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* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file date_type.h Types related to the dates in OpenTTD. */
#ifndef DATE_TYPE_H
#define DATE_TYPE_H
#include "core/strong_typedef_type.hpp"
#include "core/math_func.hpp"
* 1 day is 74 ticks; _date_fract used to be uint16_t and incremented by 885. On
* an overflow the new day begun and 65535 / 885 = 74.
* 1 tick is approximately 27 ms.
* 1 day is thus about 2 seconds (74 * 27 = 1998) on a machine that can run OpenTTD normally
static const int DAY_TICKS = 74; ///< ticks per day
static const int DAYS_IN_YEAR = 365; ///< days per year
static const int DAYS_IN_LEAP_YEAR = 366; ///< sometimes, you need one day more...
static const int MONTHS_IN_YEAR = 12; ///< months per year
static const int SECONDS_PER_DAY = 2; ///< approximate seconds per day, not for precise calculations
using Ticks = int32_t; ///< The type to store ticks in
static constexpr Ticks INVALID_TICKS = -1; ///< Representation of an invalid number of ticks
using ScaledTickCounter = uint64_t; ///< The type for the scaled tick counter
using YearDelta = StrongType::Typedef<int32_t, struct YearDeltaTag, StrongType::Compare, StrongType::IntegerScalable>;
using DateDelta = StrongType::Typedef<int32_t, struct DateDeltaTag, StrongType::Compare, StrongType::IntegerScalable>;
using DateTicksDelta = StrongType::Typedef<int64_t, struct DateTicksDeltaTag, StrongType::Compare, StrongType::IntegerScalable>;
namespace DateDetail {
/* Mixin for DateTicks */
template <typename TDate, typename TDateFract>
struct DateTicksOperations {
template <typename TType, typename TBaseType>
struct mixin {
TBaseType GetBase() const { return static_cast<const TType &>(*this).base(); }
TDate ToDate() const { return this->GetBase() / DAY_TICKS; }
TDateFract ToDateFractRemainder() const { return this->GetBase() % DAY_TICKS; }
template <typename T>
struct BaseTime {
/* The type to store our dates in */
template <class ST> struct DateDeltaTag;
template <class ST> struct DateTag;
using Date = StrongType::Typedef<int32_t, struct DateTag<T>, StrongType::Compare, StrongType::IntegerDelta<DateDelta>>;
using DateFract = uint16_t; ///< The fraction of a date we're in, i.e. the number of ticks since the last date changeover
/* The type to store dates in when tick-precision is required */
template <class ST> struct DateTicksTag;
using DateTicks = StrongType::Typedef<int64_t, struct DateTicksTag<T>, StrongType::Compare, StrongType::IntegerDelta<DateTicksDelta>, DateTicksOperations<Date, DateFract>>;
static constexpr DateTicks DateToDateTicks(Date date, DateFract fract = 0)
return ((int64_t)date.base() * DAY_TICKS) + fract;
/* Year type */
template <class ST> struct YearTag;
using Year = StrongType::Typedef<int32_t, struct YearTag<T>, StrongType::Compare, StrongType::IntegerDelta<YearDelta>>;
using Month = uint8_t; ///< Type for the month, note: 0 based, i.e. 0 = January, 11 = December.
using Day = uint8_t; ///< Type for the day of the month, note: 1 based, first day of a month is 1.
* Data structure to convert between Date and triplet (year, month, and day).
* @see ConvertDateToYMD(), ConvertYMDToDate()
struct YearMonthDay {
Year year; ///< Year (0...)
Month month; ///< Month (0..11)
Day day; ///< Day (1..31)
struct Detail {
* Calculate the date of the first day of a given year.
* @param year the year to get the first day of.
* @return the date.
static constexpr Date DateAtStartOfCalendarYear(Year year)
int32_t year_as_int = year.base();
uint number_of_leap_years = (year == 0) ? 0 : ((year_as_int - 1) / 4 - (year_as_int - 1) / 100 + (year_as_int - 1) / 400 + 1);
/* Hardcode the number of days in a year because we can't access CalendarTime from here. */
return (365 * year_as_int) + number_of_leap_years;
* Checks whether the given year is a leap year or not.
* @param year The year to check.
* @return True if \c year is a leap year, otherwise false.
static constexpr bool IsLeapYear(Year year)
int32_t year_as_int = year.base();
return year_as_int % 4 == 0 && (year_as_int % 100 != 0 || year_as_int % 400 == 0);
* primarily used for loading newgrf and savegame data and returning some
* newgrf (callback) functions that were in the original (TTD) inherited
* format, where '_date == 0' meant that it was 1920-01-01.
