/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file vehicle_gui.cpp The base GUI for all vehicles. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "debug.h" #include "company_func.h" #include "gui.h" #include "textbuf_gui.h" #include "command_func.h" #include "vehicle_gui_base.h" #include "viewport_func.h" #include "newgrf_text.h" #include "newgrf_debug.h" #include "roadveh.h" #include "train.h" #include "aircraft.h" #include "depot_map.h" #include "group_gui.h" #include "strings_func.h" #include "vehicle_func.h" #include "autoreplace_gui.h" #include "string_func.h" #include "widgets/dropdown_func.h" #include "timetable.h" #include "articulated_vehicles.h" #include "spritecache.h" #include "core/geometry_func.hpp" #include "core/container_func.hpp" #include "company_base.h" #include "engine_func.h" #include "station_base.h" #include "tilehighlight_func.h" #include "zoom_func.h" #include "depot_cmd.h" #include "vehicle_cmd.h" #include "order_cmd.h" #include "roadveh_cmd.h" #include "train_cmd.h" #include "hotkeys.h" #include "group_cmd.h" #include "safeguards.h" BaseVehicleListWindow::GroupBy _grouping[VLT_END][VEH_COMPANY_END]; Sorting _sorting[BaseVehicleListWindow::GB_END]; static BaseVehicleListWindow::VehicleIndividualSortFunction VehicleNumberSorter; static BaseVehicleListWindow::VehicleIndividualSortFunction VehicleNameSorter; static BaseVehicleListWindow::VehicleIndividualSortFunction VehicleAgeSorter; static BaseVehicleListWindow::VehicleIndividualSortFunction VehicleProfitThisYearSorter; static BaseVehicleListWindow::VehicleIndividualSortFunction VehicleProfitLastYearSorter; static BaseVehicleListWindow::VehicleIndividualSortFunction VehicleCargoSorter; static BaseVehicleListWindow::VehicleIndividualSortFunction VehicleReliabilitySorter; static BaseVehicleListWindow::VehicleIndividualSortFunction VehicleMaxSpeedSorter; static BaseVehicleListWindow::VehicleIndividualSortFunction VehicleModelSorter; static BaseVehicleListWindow::VehicleIndividualSortFunction VehicleValueSorter; static BaseVehicleListWindow::VehicleIndividualSortFunction VehicleLengthSorter; static BaseVehicleListWindow::VehicleIndividualSortFunction VehicleTimeToLiveSorter; static BaseVehicleListWindow::VehicleIndividualSortFunction VehicleTimetableDelaySorter; static BaseVehicleListWindow::VehicleGroupSortFunction VehicleGroupLengthSorter; static BaseVehicleListWindow::VehicleGroupSortFunction VehicleGroupTotalProfitThisYearSorter; static BaseVehicleListWindow::VehicleGroupSortFunction VehicleGroupTotalProfitLastYearSorter; static BaseVehicleListWindow::VehicleGroupSortFunction VehicleGroupAverageProfitThisYearSorter; static BaseVehicleListWindow::VehicleGroupSortFunction VehicleGroupAverageProfitLastYearSorter; /** Wrapper to convert a VehicleIndividualSortFunction to a VehicleGroupSortFunction */ template static bool VehicleIndividualToGroupSorterWrapper(GUIVehicleGroup const &a, GUIVehicleGroup const &b) { return func(*(a.vehicles_begin), *(b.vehicles_begin)); } BaseVehicleListWindow::VehicleGroupSortFunction * const BaseVehicleListWindow::vehicle_group_none_sorter_funcs[] = { &VehicleIndividualToGroupSorterWrapper, &VehicleIndividualToGroupSorterWrapper, &VehicleIndividualToGroupSorterWrapper, &VehicleIndividualToGroupSorterWrapper, &VehicleIndividualToGroupSorterWrapper, &VehicleIndividualToGroupSorterWrapper, &VehicleIndividualToGroupSorterWrapper, &VehicleIndividualToGroupSorterWrapper, &VehicleIndividualToGroupSorterWrapper, &VehicleIndividualToGroupSorterWrapper, &VehicleIndividualToGroupSorterWrapper, &VehicleIndividualToGroupSorterWrapper, &VehicleIndividualToGroupSorterWrapper, }; const StringID BaseVehicleListWindow::vehicle_group_none_sorter_names[] = { STR_SORT_BY_NUMBER, STR_SORT_BY_NAME, STR_SORT_BY_AGE, STR_SORT_BY_PROFIT_THIS_YEAR, STR_SORT_BY_PROFIT_LAST_YEAR, STR_SORT_BY_TOTAL_CAPACITY_PER_CARGOTYPE, STR_SORT_BY_RELIABILITY, STR_SORT_BY_MAX_SPEED, STR_SORT_BY_MODEL, STR_SORT_BY_VALUE, STR_SORT_BY_LENGTH, STR_SORT_BY_LIFE_TIME, STR_SORT_BY_TIMETABLE_DELAY, INVALID_STRING_ID }; BaseVehicleListWindow::VehicleGroupSortFunction * const BaseVehicleListWindow::vehicle_group_shared_orders_sorter_funcs[] = { &VehicleGroupLengthSorter, &VehicleGroupTotalProfitThisYearSorter, &VehicleGroupTotalProfitLastYearSorter, &VehicleGroupAverageProfitThisYearSorter, &VehicleGroupAverageProfitLastYearSorter, }; const StringID BaseVehicleListWindow::vehicle_group_shared_orders_sorter_names[] = { STR_SORT_BY_NUM_VEHICLES, STR_SORT_BY_TOTAL_PROFIT_THIS_YEAR, STR_SORT_BY_TOTAL_PROFIT_LAST_YEAR, STR_SORT_BY_AVERAGE_PROFIT_THIS_YEAR, STR_SORT_BY_AVERAGE_PROFIT_LAST_YEAR, INVALID_STRING_ID }; const StringID BaseVehicleListWindow::vehicle_group_by_names[] = { STR_GROUP_BY_NONE, STR_GROUP_BY_SHARED_ORDERS, INVALID_STRING_ID }; const StringID BaseVehicleListWindow::vehicle_depot_name[] = { STR_VEHICLE_LIST_SEND_TRAIN_TO_DEPOT, STR_VEHICLE_LIST_SEND_ROAD_VEHICLE_TO_DEPOT, STR_VEHICLE_LIST_SEND_SHIP_TO_DEPOT, STR_VEHICLE_LIST_SEND_AIRCRAFT_TO_HANGAR }; BaseVehicleListWindow::BaseVehicleListWindow(WindowDesc *desc, WindowNumber wno) : Window(desc), vli(VehicleListIdentifier::UnPack(wno)) { this->vehicle_sel = INVALID_VEHICLE; this->grouping = _grouping[vli.type][vli.vtype]; this->UpdateSortingFromGrouping(); } /** * Get the number of digits of space required for the given number. * @param number The number. * @return The number of digits to allocate space for. */ uint CountDigitsForAllocatingSpace(uint number) { if (number >= 10000) return 5; if (number >= 1000) return 4; if (number >= 100) return 3; /* * When the smallest unit number is less than 10, it is * quite likely that it will expand to become more than * 10 quite soon. */ return 2; } /** * Get the number of digits the biggest unit number of a set of vehicles has. * @param vehicles The list of vehicles. * @return The number of digits to allocate space for. */ uint GetUnitNumberDigits(VehicleList &vehicles) { uint unitnumber = 0; for (const Vehicle *v : vehicles) { unitnumber = std::max(unitnumber, v->unitnumber); } return CountDigitsForAllocatingSpace(unitnumber); } void BaseVehicleListWindow::BuildVehicleList() { if (!this->vehgroups.NeedRebuild()) return; Debug(misc, 3, "Building vehicle list type {} for company {} given index {}", this->vli.type, this->vli.company, this->vli.index); this->vehgroups.clear(); GenerateVehicleSortList(&this->vehicles, this->vli); if (this->grouping == GB_NONE) { uint max_unitnumber = 0; for (auto it = this->vehicles.begin(); it != this->vehicles.end(); ++it) { this->vehgroups.emplace_back(it, it + 1); max_unitnumber = std::max(max_unitnumber, (*it)->unitnumber); } this->unitnumber_digits = CountDigitsForAllocatingSpace(max_unitnumber); } else { /* Sort by the primary vehicle; we just want all vehicles that share the same orders to form a contiguous range. */ std::stable_sort(this->vehicles.begin(), this->vehicles.end(), [](const Vehicle * const &u, const Vehicle * const &v) { return u->FirstShared() < v->FirstShared(); }); uint max_num_vehicles = 0; VehicleList::const_iterator begin = this->vehicles.begin(); while (begin != this->vehicles.end()) { VehicleList::const_iterator end = std::find_if_not(begin, this->vehicles.cend(), [first_shared = (*begin)->FirstShared()](const Vehicle * const &v) { return v->FirstShared() == first_shared; }); this->vehgroups.emplace_back(begin, end); max_num_vehicles = std::max(max_num_vehicles, static_cast(end - begin)); begin = end; } this->unitnumber_digits = CountDigitsForAllocatingSpace(max_num_vehicles); } this->FilterVehicleList(); this->vehgroups.RebuildDone(); this->vscroll->SetCount(this->vehgroups.size()); } /** * Check whether a single vehicle should pass the filter. * * @param v The vehicle to check. * @param cid The cargo to filter for. * @return true iff the vehicle carries the cargo. */ static bool CargoFilterSingle(const Vehicle *v, const CargoID cid) { if (cid == BaseVehicleListWindow::CF_ANY) { return true; } else if (cid == BaseVehicleListWindow::CF_NONE) { for (const Vehicle *w = v; w != nullptr; w = w->Next()) { if (w->cargo_cap > 0) { return false; } } return true; } else if (cid == BaseVehicleListWindow::CF_FREIGHT) { bool have_capacity = false; for (const Vehicle *w = v; w != nullptr; w = w->Next()) { if (w->cargo_cap > 0) { if (IsCargoInClass(w->cargo_type, CC_PASSENGERS)) { return false; } else { have_capacity = true; } } } return have_capacity; } else { for (const Vehicle *w = v; w != nullptr; w = w->Next()) { if (w->cargo_cap > 0 && w->cargo_type == cid) { return true; } } return false; } } /** * Check whether a vehicle can carry a specific cargo. * * @param vehgroup The vehicle group which contains the vehicle to be checked * @param cid The cargo what we are looking for * @return Whether the vehicle can carry the specified cargo or not */ static bool CargoFilter(const GUIVehicleGroup *vehgroup, const CargoID cid) { auto it = vehgroup->vehicles_begin; /* Check if any vehicle in the group matches; if so, the whole group does. */ for (; it != vehgroup->vehicles_end; it++) { if (CargoFilterSingle(*it, cid)) return true; } return false; } static GUIVehicleGroupList::FilterFunction * const _filter_funcs[] = { &CargoFilter, }; /** * Set cargo filter list item index. * @param index The index to be set */ void BaseVehicleListWindow::SetCargoFilterIndex(byte index) { if (this->cargo_filter_criteria != index) { this->cargo_filter_criteria = index; /* Deactivate filter if criteria is 'Show All', activate it otherwise. */ this->vehgroups.SetFilterState(this->cargo_filter[this->cargo_filter_criteria] != CF_ANY); this->vehgroups.SetFilterType(0); this->vehgroups.ForceRebuild(); } } /** *Populate the filter list and set the cargo filter criteria. */ void BaseVehicleListWindow::SetCargoFilterArray() { byte filter_items = 0; /* Add item for disabling filtering. */ this->cargo_filter[filter_items] = CF_ANY; this->cargo_filter_texts[filter_items] = STR_CARGO_TYPE_FILTER_ALL; this->cargo_filter_criteria = filter_items; filter_items++; /* Add item for freight (i.e. vehicles with cargo capacity and with no passenger capacity). */ this->cargo_filter[filter_items] = CF_FREIGHT; this->cargo_filter_texts[filter_items] = STR_CARGO_TYPE_FILTER_FREIGHT; filter_items++; /* Add item for vehicles not carrying anything, e.g. train engines. */ this->cargo_filter[filter_items] = CF_NONE; this->cargo_filter_texts[filter_items] = STR_CARGO_TYPE_FILTER_NONE; filter_items++; /* Collect available cargo types for filtering. */ for (const auto &cs : _sorted_cargo_specs) { this->cargo_filter[filter_items] = cs->Index(); this->cargo_filter_texts[filter_items] = cs->name; filter_items++; } /* Terminate the filter list. */ this->cargo_filter_texts[filter_items] = INVALID_STRING_ID; this->vehgroups.SetFilterFuncs(_filter_funcs); this->vehgroups.SetFilterState(this->cargo_filter[this->cargo_filter_criteria] != CF_ANY); } /** *Filter the engine list against the currently selected cargo filter. */ void BaseVehicleListWindow::FilterVehicleList() { this->vehgroups.Filter(this->cargo_filter[this->cargo_filter_criteria]); if (this->vehicles.empty()) { /* No vehicle passed through the filter, invalidate the previously selected vehicle */ this->vehicle_sel = INVALID_VEHICLE; } else if (this->vehicle_sel != INVALID_VEHICLE && std::find(this->vehicles.begin(), this->vehicles.end(), Vehicle::Get(this->vehicle_sel)) == this->vehicles.end()) { // previously selected engine didn't pass the filter, remove selection this->vehicle_sel = INVALID_VEHICLE; } } /** * Compute the size for the Action dropdown. * @param show_autoreplace If true include the autoreplace item. * @param show_group If true include group-related stuff. * @param show_create If true include group-create item. * @return Required size. */ Dimension BaseVehicleListWindow::GetActionDropdownSize(bool show_autoreplace, bool show_group, bool show_create) { Dimension d = {0, 0}; if (show_autoreplace) d = maxdim(d, GetStringBoundingBox(STR_VEHICLE_LIST_REPLACE_VEHICLES)); d = maxdim(d, GetStringBoundingBox(STR_VEHICLE_LIST_SEND_FOR_SERVICING)); d = maxdim(d, GetStringBoundingBox(this->vehicle_depot_name[this->vli.vtype])); if (show_group) { d = maxdim(d, GetStringBoundingBox(STR_GROUP_ADD_SHARED_VEHICLE)); d = maxdim(d, GetStringBoundingBox(STR_GROUP_REMOVE_ALL_VEHICLES)); } else if (show_create) { d = maxdim(d, GetStringBoundingBox(STR_VEHICLE_LIST_CREATE_GROUP)); } return d; } void BaseVehicleListWindow::OnInit() { this->order_arrow_width = GetStringBoundingBox(STR_JUST_RIGHT_ARROW, FS_SMALL).width; this->SetCargoFilterArray(); } /** * Display the Action dropdown window. * @param show_autoreplace If true include the autoreplace item. * @param show_group If true include group-related stuff. * @param show_create If true include group-create item. * @return Itemlist for dropdown */ DropDownList BaseVehicleListWindow::BuildActionDropdownList(bool show_autoreplace, bool show_group, bool show_create) { DropDownList list; if (show_autoreplace) list.push_back(std::make_unique(STR_VEHICLE_LIST_REPLACE_VEHICLES, ADI_REPLACE, false)); list.push_back(std::make_unique(STR_VEHICLE_LIST_SEND_FOR_SERVICING, ADI_SERVICE, false)); list.push_back(std::make_unique(this->vehicle_depot_name[this->vli.vtype], ADI_DEPOT, false)); if (show_group) { list.push_back(std::make_unique(STR_GROUP_ADD_SHARED_VEHICLE, ADI_ADD_SHARED, false)); list.push_back(std::make_unique(STR_GROUP_REMOVE_ALL_VEHICLES, ADI_REMOVE_ALL, false)); } else if (show_create) { list.push_back(std::make_unique(STR_VEHICLE_LIST_CREATE_GROUP, ADI_CREATE_GROUP, false)); } return list; } /* cached values for VehicleNameSorter to spare many GetString() calls */ static const Vehicle *_last_vehicle[2] = { nullptr, nullptr }; void BaseVehicleListWindow::SortVehicleList() { if (this->vehgroups.Sort()) return; /* invalidate cached values for name sorter - vehicle names could change */ _last_vehicle[0] = _last_vehicle[1] = nullptr; } void DepotSortList(VehicleList *list) { if (list->size() < 2) return; std::sort(list->begin(), list->end(), &VehicleNumberSorter); } /** draw the vehicle profit button in the vehicle list window. */ static void DrawVehicleProfitButton(TimerGameCalendar::Date age, Money display_profit_last_year, uint num_vehicles, int x, int y) { SpriteID spr; /* draw profit-based coloured icons */ if (age <= VEHICLE_PROFIT_MIN_AGE) { spr = SPR_PROFIT_NA; } else if (display_profit_last_year < 0) { spr = SPR_PROFIT_NEGATIVE; } else if (display_profit_last_year < VEHICLE_PROFIT_THRESHOLD * num_vehicles) { spr = SPR_PROFIT_SOME; } else { spr = SPR_PROFIT_LOT; } DrawSprite(spr, PAL_NONE, x, y); } /** Maximum number of refit cycles we try, to prevent infinite loops. And we store only a byte anyway */ static const uint MAX_REFIT_CYCLE = 256; /** * Get the best fitting subtype when 'cloning'/'replacing' \a v_from with \a v_for. * All articulated parts of both vehicles are tested to find a possibly shared subtype. * For \a v_for only vehicle refittable to \a dest_cargo_type are considered. * @param v_from the vehicle to match the subtype from * @param v_for the vehicle to get the subtype for * @param dest_cargo_type Destination cargo type. * @return the best sub type */ byte GetBestFittingSubType(Vehicle *v_from, Vehicle *v_for, CargoID dest_cargo_type) { v_from = v_from->GetFirstEnginePart(); v_for = v_for->GetFirstEnginePart(); /* Create a list of subtypes used by the various parts of v_for */ static std::vector subtypes; subtypes.clear(); for (; v_from != nullptr; v_from = v_from->HasArticulatedPart() ? v_from->GetNextArticulatedPart() : nullptr) { const Engine *e_from = v_from->GetEngine(); if (!e_from->CanCarryCargo() || !HasBit(e_from->info.callback_mask, CBM_VEHICLE_CARGO_SUFFIX)) continue; include(subtypes, GetCargoSubtypeText(v_from)); } byte ret_refit_cyc = 0; bool success = false; if (!subtypes.empty()) { /* Check whether any articulated part is refittable to 'dest_cargo_type' with a subtype listed in 'subtypes' */ for (Vehicle *v = v_for; v != nullptr; v = v->HasArticulatedPart() ? v->GetNextArticulatedPart() : nullptr) { const Engine *e = v->GetEngine(); if (!e->CanCarryCargo() || !HasBit(e->info.callback_mask, CBM_VEHICLE_CARGO_SUFFIX)) continue; if (!HasBit(e->info.refit_mask, dest_cargo_type) && v->cargo_type != dest_cargo_type) continue; CargoID old_cargo_type = v->cargo_type; byte old_cargo_subtype = v->cargo_subtype; /* Set the 'destination' cargo */ v->cargo_type = dest_cargo_type; /* Cycle through the refits */ for (uint refit_cyc = 0; refit_cyc < MAX_REFIT_CYCLE; refit_cyc++) { v->cargo_subtype = refit_cyc; /* Make sure we don't pick up anything cached. */ v->First()->InvalidateNewGRFCache(); v->InvalidateNewGRFCache(); StringID subtype = GetCargoSubtypeText(v); if (subtype == STR_EMPTY) break; if (std::find(subtypes.begin(), subtypes.end(), subtype) == subtypes.end()) continue; /* We found something matching. */ ret_refit_cyc = refit_cyc; success = true; break; } /* Reset the vehicle's cargo type */ v->cargo_type = old_cargo_type; v->cargo_subtype = old_cargo_subtype; /* Make sure we don't taint the vehicle. */ v->First()->InvalidateNewGRFCache(); v->InvalidateNewGRFCache(); if (success) break; } } return ret_refit_cyc; } /** Option to refit a vehicle chain */ struct RefitOption { CargoID cargo; ///< Cargo to refit to byte subtype; ///< Subcargo to use StringID string; ///< GRF-local String to display for the cargo /** * Inequality operator for #RefitOption. * @param other Compare to this #RefitOption. * @return True if both #RefitOption are different. */ inline bool operator != (const RefitOption &other) const { return other.cargo != this->cargo || other.string != this->string; } /** * Equality operator for #RefitOption. * @param other Compare to this #RefitOption. * @return True if both #RefitOption are equal. */ inline bool operator == (const RefitOption &other) const { return other.cargo == this->cargo && other.string == this->string; } }; using RefitOptions = std::map, CargoIDComparator>; ///< Available refit options (subtype and string) associated with each cargo type. /** * Draw the list of available refit options for a consist and highlight the selected refit option (if any). * @param refits Available refit options for each (sorted) cargo. * @param sel Selected refit option in the window * @param pos Position of the selected item in caller widow * @param rows Number of rows(capacity) in caller window * @param delta Step height in caller window * @param r Rectangle of the matrix widget. */ static void DrawVehicleRefitWindow(const RefitOptions &refits, const RefitOption *sel, uint pos, uint rows, uint delta, const Rect &r) { Rect ir = r.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.matrix); uint current = 0; bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL; uint iconwidth = std::max(GetSpriteSize(SPR_CIRCLE_FOLDED).width, GetSpriteSize(SPR_CIRCLE_UNFOLDED).width); uint iconheight = GetSpriteSize(SPR_CIRCLE_FOLDED).height; int linecolour = _colour_gradient[COLOUR_ORANGE][4]; int iconleft = rtl ? ir.right - iconwidth : ir.left; int iconcenter = rtl ? ir.right - iconwidth / 2 : ir.left + iconwidth / 2; int iconinner = rtl ? ir.right - iconwidth : ir.left + iconwidth; Rect tr = ir.Indent(iconwidth + WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_wide, rtl); /* Draw the list of subtypes for each cargo, and find the selected refit option (by its position). */ for (const auto &pair : refits) { bool has_subtypes = pair.second.size() > 1; for (const RefitOption &refit : pair.second) { if (current >= pos + rows) break; /* Hide subtypes if selected cargo type does not match */ if ((sel == nullptr || sel->cargo != refit.cargo) && refit.subtype != UINT8_MAX) continue; /* Refit options with a position smaller than pos don't have to be drawn. */ if (current < pos) { current++; continue; } if (has_subtypes) { if (refit.subtype != UINT8_MAX) { /* Draw tree lines */ int ycenter = tr.top + FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL / 2; GfxDrawLine(iconcenter, tr.top - WidgetDimensions::scaled.matrix.top, iconcenter, (&refit == &pair.second.back()) ? ycenter : tr.top - WidgetDimensions::scaled.matrix.top + delta - 1, linecolour); GfxDrawLine(iconcenter, ycenter, iconinner, ycenter, linecolour); } else { /* Draw expand/collapse icon */ DrawSprite((sel != nullptr && sel->cargo == refit.cargo) ? SPR_CIRCLE_UNFOLDED : SPR_CIRCLE_FOLDED, PAL_NONE, iconleft, tr.top + (FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL - iconheight) / 2); } } TextColour colour = (sel != nullptr && sel->cargo == refit.cargo && sel->subtype == refit.subtype) ? TC_WHITE : TC_BLACK; /* Get the cargo name. */ SetDParam(0, CargoSpec::Get(refit.cargo)->name); SetDParam(1, refit.string); DrawString(tr, STR_JUST_STRING_STRING, colour); tr.top += delta; current++; } } } /** Refit cargo window. */ struct RefitWindow : public Window { const RefitOption *selected_refit; ///< Selected refit option. RefitOptions refit_list; ///< List of refit subtypes available for each sorted cargo. VehicleOrderID order; ///< If not #INVALID_VEH_ORDER_ID, selection is part of a refit order (rather than execute directly). uint information_width; ///< Width required for correctly displaying all cargoes in the information panel. Scrollbar *vscroll; ///< The main scrollbar. Scrollbar *hscroll; ///< Only used for long vehicles. int vehicle_width; ///< Width of the vehicle being drawn. int sprite_left; ///< Left position of the vehicle sprite. int sprite_right; ///< Right position of the vehicle sprite. uint vehicle_margin; ///< Margin to use while selecting vehicles when the vehicle image is centered. int click_x; ///< Position of the first click while dragging. VehicleID selected_vehicle; ///< First vehicle in the current selection. uint8_t num_vehicles; ///< Number of selected vehicles. bool auto_refit; ///< Select cargo for auto-refitting. /** * Collects all (cargo, subcargo) refit options of a vehicle chain. */ void BuildRefitList() { /* Store the currently selected RefitOption. */ std::optional current_refit_option; if (this->selected_refit != nullptr) current_refit_option = *(this->selected_refit); this->selected_refit = nullptr; this->refit_list.clear(); Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(this->window_number); /* Check only the selected vehicles. */ VehicleSet vehicles_to_refit; GetVehicleSet(vehicles_to_refit, Vehicle::Get(this->selected_vehicle), this->num_vehicles); do { if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN && std::find(vehicles_to_refit.begin(), vehicles_to_refit.end(), v->index) == vehicles_to_refit.end()) continue; const Engine *e = v->GetEngine(); CargoTypes cmask = e->info.refit_mask; byte callback_mask = e->info.callback_mask; /* Skip this engine if it does not carry anything */ if (!e->CanCarryCargo()) continue; /* Skip this engine if we build the list for auto-refitting and engine doesn't allow it. */ if (this->auto_refit && !HasBit(e->info.misc_flags, EF_AUTO_REFIT)) continue; /* Loop through all cargoes in the refit mask */ for (const auto &cs : _sorted_cargo_specs) { CargoID cid = cs->Index(); /* Skip cargo type if it's not listed */ if (!HasBit(cmask, cid)) continue; auto &list = this->refit_list[cid]; bool first_vehicle = list.empty(); if (first_vehicle) { /* Keeping the current subtype is always an option. It also serves as the option in case of no subtypes */ list.push_back({cid, UINT8_MAX, STR_EMPTY}); } /* Check the vehicle's callback mask for cargo suffixes. * This is not supported for ordered refits, since subtypes only have a meaning * for a specific vehicle at a specific point in time, which conflicts with shared orders, * autoreplace, autorenew, clone, order restoration, ... */ if (this->order == INVALID_VEH_ORDER_ID && HasBit(callback_mask, CBM_VEHICLE_CARGO_SUFFIX)) { /* Make a note of the original cargo type. It has to be * changed to test the cargo & subtype... */ CargoID temp_cargo = v->cargo_type; byte temp_subtype = v->cargo_subtype; v->cargo_type = cid; for (uint refit_cyc = 0; refit_cyc < MAX_REFIT_CYCLE; refit_cyc++) { v->cargo_subtype = refit_cyc; /* Make sure we don't pick up anything cached. */ v->First()->InvalidateNewGRFCache(); v->InvalidateNewGRFCache(); StringID subtype = GetCargoSubtypeText(v); if (first_vehicle) { /* Append new subtype (don't add duplicates though) */ if (subtype == STR_EMPTY) break; RefitOption option; option.cargo = cid; option.subtype = refit_cyc; option.string = subtype; include(list, option); } else { /* Intersect the subtypes of earlier vehicles with the subtypes of this vehicle */ if (subtype == STR_EMPTY) { /* No more subtypes for this vehicle, delete all subtypes >= refit_cyc */ /* UINT8_MAX item is in front, other subtypes are sorted. So just truncate the list in the right spot */ for (uint i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) { if (list[i].subtype >= refit_cyc) { list.resize(i); break; } } break; } else { /* Check whether the subtype matches with the subtype of earlier vehicles. */ uint pos = 1; while (pos < list.size() && list[pos].subtype != refit_cyc) pos++; if (pos < list.size() && list[pos].string != subtype) { /* String mismatch, remove item keeping the order */ list.erase(list.begin() + pos); } } } } /* Reset the vehicle's cargo type */ v->cargo_type = temp_cargo; v->cargo_subtype = temp_subtype; /* And make sure we haven't tainted the cache */ v->First()->InvalidateNewGRFCache(); v->InvalidateNewGRFCache(); } } } while (v->IsGroundVehicle() && (v = v->Next()) != nullptr); /* Restore the previously selected RefitOption. */ if (current_refit_option.has_value()) { for (const auto &pair : this->refit_list) { for (const auto &refit : pair.second) { if (refit.cargo == current_refit_option->cargo && refit.subtype == current_refit_option->subtype) { this->selected_refit = &refit; break; } } if (this->selected_refit != nullptr) break; } } this->SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_VR_REFIT, this->selected_refit == nullptr); } /** * Refresh scrollbar after selection changed */ void RefreshScrollbar() { size_t scroll_row = 0; size_t rows = 0; CargoID cargo = this->selected_refit == nullptr ? (CargoID)CT_INVALID : this->selected_refit->cargo; for (const auto &pair : this->refit_list) { if (pair.first == cargo) { /* selected_refit points to an element in the vector so no need to search for it. */ scroll_row = rows + (this->selected_refit - pair.second.data()); rows += pair.second.size(); } else { rows++; /* Unselected cargo type is collapsed into one row. */ } } this->vscroll->SetCount(rows); this->vscroll->ScrollTowards(static_cast(scroll_row)); } /** * Select a row. * @param click_row Clicked row */ void SetSelection(uint click_row) { uint row = 0; for (const auto &pair : refit_list) { for (const RefitOption &refit : pair.second) { if (row == click_row) { this->selected_refit = &refit; return; } row++; /* If this cargo type is not already selected then its subtypes are not visible, so skip the rest. */ if (this->selected_refit == nullptr || this->selected_refit->cargo != refit.cargo) break; } } /* No selection made */ this->selected_refit = nullptr; } RefitWindow(WindowDesc *desc, const Vehicle *v, VehicleOrderID order, bool auto_refit) : Window(desc) { this->auto_refit = auto_refit; this->order = order; this->CreateNestedTree(); this->vscroll = this->GetScrollbar(WID_VR_SCROLLBAR); this->hscroll = (v->IsGroundVehicle() ? this->GetScrollbar(WID_VR_HSCROLLBAR) : nullptr); this->GetWidget(WID_VR_SELECT_HEADER)->tool_tip = STR_REFIT_TRAIN_LIST_TOOLTIP + v->type; this->GetWidget(WID_VR_MATRIX)->tool_tip = STR_REFIT_TRAIN_LIST_TOOLTIP + v->type; NWidgetCore *nwi = this->GetWidget(WID_VR_REFIT); nwi->widget_data = STR_REFIT_TRAIN_REFIT_BUTTON + v->type; nwi->tool_tip = STR_REFIT_TRAIN_REFIT_TOOLTIP + v->type; this->GetWidget(WID_VR_SHOW_HSCROLLBAR)->SetDisplayedPlane(v->IsGroundVehicle() ? 0 : SZSP_HORIZONTAL); this->GetWidget(WID_VR_VEHICLE_PANEL_DISPLAY)->tool_tip = (v->type == VEH_TRAIN) ? STR_REFIT_SELECT_VEHICLES_TOOLTIP : STR_NULL; this->FinishInitNested(v->index); this->owner = v->owner; this->SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_VR_REFIT, this->selected_refit == nullptr); } void OnInit() override { /* (Re)build the refit list */ this->OnInvalidateData(VIWD_CONSIST_CHANGED); } void OnPaint() override { /* Determine amount of items for scroller. */ if (this->hscroll != nullptr) this->hscroll->SetCount(this->vehicle_width); /* Calculate sprite position. */ NWidgetCore *vehicle_panel_display = this->GetWidget(WID_VR_VEHICLE_PANEL_DISPLAY); int sprite_width = std::max(0, ((int)vehicle_panel_display->current_x - this->vehicle_width) / 2); this->sprite_left = vehicle_panel_display->pos_x; this->sprite_right = vehicle_panel_display->pos_x + vehicle_panel_display->current_x - 1; if (_current_text_dir == TD_RTL) { this->sprite_right -= sprite_width; this->vehicle_margin = vehicle_panel_display->current_x - sprite_right; } else { this->sprite_left += sprite_width; this->vehicle_margin = sprite_left; } this->DrawWidgets(); } void UpdateWidgetSize(int widget, Dimension *size, [[maybe_unused]] const Dimension &padding, [[maybe_unused]] Dimension *fill, [[maybe_unused]] Dimension *resize) override { switch (widget) { case WID_VR_MATRIX: resize->height = FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL + padding.height; size->height = resize->height * 8; break; case WID_VR_VEHICLE_PANEL_DISPLAY: size->height = ScaleGUITrad(GetVehicleHeight(Vehicle::Get(this->window_number)->type)); break; case WID_VR_INFO: size->width = this->information_width + padding.height; break; } } void SetStringParameters(int widget) const override { if (widget == WID_VR_CAPTION) SetDParam(0, Vehicle::Get(this->window_number)->index); } /** * Gets the #StringID to use for displaying capacity. * @param option Cargo and cargo subtype to check for capacity. * @return INVALID_STRING_ID if there is no capacity. StringID to use in any other case. * @post String parameters have been set. */ StringID GetCapacityString(const RefitOption &option) const { assert(_current_company == _local_company); auto [cost, refit_capacity, mail_capacity, cargo_capacities] = Command::Do(DC_QUERY_COST, this->selected_vehicle, option.cargo, option.subtype, this->auto_refit, false, this->num_vehicles); if (cost.Failed()) return INVALID_STRING_ID; SetDParam(0, option.cargo); SetDParam(1, refit_capacity); Money money = cost.GetCost(); if (mail_capacity > 0) { SetDParam(2, CT_MAIL); SetDParam(3, mail_capacity); if (this->order != INVALID_VEH_ORDER_ID) { /* No predictable cost */ return STR_PURCHASE_INFO_AIRCRAFT_CAPACITY; } else if (money <= 0) { SetDParam(4, -money); return STR_REFIT_NEW_CAPACITY_INCOME_FROM_AIRCRAFT_REFIT; } else { SetDParam(4, money); return STR_REFIT_NEW_CAPACITY_COST_OF_AIRCRAFT_REFIT; } } else { if (this->order != INVALID_VEH_ORDER_ID) { /* No predictable cost */ SetDParam(2, STR_EMPTY); return STR_PURCHASE_INFO_CAPACITY; } else if (money <= 0) { SetDParam(2, -money); return STR_REFIT_NEW_CAPACITY_INCOME_FROM_REFIT; } else { SetDParam(2, money); return STR_REFIT_NEW_CAPACITY_COST_OF_REFIT; } } } void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, int widget) const override { switch (widget) { case WID_VR_VEHICLE_PANEL_DISPLAY: { Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(this->window_number); DrawVehicleImage(v, {this->sprite_left, r.top, this->sprite_right, r.bottom}, INVALID_VEHICLE, EIT_IN_DETAILS, this->hscroll != nullptr ? this->hscroll->GetPosition() : 0); /* Highlight selected vehicles. */ if (this->order != INVALID_VEH_ORDER_ID) break; int x = 0; switch (v->type) { case VEH_TRAIN: { VehicleSet vehicles_to_refit; GetVehicleSet(vehicles_to_refit, Vehicle::Get(this->selected_vehicle), this->num_vehicles); int left = INT32_MIN; int width = 0; /* Determine top & bottom position of the highlight.