/* $Id$ */ /** @file company_gui.cpp Company related GUIs. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "gui.h" #include "window_gui.h" #include "textbuf_gui.h" #include "viewport_func.h" #include "gfx_func.h" #include "company_func.h" #include "command_func.h" #include "network/network.h" #include "network/network_gui.h" #include "network/network_func.h" #include "roadveh.h" #include "train.h" #include "aircraft.h" #include "newgrf.h" #include "company_manager_face.h" #include "strings_func.h" #include "date_func.h" #include "string_func.h" #include "widgets/dropdown_type.h" #include "tilehighlight_func.h" #include "settings_type.h" #include "table/strings.h" enum { FIRST_GUI_CALL = INT_MAX, ///< default value to specify thuis is the first call of the resizable gui }; static void DoShowCompanyFinances(CompanyID company, bool show_small, bool show_stickied, int top = FIRST_GUI_CALL, int left = FIRST_GUI_CALL); static void DoSelectCompanyManagerFace(Window *parent, bool show_big, int top = FIRST_GUI_CALL, int left = FIRST_GUI_CALL); /** Standard unsorted list of expenses. */ static ExpensesType _expenses_list_1[] = { EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, EXPENSES_NEW_VEHICLES, EXPENSES_TRAIN_RUN, EXPENSES_ROADVEH_RUN, EXPENSES_AIRCRAFT_RUN, EXPENSES_SHIP_RUN, EXPENSES_PROPERTY, EXPENSES_TRAIN_INC, EXPENSES_ROADVEH_INC, EXPENSES_AIRCRAFT_INC, EXPENSES_SHIP_INC, EXPENSES_LOAN_INT, EXPENSES_OTHER, }; /** Grouped list of expenses. */ static ExpensesType _expenses_list_2[] = { EXPENSES_TRAIN_INC, EXPENSES_ROADVEH_INC, EXPENSES_AIRCRAFT_INC, EXPENSES_SHIP_INC, INVALID_EXPENSES, EXPENSES_TRAIN_RUN, EXPENSES_ROADVEH_RUN, EXPENSES_AIRCRAFT_RUN, EXPENSES_SHIP_RUN, EXPENSES_PROPERTY, EXPENSES_LOAN_INT, INVALID_EXPENSES, EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, EXPENSES_NEW_VEHICLES, EXPENSES_OTHER, INVALID_EXPENSES, }; /** Expense list container. */ struct ExpensesList { const ExpensesType *et; ///< Expenses items. const int length; ///< Number of items in list. const int height; ///< Height of list, 10 pixels per item, plus an additional 12 pixels per subtotal. */ }; static const ExpensesList _expenses_list_types[] = { { _expenses_list_1, lengthof(_expenses_list_1), lengthof(_expenses_list_1) * 10 }, { _expenses_list_2, lengthof(_expenses_list_2), lengthof(_expenses_list_2) * 10 + 3 * 12 }, }; static void DrawCompanyEconomyStats(const Company *c, bool small) { int type = _settings_client.gui.expenses_layout; int x, y, i, j, year; const Money (*tbl)[EXPENSES_END]; StringID str; if (!small) { // normal sized economics window /* draw categories */ DrawString(0, 122, 15, STR_700F_EXPENDITURE_INCOME, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER, true); y = 27; for (i = 0; i < _expenses_list_types[type].length; i++) { ExpensesType et = _expenses_list_types[type].et[i]; if (et == INVALID_EXPENSES) { y += 2; DrawString(0, 111, y, STR_7020_TOTAL, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_RIGHT); y += 20; } else { DrawString(2, y, STR_7011_CONSTRUCTION + et, TC_FROMSTRING); y += 10; } } DrawString(0, 111, y + 2, STR_7020_TOTAL, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_RIGHT); /* draw the price columns */ year = _cur_year - 2; j = 3; x = 215; tbl = c->yearly_expenses + 2; do { if (year >= c->inaugurated_year) { SetDParam(0, year); DrawString(x - 75, x, 15, STR_7010, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_RIGHT, true); Money sum = 0; Money subtotal = 0; int y = 27; for (int i = 0; i < _expenses_list_types[type].length; i++) { ExpensesType et = _expenses_list_types[type].et[i]; Money cost; if (et == INVALID_EXPENSES) { GfxFillRect(x - 75, y, x, y, 215); cost = subtotal; subtotal = 0; y += 2; } else { cost = (*tbl)[et]; subtotal += cost; sum += cost; } if (cost != 0 || et == INVALID_EXPENSES) { str = STR_701E; if (cost < 0) { cost = -cost; str++; } SetDParam(0, cost); DrawString(x - 75, x, y, str, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_RIGHT); } y += (et == INVALID_EXPENSES) ? 20 : 10; } str = STR_701E; if (sum < 0) { sum = -sum; str++; } SetDParam(0, sum); DrawString(x - 75, x, y + 2, str, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_RIGHT); GfxFillRect(x - 75, y, x, y, 215); x += 95; } year++; tbl--; } while (--j != 0); y += 14; /* draw max loan aligned to loan below (y += 10) */ SetDParam(0, _economy.max_loan); DrawString(202, y + 10, STR_MAX_LOAN, TC_FROMSTRING); } else { y = 15; } DrawString(2, y, STR_7026_BANK_BALANCE, TC_FROMSTRING); SetDParam(0, c->money); DrawString(182 - 75, 182, y, STR_7028, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_RIGHT); y += 10; DrawString(2, y, STR_7027_LOAN, TC_FROMSTRING); SetDParam(0, c->current_loan); DrawString(182 - 75, 182, y, STR_7028, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_RIGHT); y += 12; GfxFillRect(182 - 75, y - 2, 182, y - 2, 215); SetDParam(0, c->money - c->current_loan); DrawString(182 - 75, 182, y, STR_7028, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_RIGHT); } enum CompanyFinancesWindowWidgets { CFW_WIDGET_TOGGLE_SIZE = 2, CFW_WIDGET_EXPS_PANEL = 4, CFW_WIDGET_TOTAL_PANEL = 5, CFW_WIDGET_INCREASE_LOAN = 6, CFW_WIDGET_REPAY_LOAN = 7, }; static const Widget _company_finances_widgets[] = { { WWT_CLOSEBOX, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 11, 379, 0, 13, STR_700E_FINANCES, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 380, 394, 0, 13, SPR_LARGE_SMALL_WINDOW, STR_7075_TOGGLE_LARGE_SMALL_WINDOW}, { WWT_STICKYBOX, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 395, 406, 0, 13, 0x0, STR_STICKY_BUTTON}, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 0, 406, 14, 13 + 10, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 0, 406, 14 + 10, 47 + 10, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 0, 202, 48 + 10, 59 + 10, STR_7029_BORROW, STR_7035_INCREASE_SIZE_OF_LOAN}, { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 203, 406, 48 + 10, 59 + 10, STR_702A_REPAY, STR_7036_REPAY_PART_OF_LOAN}, { WIDGETS_END}, }; static const Widget _company_finances_small_widgets[] = { { WWT_CLOSEBOX, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 11, 253, 0, 13, STR_700E_FINANCES, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 254, 267, 0, 13, SPR_LARGE_SMALL_WINDOW, STR_7075_TOGGLE_LARGE_SMALL_WINDOW}, { WWT_STICKYBOX, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 268, 279, 0, 13, 0x0, STR_STICKY_BUTTON}, { WWT_EMPTY, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 0, 279, 14, 47, STR_NULL, STR_NULL}, { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 0, 139, 48, 59, STR_7029_BORROW, STR_7035_INCREASE_SIZE_OF_LOAN}, { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 140, 279, 48, 59, STR_702A_REPAY, STR_7036_REPAY_PART_OF_LOAN}, { WIDGETS_END}, }; struct CompanyFinancesWindow : Window { bool small; CompanyFinancesWindow(const WindowDesc *desc, CompanyID company, bool show_small, bool show_stickied, int top, int left) : Window(desc, company), small(show_small) { this->owner = (Owner)this->window_number; if (show_stickied) this->flags4 |= WF_STICKY; /* Check if repositioning from default is required */ if (top != FIRST_GUI_CALL && left != FIRST_GUI_CALL) { this->top = top; this->left = left; } this->FindWindowPlacementAndResize(desc); } virtual void OnPaint() { CompanyID company = (CompanyID)this->window_number; const Company *c = GetCompany(company); if (!small) { int type = _settings_client.gui.expenses_layout; int height = this->widget[CFW_WIDGET_EXPS_PANEL].bottom - this->widget[CFW_WIDGET_EXPS_PANEL].top + 1; if (_expenses_list_types[type].height + 26 != height) { this->SetDirty(); ResizeWindowForWidget(this, CFW_WIDGET_EXPS_PANEL, 0, _expenses_list_types[type].height - height + 26); this->SetDirty(); return; } } /* Recheck the size of the window as it might need to be resized due to the local company changing */ int new_height = this->widget[(company == _local_company) ? CFW_WIDGET_INCREASE_LOAN : CFW_WIDGET_TOTAL_PANEL].bottom + 1; if (this->height != new_height) { /* Make window dirty before and after resizing */ this->SetDirty(); this->height = new_height; this->SetDirty(); this->SetWidgetHiddenState(CFW_WIDGET_INCREASE_LOAN, company != _local_company); this->SetWidgetHiddenState(CFW_WIDGET_REPAY_LOAN, company != _local_company); } /* Borrow button only shows when there is any more money to loan */ this->SetWidgetDisabledState(CFW_WIDGET_INCREASE_LOAN, c->current_loan == _economy.max_loan); /* Repay button only shows when there is any more money to repay */ this->SetWidgetDisabledState(CFW_WIDGET_REPAY_LOAN, company != _local_company || c->current_loan == 0); SetDParam(0, c->index); SetDParam(1, c->index); SetDParam(2, LOAN_INTERVAL); this->DrawWidgets(); DrawCompanyEconomyStats(c, this->small); } virtual void OnClick(Point pt, int widget) { switch (widget) { case CFW_WIDGET_TOGGLE_SIZE: {// toggle size bool new_mode = !this->small; bool stickied = !!(this->flags4 & WF_STICKY); int oldtop = this->top; ///< current top position of the window before closing it int oldleft = this->left; ///< current left position of the window before closing it CompanyID company = (CompanyID)this->window_number; delete this; /* Open up the (toggled size) Finance window at the same position as the previous */ DoShowCompanyFinances(company, new_mode, stickied, oldtop, oldleft); } break; case CFW_WIDGET_INCREASE_LOAN: // increase loan DoCommandP(0, 0, _ctrl_pressed, CMD_INCREASE_LOAN | CMD_MSG(STR_702C_CAN_T_BORROW_ANY_MORE_MONEY)); break; case CFW_WIDGET_REPAY_LOAN: // repay loan DoCommandP(0, 0, _ctrl_pressed, CMD_DECREASE_LOAN | CMD_MSG(STR_702F_CAN_T_REPAY_LOAN)); break; } } }; static const WindowDesc _company_finances_desc( WDP_AUTO, WDP_AUTO, 407, 60 + 10, 407, 60 + 10, WC_FINANCES, WC_NONE, WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS | WDF_STICKY_BUTTON, _company_finances_widgets ); static const WindowDesc _company_finances_small_desc( WDP_AUTO, WDP_AUTO, 280, 60, 280, 60, WC_FINANCES, WC_NONE, WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS | WDF_STICKY_BUTTON, _company_finances_small_widgets ); /** * Open the small/large finance window of the company * * @param company the company who's finances are requested to be seen * @param show_small show large or small version opf the window * @param show_stickied previous "stickyness" of the window * @param top previous top position of the window * @param left previous left position of the window * * @pre is company a valid company */ static void DoShowCompanyFinances(CompanyID company, bool show_small, bool show_stickied, int top, int left) { if (!IsValidCompanyID(company)) return; if (BringWindowToFrontById(WC_FINANCES, company)) return; new CompanyFinancesWindow(show_small ? &_company_finances_small_desc : &_company_finances_desc, company, show_small, show_stickied, top, left); } void ShowCompanyFinances(CompanyID company) { DoShowCompanyFinances(company, false, false); } /* List of colours for the livery window */ static const StringID _colour_dropdown[] = { STR_00D1_DARK_BLUE, STR_00D2_PALE_GREEN, STR_00D3_PINK, STR_00D4_YELLOW, STR_00D5_RED, STR_00D6_LIGHT_BLUE, STR_00D7_GREEN, STR_00D8_DARK_GREEN, STR_00D9_BLUE, STR_00DA_CREAM, STR_00DB_MAUVE, STR_00DC_PURPLE, STR_00DD_ORANGE, STR_00DE_BROWN, STR_00DF_GREY, STR_00E0_WHITE, }; /* Association of liveries to livery classes */ static const LiveryClass _livery_class[LS_END] = { LC_OTHER, LC_RAIL, LC_RAIL, LC_RAIL, LC_RAIL, LC_RAIL, LC_RAIL, LC_RAIL, LC_RAIL, LC_RAIL, LC_RAIL, LC_RAIL, LC_RAIL, LC_RAIL, LC_ROAD, LC_ROAD, LC_SHIP, LC_SHIP, LC_AIRCRAFT, LC_AIRCRAFT, LC_AIRCRAFT, LC_ROAD, LC_ROAD, }; class DropDownListColourItem : public DropDownListItem { public: DropDownListColourItem(int result, bool masked) : DropDownListItem(result, masked) {} virtual ~DropDownListColourItem() {} StringID String() const { return _colour_dropdown[this->result]; } uint Height(uint width) const { return 14; } bool Selectable() const { return true; } void Draw(int left, int right, int top, int bottom, bool sel, int bg_colour) const { DrawSprite(SPR_VEH_BUS_SIDE_VIEW, PALETTE_RECOLOUR_START + this->result, left + 16, top + 7); DrawString(left + 32, right - 2, top + 3, this->String(), sel ? TC_WHITE : TC_BLACK); } }; struct SelectCompanyLiveryWindow : public Window { private: uint32 sel; LiveryClass livery_class; enum SelectCompanyLiveryWindowWidgets { SCLW_WIDGET_CLOSE, SCLW_WIDGET_CAPTION, SCLW_WIDGET_CLASS_GENERAL, SCLW_WIDGET_CLASS_RAIL, SCLW_WIDGET_CLASS_ROAD, SCLW_WIDGET_CLASS_SHIP, SCLW_WIDGET_CLASS_AIRCRAFT, SCLW_WIDGET_SPACER_CLASS, SCLW_WIDGET_SPACER_DROPDOWN, SCLW_WIDGET_PRI_COL_DROPDOWN, SCLW_WIDGET_SEC_COL_DROPDOWN, SCLW_WIDGET_MATRIX, }; void ShowColourDropDownMenu(uint32 widget) { uint32 used_colours = 0; const Livery *livery; LiveryScheme scheme; /* Disallow other company colours for the primary colour */ if (HasBit(this->sel, LS_DEFAULT) && widget == SCLW_WIDGET_PRI_COL_DROPDOWN) { const Company *c; FOR_ALL_COMPANIES(c) { if (c->index != _local_company) SetBit(used_colours, c->colour); } } /* Get the first selected livery to use as the default dropdown item */ for (scheme = LS_BEGIN; scheme < LS_END; scheme++) { if (HasBit(this->sel, scheme)) break; } if (scheme == LS_END) scheme = LS_DEFAULT; livery = &GetCompany((CompanyID)this->window_number)->livery[scheme]; DropDownList *list = new DropDownList(); for (uint i = 0; i < lengthof(_colour_dropdown); i++) { list->push_back(new DropDownListColourItem(i, HasBit(used_colours, i))); } ShowDropDownList(this, list, widget == SCLW_WIDGET_PRI_COL_DROPDOWN ? livery->colour1 : livery->colour2, widget); } public: SelectCompanyLiveryWindow(const WindowDesc *desc, CompanyID company) : Window(desc, company) { this->owner = company; this->livery_class = LC_OTHER; this->sel = 1; this->LowerWidget(SCLW_WIDGET_CLASS_GENERAL); this->OnInvalidateData(_loaded_newgrf_features.has_2CC); this->FindWindowPlacementAndResize(desc); } virtual void OnPaint() { const Company *c = GetCompany((CompanyID)this->window_number); LiveryScheme scheme = LS_DEFAULT; int y = 51; /* Disable dropdown controls if no scheme is selected */ this->SetWidgetDisabledState(SCLW_WIDGET_PRI_COL_DROPDOWN, this->sel == 0); this->SetWidgetDisabledState(SCLW_WIDGET_SEC_COL_DROPDOWN, this->sel == 0); if (this->sel != 0) { for (scheme = LS_BEGIN; scheme < LS_END; scheme++) { if (HasBit(this->sel, scheme)) break; } if (scheme == LS_END) scheme = LS_DEFAULT; } SetDParam(0, STR_00D1_DARK_BLUE + c->livery[scheme].colour1); SetDParam(1, STR_00D1_DARK_BLUE + c->livery[scheme].colour2); this->DrawWidgets(); for (scheme = LS_DEFAULT; scheme < LS_END; scheme++) { if (_livery_class[scheme] == this->livery_class) { bool sel = HasBit(this->sel, scheme) != 0; if (scheme != LS_DEFAULT) { DrawSprite(c->livery[scheme].in_use ? SPR_BOX_CHECKED : SPR_BOX_EMPTY, PAL_NONE, 2, y); } DrawString(15, y, STR_LIVERY_DEFAULT + scheme, sel ? TC_WHITE : TC_BLACK); DrawSprite(SPR_SQUARE, GENERAL_SPRITE_COLOUR(c->livery[scheme].colour1), 152, y); DrawString(165, y, STR_00D1_DARK_BLUE + c->livery[scheme].colour1, sel ? TC_WHITE : TC_GOLD); if (!this->IsWidgetHidden(SCLW_WIDGET_SEC_COL_DROPDOWN)) { DrawSprite(SPR_SQUARE, GENERAL_SPRITE_COLOUR(c->livery[scheme].colour2), 277, y); DrawString(290, y, STR_00D1_DARK_BLUE + c->livery[scheme].colour2, sel ? TC_WHITE : TC_GOLD); } y += 14; } } } virtual void OnClick(Point pt, int widget) { /* Number of liveries in each class, used to determine the height of the livery window */ static const byte livery_height[] = { 1, 13, 4, 2, 3, }; switch (widget) { /* Livery Class buttons */ case SCLW_WIDGET_CLASS_GENERAL: case SCLW_WIDGET_CLASS_RAIL: case SCLW_WIDGET_CLASS_ROAD: case SCLW_WIDGET_CLASS_SHIP: case SCLW_WIDGET_CLASS_AIRCRAFT: { LiveryScheme scheme; this->RaiseWidget(this->livery_class + SCLW_WIDGET_CLASS_GENERAL); this->livery_class = (LiveryClass)(widget - SCLW_WIDGET_CLASS_GENERAL); this->sel = 0; this->LowerWidget(this->livery_class + SCLW_WIDGET_CLASS_GENERAL); /* Select the first item in the list */ for (scheme = LS_DEFAULT; scheme < LS_END; scheme++) { if (_livery_class[scheme] == this->livery_class) { this->sel = 1 << scheme; break; } } this->height = 49 + livery_height[this->livery_class] * 14; this->widget[SCLW_WIDGET_MATRIX].bottom = this->height - 1; this->widget[SCLW_WIDGET_MATRIX].data = livery_height[this->livery_class] << 8 | 1; MarkWholeScreenDirty(); break; } case SCLW_WIDGET_PRI_COL_DROPDOWN: // First colour dropdown ShowColourDropDownMenu(SCLW_WIDGET_PRI_COL_DROPDOWN); break; case SCLW_WIDGET_SEC_COL_DROPDOWN: // Second colour dropdown ShowColourDropDownMenu(SCLW_WIDGET_SEC_COL_DROPDOWN); break; case SCLW_WIDGET_MATRIX: { LiveryScheme scheme; LiveryScheme j = (LiveryScheme)((pt.y - 48) / 14); for (scheme = LS_BEGIN; scheme <= j; scheme++) { if (_livery_class[scheme] != this->livery_class) j++; if (scheme >= LS_END) return; } if (j >= LS_END) return; /* If clicking on the left edge, toggle using the livery */ if (pt.x < 10) { DoCommandP(0, j | (2 << 8), !GetCompany((CompanyID)this->window_number)->livery[j].in_use, CMD_SET_COMPANY_COLOUR); } if (_ctrl_pressed) { ToggleBit(this->sel, j); } else { this->sel = 1 << j; } this->SetDirty(); break; } } } virtual void OnDropdownSelect(int widget, int index) { for (LiveryScheme scheme = LS_DEFAULT; scheme < LS_END; scheme++) { if (HasBit(this->sel, scheme)) { DoCommandP(0, scheme | (widget == SCLW_WIDGET_PRI_COL_DROPDOWN ? 0 : 256), index, CMD_SET_COMPANY_COLOUR); } } } virtual void OnInvalidateData(int data = 0) { static bool has2cc = true; if (has2cc == !!data) return; has2cc = !!data; int r = this->widget[has2cc ? SCLW_WIDGET_SEC_COL_DROPDOWN : SCLW_WIDGET_PRI_COL_DROPDOWN].right; this->SetWidgetHiddenState(SCLW_WIDGET_SEC_COL_DROPDOWN, !has2cc); this->widget[SCLW_WIDGET_CAPTION].right = r; this->widget[SCLW_WIDGET_SPACER_CLASS].right = r; this->widget[SCLW_WIDGET_MATRIX].right = r; this->width = r + 1; } }; static const Widget _select_company_livery_widgets[] = { { WWT_CLOSEBOX, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW }, { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 11, 399, 0, 13, STR_7007_NEW_COLOUR_SCHEME, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS }, { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 0, 21, 14, 35, SPR_IMG_COMPANY_GENERAL, STR_LIVERY_GENERAL_TIP }, { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 22, 43, 14, 35, SPR_IMG_TRAINLIST, STR_LIVERY_TRAIN_TIP }, { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 44, 65, 14, 35, SPR_IMG_TRUCKLIST, STR_LIVERY_ROADVEH_TIP }, { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 66, 87, 14, 35, SPR_IMG_SHIPLIST, STR_LIVERY_SHIP_TIP }, { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 88, 109, 14, 35, SPR_IMG_AIRPLANESLIST, STR_LIVERY_AIRCRAFT_TIP }, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 110, 399, 14, 35, 0x0, STR_NULL }, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 0, 149, 36, 47, 0x0, STR_NULL }, { WWT_DROPDOWN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 150, 274, 36, 47, STR_02BD, STR_LIVERY_PRIMARY_TIP }, { WWT_DROPDOWN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 275, 399, 36, 47, STR_02E1, STR_LIVERY_SECONDARY_TIP }, { WWT_MATRIX, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 0, 399, 48, 48 + 1 * 14, (1 << 8) | 1, STR_LIVERY_PANEL_TIP }, { WIDGETS_END }, }; static const WindowDesc _select_company_livery_desc( WDP_AUTO, WDP_AUTO, 400, 49 + 1 * 14, 400, 49 + 1 * 14, WC_COMPANY_COLOUR, WC_NONE, WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET, _select_company_livery_widgets ); /** * Draws the face of a company manager's face. * @param cmf the company manager's face * @param colour the (background) colour of the gradient * @param x x-position to draw the face * @param y y-position to draw the face */ void DrawCompanyManagerFace(CompanyManagerFace cmf, int colour, int x, int y) { GenderEthnicity ge = (GenderEthnicity)GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(cmf, CMFV_GEN_ETHN, GE_WM); bool has_moustache = !HasBit(ge, GENDER_FEMALE) && GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(cmf, CMFV_HAS_MOUSTACHE, ge) != 0; bool has_tie_earring = !HasBit(ge, GENDER_FEMALE) || GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(cmf, CMFV_HAS_TIE_EARRING, ge) != 0; bool has_glasses = GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(cmf, CMFV_HAS_GLASSES, ge) != 0; SpriteID pal; /* Modify eye colour palette only if 2 or more valid values exist */ if (_cmf_info[CMFV_EYE_COLOUR].valid_values[ge] < 2) { pal = PAL_NONE; } else { switch (GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(cmf, CMFV_EYE_COLOUR, ge)) { default: NOT_REACHED(); case 0: pal = PALETTE_TO_BROWN; break; case 1: pal = PALETTE_TO_BLUE; break; case 2: pal = PALETTE_TO_GREEN; break; } } /* Draw the gradient (background) */ DrawSprite(SPR_GRADIENT, GENERAL_SPRITE_COLOUR(colour), x, y); for (CompanyManagerFaceVariable cmfv = CMFV_CHEEKS; cmfv < CMFV_END; cmfv++) { switch (cmfv) { case CMFV_MOUSTACHE: if (!has_moustache) continue; break; case CMFV_LIPS: // FALL THROUGH case CMFV_NOSE: if (has_moustache) continue; break; case CMFV_TIE_EARRING: if (!has_tie_earring) continue; break; case CMFV_GLASSES: if (!has_glasses) continue; break; default: break; } DrawSprite(GetCompanyManagerFaceSprite(cmf, cmfv, ge), (cmfv == CMFV_EYEBROWS) ? pal : PAL_NONE, x, y); } } /** Widget description for the normal/simple company manager face selection dialog */ static const Widget _select_company_manager_face_widgets[] = { { WWT_CLOSEBOX, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_CLOSEBOX { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 11, 174, 0, 13, STR_7043_FACE_SELECTION, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_CAPTION { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 175, 189, 0, 13, SPR_LARGE_SMALL_WINDOW, STR_FACE_ADVANCED_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_TOGGLE_LARGE_SMALL { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 0, 189, 14, 150, 0x0, STR_NULL}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_SELECT_FACE { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 0, 94, 151, 162, STR_012E_CANCEL, STR_7047_CANCEL_NEW_FACE_SELECTION}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_CANCEL { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 95, 189, 151, 162, STR_012F_OK, STR_7048_ACCEPT_NEW_FACE_SELECTION}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_ACCEPT { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 95, 187, 75, 86, STR_7044_MALE, STR_7049_SELECT_MALE_FACES}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_MALE { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 95, 187, 87, 