(svn r26937) -Cleanup: simplify the logic for heightmap generation in TGP; instead of performing more and more loops the larger the map becomes to elaborately set the height to 0 many times, just run it for each frequency and be done with it

rubidium 10 years ago
parent 1bec121248
commit 2b0a1f7beb

@ -289,109 +289,60 @@ static inline height_t RandomHeight(amplitude_t rMax)
* One interpolation and noise round
* Base Perlin noise generator - fills height map with raw Perlin noise.
* The heights on the map are generated in an iterative process.
* We start off with a frequency of 1 (log_frequency == 0), and generate heights only for corners on the most coarsest mesh
* (i.e. only for x/y coordinates which are multiples of the minimum edge length).
* After this initial step the frequency is doubled (log_frequency incremented) each iteration to generate corners on the next finer mesh.
* The heights of the newly added corners are first set by interpolating the heights from the previous iteration.
* Finally noise with the given amplitude is applied to all corners of the new mesh.
* Generation terminates, when the frequency has reached the map size. I.e. the mesh is as fine as the map, and every corner height
* has been set.
* @param log_frequency frequency (logarithmic) to apply noise for
* @param amplitude Amplitude for the noise
* @return false if we are finished (reached the minimal step size / highest frequency)
* This runs several iterations with increasing precision; the last iteration looks at areas
* of 1 by 1 tiles, the second to last at 2 by 2 tiles and the initial 2**TGP_FREQUENCY_MAX
* by 2**TGP_FREQUENCY_MAX tiles.
static bool ApplyNoise(uint log_frequency, amplitude_t amplitude)
static void HeightMapGenerate()
uint size_min = min(_height_map.size_x, _height_map.size_y);
uint step = size_min >> log_frequency;
uint x, y;
/* Trying to apply noise to uninitialized height map */
assert(_height_map.h != NULL);
/* Are we finished? */
if (step == 0) return false;
for (uint frequency = 0; frequency <= TGP_FREQUENCY_MAX; frequency++) {
const amplitude_t amplitude = _amplitudes_by_smoothness_and_frequency[_settings_game.game_creation.tgen_smoothness][frequency];
const uint step = 1 << (TGP_FREQUENCY_MAX - frequency);
if (log_frequency == 0) {
/* This is first round, we need to establish base heights with step = size_min */
for (y = 0; y <= _height_map.size_y; y += step) {
for (x = 0; x <= _height_map.size_x; x += step) {
height_t height = (amplitude > 0) ? RandomHeight(amplitude) : 0;
_height_map.height(x, y) = height;
if (frequency == 0) {
/* This is first round, we need to establish base heights with step = size_min */
for (uint y = 0; y <= _height_map.size_y; y += step) {
for (uint x = 0; x <= _height_map.size_x; x += step) {
height_t height = (amplitude > 0) ? RandomHeight(amplitude) : 0;
_height_map.height(x, y) = height;
return true;
/* It is regular iteration round.
* Interpolate height values at odd x, even y tiles */
for (y = 0; y <= _height_map.size_y; y += 2 * step) {
for (x = 0; x < _height_map.size_x; x += 2 * step) {
height_t h00 = _height_map.height(x + 0 * step, y);
height_t h02 = _height_map.height(x + 2 * step, y);
height_t h01 = (h00 + h02) / 2;
_height_map.height(x + 1 * step, y) = h01;
/* It is regular iteration round.
* Interpolate height values at odd x, even y tiles */
for (uint y = 0; y <= _height_map.size_y; y += 2 * step) {
for (uint x = 0; x < _height_map.size_x; x += 2 * step) {
height_t h00 = _height_map.height(x + 0 * step, y);
height_t h02 = _height_map.height(x + 2 * step, y);
height_t h01 = (h00 + h02) / 2;
_height_map.height(x + 1 * step, y) = h01;
/* Interpolate height values at odd y tiles */
for (y = 0; y < _height_map.size_y; y += 2 * step) {
for (x = 0; x <= _height_map.size_x; x += step) {
height_t h00 = _height_map.height(x, y + 0 * step);
height_t h20 = _height_map.height(x, y + 2 * step);
height_t h10 = (h00 + h20) / 2;
_height_map.height(x, y + 1 * step) = h10;
/* Interpolate height values at odd y tiles */
for (uint y = 0; y < _height_map.size_y; y += 2 * step) {
for (uint x = 0; x <= _height_map.size_x; x += step) {
height_t h00 = _height_map.height(x, y + 0 * step);
height_t h20 = _height_map.height(x, y + 2 * step);
height_t h10 = (h00 + h20) / 2;
_height_map.height(x, y + 1 * step) = h10;
/* Add noise for next higher frequency (smaller steps) */
for (y = 0; y <= _height_map.size_y; y += step) {
for (x = 0; x <= _height_map.size_x; x += step) {
_height_map.height(x, y) += RandomHeight(amplitude);
/* Add noise for next higher frequency (smaller steps) */
for (uint y = 0; y <= _height_map.size_y; y += step) {
for (uint x = 0; x <= _height_map.size_x; x += step) {
_height_map.height(x, y) += RandomHeight(amplitude);
return (step > 1);
/** Base Perlin noise generator - fills height map with raw Perlin noise */
static void HeightMapGenerate()
uint size_min = min(_height_map.size_x, _height_map.size_y);
uint iteration_round = 0;
amplitude_t amplitude;
bool continue_iteration;
int log_size_min, log_frequency_min;
int log_frequency;
/* Find first power of two that fits, so that later log_frequency == TGP_FREQUENCY_MAX in the last iteration */
for (log_size_min = TGP_FREQUENCY_MAX; (1U << log_size_min) < size_min; log_size_min++) { }
log_frequency_min = log_size_min - TGP_FREQUENCY_MAX;
/* Zero must be part of the iteration, else initialization will fail. */
assert(log_frequency_min >= 0);
/* Keep increasing the frequency until we reach the step size equal to one tile */
do {
log_frequency = iteration_round - log_frequency_min;
if (log_frequency >= 0) {
/* Apply noise for the next frequency */
assert(log_frequency <= TGP_FREQUENCY_MAX);
amplitude = _amplitudes_by_smoothness_and_frequency[_settings_game.game_creation.tgen_smoothness][log_frequency];
} else {
/* Amplitude for the low frequencies on big maps is 0, i.e. initialise with zero height */
amplitude = 0;
continue_iteration = ApplyNoise(iteration_round, amplitude);
} while (continue_iteration);
assert(log_frequency == TGP_FREQUENCY_MAX);
/** Returns min, max and average height from height map */