*/ const int height = ScaleSpriteTrad(12); const int highlight_top = CenterBounds(r.top, r.bottom, height); const int highlight_bottom = highlight_top + height - 1; for (Train *u = Train::From(v); u != nullptr; u = u->Next()) { /* Start checking. */ const bool contained = std::find(vehicles_to_refit.begin(), vehicles_to_refit.end(), u->index) != vehicles_to_refit.end(); if (contained && left == INT32_MIN) { left = x - this->hscroll->GetPosition() + r.left + this->vehicle_margin; width = 0; } /* Draw a selection. */ if ((!contained || u->Next() == nullptr) && left != INT32_MIN) { if (u->Next() == nullptr && contained) { int current_width = u->GetDisplayImageWidth(); width += current_width; x += current_width; } int right = Clamp(left + width, 0, r.right); left = std::max(0, left); if (_current_text_dir == TD_RTL) { right = r.Width() - left; left = right - width; } if (left != right) { Rect hr = {left, highlight_top, right, highlight_bottom}; DrawFrameRect(hr.Expand(WidgetDimensions::scaled.bevel), COLOUR_WHITE, FR_BORDERONLY); } left = INT32_MIN; } int current_width = u->GetDisplayImageWidth(); width += current_width; x += current_width; } break; } default: break; } break; } case WID_VR_MATRIX: DrawVehicleRefitWindow(this->refit_list, this->selected_refit, this->vscroll->GetPosition(), this->vscroll->GetCapacity(), this->resize.step_height, r); break; case WID_VR_INFO: if (this->selected_refit != nullptr) { StringID string = this->GetCapacityString(*this->selected_refit); if (string != INVALID_STRING_ID) { DrawStringMultiLine(r.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect), string); } } break; } } /** * Some data on this window has become invalid. * @param data Information about the changed data. * @param gui_scope Whether the call is done from GUI scope. You may not do everything when not in GUI scope. See #InvalidateWindowData() for details. */ void OnInvalidateData([[maybe_unused]] int data = 0, [[maybe_unused]] bool gui_scope = true) override { switch (data) { case VIWD_AUTOREPLACE: // Autoreplace replaced the vehicle; selected_vehicle became invalid. case VIWD_CONSIST_CHANGED: { // The consist has changed; rebuild the entire list. /* Clear the selection. */ Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(this->window_number); this->selected_vehicle = v->index; this->num_vehicles = UINT8_MAX; FALLTHROUGH; } case 2: { // The vehicle selection has changed; rebuild the entire list. if (!gui_scope) break; this->BuildRefitList(); /* The vehicle width has changed too. */ this->vehicle_width = GetVehicleWidth(Vehicle::Get(this->window_number), EIT_IN_DETAILS); uint max_width = 0; /* Check the width of all cargo information strings. */ for (const auto &list : this->refit_list) { for (const RefitOption &refit : list.second) { StringID string = this->GetCapacityString(refit); if (string != INVALID_STRING_ID) { Dimension dim = GetStringBoundingBox(string); max_width = std::max(dim.width, max_width); } } } if (this->information_width < max_width) { this->information_width = max_width; this->ReInit(); } FALLTHROUGH; } case 1: // A new cargo has been selected. if (!gui_scope) break; this->RefreshScrollbar(); break; } } int GetClickPosition(int click_x) { const NWidgetCore *matrix_widget = this->GetWidget(WID_VR_VEHICLE_PANEL_DISPLAY); if (_current_text_dir == TD_RTL) click_x = matrix_widget->current_x - click_x; click_x -= this->vehicle_margin; if (this->hscroll != nullptr) click_x += this->hscroll->GetPosition(); return click_x; } void SetSelectedVehicles(int drag_x) { drag_x = GetClickPosition(drag_x); int left_x = std::min(this->click_x, drag_x); int right_x = std::max(this->click_x, drag_x); this->num_vehicles = 0; Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(this->window_number); /* Find the vehicle part that was clicked. */ switch (v->type) { case VEH_TRAIN: { /* Don't select anything if we are not clicking in the vehicle. */ if (left_x >= 0) { const Train *u = Train::From(v); bool start_counting = false; for (; u != nullptr; u = u->Next()) { int current_width = u->GetDisplayImageWidth(); left_x -= current_width; right_x -= current_width; if (left_x < 0 && !start_counting) { this->selected_vehicle = u->index; start_counting = true; /* Count the first vehicle, even if articulated part */ this->num_vehicles++; } else if (start_counting && !u->IsArticulatedPart()) { /* Do not count articulated parts */ this->num_vehicles++; } if (right_x < 0) break; } } /* If the selection is not correct, clear it. */ if (this->num_vehicles != 0) { if (_ctrl_pressed) this->num_vehicles = UINT8_MAX; break; } FALLTHROUGH; } default: /* Clear the selection. */ this->selected_vehicle = v->index; this->num_vehicles = UINT8_MAX; break; } } void OnClick([[maybe_unused]] Point pt, int widget, [[maybe_unused]] int click_count) override { switch (widget) { case WID_VR_VEHICLE_PANEL_DISPLAY: { // Vehicle image. if (this->order != INVALID_VEH_ORDER_ID) break; NWidgetBase *nwi = this->GetWidget(WID_VR_VEHICLE_PANEL_DISPLAY); this->click_x = GetClickPosition(pt.x - nwi->pos_x); this->SetSelectedVehicles(pt.x - nwi->pos_x); this->SetWidgetDirty(WID_VR_VEHICLE_PANEL_DISPLAY); if (!_ctrl_pressed) { SetObjectToPlaceWnd(SPR_CURSOR_MOUSE, PAL_NONE, HT_DRAG, this); } else { /* The vehicle selection has changed. */ this->InvalidateData(2); } break; } case WID_VR_MATRIX: { // listbox this->SetSelection(this->vscroll->GetScrolledRowFromWidget(pt.y, this, WID_VR_MATRIX)); this->SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_VR_REFIT, this->selected_refit == nullptr); this->InvalidateData(1); if (click_count == 1) break; FALLTHROUGH; } case WID_VR_REFIT: // refit button if (this->selected_refit != nullptr) { const Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(this->window_number); if (this->order == INVALID_VEH_ORDER_ID) { bool delete_window = this->selected_vehicle == v->index && this->num_vehicles == UINT8_MAX; if (Command::Post(GetCmdRefitVehMsg(v), v->tile, this->selected_vehicle, this->selected_refit->cargo, this->selected_refit->subtype, false, false, this->num_vehicles) && delete_window) this->Close(); } else { if (Command::Post(v->tile, v->index, this->order, this->selected_refit->cargo)) this->Close(); } } break; } } void OnMouseDrag(Point pt, int widget) override { switch (widget) { case WID_VR_VEHICLE_PANEL_DISPLAY: { // Vehicle image. if (this->order != INVALID_VEH_ORDER_ID) break; NWidgetBase *nwi = this->GetWidget(WID_VR_VEHICLE_PANEL_DISPLAY); this->SetSelectedVehicles(pt.x - nwi->pos_x); this->SetWidgetDirty(WID_VR_VEHICLE_PANEL_DISPLAY); break; } } } void OnDragDrop(Point pt, int widget) override { switch (widget) { case WID_VR_VEHICLE_PANEL_DISPLAY: { // Vehicle image. if (this->order != INVALID_VEH_ORDER_ID) break; NWidgetBase *nwi = this->GetWidget(WID_VR_VEHICLE_PANEL_DISPLAY); this->SetSelectedVehicles(pt.x - nwi->pos_x); this->InvalidateData(2); break; } } } void OnResize() override { this->vehicle_width = GetVehicleWidth(Vehicle::Get(this->window_number), EIT_IN_DETAILS); this->vscroll->SetCapacityFromWidget(this, WID_VR_MATRIX); if (this->hscroll != nullptr) this->hscroll->SetCapacityFromWidget(this, WID_VR_VEHICLE_PANEL_DISPLAY); } }; static const NWidgetPart _nested_vehicle_refit_widgets[] = { NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CLOSEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VR_CAPTION), SetDataTip(STR_REFIT_CAPTION, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS), NWidget(WWT_DEFSIZEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), EndContainer(), /* Vehicle display + scrollbar. */ NWidget(NWID_VERTICAL), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VR_VEHICLE_PANEL_DISPLAY), SetMinimalSize(228, 14), SetResize(1, 0), SetScrollbar(WID_VR_HSCROLLBAR), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_SELECTION, INVALID_COLOUR, WID_VR_SHOW_HSCROLLBAR), NWidget(NWID_HSCROLLBAR, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VR_HSCROLLBAR), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VR_SELECT_HEADER), SetDataTip(STR_REFIT_TITLE, STR_NULL), SetResize(1, 0), /* Matrix + scrollbar. */ NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_MATRIX, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VR_MATRIX), SetMinimalSize(228, 112), SetResize(1, 14), SetFill(1, 1), SetMatrixDataTip(1, 0, STR_NULL), SetScrollbar(WID_VR_SCROLLBAR), NWidget(NWID_VSCROLLBAR, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VR_SCROLLBAR), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VR_INFO), SetMinimalTextLines(2, WidgetDimensions::unscaled.framerect.Vertical()), SetResize(1, 0), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VR_REFIT), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(1, 0), NWidget(WWT_RESIZEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), EndContainer(), }; static WindowDesc _vehicle_refit_desc( WDP_AUTO, "view_vehicle_refit", 240, 174, WC_VEHICLE_REFIT, WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, WDF_CONSTRUCTION, std::begin(_nested_vehicle_refit_widgets), std::end(_nested_vehicle_refit_widgets) ); /** * Show the refit window for a vehicle * @param *v The vehicle to show the refit window for * @param order of the vehicle to assign refit to, or INVALID_VEH_ORDER_ID to refit the vehicle now * @param parent the parent window of the refit window * @param auto_refit Choose cargo for auto-refitting */ void ShowVehicleRefitWindow(const Vehicle *v, VehicleOrderID order, Window *parent, bool auto_refit) { CloseWindowById(WC_VEHICLE_REFIT, v->index); RefitWindow *w = new RefitWindow(&_vehicle_refit_desc, v, order, auto_refit); w->parent = parent; } /** Display list of cargo types of the engine, for the purchase information window */ uint ShowRefitOptionsList(int left, int right, int y, EngineID engine) { /* List of cargo types of this engine */ CargoTypes cmask = GetUnionOfArticulatedRefitMasks(engine, false); /* List of cargo types available in this climate */ CargoTypes lmask = _cargo_mask; /* Draw nothing if the engine is not refittable */ if (HasAtMostOneBit(cmask)) return y; if (cmask == lmask) { /* Engine can be refitted to all types in this climate */ SetDParam(0, STR_PURCHASE_INFO_ALL_TYPES); } else { /* Check if we are able to refit to more cargo types and unable to. If * so, invert the cargo types to list those that we can't refit to. */ if (CountBits(cmask ^ lmask) < CountBits(cmask) && CountBits(cmask ^ lmask) <= 7) { cmask ^= lmask; SetDParam(0, STR_PURCHASE_INFO_ALL_BUT); } else { SetDParam(0, STR_JUST_CARGO_LIST); } SetDParam(1, cmask); } return DrawStringMultiLine(left, right, y, INT32_MAX, STR_PURCHASE_INFO_REFITTABLE_TO); } /** Get the cargo subtype text from NewGRF for the vehicle details window. */ StringID GetCargoSubtypeText(const Vehicle *v) { if (HasBit(EngInfo(v->engine_type)->callback_mask, CBM_VEHICLE_CARGO_SUFFIX)) { uint16_t cb = GetVehicleCallback(CBID_VEHICLE_CARGO_SUFFIX, 0, 0, v->engine_type, v); if (cb != CALLBACK_FAILED) { if (cb > 0x400) ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(v->GetGRFID(), CBID_VEHICLE_CARGO_SUFFIX, cb); if (cb >= 0x400 || (v->GetGRF()->grf_version < 8 && cb == 0xFF)) cb = CALLBACK_FAILED; } if (cb != CALLBACK_FAILED) { return GetGRFStringID(v->GetGRFID(), 0xD000 + cb); } } return STR_EMPTY; } /** Sort vehicle groups by the number of vehicles in the group */ static bool VehicleGroupLengthSorter(const GUIVehicleGroup &a, const GUIVehicleGroup &b) { return a.NumVehicles() < b.NumVehicles(); } /** Sort vehicle groups by the total profit this year */ static bool VehicleGroupTotalProfitThisYearSorter(const GUIVehicleGroup &a, const GUIVehicleGroup &b) { return a.GetDisplayProfitThisYear() < b.GetDisplayProfitThisYear(); } /** Sort vehicle groups by the total profit last year */ static bool VehicleGroupTotalProfitLastYearSorter(const GUIVehicleGroup &a, const GUIVehicleGroup &b) { return a.GetDisplayProfitLastYear() < b.GetDisplayProfitLastYear(); } /** Sort vehicle groups by the average profit this year */ static bool VehicleGroupAverageProfitThisYearSorter(const GUIVehicleGroup &a, const GUIVehicleGroup &b) { return a.GetDisplayProfitThisYear() * static_cast(b.NumVehicles()) < b.GetDisplayProfitThisYear() * static_cast(a.NumVehicles()); } /** Sort vehicle groups by the average profit last year */ static bool VehicleGroupAverageProfitLastYearSorter(const GUIVehicleGroup &a, const GUIVehicleGroup &b) { return a.GetDisplayProfitLastYear() * static_cast(b.NumVehicles()) < b.GetDisplayProfitLastYear() * static_cast(a.NumVehicles()); } /** Sort vehicles by their number */ static bool VehicleNumberSorter(const Vehicle * const &a, const Vehicle * const &b) { return a->unitnumber < b->unitnumber; } /** Sort vehicles by their name */ static bool VehicleNameSorter(const Vehicle * const &a, const Vehicle * const &b) { static std::string last_name[2] = { {}, {} }; if (a != _last_vehicle[0]) { _last_vehicle[0] = a; SetDParam(0, a->index); last_name[0] = GetString(STR_VEHICLE_NAME); } if (b != _last_vehicle[1]) { _last_vehicle[1] = b; SetDParam(0, b->index); last_name[1] = GetString(STR_VEHICLE_NAME); } int r = StrNaturalCompare(last_name[0], last_name[1]); // Sort by name (natural sorting). return (r != 0) ? r < 0: VehicleNumberSorter(a, b); } /** Sort vehicles by their age */ static bool VehicleAgeSorter(const Vehicle * const &a, const Vehicle * const &b) { auto r = a->age - b->age; return (r != 0) ? r < 0 : VehicleNumberSorter(a, b); } /** Sort vehicles by this year profit */ static bool VehicleProfitThisYearSorter(const Vehicle * const &a, const Vehicle * const &b) { int r = ClampTo(a->GetDisplayProfitThisYear() - b->GetDisplayProfitThisYear()); return (r != 0) ? r < 0 : VehicleNumberSorter(a, b); } /** Sort vehicles by last year profit */ static bool VehicleProfitLastYearSorter(const Vehicle * const &a, const Vehicle * const &b) { int r = ClampTo(a->GetDisplayProfitLastYear() - b->GetDisplayProfitLastYear()); return (r != 0) ? r < 0 : VehicleNumberSorter(a, b); } /** Sort vehicles by their cargo */ static bool VehicleCargoSorter(const Vehicle * const &a, const Vehicle * const &b) { const Vehicle *v; CargoArray diff{}; /* Append the cargo of the connected waggons */ for (v = a; v != nullptr; v = v->Next()) diff[v->cargo_type] += v->cargo_cap; for (v = b; v != nullptr; v = v->Next()) diff[v->cargo_type] -= v->cargo_cap; int r = 0; for (CargoID i = 0; i < NUM_CARGO; i++) { r = diff[i]; if (r != 0) break; } return (r != 0) ? r < 0 : VehicleNumberSorter(a, b); } /** Sort vehicles by their reliability */ static bool VehicleReliabilitySorter(const Vehicle * const &a, const Vehicle * const &b) { int r = a->reliability - b->reliability; return (r != 0) ? r < 0 : VehicleNumberSorter(a, b); } /** Sort vehicles by their max speed */ static bool VehicleMaxSpeedSorter(const Vehicle * const &a, const Vehicle * const &b) { int r = a->vcache.cached_max_speed - b->vcache.cached_max_speed; return (r != 0) ? r < 0 : VehicleNumberSorter(a, b); } /** Sort vehicles by model */ static bool VehicleModelSorter(const Vehicle * const &a, const Vehicle * const &b) { int r = a->engine_type - b->engine_type; return (r != 0) ? r < 0 : VehicleNumberSorter(a, b); } /** Sort vehicles by their value */ static bool