/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file newgrf_analysis.cpp NewGRF analysis. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "newgrf_analysis.h" #include "newgrf_industrytiles_analysis.h" #include "newgrf_spritegroup.h" #include "safeguards.h" void DeterministicSpriteGroup::AnalyseCallbacks(AnalyseCallbackOperation &op) const { auto res = op.seen.insert(this); if (!res.second) { /* Already seen this group */ return; } if (op.mode == ACOM_INDUSTRY_TILE && op.data.indtile->anim_state_at_offset) return; auto check_1A_range = [&]() -> bool { if (this->GroupMayBeBypassed()) { /* Not clear why some GRFs do this, perhaps a way of commenting out a branch */ uint32 value = (this->adjusts.size() == 1) ? EvaluateDeterministicSpriteGroupAdjust(this->size, this->adjusts[0], nullptr, 0, UINT_MAX) : 0; for (const auto &range : this->ranges) { if (range.low <= value && value <= range.high) { if (range.group != nullptr) range.group->AnalyseCallbacks(op); return true; } } if (this->default_group != nullptr) this->default_group->AnalyseCallbacks(op); return true; } return false; }; if (op.mode == ACOM_FIND_CB_RESULT) { if (this->calculated_result) { op.result_flags |= ACORF_CB_RESULT_FOUND; return; } else if (!(op.result_flags & ACORF_CB_RESULT_FOUND)) { if (check_1A_range()) return; auto check_var_filter = [&](uint8 var, uint value) -> bool { if (this->adjusts.size() == 1 && this->adjusts[0].variable == var && (this->adjusts[0].operation == DSGA_OP_ADD || this->adjusts[0].operation == DSGA_OP_RST)) { const auto &adjust = this->adjusts[0]; if (adjust.shift_num == 0 && (adjust.and_mask & 0xFF) == 0xFF && adjust.type == DSGA_TYPE_NONE) { for (const auto &range : this->ranges) { if (range.low == range.high && range.low == value) { if (range.group != nullptr) range.group->AnalyseCallbacks(op); return true; } } if (this->default_group != nullptr) this->default_group->AnalyseCallbacks(op); return true; } } return false; }; if (check_var_filter(0xC, op.data.cb_result.callback)) return; if (op.data.cb_result.check_var_10 && check_var_filter(0x10, op.data.cb_result.var_10_value)) return; for (const auto &range : this->ranges) { if (range.group != nullptr) range.group->AnalyseCallbacks(op); } if (this->default_group != nullptr) this->default_group->AnalyseCallbacks(op); } return; } if (check_1A_range()) return; if ((op.mode == ACOM_CB_VAR || op.mode == ACOM_CB_REFIT_CAPACITY) && this->var_scope != VSG_SCOPE_SELF) { op.result_flags |= ACORF_CB_REFIT_CAP_NON_WHITELIST_FOUND; } auto find_cb_result = [&](const SpriteGroup *group, AnalyseCallbackOperation::FindCBResultData data) -> bool { if (group == nullptr) return false; AnalyseCallbackOperation cbr_op(ACOM_FIND_CB_RESULT); cbr_op.data.cb_result = data; group->AnalyseCallbacks(cbr_op); return (cbr_op.result_flags & ACORF_CB_RESULT_FOUND); }; if (this->adjusts.size() == 1 && !this->calculated_result && (this->adjusts[0].operation == DSGA_OP_ADD || this->adjusts[0].operation == DSGA_OP_RST)) { const auto &adjust = this->adjusts[0]; if (op.mode == ACOM_CB_VAR && adjust.variable == 0xC) { if (adjust.shift_num == 0 && (adjust.and_mask & 0xFF) == 0xFF && adjust.type == DSGA_TYPE_NONE) { bool found_refit_cap = false; for (const auto &range : this->ranges) { if (range.low == range.high) { switch (range.low) { case CBID_VEHICLE_32DAY_CALLBACK: op.callbacks_used |= SGCU_VEHICLE_32DAY_CALLBACK; break; case CBID_VEHICLE_REFIT_COST: op.callbacks_used |= SGCU_VEHICLE_REFIT_COST; break; case CBID_RANDOM_TRIGGER: op.callbacks_used |= SGCU_RANDOM_TRIGGER; break; case CBID_VEHICLE_MODIFY_PROPERTY: if (range.group != nullptr) { AnalyseCallbackOperation cb36_op(ACOM_CB36_PROP); range.group->AnalyseCallbacks(cb36_op); op.properties_used |= cb36_op.properties_used; op.callbacks_used |= cb36_op.callbacks_used; } break; case