(svn r26899) -Codechange: reduce the amount of tiles that needs to be drawn by taking the height of tiles into account instead of drawing way too many (ic111)

rubidium 10 years ago
parent 0584d36c0b
commit 6cee5310c1

@ -26,6 +26,48 @@
* \endverbatim
* @defgroup vp_column_row Rows and columns in the viewport
* Columns are vertical sections of the viewport that are half a tile wide.
* The origin, i.e. column 0, is through the northern and southern most tile.
* This means that the column of e.g. Tile(0, 0) and Tile(100, 100) are in
* column number 0. The negative columns are towards the left of the screen,
* or towards the west, whereas the positive ones are towards respectively
* the right and east.
* With half a tile wide is meant that the next column of tiles directly west
* or east of the centre line are respectively column -1 and 1. Their tile
* centers are only half a tile from the center of their adjoining tile when
* looking only at the X-coordinate.
* \verbatim
* *
* *
* 0 *
* *
* -1 1 *
* *
* -2 0 2 *
* *
* -1 1 *
* *
* 0 *
* *
* *
* \endverbatim
* Rows are horizontal sections of the viewport, also half a tile wide.
* This time the nothern most tile on the map at height level 0 defines 0 and
* everything south of that has a positive number. In theory this works the
* same as for columns with the massive difference that due to the isometric
* projection the actual row where the tile is visible differs from the row
* where the tile would be if it were at height level 0. Strictly speaking,
* if you know the row of the tile at height level 0, then the row number
* where it is actually drawn is tile height / 2 lower than the row number
* of the same tile at height level 0.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "landscape.h"
#include "viewport_func.h"
@ -47,6 +89,9 @@
#include "window_gui.h"
#include "linkgraph/linkgraph_gui.h"
#include "viewport_sprite_sorter.h"
#include "bridge_map.h"
#include <map>
#include "table/strings.h"
#include "table/palettes.h"
@ -1022,81 +1067,473 @@ draw_inner:
static void ViewportAddLandscape()
* Given a screen coordinate (x,y) as e.g. stored in _vd.dpi, this function
* returns the tile coordinate of the tile which would be painted at (x,y)
* if one assumes height zero at that position.
* @param x Some x screen coordinate
* @param y Some y screen coordinate
* @return Tile coordinate assuming height zero as described
static inline Point GetTileCoordFromScreenCoord(int x, int y)
int x, y, width, height;
TileInfo ti;
bool direction;
/* First convert from the screen coordinate system (where the width of tiles
* is twice their height) to the tile coordinate system. That means, turn
* around by 45 degrees and make the tiles quadratic. */
Point tile_coord = InverseRemapCoords(x, y);
_cur_ti = &ti;
/* Scale from a 16x16-grid to a 1x1-grid as returned by TileX/TileY. */
tile_coord.x /= (int)TILE_SIZE;
tile_coord.y /= (int)TILE_SIZE;
/* Transform into tile coordinates and round to closest full tile */
x = ((_vd.dpi.top >> (1 + ZOOM_LVL_SHIFT)) - (_vd.dpi.left >> (2 + ZOOM_LVL_SHIFT))) & ~TILE_UNIT_MASK;
y = ((_vd.dpi.top >> (1 + ZOOM_LVL_SHIFT)) + (_vd.dpi.left >> (2 + ZOOM_LVL_SHIFT)) - TILE_SIZE) & ~TILE_UNIT_MASK;
return tile_coord;
/* determine size of area */
Point pt = RemapCoords(x, y, 241);
width = (_vd.dpi.left + _vd.dpi.width - pt.x + 96 * ZOOM_LVL_BASE - 1) >> (6 + ZOOM_LVL_SHIFT);
height = (_vd.dpi.top + _vd.dpi.height - pt.y) >> (5 + ZOOM_LVL_SHIFT) << 1;
* Assume a region, given by screen coordinates (x1,y1,x2,y2), as defined in _vd.dpi.
* This function basically takes (x1,y1) (i.e. the upper left corner of that region)
* and returns the tile coordinate of the tile, which would be painted at (x1,y1)
* if one assumes height zero at that position.
* However, in detail: Imagine tiles being split up into their upper left,upper right,
* etc. isometric sections. We return a tile where the upper left corner of the
* mentioned region is either in its lower right section or in a neighbor tile
* below / right of that section. By doing so, we want to enforce that we can
* travel to east or south from that point without leaving the region again.