VehicleValueSorter(const Vehicle * const &a, const Vehicle * const &b) { const Vehicle *u; Money diff = 0; for (u = a; u != nullptr; u = u->Next()) diff += u->value; for (u = b; u != nullptr; u = u->Next()) diff -= u->value; int r = ClampTo(diff); return (r != 0) ? r < 0 : VehicleNumberSorter(a, b); } /** Sort vehicles by their length */ static bool VehicleLengthSorter(const Vehicle * const &a, const Vehicle * const &b) { int r = a->GetGroundVehicleCache()->cached_total_length - b->GetGroundVehicleCache()->cached_total_length; return (r != 0) ? r < 0 : VehicleNumberSorter(a, b); } /** Sort vehicles by the time they can still live */ static bool VehicleTimeToLiveSorter(const Vehicle * const &a, const Vehicle * const &b) { int r = ClampTo((a->max_age - a->age) - (b->max_age - b->age)); return (r != 0) ? r < 0 : VehicleNumberSorter(a, b); } /** Sort vehicles by the timetable delay */ static bool VehicleTimetableDelaySorter(const Vehicle * const &a, const Vehicle * const &b) { int r = a->lateness_counter - b->lateness_counter; return (r != 0) ? r < 0 : VehicleNumberSorter(a, b); } void InitializeGUI() { MemSetT(&_grouping, 0); MemSetT(&_sorting, 0); } /** * Assign a vehicle window a new vehicle * @param window_class WindowClass to search for * @param from_index the old vehicle ID * @param to_index the new vehicle ID */ static inline void ChangeVehicleWindow(WindowClass window_class, VehicleID from_index, VehicleID to_index) { Window *w = FindWindowById(window_class, from_index); if (w != nullptr) { /* Update window_number */ w->window_number = to_index; if (w->viewport != nullptr) w->viewport->follow_vehicle = to_index; /* Update vehicle drag data */ if (_thd.window_class == window_class && _thd.window_number == (WindowNumber)from_index) { _thd.window_number = to_index; } /* Notify the window. */ w->InvalidateData(VIWD_AUTOREPLACE, false); } } /** * Report a change in vehicle IDs (due to autoreplace) to affected vehicle windows. * @param from_index the old vehicle ID * @param to_index the new vehicle ID */ void ChangeVehicleViewWindow(VehicleID from_index, VehicleID to_index) { ChangeVehicleWindow(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, from_index, to_index); ChangeVehicleWindow(WC_VEHICLE_ORDERS, from_index, to_index); ChangeVehicleWindow(WC_VEHICLE_REFIT, from_index, to_index); ChangeVehicleWindow(WC_VEHICLE_DETAILS, from_index, to_index); ChangeVehicleWindow(WC_VEHICLE_TIMETABLE, from_index, to_index); } static const NWidgetPart _nested_vehicle_list[] = { NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CLOSEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(NWID_SELECTION, INVALID_COLOUR, WID_VL_CAPTION_SELECTION), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VL_CAPTION), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VL_CAPTION_SHARED_ORDERS), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VL_ORDER_VIEW), SetMinimalSize(61, 14), SetDataTip(STR_GOTO_ORDER_VIEW, STR_GOTO_ORDER_VIEW_TOOLTIP), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_SHADEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(WWT_DEFSIZEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(WWT_STICKYBOX, COLOUR_GREY), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(NWID_VERTICAL), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VL_GROUP_ORDER), SetMinimalSize(0, 12), SetFill(1, 1), SetDataTip(STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP, STR_TOOLTIP_GROUP_ORDER), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VL_SORT_ORDER), SetMinimalSize(0, 12), SetFill(1, 1), SetDataTip(STR_BUTTON_SORT_BY, STR_TOOLTIP_SORT_ORDER), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_VERTICAL), NWidget(WWT_DROPDOWN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VL_GROUP_BY_PULLDOWN), SetMinimalSize(0, 12), SetFill(1, 0), SetDataTip(0x0, STR_TOOLTIP_GROUP_ORDER), NWidget(WWT_DROPDOWN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VL_SORT_BY_PULLDOWN), SetMinimalSize(0, 12), SetFill(1, 0), SetDataTip(0x0, STR_TOOLTIP_SORT_CRITERIA), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_VERTICAL), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_GREY), SetMinimalSize(0, 12), SetFill(1, 1), SetResize(1, 0), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(NWID_SELECTION, INVALID_COLOUR, WID_VL_FILTER_BY_CARGO_SEL), NWidget(WWT_DROPDOWN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VL_FILTER_BY_CARGO), SetMinimalSize(0, 12), SetFill(0, 0), SetDataTip(STR_JUST_STRING, STR_TOOLTIP_FILTER_CRITERIA), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_GREY), SetMinimalSize(0, 12), SetFill(1, 1), SetResize(1, 0), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_MATRIX, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VL_LIST), SetMinimalSize(248, 0), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(1, 1), SetMatrixDataTip(1, 0, STR_NULL), SetScrollbar(WID_VL_SCROLLBAR), NWidget(NWID_VSCROLLBAR, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VL_SCROLLBAR), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(NWID_SELECTION, INVALID_COLOUR, WID_VL_HIDE_BUTTONS), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VL_AVAILABLE_VEHICLES), SetMinimalSize(106, 12), SetFill(0, 1), SetDataTip(STR_JUST_STRING, STR_VEHICLE_LIST_AVAILABLE_ENGINES_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_GREY), SetMinimalSize(0, 12), SetResize(1, 0), SetFill(1, 1), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_DROPDOWN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VL_MANAGE_VEHICLES_DROPDOWN), SetMinimalSize(118, 12), SetFill(0, 1), SetDataTip(STR_VEHICLE_LIST_MANAGE_LIST, STR_VEHICLE_LIST_MANAGE_LIST_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VL_STOP_ALL), SetMinimalSize(12, 12), SetFill(0, 1), SetDataTip(SPR_FLAG_VEH_STOPPED, STR_VEHICLE_LIST_MASS_STOP_LIST_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VL_START_ALL), SetMinimalSize(12, 12), SetFill(0, 1), SetDataTip(SPR_FLAG_VEH_RUNNING, STR_VEHICLE_LIST_MASS_START_LIST_TOOLTIP), EndContainer(), /* Widget to be shown for other companies hiding the previous 5 widgets. */ NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_GREY), SetFill(1, 1), SetResize(1, 0), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_RESIZEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), EndContainer(), }; static void DrawSmallOrderList(const Vehicle *v, int left, int right, int y, uint order_arrow_width, VehicleOrderID start) { const Order *order = v->GetOrder(start); if (order == nullptr) return; bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL; int l_offset = rtl ? 0 : order_arrow_width; int r_offset = rtl ? order_arrow_width : 0; int i = 0; VehicleOrderID oid = start; do { if (oid == v->cur_real_order_index) DrawString(left, right, y, STR_JUST_RIGHT_ARROW, TC_BLACK, SA_LEFT, false, FS_SMALL); if (order->IsType(OT_GOTO_STATION)) { SetDParam(0, order->GetDestination()); DrawString(left + l_offset, right - r_offset, y, STR_STATION_NAME, TC_BLACK, SA_LEFT, false, FS_SMALL); y += FONT_HEIGHT_SMALL; if (++i == 4) break; } oid++; order = order->next; if (order == nullptr) { order = v->orders->GetFirstOrder(); oid = 0; } } while (oid != start); } /** Draw small order list in the vehicle GUI, but without the little black arrow. This is used for shared order groups. */ static void DrawSmallOrderList(const Order *order, int left, int right, int y, uint order_arrow_width) { bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL; int l_offset = rtl ? 0 : order_arrow_width; int r_offset = rtl ? order_arrow_width : 0; int i = 0; while (order != nullptr) { if (order->IsType(OT_GOTO_STATION)) { SetDParam(0, order->GetDestination()); DrawString(left + l_offset, right - r_offset, y, STR_STATION_NAME, TC_BLACK, SA_LEFT, false, FS_SMALL); y += FONT_HEIGHT_SMALL; if (++i == 4) break; } order = order->next; } } /** * Draws an image of a vehicle chain * @param v Front vehicle * @param r Rect to draw at * @param selection Selected vehicle to draw a frame around * @param skip Number of pixels to skip at the front (for scrolling) */ void DrawVehicleImage(const Vehicle *v, const Rect &r, VehicleID selection, EngineImageType image_type, int skip) { switch (v->type) { case VEH_TRAIN: DrawTrainImage(Train::From(v), r, selection, image_type, skip); break; case VEH_ROAD: DrawRoadVehImage(v, r, selection, image_type, skip); break; case VEH_SHIP: DrawShipImage(v, r, selection, image_type); break; case VEH_AIRCRAFT: DrawAircraftImage(v, r, selection, image_type); break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } } /** * Get the height of a vehicle in the vehicle list GUIs. * @param type the vehicle type to look at * @param divisor the resulting height must be dividable by this * @return the height */ uint GetVehicleListHeight(VehicleType type, uint divisor) { /* Name + vehicle + profit */ uint base = ScaleGUITrad(GetVehicleHeight(type)) + 2 * FONT_HEIGHT_SMALL + WidgetDimensions::scaled.matrix.Vertical(); /* Drawing of the 4 small orders + profit*/ if (type >= VEH_SHIP) base = std::max(base, 5U * FONT_HEIGHT_SMALL + WidgetDimensions::scaled.matrix.Vertical()); if (divisor == 1) return base; /* Make sure the height is dividable by divisor */ uint rem = base % divisor; return base + (rem == 0 ? 0 : divisor - rem); } /** * Draw all the vehicle list items. * @param selected_vehicle The vehicle that is to be highlighted. * @param line_height Height of a single item line. * @param r Rectangle with edge positions of the matrix widget. */ void BaseVehicleListWindow::DrawVehicleListItems(VehicleID selected_vehicle, int line_height, const Rect &r) const { Rect ir = r.WithHeight(line_height).Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.matrix, RectPadding::zero); bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL; Dimension profit = GetSpriteSize(SPR_PROFIT_LOT); int text_offset = std::max(profit.width, GetDigitWidth() * this->unitnumber_digits) + WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_normal; Rect tr = ir.Indent(text_offset, rtl); bool show_orderlist = this->vli.vtype >= VEH_SHIP; Rect olr = ir.Indent(std::max(ScaleGUITrad(100) + text_offset, ir.Width() / 2), rtl); int image_left = (rtl && show_orderlist) ? olr.right : tr.left; int image_right = (!rtl && show_orderlist) ? olr.left : tr.right; int vehicle_button_x = rtl ? ir.right - profit.width : ir.left; uint max = static_cast(std::min(this->vscroll->GetPosition() + this->vscroll->GetCapacity(), this->vehgroups.size())); for (uint i = this->vscroll->GetPosition(); i < max; ++i) { const GUIVehicleGroup &vehgroup = this->vehgroups[i]; SetDParam(0, vehgroup.GetDisplayProfitThisYear()); SetDParam(1, vehgroup.GetDisplayProfitLastYear()); DrawString(tr.left, tr.right, ir.bottom - FONT_HEIGHT_SMALL - WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect.bottom, STR_VEHICLE_LIST_PROFIT_THIS_YEAR_LAST_YEAR); DrawVehicleProfitButton(vehgroup.GetOldestVehicleAge(), vehgroup.GetDisplayProfitLastYear(), vehgroup.NumVehicles(), vehicle_button_x, ir.top + FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL + WidgetDimensions::scaled.vsep_normal); switch (this->grouping) { case GB_NONE: { const Vehicle *v = vehgroup.GetSingleVehicle(); if (HasBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_PATHFINDER_LOST)) { DrawSprite(SPR_WARNING_SIGN, PAL_NONE, vehicle_button_x, ir.top + FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL + WidgetDimensions::scaled.vsep_normal + profit.height); } DrawVehicleImage(v, {image_left, ir.top, image_right, ir.bottom}, selected_vehicle, EIT_IN_LIST, 0); if (_settings_client.gui.show_cargo_in_vehicle_lists) { /* Get the cargoes the vehicle can carry */ CargoTypes vehicle_cargoes = 0; for (auto u = v; u != nullptr; u = u->Next()) { if (u->cargo_cap == 0) continue; SetBit(vehicle_cargoes, u->cargo_type); } if (!v->name.empty()) { /* The vehicle got a name so we will print it and the cargoes */ SetDParam(0, STR_VEHICLE_NAME); SetDParam(1, v->index); SetDParam(2, STR_VEHICLE_LIST_CARGO); SetDParam(3, vehicle_cargoes); DrawString(tr.left, tr.right, ir.top, STR_VEHICLE_LIST_NAME_AND_CARGO, TC_BLACK, SA_LEFT, false, FS_SMALL); } else if (v->group_id != DEFAULT_GROUP) { /* The vehicle has no name, but is member of a group, so print group name and the cargoes */ SetDParam(0, STR_GROUP_NAME); SetDParam(1, v->group_id); SetDParam(2, STR_VEHICLE_LIST_CARGO); SetDParam(3, vehicle_cargoes); DrawString(tr.left, tr.right, ir.top, STR_VEHICLE_LIST_NAME_AND_CARGO, TC_BLACK, SA_LEFT, false, FS_SMALL); } else { /* The vehicle has no name, and is not a member of a group, so just print the cargoes */ SetDParam(0, vehicle_cargoes); DrawString(tr.left, tr.right, ir.top, STR_VEHICLE_LIST_CARGO, TC_BLACK, SA_LEFT, false, FS_SMALL); } } else if (!v->name.empty()) { /* The vehicle got a name so we will print it */ SetDParam(0, v->index); DrawString(tr.left, tr.right, ir.top, STR_VEHICLE_NAME, TC_BLACK, SA_LEFT, false, FS_SMALL); } else if (v->group_id != DEFAULT_GROUP) { /* The vehicle has no name, but is member of a group, so print group name */ SetDParam(0, v->group_id); DrawString(tr.left, tr.right, ir.top, STR_GROUP_NAME, TC_BLACK, SA_LEFT, false, FS_SMALL); } if (show_orderlist) DrawSmallOrderList(v, olr.left, olr.right, ir.top, this->order_arrow_width, v->cur_real_order_index); TextColour tc; if (v->IsChainInDepot()) { tc = TC_BLUE; } else { tc = (v->age > v->max_age - CalendarTime::DAYS_IN_LEAP_YEAR) ? TC_RED : TC_BLACK; } SetDParam(0, v->unitnumber); DrawString(ir.left, ir.right, ir.top + WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect.top, STR_JUST_COMMA, tc); break; } case GB_SHARED_ORDERS: assert(vehgroup.NumVehicles() > 0); for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(vehgroup.NumVehicles()); ++i) { if (image_left + WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_wide * i >= image_right) break; // Break if there is no more space to draw any more vehicles anyway. DrawVehicleImage(vehgroup.vehicles_begin[i], {image_left + WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_wide * i, ir.top, image_right, ir.bottom}, selected_vehicle, EIT_IN_LIST, 0); } if (show_orderlist) DrawSmallOrderList((vehgroup.vehicles_begin[0])->GetFirstOrder(), olr.left, olr.right, ir.top, this->order_arrow_width); SetDParam(0, vehgroup.NumVehicles()); DrawString(ir.left, ir.right, ir.top + WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect.top, STR_JUST_COMMA, TC_BLACK); break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } ir = ir.Translate(0, line_height); } } void BaseVehicleListWindow::UpdateSortingFromGrouping() { /* Set up sorting. Make the window-specific _sorting variable * point to the correct global _sorting struct so we are freed * from having conditionals during window operation */ switch (this->vli.vtype) { case VEH_TRAIN: this->sorting = &_sorting[this->grouping].train; break; case VEH_ROAD: this->sorting = &_sorting[this->grouping].roadveh; break; case VEH_SHIP: this->sorting = &_sorting[this->grouping].ship; break; case VEH_AIRCRAFT: this->sorting = &_sorting[this->grouping].aircraft; break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } this->vehgroups.SetSortFuncs(this->GetVehicleSorterFuncs()); this->vehgroups.SetListing(*this->sorting); this->vehgroups.ForceRebuild(); this->vehgroups.NeedResort(); } void BaseVehicleListWindow::UpdateVehicleGroupBy(GroupBy group_by) { if (this->grouping != group_by) { /* Save the old sorting option, so that if we change the grouping option back later on, * UpdateSortingFromGrouping() will automatically restore the saved sorting option. */ *this->sorting = this->vehgroups.GetListing(); this->grouping = group_by; _grouping[this->vli.type][this->vli.vtype] = group_by; this->UpdateSortingFromGrouping(); } } /** * Window