You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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/* $Id$ */
/** @file waypoint_cmd.cpp Command Handling for waypoints. */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "command_func.h"
#include "landscape.h"
#include "economy_func.h"
#include "bridge_map.h"
#include "town.h"
#include "waypoint.h"
#include "yapf/yapf.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
#include "gfx_func.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "window_func.h"
#include "date_func.h"
#include "vehicle_func.h"
#include "string_func.h"
#include "company_func.h"
#include "newgrf_station.h"
#include "viewport_func.h"
#include "train.h"
#include "table/strings.h"
* Update the virtual coords needed to draw the waypoint sign.
void Waypoint::UpdateVirtCoord()
Point pt = RemapCoords2(TileX(this->xy) * TILE_SIZE, TileY(this->xy) * TILE_SIZE);
SetDParam(0, this->index);
this->sign.UpdatePosition(pt.x, pt.y - 0x20, STR_WAYPOINT_VIEWPORT);
* Set the default name for a waypoint
* @param wp Waypoint to work on
static void MakeDefaultWaypointName(Waypoint *wp)
uint32 used = 0; // bitmap of used waypoint numbers, sliding window with 'next' as base
uint32 next = 0; // first waypoint number in the bitmap
WaypointID idx = 0; // index where we will stop
wp->town_index = ClosestTownFromTile(wp->xy, UINT_MAX)->index;
/* Find first unused waypoint number belonging to this town. This can never fail,
* as long as there can be at most 65535 waypoints in total.
* This does 'n * m' search, but with 32bit 'used' bitmap, it needs at most 'n * (1 + ceil(m / 32))'
* steps (n - number of waypoints in pool, m - number of waypoints near this town).
* Usually, it needs only 'n' steps.
* If it wasn't using 'used' and 'idx', it would just search for increasing 'next',
* but this way it is faster */
WaypointID cid = 0; // current index, goes to Waypoint::GetPoolSize()-1, then wraps to 0
do {
Waypoint *lwp = Waypoint::Get(cid);
/* check only valid waypoints... */
if (lwp != NULL && wp != lwp) {
/* only waypoints with 'generic' name within the same city */
if (lwp->name == NULL && lwp->town_index == wp->town_index) {
/* if lwp->town_cn < next, uint will overflow to '+inf' */
uint i = (uint)lwp->town_cn - next;
if (i < 32) {
SetBit(used, i); // update bitmap
if (i == 0) {
/* shift bitmap while the lowest bit is '1';
* increase the base of the bitmap too */
do {
used >>= 1;
} while (HasBit(used, 0));
/* when we are at 'idx' again at end of the loop and
* 'next' hasn't changed, then no waypoint had town_cn == next,
* so we can safely use it */
idx = cid;
if (cid == Waypoint::GetPoolSize()) cid = 0; // wrap to zero...
} while (cid != idx);
wp->town_cn = (uint16)next; // set index...
wp->name = NULL; // ... and use generic name
* Find a deleted waypoint close to a tile.
* @param tile to search from
static Waypoint *FindDeletedWaypointCloseTo(TileIndex tile)
Waypoint *wp, *best = NULL;
uint thres = 8;
if (wp->delete_ctr != 0 && wp->owner == _current_company) {
uint cur_dist = DistanceManhattan(tile, wp->xy);
if (cur_dist < thres) {
thres = cur_dist;
best = wp;
return best;
/** Convert existing rail to waypoint. Eg build a waypoint station over
* piece of rail
* @param tile tile where waypoint will be built
* @param flags type of operation
* @param p1 graphics for waypoint type, 0 indicates standard graphics
* @param p2 unused
* @todo When checking for the tile slope,
* distingush between "Flat land required" and "land sloped in wrong direction"
CommandCost CmdBuildTrainWaypoint(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const char *text)
Waypoint *wp;
Slope tileh;
Axis axis;
/* if custom gfx are used, make sure it is within bounds */
if (p1 >= GetNumCustomStations(STAT_CLASS_WAYP)) return CMD_ERROR;
if (!IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY) ||
GetRailTileType(tile) != RAIL_TILE_NORMAL || (
(axis = AXIS_X, GetTrackBits(tile) != TRACK_BIT_X) &&
(axis = AXIS_Y, GetTrackBits(tile) != TRACK_BIT_Y)
)) {
Owner owner = GetTileOwner(tile);
if (!CheckOwnership(owner)) return CMD_ERROR;
if (!EnsureNoVehicleOnGround(tile)) return CMD_ERROR;
tileh = GetTileSlope(tile, NULL);
if (tileh != SLOPE_FLAT &&
(! || IsSteepSlope(tileh) || !(tileh & (0x3 << axis)) || !(tileh & ~(0x3 << axis)))) {
