoadCheck(LoggedChange *lc) const override { this->Load(lc); } }; class SlGamelogOldver : public DefaultSaveLoadHandler { public: inline static const SaveLoad description[] = { SLE_VAR(LoggedChange, oldver.type, SLE_UINT32), SLE_VAR(LoggedChange, oldver.version, SLE_UINT32), }; inline const static SaveLoadCompatTable compat_description = _gamelog_oldver_sl_compat; void Save(LoggedChange *lc) const override { if (lc->ct != GLCT_OLDVER) return; SlObject(lc, this->GetDescription()); } void Load(LoggedChange *lc) const override { if (lc->ct != GLCT_OLDVER) return; SlObject(lc, this->GetLoadDescription()); } void LoadCheck(LoggedChange *lc) const override { this->Load(lc); } }; class SlGamelogSetting : public DefaultSaveLoadHandler { public: inline static const SaveLoad description[] = { SLE_STR(LoggedChange, setting.name, SLE_STR, 128), SLE_VAR(LoggedChange, setting.oldval, SLE_INT32), SLE_VAR(LoggedChange, setting.newval, SLE_INT32), }; inline const static SaveLoadCompatTable compat_description = _gamelog_setting_sl_compat; void Save(LoggedChange *lc) const override { if (lc->ct != GLCT_SETTING) return; SlObject(lc, this->GetDescription()); } void Load(LoggedChange *lc) const override { if (lc->ct != GLCT_SETTING) return; SlObject(lc, this->GetLoadDescription()); } void LoadCheck(LoggedChange *lc) const override { this->Load(lc); } }; class SlGamelogGrfadd : public DefaultSaveLoadHandler { public: inline static const SaveLoad description[] = { SLE_VAR(LoggedChange, grfadd.grfid, SLE_UINT32 ), SLE_ARR(LoggedChange, grfadd.md5sum, SLE_UINT8, 16), }; inline const static SaveLoadCompatTable compat_description = _gamelog_grfadd_sl_compat; void Save(LoggedChange *lc) const override { if (lc->ct != GLCT_GRFADD) return; SlObject(lc, this->GetDescription()); } void Load(LoggedChange *lc) const override { if (lc->ct != GLCT_GRFADD) return; SlObject(lc, this->GetLoadDescription()); } void LoadCheck(LoggedChange *lc) const override { this->Load(lc); } }; class SlGamelogGrfrem : public DefaultSaveLoadHandler { public: inline static const SaveLoad description[] = { SLE_VAR(LoggedChange, grfrem.grfid, SLE_UINT32), }; inline const static SaveLoadCompatTable compat_description = _gamelog_grfrem_sl_compat; void Save(LoggedChange *lc) const override { if (lc->ct != GLCT_GRFREM) return; SlObject(lc, this->GetDescription()); } void Load(LoggedChange *lc) const override { if (lc->ct != GLCT_GRFREM) return; SlObject(lc, this->GetLoadDescription()); } void LoadCheck(LoggedChange *lc) const override { this->Load(lc); } }; class SlGamelogGrfcompat : public DefaultSaveLoadHandler { public: inline static const SaveLoad description[] = { SLE_VAR(LoggedChange, grfcompat.grfid, SLE_UINT32 ), SLE_ARR(LoggedChange, grfcompat.md5sum, SLE_UINT8, 16), }; inline const static SaveLoadCompatTable compat_description = _gamelog_grfcompat_sl_compat; void Save(LoggedChange *lc) const override { if (lc->ct != GLCT_GRFCOMPAT) return; SlObject(lc, this->GetDescription()); } void Load(LoggedChange *lc) const override { if (lc->ct != GLCT_GRFCOMPAT) return; SlObject(lc, this->GetLoadDescription()); } void LoadCheck(LoggedChange *lc) const override { this->Load(lc); } }; class SlGamelogGrfparam : public DefaultSaveLoadHandler { public: inline static const SaveLoad description[] = { SLE_VAR(LoggedChange, grfparam.grfid, SLE_UINT32), }; inline const static SaveLoadCompatTable compat_description = _gamelog_grfparam_sl_compat; void Save(LoggedChange *lc) const override { if (lc->ct != GLCT_GRFPARAM) return; SlObject(lc, this->GetDescription()); } void Load(LoggedChange *lc) const override { if (lc->ct != GLCT_GRFPARAM) return; SlObject(lc, this->GetLoadDescription()); } void LoadCheck(LoggedChange *lc) const override { this->Load(lc); } }; class SlGamelogGrfmove : public DefaultSaveLoadHandler { public: inline static const SaveLoad description[] = { SLE_VAR(LoggedChange, grfmove.grfid, SLE_UINT32), SLE_VAR(LoggedChange, grfmove.offset, SLE_INT32), }; inline const static SaveLoadCompatTable compat_description = _gamelog_grfmove_sl_compat; void Save(LoggedChange *lc) const override { if (lc->ct != GLCT_GRFMOVE) return; SlObject(lc, this->GetDescription()); } void Load(LoggedChange *lc) const override { if (lc->ct != GLCT_GRFMOVE) return; SlObject(lc, this->GetLoadDescription()); } void LoadCheck(LoggedChange *lc) const override { this->Load(lc); } }; class SlGamelogGrfbug : public DefaultSaveLoadHandler { public: inline static const SaveLoad