CBID_VEHICLE_REFIT_CAPACITY: found_refit_cap = true; if (range.group != nullptr) { AnalyseCallbackOperation cb_refit_op(ACOM_CB_REFIT_CAPACITY); range.group->AnalyseCallbacks(cb_refit_op); op.result_flags |= (cb_refit_op.result_flags & (ACORF_CB_REFIT_CAP_NON_WHITELIST_FOUND | ACORF_CB_REFIT_CAP_SEEN_VAR_47)); } break; } } else { if (range.group != nullptr) range.group->AnalyseCallbacks(op); } } if (this->default_group != nullptr) { AnalyseCallbackOperationResultFlags prev_result = op.result_flags; this->default_group->AnalyseCallbacks(op); if (found_refit_cap) { const AnalyseCallbackOperationResultFlags save_mask = ACORF_CB_REFIT_CAP_NON_WHITELIST_FOUND | ACORF_CB_REFIT_CAP_SEEN_VAR_47; op.result_flags &= ~save_mask; op.result_flags |= (prev_result & save_mask); } } return; } } if (op.mode == ACOM_CB36_PROP && adjust.variable == 0x10) { if (adjust.shift_num == 0 && (adjust.and_mask & 0xFF) == 0xFF && adjust.type == DSGA_TYPE_NONE) { for (const auto &range : this->ranges) { if (range.low == range.high) { if (range.low < 64) { if (find_cb_result(range.group, { CBID_VEHICLE_MODIFY_PROPERTY, true, (uint8)range.low })) { SetBit(op.properties_used, range.low); if (range.low == 0x9) { /* Speed */ if (range.group != nullptr) { AnalyseCallbackOperation cb36_speed(ACOM_CB36_SPEED); range.group->AnalyseCallbacks(cb36_speed); op.callbacks_used |= cb36_speed.callbacks_used; } } } } } else { if (range.group != nullptr) range.group->AnalyseCallbacks(op); } } if (this->default_group != nullptr) this->default_group->AnalyseCallbacks(op); return; } } if (op.mode == ACOM_CB36_PROP && adjust.variable == 0xC) { if (adjust.shift_num == 0 && (adjust.and_mask & 0xFF) == 0xFF && adjust.type == DSGA_TYPE_NONE) { for (const auto &range : this->ranges) { if (range.low <= CBID_VEHICLE_MODIFY_PROPERTY && CBID_VEHICLE_MODIFY_PROPERTY <= range.high) { if (range.group != nullptr) range.group->AnalyseCallbacks(op); return; } } if (this->default_group != nullptr) this->default_group->AnalyseCallbacks(op); return; } } if (op.mode == ACOM_CB36_SPEED && adjust.variable == 0x4A) { op.callbacks_used |= SGCU_CB36_SPEED_RAILTYPE; return; } if (op.mode == ACOM_INDUSTRY_TILE && adjust.variable == 0xC) { if (adjust.shift_num == 0 && (adjust.and_mask & 0xFF) == 0xFF && adjust.type == DSGA_TYPE_NONE) { /* Check for CBID_INDTILE_ANIM_NEXT_FRAME, mark layout subset as animated if found */ if (op.data.indtile->check_anim_next_frame_cb) { for (const auto &range : this->ranges) { if (range.low <= CBID_INDTILE_ANIM_NEXT_FRAME && CBID_INDTILE_ANIM_NEXT_FRAME <= range.high) { /* Found a CBID_INDTILE_ANIM_NEXT_FRAME */ *(op.data.indtile->result_mask) &= ~op.data.indtile->check_mask; } } } /* Callback switch, skip to the default/graphics chain */ for (const auto &range : this->ranges) { if (range.low == 0) { if (range.group != nullptr) range.group->AnalyseCallbacks(op); return; } } if (this->default_group != nullptr) this->default_group->AnalyseCallbacks(op); return; } } if (op.mode == ACOM_INDUSTRY_TILE && adjust.variable == 0x44 && this->var_scope == VSG_SCOPE_PARENT) { if (adjust.shift_num == 0 && (adjust.and_mask & 0xFF) == 0xFF && adjust.type == DSGA_TYPE_NONE) { /* Layout index switch */ for (const auto &range : this->ranges) { if (range.low <= op.data.indtile->layout_index && op.data.indtile->layout_index <= range.high) { if (range.group != nullptr) range.group->AnalyseCallbacks(op); return; } } if (this->default_group != nullptr) this->default_group->AnalyseCallbacks(op); return; } } if (op.mode == ACOM_INDUSTRY_TILE && adjust.variable == 0x43 && adjust.type == DSGA_TYPE_NONE && this->var_scope == VSG_SCOPE_SELF) { const uint32 effective_mask = adjust.and_mask << adjust.shift_num; if (effective_mask == 0xFFFF || effective_mask == 0xFF00 || effective_mask == 0x00FF) { /* Relative