Fix #8647: draw tram catenary using 4 bounding boxes.

The back sprite is now supposed to contain west, north and east pillars.
The front sprite is supposed to contain the south pillar and the wires.
frosch 4 years ago committed by frosch
parent 28589db664
commit f580ab4ba4

@ -1423,8 +1423,23 @@ void DrawRoadTypeCatenary(const TileInfo *ti, RoadType rt, RoadBits rb)
* For tiles with OWNER_TOWN or OWNER_NONE, recolour CC to grey as a neutral colour. */
Owner owner = GetRoadOwner(ti->tile, GetRoadTramType(rt));
if (back != 0) AddSortableSpriteToDraw(back, pal, ti->x, ti->y, 16, 16, TILE_HEIGHT + BB_HEIGHT_UNDER_BRIDGE, ti->z, IsTransparencySet(TO_CATENARY));
if (front != 0) AddSortableSpriteToDraw(front, pal, ti->x, ti->y, 16, 16, TILE_HEIGHT + BB_HEIGHT_UNDER_BRIDGE, ti->z, IsTransparencySet(TO_CATENARY));
int z_wires = (ti->tileh == SLOPE_FLAT ? 0 : TILE_HEIGHT) + BB_HEIGHT_UNDER_BRIDGE;
if (back != 0) {
/* The "back" sprite contains the west, north and east pillars.
* We cut the sprite at 3/8 of the west/east edges to create 3 sprites.
* 3/8 is chosen so that sprites can somewhat graphically extend into the tile. */
static const int INF = 1000; ///< big number compared to sprite size
static const SubSprite west = { -INF, -INF, -12, INF };
static const SubSprite north = { -12, -INF, 12, INF };
static const SubSprite east = { 12, -INF, INF, INF };
AddSortableSpriteToDraw(back, pal, ti->x, ti->y, 16, 1, z_wires, ti->z, IsTransparencySet(TO_CATENARY), 15, 0, GetSlopePixelZInCorner(ti->tileh, CORNER_W), &west);
AddSortableSpriteToDraw(back, pal, ti->x, ti->y, 1, 1, z_wires, ti->z, IsTransparencySet(TO_CATENARY), 0, 0, GetSlopePixelZInCorner(ti->tileh, CORNER_N), &north);
AddSortableSpriteToDraw(back, pal, ti->x, ti->y, 1, 16, z_wires, ti->z, IsTransparencySet(TO_CATENARY), 0, 15, GetSlopePixelZInCorner(ti->tileh, CORNER_E), &east);
if (front != 0) {
/* Draw the "front" sprite (containing south pillar and wires) at a Z height that is both above the vehicles and above the "back" pillars. */
AddSortableSpriteToDraw(front, pal, ti->x, ti->y, 16, 16, z_wires + 1, ti->z, IsTransparencySet(TO_CATENARY), 0, 0, z_wires);