98, STR_7045_FEMALE, STR_704A_SELECT_FEMALE_FACES}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_FEMALE { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 2, 93, 137, 148, STR_7046_NEW_FACE, STR_704B_GENERATE_RANDOM_NEW_FACE}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_RANDOM_NEW_FACE { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 95, 187, 16, 27, STR_FACE_ADVANCED, STR_FACE_ADVANCED_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_TOGGLE_LARGE_SMALL_BUTTON { WIDGETS_END}, }; /** Widget description for the advanced company manager face selection dialog */ static const Widget _select_company_manager_face_adv_widgets[] = { { WWT_CLOSEBOX, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_CLOSEBOX { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 11, 204, 0, 13, STR_7043_FACE_SELECTION, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_CAPTION { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 205, 219, 0, 13, SPR_LARGE_SMALL_WINDOW, STR_FACE_SIMPLE_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_TOGGLE_LARGE_SMALL { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 0, 219, 14, 207, 0x0, STR_NULL}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_SELECT_FACE { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 0, 94, 208, 219, STR_012E_CANCEL, STR_7047_CANCEL_NEW_FACE_SELECTION}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_CANCEL { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 95, 219, 208, 219, STR_012F_OK, STR_7048_ACCEPT_NEW_FACE_SELECTION}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_ACCEPT { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 96, 156, 32, 43, STR_7044_MALE, STR_7049_SELECT_MALE_FACES}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_MALE { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 157, 217, 32, 43, STR_7045_FEMALE, STR_704A_SELECT_FEMALE_FACES}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_FEMALE { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 2, 93, 137, 148, STR_RANDOM, STR_704B_GENERATE_RANDOM_NEW_FACE}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_RANDOM_NEW_FACE { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 95, 217, 16, 27, STR_FACE_SIMPLE, STR_FACE_SIMPLE_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_TOGGLE_LARGE_SMALL_BUTTON { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 2, 93, 158, 169, STR_FACE_LOAD, STR_FACE_LOAD_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_LOAD { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 2, 93, 170, 181, STR_FACE_FACECODE, STR_FACE_FACECODE_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_FACECODE { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 2, 93, 182, 193, STR_FACE_SAVE, STR_FACE_SAVE_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_SAVE { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 96, 156, 46, 57, STR_FACE_EUROPEAN, STR_FACE_SELECT_EUROPEAN}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_ETHNICITY_EUR { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 157, 217, 46, 57, STR_FACE_AFRICAN, STR_FACE_SELECT_AFRICAN}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_ETHNICITY_AFR { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 175, 217, 60, 71, STR_EMPTY, STR_FACE_MOUSTACHE_EARRING_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_HAS_MOUSTACHE_EARRING { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 175, 217, 72, 83, STR_EMPTY, STR_FACE_GLASSES_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_HAS_GLASSES { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 175, 183, 110, 121, SPR_ARROW_LEFT, STR_FACE_EYECOLOUR_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_EYECOLOUR_L { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 184, 208, 110, 121, STR_EMPTY, STR_FACE_EYECOLOUR_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_EYECOLOUR { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 209, 217, 110, 121, SPR_ARROW_RIGHT, STR_FACE_EYECOLOUR_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_EYECOLOUR_R { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 175, 183, 158, 169, SPR_ARROW_LEFT, STR_FACE_CHIN_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_CHIN_L { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 184, 208, 158, 169, STR_EMPTY, STR_FACE_CHIN_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_CHIN { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 209, 217, 158, 169, SPR_ARROW_RIGHT, STR_FACE_CHIN_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_CHIN_R { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 175, 183, 98, 109, SPR_ARROW_LEFT, STR_FACE_EYEBROWS_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_EYEBROWS_L { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 184, 208, 98, 109, STR_EMPTY, STR_FACE_EYEBROWS_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_EYEBROWS { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 209, 217, 98, 109, SPR_ARROW_RIGHT, STR_FACE_EYEBROWS_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_EYEBROWS_R { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 175, 183, 146, 157, SPR_ARROW_LEFT, STR_FACE_LIPS_MOUSTACHE_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_LIPS_MOUSTACHE_L { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 184, 208, 146, 157, STR_EMPTY, STR_FACE_LIPS_MOUSTACHE_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_LIPS_MOUSTACHE { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 209, 217, 146, 157, SPR_ARROW_RIGHT, STR_FACE_LIPS_MOUSTACHE_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_LIPS_MOUSTACHE_R { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 175, 183, 134, 145, SPR_ARROW_LEFT, STR_FACE_NOSE_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_NOSE_L { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 184, 208, 134, 145, STR_EMPTY, STR_FACE_NOSE_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_NOSE { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 209, 217, 134, 145, SPR_ARROW_RIGHT, STR_FACE_NOSE_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_NOSE_R { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 175, 183, 86, 97, SPR_ARROW_LEFT, STR_FACE_HAIR_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_HAIR_L { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 184, 208, 86, 97, STR_EMPTY, STR_FACE_HAIR_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_HAIR { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 209, 217, 86, 97, SPR_ARROW_RIGHT, STR_FACE_HAIR_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_HAIR_R { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 175, 183, 170, 181, SPR_ARROW_LEFT, STR_FACE_JACKET_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_JACKET_L { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 184, 208, 170, 181, STR_EMPTY, STR_FACE_JACKET_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_JACKET { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 209, 217, 170, 181, SPR_ARROW_RIGHT, STR_FACE_JACKET_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_JACKET_R { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 175, 183, 182, 193, SPR_ARROW_LEFT, STR_FACE_COLLAR_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_COLLAR_L { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 184, 208, 182, 193, STR_EMPTY, STR_FACE_COLLAR_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_COLLAR { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 209, 217, 182, 193, SPR_ARROW_RIGHT, STR_FACE_COLLAR_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_COLLAR_R { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 175, 183, 194, 205, SPR_ARROW_LEFT, STR_FACE_TIE_EARRING_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_TIE_EARRING_L { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 184, 208, 194, 205, STR_EMPTY, STR_FACE_TIE_EARRING_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_TIE_EARRING { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 209, 217, 194, 205, SPR_ARROW_RIGHT, STR_FACE_TIE_EARRING_TIP}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_TIE_EARRING_R { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 175, 183, 122, 133, SPR_ARROW_LEFT, STR_FACE_GLASSES_TIP_2}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_GLASSES_L { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 184, 208, 122, 133, STR_EMPTY, STR_FACE_GLASSES_TIP_2}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_GLASSES { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 209, 217, 122, 133, SPR_ARROW_RIGHT, STR_FACE_GLASSES_TIP_2}, // SCMFW_WIDGET_GLASSES_R { WIDGETS_END}, }; class SelectCompanyManagerFaceWindow : public Window { CompanyManagerFace face; ///< company manager face bits bool advanced; ///< advanced company manager face selection window GenderEthnicity ge; bool is_female; bool is_moust_male; /** * Names of the widgets. Keep them in the same order as in the widget array. * Do not change the order of the widgets from SCMFW_WIDGET_HAS_MOUSTACHE_EARRING to SCMFW_WIDGET_GLASSES_R, * this order is needed for the WE_CLICK event of DrawFaceStringLabel(). */ enum SelectCompanyManagerFaceWidgets { SCMFW_WIDGET_CLOSEBOX = 0, SCMFW_WIDGET_CAPTION, SCMFW_WIDGET_TOGGLE_LARGE_SMALL, SCMFW_WIDGET_SELECT_FACE, SCMFW_WIDGET_CANCEL, SCMFW_WIDGET_ACCEPT, SCMFW_WIDGET_MALE, SCMFW_WIDGET_FEMALE, SCMFW_WIDGET_RANDOM_NEW_FACE, SCMFW_WIDGET_TOGGLE_LARGE_SMALL_BUTTON, /* from here is the advanced company manager face selection window */ SCMFW_WIDGET_LOAD, SCMFW_WIDGET_FACECODE, SCMFW_WIDGET_SAVE, SCMFW_WIDGET_ETHNICITY_EUR, SCMFW_WIDGET_ETHNICITY_AFR, SCMFW_WIDGET_HAS_MOUSTACHE_EARRING, SCMFW_WIDGET_HAS_GLASSES, SCMFW_WIDGET_EYECOLOUR_L, SCMFW_WIDGET_EYECOLOUR, SCMFW_WIDGET_EYECOLOUR_R, SCMFW_WIDGET_CHIN_L, SCMFW_WIDGET_CHIN, SCMFW_WIDGET_CHIN_R, SCMFW_WIDGET_EYEBROWS_L, SCMFW_WIDGET_EYEBROWS, SCMFW_WIDGET_EYEBROWS_R, SCMFW_WIDGET_LIPS_MOUSTACHE_L, SCMFW_WIDGET_LIPS_MOUSTACHE, SCMFW_WIDGET_LIPS_MOUSTACHE_R, SCMFW_WIDGET_NOSE_L, SCMFW_WIDGET_NOSE, SCMFW_WIDGET_NOSE_R, SCMFW_WIDGET_HAIR_L, SCMFW_WIDGET_HAIR, SCMFW_WIDGET_HAIR_R, SCMFW_WIDGET_JACKET_L, SCMFW_WIDGET_JACKET, SCMFW_WIDGET_JACKET_R, SCMFW_WIDGET_COLLAR_L, SCMFW_WIDGET_COLLAR, SCMFW_WIDGET_COLLAR_R, SCMFW_WIDGET_TIE_EARRING_L, SCMFW_WIDGET_TIE_EARRING, SCMFW_WIDGET_TIE_EARRING_R, SCMFW_WIDGET_GLASSES_L, SCMFW_WIDGET_GLASSES, SCMFW_WIDGET_GLASSES_R, }; /** * Draw dynamic a label to the left of the button and a value in the button * * @param widget_index index of this widget in the window * @param str the label which will be draw * @param val the value which will be draw * @param is_bool_widget is it a bool button */ void DrawFaceStringLabel(byte widget_index, StringID str, uint8 val, bool is_bool_widget) { /* Write the label in gold (0x2) to the left of the button. */ DrawString(0, this->widget[widget_index].left - (is_bool_widget ? 5 : 14), this->widget[widget_index].top + 1, str, TC_GOLD, SA_RIGHT); if (!this->IsWidgetDisabled(widget_index)) { if (is_bool_widget) { /* if it a bool button write yes or no */ str = (val != 0) ? STR_FACE_YES : STR_FACE_NO; } else { /* else write the value + 1 */ SetDParam(0, val + 1); str = STR_JUST_INT; } /* Draw the value/bool in white (0xC). If the button clicked adds 1px to x and y text coordinates (IsWindowWidgetLowered()). */ DrawString(this->widget[widget_index].left + this->IsWidgetLowered(widget_index), this->widget[widget_index].right - this->IsWidgetLowered(widget_index), this->widget[widget_index].top + 1 + this->IsWidgetLowered(widget_index), str, TC_WHITE, SA_CENTER); } } void UpdateData() { this->ge = (GenderEthnicity)GB(this->face, _cmf_info[CMFV_GEN_ETHN].offset, _cmf_info[CMFV_GEN_ETHN].length); // get the gender and ethnicity this->is_female = HasBit(this->ge, GENDER_FEMALE); // get the gender: 0 == male and 1 == female this->is_moust_male = !is_female && GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face, CMFV_HAS_MOUSTACHE, this->ge) != 0; // is a male face with moustache } public: SelectCompanyManagerFaceWindow(const WindowDesc *desc, Window *parent, bool advanced, int top, int left) : Window(desc, parent->window_number) { this->parent = parent; this->owner = (Owner)this->window_number; this->face = GetCompany((CompanyID)this->window_number)->face; this->advanced = advanced; this->UpdateData(); /* Check if repositioning from default is required */ if (top != FIRST_GUI_CALL && left != FIRST_GUI_CALL) { this->top = top; this->left = left; } this->FindWindowPlacementAndResize(desc); } virtual void OnPaint() { /* lower the non-selected gender button */ this->SetWidgetLoweredState(SCMFW_WIDGET_MALE, !this->is_female); this->SetWidgetLoweredState(SCMFW_WIDGET_FEMALE, this->is_female); /* advanced company manager face selection window */ if (this->advanced) { /* lower the non-selected ethnicity button */ this->SetWidgetLoweredState(SCMFW_WIDGET_ETHNICITY_EUR, !HasBit(this->ge, ETHNICITY_BLACK)); this->SetWidgetLoweredState(SCMFW_WIDGET_ETHNICITY_AFR, HasBit(this->ge, ETHNICITY_BLACK)); /* Disable dynamically the widgets which CompanyManagerFaceVariable has less than 2 options * (or in other words you haven't any choice). * If the widgets depend on a HAS-variable and this is false the widgets will be disabled, too. */ /* Eye colour buttons */ this->SetWidgetsDisabledState(_cmf_info[CMFV_EYE_COLOUR].valid_values[this->ge] < 2, SCMFW_WIDGET_EYECOLOUR, SCMFW_WIDGET_EYECOLOUR_L, SCMFW_WIDGET_EYECOLOUR_R, WIDGET_LIST_END); /* Chin buttons */ this->SetWidgetsDisabledState(_cmf_info[CMFV_CHIN].valid_values[this->ge] < 2, SCMFW_WIDGET_CHIN, SCMFW_WIDGET_CHIN_L, SCMFW_WIDGET_CHIN_R, WIDGET_LIST_END); /* Eyebrows buttons */ this->SetWidgetsDisabledState(_cmf_info[CMFV_EYEBROWS].valid_values[this->ge] < 2, SCMFW_WIDGET_EYEBROWS, SCMFW_WIDGET_EYEBROWS_L, SCMFW_WIDGET_EYEBROWS_R, WIDGET_LIST_END); /* Lips or (if it a male face with a moustache) moustache buttons */ this->SetWidgetsDisabledState(_cmf_info[this->is_moust_male ? CMFV_MOUSTACHE : CMFV_LIPS].valid_values[this->ge] < 2, SCMFW_WIDGET_LIPS_MOUSTACHE, SCMFW_WIDGET_LIPS_MOUSTACHE_L, SCMFW_WIDGET_LIPS_MOUSTACHE_R, WIDGET_LIST_END); /* Nose buttons | male faces with moustache haven't any nose options */ this->SetWidgetsDisabledState(_cmf_info[CMFV_NOSE].valid_values[this->ge] < 2 || this->is_moust_male, SCMFW_WIDGET_NOSE, SCMFW_WIDGET_NOSE_L, SCMFW_WIDGET_NOSE_R, WIDGET_LIST_END); /* Hair buttons */ this->SetWidgetsDisabledState(_cmf_info[CMFV_HAIR].valid_values[this->ge] < 2, SCMFW_WIDGET_HAIR, SCMFW_WIDGET_HAIR_L, SCMFW_WIDGET_HAIR_R, WIDGET_LIST_END); /* Jacket buttons */ this->SetWidgetsDisabledState(_cmf_info[CMFV_JACKET].valid_values[this->ge] < 2, SCMFW_WIDGET_JACKET, SCMFW_WIDGET_JACKET_L, SCMFW_WIDGET_JACKET_R, WIDGET_LIST_END); /* Collar buttons */ this->SetWidgetsDisabledState(_cmf_info[CMFV_COLLAR].valid_values[this->ge] < 2, SCMFW_WIDGET_COLLAR, SCMFW_WIDGET_COLLAR_L, SCMFW_WIDGET_COLLAR_R, WIDGET_LIST_END); /* Tie/earring buttons | female faces without earring haven't any earring options */ this->SetWidgetsDisabledState(_cmf_info[CMFV_TIE_EARRING].valid_values[this->ge] < 2 || (this->is_female && GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face, CMFV_HAS_TIE_EARRING, this->ge) == 0), SCMFW_WIDGET_TIE_EARRING, SCMFW_WIDGET_TIE_EARRING_L, SCMFW_WIDGET_TIE_EARRING_R, WIDGET_LIST_END); /* Glasses buttons | faces without glasses haven't any glasses options */ this->SetWidgetsDisabledState(_cmf_info[CMFV_GLASSES].valid_values[this->ge] < 2 || GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face, CMFV_HAS_GLASSES, this->ge) == 0, SCMFW_WIDGET_GLASSES, SCMFW_WIDGET_GLASSES_L, SCMFW_WIDGET_GLASSES_R, WIDGET_LIST_END); } this->DrawWidgets(); /* Draw dynamic button value and labels for the advanced company manager face selection window */ if (this->advanced) { if (this->is_female) { /* Only for female faces */ this->DrawFaceStringLabel(SCMFW_WIDGET_HAS_MOUSTACHE_EARRING, STR_FACE_EARRING, GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face, CMFV_HAS_TIE_EARRING, this->ge), true ); this->DrawFaceStringLabel(SCMFW_WIDGET_TIE_EARRING, STR_FACE_EARRING, GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face, CMFV_TIE_EARRING, this->ge), false); } else { /* Only for male faces */ this->DrawFaceStringLabel(SCMFW_WIDGET_HAS_MOUSTACHE_EARRING, STR_FACE_MOUSTACHE, GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face, CMFV_HAS_MOUSTACHE, this->ge), true ); this->DrawFaceStringLabel(SCMFW_WIDGET_TIE_EARRING, STR_FACE_TIE, GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face, CMFV_TIE_EARRING, this->ge), false); } if (this->is_moust_male) { /* Only for male faces with moustache */ this->DrawFaceStringLabel(SCMFW_WIDGET_LIPS_MOUSTACHE, STR_FACE_MOUSTACHE, GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face, CMFV_MOUSTACHE, this->ge), false); } else { /* Only for female faces or male faces without moustache */ this->DrawFaceStringLabel(SCMFW_WIDGET_LIPS_MOUSTACHE, STR_FACE_LIPS, GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face, CMFV_LIPS, this->ge), false); } /* For all faces */ this->DrawFaceStringLabel(SCMFW_WIDGET_HAS_GLASSES, STR_FACE_GLASSES, GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face, CMFV_HAS_GLASSES, this->ge), true ); this->DrawFaceStringLabel(SCMFW_WIDGET_HAIR, STR_FACE_HAIR, GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face, CMFV_HAIR, this->ge), false); this->DrawFaceStringLabel(SCMFW_WIDGET_EYEBROWS, STR_FACE_EYEBROWS, GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face, CMFV_EYEBROWS, this->ge), false); this->DrawFaceStringLabel(SCMFW_WIDGET_EYECOLOUR, STR_FACE_EYECOLOUR, GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face, CMFV_EYE_COLOUR, this->ge), false); this->DrawFaceStringLabel(SCMFW_WIDGET_GLASSES, STR_FACE_GLASSES, GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face, CMFV_GLASSES, this->ge), false); this->DrawFaceStringLabel(SCMFW_WIDGET_NOSE, STR_FACE_NOSE, GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face, CMFV_NOSE, this->ge), false); this->DrawFaceStringLabel(SCMFW_WIDGET_CHIN, STR_FACE_CHIN, GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face, CMFV_CHIN, this->ge), false); this->DrawFaceStringLabel(SCMFW_WIDGET_JACKET, STR_FACE_JACKET, GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face, CMFV_JACKET, this->ge), false); this->DrawFaceStringLabel(SCMFW_WIDGET_COLLAR, STR_FACE_COLLAR, GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face, CMFV_COLLAR, this->ge), false); } /* Draw the company manager face picture */ DrawCompanyManagerFace(this->face, GetCompany((CompanyID)this->window_number)->colour, 2, 16); } virtual void OnClick(Point pt, int widget) { switch (widget) { /* Toggle size, advanced/simple face selection */ case SCMFW_WIDGET_TOGGLE_LARGE_SMALL: case SCMFW_WIDGET_TOGGLE_LARGE_SMALL_BUTTON: { DoCommandP(0, 0, this->face, CMD_SET_COMPANY_MANAGER_FACE); /* Backup some data before deletion */ int oldtop = this->top; ///< current top position of the window before closing it int oldleft = this->left; ///< current top position of the window before closing it bool adv = !this->advanced; Window *parent = this->parent; delete this; /* Open up the (toggled size) Face selection window at the same position as the previous */ DoSelectCompanyManagerFace(parent, adv, oldtop, oldleft); } break; /* OK button */ case SCMFW_WIDGET_ACCEPT: DoCommandP(0, 0, this->face, CMD_SET_COMPANY_MANAGER_FACE); /* Fall-Through */ /* Cancel button */ case SCMFW_WIDGET_CANCEL: delete this; break; /* Load button */ case SCMFW_WIDGET_LOAD: this->face = _company_manager_face; ScaleAllCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face); ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_FACE_LOAD_DONE, 0, 0); this->UpdateData(); this->SetDirty(); break; /* 'Company manager face number' button, view and/or set company manager face number */ case SCMFW_WIDGET_FACECODE: SetDParam(0, this->face); ShowQueryString(STR_JUST_INT, STR_FACE_FACECODE_CAPTION, 10 + 1, 0, this, CS_NUMERAL, QSF_NONE); break; /* Save button */ case SCMFW_WIDGET_SAVE: _company_manager_face = this->face; ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_FACE_SAVE_DONE, 0, 0); break; /* Toggle gender (male/female) button */ case SCMFW_WIDGET_MALE: case SCMFW_WIDGET_FEMALE: SetCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face, CMFV_GENDER, this->ge, widget - SCMFW_WIDGET_MALE); ScaleAllCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face); this->UpdateData(); this->SetDirty(); break; /* Randomize face button */ case SCMFW_WIDGET_RANDOM_NEW_FACE: RandomCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face, this->ge, this->advanced); this->UpdateData(); this->SetDirty(); break; /* Toggle ethnicity (european/african) button */ case SCMFW_WIDGET_ETHNICITY_EUR: case SCMFW_WIDGET_ETHNICITY_AFR: SetCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face, CMFV_ETHNICITY, this->ge, widget - SCMFW_WIDGET_ETHNICITY_EUR); ScaleAllCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face); this->UpdateData(); this->SetDirty(); break; default: /* For all buttons from SCMFW_WIDGET_HAS_MOUSTACHE_EARRING to SCMFW_WIDGET_GLASSES_R is the same function. * Therefor is this combined function. * First it checks which CompanyManagerFaceVariable will be change and then * a: invert the value for boolean variables * or b: it checks inside of IncreaseCompanyManagerFaceBits() if a left (_L) butten is pressed and then decrease else increase the variable */ if (this->advanced && widget >= SCMFW_WIDGET_HAS_MOUSTACHE_EARRING && widget <= SCMFW_WIDGET_GLASSES_R) { CompanyManagerFaceVariable cmfv; // which CompanyManagerFaceVariable shall be edited if (widget < SCMFW_WIDGET_EYECOLOUR_L) { // Bool buttons switch (widget - SCMFW_WIDGET_HAS_MOUSTACHE_EARRING) { default: NOT_REACHED(); case 0: cmfv = this->is_female ? CMFV_HAS_TIE_EARRING : CMFV_HAS_MOUSTACHE; break; // Has earring/moustache button case 1: cmfv = CMFV_HAS_GLASSES; break; // Has glasses button } SetCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face, cmfv, this->ge, !GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face, cmfv, this->ge)); ScaleAllCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face); } else { // Value buttons switch ((widget - SCMFW_WIDGET_EYECOLOUR_L) / 3) { default: NOT_REACHED(); case 0: cmfv = CMFV_EYE_COLOUR; break; // Eye colour buttons case 1: cmfv = CMFV_CHIN; break; // Chin buttons case 2: cmfv = CMFV_EYEBROWS; break; // Eyebrows buttons case 3: cmfv = this->is_moust_male ? CMFV_MOUSTACHE : CMFV_LIPS; break; // Moustache or lips buttons case 4: cmfv = CMFV_NOSE; break; // Nose buttons case 5: cmfv = CMFV_HAIR; break; // Hair buttons case 6: cmfv = CMFV_JACKET; break; // Jacket buttons case 7: cmfv = CMFV_COLLAR; break; // Collar buttons case 8: cmfv = CMFV_TIE_EARRING; break; // Tie/earring buttons case 9: cmfv = CMFV_GLASSES; break; // Glasses buttons } /* 0 == left (_L), 1 == middle or 2 == right (_R) - button click */ IncreaseCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face, cmfv, this->ge, (((widget - SCMFW_WIDGET_EYECOLOUR_L) % 3) != 0) ? 