/** The minimum starting year/base year of the original TTD */
static constexpr Year ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR = 1920;
/** The original ending year */
static constexpr Year ORIGINAL_END_YEAR = 2051;
/** The maximum year of the original TTD */
static constexpr Year ORIGINAL_MAX_YEAR = 2090;
* The offset in days from the '_date == 0' till
* 'ConvertYMDToDate(ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR, 0, 1)'
static constexpr Date DAYS_TILL_ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR = Detail::DateAtStartOfCalendarYear(ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR);
static constexpr Date MIN_DATE = 0;
/** The absolute minimum & maximum years in OTTD */
static constexpr Year MIN_YEAR = 0;
/** The default starting year */
static constexpr Year DEF_START_YEAR = 1950;
/** The default scoring end year */
static constexpr Year DEF_END_YEAR = ORIGINAL_END_YEAR - 1;
* MAX_YEAR, nicely rounded value of the number of years that can
* be encoded in a single 32 bits date, about 2^31 / 366 years.
static constexpr Year MAX_YEAR = 5000000;
/** The number of days till the last day */
static constexpr Date MAX_DATE = Detail::DateAtStartOfCalendarYear(MAX_YEAR + 1) - 1;
static constexpr Year INVALID_YEAR = -1; ///< Representation of an invalid year
static constexpr Date INVALID_DATE = -1; ///< Representation of an invalid date
static constexpr DateTicks INVALID_DATE_TICKS = -1; ///< Representation of an invalid date ticks
struct CalTime : public DateDetail::BaseTime<struct CalendarTimeTag> {
using ParentBaseTime = DateDetail::BaseTime<struct CalendarTimeTag>;
/* Use a state struct to make backup/restore/init simpler */
struct State {
YearMonthDay cal_ymd;
Date cal_date;
DateFract cal_date_fract;
uint16_t sub_date_fract; ///< Subpart of date_fract that we use when calendar days are slower than economy days.
/* Use a detail struct/namespace to more easily control writes */
struct Detail {
static State now;
static void SetDate(Date date, DateFract fract);
static State NewState(Year year);
static constexpr int DEF_MINUTES_PER_YEAR = 12;
static constexpr int FROZEN_MINUTES_PER_YEAR = 0;
static constexpr int MAX_MINUTES_PER_YEAR = 10080; // One week of real time. The actual max that doesn't overflow TimerGameCalendar::sub_date_fract is 10627, but this is neater.
static inline const YearMonthDay &CurYMD() { return Detail::now.cal_ymd; }
static inline Year CurYear() { return Detail::now.cal_ymd.year; }
static inline Month CurMonth() { return Detail::now.cal_ymd.month; }
static inline Day CurDay() { return; }
static inline Date CurDate() { return Detail::now.cal_date; }
static inline DateFract CurDateFract() { return Detail::now.cal_date_fract; }
static YearMonthDay ConvertDateToYMD(Date date);
static Date ConvertYMDToDate(Year year, Month month, Day day);
static inline Date ConvertYMDToDate(const YearMonthDay &ymd)
return ConvertYMDToDate(ymd.year, ymd.month,;
static bool IsCalendarFrozen(bool newgame = false);
* Calculate the year of a given date.
* @param date The date to consider.
* @return the year.
static constexpr Year DateToYear(Date date)
return date.base() / DAYS_IN_LEAP_YEAR;
* Calculate the date of the first day of a given year.
* @param year the year to get the first day of.
* @return the date.
static constexpr Date DateAtStartOfYear(Year year)
return ParentBaseTime::Detail::DateAtStartOfCalendarYear(year);
struct EconTime : public DateDetail::BaseTime<struct EconTimeTag> {
using ParentBaseTime = DateDetail::BaseTime<struct EconTimeTag>;
/* Use a state struct to make backup/restore/init simpler */
struct State {
YearMonthDay econ_ymd;
Date econ_date;
DateFract econ_date_fract;
static constexpr int DAYS_IN_ECONOMY_WALLCLOCK_YEAR = 360; ///< Days in an economy year, when in wallclock timekeeping mode.
static constexpr int DAYS_IN_ECONOMY_WALLCLOCK_MONTH = 30; ///< Days in an economy month, when in wallclock timekeeping mode.
/* Use a detail struct/namespace to more easily control writes */
struct Detail {
static State now;
static void SetDate(Date date, DateFract fract);
static State NewState(Year year);
* Calculate the date of the first day of a given year.
* @param year the year to get the first day of.
* @return the date (when using wallclock 30-day months).
static constexpr Date DateAtStartOfWallclockModeYear(Year year)
return DAYS_IN_ECONOMY_WALLCLOCK_YEAR * year.base();
* The offset in days from the '_date == 0' till
* 'ConvertYMDToDate(ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR, 0, 1)', when using wallclock 30-day months
static inline const YearMonthDay &CurYMD() { return Detail::now.econ_ymd; }
static inline Year CurYear() { return Detail::now.econ_ymd.year; }
static inline Month CurMonth() { return Detail::now.econ_ymd.month; }
static inline Day CurDay() { return; }
static inline Date CurDate() { return Detail::now.econ_date; }
static inline DateFract CurDateFract() { return Detail::now.econ_date_fract; }
static inline DateTicks CurDateTicks() { return DateToDateTicks(CurDate(), CurDateFract()); }
static YearMonthDay ConvertDateToYMD(Date date);
static Date ConvertYMDToDate(Year year, Month month, Day day);
static inline Date ConvertYMDToDate(const YearMonthDay &ymd)
return ConvertYMDToDate(ymd.year, ymd.month,;
static bool UsingWallclockUnits(bool newgame = false);
* Calculate the date of the first day of a given year.
