You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

353 lines
11 KiB

* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file linkgraph_sl.cpp Code handling saving and loading of link graphs */
#include "../stdafx.h"
#include "saveload.h"
#include "compat/linkgraph_sl_compat.h"
#include "../linkgraph/linkgraph.h"
#include "../linkgraph/linkgraphjob.h"
#include "../linkgraph/linkgraphschedule.h"
#include "../network/network.h"
#include "../settings_internal.h"
#include "../settings_table.h"
#include "../safeguards.h"
typedef LinkGraph::BaseNode Node;
typedef LinkGraph::BaseEdge Edge;
static uint16_t _num_nodes;
static LinkGraph *_linkgraph; ///< Contains the current linkgraph being saved/loaded.
static NodeID _linkgraph_from; ///< Contains the current "from" node being saved/loaded.
class SlLinkgraphEdge : public DefaultSaveLoadHandler<SlLinkgraphEdge, Node> {
inline static const SaveLoad description[] = {
SLE_VAR(Edge, capacity, SLE_UINT32),
SLE_VAR(Edge, usage, SLE_UINT32),
SLE_VAR(Edge, last_unrestricted_update, SLE_INT32),
SLE_CONDVAR(Edge, last_restricted_update, SLE_INT32, SLV_187, SL_MAX_VERSION),
SLE_VAR(Edge, dest_node, SLE_UINT16),
inline const static SaveLoadCompatTable compat_description = _linkgraph_edge_sl_compat;
void Save(Node *bn) const override
for (Edge &e : bn->edges) {
SlObject(&e, this->GetDescription());
void Load(Node *bn) const override
if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_LINKGRAPH_EDGES)) {
uint16_t max_size = _linkgraph->Size();
std::vector<Edge> edges(max_size);
if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_191)) {
/* We used to save the full matrix ... */
for (NodeID to = 0; to < max_size; ++to) {
SlObject(&edges[to], this->GetLoadDescription());
} else {
size_t used_size = IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_SAVELOAD_LIST_LENGTH) ? max_size : SlGetStructListLength(UINT16_MAX);
/* ... but as that wasted a lot of space we save a sparse matrix now. */
for (NodeID to = _linkgraph_from; to != INVALID_NODE; to = edges[to].dest_node) {
if (used_size == 0) SlErrorCorrupt("Link graph structure overflow");
if (to >= max_size) SlErrorCorrupt("Link graph structure overflow");
SlObject(&edges[to], this->GetLoadDescription());
if (!IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_SAVELOAD_LIST_LENGTH) && used_size > 0) SlErrorCorrupt("Corrupted link graph");
/* Build edge list from edge matrix. */
for (NodeID to = edges[_linkgraph_from].dest_node; to != INVALID_NODE; to = edges[to].dest_node) {
bn->edges.back().dest_node = to;
/* Sort by destination. */
std::sort(bn->edges.begin(), bn->edges.end());
} else {
/* Edge data is now a simple vector and not any kind of matrix. */
size_t size = SlGetStructListLength(UINT16_MAX);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
SlObject(&bn->edges.back(), this->GetLoadDescription());
class SlLinkgraphNode : public DefaultSaveLoadHandler<SlLinkgraphNode, LinkGraph> {
inline static const SaveLoad description[] = {
SLE_VAR(Node, supply, SLE_UINT32),
SLE_VAR(Node, demand, SLE_UINT32),
SLE_VAR(Node, station, SLE_UINT16),
SLE_VAR(Node, last_update, SLE_INT32),
SLEG_STRUCTLIST("edges", SlLinkgraphEdge),
inline const static SaveLoadCompatTable compat_description = _linkgraph_node_sl_compat;
void Save(LinkGraph *lg) const override
_linkgraph = lg;
for (NodeID from = 0; from < lg->Size(); ++from) {
_linkgraph_from = from;
SlObject(&lg->nodes[from], this->GetDescription());
void Load(LinkGraph *lg) const override
_linkgraph = lg;
uint16_t length = IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_SAVELOAD_LIST_LENGTH) ? _num_nodes : (uint16_t)SlGetStructListLength(UINT16_MAX);
for (NodeID from = 0; from < length; ++from) {
_linkgraph_from = from;
SlObject(&lg->nodes[from], this->GetLoadDescription());
* Get a SaveLoad array for a link graph.
* @return SaveLoad array for link graph.
SaveLoadTable GetLinkGraphDesc()
static const SaveLoad link_graph_desc[] = {
SLE_VAR(LinkGraph, last_compression, SLE_INT32),
SLE_VAR(LinkGraph, cargo, SLE_UINT8),
SLEG_STRUCTLIST("nodes", SlLinkgraphNode),
return link_graph_desc;
* Proxy to reuse LinkGraph to save/load a LinkGraphJob.
* One of the members of a LinkGraphJob is a LinkGraph, but SLEG_STRUCT()
* doesn't allow us to select a member. So instead, we add a bit of glue to
* accept a LinkGraphJob, get the LinkGraph, and use that to call the
* save/load routines for a regular LinkGraph.
class SlLinkgraphJobProxy : public DefaultSaveLoadHandler<SlLinkgraphJobProxy, LinkGraphJob> {
inline static const SaveLoad description[] = {{}}; // Needed to keep DefaultSaveLoadHandler happy.
