Change: Include count of stations per cargo type in station cargo filter.

Cargo types with no stations are shaded to make the list clearer.
Peter Nelson 6 months ago committed by Peter Nelson
parent 46da56b191
commit e517e55620

@ -240,6 +240,8 @@ protected:
GUIStationList stations{filter.cargoes};
Scrollbar *vscroll;
uint rating_width;
std::array<uint16_t, NUM_CARGO> stations_per_cargo_type; ///< Number of stations with a rating for each cargo type.
uint16_t stations_per_cargo_type_no_rating; ///< Number of stations without a rating.
* (Re)Build station list
@ -253,11 +255,17 @@ protected:
Debug(misc, 3, "Building station list for company {}", owner);
this->stations_per_cargo_type_no_rating = 0;
for (const Station *st : Station::Iterate()) {
if (st->owner == owner || (st->owner == OWNER_NONE && HasStationInUse(st->index, true, owner))) {
if (this->filter.facilities & st->facilities) { // only stations with selected facilities
bool has_rating = false;
/* Add to the station/cargo counts. */
for (CargoID j = 0; j < NUM_CARGO; j++) {
if (st->goods[j].HasRating()) this->stations_per_cargo_type[j]++;
for (CargoID j = 0; j < NUM_CARGO; j++) {
if (st->goods[j].HasRating()) {
has_rating = true;
@ -268,8 +276,9 @@ protected:
/* Stations with no cargo rating. */
if (!has_rating && this->filter.include_no_rating) {
if (!has_rating) {
if (this->filter.include_no_rating) this->stations.push_back(st);
@ -519,15 +528,20 @@ public:
DropDownList BuildCargoDropDownList() const
/* Define a custom item consisting of check mark, icon and string. */
using DropDownListCargoItem = DropDownCheck<DropDownListIconItem>;
/* Define a custom item consisting of check mark, count string, icon and name string. */
using DropDownListCargoItem = DropDownCheck<DropDownString<DropDownListIconItem, FS_SMALL, true>>;
DropDownList list;
list.push_back(std::make_unique<DropDownListStringItem>(STR_STATION_LIST_CARGO_FILTER_SELECT_ALL, CargoFilterCriteria::CF_SELECT_ALL));
list.push_back(std::make_unique<DropDownListCheckedItem>(this->filter.include_no_rating, STR_STATION_LIST_CARGO_FILTER_NO_RATING, CargoFilterCriteria::CF_NO_RATING));
uint16_t count = this->stations_per_cargo_type_no_rating;
list.push_back(std::make_unique<DropDownString<DropDownListCheckedItem, FS_SMALL, true>>(fmt::format("{}", count), this->filter.include_no_rating, STR_STATION_LIST_CARGO_FILTER_NO_RATING, CargoFilterCriteria::CF_NO_RATING, false, count == 0));
Dimension d = GetLargestCargoIconSize();
for (const CargoSpec *cs : _sorted_cargo_specs) {
list.push_back(std::make_unique<DropDownListCargoItem>(HasBit(this->filter.cargoes, cs->Index()), cs->GetCargoIcon(), PAL_NONE, cs->name, cs->Index()));
count = this->stations_per_cargo_type[cs->Index()];
list.push_back(std::make_unique<DropDownListCargoItem>(HasBit(this->filter.cargoes, cs->Index()), fmt::format("{}", count), d, cs->GetCargoIcon(), PAL_NONE, cs->name, cs->Index(), false, count == 0));
return list;
