Store annotation and node ID in set key, to reduce ptr derefs on sort.

Store the set iterator in the node, for faster erasing during forks.

Use a custom pool allocator to store set nodes contiguously.
Jonathan G Rennison 9 years ago
parent 4534812b4f
commit e22e1df939

@ -9,6 +9,20 @@
typedef std::map<NodeID, Path *> PathViaMap;
* This is a wrapper around Tannotation* which also stores a cache of GetAnnotation() and GetNode()
* to remove the need dereference the Tannotation* pointer when sorting/inseting/erasing in MultiCommodityFlow::Dijkstra::AnnoSet
template<typename Tannotation>
class AnnoSetItem {
Tannotation *anno_ptr;
typename Tannotation::AnnotationValueType cached_annotation;
NodeID node_id;
AnnoSetItem(Tannotation *anno) : anno_ptr(anno), cached_annotation(anno->GetAnnotation()), node_id(anno->GetNode()) {}
* Distance-based annotation for use in the Dijkstra algorithm. This is close
* to the original meaning of "annotation" in this context. Paths are rated
@ -16,6 +30,7 @@ typedef std::map<NodeID, Path *> PathViaMap;
class DistanceAnnotation : public Path {
typedef uint AnnotationValueType;
* Constructor.
@ -41,7 +56,7 @@ public:
* Comparator for std containers.
struct Comparator {
bool operator()(const DistanceAnnotation *x, const DistanceAnnotation *y) const;
bool operator()(const AnnoSetItem<DistanceAnnotation> &x, const AnnoSetItem<DistanceAnnotation> &y) const;
@ -53,8 +68,8 @@ public:
class CapacityAnnotation : public Path {
int cached_annotation;
typedef int AnnotationValueType;
* Constructor.
@ -83,7 +98,7 @@ public:
* Comparator for std containers.
struct Comparator {
bool operator()(const CapacityAnnotation *x, const CapacityAnnotation *y) const;
bool operator()(const AnnoSetItem<CapacityAnnotation> &x, const AnnoSetItem<CapacityAnnotation> &y) const;
@ -246,6 +261,91 @@ bool CapacityAnnotation::IsBetter(const CapacityAnnotation *base, uint cap,
* Storage for AnnoSetAllocator instances
struct AnnoSetAllocatorStore {
std::vector<void *> used_blocks;
void *current_block;
size_t next_position;
void *last_freed;
AnnoSetAllocatorStore() : current_block(NULL), next_position(0), last_freed(NULL) {}
for (std::vector<void *>::iterator i = used_blocks.begin(); i != used_blocks.end(); ++i) {
* Custom allocator specifically for use with MultiCommodityFlow::Dijkstra::AnnoSet
* This allocates RB-set nodes in contiguous blocks, and frees all allocated nodes when destructed
* If a node is deallocated, it is returned in the next allocation, this is so that the same node
* can be re-used across a call to Path::Fork
template<class Ttype>
struct AnnoSetAllocator {
static const size_t block_size = 1024;
AnnoSetAllocatorStore &store;
void NewBlock()
store.current_block = MallocT<Ttype>(block_size);
store.next_position = 0;
typedef Ttype value_type;
template<typename Tother>
struct rebind {
typedef AnnoSetAllocator<Tother> other;
AnnoSetAllocator(AnnoSetAllocatorStore &store) : store(store) {}
template<typename Tother>
AnnoSetAllocator(const AnnoSetAllocator<Tother> &other) : store( {}
Ttype* allocate(size_t n)
if (store.current_block == NULL) NewBlock();
assert(n == 1);
if (store.last_freed != NULL) {
Ttype* out = static_cast<Ttype*>(store.last_freed);
store.last_freed = NULL;
return out;
if (store.next_position == block_size) NewBlock();
Ttype* next = static_cast<Ttype*>(store.current_block) + store.next_position;
return next;
void deallocate(Ttype* p, size_t n)
store.last_freed = p;
* Annotation wrapper class which also stores an iterator to the AnnoSet node which points to this annotation
* This is to enable erasing the AnnoSet node when calling Path::Fork without having to search the set