position switch */ const bool use_x = effective_mask & 0xFF; const bool use_y = effective_mask & 0xFF00; uint64 default_mask = op.data.indtile->check_mask; for (const auto &range : this->ranges) { if (range.high - range.low < 32) { uint64 new_check_mask = 0; for (uint i = range.low; i <= range.high; i++) { const uint offset = i << adjust.shift_num; const int16 x = offset & 0xFF; const int16 y = (offset >> 8) & 0xFF; for (uint bit : SetBitIterator(op.data.indtile->check_mask)) { const TileIndexDiffC &ti = (*(op.data.indtile->layout))[bit].ti; if ((!use_x || ti.x == x) && (!use_y || ti.y == y)) { SetBit(new_check_mask, bit); } } } default_mask &= ~new_check_mask; if (range.group != nullptr) { AnalyseCallbackOperationIndustryTileData data = *(op.data.indtile); data.check_mask = new_check_mask; AnalyseCallbackOperation sub_op(ACOM_INDUSTRY_TILE); sub_op.data.indtile = &data; range.group->AnalyseCallbacks(sub_op); if (data.anim_state_at_offset) { op.data.indtile->anim_state_at_offset = true; return; } } } else { if (range.group != nullptr) range.group->AnalyseCallbacks(op); } } if (this->default_group != nullptr) { AnalyseCallbackOperationIndustryTileData data = *(op.data.indtile); data.check_mask = default_mask; AnalyseCallbackOperation sub_op(ACOM_INDUSTRY_TILE); sub_op.data.indtile = &data; this->default_group->AnalyseCallbacks(sub_op); } return; } } } for (const auto &adjust : this->adjusts) { if (op.mode == ACOM_CB_VAR && adjust.variable == 0xC) { op.callbacks_used |= SGCU_ALL; } if (op.mode == ACOM_CB36_PROP && adjust.variable == 0x10) { if (find_cb_result(this, { CBID_VEHICLE_MODIFY_PROPERTY, false, 0 })) { op.properties_used |= UINT64_MAX; break; } } if ((op.mode == ACOM_CB_VAR || op.mode == ACOM_CB_REFIT_CAPACITY) && !(adjust.variable == 0xC || adjust.variable == 0x1A || adjust.variable == 0x47 || adjust.variable == 0x7D || adjust.variable == 0x7E)) { op.result_flags |= ACORF_CB_REFIT_CAP_NON_WHITELIST_FOUND; } if ((op.mode == ACOM_CB_VAR || op.mode == ACOM_CB_REFIT_CAPACITY) && adjust.variable == 0x47) { op.result_flags |= ACORF_CB_REFIT_CAP_SEEN_VAR_47; } if (op.mode != ACOM_CB36_PROP && adjust.variable == 0x7E && adjust.subroutine != nullptr) { adjust.subroutine->AnalyseCallbacks(op); } if (op.mode == ACOM_INDUSTRY_TILE && this->var_scope == VSG_SCOPE_SELF && (adjust.variable == 0x44 || (adjust.variable == 0x61 && adjust.parameter == 0))) { *(op.data.indtile->result_mask) &= ~op.data.indtile->check_mask; } if (op.mode == ACOM_INDUSTRY_TILE && ((this->var_scope == VSG_SCOPE_SELF && adjust.variable == 0x61) || (this->var_scope == VSG_SCOPE_PARENT && adjust.variable == 0x63))) { op.data.indtile->anim_state_at_offset = true; return; } } if (!this->calculated_result) { for (const auto &range : this->ranges) { if (range.group != nullptr) range.group->AnalyseCallbacks(op); } if (this->default_group != nullptr) this->default_group->AnalyseCallbacks(op); } } void CallbackResultSpriteGroup::AnalyseCallbacks(AnalyseCallbackOperation &op) const { if (op.mode == ACOM_FIND_CB_RESULT && this->result != CALLBACK_FAILED) op.result_flags |= ACORF_CB_RESULT_FOUND; } void RandomizedSpriteGroup::AnalyseCallbacks(AnalyseCallbackOperation &op) const { op.result_flags |= ACORF_CB_REFIT_CAP_NON_WHITELIST_FOUND; if ((op.mode == ACOM_CB_VAR || op.mode == ACOM_FIND_RANDOM_TRIGGER) && (this->triggers != 0 || this->cmp_mode == RSG_CMP_ALL)) { op.callbacks_used |= SGCU_RANDOM_TRIGGER; } for (const SpriteGroup *group: this->groups) { if (group != nullptr) group->AnalyseCallbacks(op); } } void RealSpriteGroup::AnalyseCallbacks(AnalyseCallbackOperation &op) const { for (const SpriteGroup *group: this->loaded) { if (group != nullptr) group->AnalyseCallbacks(op); } for (const SpriteGroup *group: this->loading) { if (group != nullptr) group->AnalyseCallbacks(op); } }