* @param x Some x screen coordinate, x1 in terms of the description above
* @param y Some y screen coordinate, y1 in terms of the description above
* @return Upper left corner of the region as tile coordinates.
static Point GetMinTileCoordsIgnoringHeight(int x, int y)
Point tile_coord = GetTileCoordFromScreenCoord(x, y);
/* Expand area to be painted in order to avoid situations
* where south or east of the to be painted point in dpi are tiles
* which will not be painted. */
return tile_coord;
* Assume a region, given by screen coordinates (x1,y1,x2,y2), as defined in _vd.dpi.
* This function basically takes (x2,y2) (i.e. the lower right corner of that region)
* and returns the tile coordinate of the tile, which would be painted at (x2,y2)
* if one assumes height zero at that position.
* However, in detail: Imagine tiles being split up into their upper left,upper right,
* etc. isometric sections. We return a tile where the lower right corner of the
* mentioned region is either in its upper left section or in a neighbor tile
* above / left of that section. By doing so, we want to enforce that we can
* travel to north or west from that point without leaving the region again.
* @param x Some x screen coordinate, x2 in terms of the description above
* @param y Some y screen coordinate, y2 in terms of the description above
* @return Upper left corner of the region as tile coordinates.
static Point GetMaxTileCoordsIgnoringHeight(int x, int y)
Point tile_coord = GetTileCoordFromScreenCoord(x, y);
/* Expand area to be painted to southeast in order to avoid situations
* where north or east of the given to be painted point in dpi are
* tiles which will not be repainted. */
return tile_coord;
* Returns the y coordinate in the viewport coordinate system where the given
* tile is painted.
* @param tile Any tile.
* @return The viewport y coordinate where the tile is painted.
static int GetViewportY(Point tile)
return (tile.y * TILE_SIZE + tile.x * TILE_SIZE - GetTileMaxPixelZOutsideMap(tile.x, tile.y)) << ZOOM_LVL_SHIFT;
* Given a tile coordinate as returned by TileX / TileY, this returns its column.
* @param tile_coord The coordinate of the tile.
* @return The column index.
* @ingroup vp_column_row
static int GetTileColumnFromTileCoord(Point tile_coord)
return tile_coord.y - tile_coord.x;
* Returns the position of the tile at the northern end of the column of the
* given tile.
* @param tile Any tile.
* @return Position of the tile at the northern end of the column as described.
* @ingroup vp_column_row
static Point GetNorthernEndOfColumn(Point tile)
Point northern_end;
if (tile.x < tile.y) {
northern_end.x = 0;
northern_end.y = tile.y - tile.x;
} else {
northern_end.x = tile.x - tile.y;
northern_end.y = 0;
assert(width > 0);
assert(height > 0);
return northern_end;
* Returns the position of the tile at the southern end of the column of the
* given tile, if it is within the given limit expressed in number of tiles
* @param tile Any tile.
* @param limit Number of tiles to go to south at most, if the southern end is
* further away, stop after that number of tiles
* @return Position of the tile at the soutern end of the column as described.
* @ingroup vp_column_row
static Point GetSouthernEndOfColumnWithLimit(Point tile, uint limit)
Point distance_to_end;
distance_to_end.x = (int)MapMaxX() - tile.x;
distance_to_end.y = (int)MapMaxY() - tile.y;
Point southern_end;
if (distance_to_end.x < distance_to_end.y) {
int number_of_steps = min(limit, distance_to_end.x);
southern_end.x = tile.x + number_of_steps;
southern_end.y = tile.y + number_of_steps;
} else {
int number_of_steps = min(limit, distance_to_end.y);
southern_end.x = tile.x + number_of_steps;
southern_end.y = tile.y + number_of_steps;
return southern_end;
* Returns the position of the tile at the southern end of the column of the
* given tile.
* @param tile Any tile.
* @return Position of the tile at the soutern end of the column as described.
* @ingroup vp_column_row
static Point GetSouthernEndOfColumn(Point tile)
return GetSouthernEndOfColumnWithLimit(tile, UINT32_MAX);
* Returns the tile exactly in the middle between two given tiles.
* @param tile Point upper_tile, any tile.
* @param tile Point lower_tile, any tile.
* @return The tile in the middle of Point upper_tile and Point lower_tile.
static Point GetMiddleTile(Point upper_tile, Point lower_tile)
Point middle_tile;
middle_tile.x = (lower_tile.x + upper_tile.x) / 2;
middle_tile.y = (lower_tile.y + upper_tile.y) / 2;
return middle_tile;
direction = false;
* Given a tile coordinate assuming height zero, this returns the row actually
* painted at this tile coordinate if one recognizes height.
* The problem concerning this calculation is that we have not enough
* information to calculate this in one closed formula. Which row we
* search rather depends on the height distribution on the map. So
* we have to search.