1 : -1); } this->UpdateData(); this->SetDirty(); } break; } } virtual void OnQueryTextFinished(char *str) { if (str == NULL) return; /* Set a new company manager face number */ if (!StrEmpty(str)) { this->face = strtoul(str, NULL, 10); ScaleAllCompanyManagerFaceBits(this->face); ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_FACE_FACECODE_SET, 0, 0); this->UpdateData(); this->SetDirty(); } else { ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_FACE_FACECODE_ERR, 0, 0); } } }; /** normal/simple company manager face selection window description */ static const WindowDesc _select_company_manager_face_desc( WDP_AUTO, WDP_AUTO, 190, 163, 190, 163, WC_COMPANY_MANAGER_FACE, WC_NONE, WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS | WDF_CONSTRUCTION, _select_company_manager_face_widgets ); /** advanced company manager face selection window description */ static const WindowDesc _select_company_manager_face_adv_desc( WDP_AUTO, WDP_AUTO, 220, 220, 220, 220, WC_COMPANY_MANAGER_FACE, WC_NONE, WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS | WDF_CONSTRUCTION, _select_company_manager_face_adv_widgets ); /** * Open the simple/advanced company manager face selection window * * @param parent the parent company window * @param adv simple or advanced face selection window * @param top previous top position of the window * @param left previous left position of the window */ static void DoSelectCompanyManagerFace(Window *parent, bool adv, int top, int left) { if (!IsValidCompanyID((CompanyID)parent->window_number)) return; if (BringWindowToFrontById(WC_COMPANY_MANAGER_FACE, parent->window_number)) return; new SelectCompanyManagerFaceWindow(adv ? &_select_company_manager_face_adv_desc : &_select_company_manager_face_desc, parent, adv, top, left); // simple or advanced window } /* Names of the widgets. Keep them in the same order as in the widget array */ enum CompanyWindowWidgets { CW_WIDGET_CLOSEBOX = 0, CW_WIDGET_CAPTION, CW_WIDGET_FACE, CW_WIDGET_NEW_FACE, CW_WIDGET_COLOUR_SCHEME, CW_WIDGET_PRESIDENT_NAME, CW_WIDGET_COMPANY_NAME, CW_WIDGET_BUILD_VIEW_HQ, CW_WIDGET_RELOCATE_HQ, CW_WIDGET_BUY_SHARE, CW_WIDGET_SELL_SHARE, CW_WIDGET_COMPANY_PASSWORD, CW_WIDGET_COMPANY_JOIN, }; static const Widget _company_widgets[] = { { WWT_CLOSEBOX, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 11, 359, 0, 13, STR_7001, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 0, 359, 14, 157, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 0, 89, 158, 169, STR_7004_NEW_FACE, STR_7030_SELECT_NEW_FACE_FOR_PRESIDENT}, { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 90, 179, 158, 169, STR_7005_COLOUR_SCHEME, STR_7031_CHANGE_THE_COMPANY_VEHICLE}, { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 180, 269, 158, 169, STR_7009_PRESIDENT_NAME, STR_7032_CHANGE_THE_PRESIDENT_S}, { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 270, 359, 158, 169, STR_7008_COMPANY_NAME, STR_7033_CHANGE_THE_COMPANY_NAME}, { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 266, 355, 18, 29, STR_7072_VIEW_HQ, STR_7070_BUILD_COMPANY_HEADQUARTERS}, { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 266, 355, 32, 43, STR_RELOCATE_HQ, STR_RELOCATE_COMPANY_HEADQUARTERS}, { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 0, 179, 158, 169, STR_7077_BUY_25_SHARE_IN_COMPANY, STR_7079_BUY_25_SHARE_IN_THIS_COMPANY}, { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 180, 359, 158, 169, STR_7078_SELL_25_SHARE_IN_COMPANY, STR_707A_SELL_25_SHARE_IN_THIS_COMPANY}, { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 266, 355, 138, 149, STR_COMPANY_PASSWORD, STR_COMPANY_PASSWORD_TOOLTIP}, { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_GREY, 266, 355, 138, 149, STR_COMPANY_JOIN, STR_COMPANY_JOIN_TIP}, { WIDGETS_END}, }; /** * Draws text "Vehicles:" and number of all vehicle types, or "(none)" * @param company ID of company to print statistics of */ static void DrawCompanyVehiclesAmount(CompanyID company) { const int x = 110; int y = 63; const Vehicle *v; uint train = 0; uint road = 0; uint air = 0; uint ship = 0; DrawString(x, y, STR_7039_VEHICLES, TC_FROMSTRING); FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { if (v->owner == company) { switch (v->type) { case VEH_TRAIN: if (IsFrontEngine(v)) train++; break; case VEH_ROAD: if (IsRoadVehFront(v)) road++; break; case VEH_AIRCRAFT: if (IsNormalAircraft(v)) air++; break; case VEH_SHIP: ship++; break; default: break; } } } if (train + road + air + ship == 0) { DrawString(x + 70, y, STR_7042_NONE, TC_FROMSTRING); } else { if (train != 0) { SetDParam(0, train); DrawString(x + 70, y, STR_TRAINS, TC_FROMSTRING); y += 10; } if (road != 0) { SetDParam(0, road); DrawString(x + 70, y, STR_ROAD_VEHICLES, TC_FROMSTRING); y += 10; } if (air != 0) { SetDParam(0, air); DrawString(x + 70, y, STR_AIRCRAFT, TC_FROMSTRING); y += 10; } if (ship != 0) { SetDParam(0, ship); DrawString(x + 70, y, STR_SHIPS, TC_FROMSTRING); } } } int GetAmountOwnedBy(const Company *c, Owner owner) { return (c->share_owners[0] == owner) + (c->share_owners[1] == owner) + (c->share_owners[2] == owner) + (c->share_owners[3] == owner); } /** * Draws list of all companies with shares * @param c pointer to the Company structure */ static void DrawCompanyOwnerText(const Company *c) { const Company *c2; uint num = 0; const byte height = GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL); FOR_ALL_COMPANIES(c2) { uint amt = GetAmountOwnedBy(c, c2->index); if (amt != 0) { SetDParam(0, amt * 25); SetDParam(1, c2->index); DrawString(120, (num++) * height + 116, STR_707D_OWNED_BY, TC_FROMSTRING); } } } /** * Window with general information about a company */ struct CompanyWindow : Window { CompanyWindowWidgets query_widget; CompanyWindow(const WindowDesc *desc, WindowNumber window_number) : Window(desc, window_number) { this->owner = (Owner)this->window_number; this->FindWindowPlacementAndResize(desc); } virtual void OnPaint() { const Company *c = GetCompany((CompanyID)this->window_number); bool local = this->window_number == _local_company; this->SetWidgetHiddenState(CW_WIDGET_NEW_FACE, !local); this->SetWidgetHiddenState(CW_WIDGET_COLOUR_SCHEME, !local); this->SetWidgetHiddenState(CW_WIDGET_PRESIDENT_NAME, !local); this->SetWidgetHiddenState(CW_WIDGET_COMPANY_NAME, !local); this->widget[CW_WIDGET_BUILD_VIEW_HQ].data = (local && c->location_of_HQ == INVALID_TILE) ? STR_706F_BUILD_HQ : STR_7072_VIEW_HQ; if (local && c->location_of_HQ != INVALID_TILE) this->widget[CW_WIDGET_BUILD_VIEW_HQ].type = WWT_PUSHTXTBTN; // HQ is already built. this->SetWidgetDisabledState(CW_WIDGET_BUILD_VIEW_HQ, !local && c->location_of_HQ == INVALID_TILE); this->SetWidgetHiddenState(CW_WIDGET_RELOCATE_HQ, !local || c->location_of_HQ == INVALID_TILE); this->SetWidgetHiddenState(CW_WIDGET_BUY_SHARE, local); this->SetWidgetHiddenState(CW_WIDGET_SELL_SHARE, local); this->SetWidgetHiddenState(CW_WIDGET_COMPANY_PASSWORD, !local || !_networking); this->SetWidgetHiddenState(CW_WIDGET_COMPANY_JOIN, local || !