Fix ca19a0d: Network hosts also use favorite face

Tyler Trahan 2 years ago committed by Loïc Guilloux
parent 6d84b1e108
commit 07443969f9

@ -564,8 +564,8 @@ Company *DoStartupNewCompany(bool is_ai, CompanyID company = INVALID_COMPANY)
c->inaugurated_year = _cur_year;
/* If starting a player company in singleplayer and a favorite company manager face is selected, choose it. Otherwise, use a random face.
* In a network game, we'll choose the favorite face later in CmdCompanyCtrl to sync it to all clients. */
if (_company_manager_face != 0 && !is_ai && !_networking) {
* In a network game, we'll choose the favorite face later in CmdCompanyCtrl to sync it to all clients, but we choose it here for the first (host) company. */
if (_company_manager_face != 0 && !is_ai) {
c->face = _company_manager_face;
} else {
RandomCompanyManagerFaceBits(c->face, (GenderEthnicity)Random(), false, false);
