(svn r19469) -Codechange: remove unused functions from Blob (skidd13)

yexo 15 years ago
parent 7744ec0870
commit 4850c91b76

@ -72,19 +72,6 @@ public:
/** default constructor - initializes empty blob */
FORCEINLINE CBlobBaseSimple() { InitEmpty(); }
/** constructor - create blob with data */
FORCEINLINE CBlobBaseSimple(const byte *p, uint num_bytes)
AppendRaw(p, num_bytes);
/** copy constructor */
FORCEINLINE CBlobBaseSimple(const CBlobBaseSimple& src)
/** move constructor - take ownership of blob data */
FORCEINLINE CBlobBaseSimple(CHdr * const & pHdr_1)
@ -163,12 +150,6 @@ public:
return m_pData;
/** return the 32 bit CRC of valid data in the blob */
//FORCEINLINE uint Crc32() const
// return CCrc32::Calc(RawData(), RawSize());
/** invalidate blob's data - doesn't free buffer */
FORCEINLINE void Clear()
@ -184,28 +165,6 @@ public:
/** copy data from another blob - replaces any existing blob's data */
FORCEINLINE void CopyFrom(const CBlobBaseSimple& src)
/** overtake ownership of data buffer from the source blob - source blob will become empty */
FORCEINLINE void MoveFrom(CBlobBaseSimple& src)
m_pData = src.m_pData;
/** swap buffers (with data) between two blobs (this and source blob) */
FORCEINLINE void Swap(CBlobBaseSimple& src)
byte *tmp = m_pData; m_pData = src.m_pData;
src.m_pData = tmp;
/** append new bytes at the end of existing data bytes - reallocates if necessary */
FORCEINLINE void AppendRaw(const void *p, uint num_bytes)
@ -240,19 +199,6 @@ public:
return pNewData;
/** Decrease RawSize() by num_bytes. */
FORCEINLINE void ReduceRawSize(uint num_bytes)
if (MaxRawSize() > 0 && num_bytes > 0) {
assert(num_bytes <= RawSize());
if (num_bytes < RawSize()) {
RawSizeRef() -= num_bytes;
} else {
RawSizeRef() = 0;
/** reallocate blob data if needed */
void SmartAlloc(uint new_size)
@ -350,18 +296,6 @@ public:
: base()
/** Constructor - makes new Blob with data */
FORCEINLINE CBlobT(const T *p, uint num_items)
: base((byte *)p, num_items * type_size)
/** Copy constructor - make new blob to become copy of the original (source) blob */
FORCEINLINE CBlobT(const base& src)
: base(src)
assert((base::RawSize() % type_size) == 0);
/** Take ownership constructor */
FORCEINLINE CBlobT(const OnTransfer& ot)
: base(ot.m_pHdr_1)
@ -422,62 +356,12 @@ public:
return ((base::MaxRawSize() - base::RawSize()) / type_size);
/** Free the memory occupied by Blob destroying all items */
assert((base::RawSize() % type_size) == 0);
uint old_size = Size();
if (old_size > 0) {
/* destroy removed items; */
T *pI_last_to_destroy = Data(0);
for (T *pI = Data(old_size - 1); pI >= pI_last_to_destroy; pI--) pI->~T();
/** Grow number of data items in Blob by given number - doesn't construct items */
FORCEINLINE T *GrowSizeNC(uint num_items)
return (T*)base::GrowRawSize(num_items * type_size);
/** Grow number of data items in Blob by given number - constructs new items (using T's default constructor) */
FORCEINLINE T *GrowSizeC(uint num_items)
T *pI = GrowSizeNC(num_items);
for (uint i = num_items; i > 0; i--, pI++) new (pI) T();
/** Destroy given number of items and reduce the Blob's data size */
FORCEINLINE void ReduceSize(uint num_items)
assert((base::RawSize() % type_size) == 0);
uint old_size = Size();
assert(num_items <= old_size);
uint new_size = (num_items <= old_size) ? (old_size - num_items) : 0;
/* destroy removed items; */
T *pI_last_to_destroy = Data(new_size);
for (T *pI = Data(old_size - 1); pI >= pI_last_to_destroy; pI--) pI->~T();
/* remove them */
base::ReduceRawSize(num_items * type_size);
/** Append one data item at the end (calls T's default constructor) */
T& dst = *GrowSizeNC(1); // Grow size by one item
T *pNewItem = new (&dst) T(); // construct the new item by calling in-place new operator
return pNewItem;
/** Append the copy of given item at the end of Blob (using copy constructor) */
FORCEINLINE T *Append(const T& src)
T& dst = *GrowSizeNC(1); // Grow size by one item
T *pNewItem = new (&dst) T(src); // construct the new item by calling in-place new operator with copy ctor()
return pNewItem;
/** Add given items (ptr + number of items) at the end of blob */
FORCEINLINE T *Append(const T *pSrc, uint num_items)
@ -488,31 +372,6 @@ public:
return pDstOrg;
/** Remove item with the given index by replacing it by the last item and reducing the size by one */
FORCEINLINE void RemoveBySwap(uint idx)
/* destroy removed item */
T *pRemoved = Data(idx);
/** Remove item given by pointer replacing it by the last item and reducing the size by one */
FORCEINLINE void RemoveBySwap(T *pItem)
T *pLast = Data(Size() - 1);
assert(pItem >= Data() && pItem <= pLast);
/* move last item to its new place */
if (pItem != pLast) {
new (pItem) T(*pLast);
/* destroy the last item */
/* and reduce the raw blob size */
/** Ensures that given number of items can be added to the end of Blob. Returns pointer to the
* first free (unused) item */
FORCEINLINE T *MakeFreeSpace(uint num_items)

@ -56,15 +56,6 @@ struct CStrA : public CBlobT<char>
/** Append another CStrA. */
FORCEINLINE void Append(const CStrA &src)
if (src.RawSize() > 0) {
/** Assignment from C string. */
FORCEINLINE CStrA &operator = (const char *src)