_networking); this->SetWidgetDisabledState(CW_WIDGET_COMPANY_JOIN, !IsHumanCompany(c->index)); if (!local) { if (_settings_game.economy.allow_shares) { // Shares are allowed /* If all shares are owned by someone (none by nobody), disable buy button */ this->SetWidgetDisabledState(CW_WIDGET_BUY_SHARE, GetAmountOwnedBy(c, INVALID_OWNER) == 0 || /* Only 25% left to buy. If the company is human, disable buying it up.. TODO issues! */ (GetAmountOwnedBy(c, INVALID_OWNER) == 1 && !c->is_ai) || /* Spectators cannot do anything of course */ _local_company == COMPANY_SPECTATOR); /* If the company doesn't own any shares, disable sell button */ this->SetWidgetDisabledState(CW_WIDGET_SELL_SHARE, (GetAmountOwnedBy(c, _local_company) == 0) || /* Spectators cannot do anything of course */ _local_company == COMPANY_SPECTATOR); } else { // Shares are not allowed, disable buy/sell buttons this->DisableWidget(CW_WIDGET_BUY_SHARE); this->DisableWidget(CW_WIDGET_SELL_SHARE); } } SetDParam(0, c->index); SetDParam(1, c->index); this->DrawWidgets(); #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK if (_networking && NetworkCompanyIsPassworded(c->index)) { DrawSprite(SPR_LOCK, PAL_NONE, this->widget[CW_WIDGET_COMPANY_JOIN].left - 10, this->widget[CW_WIDGET_COMPANY_JOIN].top + 2); } #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ /* Company manager's face */ DrawCompanyManagerFace(c->face, c->colour, 2, 16); /* "xxx (Manager)" */ SetDParam(0, c->index); DrawStringMultiLine(48 - MAX_LENGTH_PRESIDENT_NAME_PIXELS / 2, 48 + MAX_LENGTH_PRESIDENT_NAME_PIXELS / 2, 135, 157, STR_7037_PRESIDENT, SA_CENTER); /* "Inaugurated:" */ SetDParam(0, c->inaugurated_year); DrawString(110, 23, STR_7038_INAUGURATED, TC_FROMSTRING); /* "Colour scheme:" */ DrawString(110, 43, STR_7006_COLOUR_SCHEME, TC_FROMSTRING); /* Draw company-colour bus */ DrawSprite(SPR_VEH_BUS_SW_VIEW, COMPANY_SPRITE_COLOUR(c->index), 215, 44); /* "Vehicles:" */ DrawCompanyVehiclesAmount((CompanyID)this->window_number); /* "Company value:" */ SetDParam(0, CalculateCompanyValue(c)); DrawString(110, 106, STR_7076_COMPANY_VALUE, TC_FROMSTRING); /* Shares list */ DrawCompanyOwnerText(c); } virtual void OnClick(Point pt, int widget) { switch (widget) { case CW_WIDGET_NEW_FACE: DoSelectCompanyManagerFace(this, false); break; case CW_WIDGET_COLOUR_SCHEME: if (BringWindowToFrontById(WC_COMPANY_COLOUR, this->window_number)) break; new SelectCompanyLiveryWindow(&_select_company_livery_desc, (CompanyID)this->window_number); break; case CW_WIDGET_PRESIDENT_NAME: this->query_widget = CW_WIDGET_PRESIDENT_NAME; SetDParam(0, this->window_number); ShowQueryString(STR_PRESIDENT_NAME, STR_700B_PRESIDENT_S_NAME, MAX_LENGTH_PRESIDENT_NAME_BYTES, MAX_LENGTH_PRESIDENT_NAME_PIXELS, this, CS_ALPHANUMERAL, QSF_ENABLE_DEFAULT); break; case CW_WIDGET_COMPANY_NAME: this->query_widget = CW_WIDGET_COMPANY_NAME; SetDParam(0, this->window_number); ShowQueryString(STR_COMPANY_NAME, STR_700A_COMPANY_NAME, MAX_LENGTH_COMPANY_NAME_BYTES, MAX_LENGTH_COMPANY_NAME_PIXELS, this, CS_ALPHANUMERAL, QSF_ENABLE_DEFAULT); break; case CW_WIDGET_BUILD_VIEW_HQ: { TileIndex tile = GetCompany((CompanyID)this->window_number)->location_of_HQ; if (tile == INVALID_TILE) { if ((byte)this->window_number != _local_company) return; SetObjectToPlaceWnd(SPR_CURSOR_HQ, PAL_NONE, VHM_RECT, this); SetTileSelectSize(2, 2); this->LowerWidget(CW_WIDGET_BUILD_VIEW_HQ); this->InvalidateWidget(CW_WIDGET_BUILD_VIEW_HQ); } else { if (_ctrl_pressed) { ShowExtraViewPortWindow(tile); } else { ScrollMainWindowToTile(tile); } } break; } case CW_WIDGET_RELOCATE_HQ: SetObjectToPlaceWnd(SPR_CURSOR_HQ, PAL_NONE, VHM_RECT, this); SetTileSelectSize(2, 2); this->LowerWidget(CW_WIDGET_RELOCATE_HQ); this->InvalidateWidget(CW_WIDGET_RELOCATE_HQ); break; case CW_WIDGET_BUY_SHARE: DoCommandP(0, this->window_number, 0, CMD_BUY_SHARE_IN_COMPANY | CMD_MSG(STR_707B_CAN_T_BUY_25_SHARE_IN_THIS)); break; case CW_WIDGET_SELL_SHARE: DoCommandP(0, this->window_number, 0, CMD_SELL_SHARE_IN_COMPANY | CMD_MSG(STR_707C_CAN_T_SELL_25_SHARE_IN)); break; #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK case CW_WIDGET_COMPANY_PASSWORD: if (this->window_number == _local_company) ShowNetworkCompanyPasswordWindow(this); break; case CW_WIDGET_COMPANY_JOIN: { this->query_widget = CW_WIDGET_COMPANY_JOIN; CompanyID company = (CompanyID)this->window_number; if (_network_server) { NetworkServerDoMove(CLIENT_ID_SERVER, company); MarkWholeScreenDirty(); } else if (NetworkCompanyIsPassworded(company)) { /* ask for the password */ ShowQueryString(STR_EMPTY, STR_NETWORK_NEED_COMPANY_PASSWORD_CAPTION, 20, 180, this, CS_ALPHANUMERAL, QSF_NONE); } else { /* just send the join command */ NetworkClientRequestMove(company); } break; } #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ } } virtual void OnHundredthTick() { /* redraw the window every now and then */ this->SetDirty(); } virtual void OnPlaceObject(Point pt, TileIndex tile) { if (DoCommandP(tile, 0, 0, CMD_BUILD_COMPANY_HQ | CMD_MSG(STR_7071_CAN_T_BUILD_COMPANY_HEADQUARTERS))) ResetObjectToPlace(); this->widget[CW_WIDGET_BUILD_VIEW_HQ].type = WWT_PUSHTXTBTN; // this button can now behave as a normal push button this->RaiseButtons(); } virtual void OnPlaceObjectAbort() { this->RaiseButtons(); } virtual void OnQueryTextFinished(char *str) { if (str == NULL) return; switch (this->query_widget) { default: NOT_REACHED(); case CW_WIDGET_PRESIDENT_NAME: DoCommandP(0, 0, 0, CMD_RENAME_PRESIDENT | CMD_MSG(STR_700D_CAN_T_CHANGE_PRESIDENT), NULL, str); break; case CW_WIDGET_COMPANY_NAME: DoCommandP(0, 0, 0, CMD_RENAME_COMPANY | CMD_MSG(STR_700C_CAN_T_CHANGE_COMPANY_NAME), NULL, str); break; #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK case CW_WIDGET_COMPANY_JOIN: NetworkClientRequestMove((CompanyID)this->window_number, str); break; #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ } } }; static const WindowDesc _company_desc( WDP_AUTO, WDP_AUTO, 360, 170, 360, 170, WC_COMPANY, WC_NONE, WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS, _company_widgets ); void ShowCompany(CompanyID company) { if (!IsValidCompanyID(company)) return; AllocateWindowDescFront(&_company_desc, company); } struct BuyCompanyWindow : Window { BuyCompanyWindow(const WindowDesc *desc, WindowNumber window_number) : Window(desc, window_number) { this->FindWindowPlacementAndResize(desc); } virtual void OnPaint() { Company *c = GetCompany((CompanyID)this->window_number); SetDParam(0, STR_COMPANY_NAME); SetDParam(1, c->index); this->DrawWidgets(); DrawCompanyManagerFace(c->face, c->colour, 2, 16); SetDParam(0, c->index); SetDParam(1, c->bankrupt_value); DrawStringMultiLine(95, 333, 26, 116, STR_705B_WE_ARE_LOOKING_FOR_A_TRANSPORT, SA_CENTER); } virtual void OnClick(Point pt, int widget) { switch (widget) { case 3: delete this; break; case 4: DoCommandP(0, this->window_number, 0, CMD_BUY_COMPANY | CMD_MSG(STR_7060_CAN_T_BUY_COMPANY)); break; } } }; static const Widget _buy_company_widgets[] = { { WWT_CLOSEBOX, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_LIGHT_BLUE, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_LIGHT_BLUE, 11, 333, 0, 13, STR_00B3_MESSAGE_FROM, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_LIGHT_BLUE, 0, 333, 14, 136, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_LIGHT_BLUE, 148, 207, 117, 128, STR_00C9_NO, STR_NULL}, { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_LIGHT_BLUE, 218, 277, 117, 128, STR_00C8_YES, STR_NULL}, { WIDGETS_END}, }; static const WindowDesc _buy_company_desc( 153, 171, 334, 137, 334, 137, WC_BUY_COMPANY, WC_NONE, WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_CONSTRUCTION, _buy_company_widgets ); void ShowBuyCompanyDialog(CompanyID company) { AllocateWindowDescFront(&_buy_company_desc, company); }