* First, the searched tile may be located outside map. Then, we know
* that we are not too far outside map, so we can step tile by tile,
* starting at the given tile, until we have passed the searched tile.
* If the searched tile is inside map, searching is more difficult. A
* linear search on some thousand tiles would be not that efficient. But,
* we can solve the problem by interval intersection. We know for sure,
* that the searched tile is south of the given tile, simply because
* mountains of height > 0 (and we have only such mountains) are always
* painted north of their tile. So we choose a tile half way between the
* given tile and the southern end of the map, have a look whether it is
* north or south of the given position, and intersect again. Until
* our interval has length 1, then we take the upper one.
* @param viewport_y The viewport y corresponding to tile, if one assumes height zero for that tile
* @param tile Some tile coordinate assuming height zero.
* @param bridge_correct If true, consider bridges south of the calculated tile, and if the bridge
* visually intersect the calculated tile, shift it southwards.
* @return The row which is painted at this coordinate, according to the discussion above.
* @ingroup vp_column_row
int GetRowAtTile(int viewport_y, Point tile, bool bridge_correct)
Point northern_tile = GetNorthernEndOfColumn(tile);
Point southern_tile = GetSouthernEndOfColumn(tile);
int min_xy = _settings_game.construction.freeform_edges ? TILE_SIZE : 0;
int northern_tile_viewport_y = GetViewportY(northern_tile);
int southern_tile_viewport_y = GetViewportY(southern_tile);
if (northern_tile_viewport_y >= viewport_y) {
/* We are north of the map, search tile by tile with direction north. */
while (northern_tile_viewport_y >= viewport_y) {
northern_tile_viewport_y = GetViewportY(northern_tile);
return northern_tile.x + northern_tile.y;
if (southern_tile_viewport_y <= viewport_y) {
/* We are south of the map, search tile by tile with direction south. */
while (southern_tile_viewport_y <= viewport_y) {
southern_tile_viewport_y = GetViewportY(southern_tile);
return southern_tile.x + southern_tile.y;
* We are inside the map. The searched tile is at most
* <maximum heightlevel / 4> tiles south of the given tile (as one tile
* painted on the screen needs as much vertical space as painting a tile
* by 4 heightlevels ascended). Add one to avoid rounding errors to the
* wrong side.
* Invariant in the code below: The searched tile shown at viewport_y
* always is between upper_tile and lower_tile.
Point upper_tile = tile;
Point lower_tile = GetSouthernEndOfColumnWithLimit(upper_tile, _settings_game.construction.max_heightlevel / 4 + 1);
int middle_bound;
do {
int width_cur = width;
int x_cur = x;
int y_cur = y;
Point middle_tile = GetMiddleTile(upper_tile, lower_tile);
middle_bound = GetViewportY(middle_tile);
do {
TileType tt;
ti.x = x_cur;
ti.y = y_cur;
if (IsInsideMM(x_cur, min_xy, MapMaxX() * TILE_SIZE) &&
IsInsideMM(y_cur, min_xy, MapMaxY() * TILE_SIZE)) {
ti.tile = TileVirtXY(x_cur, y_cur);
ti.tileh = GetTilePixelSlope(ti.tile, &ti.z);
tt = GetTileType(ti.tile);
} else {
/* We are outside the map => paint black. */
ti.tile = 0;
ti.tileh = GetTilePixelSlopeOutsideMap(x_cur / (int)TILE_SIZE, y_cur / (int)TILE_SIZE, &ti.z);
tt = MP_VOID;
if (middle_bound >= viewport_y) {
/* The tile shown at viewport_y is somewhere in the upper half of
* the currently observed section. */
lower_tile = middle_tile;
} else {
/* The tile shown at viewport_y is somewhere in the lower half of
* the currently observed section. */
upper_tile = middle_tile;
while (lower_tile.y - upper_tile.y > 1);
/* Now our interval has length 1, so only contains two tiles, and we take the upper one.
* However, there is one problem left: Tiles being located southwards, containing a high bridge.
* They may, though not high enough in terms of landscape, intersect the drawing area with parts
* of the bridge.
* Luckily, there is a guaranteed upper bound for bridge height, thus we know how far we have to
* search southwards whether such a bridge exists.
int correction_step = 0;
if (bridge_correct) {
/* Calculate, how many tiles below upper_tile, a worst case bridge intersecting upper_tile in
* terms of painting can be located. Lets inspect that formula in detail:
* ... - 5: The magic constant near the beginning of ViewportAddLandscape accounts for 5 harmless heightlevels a bridge can have. Thus subtract them.