if (MayHaveBridgeAbove(tile) && IsBridgeAbove(tile)) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_MUST_DEMOLISH_BRIDGE_FIRST);
/* Check if there is an already existing, deleted, waypoint close to us that we can reuse. */
wp = FindDeletedWaypointCloseTo(tile);
if (wp == NULL && !Waypoint::CanAllocateItem()) return CMD_ERROR;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
if (wp == NULL) {
wp = new Waypoint(tile);
wp->town_index = INVALID_TOWN;
wp->name = NULL;
wp->town_cn = 0;
} else {
/* Move existing (recently deleted) waypoint to the new location */
/* First we update the destination for all vehicles that
* have the old waypoint in their orders. */
Vehicle *v;
if (v->First() == v && v->current_order.IsType(OT_GOTO_WAYPOINT) &&
v->dest_tile == wp->xy) {
v->dest_tile = tile;
wp->xy = tile;
InvalidateWindowData(WC_WAYPOINT_VIEW, wp->index);
wp->owner = owner;
bool reserved = HasBit(GetTrackReservation(tile), AxisToTrack(axis));
MakeRailWaypoint(tile, owner, axis, GetRailType(tile), wp->index);
SetDepotWaypointReservation(tile, reserved);
const StationSpec *statspec = GetCustomStationSpec(STAT_CLASS_WAYP, p1);
if (statspec != NULL) {
wp->spec.spec = statspec;
wp->spec.grfid = statspec->grffile->grfid;
wp->spec.localidx = statspec->localidx;
} else {
/* Specified custom graphics do not exist, so use default. */
wp->spec.spec = NULL;
wp->spec.grfid = 0;
wp->spec.localidx = 0;
wp->delete_ctr = 0;
wp->build_date = _date;
if (wp->town_index == INVALID_TOWN) MakeDefaultWaypointName(wp);
YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(tile, AxisToTrack(axis));
return CommandCost(EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, _price.build_train_depot);
* Remove a waypoint
* @param tile from which to remove waypoint
* @param flags type of operation
* @param justremove will indicate if it is removed from rail or if rails are removed too
* @return cost of operation or error
CommandCost RemoveTrainWaypoint(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, bool justremove)
Waypoint *wp;
/* Make sure it's a waypoint */
if (!IsRailWaypointTile(tile) ||
(!CheckTileOwnership(tile) && _current_company != OWNER_WATER) ||
!EnsureNoVehicleOnGround(tile)) {
return CMD_ERROR;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
Track track = GetRailWaypointTrack(tile);
wp = GetWaypointByTile(tile);
wp->delete_ctr = 30; // let it live for this many days before we do the actual deletion.
Train *v = NULL;
if (justremove) {
TrackBits tracks = GetRailWaypointBits(tile);
bool reserved = GetDepotWaypointReservation(tile);
MakeRailNormal(tile, wp->owner, tracks, GetRailType(tile));
if (reserved) SetTrackReservation(tile, tracks);
} else {
if (GetDepotWaypointReservation(tile)) {
v = GetTrainForReservation(tile, track);
if (v != NULL) FreeTrainTrackReservation(v);
AddTrackToSignalBuffer(tile, track, wp->owner);
YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(tile, track);
if (v != NULL) TryPathReserve(v, true);
return CommandCost(EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, _price.remove_train_depot);
* Delete a waypoint
* @param tile tile where waypoint is to be deleted
* @param flags type of operation
* @param p1 unused
* @param p2 unused
* @return cost of operation or error
CommandCost CmdRemoveTrainWaypoint(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const char *text)
return RemoveTrainWaypoint(tile, flags, true);
static bool IsUniqueWaypointName(const char *name)
const Waypoint *wp;
if (wp->name != NULL && strcmp(wp->name, name) == 0) return false;
return true;
* Rename a waypoint.
* @param tile unused
* @param flags type of operation
* @param p1 id of waypoint
* @param p2 unused
* @return cost of operation or error
CommandCost CmdRenameWaypoint(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const char *text)
Waypoint *wp = Waypoint::GetIfValid(p1);
if (wp == NULL || !CheckOwnership(wp->owner)) return CMD_ERROR;
bool reset = StrEmpty(text);
if (!reset) {
if (strlen(text) >= MAX_LENGTH_WAYPOINT_NAME_BYTES) return CMD_ERROR;
if (!IsUniqueWaypointName(text)) return_cmd_error(STR_NAME_MUST_BE_UNIQUE);
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
if (reset) {
MakeDefaultWaypointName(wp); // sets wp->name = NULL
} else {
wp->name = strdup(text);
return CommandCost();