SaveLoadTable GetDescription() const override { return GetLinkGraphDesc(); }
inline const static SaveLoadCompatTable compat_description = _linkgraph_sl_compat;
void Save(LinkGraphJob *lgj) const override
SlObject(const_cast<LinkGraph *>(&lgj->Graph()), this->GetDescription());
void Load(LinkGraphJob *lgj) const override
SlObject(const_cast<LinkGraph *>(&lgj->Graph()), this->GetLoadDescription());
* Get a SaveLoad array for a link graph job. The settings struct is derived from
* the global settings saveload array. The exact entries are calculated when the function
* is called the first time.
* It's necessary to keep a copy of the settings for each link graph job so that you can
* change the settings while in-game and still not mess with current link graph runs.
* Of course the settings have to be saved and loaded, too, to avoid desyncs.
* @return Array of SaveLoad structs.
SaveLoadTable GetLinkGraphJobDesc()
static std::vector<SaveLoad> saveloads;
static const SaveLoad job_desc[] = {
SLE_VAR(LinkGraphJob, join_date, SLE_INT32),
SLE_VAR(LinkGraphJob, link_graph.index, SLE_UINT16),
SLEG_STRUCT("linkgraph", SlLinkgraphJobProxy),
/* The member offset arithmetic below is only valid if the types in question
* are standard layout types. Otherwise, it would be undefined behaviour. */
static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<LinkGraphSettings>::value, "LinkGraphSettings needs to be a standard layout type");
/* We store the offset of each member of the #LinkGraphSettings in the
* extra data of the saveload struct. Use it together with the address
* of the settings struct inside the job to find the final memory address. */
static SaveLoadAddrProc * const proc = [](void *b, size_t extra) -> void * { return const_cast<void *>(static_cast<const void *>(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(std::addressof(static_cast<LinkGraphJob *>(b)->settings)) + extra)); };
/* Build the SaveLoad array on first call and don't touch it later on */
if (saveloads.size() == 0) {
GetSaveLoadFromSettingTable(_linkgraph_settings, saveloads);
for (auto &sl : saveloads) {
sl.address_proc = proc;
for (auto &sld : job_desc) {
return saveloads;
* Get a SaveLoad array for the link graph schedule.
* @return SaveLoad array for the link graph schedule.
SaveLoadTable GetLinkGraphScheduleDesc()
static const SaveLoad schedule_desc[] = {
SLE_REFLIST(LinkGraphSchedule, schedule, REF_LINK_GRAPH),
SLE_REFLIST(LinkGraphSchedule, running, REF_LINK_GRAPH_JOB),
return schedule_desc;
* Spawn the threads for running link graph calculations.
* Has to be done after loading as the cargo classes might have changed.
void AfterLoadLinkGraphs()
if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_191)) {
for (LinkGraph *lg : LinkGraph::Iterate()) {
for (NodeID node_id = 0; node_id < lg->Size(); ++node_id) {
const Station *st = Station::GetIfValid((*lg)[node_id].station);
if (st != nullptr) (*lg)[node_id].UpdateLocation(st->xy);
for (LinkGraphJob *lgj : LinkGraphJob::Iterate()) {
LinkGraph *lg = &(const_cast<LinkGraph &>(lgj->Graph()));
for (NodeID node_id = 0; node_id < lg->Size(); ++node_id) {
const Station *st = Station::GetIfValid((*lg)[node_id].station);
if (st != nullptr) (*lg)[node_id].UpdateLocation(st->xy);
if (!_networking || _network_server) {
* All link graphs.
struct LGRPChunkHandler : ChunkHandler {
LGRPChunkHandler() : ChunkHandler('LGRP', CH_TABLE) {}
void Save() const override
for (LinkGraph *lg : LinkGraph::Iterate()) {
SlObject(lg, GetLinkGraphDesc());
void Load() const override
const std::vector<SaveLoad> slt = SlCompatTableHeader(GetLinkGraphDesc(), _linkgraph_sl_compat);
int index;
while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
LinkGraph *lg = new (index) LinkGraph();
SlObject(lg, slt);
* All link graph jobs.
struct LGRJChunkHandler : ChunkHandler {
LGRJChunkHandler() : ChunkHandler('LGRJ', CH_TABLE) {}
void Save() const override
for (LinkGraphJob *lgj : LinkGraphJob::Iterate()) {
SlObject(lgj, GetLinkGraphJobDesc());
void Load() const override
const std::vector<SaveLoad> slt = SlCompatTableHeader(GetLinkGraphJobDesc(), _linkgraph_job_sl_compat);
int index;
while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
LinkGraphJob *lgj = new (index) LinkGraphJob();
SlObject(lgj, slt);
* Link graph schedule.
struct LGRSChunkHandler : ChunkHandler {
LGRSChunkHandler() : ChunkHandler('LGRS', CH_TABLE) {}
void Save() const override
SlObject(&LinkGraphSchedule::instance, GetLinkGraphScheduleDesc());
void Load() const override
const std::vector<SaveLoad> slt = SlCompatTableHeader(GetLinkGraphScheduleDesc(), _linkgraph_schedule_sl_compat);
if (!IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_RIFF_TO_ARRAY) && SlIterateArray() == -1) return;
SlObject(&LinkGraphSchedule::instance, slt);
if (!IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_RIFF_TO_ARRAY) && SlIterateArray() != -1) SlErrorCorrupt("Too many LGRS entries");
void FixPointers() const override
SlObject(&LinkGraphSchedule::instance, GetLinkGraphScheduleDesc());
static const LGRPChunkHandler LGRP;
static const LGRJChunkHandler LGRJ;
static const LGRSChunkHandler LGRS;
static const ChunkHandlerRef linkgraph_chunk_handlers[] = {
extern const ChunkHandlerTable _linkgraph_chunk_handlers(linkgraph_chunk_handlers);