* ... / 2: Four heightlevels account for one tile height. On the other hand, if landscape ascends from upper_tile southwards, this can account for
* as many additional heightlevels as we step southwards. In combination: A division by two gains the number of tiles to step southwards.
* ... + 1: Avoid rounding errors, and fall back to the safe side.
int worst_case_steps_southwards = max(0, ((int)_settings_game.construction.max_bridge_height - 5) / 2 + 1);
for (int n = 0; n < worst_case_steps_southwards; n++) {
TileIndex potential_bridge_tile = TileXY(upper_tile.x + n, upper_tile.y + n);
if (IsValidTile(potential_bridge_tile) && IsBridgeAbove(potential_bridge_tile)) {
/* There is a bridge. */
TileIndex bridge_start = GetNorthernBridgeEnd(potential_bridge_tile);
int bridge_height = GetBridgeHeight(bridge_start);
int upper_tile_height = GetTileZ(TileXY(upper_tile.x, upper_tile.y));
/* Start at the bridge level, descend by the number of heightlevels equivalent to our steps southwards (in worst case), subtract the harmless
* bridge heightlevels, and compare whether we are still above the height of the upper_tile. If yes, we need to paint that tile, to avoid glitches.
if (bridge_height - 2 * n - 1 > upper_tile_height) {
correction_step = n;
_vd.foundation_part = FOUNDATION_PART_NONE;
_vd.foundation[0] = -1;
_vd.foundation[1] = -1;
_vd.last_foundation_child[0] = NULL;
_vd.last_foundation_child[1] = NULL;
/* The biggest recorded correction_step defines, which tile we actually return. */
upper_tile.x += correction_step;
upper_tile.y += correction_step;
/* Returns its row. */
return upper_tile.x + upper_tile.y;
if (((uint)x_cur == MapMaxX() * TILE_SIZE && IsInsideMM(y_cur, 0, MapMaxY() * TILE_SIZE + 1)) ||
((uint)y_cur == MapMaxY() * TILE_SIZE && IsInsideMM(x_cur, 0, MapMaxX() * TILE_SIZE + 1))) {
TileIndex tile = TileVirtXY(x_cur, y_cur);
ti.tile = tile;
ti.tileh = GetTilePixelSlope(tile, &ti.z);
tt = GetTileType(tile);
if (ti.tile != INVALID_TILE) DrawTileSelection(&ti);
* Returns the bottom tile of the column of upper_tile shown on the viewport,
* given upper_tile and the lower right tile shown on the viewport.
* @param upper_tile Sny tile inside the map.
* @param lower_right_tile The tile shown at the southeast edge of the viewport
* (ignoring height). Note that this tile may be located
* northeast of the upper_tile, because upper_tile is usually
* calculated by shifting a tile southwards until we reach
* the northern map border.
* @return The lowest existing tile located in the column defined by upper_tile,
* which is in the same row as lower_right_tile or above that row
* If lower_right_tile was northeast of upper_tile, (-1,-1) is returned.
* @ingroup vp_column_row
static Point GetBottomTileOfColumn(Point upper_tile, Point lower_right_tile)
int upper_row = upper_tile.x + upper_tile.y;
int lower_row = lower_right_tile.x + lower_right_tile.y;
assert(upper_row <= lower_row);
int number_of_rows = lower_row - upper_row;
if (number_of_rows % 2 != 0) {
/* Avoid 0.5 being rounded down to zero; painting too much is better than
* painting too little. */
Point bottom_tile;
bottom_tile.x = upper_tile.x + number_of_rows / 2;
bottom_tile.y = upper_tile.y + number_of_rows / 2;
int bottom_row = bottom_tile.x + bottom_tile.y;
y_cur += 0x10;
x_cur -= 0x10;
} while (--width_cur);
assert(bottom_row >= lower_row);
if ((direction ^= 1) != 0) {
y += 0x10;
return bottom_tile;
* Add the landscape to the viewport, i.e. all ground tiles and buildings.
static void ViewportAddLandscape()
assert(_vd.dpi.top <= _vd.dpi.top + _vd.dpi.height);
assert(_vd.dpi.left <= _vd.dpi.left + _vd.dpi.width);
/* The upper and lower edge of the viewport part to paint. Add some number
* of pixels to the lower end in order to ensure that we also take tiles
* south of the given area, but with high buildings intersecting the area.