for the (old) vehicle listing. * * bitmask for w->window_number * 0-7 CompanyID (owner) * 8-10 window type (use flags in vehicle_gui.h) * 11-15 vehicle type (using VEH_, but can be compressed to fewer bytes if needed) * 16-31 StationID or OrderID depending on window type (bit 8-10) */ struct VehicleListWindow : public BaseVehicleListWindow { private: /** Enumeration of planes of the button row at the bottom. */ enum ButtonPlanes { BP_SHOW_BUTTONS, ///< Show the buttons. BP_HIDE_BUTTONS, ///< Show the empty panel. }; /** Enumeration of planes of the title row at the top. */ enum CaptionPlanes { BP_NORMAL, ///< Show shared orders caption and buttons. BP_SHARED_ORDERS, ///< Show the normal caption. }; public: VehicleListWindow(WindowDesc *desc, WindowNumber window_number) : BaseVehicleListWindow(desc, window_number) { this->CreateNestedTree(); this->GetWidget(WID_VL_FILTER_BY_CARGO_SEL)->SetDisplayedPlane((this->vli.type == VL_SHARED_ORDERS) ? SZSP_NONE : 0); this->vscroll = this->GetScrollbar(WID_VL_SCROLLBAR); /* Set up the window widgets */ this->GetWidget(WID_VL_LIST)->tool_tip = STR_VEHICLE_LIST_TRAIN_LIST_TOOLTIP + this->vli.vtype; NWidgetStacked *nwi = this->GetWidget(WID_VL_CAPTION_SELECTION); if (this->vli.type == VL_SHARED_ORDERS) { this->GetWidget(WID_VL_CAPTION_SHARED_ORDERS)->widget_data = STR_VEHICLE_LIST_SHARED_ORDERS_LIST_CAPTION; /* If we are in the shared orders window, then disable the group-by dropdown menu. * Remove this when the group-by dropdown menu has another option apart from grouping by shared orders. */ this->SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_VL_GROUP_ORDER, true); this->SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_VL_GROUP_BY_PULLDOWN, true); nwi->SetDisplayedPlane(BP_SHARED_ORDERS); } else { this->GetWidget(WID_VL_CAPTION)->widget_data = STR_VEHICLE_LIST_TRAIN_CAPTION + this->vli.vtype; nwi->SetDisplayedPlane(BP_NORMAL); } this->FinishInitNested(window_number); if (this->vli.company != OWNER_NONE) this->owner = this->vli.company; this->BuildVehicleList(); this->SortVehicleList(); } ~VehicleListWindow() { *this->sorting = this->vehgroups.GetListing(); } void UpdateWidgetSize(int widget, Dimension *size, [[maybe_unused]] const Dimension &padding, [[maybe_unused]] Dimension *fill, [[maybe_unused]] Dimension *resize) override { switch (widget) { case WID_VL_LIST: resize->height = GetVehicleListHeight(this->vli.vtype, 1); switch (this->vli.vtype) { case VEH_TRAIN: case VEH_ROAD: size->height = 6 * resize->height; break; case VEH_SHIP: case VEH_AIRCRAFT: size->height = 4 * resize->height; break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } break; case WID_VL_SORT_ORDER: { Dimension d = GetStringBoundingBox(this->GetWidget(widget)->widget_data); d.width += padding.width + Window::SortButtonWidth() * 2; // Doubled since the string is centred and it also looks better. d.height += padding.height; *size = maxdim(*size, d); break; } case WID_VL_GROUP_BY_PULLDOWN: size->width = GetStringListWidth(this->vehicle_group_by_names) + padding.width; break; case WID_VL_SORT_BY_PULLDOWN: size->width = GetStringListWidth(this->vehicle_group_none_sorter_names); size->width = std::max(size->width, GetStringListWidth(this->vehicle_group_shared_orders_sorter_names)); size->width += padding.width; break; case WID_VL_FILTER_BY_CARGO: size->width = GetStringListWidth(this->cargo_filter_texts) + padding.width; break; case WID_VL_MANAGE_VEHICLES_DROPDOWN: { Dimension d = this->GetActionDropdownSize(this->vli.type == VL_STANDARD, false, true); d.height += padding.height; d.width += padding.width; *size = maxdim(*size, d); break; } } } void SetStringParameters(int widget) const override { switch (widget) { case WID_VL_AVAILABLE_VEHICLES: SetDParam(0, STR_VEHICLE_LIST_AVAILABLE_TRAINS + this->vli.vtype); break; case WID_VL_FILTER_BY_CARGO: SetDParam(0, this->cargo_filter_texts[this->cargo_filter_criteria]); break; case WID_VL_CAPTION: case WID_VL_CAPTION_SHARED_ORDERS: { switch (this->vli.type) { case VL_SHARED_ORDERS: // Shared Orders SetDParam(0, this->vehicles.size()); break; case VL_STANDARD: // Company Name SetDParam(0, STR_COMPANY_NAME); SetDParam(1, this->vli.index); SetDParam(3, this->vehicles.size()); break; case VL_STATION_LIST: // Station/Waypoint Name SetDParam(0, Station::IsExpected(BaseStation::Get(this->vli.index)) ? STR_STATION_NAME : STR_WAYPOINT_NAME); SetDParam(1, this->vli.index); SetDParam(3, this->vehicles.size()); break; case VL_DEPOT_LIST: SetDParam(0, STR_DEPOT_CAPTION); SetDParam(1, this->vli.vtype); SetDParam(2, this->vli.index); SetDParam(3, this->vehicles.size()); break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } break; } } } void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, int widget) const override { switch (widget) { case WID_VL_SORT_ORDER: /* draw arrow pointing up/down for ascending/descending sorting */ this->DrawSortButtonState(widget, this->vehgroups.IsDescSortOrder() ? SBS_DOWN : SBS_UP); break; case WID_VL_LIST: this->DrawVehicleListItems(INVALID_VEHICLE, this->resize.step_height, r); break; } } void OnPaint() override { this->BuildVehicleList(); this->SortVehicleList(); if (this->vehicles.empty() && this->IsWidgetLowered(WID_VL_MANAGE_VEHICLES_DROPDOWN)) { this->CloseChildWindows(WC_DROPDOWN_MENU); } /* Hide the widgets that we will not use in this window * Some windows contains actions only fit for the owner */ int plane_to_show = (this->owner == _local_company) ? BP_SHOW_BUTTONS : BP_HIDE_BUTTONS; NWidgetStacked *nwi = this->GetWidget(WID_VL_HIDE_BUTTONS); if (plane_to_show != nwi->shown_plane) { nwi->SetDisplayedPlane(plane_to_show); nwi->SetDirty(this); } if (this->owner == _local_company) { this->SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_VL_AVAILABLE_VEHICLES, this->vli.type != VL_STANDARD); this->SetWidgetsDisabledState(this->vehicles.empty(), WID_VL_MANAGE_VEHICLES_DROPDOWN, WID_VL_STOP_ALL, WID_VL_START_ALL); } /* Set text of group by dropdown widget. */ this->GetWidget(WID_VL_GROUP_BY_PULLDOWN)->widget_data = this->vehicle_group_by_names[this->grouping]; /* Set text of sort by dropdown widget. */ this->GetWidget(WID_VL_SORT_BY_PULLDOWN)->widget_data = this->GetVehicleSorterNames()[this->vehgroups.SortType()]; this->GetWidget(WID_VL_FILTER_BY_CARGO)->widget_data = this->cargo_filter_texts[this->cargo_filter_criteria]; this->DrawWidgets(); } void OnClick([[maybe_unused]] Point pt, int widget, [[maybe_unused]] int click_count) override { switch (widget) { case WID_VL_ORDER_VIEW: // Open the shared orders window assert(this->vli.type == VL_SHARED_ORDERS); assert(!this->vehicles.empty()); ShowOrdersWindow(this->vehicles[0]); break; case WID_VL_SORT_ORDER: // Flip sorting method ascending/descending this->vehgroups.ToggleSortOrder(); this->SetDirty(); break; case WID_VL_GROUP_BY_PULLDOWN: // Select sorting criteria dropdown menu ShowDropDownMenu(this, this->vehicle_group_by_names, this->grouping, WID_VL_GROUP_BY_PULLDOWN, 0, 0); return; case WID_VL_SORT_BY_PULLDOWN: // Select sorting criteria dropdown menu ShowDropDownMenu(this, this->GetVehicleSorterNames(), this->vehgroups.SortType(), WID_VL_SORT_BY_PULLDOWN, 0, (this->vli.vtype == VEH_TRAIN || this->vli.vtype == VEH_ROAD) ? 0 : (1 << 10)); return; case WID_VL_FILTER_BY_CARGO: // Cargo filter dropdown ShowDropDownMenu(this, this->cargo_filter_texts, this->cargo_filter_criteria, WID_VL_FILTER_BY_CARGO, 0, 0); break; case WID_VL_LIST: { // Matrix to show vehicles auto it = this->vscroll->GetScrolledItemFromWidget(this->vehgroups, pt.y, this, WID_VL_LIST); if (it == this->vehgroups.end()) return; // click out of list bound const GUIVehicleGroup &vehgroup = *it; switch (this->grouping) { case GB_NONE: { const Vehicle *v = vehgroup.GetSingleVehicle(); if (!VehicleClicked(v)) { if (_ctrl_pressed) { ShowCompanyGroupForVehicle(v); } else { ShowVehicleViewWindow(v); } } break; } case GB_SHARED_ORDERS: { assert(vehgroup.NumVehicles() > 0); if (!VehicleClicked(vehgroup)) { const Vehicle *v = vehgroup.vehicles_begin[0]; if (_ctrl_pressed) { ShowOrdersWindow(v); } else { if (vehgroup.NumVehicles() == 1) { ShowVehicleViewWindow(v); } else { ShowVehicleListWindow(v); } } } break; } default: NOT_REACHED(); } break; } case WID_VL_AVAILABLE_VEHICLES: ShowBuildVehicleWindow(INVALID_TILE, this->vli.vtype); break; case WID_VL_MANAGE_VEHICLES_DROPDOWN: { ShowDropDownList(this, this->BuildActionDropdownList(VehicleListIdentifier::UnPack(this->window_number).type == VL_STANDARD, false, true), 0, WID_VL_MANAGE_VEHICLES_DROPDOWN); break; } case WID_VL_STOP_ALL: case WID_VL_START_ALL: Command::Post(0, widget == WID_VL_START_ALL, true, this->vli); break; } } void OnDropdownSelect(int widget, int index) override { switch (widget) { case WID_VL_GROUP_BY_PULLDOWN: this->UpdateVehicleGroupBy(static_cast(index)); break; case WID_VL_SORT_BY_PULLDOWN: this->vehgroups.SetSortType(index); break; case WID_VL_FILTER_BY_CARGO: this->SetCargoFilterIndex(index); break; case WID_VL_MANAGE_VEHICLES_DROPDOWN: assert(!this->vehicles.empty()); switch (index) { case ADI_REPLACE: // Replace window ShowReplaceGroupVehicleWindow(ALL_GROUP, this->vli.vtype); break; case ADI_SERVICE: // Send for servicing case ADI_DEPOT: // Send to Depots Command::Post(GetCmdSendToDepotMsg(this->vli.vtype), 0, DepotCommand::MassSend | (index == ADI_SERVICE ? DepotCommand::Service : DepotCommand::None), this->vli); break; case ADI_CREATE_GROUP: // Create group Command::Post(CcAddVehicleNewGroup, NEW_GROUP, INVALID_VEHICLE, false, this->vli); break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } this->SetDirty(); } void OnGameTick() override { if (this->vehgroups.NeedResort()) { StationID station = (this->vli.type == VL_STATION_LIST) ? this->vli.index : INVALID_STATION; Debug(misc, 3, "Periodic resort {} list company {} at station {}", this->vli.vtype, this->owner, station); this->SetDirty(); } } void OnResize() override { this->vscroll->SetCapacityFromWidget(this, WID_VL_LIST); } /** * Some data on this window has become invalid. * @param data Information about the changed data. * @param gui_scope Whether the call is done from GUI scope. You may not do everything when not in GUI scope. See #InvalidateWindowData() for details. */ void OnInvalidateData([[maybe_unused]] int data = 0, [[maybe_unused]] bool gui_scope = true) override { if (!gui_scope && HasBit(data, 31) && this->vli.type == VL_SHARED_ORDERS) { /* Needs to be done in command-scope, so everything stays valid */ this->vli.index = GB(data, 0, 20); this->window_number = this->vli.Pack(); this->vehgroups.ForceRebuild(); return; } if (data == 0) { /* This needs to be done in command-scope to enforce rebuilding before resorting invalid data */ this->vehgroups.ForceRebuild(); } else { this->vehgroups.ForceResort(); } } }; static WindowDesc _vehicle_list_other_desc( WDP_AUTO, "list_vehicles", 260, 246, WC_INVALID, WC_NONE, 0, std::begin(_nested_vehicle_list), std::end(_nested_vehicle_list) ); static WindowDesc _vehicle_list_train_desc( WDP_AUTO, "list_vehicles_train", 325, 246, WC_TRAINS_LIST, WC_NONE, 0, std::begin(_nested_vehicle_list), std::end(_nested_vehicle_list) ); static void ShowVehicleListWindowLocal(CompanyID company, VehicleListType vlt, VehicleType vehicle_type, uint32_t unique_number) { if (!Company::IsValidID(company) && company != OWNER_NONE) return; WindowNumber num = VehicleListIdentifier(vlt, vehicle_type, company, unique_number).Pack(); if (vehicle_type == VEH_TRAIN) { AllocateWindowDescFront(&_vehicle_list_train_desc, num); } else { _vehicle_list_other_desc.cls = GetWindowClassForVehicleType(vehicle_type); AllocateWindowDescFront(&_vehicle_list_other_desc, num); } } void ShowVehicleListWindow(CompanyID company, VehicleType vehicle_type) { /* If _settings_client.gui.advanced_vehicle_list > 1, display the Advanced list * if _settings_client.gui.advanced_vehicle_list == 1, display Advanced list only for local company * if _ctrl_pressed, do the opposite action (Advanced list x Normal list) */ if ((_settings_client.gui.advanced_vehicle_list > (uint)(company != _local_company)) != _ctrl_pressed) { ShowCompanyGroup(company, vehicle_type); } else { ShowVehicleListWindowLocal(company, VL_STANDARD, vehicle_type, company); } } void ShowVehicleListWindow(const Vehicle *v) { ShowVehicleListWindowLocal(v->owner, VL_SHARED_ORDERS, v->type, v->FirstShared()->index); } void ShowVehicleListWindow(CompanyID company, VehicleType vehicle_type, StationID station) { ShowVehicleListWindowLocal(company, VL_STATION_LIST, vehicle_type, station); } void ShowVehicleListWindow(CompanyID company, VehicleType vehicle_type, TileIndex depot_tile) { uint16_t depot_airport_index; if (vehicle_type == VEH_AIRCRAFT) { depot_airport_index = GetStationIndex(depot_tile); } else { depot_airport_index = GetDepotIndex(depot_tile); } ShowVehicleListWindowLocal(company, VL_DEPOT_LIST, vehicle_type, depot_airport_index); } /* Unified vehicle GUI - Vehicle Details Window */ static_assert(WID_VD_DETAILS_CARGO_CARRIED == WID_VD_DETAILS_CARGO_CARRIED + TDW_TAB_CARGO ); static_assert(WID_VD_DETAILS_TRAIN_VEHICLES == WID_VD_DETAILS_CARGO_CARRIED + TDW_TAB_INFO ); static_assert(WID_VD_DETAILS_CAPACITY_OF_EACH == WID_VD_DETAILS_CARGO_CARRIED + TDW_TAB_CAPACITY); static_assert(WID_VD_DETAILS_TOTAL_CARGO == WID_VD_DETAILS_CARGO_CARRIED + TDW_TAB_TOTALS ); /** Vehicle details widgets (other than train). */ static const NWidgetPart _nested_nontrain_vehicle_details_widgets[] = { NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CLOSEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VD_CAPTION), SetDataTip(STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_CAPTION, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS), NWidget(WWT_SHADEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(WWT_DEFSIZEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(WWT_STICKYBOX, COLOUR_GREY), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VD_TOP_DETAILS), SetMinimalSize(405, 42), SetResize(1, 0), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VD_MIDDLE_DETAILS), SetMinimalSize(405, 45), SetResize(1, 0), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_PUSHARROWBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VD_DECREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL), SetFill(0, 1), SetDataTip(AWV_DECREASE, STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_DECREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_PUSHARROWBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VD_INCREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL), SetFill(0, 1), SetDataTip(AWV_INCREASE, STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_INCREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_DROPDOWN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VD_SERVICE_INTERVAL_DROPDOWN), SetFill(0, 1), SetDataTip(STR_EMPTY, STR_SERVICE_INTERVAL_DROPDOWN_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VD_SERVICING_INTERVAL), SetFill(1, 1), SetResize(1, 0), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_RESIZEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), EndContainer(), }; /** Train details widgets. */ static const NWidgetPart _nested_train_vehicle_details_widgets[] = { NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CLOSEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VD_CAPTION), SetDataTip(STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_CAPTION, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS), NWidget(WWT_SHADEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(WWT_DEFSIZEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(WWT_STICKYBOX, COLOUR_GREY), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VD_TOP_DETAILS), SetResize(1, 