Feature #6397: Keep town growth rate in sync with house count

Takes some code and ideas from #6378 patch, but doesn't change anything GS-related.
Pavel Stupnikov 6 years ago committed by Michael Lutz
parent dc8fff2c4d
commit 9fc3212679

@ -1575,6 +1575,9 @@ void UpdateTownMaxPass(Town *t)
t->supplied[CT_MAIL].old_max = t->cache.population >> 4;
static void UpdateTownGrowthRate(Town *t);
static void UpdateTownGrowth(Town *t);
* Does the actual town creation.
@ -1654,6 +1657,7 @@ static void DoCreateTown(Town *t, TileIndex tile, uint32 townnameparts, TownSize
t->cache.num_houses -= x;
@ -2412,6 +2416,7 @@ static bool BuildTownHouse(Town *t, TileIndex tile)
MakeTownHouse(tile, t, construction_counter, construction_stage, house, random_bits);
UpdateTownCargoes(t, tile);
return true;
@ -2547,8 +2552,6 @@ const CargoSpec *FindFirstCargoWithTownEffect(TownEffect effect)
return NULL;
static void UpdateTownGrowRate(Town *t);
* Change the cargo goal of a town.
* @param tile Unused.
@ -2577,7 +2580,7 @@ CommandCost CmdTownCargoGoal(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uin
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
t->goal[te] = p2;
InvalidateWindowData(WC_TOWN_VIEW, index);
@ -2627,7 +2630,7 @@ CommandCost CmdTownGrowthRate(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, ui
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
if (p2 == 0) {
/* Just clear the flag, UpdateTownGrowRate will determine a proper growth rate */
/* Just clear the flag, UpdateTownGrowth will determine a proper growth rate */
ClrBit(t->flags, TOWN_CUSTOM_GROWTH);
} else {
uint old_rate = t->growth_rate;
@ -2641,7 +2644,7 @@ CommandCost CmdTownGrowthRate(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, ui
t->growth_rate = p2;
SetBit(t->flags, TOWN_CUSTOM_GROWTH);
InvalidateWindowData(WC_TOWN_VIEW, p1);
@ -2928,7 +2931,7 @@ static CommandCost TownActionFundBuildings(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
t->fund_buildings_months = 3;
/* Enable growth (also checking GameScript's opinion) */
/* Build a new house, but add a small delay to make sure
* that spamming funding doesn't let town grow any faster
@ -3132,8 +3135,87 @@ static void UpdateTownRating(Town *t)
SetWindowDirty(WC_TOWN_AUTHORITY, t->index);
static void UpdateTownGrowRate(Town *t)
* Updates town grow counter after growth rate change.
* Preserves relative house builting progress whenever it can.
* @param town The town to calculate grow counter for
* @param prev_growth_rate Town growth rate before it changed (one that was used with grow counter to be updated)
static void UpdateTownGrowCounter(Town *t, uint16 prev_growth_rate)
if (t->growth_rate == TOWN_GROWTH_RATE_NONE) return;
if (prev_growth_rate == TOWN_GROWTH_RATE_NONE) {
t->grow_counter = min(t->growth_rate, t->grow_counter);
t->grow_counter = RoundDivSU((uint32)t->grow_counter * (t->growth_rate + 1), prev_growth_rate + 1);
* Calculates amount of active stations in the range of town (HZB_TOWN_EDGE).
* @param town The town to calculate stations for
* @returns Amount of active stations
static int CountActiveStations(Town *t)
int n = 0;
const Station *st;
if (DistanceSquare(st->xy, t->xy) <= t->cache.squared_town_zone_radius[0]) {
if (st->time_since_load <= 20 || st->time_since_unload <= 20) {
return n;
* Calculates town growth rate in normal conditions (custom growth rate not set).
* If town growth speed is set to None(0) returns the same rate as if it was Normal(2).
* @param town The town to calculate growth rate for
* @returns Calculated growth rate
static uint GetNormalGrowthRate(Town *t)
static const uint16 _grow_count_values[2][6] = {
{ 120, 120, 120, 100, 80, 60 }, // Fund new buildings has been activated
{ 320, 420, 300, 220, 160, 100 } // Normal values
int n = CountActiveStations(t);
uint16 m = _grow_count_values[t->fund_buildings_months != 0 ? 0 : 1][min(n, 5)];
uint growth_multiplier = _settings_game.economy.town_growth_rate != 0 ? _settings_game.economy.town_growth_rate - 1 : 1;
m >>= growth_multiplier;
if (t->larger_town) m /= 2;
return TownTicksToGameTicks(m / (t->cache.num_houses / 50 + 1));
* Updates town growth rate.
* @param town The town to update growth rate for
static void UpdateTownGrowthRate(Town *t)
if (HasBit(t->flags, TOWN_CUSTOM_GROWTH)) return;
uint old_rate = t->growth_rate;
t->growth_rate = GetNormalGrowthRate(t);
UpdateTownGrowCounter(t, old_rate);
SetWindowDirty(WC_TOWN_VIEW, t->index);
* Updates town growth state (whether it is growing or not).
* @param town The town to update growth for
static void UpdateTownGrowth(Town *t)
ClrBit(t->flags, TOWN_IS_GROWING);
SetWindowDirty(WC_TOWN_VIEW, t->index);
@ -3162,44 +3244,7 @@ static void UpdateTownGrowRate(Town *t)
* Towns are processed every TOWN_GROWTH_TICKS ticks, and this is the
* number of times towns are processed before a new building is built.
static const uint16 _grow_count_values[2][6] = {
{ 120, 120, 120, 100, 80, 60 }, // Fund new buildings has been activated
{ 320, 420, 300, 220, 160, 100 } // Normal values
int n = 0;
const Station *st;
if (DistanceSquare(st->xy, t->xy) <= t->cache.squared_town_zone_radius[0]) {
if (st->time_since_load <= 20 || st->time_since_unload <= 20) {
uint16 m;
if (t->fund_buildings_months != 0) {
m = _grow_count_values[0][min(n, 5)];
} else {
m = _grow_count_values[1][min(n, 5)];
if (n == 0 && !Chance16(1, 12)) return;
/* Use the normal growth rate values if new buildings have been funded in
* this town and the growth rate is set to none. */
uint growth_multiplier = _settings_game.economy.town_growth_rate != 0 ? _settings_game.economy.town_growth_rate - 1 : 1;
m >>= growth_multiplier;
if (t->larger_town) m /= 2;
t->growth_rate = TownTicksToGameTicks(m / (t->cache.num_houses / 50 + 1));
t->grow_counter = min(t->growth_rate, t->grow_counter);
if (t->fund_buildings_months == 0 && CountActiveStations(t) == 0 && !Chance16(1, 12)) return;
SetBit(t->flags, TOWN_IS_GROWING);
SetWindowDirty(WC_TOWN_VIEW, t->index);
@ -3433,8 +3478,8 @@ void TownsMonthlyLoop()