* Subtract some pixels from the upper end in order to avoid glitches at the
* upper end of the top be painted area. */
int viewport_top = _vd.dpi.top - 16;
int viewport_bottom = _vd.dpi.top + _vd.dpi.height + 116;
/* First get the position of the tile at the upper left / lower right edge,
* for now ignoring the height. (i.e. assuming height zero.) */
Point upper_left_tile = GetMinTileCoordsIgnoringHeight(_vd.dpi.left, viewport_top);
Point lower_right_tile = GetMaxTileCoordsIgnoringHeight(_vd.dpi.left + _vd.dpi.width, viewport_bottom);
/* Calculate the bounding columns. We won't need to draw anything
* left / right of them. */
int left_column = GetTileColumnFromTileCoord(upper_left_tile);
/* Correction to avoid glitches when approaching the left edge of the map. */
int right_column = GetTileColumnFromTileCoord(lower_right_tile);
/* For each column, calculate the top and the bottom row. These are the
* bounding rows for that specific column. */
int *top_row = AllocaM(int, right_column - left_column + 1); // Pre-allocate memory for visual studio/express to be able to compile.
int *bottom_row = AllocaM(int, right_column - left_column + 1); // Pre-allocate memory for visual studio/express to be able to compile.
int min_top_row = MapMaxX() + MapMaxY();
int max_bottom_row = 0;
Point top_tile_of_column = upper_left_tile;
/* And now for each column, determine the top and the bottom row we must paint. */
bool south_east_direction = false;
for (int x = left_column; x <= right_column; x++) {
Point bottom_tile_of_column = GetBottomTileOfColumn(top_tile_of_column, lower_right_tile);
/* And then actually find out the top and the bottom row. Note that
* top_tile_of_column and bottom_tile_of_column may be outside the map here.
* This possibility is needed, otherwise we couldn't paint the black area
* outside the map (and in particular the edge of map) properly.
* Subtract three / add one to avoid glitches. */
top_row[x - left_column] = GetRowAtTile(viewport_top, top_tile_of_column, false);
top_row[x - left_column] -= 3;
bottom_row[x - left_column] = GetRowAtTile(viewport_bottom, bottom_tile_of_column, true);
bottom_row[x - left_column]++;
/* We never paint things in rows < min_top_row or > max_bottom_row. */
min_top_row = min(min_top_row, top_row[x - left_column]);
max_bottom_row = max(max_bottom_row, bottom_row[x - left_column]);
/* Go to next column in the east. */
if (south_east_direction) {
} else {
x += 0x10;
} while (--height);
/* Switch between directions southeast and northeast. */
south_east_direction = !south_east_direction;
for (int row = min_top_row; row <= max_bottom_row; row++) {
for (int column = left_column; column <= right_column; column++) {
/* For each column, we only paint the interval top_row .. bottom_row.
* Due to the division by two below, even and odd values of row + column map to
* the same (x,y) combinations. Thus, we only paint one of them. */
if (((row + column) % 2 == 0) &&
(top_row[column - left_column] <= row) &&
(row <= bottom_row[column - left_column])) {
TileType tile_type;
TileInfo tile_info;
_cur_ti = &tile_info;
/* column = y - x; row = x + y; now solve the equation system
* for x and y. */
int x = (row - column) / 2;
int y = (row + column) / 2;
tile_info.x = x;
tile_info.y = y;
/* For some strange reason, those fields inside tile_info are uints. However,
* in the old code their copies in an int variable where compared against zero. */
if (0 < x && x < (int)MapMaxX() && 0 < y && y < (int)MapMaxY()) {
/* We are inside the map => paint landscape. */
tile_info.tile = TileXY(tile_info.x, tile_info.y);
tile_info.tileh = GetTilePixelSlope(tile_info.tile, &tile_info.z);
tile_type = GetTileType(tile_info.tile);
} else {
/* We are outside the map => paint black. */
tile_info.tile = INVALID_TILE;
tile_info.tileh = GetTilePixelSlopeOutsideMap(tile_info.x, tile_info.y, &tile_info.z);
tile_type = MP_VOID;
/* Scale to 16x16 tiles, needed for the drawing procedures called below. */
tile_info.x *= TILE_SIZE;
tile_info.y *= TILE_SIZE;
_vd.foundation_part = FOUNDATION_PART_NONE;
_vd.foundation[0] = -1;
_vd.foundation[1] = -1;
_vd.last_foundation_child[0] = NULL;
_vd.last_foundation_child[1] = NULL;

@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ extern Point _tile_fract_coords;
void MarkTileDirtyByTile(TileIndex tile);
int GetRowAtTile(int viewport_y, Point tile, bool bridge_correct);
Point GetViewportStationMiddle(const ViewPort *vp, const Station *st);
#endif /* VIEWPORT_FUNC_H */