0), SetMinimalSize(405, 42), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_MATRIX, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VD_MATRIX), SetResize(1, 1), SetMinimalSize(393, 45), SetMatrixDataTip(1, 0, STR_NULL), SetFill(1, 0), SetScrollbar(WID_VD_SCROLLBAR), NWidget(NWID_VSCROLLBAR, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VD_SCROLLBAR), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_PUSHARROWBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VD_DECREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL), SetFill(0, 1), SetDataTip(AWV_DECREASE, STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_DECREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_PUSHARROWBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VD_INCREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL), SetFill(0, 1), SetDataTip(AWV_INCREASE, STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_INCREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_DROPDOWN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VD_SERVICE_INTERVAL_DROPDOWN), SetFill(0, 1), SetDataTip(STR_EMPTY, STR_SERVICE_INTERVAL_DROPDOWN_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VD_SERVICING_INTERVAL), SetFill(1, 1), SetResize(1, 0), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VD_DETAILS_CARGO_CARRIED), SetMinimalSize(96, 12), SetDataTip(STR_VEHICLE_DETAIL_TAB_CARGO, STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_TRAIN_CARGO_TOOLTIP), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(1, 0), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VD_DETAILS_TRAIN_VEHICLES), SetMinimalSize(99, 12), SetDataTip(STR_VEHICLE_DETAIL_TAB_INFORMATION, STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_TRAIN_INFORMATION_TOOLTIP), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(1, 0), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VD_DETAILS_CAPACITY_OF_EACH), SetMinimalSize(99, 12), SetDataTip(STR_VEHICLE_DETAIL_TAB_CAPACITIES, STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_TRAIN_CAPACITIES_TOOLTIP), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(1, 0), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VD_DETAILS_TOTAL_CARGO), SetMinimalSize(99, 12), SetDataTip(STR_VEHICLE_DETAIL_TAB_TOTAL_CARGO, STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_TRAIN_TOTAL_CARGO_TOOLTIP), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(1, 0), NWidget(WWT_RESIZEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), EndContainer(), }; extern int GetTrainDetailsWndVScroll(VehicleID veh_id, TrainDetailsWindowTabs det_tab); extern void DrawTrainDetails(const Train *v, const Rect &r, int vscroll_pos, uint16_t vscroll_cap, TrainDetailsWindowTabs det_tab); extern void DrawRoadVehDetails(const Vehicle *v, const Rect &r); extern void DrawShipDetails(const Vehicle *v, const Rect &r); extern void DrawAircraftDetails(const Aircraft *v, const Rect &r); static StringID _service_interval_dropdown[] = { STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_DEFAULT, STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_DAYS, STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_PERCENT, INVALID_STRING_ID, }; /** Class for managing the vehicle details window. */ struct VehicleDetailsWindow : Window { TrainDetailsWindowTabs tab; ///< For train vehicles: which tab is displayed. Scrollbar *vscroll; /** Initialize a newly created vehicle details window */ VehicleDetailsWindow(WindowDesc *desc, WindowNumber window_number) : Window(desc) { const Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(window_number); this->CreateNestedTree(); this->vscroll = (v->type == VEH_TRAIN ? this->GetScrollbar(WID_VD_SCROLLBAR) : nullptr); this->FinishInitNested(window_number); this->owner = v->owner; this->tab = TDW_TAB_CARGO; } /** * Some data on this window has become invalid. * @param data Information about the changed data. * @param gui_scope Whether the call is done from GUI scope. You may not do everything when not in GUI scope. See #InvalidateWindowData() for details. */ void OnInvalidateData([[maybe_unused]] int data = 0, [[maybe_unused]] bool gui_scope = true) override { if (data == VIWD_AUTOREPLACE) { /* Autoreplace replaced the vehicle. * Nothing to do for this window. */ return; } if (!gui_scope) return; const Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(this->window_number); if (v->type == VEH_ROAD) { const NWidgetBase *nwid_info = this->GetWidget(WID_VD_MIDDLE_DETAILS); uint aimed_height = this->GetRoadVehDetailsHeight(v); /* If the number of articulated parts changes, the size of the window must change too. */ if (aimed_height != nwid_info->current_y) { this->ReInit(); } } } /** * Gets the desired height for the road vehicle details panel. * @param v Road vehicle being shown. * @return Desired height in pixels. */ uint GetRoadVehDetailsHeight(const Vehicle *v) { uint desired_height; if (v->HasArticulatedPart()) { /* An articulated RV has its text drawn under the sprite instead of after it, hence 15 pixels extra. */ desired_height = ScaleGUITrad(15) + 3 * FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL + WidgetDimensions::scaled.vsep_normal * 2; /* Add space for the cargo amount for each part. */ for (const Vehicle *u = v; u != nullptr; u = u->Next()) { if (u->cargo_cap != 0) desired_height += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; } } else { desired_height = 4 * FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL + WidgetDimensions::scaled.vsep_normal * 2; } return desired_height; } void UpdateWidgetSize(int widget, Dimension *size, [[maybe_unused]] const Dimension &padding, [[maybe_unused]] Dimension *fill, [[maybe_unused]] Dimension *resize) override { switch (widget) { case WID_VD_TOP_DETAILS: { Dimension dim = { 0, 0 }; size->height = 4 * FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL + padding.height; for (uint i = 0; i < 4; i++) SetDParamMaxValue(i, INT16_MAX); static const StringID info_strings[] = { STR_VEHICLE_INFO_MAX_SPEED, STR_VEHICLE_INFO_WEIGHT_POWER_MAX_SPEED, STR_VEHICLE_INFO_WEIGHT_POWER_MAX_SPEED_MAX_TE, STR_VEHICLE_INFO_PROFIT_THIS_YEAR_LAST_YEAR, STR_VEHICLE_INFO_RELIABILITY_BREAKDOWNS }; for (uint i = 0; i < lengthof(info_strings); i++) { dim = maxdim(dim, GetStringBoundingBox(info_strings[i])); } SetDParam(0, STR_VEHICLE_INFO_AGE); dim = maxdim(dim, GetStringBoundingBox(STR_VEHICLE_INFO_AGE_RUNNING_COST_YR)); size->width = dim.width + padding.width; break; } case WID_VD_MIDDLE_DETAILS: { const Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(this->window_number); switch (v->type) { case VEH_ROAD: size->height = this->GetRoadVehDetailsHeight(v) + padding.height; break; case VEH_SHIP: size->height = 4 * FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL + WidgetDimensions::scaled.vsep_normal * 2 + padding.height; break; case VEH_AIRCRAFT: size->height = 5 * FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL + WidgetDimensions::scaled.vsep_normal * 2 + padding.height; break; default: NOT_REACHED(); // Train uses WID_VD_MATRIX instead. } break; } case WID_VD_MATRIX: resize->height = std::max(ScaleGUITrad(14), FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL + padding.height); size->height = 4 * resize->height; break; case WID_VD_SERVICE_INTERVAL_DROPDOWN: { Dimension d{0, 0}; StringID *strs = _service_interval_dropdown; while (*strs != INVALID_STRING_ID) { d = maxdim(d, GetStringBoundingBox(*strs++)); } d.width += padding.width; d.height += padding.height; *size = maxdim(*size, d); break; } case WID_VD_SERVICING_INTERVAL: SetDParamMaxValue(0, MAX_SERVINT_DAYS); // Roughly the maximum interval SetDParamMaxValue(1, TimerGameCalendar::DateAtStartOfYear(CalendarTime::MAX_YEAR)); // Roughly the maximum year size->width = std::max( GetStringBoundingBox(STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_SERVICING_INTERVAL_PERCENT).width, GetStringBoundingBox(STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_SERVICING_INTERVAL_DAYS).width ) + padding.width; size->height = FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL + padding.height; break; } } /** Checks whether service interval is enabled for the vehicle. */ static bool IsVehicleServiceIntervalEnabled(const VehicleType vehicle_type, CompanyID company_id) { const VehicleDefaultSettings *vds = &Company::Get(company_id)->settings.vehicle; switch (vehicle_type) { default: NOT_REACHED(); case VEH_TRAIN: return vds->servint_trains != 0; case VEH_ROAD: return vds->servint_roadveh != 0; case VEH_SHIP: return vds->servint_ships != 0; case VEH_AIRCRAFT: return vds->servint_aircraft != 0; } } /** * Draw the details for the given vehicle at the position of the Details windows * * @param v current vehicle * @param r the Rect to draw within * @param vscroll_pos Position of scrollbar (train only) * @param vscroll_cap Number of lines currently displayed (train only) * @param det_tab Selected details tab (train only) */ static void DrawVehicleDetails(const Vehicle *v, const Rect &r, int vscroll_pos, uint vscroll_cap, TrainDetailsWindowTabs det_tab) { switch (v->type) { case VEH_TRAIN: DrawTrainDetails(Train::From(v), r, vscroll_pos, vscroll_cap, det_tab); break; case VEH_ROAD: DrawRoadVehDetails(v, r); break; case VEH_SHIP: DrawShipDetails(v, r); break; case VEH_AIRCRAFT: DrawAircraftDetails(Aircraft::From(v), r); break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } } void SetStringParameters(int widget) const override { if (widget == WID_VD_CAPTION) SetDParam(0, Vehicle::Get(this->window_number)->index); } void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, int widget) const override { const Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(this->window_number); switch (widget) { case WID_VD_TOP_DETAILS: { Rect tr = r.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect); /* Draw running cost */ SetDParam(1, TimerGameCalendar::DateToYear(v->age)); SetDParam(0, (v->age + CalendarTime::DAYS_IN_YEAR < v->max_age) ? STR_VEHICLE_INFO_AGE : STR_VEHICLE_INFO_AGE_RED); SetDParam(2, TimerGameCalendar::DateToYear(v->max_age)); SetDParam(3, v->GetDisplayRunningCost()); DrawString(tr, STR_VEHICLE_INFO_AGE_RUNNING_COST_YR); tr.top += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; /* Draw max speed */ StringID string; if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN || (v->type == VEH_ROAD && _settings_game.vehicle.roadveh_acceleration_model != AM_ORIGINAL)) { const GroundVehicleCache *gcache = v->GetGroundVehicleCache(); SetDParam(2, PackVelocity(v->GetDisplayMaxSpeed(), v->type)); SetDParam(1, gcache->cached_power); SetDParam(0, gcache->cached_weight); SetDParam(3, gcache->cached_max_te); if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN && (_settings_game.vehicle.train_acceleration_model == AM_ORIGINAL || GetRailTypeInfo(Train::From(v)->railtype)->acceleration_type == 2)) { string = STR_VEHICLE_INFO_WEIGHT_POWER_MAX_SPEED; } else { string = STR_VEHICLE_INFO_WEIGHT_POWER_MAX_SPEED_MAX_TE; } } else { SetDParam(0, PackVelocity(v->GetDisplayMaxSpeed(), v->type)); if (v->type == VEH_AIRCRAFT) { SetDParam(1, v->GetEngine()->GetAircraftTypeText()); if (Aircraft::From(v)->GetRange() > 0) { SetDParam(2, Aircraft::From(v)->GetRange()); string = STR_VEHICLE_INFO_MAX_SPEED_TYPE_RANGE; } else { string = STR_VEHICLE_INFO_MAX_SPEED_TYPE; } } else { string = STR_VEHICLE_INFO_MAX_SPEED; } } DrawString(tr, string); tr.top += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; /* Draw profit */ SetDParam(0, v->GetDisplayProfitThisYear()); SetDParam(1, v->GetDisplayProfitLastYear()); if (v->IsGroundVehicle()) { SetDParam(2, v->GetDisplayMinPowerToWeight()); DrawString(tr, STR_VEHICLE_INFO_PROFIT_THIS_YEAR_LAST_YEAR_MIN_PERFORMANCE); } else { DrawString(tr, STR_VEHICLE_INFO_PROFIT_THIS_YEAR_LAST_YEAR); } tr.top += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; /* Draw breakdown & reliability */ SetDParam(0, ToPercent16(v->reliability)); SetDParam(1, v->breakdowns_since_last_service); DrawString(tr, STR_VEHICLE_INFO_RELIABILITY_BREAKDOWNS); break; } case WID_VD_MATRIX: { /* For trains only. */ DrawVehicleDetails(v, r.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.matrix, RectPadding::zero).WithHeight(this->resize.step_height), this->vscroll->GetPosition(), this->vscroll->GetCapacity(), this->tab); break; } case WID_VD_MIDDLE_DETAILS: { /* For other vehicles, at the place of the matrix. */ bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL; uint sprite_width = GetSingleVehicleWidth(v, EIT_IN_DETAILS) + WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect.Horizontal(); Rect tr = r.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect); /* Articulated road vehicles use a complete line. */ if (v->type == VEH_ROAD && v->HasArticulatedPart()) { DrawVehicleImage(v, tr.WithHeight(ScaleGUITrad(GetVehicleHeight(v->type)), false), INVALID_VEHICLE, EIT_IN_DETAILS, 0); } else { Rect sr = tr.WithWidth(sprite_width, rtl); DrawVehicleImage(v, sr.WithHeight(ScaleGUITrad(GetVehicleHeight(v->type)), false), INVALID_VEHICLE, EIT_IN_DETAILS, 0); } DrawVehicleDetails(v, tr.Indent(sprite_width, rtl), 0, 0, this->tab); break; } case WID_VD_SERVICING_INTERVAL: { /* Draw service interval text */ Rect tr = r.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect); SetDParam(0, v->GetServiceInterval()); SetDParam(1, v->date_of_last_service); DrawString(tr.left, tr.right, CenterBounds(r.top, r.bottom, FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL), v->ServiceIntervalIsPercent() ? STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_SERVICING_INTERVAL_PERCENT : STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_SERVICING_INTERVAL_DAYS); break; } } } /** Repaint vehicle details window. */ void OnPaint() override { const Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(this->window_number); if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN) { this->LowerWidget(this->tab + WID_VD_DETAILS_CARGO_CARRIED); this->vscroll->SetCount(GetTrainDetailsWndVScroll(v->index, this->tab)); } /* Disable service-scroller when interval is set to disabled */ this->SetWidgetsDisabledState(!IsVehicleServiceIntervalEnabled(v->type, v->owner), WID_VD_INCREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL, WID_VD_DECREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL); StringID str = v->ServiceIntervalIsCustom() ? (v->ServiceIntervalIsPercent() ? STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_PERCENT : STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_DAYS) : STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_DEFAULT; this->GetWidget(WID_VD_SERVICE_INTERVAL_DROPDOWN)->widget_data = str; this->DrawWidgets(); } void OnClick([[maybe_unused]] Point pt, int widget, [[maybe_unused]] int click_count) override { switch (widget) { case WID_VD_INCREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL: // increase int case WID_VD_DECREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL: { // decrease int int mod = _ctrl_pressed ? 5 : 10; const Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(this->window_number); mod = (widget == WID_VD_DECREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL) ? -mod : mod; mod = GetServiceIntervalClamped(mod + v->GetServiceInterval(), v->ServiceIntervalIsPercent()); if (mod == v->GetServiceInterval()) return; Command::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_CHANGE_SERVICING, v->index, mod, true, v->ServiceIntervalIsPercent()); break; } case WID_VD_SERVICE_INTERVAL_DROPDOWN: { const Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(this->window_number); ShowDropDownMenu(this, _service_interval_dropdown, v->ServiceIntervalIsCustom() ? (v->ServiceIntervalIsPercent() ? 