template<class Tannotation>
struct AnnosWrapper : public Tannotation {
typename std::set<AnnoSetItem<Tannotation>, typename Tannotation::Comparator, AnnoSetAllocator<AnnoSetItem<Tannotation> > >::iterator self_iter;
AnnosWrapper(NodeID n, bool source = false) : Tannotation(n, source) {}
* A slightly modified Dijkstra algorithm. Grades the paths not necessarily by
* distance, but by the value Tannotation computes. It uses the max_saturation
@ -258,21 +358,23 @@ bool CapacityAnnotation::IsBetter(const CapacityAnnotation *base, uint cap,
template<class Tannotation, class Tedge_iterator>
void MultiCommodityFlow::Dijkstra(NodeID source_node, PathVector &paths)
typedef std::set<Tannotation *, typename Tannotation::Comparator> AnnoSet;
typedef std::set<AnnoSetItem<Tannotation>, typename Tannotation::Comparator, AnnoSetAllocator<AnnoSetItem<Tannotation> > > AnnoSet;
Tedge_iterator iter(this->job);
uint size = this->job.Size();
AnnoSet annos;
AnnoSetAllocatorStore annos_store;
AnnoSet annos = AnnoSet(typename Tannotation::Comparator(), AnnoSetAllocator<Tannotation *>(annos_store));
paths.resize(size, NULL);
for (NodeID node = 0; node < size; ++node) {
Tannotation *anno = new Tannotation(node, node == source_node);
AnnosWrapper<Tannotation> *anno = new AnnosWrapper<Tannotation>(node, node == source_node);
anno->self_iter = annos.insert(AnnoSetItem<Tannotation>(anno)).first;
paths[node] = anno;
while (!annos.empty()) {
typename AnnoSet::iterator i = annos.begin();
Tannotation *source = *i;
AnnosWrapper<Tannotation> *source = static_cast<AnnosWrapper<Tannotation> *>(i->anno_ptr);
source->self_iter = annos.end();
NodeID from = source->GetNode();
iter.SetNode(source_node, from);
for (NodeID to = iter.Next(); to != INVALID_NODE; to = iter.Next()) {
@ -286,12 +388,12 @@ void MultiCommodityFlow::Dijkstra(NodeID source_node, PathVector &paths)
/* punish in-between stops a little */
uint distance = DistanceMaxPlusManhattan(this->job[from].XY(), this->job[to].XY()) + 1;
Tannotation *dest = static_cast<Tannotation *>(paths[to]);
AnnosWrapper<Tannotation> *dest = static_cast<AnnosWrapper<Tannotation> *>(paths[to]);
if (dest->IsBetter(source, capacity, capacity - edge.Flow(), distance)) {
if (dest->self_iter != annos.end()) annos.erase(dest->self_iter);
dest->Fork(source, capacity, capacity - edge.Flow(), distance);
dest->self_iter = annos.insert(AnnoSetItem<Tannotation>(dest)).first;
@ -579,11 +681,11 @@ bool Greater(T x_anno, T y_anno, NodeID x, NodeID y)
* @param y Second capacity annotation.
* @return If x is better than y.
bool CapacityAnnotation::Comparator::operator()(const CapacityAnnotation *x,
const CapacityAnnotation *y) const
bool CapacityAnnotation::Comparator::operator()(const AnnoSetItem<CapacityAnnotation> &x,
const AnnoSetItem<CapacityAnnotation> &y) const
return x != y && Greater<int>(x->GetAnnotation(), y->GetAnnotation(),
x->GetNode(), y->GetNode());
return x.anno_ptr != y.anno_ptr && Greater<int>(x.cached_annotation, y.cached_annotation,
x.node_id, y.node_id);
@ -592,9 +694,9 @@ bool CapacityAnnotation::Comparator::operator()(const CapacityAnnotation *x,
* @param y Second distance annotation.
* @return If x is better than y.
bool DistanceAnnotation::Comparator::operator()(const DistanceAnnotation *x,
const DistanceAnnotation *y) const
bool DistanceAnnotation::Comparator::operator()(const AnnoSetItem<DistanceAnnotation> &x,
const AnnoSetItem<DistanceAnnotation> &y) const
return x != y && !Greater<uint>(x->GetAnnotation(), y->GetAnnotation(),
x->GetNode(), y->GetNode());
return x.anno_ptr != y.anno_ptr && !Greater<uint>(x.cached_annotation, y.cached_annotation,
x.node_id, y.node_id);