description[] = { SLE_VAR(LoggedChange, grfbug.data, SLE_UINT64), SLE_VAR(LoggedChange, grfbug.grfid, SLE_UINT32), SLE_VAR(LoggedChange, grfbug.bug, SLE_UINT8), }; inline const static SaveLoadCompatTable compat_description = _gamelog_grfbug_sl_compat; void Save(LoggedChange *lc) const override { if (lc->ct != GLCT_GRFBUG) return; SlObject(lc, this->GetDescription()); } void Load(LoggedChange *lc) const override { if (lc->ct != GLCT_GRFBUG) return; SlObject(lc, this->GetLoadDescription()); } void LoadCheck(LoggedChange *lc) const override { this->Load(lc); } }; static bool _is_emergency_save = true; class SlGamelogEmergency : public DefaultSaveLoadHandler { public: /* We need to store something, so store a "true" value. */ inline static const SaveLoad description[] = { SLEG_CONDVAR("is_emergency_save", _is_emergency_save, SLE_BOOL, SLV_RIFF_TO_ARRAY, SL_MAX_VERSION), }; inline const static SaveLoadCompatTable compat_description = _gamelog_emergency_sl_compat; void Save(LoggedChange *lc) const override { if (lc->ct != GLCT_EMERGENCY) return; _is_emergency_save = true; SlObject(lc, this->GetDescription()); } void Load(LoggedChange *lc) const override { if (lc->ct != GLCT_EMERGENCY) return; SlObject(lc, this->GetLoadDescription()); } void LoadCheck(LoggedChange *lc) const override { this->Load(lc); } }; class SlGamelogAction : public DefaultSaveLoadHandler { public: inline static const SaveLoad description[] = { SLE_SAVEBYTE(LoggedChange, ct), SLEG_STRUCT("mode", SlGamelogMode), SLEG_STRUCT("revision", SlGamelogRevision), SLEG_STRUCT("oldver", SlGamelogOldver), SLEG_STRUCT("setting", SlGamelogSetting), SLEG_STRUCT("grfadd", SlGamelogGrfadd), SLEG_STRUCT("grfrem", SlGamelogGrfrem), SLEG_STRUCT("grfcompat", SlGamelogGrfcompat), SLEG_STRUCT("grfparam", SlGamelogGrfparam), SLEG_STRUCT("grfmove", SlGamelogGrfmove), SLEG_STRUCT("grfbug", SlGamelogGrfbug), SLEG_STRUCT("emergency", SlGamelogEmergency), }; inline const static SaveLoadCompatTable compat_description = _gamelog_action_sl_compat; void Save(LoggedAction *la) const override { SlSetStructListLength(la->changes.size()); for (LoggedChange &lc : la->changes) { assert((uint)lc.ct < GLCT_END); SlObject(&lc, this->GetDescription()); } } void Load(LoggedAction *la) const override { la->changes.clear(); if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_RIFF_TO_ARRAY)) { byte type; while ((type = SlReadByte()) != GLCT_NONE) { if (type >= GLCT_END) SlErrorCorrupt("Invalid gamelog change type"); GamelogChangeType ct = (GamelogChangeType)type; la->changes.push_back({}); LoggedChange *lc = &la->changes.back(); lc->ct = ct; SlObject(lc, this->GetLoadDescription()); } return; } size_t length = SlGetStructListLength(UINT32_MAX); la->changes.reserve(length); for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { la->changes.push_back({}); LoggedChange *lc = &la->changes.back(); lc->ct = (GamelogChangeType)SlReadByte(); SlObject(lc, this->GetLoadDescription()); } } void LoadCheck(LoggedAction *la) const override { this->Load(la); } }; static const SaveLoad _gamelog_desc[] = { SLE_CONDVAR(LoggedAction, at, SLE_UINT8, SLV_RIFF_TO_ARRAY, SL_MAX_VERSION), SLE_CONDVAR(LoggedAction, tick, SLE_FILE_U16 | SLE_VAR_U64, SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_U64_TICK_COUNTER), SLE_CONDVAR(LoggedAction, tick, SLE_UINT64, SLV_U64_TICK_COUNTER, SL_MAX_VERSION), SLEG_STRUCTLIST("action", SlGamelogAction), }; struct GLOGChunkHandler : ChunkHandler { GLOGChunkHandler() : ChunkHandler('GLOG', CH_TABLE) {} void LoadCommon(std::vector &gamelog_actions) const { assert(gamelog_actions.empty()); const std::vector slt = SlCompatTableHeader(_gamelog_desc, _gamelog_sl_compat); if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_RIFF_TO_ARRAY)) { byte type; while ((type = SlReadByte()) != GLAT_NONE) { if (type >= GLAT_END) SlErrorCorrupt("Invalid gamelog action type"); LoggedAction &la = gamelog_actions.emplace_back(); la.at = (GamelogActionType)type; SlObject(&la, slt); } return; } while (SlIterateArray() != -1) { LoggedAction &la = gamelog_actions.emplace_back(); SlObject(&la, slt); } } void Save() const override { SlTableHeader(_gamelog_desc); uint i = 0; for (LoggedAction &la : _gamelog_actions) { SlSetArrayIndex(i); SlObject(&la, _gamelog_desc); i++; } } void Load() const override { this->LoadCommon(_gamelog_actions); } void LoadCheck(size_t) const override { this->LoadCommon(_load_check_data.gamelog_actions); } }; static const GLOGChunkHandler GLOG; static const ChunkHandlerRef gamelog_chunk_handlers[] = { GLOG, }; extern const ChunkHandlerTable _gamelog_chunk_handlers(gamelog_chunk_handlers); }