2 : 1) : 0, widget, 0, 0); break; } case WID_VD_DETAILS_CARGO_CARRIED: case WID_VD_DETAILS_TRAIN_VEHICLES: case WID_VD_DETAILS_CAPACITY_OF_EACH: case WID_VD_DETAILS_TOTAL_CARGO: this->SetWidgetsLoweredState(false, WID_VD_DETAILS_CARGO_CARRIED, WID_VD_DETAILS_TRAIN_VEHICLES, WID_VD_DETAILS_CAPACITY_OF_EACH, WID_VD_DETAILS_TOTAL_CARGO); this->tab = (TrainDetailsWindowTabs)(widget - WID_VD_DETAILS_CARGO_CARRIED); this->SetDirty(); break; } } void OnDropdownSelect(int widget, int index) override { switch (widget) { case WID_VD_SERVICE_INTERVAL_DROPDOWN: { const Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(this->window_number); bool iscustom = index != 0; bool ispercent = iscustom ? (index == 2) : Company::Get(v->owner)->settings.vehicle.servint_ispercent; uint16_t interval = GetServiceIntervalClamped(v->GetServiceInterval(), ispercent); Command::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_CHANGE_SERVICING, v->index, interval, iscustom, ispercent); break; } } } void OnResize() override { NWidgetCore *nwi = this->GetWidget(WID_VD_MATRIX); if (nwi != nullptr) { this->vscroll->SetCapacityFromWidget(this, WID_VD_MATRIX); } } }; /** Vehicle details window descriptor. */ static WindowDesc _train_vehicle_details_desc( WDP_AUTO, "view_vehicle_details_train", 405, 178, WC_VEHICLE_DETAILS, WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, 0, std::begin(_nested_train_vehicle_details_widgets), std::end(_nested_train_vehicle_details_widgets) ); /** Vehicle details window descriptor for other vehicles than a train. */ static WindowDesc _nontrain_vehicle_details_desc( WDP_AUTO, "view_vehicle_details", 405, 113, WC_VEHICLE_DETAILS, WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, 0, std::begin(_nested_nontrain_vehicle_details_widgets), std::end(_nested_nontrain_vehicle_details_widgets) ); /** Shows the vehicle details window of the given vehicle. */ static void ShowVehicleDetailsWindow(const Vehicle *v) { CloseWindowById(WC_VEHICLE_ORDERS, v->index, false); CloseWindowById(WC_VEHICLE_TIMETABLE, v->index, false); AllocateWindowDescFront((v->type == VEH_TRAIN) ? &_train_vehicle_details_desc : &_nontrain_vehicle_details_desc, v->index); } /* Unified vehicle GUI - Vehicle View Window */ /** Vehicle view widgets. */ static const NWidgetPart _nested_vehicle_view_widgets[] = { NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CLOSEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VV_RENAME), SetMinimalSize(12, 14), SetDataTip(SPR_RENAME, STR_NULL /* filled in later */), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VV_CAPTION), SetDataTip(STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CAPTION, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VV_LOCATION), SetMinimalSize(12, 14), SetDataTip(SPR_GOTO_LOCATION, STR_NULL /* filled in later */), NWidget(WWT_DEBUGBOX, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(WWT_SHADEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(WWT_DEFSIZEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(WWT_STICKYBOX, COLOUR_GREY), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(WWT_INSET, COLOUR_GREY), SetPadding(2, 2, 2, 2), NWidget(NWID_VIEWPORT, INVALID_COLOUR, WID_VV_VIEWPORT), SetMinimalSize(226, 84), SetResize(1, 1), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_VERTICAL), NWidget(NWID_SELECTION, INVALID_COLOUR, WID_VV_SELECT_DEPOT_CLONE), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VV_GOTO_DEPOT), SetMinimalSize(18, 18), SetDataTip(0x0 /* filled later */, 0x0 /* filled later */), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VV_CLONE), SetMinimalSize(18, 18), SetDataTip(0x0 /* filled later */, 0x0 /* filled later */), EndContainer(), /* For trains only, 'ignore signal' button. */ NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VV_FORCE_PROCEED), SetMinimalSize(18, 18), SetDataTip(SPR_IGNORE_SIGNALS, STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_IGNORE_SIGNAL_TOOLTIP), NWidget(NWID_SELECTION, INVALID_COLOUR, WID_VV_SELECT_REFIT_TURN), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VV_REFIT), SetMinimalSize(18, 18), SetDataTip(SPR_REFIT_VEHICLE, 0x0 /* filled later */), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VV_TURN_AROUND), SetMinimalSize(18, 18), SetDataTip(SPR_FORCE_VEHICLE_TURN, STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ROAD_VEHICLE_REVERSE_TOOLTIP), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VV_SHOW_ORDERS), SetMinimalSize(18, 18), SetDataTip(SPR_SHOW_ORDERS, 0x0 /* filled later */), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VV_SHOW_DETAILS), SetMinimalSize(18, 18), SetDataTip(SPR_SHOW_VEHICLE_DETAILS, 0x0 /* filled later */), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_GREY), SetMinimalSize(18, 0), SetResize(0, 1), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_PUSHBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VV_START_STOP), SetResize(1, 0), SetFill(1, 0), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_VV_ORDER_LOCATION), SetMinimalSize(12, 14), SetDataTip(SPR_GOTO_LOCATION, STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ORDER_LOCATION_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_RESIZEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), EndContainer(), }; /* Just to make sure, nobody has changed the vehicle type constants, as we are using them for array indexing in a number of places here. */ static_assert(VEH_TRAIN == 0); static_assert(VEH_ROAD == 1); static_assert(VEH_SHIP == 2); static_assert(VEH_AIRCRAFT == 3); /** Zoom levels for vehicle views indexed by vehicle type. */ static const ZoomLevel _vehicle_view_zoom_levels[] = { ZOOM_LVL_TRAIN, ZOOM_LVL_ROADVEH, ZOOM_LVL_SHIP, ZOOM_LVL_AIRCRAFT, }; /* Constants for geometry of vehicle view viewport */ static const int VV_INITIAL_VIEWPORT_WIDTH = 226; static const int VV_INITIAL_VIEWPORT_HEIGHT = 84; static const int VV_INITIAL_VIEWPORT_HEIGHT_TRAIN = 102; /** Command indices for the _vehicle_command_translation_table. */ enum VehicleCommandTranslation { VCT_CMD_START_STOP = 0, VCT_CMD_CLONE_VEH, VCT_CMD_TURN_AROUND, }; /** Command codes for the shared buttons indexed by VehicleCommandTranslation and vehicle type. */ static const StringID _vehicle_msg_translation_table[][4] = { { // VCT_CMD_START_STOP STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_START_TRAIN, STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_START_ROAD_VEHICLE, STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_START_SHIP, STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_START_AIRCRAFT }, { // VCT_CMD_CLONE_VEH STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUY_TRAIN, STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUY_ROAD_VEHICLE, STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUY_SHIP, STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUY_AIRCRAFT }, { // VCT_CMD_TURN_AROUND STR_ERROR_CAN_T_REVERSE_DIRECTION_TRAIN, STR_ERROR_CAN_T_MAKE_ROAD_VEHICLE_TURN, INVALID_STRING_ID, // invalid for ships INVALID_STRING_ID // invalid for aircraft }, }; /** * This is the Callback method after attempting to start/stop a vehicle * @param result the result of the start/stop command * @param veh_id Vehicle ID. */ void CcStartStopVehicle(Commands, const CommandCost &result, VehicleID veh_id, bool) { if (result.Failed()) return; const Vehicle *v = Vehicle::GetIfValid(veh_id); if (v == nullptr || !v->IsPrimaryVehicle() || v->owner != _local_company) return; StringID msg = (v->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED) ? STR_VEHICLE_COMMAND_STOPPED : STR_VEHICLE_COMMAND_STARTED; Point pt = RemapCoords(v->x_pos, v->y_pos, v->z_pos); AddTextEffect(msg, pt.x, pt.y, Ticks::DAY_TICKS, TE_RISING); } /** * Executes #CMD_START_STOP_VEHICLE for given vehicle. * @param v Vehicle to start/stop * @param texteffect Should a texteffect be shown? */ void StartStopVehicle(const Vehicle *v, bool texteffect) { assert(v->IsPrimaryVehicle()); Command::Post(_vehicle_msg_translation_table[VCT_CMD_START_STOP][v->type], texteffect ? CcStartStopVehicle : nullptr, v->tile, v->index, false); } /** Checks whether the vehicle may be refitted at the moment.*/ static bool IsVehicleRefitable(const Vehicle *v) { if (!v->IsStoppedInDepot()) return false; do { if (IsEngineRefittable(v->engine_type)) return true; } while (v->IsGroundVehicle() && (v = v->Next()) != nullptr); return false; } /** Window manager class for viewing a vehicle. */ struct VehicleViewWindow : Window { private: /** Display planes available in the vehicle view window. */ enum PlaneSelections { SEL_DC_GOTO_DEPOT, ///< Display 'goto depot' button in #WID_VV_SELECT_DEPOT_CLONE stacked widget. SEL_DC_CLONE, ///< Display 'clone vehicle' button in #WID_VV_SELECT_DEPOT_CLONE stacked widget. SEL_RT_REFIT, ///< Display 'refit' button in #WID_VV_SELECT_REFIT_TURN stacked widget. SEL_RT_TURN_AROUND, ///< Display 'turn around' button in #WID_VV_SELECT_REFIT_TURN stacked widget. SEL_DC_BASEPLANE = SEL_DC_GOTO_DEPOT, ///< First plane of the #WID_VV_SELECT_DEPOT_CLONE stacked widget. SEL_RT_BASEPLANE = SEL_RT_REFIT, ///< First plane of the #WID_VV_SELECT_REFIT_TURN stacked widget. }; bool mouse_over_start_stop = false; /** * Display a plane in the window. * @param plane Plane to show. */ void SelectPlane(PlaneSelections plane) { switch (plane) { case SEL_DC_GOTO_DEPOT: case SEL_DC_CLONE: this->GetWidget(WID_VV_SELECT_DEPOT_CLONE)->SetDisplayedPlane(plane - SEL_DC_BASEPLANE); break; case SEL_RT_REFIT: case SEL_RT_TURN_AROUND: this->GetWidget(WID_VV_SELECT_REFIT_TURN)->SetDisplayedPlane(plane - SEL_RT_BASEPLANE); break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } } public: VehicleViewWindow(WindowDesc *desc, WindowNumber window_number) : Window(desc) { this->flags |= WF_DISABLE_VP_SCROLL; this->CreateNestedTree(); /* Sprites for the 'send to depot' button indexed by vehicle type. */ static const SpriteID vehicle_view_goto_depot_sprites[] = { SPR_SEND_TRAIN_TODEPOT, SPR_SEND_ROADVEH_TODEPOT, SPR_SEND_SHIP_TODEPOT, SPR_SEND_AIRCRAFT_TODEPOT, }; const Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(window_number); this->GetWidget(WID_VV_GOTO_DEPOT)->widget_data = vehicle_view_goto_depot_sprites[v->type]; /* Sprites for the 'clone vehicle' button indexed by vehicle type. */ static const SpriteID vehicle_view_clone_sprites[] = { SPR_CLONE_TRAIN, SPR_CLONE_ROADVEH, SPR_CLONE_SHIP, SPR_CLONE_AIRCRAFT, }; this->GetWidget(WID_VV_CLONE)->widget_data = vehicle_view_clone_sprites[v->type]; switch (v->type) { case VEH_TRAIN: this->GetWidget(WID_VV_TURN_AROUND)->tool_tip = STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_REVERSE_TOOLTIP; break; case VEH_ROAD: break; case VEH_SHIP: case VEH_AIRCRAFT: this->SelectPlane(SEL_RT_REFIT); break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } this->FinishInitNested(window_number); this->owner = v->owner; this->GetWidget(WID_VV_VIEWPORT)->InitializeViewport(this, static_cast(this->window_number), ScaleZoomGUI(_vehicle_view_zoom_levels[v->type])); this->GetWidget(WID_VV_START_STOP)->tool_tip = STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_STATUS_START_STOP_TOOLTIP + v->type; this->GetWidget(WID_VV_RENAME)->tool_tip = STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_TRAIN_RENAME + v->type; this->GetWidget(WID_VV_LOCATION)->tool_tip = STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_CENTER_TOOLTIP + v->type; this->GetWidget(WID_VV_REFIT)->tool_tip = STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_REFIT_TOOLTIP + v->type; this->GetWidget(WID_VV_GOTO_DEPOT)->tool_tip = STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_SEND_TO_DEPOT_TOOLTIP + v->type; this->GetWidget(WID_VV_SHOW_ORDERS)->tool_tip = STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_ORDERS_TOOLTIP + v->type; this->GetWidget(WID_VV_SHOW_DETAILS)->tool_tip = STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_SHOW_DETAILS_TOOLTIP + v->type; this->GetWidget(WID_VV_CLONE)->tool_tip = STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_TRAIN_INFO + v->type; this->UpdateButtonStatus(); } void Close([[maybe_unused]] int data = 0) override { CloseWindowById(WC_VEHICLE_ORDERS, this->window_number, false); CloseWindowById(WC_VEHICLE_REFIT, this->window_number, false); CloseWindowById(WC_VEHICLE_DETAILS, this->window_number, false); CloseWindowById(WC_VEHICLE_TIMETABLE, this->window_number, false); this->Window::Close(); } void UpdateWidgetSize(int widget, Dimension *size, [[maybe_unused]] const Dimension &padding, [[maybe_unused]] Dimension *fill, [[maybe_unused]] Dimension *resize) override { const Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(this->window_number); switch (widget) { case WID_VV_START_STOP: size->height = std::max({size->height, (uint)FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL, GetScaledSpriteSize(SPR_WARNING_SIGN).height, GetScaledSpriteSize(SPR_FLAG_VEH_STOPPED).height, GetScaledSpriteSize(SPR_FLAG_VEH_RUNNING).height}) + padding.height; break; case WID_VV_FORCE_PROCEED: if (v->type != VEH_TRAIN) { size->height = 0; size->width = 0; } break; case WID_VV_VIEWPORT: size->width = VV_INITIAL_VIEWPORT_WIDTH; size->height = (v->type == VEH_TRAIN) ? VV_INITIAL_VIEWPORT_HEIGHT_TRAIN : VV_INITIAL_VIEWPORT_HEIGHT; break; } } void OnPaint() override { const Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(this->window_number); bool is_localcompany = v->owner == _local_company; bool refitable_and_stopped_in_depot = IsVehicleRefitable(v); this->SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_VV_RENAME, !is_localcompany); this->SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_VV_GOTO_DEPOT, !is_localcompany); this->SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_VV_REFIT, !refitable_and_stopped_in_depot || !is_localcompany); this->SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_VV_CLONE, !is_localcompany); if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN) { this->SetWidgetLoweredState(WID_VV_FORCE_PROCEED, Train::From(v)->force_proceed == TFP_SIGNAL); this->SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_VV_FORCE_PROCEED, !is_localcompany); } if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN || v->type == VEH_ROAD) { this->SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_VV_TURN_AROUND, !is_localcompany); } this->SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_VV_ORDER_LOCATION, v->current_order.GetLocation(v) == INVALID_TILE); this->DrawWidgets(); } void SetStringParameters(int widget) const override { if (widget != WID_VV_CAPTION) return; const Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(this->window_number); SetDParam(0, v->index); } void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, int widget) const override { if (widget != WID_VV_START_STOP) return; const Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(this->window_number); StringID str; TextColour text_colour = TC_FROMSTRING; if (v->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED) { str = STR_VEHICLE_STATUS_CRASHED; } else if (v->type != VEH_AIRCRAFT && v->breakdown_ctr == 1) { // check for aircraft necessary? str = STR_VEHICLE_STATUS_BROKEN_DOWN; } else if (v->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED && (!mouse_over_start_stop || v->IsStoppedInDepot())) { if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN) { if (v->cur_speed == 0) { if (Train::From(v)->gcache.cached_power == 0) { str = STR_VEHICLE_STATUS_TRAIN_NO_POWER; } else { str = STR_VEHICLE_STATUS_STOPPED; } } else { SetDParam(0, PackVelocity(v->GetDisplaySpeed(), v->type)); str = STR_VEHICLE_STATUS_TRAIN_STOPPING_VEL; } } else { // no train str = STR_VEHICLE_STATUS_STOPPED; } } else if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN && HasBit(Train::From(v)->flags, VRF_TRAIN_STUCK) && !v->current_order.IsType(OT_LOADING)) { str = STR_VEHICLE_STATUS_TRAIN_STUCK; } else if (v->type == VEH_AIRCRAFT && HasBit(Aircraft::From(v)->flags, VAF_DEST_TOO_FAR) && !v->current_order.IsType(OT_LOADING)) { str = STR_VEHICLE_STATUS_AIRCRAFT_TOO_FAR; } else { // vehicle is in a "normal" state, show current order if (mouse_over_start_stop) { if (v->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED) { text_colour = TC_RED | TC_FORCED; } else if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN && HasBit(Train::From(v)->flags, VRF_TRAIN_STUCK) && !v->current_order.IsType(OT_LOADING)) { text_colour = TC_ORANGE | TC_FORCED; } } switch (v->current_order.GetType()) { case OT_GOTO_STATION: { SetDParam(0, v->current_order.GetDestination()); SetDParam(1, PackVelocity(v->GetDisplaySpeed(), v->type)); str = HasBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_PATHFINDER_LOST) ? STR_VEHICLE_STATUS_CANNOT_REACH_STATION_VEL : STR_VEHICLE_STATUS_HEADING_FOR_STATION_VEL; break; } case OT_GOTO_DEPOT: { SetDParam(0, v->type); SetDParam(1, v->current_order.GetDestination()); SetDParam(2, PackVelocity(v->GetDisplaySpeed(), v->type)); if (v->current_order.GetDestination() == INVALID_DEPOT) { /* This case *only* happens when multiple nearest depot orders * follow each other (including an order list only one order: a * nearest depot order) and there are no reachable depots. * It is primarily to guard for the case that there is no * depot with index 0, which would be used as fallback for * evaluating the string in the status bar. */ str = STR_EMPTY; } else if (v->current_order.GetDepotActionType() & ODATFB_HALT) { str = HasBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_PATHFINDER_LOST) ? STR_VEHICLE_STATUS_CANNOT_REACH_DEPOT_VEL : STR_VEHICLE_STATUS_HEADING_FOR_DEPOT_VEL; } else { str = HasBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_PATHFINDER_LOST) ? STR_VEHICLE_STATUS_CANNOT_REACH_DEPOT_SERVICE_VEL : STR_VEHICLE_STATUS_HEADING_FOR_DEPOT_SERVICE_VEL; } break; } case OT_LOADING: str = STR_VEHICLE_STATUS_LOADING_UNLOADING; break; case OT_GOTO_WAYPOINT: { assert(v->type == VEH_TRAIN || v->type == VEH_SHIP); SetDParam(0, v->current_order.GetDestination()); str = HasBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_PATHFINDER_LOST) ? STR_VEHICLE_STATUS_CANNOT_REACH_WAYPOINT_VEL : STR_VEHICLE_STATUS_HEADING_FOR_WAYPOINT_VEL; SetDParam(1, PackVelocity(v->GetDisplaySpeed(), v->type)); break; } case OT_LEAVESTATION: if (v->type != VEH_AIRCRAFT) { str = STR_VEHICLE_STATUS_LEAVING; break; } FALLTHROUGH; default: if (v->GetNumManualOrders() == 0) { str = STR_VEHICLE_STATUS_NO_ORDERS_VEL; SetDParam(0, PackVelocity(v->GetDisplaySpeed(), v->type)); } else { str = STR_EMPTY; } break; } } /* Draw the flag plus orders. */ bool rtl = (_current_text_dir == TD_RTL); uint icon_width = std::max({GetScaledSpriteSize(SPR_WARNING_SIGN).width, GetScaledSpriteSize(SPR_FLAG_VEH_STOPPED).width, GetScaledSpriteSize(SPR_FLAG_VEH_RUNNING).width}); int lowered = this->IsWidgetLowered(widget) ? WidgetDimensions::scaled.pressed : 0; Rect tr = r.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect).Translate(lowered, lowered); SpriteID image = ((v->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED) != 0) ? SPR_FLAG_VEH_STOPPED : (HasBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_PATHFINDER_LOST)) ? SPR_WARNING_SIGN : SPR_FLAG_VEH_RUNNING; DrawSpriteIgnorePadding(image, PAL_NONE, tr.WithWidth(icon_width, rtl), false, SA_CENTER); tr = tr.Indent(icon_width + WidgetDimensions::scaled.imgbtn.Horizontal(), rtl); DrawString(tr.left, tr.right, CenterBounds(tr.top, tr.bottom, FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL), str, text_colour, SA_HOR_CENTER); } void OnClick([[maybe_unused]] Point pt, int widget, [[maybe_unused]] int click_count) override { const Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(this->window_number); switch (widget) { case WID_VV_RENAME: { // rename SetDParam(0, v->index); ShowQueryString(STR_VEHICLE_NAME, STR_QUERY_RENAME_TRAIN_CAPTION + v->type, MAX_LENGTH_VEHICLE_NAME_CHARS, this, CS_ALPHANUMERAL, QSF_ENABLE_DEFAULT | QSF_LEN_IN_CHARS); break; } case WID_VV_START_STOP: // start stop StartStopVehicle(v, false); break; case WID_VV_ORDER_LOCATION: { /* Scroll to current order destination */ TileIndex tile = v->current_order.GetLocation(v); if (tile == INVALID_TILE) break; if (_ctrl_pressed) { ShowExtraViewportWindow(tile); } else { ScrollMainWindowToTile(tile); } break; } case WID_VV_LOCATION: // center main view if (_ctrl_pressed) { ShowExtraViewportWindow(TileVirtXY(v->x_pos, v->y_pos)); } else { const Window *mainwindow = GetMainWindow(); if (click_count > 1 && mainwindow->viewport->zoom <= ZOOM_LVL_OUT_4X) { /* main window 'follows' vehicle */ mainwindow->viewport->follow_vehicle = v->index; } else { ScrollMainWindowTo(v->x_pos, v->y_pos, v->z_pos); } } break; case WID_VV_GOTO_DEPOT: // goto hangar Command::Post(GetCmdSendToDepotMsg(v), v->index, _ctrl_pressed ? DepotCommand::Service : DepotCommand::None, {}); break; case WID_VV_REFIT: // refit ShowVehicleRefitWindow(v, INVALID_VEH_ORDER_ID, this); break; case WID_VV_SHOW_ORDERS: // show orders if (_ctrl_pressed) { ShowTimetableWindow(v); } else { ShowOrdersWindow(v); } break; case WID_VV_SHOW_DETAILS: // show details if (_ctrl_pressed) { ShowCompanyGroupForVehicle(v); } else { ShowVehicleDetailsWindow(v); } break; case WID_VV_CLONE: // clone vehicle /* Suppress the vehicle GUI when share-cloning. * There is no point to it except for starting the vehicle. * For starting the vehicle the player has to open the depot GUI, which is * most likely already open, but is also visible in the vehicle viewport. */ Command::Post(_vehicle_msg_translation_table[VCT_CMD_CLONE_VEH][v->type], _ctrl_pressed ? nullptr : CcCloneVehicle, v->tile, v->index, _ctrl_pressed); break; case WID_VV_TURN_AROUND: // turn around assert(v->IsGroundVehicle()); if (v->type == VEH_ROAD) { Command::Post(_vehicle_msg_translation_table[VCT_CMD_TURN_AROUND][v->type], v->tile, v->index); } else { Command::Post(_vehicle_msg_translation_table[VCT_CMD_TURN_AROUND][v->type], v->tile, v->index, false); } break; case WID_VV_FORCE_PROCEED: // force proceed assert(v->type == VEH_TRAIN); Command::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_MAKE_TRAIN_PASS_SIGNAL, v->tile, v->index); break; } } EventState OnHotkey(int hotkey) override { /* If the hotkey is not for any widget in the UI (i.e. for honking) */ if (hotkey == WID_VV_HONK_HORN) { const Window *mainwindow = GetMainWindow(); const Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(window_number); /* Only play the sound if we're following this vehicle */ if (mainwindow->viewport->follow_vehicle == v->index) { v->PlayLeaveStationSound(true); } } return Window::OnHotkey(hotkey); } void OnQueryTextFinished(char *str) override { if (str == nullptr) return; Command::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_RENAME_TRAIN + Vehicle::Get(this->window_number)->type, this->window_number, str); } void OnMouseOver([[maybe_unused]] Point pt, int widget) override { bool start_stop = widget == WID_VV_START_STOP; if (start_stop != mouse_over_start_stop) { mouse_over_start_stop = start_stop; this->SetWidgetDirty(WID_VV_START_STOP); } } void OnResize() override { if (this->viewport != nullptr) { NWidgetViewport *nvp = this->GetWidget(WID_VV_VIEWPORT); nvp->UpdateViewportCoordinates(this); } } void UpdateButtonStatus() { const Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(this->window_number); bool veh_stopped = v->IsStoppedInDepot(); /* Widget WID_VV_GOTO_DEPOT must be hidden if the vehicle is already stopped in depot. * Widget WID_VV_CLONE_VEH should then be shown, since cloning is allowed only while in depot and stopped. */ PlaneSelections plane = veh_stopped ? SEL_DC_CLONE : SEL_DC_GOTO_DEPOT; NWidgetStacked *nwi = this->GetWidget(WID_VV_SELECT_DEPOT_CLONE); // Selection widget 'send to depot' / 'clone'. if (nwi->shown_plane + SEL_DC_BASEPLANE != plane) { this->SelectPlane(plane); this->SetWidgetDirty(WID_VV_SELECT_DEPOT_CLONE); } /* The same system applies to widget WID_VV_REFIT_VEH and VVW_WIDGET_TURN_AROUND.*/ if (v->IsGroundVehicle()) { plane = veh_stopped ? SEL_RT_REFIT : SEL_RT_TURN_AROUND; nwi = this->GetWidget(WID_VV_SELECT_REFIT_TURN); if (nwi->shown_plane + SEL_RT_BASEPLANE != plane) { this->SelectPlane(plane); this->SetWidgetDirty(WID_VV_SELECT_REFIT_TURN); } } } /** * Some data on this window has become invalid. * @param data Information about the changed data. * @param gui_scope Whether the call is done from GUI scope. You may not do everything when not in GUI scope. See #InvalidateWindowData() for details. */ void OnInvalidateData([[maybe_unused]] int data = 0, [[maybe_unused]] bool gui_scope = true) override { if (data == VIWD_AUTOREPLACE) { /* Autoreplace replaced the vehicle. * Nothing to do for this window. */ return; } this->UpdateButtonStatus(); } bool IsNewGRFInspectable() const override { return ::IsNewGRFInspectable(GetGrfSpecFeature(Vehicle::Get(this->window_number)->type), this->window_number); } void ShowNewGRFInspectWindow() const override { ::ShowNewGRFInspectWindow(GetGrfSpecFeature(Vehicle::Get(this->window_number)->type), this->window_number); } static inline HotkeyList hotkeys{"vehicleview", { Hotkey('H', "honk", WID_VV_HONK_HORN), }}; }; /** Vehicle view window descriptor for all vehicles but trains. */ static WindowDesc _vehicle_view_desc( WDP_AUTO, "view_vehicle", 250, 116, WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, WC_NONE, 0, std::begin(_nested_vehicle_view_widgets), std::end(_nested_vehicle_view_widgets), &VehicleViewWindow::hotkeys ); /** * Vehicle view window descriptor for trains. Only minimum_height and * default_height are different for train view. */ static WindowDesc _train_view_desc( WDP_AUTO, "view_vehicle_train", 250, 134, WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, WC_NONE, 0, std::begin(_nested_vehicle_view_widgets), std::end(_nested_vehicle_view_widgets), &VehicleViewWindow::hotkeys ); /** Shows the vehicle view window of the given vehicle. */ void ShowVehicleViewWindow(const Vehicle *v) { AllocateWindowDescFront((v->type == VEH_TRAIN) ? &_train_view_desc : &_vehicle_view_desc, v->index); } /** * Dispatch a "vehicle selected" event if any window waits for it. * @param v selected vehicle; * @return did any window accept vehicle selection? */ bool VehicleClicked(const Vehicle *v) { assert(v != nullptr); if (!(_thd.place_mode & HT_VEHICLE)) return false; v = v->First(); if (!v->IsPrimaryVehicle()) return false; return _thd.GetCallbackWnd()->OnVehicleSelect(v); } /** * Dispatch a "vehicle group selected" event if any window waits for it. * @param begin iterator to the start of the range of vehicles * @param end iterator to the end of the range of vehicles * @return did any window accept vehicle group selection? */ bool VehicleClicked(VehicleList::const_iterator begin, VehicleList::const_iterator end) { assert(begin != end); if (!(_thd.place_mode & HT_VEHICLE)) return false; /* If there is only one vehicle in the group, act as if we clicked a single vehicle */ if (begin + 1 == end) return _thd.GetCallbackWnd()->OnVehicleSelect(*begin); return _thd.GetCallbackWnd()->OnVehicleSelect(begin, end); } /** * Dispatch a "vehicle group selected" event if any window waits for it. * @param vehgroup the GUIVehicleGroup representing the vehicle group * @return did any window accept vehicle group selection? */ bool VehicleClicked(const GUIVehicleGroup &vehgroup) { return VehicleClicked(vehgroup.vehicles_begin, vehgroup.vehicles_end); } void StopGlobalFollowVehicle(const Vehicle *v) { Window *w = GetMainWindow(); if (w->viewport->follow_vehicle == v->index) { ScrollMainWindowTo(v->x_pos, v->y_pos, v->z_pos, true); // lock the main view on the vehicle's last position w->viewport->follow_vehicle = INVALID_VEHICLE; } } /** * This is the Callback method after the construction attempt of a primary vehicle * @param result indicates completion (or not) of the operation * @param new_veh_id ID of the new vehicle. */ void CcBuildPrimaryVehicle(Commands, const CommandCost &result, VehicleID new_veh_id, uint, uint16_t, CargoArray) { if (result.Failed()) return; const Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(new_veh_id); ShowVehicleViewWindow(v); } /** * Get the width of a vehicle (part) in pixels. * @param v Vehicle to get the width for. * @return Width of the vehicle. */ int GetSingleVehicleWidth(const Vehicle *v, EngineImageType image_type) { switch (v->type) { case VEH_TRAIN: return Train::From(v)->GetDisplayImageWidth(); case VEH_ROAD: return RoadVehicle::From(v)->GetDisplayImageWidth(); default: bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL; VehicleSpriteSeq seq; v->GetImage(rtl ? DIR_E : DIR_W, image_type, &seq); Rect rec; seq.GetBounds(&rec); return UnScaleGUI(rec.Width()); } } /** * Get the width of a vehicle (including all parts of the consist) in pixels. * @param v Vehicle to get the width for. * @return Width of the vehicle. */ int GetVehicleWidth(const Vehicle *v, EngineImageType image_type) { if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN || v->type == VEH_ROAD) { int vehicle_width = 0; for (const Vehicle *u = v; u != nullptr; u = u->Next()) { vehicle_width += GetSingleVehicleWidth(u, image_type); } return vehicle_width; } else { return GetSingleVehicleWidth(v, image_type); } } /** * Set the mouse cursor to look like a vehicle. * @param v Vehicle * @param image_type Type of vehicle image to use. */ void SetMouseCursorVehicle(const Vehicle *v, EngineImageType image_type) { bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL; _cursor.sprite_count = 0; int total_width = 0; int y_offset = 0; bool rotor_seq = false; // Whether to draw the rotor of the vehicle in this step. bool is_ground_vehicle = v->IsGroundVehicle(); while (v != nullptr) { if (total_width >= ScaleSpriteTrad(2 * (int)VEHICLEINFO_FULL_VEHICLE_WIDTH)) break; PaletteID pal = (v->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED) ? PALETTE_CRASH : GetVehiclePalette(v); VehicleSpriteSeq seq; if (rotor_seq) { GetCustomRotorSprite(Aircraft::From(v), image_type, &seq); if (!seq.IsValid()) seq.Set(SPR_ROTOR_STOPPED); y_offset = -ScaleSpriteTrad(5); } else { v->GetImage(rtl ? DIR_E : DIR_W, image_type, &seq); } if (_cursor.sprite_count + seq.count > lengthof(_cursor.sprite_seq)) break; int x_offs = 0; if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN) x_offs = Train::From(v)->GetCursorImageOffset(); for (uint i = 0; i < seq.count; ++i) { PaletteID pal2 = (v->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED) || !seq.seq[i].pal ? pal : seq.seq[i].pal; _cursor.sprite_seq[_cursor.sprite_count].sprite = seq.seq[i].sprite; _cursor.sprite_seq[_cursor.sprite_count].pal = pal2; _cursor.sprite_pos[_cursor.sprite_count].x = rtl ? (-total_width + x_offs) : (total_width + x_offs); _cursor.sprite_pos[_cursor.sprite_count].y = y_offset; _cursor.sprite_count++; } if (v->type == VEH_AIRCRAFT && v->subtype == AIR_HELICOPTER && !rotor_seq) { /* Draw rotor part in the next step. */ rotor_seq = true; } else { total_width += GetSingleVehicleWidth(v, image_type); v = v->HasArticulatedPart() ? v->GetNextArticulatedPart() : nullptr; } } if (is_ground_vehicle) { /* Center trains and road vehicles on the front vehicle */ int offs = (ScaleSpriteTrad(VEHICLEINFO_FULL_VEHICLE_WIDTH) - total_width) / 2; if (rtl) offs = -offs; for (uint i = 0; i < _cursor.sprite_count; ++i) { _cursor.sprite_pos[i].x += offs; } } UpdateCursorSize(); }