* @param year the year to get the first day of.
* @return the date.
static inline Date DateAtStartOfYear(Year year)
if (UsingWallclockUnits()) return Detail::DateAtStartOfWallclockModeYear(year);
return ParentBaseTime::Detail::DateAtStartOfCalendarYear(year);
namespace DateDetail {
/* Mixin for StateTicksDelta */
struct StateTicksDeltaOperations {
template <typename TType, typename TBaseType>
struct mixin {
TBaseType GetBase() const { return static_cast<const TType &>(*this).base(); }
template<typename T>
T AsTicksT() const { return ClampTo<T>(this->GetBase()); }
Ticks AsTicks() const { return this->AsTicksT<Ticks>(); }
/* The type to store state ticks (this always ticks at the same rate regardless of day length, even in the scenario editor */
using StateTicksDelta = StrongType::Typedef<int64_t, struct StateTicksDeltaTag, StrongType::Compare, StrongType::IntegerScalable, DateDetail::StateTicksDeltaOperations>;
using StateTicks = StrongType::Typedef<int64_t, struct StateTicksTag, StrongType::Compare, StrongType::IntegerDelta<StateTicksDelta>>;
namespace DateDetail {
/* Mixin for TickMinutes, ClockFaceMinutes */
template <bool TNegativeCheck>
struct MinuteOperations {
template <typename TType, typename TBaseType>
struct mixin {
TBaseType GetBase() const
TBaseType value = static_cast<const TType &>(*this).base();
if constexpr (TNegativeCheck) {
if (value < 0) {
value = (value % 1440) + 1440;
return value;
int ClockMinute() const { return this->GetBase() % 60; }
int ClockHour() const { return (this->GetBase() / 60) % 24; }
int ClockHHMM() const { return (this->ClockHour() * 100) + this->ClockMinute(); }
/* Mixin for ClockFaceMinutes */
struct ClockFaceMinuteOperations {
template <typename TType, typename TBaseType>
struct mixin {
static constexpr TType FromClockFace(int hours, int minutes)
return (TBaseType(hours) * 60) + minutes;
/* The type to store general clock-face minutes in (i.e. 0..1440) */
using ClockFaceMinutes = StrongType::Typedef<int, struct ClockFaceMinutesTag, StrongType::Compare, StrongType::Integer, DateDetail::MinuteOperations<false>, DateDetail::ClockFaceMinuteOperations>;
namespace DateDetail {
/* Mixin for TickMinutes */
struct TickMinuteOperations {
template <typename TType, typename TBaseType>
struct mixin {
TBaseType GetBase() const { return static_cast<const TType &>(*this).base(); }
TType ToSameDayClockTime(int hour, int minute) const
TBaseType day = DivTowardsNegativeInf<TBaseType>(this->GetBase(), 1440);
return (day * 1440) + (hour * 60) + minute;
ClockFaceMinutes ToClockFaceMinutes() const
TBaseType minutes = this->GetBase() % 1440;
if (minutes < 0) minutes += 1440;
return minutes;
/* The type to store StateTicks-based minutes in */
using TickMinutes = StrongType::Typedef<int64_t, struct TickMinutesTag, StrongType::Compare, StrongType::Integer, DateDetail::MinuteOperations<true>, DateDetail::TickMinuteOperations>;
static const int STATION_RATING_TICKS = 185; ///< cycle duration for updating station rating
static const int STATION_ACCEPTANCE_TICKS = 250; ///< cycle duration for updating station acceptance
static const int STATION_LINKGRAPH_TICKS = 504; ///< cycle duration for cleaning dead links
static const int CARGO_AGING_TICKS = 185; ///< cycle duration for aging cargo
static const int INDUSTRY_PRODUCE_TICKS = 256; ///< cycle duration for industry production
static const int TOWN_GROWTH_TICKS = 70; ///< cycle duration for towns trying to grow. (this originates from the size of the town array in TTD
static const int INDUSTRY_CUT_TREE_TICKS = INDUSTRY_PRODUCE_TICKS * 2; ///< cycle duration for lumber mill's extra action
/** An initial value for StateTicks when starting a new game */
static constexpr StateTicks INITIAL_STATE_TICKS_VALUE = 1 << 24;
/** Invalid state ticks value */
static constexpr StateTicks INVALID_STATE_TICKS = INT64_MIN;
#endif /* DATE_TYPE_H */